View Full Version : 6Q's [Eberron D&D4E] In-game

2013-03-01, 12:26 PM
Welcome Gentles to the 6Q's

Welcome to Sharn. The city of Towers, The city of Daggers and the City of Oppertunity. Steeped in ages of magic and intrigue. Built upon the legs of older civilizations. Grown bigger by building upwards towards Siberys.

You have been searching for some action all month, and maybe today you have found it. Plastered on the vertical surfaces of the Middle Dura are posters. They all seem to scream adventure. Each says the same thing "Are you looking for trouble in all the wrong places? Have you wanted to make a name for yourself? Want to find treasure from time undescovered? Come find your action in Upper Dura at the Cannith Ale House, Today at Mid-Sun".

(Changing NPC Speaking to Sienna)

"Neener" Intrigued at what such a collection of miscreants might be like, Neener decided to check it out. So he hopped on Pluck's back, and the two flew to the ale house. There, Neener snuck in and hid among the rafters to watch the fun.

2013-03-04, 02:13 PM
Rhoghar arrives early, the Silver scaled dragon born sits at the table and orders a pint of fresh water. With a courtly nod he greets the other people. "I am Rhoghar, are you all here for the poster? Ether way I am pleased to meet you."

2013-03-04, 03:25 PM
Dubh enters the inn and approaches the table when addressed by Rhogar. "Indeed I am, and pleased to meet you as well," Dubh replies, "though I have to say I'm not too keen on the 'trouble' aspect of the query. My name is Dubhshlaine, Illusionist from the University of Wynarn. What do think this adventure entails?"

2013-03-04, 03:45 PM
Searching through a large backpack resting under his feet Rhoghar pulls out one of the posters and studies it quietly. "Hmm, it seems to appeal to the opportunistic as well as the inexperienced, I would take that as a hint towards the higher risk end of the scale." Rhoghar passes the poster to Dubh. "As for myself, I bring the might and the light of the Silver Flame to the endeavor. What ever evil dare stand against us will be hard pressed."

2013-03-04, 06:30 PM

Neener follows the conversation of the newcomers from his vantage point above. They seem more interesting than the rest of the people gathered. He barely stops himself from laughing out loud at the pomposity of the dragonborn. There's one, he thinks to himself, who could stand to be taken down a notch or two. The elf mage, on the other hand, would require more caution. Fey arcane practitioners could be dangerous. And Neener should know...he IS one.

2013-03-04, 09:49 PM
The door opened slowly, a feline face peeking out from behind it at the interior of the Cannith Ale-House. Slitted eyes glanced left and right, and there was a sense of tensed muscles ready to bolt at a moment's notice on that face. With nothing happening after a few heartbeats she opened the door, slinking in.

The shifter was clearly out of place here, constantly scanning the room, fidgeting until she spied something that seemed familiar. Something she also had crumpled up in her left hand. A certain poster that she had ripped down from a wall.

Nodding with determination she made a straight line for the table the others were at, she slapped the poster on the table with a thump, plopped down in a chair, and gave the others a predatory smile, "Guess we're all here for the same thing," she said with a light tone.

2013-03-05, 10:22 AM
Dubh keeps a close eye on his coin purse, as it just occured to him that the poster might have been a ruse to attract several wealthy adventurers to a crowded room where they would be distracted by each other. When the shifter arrives, he smiles and says, "It appears that way. My name is Dubhshlaine, Illusionist from the University of Wynarn. What would your name be, if I may ask? If we are going to be joining each other for 'action,' we should probably know what names to shout in the heat of battle." Dubh's smile then fades a bit as he realizes that what he just said could be taken as an innuendo, but nonetheless awaits a response.

2013-03-05, 01:25 PM
Riven Markov - Revenant Warlock

Aimlessly wandering the crowded streets of Middle Dura, Riven's gaze shifts wildly, observing a number of spirits floating unseen amongst the masses. He feel a great sadness for these once powerful entities that are nothing more than ethereal beings who have been lost along the march of time. Continuing his leisurely stroll he passes a busy storefront where he spots the phantom of Urbik, god of masonry. The spirit quickly disappears from sight and in its place is a poster. Approaching the flyer he gives it a once over and quickly believes it to be a sign from the old gods.

Riven makes his way to one of the lifts, he rides the circular platform until it reaches the upper level. Not sure where the alehouse was located he pays a guide to give him directions. Arriving at his intended destination he pulls the door open and steps into the dimly lit taproom. Fluttering out from somewhere within the warlock's robes his crow, Visancourt finds a place to perch in the rafters.

The revenant makes his way to the only vacant table and quickly snags a chair. Sitting down he glances at the other patrons but chooses to remain silent.

2013-03-05, 02:49 PM
You glance from side to side at the other tables from your vantage points. You see all walks of life, from the Biggest of Bugbears to the tiniest of Goblins, from well dressed Humans to middle-class Elves and Dwarves. And even a pixie of two standing on tables. Most of the people here look shiftier than down near the Cogs, but they keep to their tables.

Overhearing some from the table next to you. "What does yous think this could be for?Who is we looking for?" "We will see when the lady comes out of her office, Droog"

Standing by an interior door stands a Warforged the height of a goliath, but the girth of a tree-trunk, one hand converted into a hammer. It appears his unmoving eyes scan the room for anything out of place as if there might be someone to throw out of his Mistresses Bar. His head lifts as he scans the rafters and his eyes glint as they lock onto ... the bird that came out of the "Thing's" Robe.

Numbers float out of the tables, Your table's number is 4. "Ooh, Shiny, What Number is Dat, Can I touch it Jackal?" "Go ahead Droog." "Ouch Dat hurt, look'a the scar that'll leave, Jackal" "By the way, that is the number three, like the number of brain cells you have in that noggin of yours."

2013-03-05, 03:31 PM

Neener has an internal debate with himself. Should he stay hidden above, or join a table. Seeing the other pixies decides it for him. He can't let THEM get all the glory. Motioning Pluck to stay in the rafters, Neener dives off the wooden beam and glides down to the table of those whome, a few seconds before, he'd been eavesdropping.

He is the smallest pixie in the room, no more than 6 inches tall, and wearing the tiniest hide armour (those knowlegable in such things suspect it might be rat, but there with a grim aura to it), but he has little problem making his presence known. He nods his head regally to the others, then makes a point of examining the number. "4! A wonderfull number! The number of elements, of seasons, and of leafs on a lucky clover. If this is your group number, then I think that I shall grant you the unique pleasure of my acquaintance. I...am Neener, speaker to animals, master of the blade, and," he continues, glancing at Rhogar with a gleam in his eye, "hard presser of evil."

2013-03-05, 04:37 PM
Lacking the context of "Hard Presser", Talia stared at the pixie as if it had grown a second head, "Well, I suppose if we need someone to hump a vampire into submission you'll be the first one I contact," Talia said, letting off a single sharp laugh. She kicked up her feet onto the table, leaning back in her chair, trying to bluff herself being more at ease than she actually was with everything that was going on. And not going all that well with it. She still fidgeted and ticked nervously.

