View Full Version : Beastmaster class using only the 3.5 player's handbook

2013-02-26, 11:51 PM
Hi guys!

I'm a new poster here, so I figured I'd get started by asking a question pertaining to a new character I wanted to build. Here's what I'm looking for:

I'm looking for a character who uses primarily unarmed (or claws, I haven't decided honestly) attacks, BUT has an animal companion. A Beastlord, without creating a new class, or using an advanced class (not that I don't have access to those, I just want to stay simple as far as the class goes, I have access to all 3.5 feats/skills, ect.) I was thinking multiclassing druid and monk, making it a first, a druid, and for the rest of the progression; a monk.

Is it possible to do something like that or does the animal companion stay first level, thus making it useless after 3rd-4th level?

I'd love to play a beastlord, but can't find a way to get my roleplay idea on paper and working with the rules (effectively, without being a cancer on the group).

2013-02-27, 12:07 AM
Hmmm... Elan (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm#elans) PsyWar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psychicWarrior.htm) with the Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) feat? Elan so you can pick up Rapidstrike (Dra).

With the Completes, there's a Beastmaster prestige class (CAdv) that's not half bad for animal companions, especially combined with the Natural Bond feat.

2013-02-27, 12:11 AM
If you're only working with core, you want straight-up Druid. Druids are fantastic unarmed combatants from level 5 up (Wild Shape is made of win). If you really want the monk flavor, you can get everything that monk has to offer from spending two levels in it. Or, you can pick up a Monk's Belt (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#beltMonks) when your WBL allows, which I actually love on Druids (having an unarmed strike is highly beneficial to them, as it lets them get iterative attacks while Wild Shaped).

If you're willing to go outside core a little bit, then as Kuulvheysoon says, Wild Cohort is the answer to "I want a pet but my character concept is not a member of a class that gives him one."

2013-02-27, 09:29 AM
Classes other than druid wouldn't progress the animal companion, so the monk/druid idea wouldn't really work.

You could try it the other way around, though: Monk 2/Druid 18.

2013-02-27, 01:11 PM
A monks belt doesn't work in Wild Shape without the Wildling Clasp- neither being PHB material.

2013-02-27, 01:21 PM
A monks belt doesn't work in Wild Shape without the Wildling Clasp- neither being PHB material.

it does if he puts the belt on after using wildshape. :smalltongue:

same goes for almost any other piece of gear. there are no rules preventing you from taking your gear off, wildshaping, and then putting it all back on (assuming you have someone to help you, or you wildshape into a form with hands, like an ape/dire ape).

2013-02-27, 01:26 PM
it does if he puts the belt on after using wildshape. :smalltongue:

same goes for almost any other piece of gear. there are no rules preventing you from taking your gear off, wildshaping, and then putting it all back on (assuming you have someone to help you, or you wildshape into a form with hands, like an ape/dire ape).

That's fine if you have one Wild Shape form you really like and can basically use it as an all-day buff, but if you use your Wild Shape ability in a more reactive fashion (or ever have a reason to change into another form for any reason) it can become problematic to un-equip and re-equip all of your worn items.

2013-02-27, 01:28 PM
That's fine if you have one Wild Shape form you really like and can basically use it as an all-day buff, but if you use your Wild Shape ability in a more reactive fashion (or ever have a reason to change into another form for any reason) it can become problematic to un-equip and re-equip all of your worn items.

true, but if you don't have a wildling clasp, you make do with what you've got.

2013-02-27, 11:09 PM
Thank you for all the quick replies!

I was excited when I did a quick google search (naive, I know now, sorry guys) and saw a [homebrew] beastmaster! It looked exactly what I wanted in a character, it was just too good to be true! Aaaaand, as those things go, it was. :(

Boo, DandD wiki...boo... you got a poor little "beastmaster's" hopes up.

I was looking primarily for a class that allowed a character to combine strengths with their animal companion as they levelled up.

Thank you for all the ideas, but I wasn't necessarily looking for wild shape, it's really cool idea, but not in my character concept, and after all; we're trying to make for an interesting story here (;

2013-02-27, 11:16 PM
somebody mentioned it earlier but going monk 2/druid 18 is the way togo

nobody said you HAVE to be wildshaped you cna fight as an unarmed unwild shaped X race and bonus you don't worry about thet monk belt shimmy becuase you will be wearing it all the time

also, there is a EQ 3rd ed book out there so if you wanna get a 3rd ed beastmaster well there you go.

2013-02-27, 11:31 PM
Thank you for all the quick replies!

I was excited when I did a quick google search (naive, I know now, sorry guys) and saw a [homebrew] beastmaster! It looked exactly what I wanted in a character, it was just too good to be true! Aaaaand, as those things go, it was. :(

Boo, DandD wiki...boo... you got a poor little "beastmaster's" hopes up.

I was looking primarily for a class that allowed a character to combine strengths with their animal companion as they levelled up.

Thank you for all the ideas, but I wasn't necessarily looking for wild shape, it's really cool idea, but not in my character concept, and after all; we're trying to make for an interesting story here (;

Well... It's not ideal, but the Shifter Ranger sub levels (in Races of Eberron) let you apply your shifter trait to your animal companion as well when you shift.

2013-02-28, 02:25 AM
I've reconsidered fists, therefore, no longer a monk.

I've decided to do a 2 handed club, and do a barbarian with the animal cohort feat, suggested higher in the thread.

I mean, 7th level and getting a black bear is fine, but I get a table that adds bonus HD to a lesser effect of a druid's. The rest is roleplay.

I'll research some feats and skills to pump up my animal companion for the pseudo-beastmaster, that way I'm not interfering with the other barbarian in the party.

It may work out. (;

Thanks everyone for all of your help!

2013-02-28, 02:37 AM
If you do go Barbarian, there's also a "Bear Warrior" PrC out there, where you can turn into stuff like a Dire Bear and such during a rage.

2013-02-28, 02:42 AM
If you do go Barbarian, there's also a "Bear Warrior" PrC out there, where you can turn into stuff like a Dire Bear and such during a rage.

And you don't need a weapon, so you can fight bear handed.

2013-02-28, 02:43 AM
And let the party Paladin ride on you for Bear Cavalry Holy Smite Rage.

2013-02-28, 02:48 AM
And let the party Paladin ride on you for Bear Cavalry Holy Smite Rage.And take video clips so you can upload to the internet and make lots of money before the Feds track you down!

[edit] I've been watching too much Friendship Is Witchcraft.

2013-02-28, 02:55 AM
And you don't need a weapon, so you can fight bear handed.

Ohoho, I see what you did there.

And let the party Paladin ride on you for Bear Cavalry Holy Smite Rage.

I'd love to see the attack roll on that!
20 minutes later

And take video clips so you can upload to the internet and make lots of money before the Feds track you down!

[edit] I've been watching too much Friendship Is Witchcraft.

Oh trust me, if the party paladin did that, the first place it's going is the internet.

If you do go Barbarian, there's also a "Bear Warrior" PrC out there, where you can turn into stuff like a Dire Bear and such during a rage.

That sounds pretty interesting, actually.
I might look into that while I'm done being stubborn about what I want. :smallcool: