View Full Version : Leadership Bonuses

Ranting Fool
2013-02-27, 08:18 AM
Random question but.... there is a list of bonuses or minuses given but no description of what exactly you need to do to qualify for them. And like my players tend to do they demand a definition by me on everything then argue with me over it :smallbiggrin::smalltongue: so oh Great DM's of the Playground. How would you define the following (Bold for most important)

Great renown +2
Fairness and generosity +1
Special power +1
Failure –1
Aloofness –1
Cruelty –2

Also is there any book anywhere that gives other modifiers (I know some feats like Noble Born do)


2013-02-27, 09:42 AM
Just one example, but when he was a boy, Achilles was dipped in the river Styx, giving him pretty awesome DR. I'd imagine his myrmidons were rather excited about their leader being impervious to mortal weapons.

2013-02-27, 09:54 AM
The "special power" is really relative to the setting your world is in, and usually up to your DM's choice. For example, in a largely mortal world, any spellcaster would be considered to have special powers, but the same wouldn't happen to the same spellcaster if the world was inhabited by people who regularly use and are used to magic in general.

2013-02-27, 10:33 AM
The standard answer here is "ask your DM," as the Leadership feat occurs on page 106 of the DMG.

That said, if you are the DM and are looking for some advice:

Great Renown: Famous, has received recognition from major temples, churches, nobles, kingdoms, or the like. In lower level settings, such as Eberron, ECL 10+. In higher level settings, such as Forgottem realms, ECL 20+.

Fairness and generosity: Pays higher than the going rate, has magical healing/benefits available to the masses (not just the cohort), Lawful and/or good in alignment.

Special power: Spellcasting is high on the list, as are psionics and anything "obvious." Some templates might provide this (half-dragon, half-celestial), or even a powerful magic item that has a significant impact on battles.

Failure: Was publicly charged with a mission and did not accomplish it due to their own incompetence (i.e. a Thermopylae scenario is not a "failure.") Missed a big deadline, lose a public contract.

Aloofness: Not spending enough time with the troops. Too focused on their personal advancement and not working enough with their followers for major goals.

Cruelty: Generally Evil / Capricious. Excessively punishing followers for failure, punishing for mishaps beyond their control.

In other words, all of this is RP based, which is why it is purely in the hands of the DM.

Also this. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140325)

Shining Wrath
2013-02-27, 10:42 AM
Leadership, as a feat, is entirely up to the DM. 100%. It's on you.

Decide what makes sense in your campaign, WRITE IT DOWN, read what you wrote, correct it, make sure it really does make sense, and then stand by it.

As for special powers, if the PC can do something benefiting the candidate that most people looking to hire that cohort candidate would not be able to do, that's a special power.