View Full Version : Best Paladin Mounts

2013-02-27, 03:15 PM
Out of all of the special mounts for a paladin, what ones are the best?

I'm not really looking for prestige classes that give a mount, just how the paladin mounts compare to each other, and why one is better than another.

Sir Cirdan
2013-02-27, 03:27 PM
Depends what you mean by "best."

A lot depends on what you want the mount to do. For instance, a rhino makes a good mount if you want something good at charging. But, if you want something that flies, a rhino isn't a very good choice....:smallconfused:

You can take the Dragon Steed feat from Draconomicon and ride a Dragonnel, as a mount or at high levels (16+) you can ride a real gold dragon. Hard to beat that for awesome. :smallcool:

2013-03-05, 09:45 PM
as a mount or at high levels (16+) you can ride a real gold dragon. Hard to beat that for awesome. :smallcool:
That's the queue to link to one of my favorite threads, Supermount! (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19866958/Supermount!) It's a bit confusing, but I'm pretty sure it gets a Wyrmling Gold Dragon mount at level 13. There were a few other suggestions for good mounts, but I thought that was the best.

2013-03-05, 09:57 PM
Diprotodon (Sandstorm) is pretty cool, though it's pretty obvious it's a misprint and was supposed to be a Protoceratops.

2013-03-05, 10:11 PM
The Elf Paladin Racial Substitution levels gives you a Unicorn as a mount, which is pretty awesome IMO.

2013-03-05, 10:31 PM
Assuming you don't follow a code that requires going through the Consecration of the Sifting Sand, Ashworms obtained via the Ashworm Dragoon PrC make stylish mounts in the right campaigns.

Without the PrC, their stingers get clipped, making them a bit less. . . fun.

2013-03-05, 10:35 PM
Ones that give flight are usually going to be the top contenders, though a really tough one like a megalocerous(?) from Frostburn has its perks.

I believe Pegasi and Gryphons are alternate mounts in the DMG and they're pretty good options if you can take them. Getting a dragon mount is the single best paladin mount, unless you start getting cohorts into the mix, but those are tricky to mix with paladin mount. Usually best to just keep those separate.