View Full Version : Sha'ir known spell selection help

2013-02-28, 03:28 AM
First a brief rundown for those who don't know the class: Sha'ir (Dragon Compendium) have a unique way of handling spell availability that is somewhere between a sorcerer and wizard, and better than both most of the time. They have a spells known list like a sorc, but can cast any spell they've identified with spellcraft as well. When they want to have a spell prepare to cast they have to send their familiar off to get it for some amount of time, either 1d4+lvl rounds for a known or 1d6+lvl minutes for an identified, then it is in their memory to cast for class level hours. You can't have more than 1 of the same spell in memory.

Now for the advice I'm seeking: I'm torn over choosing spells known. At first I figured it would be like a sorc where I just pick the ones I'll use the most, but after some thought that isn't the cast. I don't have to worry about my pre-outset mage armor taking 5 minutes to get, I'll have all the time I need; the same goes for most utility spells, but for really important combat spells as well. I don't want to have to wait 1d4+3 rounds into combat to cast my first fireball, it'll be over already. :smallannoyed:
What I need to have known are things I might need to cast pretty quickly in some situations, but not for certain, or that I may need to cast multiple times in a short window. However, I'm having a hard time with what spells best fit that description. Any ideas?

Currently level 5 with 7/5/3/0 spells known and 7/6/5/2 spells a day (if I want a 3rd level, it can only be an identified one) but we're advancing fairly quick so advice on spells from 1st to 6th would be appreciated (I doubt cantrips much matter).
I'm currently thinking well of True Strike, Benign Transposition, and Silent Image for 1st and Ray of Stupidity and Arcane Turmoil for 2nds but that isn't all even now and I learn even more next level.

P.S. Actually go ahead 1st-9th just for posterity if you want, there is only 1 Sha'ir guide and while good at everything else it doesn't cover this topic, so compiling some more info on this awesome class is just a nice thing to do.:smallsmile:

2013-02-28, 04:37 AM
AFB at the moment but I'll add in a few things in the morning.

But I'm glad your liking the Sha'ir... its one of my favourite classes.

Your right about the Sha'ir handbook, it is a bit outdated, and I was considering to write a new one, but havn't done a handbook yet...

Will give you some tips later

2013-02-28, 08:30 PM
So thinking ahead to 3rds:
Haste, GMW, Phantom steed- once per combat or out of combat; get them on my time...
Unluck is great, but is in the 'do I need it multiple times?' category.
Wind Wall is perfect. I wouldn't want to have it already taking a slot most of the time, but if we do come under fire from archers hundreds of feet away I'll damn well want it fast. Take cover for 1d4+3 turns behind trees and plan an attack with allies, them pop out and go NAH-NAH to the arrows while buffed allies do whatever was decided prudent. Perfect example of what a sha'ir should know.

2013-02-28, 10:39 PM
I think you're overthinking it. You're level 5; any spell you get, regardless of casting time or duration, will stay in your head for 5 hours. How long is an adventuring day for you? Chances are, you aren't leaping into combat immediately after breakfast; you can just delay your spell selection a bit in the morning, picking up just a handful of spells in case there's an emergency combat and relying on wands in the meantime.

Alternatively, prepare half of your spells when you wake up, and the other half in the early afternoon; you shouldn't need more than an hour each time as long as you avoid divine spells. An hour of downtime during the day is pretty common.

Once you hit level 8+, your spells will stay in your head pretty much all day and you can just prepare like a wizard would.

2013-02-28, 10:53 PM
Like Psyren said, you prepare spells before you head out. Any spell you've ID'd, or any spell you know, you just prepare towards the beginning of the adventuring day.

I've got a slightly different take on your selection, though: Because you can arrange to cast any spell you've identified, for your known spells, you want to pick the spells you want to be able to use that you don't think your DM will let you see any time soon. The stuff he won't have opposing casters use (at least, not until after you do...), and the stuff he won't let you add to your repertoire by hiring someone else to cast them where you can watch.

2013-02-28, 11:09 PM
Building of Jack's point - summoning and binding can expand your repertoire a lot, so definitely pick those up if your DM is hiding them from you. Summon a Dretch to learn Stinking Cloud for instance, or summon a Babau to learn Greater Teleport. Bind a Couatl or similar creature with sorcerer casting, and ask it to cast every spell it knows in succession while you watch. That sort of thing. And don't forget you can learn from scrolls just as easily as any wizard, and from wands/staves too.

Heh, I just realized Sha'irs are kind of Blue Mage-y. As if they weren't cool enough...

2013-02-28, 11:33 PM
Heh, I just realized Sha'irs are kind of Blue Mage-y. As if they weren't cool enough...


2013-03-01, 01:38 AM
Heh, I just realized Sha'irs are kind of Blue Mage-y. As if they weren't cool enough...

That is an...interesting thought. I'm now suddenly intrigued enough to try one the next time I play a caster.