View Full Version : Questions about Erudite and Thrallherd

2013-02-27, 01:35 PM

I posted the other day about spell-casting, and I went with psions. However the are two things which I haven't managed to clear up after reading handbooks and general advice, they concern the Erudite and the Thrallherd.

1. The Erudite

The first I have a feeling I know the answer to. The Unique powers per day (UPD) for the Erudite increase as the Erudite level increases. I'm guessing that taking levels in a PrC that increases power points and so on do not increase this cap? So if I take a level in a PrC class at level 5, my UPD will be 3 (i think) untill I take more levels in Erudite, and the PrC levels don't increase this?

Additionally, the XP cost for the learning of new abilities is tied to the Erudite level, not the level of the spell/power learned.

If it is true that PrC levels do not increase the UPD cap. Would you consider it a fair trade that the UPD cap increases, but so does the effective Euridte level for XP costs?

2. The Thrallherd

The Thrallherd mechanic works like the Leadership feat. However, are there any assumed differences in the way the thralls and believers act. A cohort is not under any kind of strong influence, and requires pay to be kept in service, and I would imagine would not be able to commit suicide for his leader. Are there any presumed differences in how thralls and believers work in comparison to leadership equivalents. Is an upkeep/pay required to keep them in service? Do they act as if constantly under suggestion/dominate? Or is this all entirely up the DM/roleplaying?

If so, any suggestions on basic assumptions that should be made?