View Full Version : Base classes by attribute

Confused Dad
2013-03-01, 09:24 AM
I know how DnDers love lists and character analysis, so I can only hope that this exists already: Does anyone have or know of any kind of list of classes, base and/or prestige that has something as simple as rankings of attributes wanted? i.e. Wizard dump/secondary/secondary/primary/dump/dump?

2013-03-01, 09:35 AM
I don't think there's a single list, but pretty much every class has its own handbook where you can find information about ability score priorities, in addition to a bunch of other useful stuff.

For example, here (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19869222/The_Wizards_Handbook) is a Wizard handbook.

2013-03-01, 09:49 AM
I have a few. As a rule I never let my Dex take too much of a hit. Con has to be decent for all of my setups. Some classes I disagree with the ratings in the handbooks overall. I think it is the Spirit Shaman handbook that tells you to take Cha over Wis, even though Chastise's DC is broke, and the best druid spells don't have saves.

2013-03-01, 10:21 AM
I have a few. As a rule I never let my Dex take too much of a hit. Con has to be decent for all of my setups. Some classes I disagree with the ratings in the handbooks overall. I think it is the Spirit Shaman handbook that tells you to take Cha over Wis, even though Chastise's DC is broke, and the best druid spells don't have saves.

spirit shaman tells you you can either focus on spells without saves and dump cha or that if you want spells with saves you should pump it.

Confused Dad
2013-03-01, 10:22 AM
I started an excel sheet myself, but with dozens of base classes and hundreds of prestige, I was hoping that someone had already come up with something in the last 10 years...why reinvent the wheel and all that.