View Full Version : Human familiar?

2013-02-28, 06:12 PM
How would you treat a awakened animal wanting a human as its wizards pet?

2013-02-28, 06:17 PM
Same way I'd treat something like a guy wanting an Imp familiar, based on how the Familiar/Caster interact. Probably resentful, with their own agenda, and seeking to inflict harm on their caster for laughs if needed, always operating in their own best interest. Would never do the things most wizards assume familiars would do like "Go walk naked into the enemy camp and hope no one notices you so I can get a rough sense of what's in there... if you die... well that's sad I guess..."

As far as how others treat it? Depends on what "face" the Familiar and Master put out into the world. Though probably presuming the bond is the other way around. I could see the animal bluffing that the human is the wizard and it's just the familiar.

2013-02-28, 06:51 PM
Have you ever seen a familiar wear clothing? Invisible familiar (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0025.html) ... just saying.

2013-02-28, 06:59 PM
I so wanted to have one of those in one of my games...

My DMs forbid it quite strongly, so I played an Arcane hierophant and had the ape companion familiar disguise as the character, so much fun.

2013-02-28, 08:42 PM
Don't get a human, get an IMP

I did this with one of my gnome characters.
get Improved Familiar IMP at 7th level

the imp has the following stat block entry

Alternate Form (Su): An imp can assume other forms at will as a standard action. This ability functions as a polymorph spell cast on itself (caster level 12th), except that an imp does not regain hit points for changing form, and an individual imp can assume only one or two forms no larger than Medium. Common forms include monstrous spider, raven, rat, and boar.

the bolded part is mine...

a Medium creature... as the polymorph rules... imp HD is = your level when you get it.

One form was a Elf Girl, the Imp is intelligent and can have your skills, so get UMD, and have your elven girl friend use wands for you!

The other was a Bladerager Troll:
Large Giant,Spd 20', +5 Natural Armor,2 claws (2d6+str)and bite (2d6+1/2 Str),Str 28, Dex 16, Con 28, Pounce, Rend

Erik Vale
2013-02-28, 09:49 PM
Yeah, who says a imp is going to know those forms? Also, familiars are common examples of their species, so the list of common forms is somewhat definitive barring DM fiat.

2013-02-28, 10:54 PM
Yeah, who says a imp is going to know those forms? Also, familiars are common examples of their species, so the list of common forms is somewhat definitive barring DM fiat.

Who is to say they don't and yes your right
It does take DM agreement.