"Talia. Purveyor of objects that have been 'dropped'... with alarming frequency considering the value of said 'dropped' objects."

2013-03-05, 05:20 PM
"Well met little one, it is always a pleasure to meet someone who stands against the forces of evil." Rhoghar bows from where he's sitting. Looking at the crowded Ale house Rhoghar takes a deep breath in anticipation "Seems like this drew quite the crowd, anyone else starting to get excited?" with a draconian grin spreading across his face he looks at the other people sitting around his table.

Noticing her discomfort at the social situation he tries to smile warmly "Greetings and welcome Lady Talia, do not worry you are in good company amongst us"

2013-03-05, 10:54 PM
Dubh had stopped paying attention to the niceties at his table to eavesdrop on the table nearby. He notices the floating number hurting the hand of the less-than-intelligent patron and takes mental note of it. In case the 'action' mentioned on the poster happens sooner than expected, anything else that can cause pain will be useful.

His attention is drawn back to the table when the pixie flutters down from the rafters. "Quite a list of titles you have there, fellow fey." He looks around at the menagerie gathered at table four. "I would say that I am excited, in a manner of speaking. May I ask, is there anyone besides myself learned in the arcane arts?"

2013-03-06, 12:23 PM

"KNOW arcane arts?" Neener responds with raised eyebows. "I AM arcane art," he finishes, fluttering his multi-coloured wings.

"But then," he continues, taking on a more pensive pose, hand on chin, "I don't really know much arcana. Does that mean I don't know myself? Hmm. Yo wench! Beer!"

2013-03-06, 02:33 PM
Riven Markov - Revenant Warlock

"Some misguided fools might consider my talents to be arcane, though they would be wrong. My powers are a gift from the Old, Dead, and Forgotten Gods.", he claims as his crow descends from the rafters, settling on Riven's shoulder.

2013-03-06, 03:47 PM
At the next table, you spot the "Party", which includes a male Dwarf that is wearing nobles clothing, "Well met I am Jackal and this is my hireling Droog", and ponts to the male Orc, nursing his inflicted hand. With scars over his arms and face you can deduce that he may have served a nation for the Last War.
You also see a male Human sitting and scribling on pieces of paper. He wears clothes of a peasent, with ink running down his sleeves. he waves his unused hand he introduces himself as Riann D'Canneth, fifth cousin tree times removed from the true bloodline.
Also sitting there is a female Kalishtar "Sugar, you can call me Madara, though you may not want to sleep afterwords."
Sitting in the last seat is an elf, with the similar markings as your ally, although, he wears red and black clothing. My family calls me Leodine."

From the other side of the room the Warforged moves slightly ahead, behind him the door opens and lets out a human female. She has the stature and garments of a noblewoman. She is fully cover from her neck to the floor in a dress, save for a single sleeve, from which you can see an eerie glowing tattoo, seething from enchanting blue to deep purple. She takes the stage next to her office, the Warforged follows her onstage. She places three fingers of her exposed arm to her thoat and starts to speak. "Welcome all to the Canneth Ale House, I am Elize D'Canneth, First Cousin of Merrix, and one of the ambassadors of Aundair. I have called upon adventurers to aide us on retrieving relics from ages long since buried. We, myself and the lead Investigator of the Age of Monstrosities, Professor Panice Lightouch, would like you to search for items to be placed into the Dezina Museum of Antiquities. It was a novel idea brought to me from the professor, and in turn repay you for your troubles. I will personally interview you by the tables you are sitting at. Although my assistant, Glaive" points with her free hand to the Warforged, "will come grab you and bring you into my office." Speaking to Glaive "Now Glaive, when I say grab them, I mean escort them into my office."
Glaive shrugs his shoulders and nods. With her speech finished she and Glaive take exit and walk back to her office.

2013-03-06, 06:36 PM
While waiting for their turn Rhoghar shifts around in anticipation on his chair. "Smells like the forgotten continent to me, who knows what we'll find there!" He looks at those gathered at his table "What say you all?"

2013-03-06, 06:46 PM
Talia was scowling by the time that the Lady finished her speech. In fact the shifter spit on the floor to her left, signalling her displeasure as the Lady disappeared into her office.

"Optimistic. I don't suppose you've ever done work like this?" Talia asked the Dragonborn who spoke about the Forgotten Continent. She shook her head slowly, "Coin better be too good to turn down, for a set up like this... still... looks like that tart up there did have some coin to spread around..."

2013-03-06, 07:15 PM
Dubh's eyes light up. "This is exactly the kind of task I have been searching for! Lost knowledge! Ancient relics!" He looks around at the other tables filled with adventurers. "Of course, I should have expected to not be guaranteed a spot on the expedition. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would go regardless of whether I was getting paid for it. Undoubtedly we would find a few things to keep for ourselves anyway."

2013-03-06, 07:36 PM
"What if almost everyone goes?" Talia asked the mageling. She nodded a bit, "Makes more sense, if you think about it. Only toss out the ones who are wholly unsuitable for the task. Kleptos, cultists, things like that. Then Lady Fancy Dress over there sends us ALL to get the loot for her. Probably tells us we'll get paid by the value of what we find or something. So she's got this whole place worth of eyes out there looking for stuff for her, finding more loot."

"... then you get the long ride home. People start thinking things... like if they put a knife into you that they can get the reward for their work, AND your work. In the end you got only a few people who 'made it back' trying to claim all the loot. Coin does that to people. And it's a lot easier not to pay, or do something else... to a few people rather than a full ale house worth..."

Talia shrugged after she said this all, "Pays to have some friends you can count on... if that is the set up. Might not be. Might in fact be exactly like that. If it is, it'd be a good idea to draw some lines of loyalty right here, right now. Make sure someone who knows what is up is willing to watch out for you."

2013-03-06, 08:30 PM
Elbows on the table and leaning forward "Indeed we may find those things, though I reckon that if we sign on it'll be on her terms not ours. Though the pay better be good if she expects loyalty and discipline from this bunch" Rhoghar nods towards the bulk of candidates in the room. "On the other hand, get a bunch of 'adventure hungry people' over in Stormreach then set up shop there and offer a good price for anything they find. Done like this it'll be cheap cause she doesn't have to give us a wage and the market will be alot smaller than if she waits in Sharn for us to get back."

"Miss Talia I'm more than willing to watch your back if I can have the same oath from you."

2013-03-07, 08:42 AM
"Humph, coin has little meaning to me. Although the prospect of finding ancient religious artifacts certainly has merit."

2013-03-07, 03:03 PM
Talia looked over the Dragonborn with an appraising eye, nodding slowly, "Seems like I can take your word for it. For what it's worth, I'll give mine. What value you place on my oath is up to you, but it's there to take."

