View Full Version : Did Belkar move?

2013-02-27, 08:30 PM
In comic 873, look at panel 5. Belkar faces where Durkon's shield points (you can see mouth, cloak clasp and front of feet). In panel 6, he faces the other way.

So, did he just moved, or...? :smallconfused:

2013-02-27, 09:01 PM
Hmm, it looks to me like Rich has just been using the same image since 871 and rotating/flipping it to keep Belkar's feet pointing at the same wall in every panel he is visible in. Considering that drawing Belkar in the exact same pose from different angles would be rather redundant, especially since after the next couple of strips Rich will (presumably) never use those images again. I'm sure some will call it a mistake, but I assure you that if I'm right, it is an intentional setting of priorities. I mean, how many readers of the webcomic are going to notice it, when you have so much else going on that he has to draw from scratch in these strips.

2013-02-27, 09:48 PM
I thought it was more like this.

Malack gets behind Durkon to flame strike, Durkon backs up goes to turn undead. When it goes back to his turn he backs up some more, and uses Thors hammer, and then starts walking forward again to get into melee on his third turn.

Also possible art error on 873 panel 4 and 6. The corner of the room goes through the floor.

2013-02-27, 10:03 PM
I thought it was more like this.

Malack gets behind Durkon to flame strike, Durkon backs up goes to turn undead. When it goes back to his turn he backs up some more, and uses Thors hammer, and then starts walking forward again to get into melee on his third turn.

Also possible art error on 873 panel 4 and 6. The corner of the room goes through the floor.

My analysis of Durkon and Malack's movements is the same as yours but the question at hand is why is Belkar facing the wall behind Durkon in panel 4, and then facing towards Malack in panel 6. I know the OP might not have made that clear enough.

I also don't see where you are getting the "corner of the room goes through the floor" thing from. I thought maybe you had the strip or panel numbers wrong but I don't see it in any panel for the last three strips. If you are talking about panels 5 and 6 (the only panels in 873 where the corners are shown), that is just how Rich draws the corner of rooms. Its not an error so much as it is the why he chooses to draw it.

2013-02-27, 10:49 PM
I also don't see where you are getting the "corner of the room goes through the floor" thing from. I thought maybe you had the strip or panel numbers wrong but I don't see it in any panel for the last three strips. If you are talking about panels 5 and 6 (the only panels in 873 where the corners are shown), that is just how Rich draws the corner of rooms. Its not an error so much as it is the why he chooses to draw it.

He's talking about the line that pokes up across the panel boundary, from 6 into 4.

2013-02-27, 11:11 PM
He's talking about the line that pokes up across the panel boundary, from 6 into 4.

If you look closely, it is not the boundary going up from 6 into 4. The panal boundary beside 6 and that random line are both straight and perfectly vertical (I measured and the with of the strip is the same all the way from top to bottom). Its just at the bottom part of panal 4 that it is randomly wider. Its more like a random part of line that isn't supposed to be there. Congratulations Codyage and jere7my. You two have identified the only thing I have accepted as an art error to date.

I only figured out what you two actually meant after typing all of that and did not want to delete it, so I just did the slash through it. Yes, that also looks to be a legitimate art error, more so than what I talked about above. With the rate we are getting strips right now, I'm fine with a random error or two.

2013-02-28, 06:18 AM
Hmm, it looks to me like Rich has just been using the same image since 871 and rotating/flipping it to keep Belkar's feet pointing at the same wall in every panel he is visible in. Considering that drawing Belkar in the exact same pose from different angles would be rather redundant [...] when you have so much else going on that he has to draw from scratch in these strips.

Redrawing? These are vectors, you copy/paste them from library, not redraw. These were drawn months/years ago, all you need are retouches now. That's why Durkon has his shield on back in panels 1, 3, 5 and in his hand in 4 and 6 - he didn't grabbed it to put it away again, it's the look of his master vector. Backgrounds are new, though.

Just deleting the mouth, cloak and feet hair would create illusion of Belkar from behind, in panel 5, Durkon's face was erased and beard moved behind head to make him look seen from behind.

2013-02-28, 08:11 AM
I'm not sure what Belkar weighs with his gear, I'm not sure what Mr. Scruffy's strength score is, and I don't feel like looking that or the encumbrance rules up on my phone, but is it possible the Scruffinator's capable of rolling Belkar?

2013-02-28, 08:16 AM
Since Belkar is about half as tall as, say, Roy, he should be eight times lighter than Roy; maybe 30-40 lbs then. In that case maybe Scruffy can roll him.

2013-02-28, 08:17 AM
I did already know that Rich copies and paste stock images to save time and that he using Adobe Illustrator, a vector graphics program. Vector graphics does not mean what you seem to think it means. That said anything that is new (as in a character has not appeared or appeared in that particular pose) he has to draw himself.

Of course he had to draw the background. I'm pretty sure Rich drew most if not all of the magical effects from scratch as well. Also, you would need to place the cape over what is currently Balkar's front, not delete it, remove an arm, change the way the bite marks on Belkar's head are facing and change the way Mr. Scruffy is facing.

That is assuming Belkar is supposed to be balancing on the side of his head which seems weird to me. Sure he is top heavy, but gravity should pull his body the rest of the way down. May be he is actually supposed to be on his back or sort of on his side with his legs in the air.

Either way, it doesn't change the fact that what Rich did, was flip the picture. I mean, you just look at it to see that is a scaled up reversed picture in panel 4 (I point this one out because the one in panel 6 matches the way he was facing in previous strips).

2013-02-28, 08:47 AM
"Hold Person" isn't a 'Petrify' spell: If someone moves your arm, your body will try to resist, but a fall, being hurled aside and such can move you.

Also, if Malak has Caster Level ~13, I think that...

Bite Belkar (Talking (to oneself) is a free action) / Durkon Death Wards
Speak (A discusion is more than a free action)
Speak (They discussed for an entire page)
Charge (And Inflict Serious Wounds) /
Flame Strike / Turn Undead
Bolster Undead / Thor's Lighnigh
Greater Dispel / Hammer
Poison / Heal

I think that next update (maybe two if they get specially verbose) Belkar will be free from Malak's spell. I don't think he'll be able to pass the save for his own. But... what will he do then? Being a vampirebelkar may sound too cool for him!

Also, maybe Malak has researched a "Life Ward" spell (just like Death Ward) and he's just bluffing in the last panel. But I would take that as a treason for the giant's part!!!

2013-03-01, 01:51 AM
Since Belkar is about half as tall as, say, Roy, he should be eight times lighter than Roy; maybe 30-40 lbs then. In that case maybe Scruffy can roll him.

He has a Str score of 4+ from being an Animal Companion (see Class and Level Geekery), is Tiny, and is also a quadruped. He probably has a Str of 5, actually, if Belkar has a 12th level in Ranger. So, Mr. Scruffy's max load is 30 pounds at Str 4, and 37.5 pounds at Str 5. Belkar weighs like 30 pounds, with gear. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0165.html) Mr. Scruffy can probably carry him. :smalltongue: