View Full Version : [PF] Help me build a commander!

2013-02-26, 11:01 PM
Evening all,
I'll soon be starting up a campaign alongside my girlfriend, in which she's looking to play a mundane (as in, non-magical) battlefield commander. I've got a better handle on character building than she does, but even I'm having a tough time putting together quite what she's after. Fluff behind the character is that she is a noble (of one of the southern Brevic houses, if you're familiar with Pathfinder lore) who's grown disenchanted with the other lords' willingness to act on behalf of their peoples' safety. In spite of the derision of her fellows, she's taken to forming a small band of mercenaries (Leadership feat, obviously), leading them against the bandits, monsters, and other threats that the high lords seem too busy to bother themselves with.

Our party is large (between 5-9 people, depending upon who shows) and pretty highly optimized, so feel free to toss in whatever ideas come to mind. She's looking for a largely non-magical build, though exceptions that work well may yet merit consideration. Party-buffs, battlefield control, and leadership-themed abilities are the core of this character's feel, so let's hear your best Commander builds, playground!

Hiro Protagonest
2013-02-26, 11:03 PM
Good luck.


That's all I've got. Tactician fighter?

2013-02-26, 11:40 PM
While there are not a lot of options here is what I can think of, Tactician Fighter as mentioned by Jade Dragon, Sensei Monk (Mystic abilities but not a caster), Cavalier (Base Class, Standard Bearer or Strategist)

You may wish to review the Bards and Archetypes.

2013-02-26, 11:47 PM
non-magical) battlefield commander...noble...forming a small band of mercenaries (Leadership feat, obviously...
She's looking for a largely non-magical build, though exceptions that work well may yet merit consideration. Party-buffs, battlefield control, and leadership-themed abilities are the core of this character's feel, so let's hear your best Commander builds, playground!

First thought: Battle Herald (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/battle-herald). You'll need at least 1 level of Cavalier (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/cavalier), and 1 level of either Bard, Monk, or Cleric for the Inspire Courage (Monk and Cleric get it from an Archetype).
Battle Herald is MADE to be a "commander" type.
Here's one of it's abilities:
"A battle herald with the Leadership feat adds her inspiring command bonus to her leadership score."
Inspiring Command starts at +1, and tops off at +4 at 10th level.

Cavalier isn't too shabby on it's own as a leader either.

Alternately, Paladin with the Holy Tactician (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/holy-tactician) archetype is VERY solid.
At 3rd you get a bonus Teamwork feat that you can share with EVERYONE (within 30ft.), there is NO DURATION on this!
At 8th level the Paladin can spend a Move action to give all Allies a bonus 5-foot step (the Paladin counts as its own Ally).

If you'd rather skip the Spellcasting, you can stack on the Warrior of the Holy Light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/warrior-of-the-holy-light) archetype. Loses all spellcasting, but gains extra Lay on Hands, and can generate a "nimbus of light" for group healing/buffing.

2013-02-26, 11:56 PM
Grarrrg, I think you may be onto something with the Holy Tactician. Oh, and I forgot to mention in my OP that Tome of Battle classes are indeed allowed alongside the usual Pathfinder material. Perhaps a White Raven Crusader/Holy Tactician?

Sir Cirdan
2013-02-27, 02:20 PM
Tactician Fighter, vanilla Cavalier, or Strategist Cavalier are what comes to mind for base classes.

A battle oracle, bard, or paladin wouldn't be bad choices either, but you wanted to stay away from spellcasting.

I second Battle Herald as being the definitive leader class though. The only catch is you have to be moderately high level before it comes into it's own, especially if you wait until after cavalier level 8 (when they get a lot of their class goodies). Think of it as a bard who is a fighter rather than a spellcaster.

Morbis Meh
2013-02-27, 02:29 PM
Grarrrg, I think you may be onto something with the Holy Tactician. Oh, and I forgot to mention in my OP that Tome of Battle classes are indeed allowed alongside the usual Pathfinder material. Perhaps a White Raven Crusader/Holy Tactician?

Sure have a two to four level dip of paladin then go crusader, if your DM allows it take a refluffed ruby knight Vindicator.

2013-02-27, 02:31 PM
If it weren't for the non-magical requirement, I've always loved the idea of A bard with ranks in Perform (oratory) using inspire courage by yelling out tactics and encouragement.