2013-03-08, 08:40 AM

Neener taps his foot impatiently. "I never understood you bigs and your focus on 'money' and 'honor'. They both seem to get in the way of having FUN. Now what's taking them so long?" He looks around for possible targets of mischief.

2013-03-08, 11:32 PM
"Honor is not a goal but an ideal, little one" Rhoghar takes a swing of his drink giving the pixie a moment for his words to settle in "One does not seek honor, you have it or you don't. When you do what is right even when it is not to your advantage, when you walk the rightious path even while others doubt your integrity; this is known as honor. There are those who know honor and those who pretend to know honor but only you can know truth about yourself; in here" Rhoghar taps his chest.

2013-03-08, 11:41 PM
"Or in a slightly less preachy manner... hard to have fun if the guy standing next to you sticks a knife in your chest ya little humper," Talia explained bluntly to the little one. "It's more practical than anything," she leaned back in her chair a bit, stuck her boots up on the edge of the table, "But life ain't worth living unless you can have some fun. And coin makes fun a lot more effective."

2013-03-09, 09:33 AM
You all notice as the tavern begins to empty slowly, it seems there is something not right. Table after table is ushered into the office but none seem to come back out. A female Gnome comes around with drinks for the table, excuses her tardiness with the lateness, something about all out of thimbles and needing to run back to her sewing chamber. You count the 6 chairs and 4 people sitting in them, unless you count the pixie standing on the table, that means there are "5" chairs filled.

2013-03-09, 12:48 PM
"That is strange," Dubh comments, conveniently ignoring the conversation about honor, "why has no one come back out after their interview? Is there a back door that they are being seen out through? You do not think..." He stops, not wanting to jump to extreme conclusions.

2013-03-09, 01:46 PM

"Hmm," Neener replies, "my pixie sense is tingling. Excuse me."

With that, he flies back up to the rafters, attempts to conceal himself in the shadows, and summons a large (relative to him) but light blade.

Fly up and land on the rafter, stealth [roll]1d20+14[/stealth] to hide, then summon pact blade (minor).

2013-03-09, 02:40 PM
"An instant travel ritual to the location in question upon acceptation of the contract? Or a second waiting room to prevent people from discussing the specifics of the interview? Strange that they didn't mention anything beforehand." Rhoghar leans in and lowers his voice "be prepared, I agree this may not be what we came here for. Dubh, can your magic cover our escape should it be necessary?" with this Rhoghar lets his hand rest on the huge warhammer beside him.

2013-03-10, 01:15 PM
Dubh scowls. "You are much more optimistic than I, Rhogar. And I prefer Dubhshlaine, if you don't mind. As for covering our escape..." Eerie noises echo around his head. "...that is my specialty."

2013-03-10, 07:08 PM

Neener continues to watch from his hidden perch. While he's brave enough, he's learned to trust his instincts, and they tell him there's going to be trouble.

2013-03-10, 10:09 PM
Talia raised her hand a little, still seeming fairly relaxed, feet up on the table, leaning back a bit in her chair, "Question... Why go through all this if they're going to do something untoward to us right off the bat? Probably can trust them not to do anything against our wishes until we at least have done some service for them. Don't know about you but I'm not so damned special that they'd set up anything even half this elaborate just on the dim hopes I'd bite on some trap... instead of say... rounding up some hobos if they needed bodies."

2013-03-10, 11:48 PM
Rhoghar looks over at Talia, relaxing his hand on the hammer "Indeed, it is probably why I'm still here. Besides when conducting mass interviews you don't normally let candidates that have gone through, back into the group that still waits. You know so they don't tell them what to expect." Rhoghar finishes his drink and sits back in his chair. "Also paranoia tends to be contagious."

2013-03-11, 01:50 AM
Riven Markov - Revenant Warlock

Unsure of what exactly is going on Riven leans back in his chair, completely at ease. He listens intently to the worried chatter coming from the others at the table but appears to pay their concerns no heed. Visancourt on the other hand turns to keep a watchful eye on its master's blindside.

2013-03-11, 08:43 AM
The Giant Warforged finally comes to your table and motions you with his hammered-hand to the door of the patroness, waves the pixie to the table "Don't think I can't see you there,Pixie."

2013-03-11, 11:37 AM
Out of earshot of the warforged, if possible, Dubh whispers one last thing to the others. "On the contrary, I think it would be genius if this were their plan to collect bodies. Kill too many of the homeless, and even then someone will notice. However, hire a horde of adventurers, then bemoan their deaths after a faraway adventure, and no one will be able to suspect a thing. Worst of all, even suspecting this already...adventurers will still head forward in case something good comes of it." He then smiles to the warforged and the rest of the group. "Shall we?"

2013-03-11, 01:53 PM

With a sigh, Neener lets his weapon disappear, then jumps on Pluck's back and flies down. "The bird comes with me," he says sternly to the warforged, as he makes his way into the room.

2013-03-11, 08:32 PM
Talia is slow and languid as she puts her feet back down, sits straight up in the chair, and eventually gets to her feet. She saunters over towards the office, moving in anything but lockstep, a bit of a sway to the way she walked, not really sticking to a straight line. She gets to the door, and gives it a little double tap with her foot, kicking it to sound her arrival, "You ready?" she called out loudly, to the lady inside the office, or to the rest of her table, maybe both, who could really tell? She had a grin on her face as she opened the door and stepped inside without waiting for an answer, right behind the Pixie and Bird.

2013-03-11, 09:48 PM
Riven Markov - Revenant Warlock

Wordlessly Rivens rises out of his chair, striding towards the door that the warforged indicated. "The anticipation is almost palpable, isn't old friend?" Visancourt pivots on its master's shoulder, preening its feathers, seemingly ignoring his query.

2013-03-11, 10:40 PM
Hefting the heavy hammer onto his shoulders Rhoghar makes his way past the warforge and follows the others into the room silently.

2013-03-12, 12:51 PM
On the left side of the room you see a door nestled inside a grand bookcase. On one of the shelves a bank of globes showing different angles of the main drinking area, and of a room you haven't seen yet, Table Three is finishing their pints at a table.
The patroness starts "Please, sit." Pointing to the chairs banked on the right side of the room. "I have left you last, with the best adventure in my opinion. And, it is the closest to us. Professor Panice Lightouch has found that there was some kind of forge built roughly two millennia ago. With this forge unknowingly below the streets of the Cogs for countless years. I would like you to go down there and pick through this forge. We are looking for a certain item for the museum, this item has been decoded from a map drawn up from the Dhakaani(Goblin) rule. This Item has been lodged into a crevice my colleague has not been able to find. Unfortunately Panice has not been heard from for a couple days, and he never left me a map, but he did leave me a clue to the route to the chamber."

She looks at you as though any questions were about to be thrown around.

2013-03-12, 02:34 PM
Listening carefully to their patroness, Rhoghar ponders the purpose of the item in question. With a heavy voice and serious look in his eyes he speaks "Though I understand the object is our objective, I hope we are not too late to rescue your friend."

2013-03-12, 09:58 PM
"As am I, my sir Dragonborn"

2013-03-12, 10:53 PM
"So.... excuse me for being blunt here, but just what is the 'Item'?" Talia asked. She took the offered seat, leaning back in the chair a bit, relaxed in her posture. Unlike the others, not at all seeming all that concerned about something hinky going on, or too terribly concerned about the danger.

2013-03-12, 11:49 PM
Dubh is slightly disappointed that they will be headed for a forge, as he has never had much of an appreciation for mundane craftsmanship, but he hopes to find information about the history of what Sharn was like 2,000 years ago. However, he barely listens to the mention of a missing person.

"I too am curious about this item. Obviously, if you want us to find it, you must provide a detailed description so we do not return with something other than what you seek. Is it perhaps something made in the forge, or another object entirely?"

2013-03-13, 12:06 AM
Rhoghar notices Dubh hopes plummet when he hears about the forge. He waits until after Dubh finishes his inquiries and leans slightly forwards in his seat "I doubt this is your typical mundane forge, can you tell us what you know about the history of the place?"

2013-03-13, 12:52 PM
"Well, the item in question is a seven pointed star joint, which is to say there is seven points sprouting out of the center valve. We believe it was placed inside the foundry, or still inside the forge mould, but Panice did not know how to get into the foundry. What Panice told me is that there is a charm on the door heading down to the main cavern. The history is that civilization was not founded on Khorvaire during the time of Galifar I, but centuries before with human slaves of the Goblin oppressors. He thought that that was the birthplace of my family's mark, building something to get out of the Dhakaani rule. On the bottom rung of Ja'Shaarat sat the humanoids doing the brunt of the laborous tasks. They ate little and worked tediously. They had a vision of the war between the goblins and the Daeklyr(Demons), and sealed the foundry and left for the wilderness. Panice thinks they also had a single god rather than our Host."

She looks at the globes. For those who look, you see that Table Three has left the area. She smiles and opens her arms.

"I will fund your expedition down to Dorasharn, giving you 100 Crowns for supplies and another 300 upon completion of said task. Oh, and you can keep anything you find, besides the relic.Though I am unsure where Panice is, if you find him or his body, please bring him back up or bring back his Identification Papers. I will throw in an extra 15 crowns a piece"

2013-03-13, 01:31 PM

Neener stands up straight on the table. "We'll DO it!"

2013-03-13, 05:28 PM
Riven Markov - Revenant Warlock

"This seems like a promising endeavor. While were down there I might be able to commune with several lost or forgotten gods."

2013-03-16, 10:31 PM
She stands up, moves towards the library and opens a book. Then she pulls a bag out of the book, and moves back to the desk.
"Panice told me there were some books at the Morgrave University library about the lower levels. In this bag, holds your expeditionary monies and this,"

She pulls a gorgon shaped ornament out of the bag.
"This is a relic from prior to the Great War. It may help or heed your journey down below the sewers of Sharn. I have only chose this group for this endeavor, so you should not have any trouble from our family. Now if you gentles do not mind, I have to go back to the Emissary District to invite Merrix back from Karnnath. Thank you for your aide, Adventurers."

And she points you to the door and smiles.

"Please have a drink on us"

2013-03-20, 01:30 AM

Neener waits until one of the party members takes the equipment. "Okay, let's go!"

When the party gets into the other room he looks at the others. "Umm, does anyone know how to get where we're going?"

2013-03-20, 09:40 AM
Dubh examines the gorgon. "What is the function of this ornament?"

2013-03-21, 06:03 PM
"The gorgon is the symbol for my family, and I know there are multiple doors that have opened with that head in the past. I am giving it to you in case you need it for opening doors."

2013-03-21, 08:38 PM
"... huh..." Talia said, taking out the ornament and examining it fairly closely. It didn't seem all that special to her at first. But a pass key was a pass key, and always useful to her.

She headed out the door, back into the Alehouse proper, from the Office, stowing the icon once more as she left. She headed back towards her table, frowning slightly and taking a seat, waiting for the others to get done with asking their own questions.

She had questions she planned to ask them.

2013-03-22, 01:01 AM
"Your hospitality is most welcome Lady Elize, I for one have no more questions." Rhoghar bows then gets up and heads back to join Talia in the main room.

With a reptilian snort, Rhoghar sits back down at the table besides the shifter. With a wave of his hand he signals the waitress over with another drink. "What do you make of all this, Lady Talia?"

2013-03-22, 02:24 AM
"A sense of..." Talia let out some low growl that might have been a word in a more animalistic tongue. She seemed to realize this and cleared her throat, "... danger? Trapped? A concept the common tongue has a hard time conveying."

She shook her head, "What was that about families in there? Are we stepping into the middle of some political crossfire here?"

2013-03-22, 08:33 PM
Riven Markov - [Cannith Ale House]

Standing quietly in a corner the revenant fades in and out of the conversation. His mind is elsewhere focused on things only he can observe.

2013-03-23, 02:19 AM

Neener stands on the table, tapping his foot impatiently. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" It's clear that he's not much for sitting around.

2013-03-31, 07:48 AM
As your eyes transition from being inside to walking out, you gaze from the top towers of Sharn over the great nation of Breland. As Neener talks with the sophisticated rats of upper Dura, you notice a warforged no bigger than a man raking his way up the tower on his way up to Morgrave university. The warforged seems to have a touch of madness to be scaling the walls and not just taking the stairs, though you may have seen stranger in your trails.

Neener makes his way back to the group.

2013-04-01, 11:31 AM

"Well, I guess the only thing to do is go down. Shall we?"

2013-04-01, 04:51 PM
"Well if you don't mind, like I proposed I'll get some ritual components and for that I'd need a bit of the advance. I'll meet you at the lift in ten" Rhoghar grabs some coins from the fat purse "Anyone else need supplies?" When no one answers he throws the purse to Dub, adding the coins to his own. Rhoghar sets a quick pace towards Morgrave university, where he's bound to find the basic ritual components he needs.

2013-04-02, 08:59 AM
Dubh glances at the rest of the group, secretly knowing that Rhogar was right to trust him with the money. "That warforged seems to be malfunctioning," he comments on the strange sight outside. He then turns to Neener. "I too am ready to descend. If you do not mind, I would rather not be the first one down, however."

2013-04-03, 09:23 AM
You descend down the spires towards the dirt. Every story that you descend the grimier and danker it becomes. It reaks of decaying foliage and every now and then you spot what you hope to be is a rust marking rather than blood. It takes you roughly half a day to traverse the bridges and the staircases.

You curl around the towers until you get to the base of the Dorasharn Tower. In every corner you come across Goblins, Hobgoblins and Halflings all which look further down on their money than you. One little male goblin comes up to you.

"Yous guys look lost, looking for something? Perhaps maybe coming to buy wares to leave the city, maybe trinkets for your loved ones unfortunate to come to Sharn. Or is it that you're on a quest for something? Which is it. I have nice things in my store."

He points to a ratty blanket with odds and ends strewn ravishly across.

" Come, Come, Nobody bites too hard anymore."

2013-04-04, 08:41 AM
Dubh steps back. "Pardon us, but we are not interested." He whispers to the others, "Keep your hands on your coinpurses, your eyes on your backs, and walk away."

2013-04-04, 10:11 AM
Riven Markov - [Dorasharn Tower Base]

"Now, now no need to be rude, friend. It wouldn't hurt to have a look at this merchant's wares. Plus he seems an honest enough sort and should he try anything I have Visancourt keeping an eye on things."

As if on cue the crow flutters from the warlock's cloak into the sky to watch over the proceedings. The revenant then leans closer to Dubh, "Like I said earlier coin has little value to me and I currently have none for him to take."

Rubbing his hands together he approaches the goblin's blanket. "Now let's see what we have here.", he says in his raspy voice.

2013-04-05, 09:15 AM
Riven It feels to you that you've walked this path before, perhaps dragging boulders from your goblinoid supressors, or maybe as a noble just setting the city out on its first steps, but you know that there is something under that blanket, like a hinged door down to where the party needs to go.

The goblin's wares are nothing more than scraps of what has been thrown from higher levels of the city. A partially (completely) used wax candle for sealing letters, a clock thats ticks in reverse, a couple sunrods that have seen better days, and even a brick of mouldy marble cheese. Something else catches your eye, it looks like a journal with markings similar to the house canneth pendant you received earlier today.

"Welcome to the Lowly Levels Luxury Lot-sale. Me own operated shop. My name is Krudd, and I tinks you would like to buy something. How about this fancy kookoo, for you today only 6 crowns? No, no. How about dis cheese, it smells tasty, yours for 3 silver? No. Ok, maybe this book, unwritten in, I looked at every page meself, for you for...
Points at Neener and at the crow.
"... For that flying pixie, or even Your crow Mister Scary, Haven't aten well in days."
turns his mouth upwards into a smile.

2013-04-05, 11:46 AM
Riven Markov - [Dorasharn Tower Base]

Riven stands frozen as memories from his past existence come flooding back to him. Shaking off this strange feeling he eyes the goblin's possessions, noticing a potential treasure amongst the garbage.

"Allow me a moment to confer with my associates.", he says as he returns to the group.

"Most of his stock is complete rubbish but there is a book with similar markings to the pendant we received earlier. Once one of you buys the text we will need to drive the goblin away. Don't ask how I know, but underneath that blanket is a door we must to use to reach our destination."

2013-04-06, 10:49 AM
"If all we need to do is drive him away, then using the pixie as a bartering item does not seem like such a bad plan," Dubh says, possibly attempting humor, but his face is as deadpan as usual. "Otherwise, I doubt anyone would look twice at another group of adventurers bullying the denizens of this area, so we could merely steal the book and chase him away."

2013-04-06, 02:24 PM

"Ahem! I´m worth FAR more than a book. Besides, I'm not for sale at the moment. And Pluck´s a hawk, not a crow!" He pauses, looking at the goblin as if considering.

"On the other hand, I'm on a very important job for a very important person. If you're willing to help us, that person might be very grateful."

Bluff [roll0]

2013-04-06, 03:29 PM
Rhoghar's squints his eyes at the mention of thuggery "I wouldn't recommend that. Though he probably wouldn't put up much of a fight word would spread and it's bound to bite us back in the arse. I say we buy it from him, offer him a few extra coins for his friendship and he's bound to be useful to us later on."

2013-04-09, 09:47 AM
He waves his gibbled hand in your direction.
"Fines, I's gonna gives you dis book for 15 crowns, no more, no littler neither. No bird no bug-man. I's also tell that you's looking very curiously at what might be under me blanket. All thats der is dirt and more dirt. See"

Hands the book to the revenant, grabs all four corners of his blanket and twists them up into a sack-like entity. Underneath his feet sits a pile of dirt, like he said, and you spy at one corner of the pile something reflecting eerily.

2013-04-09, 10:34 AM
Riven Markov - [Dorasharn Tower Base]

Moving over to the dirt pile Riven immediately notes something sticking out suspiciously. Shuffling some of the dirt around he tries to uncover what is hidden there.

2013-04-11, 09:10 AM
What you find in the dirt is a door hinge, wiping away the dust from the area, about Three feet towards the center of the dust pile is another one.

Riven You feel as though you have crawled out of this and hid the entrance way so nobody else would find it. Almost as if you were part of the first humans on Khorvaire.

directly triangled from both hinges is a very crude latch that has been used quite alot, but looks undesturbed for centuries.

2013-04-12, 03:13 PM
Swinging the Maul from his shoulder Rhoghar gives a few good knocks on the door, loosening the rust somewhat before grabing the latch and bracing himself.
Str check if required to open the latch

2013-04-12, 05:02 PM

Neener watches with fascination as Riven digs through the pile. When Rhogar pulls out his massive hammer, Neener summons his sword and dismounts from Pluck. He hovers four feet off the ground, ready for trouble.

2013-04-13, 04:20 PM
Neener - To your surprise you spot a dwarf with a poorly made helm watching the group from around the base of the tower. You don't know how long he has been there, but he must have been there watching you for some time.

Rhoghar - The swing from the formidable dragonborn shakes the ground but does not touch the rusted hasp of the hatch.

Riven -Your mind is screaming at you to try magic on it, like your predecessors locked it with magic you have not seen before or... have you?

2013-04-14, 11:19 AM
Riven Markov - [Dorasharn Tower Base]

Getting an idea Riven draws on his arcane talents to open the hatch.

Arcana Check:

2013-04-15, 11:43 AM

Completely oblivious to Riven's lack of success, Neener hovers 8' up and looks down at the spying dwarf. "Can we help you, friend?" he asks.

2013-04-15, 11:44 AM
Riven waves his hands around, magic seeping through his fingers. Trying to unhook the latch, alas nothing works for him.

The goblin still standing there with his hooked fingers looking for payment from the Elf with the sack.

The other residents flee as soon as wands and swords pop out, knoing something may not be right here, but the young dwarf with the scanted helm stays where he is.

Dvalin You spot members of the party trying to break a hatch open down below the ground level of Sharn, your city... these outsiders wrecking your city for personal gain. You have followed them since the Inn, hoping to find adventure, since your previous careers haven't panned out so well.
You know some of the parties names, but you feel hesitant to introduce yourself.

Angel Bob
2013-04-15, 04:18 PM
The dwarf is a small, stout figure clad in fine, glittering chain-mail. He bears a thick shield, nearly as large as he himself, decorated with a prominent insignia: a thick war-hammer, with a circle of Davek runes centered on the hammer's business end.

From beneath a shoddy, lopsided helmet, the dwarf squints through the sunlight at the flittering pixie and speaks in a quiet but rumbling voice. "Greetings, small faerie, and all you others. I've been watching you for some time. I gather you are on a quest of some sort, correct? My name is Dvalin Durathror, son of Dain, descendant of the mighty Duneyr. I am here to ask if you might accept my help."

Angel Bob
2013-04-15, 04:21 PM
Diplomacy (if needed): [roll0]

2013-04-15, 05:32 PM
Rhoghar drops the latch and stretches his arms and shoulders while looking at the newcomer quizzically, unsure of what to say.

2013-04-15, 06:15 PM
Riven Markov - [Dorasharn Tower Base]

"Curses! It appears my patrons do not wish me to succeed in breaching this hatch.", he exclaims, looking at his hands in disgust. "I am certain that magic is required to get past this obstacle, so if any you are skilled in the arcane arts your services are needed."

2013-04-15, 06:31 PM
Riven's outburst catches Rhoghar's attention and he bends down to inspect the trap door. There are many types of magic in the world and arcane magic is but one of them, studying the door closely he looks for a clue, maybe one that divine magic can aid.

[roll0] religion check

Angel Bob
2013-04-15, 08:30 PM
Dvalin approaches the group cautiously. "Puzzled?" he asks jovially. "Let me see if I can't help. Two heads are better than one, as my granddad always said -- or three heads, in this case."

As Dvalin draws near, Riven and Rhoghar feel their minds expanding... Small details become more obvious, and logic falls into place more easily. [OOC: Thanks to Dvalin's Mantle of Clarity, all allies within 25 feet of him gain a +2 bonus to Insight and Perception checks.]

Dvalin himself stares at the hatch for some time, trying to recall any pertinent information and reason how it might be opened.

Insight: [roll0]

2013-04-16, 09:25 AM
The Dragonborn, the Revenant and the Dwarf stand around this locked tunnel entrance puzzled, when all of a sudden, the book in Riven's hand starts to pull towards the pack on Talia's shoulders.

When you open the book up, words become visable and it starts like this...
those who read...

...Day 7... I have found the entrance, though I am unsure of how to open it... ...Day 12... I have consulted with Lady D'Canneth, the Patronness of the Ale house, and she offered me a talisman in the shape of a gorgon, maybe... ...Day 25... Door to the underworld has been opened by the talisman, I have been to Valve cluster I-392 and found behind a porticulis a secret door further down. With the talisman again, I was able to open this door, but wait for another day... ...Day 29... I have been able to get to the forge, but the key does not work on this door, all my work is fruitless. I know not of where to go from here... ...Day 36... I hear movement inside the foundry, but it may be my imagination. I can faintly hear vermin scurrying around the cavernous floor. I can smell feces eminating from the chapel-if you could call it a chapel. I should go back up to the surface if I wish to keep my sanity... ...Day 45... I write this in duress, the Lord of blades has henchmen scouring the city for this forge, and have found my hiding place. I will give the key back to the lady and place the book with magical properties to only be read with the key in proximity. I have placed the book in the library, but it may not be there when I return, if I return. I have gone to Xend'rik in search of another item lost to the winds of time. Maybe made by giant magic.

2013-04-17, 09:38 AM
"Fascinating," Dubh says when he gets the chance to read it. "This is our course of action, then. We find valve cluster I-392 and attempt to access the forge where the writer of this book has failed."

2013-04-20, 06:23 AM
"I see. So can you open it?" Rhoghar rubs the ache out of shoulders.

2013-05-02, 10:02 AM
Riven The wind starts sputtering your name, but you don't feel any windbrushing this body of yours, it is the words of your deity "For your sake and those around you do not open the sealed doorway to yesterday, all that remains there is heartache and hurt for you. Do you not remember why you locked it in the first place, Riven? To keep your mind at ease. To shed the mask of oppression from the world one step at a time. All that is you rests in that hole."

Dvalin spots the latch of the hatch slightly wavering back and forth, but has not budged from its locked position. You all can clearly see that the sun is setting behind the enormous towers to the west, and a chill of stale air grasps you, clenching into your bones. The goblin, fed up with waiting for payment walks to another corner and sets up his shop to sleep.

You see candlabras magically turn on, though you don't know if it is Gnomish tinkerers handywork or that of magical skill and proweress. You hunker down and eat some of your rations, still deciding on which path to choose.

2013-05-03, 08:12 PM

Neener flits back and forth impatiently. "C'mon," he says at last, "either bust it open or let's find another way down."

2013-05-07, 06:54 PM
Did we ever determine if we're giving Dubh rituals or not? He doesn't get any according to Heroes of the Fallen Lands, but if you want to homebrew him some I put Knock on the list. If he doesn't have that, he'll do the following, with an Arcana check: [roll0]

Dubh examines the lock to see if it is being protected by any magic, and if so, whether he would be able to disrupt it and open the latch.

2013-05-08, 01:40 PM
Dubh kneels down and tries knocking on the hatch, shaking the remaining dust particles off the top. he remembers the book pulling towards Talia's pack.

Talia sees Dubh's inspiration and looks through her pack, pulls out the amulet. She scoffs a little, "I may not be the smartest out there, should've thought bout this earlier, but didn't miss Fancypants call this a key?" She places her hand over Dubh's shoulder, and places the amulet onto the locking mecanism.

The door hasp slides open and magically props the door at a pendicullar angle from the ground. You see a staircase descending,, and on the inside of the door it says "valve cluster I-392" and an Arrow pointing down indicates your bearing is true.

Riven The whispers grow louder, into screams. Yelling at you not to go down there.

2013-05-09, 06:39 PM
Riven Markov

Closing his eyes, Riven affixes a hand to his head in an attempt to silence the old gods screaming. Once the pain subsides he turns to his traveling companions, "Shall we head down."

Angel Bob
2013-05-09, 07:39 PM
"Yes! Let us delve into the heart of Sharn and unearth ancient mysteries!" Dvalin grins. "That is what we're up to, right?"

2013-05-10, 07:34 AM

"Blah blah blah. You all talk too much." With that, Neener flies down the staircase, carefull not to land on the steps, but keeping in the air at all times.

2013-05-10, 03:06 PM
With a grunt, Rhoghar swings his hammer back onto his shoulder "I guess I'll take rear guard then" looking around for any other suspicious watchers he ducks down into the hatch.
[roll0] perception check

2013-05-10, 10:41 PM
"Middle for me," Dubh says, watching the eyes of his companions. "I...would probably not survive the initial portion of any attack, but I can certainly react in a timely manner if I am still alive. That is, if we encounter anything dangerous in the first place. Which I have a feeling we will..."

Angel Bob
2013-05-11, 08:17 AM
Dvalin strolls down, confident in the front of the group.

2013-05-14, 08:29 AM
You all decend lower into the bowels of Sharn, sweat starts perspiring from your brows. The staircase spirals down sometime straight decent stops ten feet ahead of you and angles to the right then another 10 feet of stairs then turns right again.

