View Full Version : PF Pricing a custom item

2013-02-28, 12:50 PM
Just finished a campaign, and one of the last pieces of loot the DM placed was a custom item. It was probably a very expensive item for the level 7/8 party, but as it was a large party, he knew he was going to be throwing a CR12 red dragon at us for the final fight.
Shame it didn't do much to protect me when the dragon decided to use a full attack.

Lava Tread Boots
The boots provide Fire resist 15
In addition, they can be activated 3 times per day as a swift action.
When activated, the boots cause your steps to be filled with bubbling lava. So every square you move through, as well as all squares adjacent to you at the end of your move, are filled with lava that cools and hardens at the start of your next turn. This continues for 5 rounds.

The damage dealt is a number of d6 equal to half the wearers level. (We were level 7 and 8, so at least 4d6. The DM didn't mention any cap on damage)
Reflex save for half. DC: 10+users level+users dex mod
If someone tries to move through a square filled with lava, they can make an acrobatics check to avoid damage, DC 10+users dex mod

Comparing it to the PF ring of energy resistance, it protects from fire more than the minor ring, but less than the major ring, meaning the fire resist alone should probably cost 20k.
I'm not sure how much the rest of it should cost though. The 3/day for 5 rounds at a time makes it sound like a 3.5 Magic Item Compendium item though so there's probably a similarly priced/constructed ability.

2013-03-01, 11:38 AM
Bump from page 3.

I'm trying to price this item out because it was pretty cool in play. And as a fan of custom items, I'd like the option of using this (or similar) in another game.

2013-03-01, 12:48 PM
Well, the rule of thumb is to price stuff based on similar items.

The Diablo II Blaze style effect is powerful and cool, but heavily nerfburgered.
(3x per day, and easily avoided? Lame) Sadly, it's also pretty unique, which makes pricing hard.

I'd say 28,000 same as the major ring.
Arguably higher even than that - because it's an out of slot item.

2013-03-01, 04:24 PM
Well, the rule of thumb is to price stuff based on similar items.

The Diablo II Blaze style effect is powerful and cool, but heavily nerfburgered.
(3x per day, and easily avoided? Lame) Sadly, it's also pretty unique, which makes pricing hard.

What's the Diablo 2 item do, exact same effects? And does Diablo use similar pricing as PF?
I don't think the DC was too low for the reflex save. Came out to a 23 for my character.

The acrobatics check though, yeah that one was a bit low. Still, it was enough to cause a large crowd of guards to divert around the fire, and around the walls the DM set up. Arguably, it bought us an extra 2 rounds to kill some homebrew demon.