View Full Version : Bard/Cleric help

2013-03-01, 01:30 AM
So my DM has allowed my Kobold to change his favored class from Sorcerer to Bard(with a backstory). So I am 14th level Bard with a level to burn. I was thinking cleric, because of fluff I worship Bahamut. Out of fear at first, but I came to enjoy his ideals(mainly cause he keeps me safe from bigger meaner dragons).

Dragonwrought Kobold
Inspire courage through the roof.
Wis:13(I can do some switching since I haven't yet played thi character yet.)

Thanks in advance, Sam

2013-03-03, 12:41 AM
Why Cleric, specifically? If you were thinking of giving him something related to his devotion to Bahamut, there are probably lots of options, be they prestige classes, feats, spells, alternate class features, magic items, or whatever. To say nothing of the fact that not every facet of a character need be somehow encapsulated in game mechanics (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0209.html).

(Specific ideas I'll leave to more knowledgeable people to suggest. I'm just commenting on general approach to character creation and advancement.)

I'm guessing that you have exactly one "level to burn" because you were specifically trying to max Inspire Courage for the range of levels you're likely to play this character for? Fair enough, but I'd still consider more Bard to be the default class progression. No reason to take anything else unless it's superior for some purpose.

2013-03-03, 01:59 AM
Wyrm Wizard - Dragon Magic
Dracolexi - Races of the Dragon
Dragonheart Mage - Races of the Dragon

Bard Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=8284)
Inspire Courage Optimization Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9830)

Any way to change the levels in your build?

2013-03-03, 08:34 AM
Well, if you are set on the one level dip, cloistered cleric is likely your best choice.

The Trickster
2013-03-03, 09:46 AM
Not that this is optimized in any way but, for fluff, have you seen the evangelist class?
