View Full Version : Need a Dwarven Capital ASAP!

2013-02-28, 12:28 PM
So, I'm D&D'ing with my friends, several of whom are new to D&D, and doing my usual DM'ing style: planning it out very very roughly and then winging it for the remainder of the scenario. This usually pans out great and if it doesn't, the outcome is usually hilarious instead - no problem, right? Besides, these are (mostly) noobs and very happy to be railroaded a little bit.

Except now, even with my subtle discouragements, they are heading directly to the capital of the country their currently pludering through, and I haven't planned any of that city's layout, infrastructure, characters, quests or anything at all except its name. And I'm working fulltime the remainder of the week including the weekend, and the next game is this monday. There's no way I can write it out myself in time, and I feel like I can't just let them inside a capital with no face to it's name. I'm a good improvisor, but I ain't that good.

So, TL;DR I need help. Does anyone know of an already planned-out Dwarven capital I can use/borrow/steal? Infrastructure, NPC's, the works?
It needs only a few requirements:
- It has to be primarily good.
- It has to be at least partly subterranian, since it leads into a mountain.
- It has to be at least somewhat serious. Monty Python references are fine, in small quantities, but no Bearded Owls on the throne, please.

Thanks a trillion in advance!

2013-02-28, 12:34 PM
I would just run the Dwarven city in Dragon Age: Origins. If you haven't played that game, google it. It isnt very complicated. It's a tiered city kind of like Minas Tirith except underground, all centering around a huge arena (which you could change to like the Palace or whatever).

Name...how about....Her'odun.

People and stuff? Throw in the pre-generated NPCS from the DMG except with slighty more hitpoints.

Boom. Problemsolving.

2013-02-28, 12:38 PM
Well, two seconds of google-searching found this tool. (http://citygen.crystalballsoft.com/index.php) It looks pretty awesome for generating miscellaneous info and statistics.

Here's a city map generator (http://inkwellideas.com/worldbuilding/roleplaying-city-map-generator/). You could probably just designate some parts at different subterranean levels.

2013-02-28, 12:39 PM
I'll just throw this out there: It should be acceptable to say "Sorry, guys, I'm working so hard I don't have time to prepare an adventure for next week. Can we get together and see a movie instead?" Or, you know, some variation on that. :smallsmile:

2013-02-28, 12:57 PM
Dwarvenhearth from Monte Cook's Ptolus:city under the spire.

I'm not saying there's a pirate able copy out there.

But 4shared is your friend. I'm sure you could easily put NPCs in there to make it seem lively

Pandoras Folly
2013-02-28, 01:01 PM
Google dwarf fortress maps

There the mapping is done.

2013-02-28, 01:22 PM
If you play 4e and have DnD Insider you can look up Overwatch which was a major Dwarven city in the scales of war adventure path. I am not a big fan of 4e myself but I love this adventure and I am currently converting it to Pathfinder. Failing that there are about a zillion different Hammerfists throughout DnD history, I am sure you could find one on a google search. Worst case senario try Ironforge from WoW.

2013-03-01, 08:22 AM
Thanks a bunch everyone, so far! This is really helpful!

Eonir: That's not a bad idea at all, . That's the city where the grey wardens go to die fighting, right?

Slipperychicken: I bow to your google-fu. Those are both amazingly useful tools, thank you.

hymer: I know, I just don't like saying no to them, because I love these guys, and they're so much fun to play with. But that is the last option, yes.

Midgetmarine: Thanks, I'll look into it.

Pandoras Folly: Are you talking about the game? Not sure how that is helpful. I did find some images this way, but nothing that really screamed out "dwarf city map done, you're welcome sir".

shizukanashi: It's 3.5 unfortunately, but it's not that big of a tremendously awful hurdle, to convert it.
Google came up with a lot about Ironforge, I'm just not a big fan of WOW... anymore. Besides, I'm pretty sure some of the players would recognize it, even though I changed it up a bit.
ALso couldn't really find anything about Hammerfist, but I'll look some more.

2013-03-01, 08:34 AM
Try this, a collaborative effort to create Irongate, a capital city in Greyhawk largely inhabited and built by dwarves


Searching for irongate project may help too.

2013-03-01, 08:40 AM
You could steal Korunda's Gate, or Kundarakhold, both from the Eberron Campaign Setting.

2013-03-01, 08:47 AM
You can also just take existing Dwarven metropolis from other D&D campaign settings and copypasta them into your setting for the capital. Here are a few suggestions to get you started, but I'm sure you can find more.:

Eartheart, the capital of the Gold Dwarves of the Eastern Rift (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Eartheart)

Citadel Adbar, the fortress-city of the Dwarves in the Silver Marches (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Citadel_Adbar)

Mithral Hall, a stronghold with extensive tunnel systems (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Mithral_Hall)

You should be able to find decent maps of any of the 3 as they all receive a fair bit of attention from Forgotten Realms supplements, any of which could easily re-purposed for your needs.

2013-03-01, 08:56 AM
Here's a professional-quality map of a dwarven city built into a mountainside, with multileveled battlements ascending the slope and what looks like a subterranean lake a good ways below:

The Dwarven City of Redwall
Be sure to notice the runes. A dwarven city with runes is the good stuff.


2013-03-01, 03:22 PM
Dwarves are usually lawful, and have a lawful deity, so you should expect a strong city guard and honest court system. That should greatly decrease the likelihood of getting into an actual adventure there. Which in turn means you don't really need a derailed map, just a rough idea of what things are there.

2013-03-01, 06:16 PM
Dwarves are usually lawful, and have a lawful deity, so you should expect a strong city guard and honest court system. That should greatly decrease the likelihood of getting into an actual adventure there. Which in turn means you don't really need a derailed map, just a rough idea of what things are there.

It doesn't seem like you should need too many details regardless. Maybe some generic "city street" and "alleyway" tactical maps which can be used for basically any urban combat scenario.

Besides, with the right PCs, a strong legal system might increase chances of combat:smalleek:

2013-03-03, 06:37 AM
Thanks for all the great answers, playgrounders! You were an excellent help, as always. I think I have what I need, so any mod feel free to close the thread at your leisure.