2013-02-27, 04:08 PM
Sure have a two to four level dip of paladin then go crusader, if your DM allows it take a refluffed ruby knight Vindicator.

If he's going Holy Tactician then 4 levels, cause you'd DEFINITELY want 3 levels for the "Teamwork Feat sharing", and then may as well go to 4th as well, get a second "Weal's Champion" (smite) use, Channel Energy as an option, and if taken the Warrior of the Holy Light archetype, an extra use of Lay on Hands, and the option to buff the party with +1 to AC/To-Hit/Damage.

Although 8th level looks tasty with the "Everyone gets a free 5-foot!", I would have to pass if/since Tome of Battle is allowed. White Raven just does it better.

If it weren't for the non-magical requirement, I've always loved the idea of A bard with ranks in Perform (oratory) using inspire courage by yelling out tactics and encouragement.

OP did say 'some' magic might be OK, it just shouldn't be the focus.
But for Non-Magic Perform, there is the Sensei Monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/sensei)
You use WIS to determine your Perform-stuff, and you can also use WIS instead of STR/DEX for your Attack bonus!

2013-02-27, 04:22 PM
OP did say 'some' magic might be OK, it just shouldn't be the focus.
But for Non-Magic Perform, there is the Sensei Monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/sensei)
You use WIS to determine your Perform-stuff, and you can also use WIS instead of STR/DEX for your Attack bonus!

Well then, you should totally do it.
Though you would sort of lose a bit of martial capabilities.

Pandoras Folly
2013-02-27, 05:31 PM
mighty commanderfeat adds strength modifier to your leadership level.

There is a paladin 3 lvl prestige class called...red hand...red claw...something like that and its worth it if your about buffing your hord. Its broken into substitute lvls at 3rd 6th and 9th lvls I think, I do remember one of the levels allows you to train your cohorts in a single martial weapkn of your choosing you can change it with "training" so your cohorts can have a crazy mix of martial weapons to maximize their effectiveness.

There are multiple leadership feats out there as well.

There is also a ToB manuver that turns you and fifty of your closest palls into a charging doom wedge.

Warpriest has some support stuff

Warmaster you get a character lvl plus charisma modifier on top any other use of thosr two modifiers, a huge castle, and Leonidas style commader buffs. Its what u want, its in sword and fist.

Dragon lord buffs buffs auras and stuff

Dragon rider you get to pull a buddy soldier movie with a dragon and your cohort.

Dungeon lord basically you are thr God of your dungeon 5 lvls

Outlaw of the crimson road you are robin hood ranger style

Pale master necromantic master of an undead horde, also increases caster lvls

Thrallherd psionically dominate lesser minds and mske the puppets dance


That was red falcon for paladins

2013-02-27, 05:48 PM

Please note the [PF] in the title.
This marks this as a Pathfinder thread.
While your input is appreciated, most/all of it may not be allowable in the Original Posters game.

Thank you for your time.

2013-02-27, 08:48 PM
So, as a pathfinder player who is only somewhat familiar with the contents of 3.5, I would tweak it to this:

Paladin (Divine Defender, Holy Tactician) 2 / Cavalier 1 / Paladin 1 / Bard 1 / Battle Herald

I say Paladin 2 first to get Lay on Hands. Low-level, in-combat healing saves lives. Holy Tactician is great as described above, and Divine Defender replaces the often-useless Mercy with a sacred bonus to AC, which is an unusual type of bonus that should stack with everyone's AC already.
Then the Cavalier for the first teamwork feat to begin working as a leader as soon as possible. None of the archetypes are helpful.
The third Paladin level expands to more teamwork feats and allows the character to share multiple teamwork feats.
The bard level comes last because Inspire Courage is a general buff that stacks with teamwork feats, but it's a standard action to start, and most fights at lower levels are only two or three rounds long, so it won't really be helpful until then. None of the bard archetypes help out at 1st level.
It still gets the earliest possible entry into Battle Herald because you need +4 BAB, at least one bard level (the first one has +0 BAB) and at least one Cavalier level, so you need five levels to get the prerequisites.

2013-02-28, 06:17 PM
The Warlord (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/adamant-entertainment/tos---warlord) seems like a good option, if you aren't totally against 3rd party.