You see the underground sewer system is illuminated dimly from green plantaion, it may have been placed there from the ancient civilization or it may just have grown there. It is exactly what it the name implies, this is a cluster of ten sewer valves connecting into one main tunnel. The water seems like it is going from the left to the right. take a look at the Battle Mat page Sewers

Angel Bob
2013-05-16, 08:28 PM
Seeing no reason not to, Dvalin ventures forth into the sewers, slogging through the waters, and glances round.

Perception: [roll0]

Remember, everyone, Dvalin's Mantle of Clarity grants all his allies within 5 squares a +2 bonus to Insight and Perception checks.

2013-05-21, 02:12 PM
As the dwarf wades through the gunk, You hear a rumbling, after a few moments, one of the pipes shoots defecation into the inclosed area. Dvalin sees near the end of the tube three Warforged and two metallic snakes.

"What purpose do you have here?" Cries one of the 'Forged. His makers mark is a triangle with circles at the points. One of the others has the same triangle, but the triangle faces down instead of up and the point down is visable. The last of the three has the triangle, but no cirlces, just three lines in the shape of a triangle.

2013-05-21, 04:34 PM
Poking his head around the corner from behind the others when her overhears the warforge and responds "Deep sewer Tourism! What about you gentlemen?" with a shrug he switches his hammer to his other shoulder. After a moment he gives his hammer a looks and shrugs back a laugh "for the Alligators, ya know."

2013-05-21, 05:09 PM

Neener also zips in, and sees Dvalin looking at the metal men, and hears Rhogar's effort at subterfuge.

"Hey," he says loudly, "I paid good money for this tour. Those aren't alligators. You promised alligators!" His wings flitter rapidly, keeping him above the sewage (and, to a limited degree, blowing away the stench).

Bluff: [roll0]

2013-05-21, 05:34 PM
Riven Markov - [Sewers]

Leaning heavily on his gnarled staff, Riven makes his way as to the sewage water as he can without stepping in it. He then cranes his neck so he is able to get a better look at the warforged blocking the party's path. Noticing the maker's mark upon their foreheads he tries to recall if he's seen that symbol before.


Angel Bob
2013-05-21, 08:52 PM
Anticipating a possibly violent reply from the seemingly hostile characters, Dvalin greets the warforged cordially.

"Good day, sirs. Please, I assure you my companions don't mean any harm. Just passing through, shouldn't be any trouble."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-05-22, 01:24 PM
The chamber has walking paths on either side of the main tunnel, but the sewage pipes run and spill off of the paths. there is also a bridge that connects the paths. the sewage tunnel looks to be about 5 feet under the paths, the full tunnel rounds off 5 feet above the paths. About 15 feet toal height from top to bottom.

Riven You can identify that the marks are that of Cyreian Origin. If they were made prior to, during or after the Last War, you can't tell. The 'Forged look to be newer than the War, due to lack of scrapes and gashes on their metallic breastplates. Behind them a vision of a second sealed door breaking off to the left blinds you for a couple seconds.

The 'Forged look in your direction not knowing what to make of your funny antics. "No 'Gaters in these pipes. Not even a baby Croc. I ask again why are you down here?"

Talia hisses in their direction, "We didn't come down here to be talked back by stupid machines."

2013-05-22, 09:04 PM
Ugh, warforged, thinks Dubh. This city is crawling with them. He watches the conversation closely, and notices that the warforged are getting more belligerent in their questioning. Instead of answering, he tries to figure out what they are doing down here.

Insight: [roll0] +2 from ardent's Mantle of Clarity

I also never picked any magic items at character creation. Remind me again how many "free" ones do we get, and how much extra gold did we start with?

2013-05-24, 11:27 PM
Dubh You find that they are here for one of two reasons. 1st could be that they are protecting something important, or 2nd they are also there for the same item you are looking for.

2013-05-25, 08:57 AM
Dubh puts a hand on Talia's shoulder. "Pardon our companion, she can get irate on occasion. I have a feeling that we are down here for a similar reason. Perhaps we could work together to achieve all of our goals?"

Derplomacy check: [roll0]

2013-05-28, 10:54 AM
"Is what you say true, Pointed-ear-man? Are we here for the same thing? Have you been created for War, and now left to do menial tasks, though the treaty to be sentient means you're free? Are you a machine, that never tires?"

The Main Warforged starts to glow with an ethreal green glow. You can see the sigils on his head and chest clearly, they are from the country now of The Mournland. The Warforged looks too new to have fought the war, and too grandious to be a regular 'Forged.

RivenThe world starts to spin and you see more 'forged standing there, fifty in total, all looking goblinoid in nature. Behind them you see your wife's mangled body in the river, changing the river red. Your body wants to turn and run, but you stay firm.

2013-06-02, 01:01 PM
Dubh bows his head. "No, I cannot say that I have. I apologize, I must have jumped ahead of myself again...I had assumed you were here to seek the same thing we do. We mean no harm to you unless you plan to harm us. If you do not mind, we shall continue on our quest."

2013-06-03, 01:24 PM
With the elf talking to the Warforged, you all notice that the Snakes have moved closer to the party. They shimmer in the glow of the main Forged. Dvalin feels psionic energy resonating through the small chamber. The feline disappears in a vortex, you hear something crash onto the walkway of the tunnel and vortex dissipates, a female Tiefling has taken her place.

OOCCommence Fight, or if you can diplomatically alter their course. or use any other skills you think may help in this case.Don't forget the [Key]

2013-06-03, 01:59 PM
Rhoghar eyes the snakes and clutches his weapon, his senses anticipating the right moment to act.

I'm going to delay, as far as I know our side has more firepower than theirs so I'll probably wait for them to get closer or for some of my companions to charge them.

2013-06-03, 05:36 PM
"Fine, then," Dubh says simply, once again astounded at the ignorance that defines the metal people. He begins to hurl magical bolts of energy, waiting to unleash his more powerful illusionary magic until they get closer. He does not want to stand in front of his more tough companions.

Dubh shrugs at the sudden swap of the catwoman for the devilkin. It seemed to be on their side, and besides, he was used to bizarre magical events from his time in school.
Dubh uses Magic Missile on the Warforged Leader.
- Effect: 6 force damage.

2013-06-03, 09:39 PM
Once the vortex fades, the Tiefling in question is standing in place, shaking her head a little, as if she were kind of dizzy.

She's also facing the wrong way.

Once she notices that there seem to be people behind her, Druta will turn around to face them. For a moment, she is silent as she takes everything in in front of her. A dwarf in the water. Metal snakes slowly slithering towards them. A pixie trying to make itself not be seen. A few Warforged a ways away. An elven mage casting Magic Missile at said Warforged.

And, most important of all, there seemed to be quite a bit of refuse down here. It was rather smelly, of course.

For now, Druta won't really do much, as she has no idea who's who, what's what, or where's where.

2013-06-05, 10:18 AM
The two Warforged on either side of the Warforged speaking move forward 30 feet and stand in a fighting stance. They both hold longswords and heavy shields and are wearing plate over their. The shields have the Coat of Arms from the Mournland, and the swords look worn.

