View Full Version : The Fools!!

2013-02-27, 04:44 PM
tl;dr Need epic dragon battle feat, spell, and tactic suggestions.

I am currently running a Pathfinder game (with some 3.X content allowed) and the PCs have just reached 10th level by defeating my Fire Giant Jarl and his gnoll minions. The battle took place in one of the previously-floating castles that crashed to the ground on Faerun many years ago to create the Stonelands. It was unbearably hot in the keep without protective magics and once the giant was dead, the party sought the source of said heat. Through divinations and some lucky knowledge history rolls they were able ascertain that taking residence in the lowest level of the keep is an adult red dragon trying to unearth the Heartstone that made the castle float.

Now, I don't know if they're high or what, but they seem convinced that they have to go fight it. So we spent last session with them selling and buying loot and preparing for the battle. This next session will be them delving into the scorching hot dungeon level to confront the beast.

The party's composition is as follows:

Gnome Archivist Bard 10 (weilds a Dragon Staff and makes judicious use of Illusions and Pilfering Hand)
Half-Elf Archer Ranger 10 (with a Boon companion tiger and a frost bow)
Human Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 10 (supersition and other magic-hating rage powers)
Dhampir Summoner 10 (uses a defense-optimized biped eidolon with AC32)
Gnome Teleportation School Conjurer 6/Paragnostic Scholar 4 (makes average use of summons, very teleporty)
Aasimar (afflicted Werewolf) Cleric 6/Moon Guardian 4

With 6 PCs that puts their average party level to 11. An "Epic" encounter is equal to APL+3, or CR 14. An adult Red Dragon happens to be CR14!

So, my goal? Make this fight EPIC!

To do so, I have adjusted Seryndalar's feats (that's the dragon's name, FYI) and I would like your opinions and suggestions.

Original Feats:
Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital Strike

New Feats:
1. Iron Will
3. Power Attack
5. Hover
7. Improved Iron Will
9. Snatch
11. Multiattack
13. Flyby Attack
15. Quicken Spell-like ability: Pyrotechnics
17. Dazing Assault

I also have a few ideas about his lair. First of all, his goal is to excavate the lowest dungeon level in an attempt to find an artifact and the easiest way he knows how is to melt the floor away. This has caused pools of magma to form all over the place. He has been digging for some time now and the floor-to-ceiling height is about 200 ft. which should allow him to maneuver effectively aerially. He has dug ledges out of the walls for him to lounge upon and has treasure on each one.

The PCs will be entering through a tunnel at ground-level and have the vast lair before them with pocks in the ground spewing magma about and choking smoke impairing vision in multiple locations.

My idea is to use Quickened Pyrotechnics to blind the party and then Flyby Attack with Snatch to bite and grab one PC per round and drop them into lava. With Dazing Assault they will be Dazed and unable to get out of the lava for one round dealing 20D6 and then 10D6 for 1d3 rounds. This should remove their Protection from Energy spells and allow the Breath Weapon to actually do some damage. Then, Seryndalar will hide in the pools of lava and pop out and breath on them. Finally, he will Haste himself and fly 10 ft. above the party and full-attack them to death with Dazing Assault.

One final point: this battle has nothing to do with the story so I feel no remorse killing them. I am not a vindictive DM and never purposefully kill PCs, but they are walking into a dragon lair and hope to kill a dragon for its loot. IT'S GONNA BE HARD!


2013-02-27, 05:01 PM
The plan sounds good.

Small nitpick: A dragon can melt stone with it's breath, if it has time. This is by far not the best way to dig. Moreover, melting stone does not create self-sustaining lava pools to form. The stone eventually cools down if nothing else is heating it up.

Feel free to fluff your way out of this (magic of the heartstone is somehow generating heat or allowing the stone to remain hot). If the players kill the dragon, though, your fluff is now at their command.

In 3.5, dragons are terrible at maneuvering, and without Wingover or some spell improving maneuverability class, I'm not sure the size that you've indicated is going to be enough. With the teleporty guy, an enclosed area still probably favors the party.

A big weak spot of dragons is touch AC, at least in 3.5. If it's the same in PF, your dragon should have countermeasures. A spell called scintillating scales in Spell Compendium converts natural armour bonus to deflection bonus. Some trick of this kind should work.

Every dragon should have access to a spell/item that alters the energy type of their breath weapon. Otherwise it stands to be all but useless against a prepared group with access to the right abjurations. As a side note, a judicious dragon always will attempt to dispel w/e on the melee character wielding the weapon of big hurt. You can bet that the meatshield will be buffed to the gills, so only foolish opponents would let him swing away without a dispel.

Finally, a dragon should have access to alternate DR through spells or some such, remember most dragons have tons of magical items at their disposal, and enough skill to use most everything they have.

2013-02-27, 05:57 PM
I would agree with Phelix-Mu. Mostly I would make the lair bigger, and find a reason why the lava is still there. Maybe it landed on a volcano?