View Full Version : [PF] Sniping, Stealth, & Perception - How does it work in play exactly?

2013-02-28, 04:10 PM
Alright guys, I'm working on an encounter coming up that will heavily utilize a sparsely forested, heavily snow covered region with numerous enemies stealthed and focusing on sniping and hit and run tactics.

However, I have a few questions on how exactly this would work, as honestly, my group has always been very lackluster in both the sneaking department and I've never really done this kind of encounter, so my perception/stealth knowledge is less than perfect in actual gameplay. We've never done anything with sniping, either.

Now, first off, the creatures are hiding in the trees, flanking the snow-covered path while taking 10 on their Stealth checks. They have a +20 to their stealth due to camoflauge and their size, so the PCs would need to hit a DC 30 to spot them. Now, when exactly should I start making these checks, if the players aren't actively looking? It says that the maximum spot distance in a sparse forest is 3d6x10 feet, so should I roll that in advance and start making Perception checks in secret at that distance, using the -2 per 10 feet penalty, and do that every round of movement they take? In this case, that would be every 20 feet, as even taking a full move action, thats about how fast the slowest person in the group will be able to move due to the heavy snowfall.

Secondly, when the creatures are about to attack, they make an attack and then take a -20 on their stealth (So they get no bonus). When they do this, do all of the players immediately get perception checks vs the sniper's stealth check? I'm thinking thats how its supposed to be.. but I'm not sure.

And lastly, since these creatures are sticking to the tree branches, I'm assuming they get either partial concealment or cover against the players? They're diminutive, so size-wise hiding isn't an issue.

Any help on this would be appreciated.. I really like the idea of this encounter, but these specific rules I'm a bit new with.