The 'Forged look with their unmoving eyes toward the newcomer, watching the item drop from the landing and into the sludgefilled waterway.

2013-06-05, 04:31 PM
Rhoghar starts muttering a prayer as he walks towards the nearest snake. Picking up speed and raising his voice it cumulates into a burst of speed as he puts the full force of his momentum into his hammer for a shattering blow. Yelling the final words as his hammer connects with the snake "... I CONDEMN!" Knocking the snake back the blow leaves behind a sigil of silvery fire that burns bright to Neener's senses.

OOCSo I moved to T5 and used righteous brand on Iron Cobra 1 (ICB) if I hit I'll give Neener +4 to hit this enemy with melee attacks until the end of my next turn.

I don't have much to choose from since most of the party's strikers are ranged. Also I'm also not sure if Druta will act this round. But if I remember well Hexblades can also do decent in melee. So it's up to you Neener if you want to take the buff or ignore it. Also I didn't choose Dvalin cause if he does engage ICB it leaves a gap in our front lines, leaving our casters vulnerable to a fast enemy.

2013-06-05, 06:02 PM

Seeing what Rhoghar is doing, Neener grins and shoots, barely visible he moves so quickly, towards the same snake. His gleaming eldritch blade, like a deadly icicle, thrusting towards the enemy.

Neener charges at ICB, ending in S6 (assuming Rhoghar ended in T6)
Icy Skewer
Attack: vs AC (includes +1 for charge, +2 for combat advantage, and +4 for rightwous brand)
Hit: [roll1] damage, and Neener gets a +2 power bonus to all defenses against target's attacks

2013-06-06, 11:24 PM
Riven Markov

"There is something certainly odd about these Warforged. They are recent constructs however their blades are dull and they wear shields with the coat of arms from the Mournland. Curious. Unfortunately further analysis will have to wait until after they've been incapacitated."

Maneuvering around the edge of the sewer, Riven becomes harder to see. He then raises his gnarled staff, pointing it at one the iron cobras, uttering a curse at the mechanical serpent. Following up this initial attack he launches a bolt of dark, crackling energy at his foe.

Riven Actions:
Move: Move to X7
Minor: Warlock's curse on ICA
Standard: Attack ICA with Eldritch Bolt
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If I hit I will activate my warlocks curse
Damage: [roll2]

Angel Bob
2013-06-07, 07:50 AM
Dvalin sees Rhoghar and Neener dealing with one snake, leaving the other by itself on the opposite end of the chamber. "You look lonely over there!" he beams, wading through the filth and raising his hammer. "Let me and my weapon keep you company."

Move to square T9.

Psionic shield versus ICA.
Attack: [roll0] against AC
Hit: [roll1] damage, and Neener gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the end of Dvalin's next turn.

Well, well. Assuming a 27 hits its AC....

Dvalin brings the archaic hammer down with the weight of the ages, smashing it into the snake and badly denting its metal armour. The giddy satisfaction of the blow is reflected in the golden glow of Dvalin's corona, which now garbs Neener's head as well.

2013-06-13, 10:03 AM
When the Warforged actually speaks, he screams with rage. " Leave now meat sacks, and the Lord will not hear of this interruption. Hammer, get the Key."

His crystals smoke with the dark powers of Khyber, a ball of psionic energy releases from his hands straight in the direction of the Dwarf. Dvalin narrowly dodges. The ball crashing into the side of the poop-tunnel, creating a hole in the tiled wall.

2013-06-14, 10:26 PM
Having got her bearings to an extent now, Druta decides that the Warforged are to be attacked now. Mostly cause the group around her hasn't gone after her.

As good a reason as any, really.

She sees two people taking the snake on her right, and only one on the snake to her left. She moves in front of the snake, drawing her sword out, trying to grab its attention.

Moving to spreadsheet cell number U-10, drawing her weapon, and using Battlemind's Demand on ICA, thus substituting a minor action for a standard action.

2013-06-15, 07:48 PM
Water Gushes out from the pipe between the Warforged and the party. {Pipe #3}

2013-06-18, 10:19 AM
Dubh creates a phantom cage around one of the iron cobras. "Try to escape from that, metal beast!" he says.
Standard Action: Phantom Cage
- Target: Iron Cobra B
- Attack: [roll0] vs. Will (+2 forgot to add)
- Hit: [roll1] psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to the next attack roll it makes against Dubh before the end of my next turn. If the target moves before the end of my next turn, it takes 5 psychic damage.

2013-06-22, 06:18 PM
The warforged move up a little more. Their mechanical eyes intently staring at the party. When finally one of the 'Forged run up to where the key dropped and starts to sift through excrement and bile. WFB moves up to W8-both Neener and Rhoghar get to attack. WFA moves to Q6.Rhoghar and Neener also gets to take their turn, followed closely by Riven and the Snakes.

2013-06-24, 11:02 PM
Rhoghar swings his hammer at the warforge running past him and takes a step to follow, intending to keep him off of those less fit for front line fighting.

Murmuring "... grant solace to those around me" Rhoghar swings a great overhead blow towards the warforge, switching his grip and pressing down adding his weight to the blow.

Shifting 1 to V7 and using Recovery Strike on WFB
[roll0] vs AC
On a hit:
[roll1] damage and the next ally
who hits him before the end of my next turn regains
4 hit points.
in case I roll a 1 on ether of my damage dice take the reroll from the following prioritizing from left to right [roll2]; [roll3]; [roll4]

2013-06-25, 12:02 PM

As the warforged moves past him, Neener calls out, "Hey now! Where are you going?" and lashes out with his frozen sword.
Icy Skewer on WFB
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] cold damage, and Neener has a +2 power bonus to defenses against WFB's attacks.
This would have occured before Rhoghar's OA.

Seeing Rhoghar pursue the warforged that rushed past him, being beside the metallic snake, and seeing the other metal man bearing down on him, Neener decides a little subtlety is in order. He waves his sword almost hyptnotically before plunging it towards the iron cobra.
Piercing Shard on ICB
Attack: [roll2] vs WILL
Hit: [roll3] cold and psychic damage, and Neener is invisible to ICB until the start of his next turn.
Follow-up actions will depend on if attack hits.
Having missed with his more powerful attack, Neener decides he needs more open space around himself, and flutters further mid-"stream".
Shift to S7

2013-06-30, 06:21 PM
Riven Markov - [Sewers]

Backing away from the warforged whose looming over him, Riven utters a curse over the construct. He then directs his staff at the automaton, causing hellish flames to envelop his target.

Move: Shift to Y8
Minor: Use Warlock's Curse on WFB
Standard: Attack WFB with Hellish Rebuke
Attack Roll: Con vs Reflex
Damage: [roll[1d6+7
Effect: If Riven takes damage before the end of his next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6+7 Constitution modifier fire damage.
If I hit I will activate Riven's warlocks curse [roll1]