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2013-03-15, 02:08 PM
"Alright, s-sir, but..." the boy stutters fearfully for a moment before continuing. "But that was days ago, sir. Even if someone was digging another path, it'd be covered up again by now..."

Beneath the church, Justin's magics slowly but surely tidy most of the trash covering the crypt. Mixed in with the general refuse, he finds several bones of varying sizes.

Not sure exactly what skill checks it would be to examine the bones, but I'll accept anything you can make a decent case for. Also, feel free to just ask specific questions.

[COLOR="Sienna"No, you're right, son. It probably isn't important now. Relax now, we may have need of you later. [/COLOR]

Canthus will return to Widow Bresson, as requested.

2013-03-15, 02:30 PM
The bones before Azazael are only a few days old, and belonged to cows, pigs and at least one horse. While numerous small teeth marks indicate they've been heavily gnawed upon, the clean, flat cuts suggest the work of a practiced butcher.

When Canthus returns, the Widow is still waiting in her previous seat. "Didn't have much useful to say, I take it."

2013-03-15, 02:54 PM
Hmm... cow... pig... horse... and all freshly butchered. Unless whatever it is in that chamber has been braving the snow to go shopping, I think we may have found a lead on our food-thief. This shouldn't be all of it, though. There was more food taken than that. I think it's now becoming pretty imperative that that door comes down.

Can I make a knowledge check on the teethmarks? Even if I can't determine exactly what it was that made them, there's still some value in knowing if whatever made them had reptile teeth or primate teeth or whatever.

2013-03-15, 02:57 PM
Sure. Knowledge: Nature for the reptile vs. mammal bit.

2013-03-15, 03:53 PM
When Canthus returns, the Widow is still waiting in her previous seat. "Didn't have much useful to say, I take it."

Canthus nods his head in agreement, then shrugs. Nothing that we can really act upon at this time, no. I'm thinking of checking in with the others before setting out to search more of the village, beginning with the Karell properties. Please, I hate to ask, but could you have some of your boys bring what is left of your food to the church so that we can see it divided up amongst all?

Come to think on it.. Are any of your lads good trackers or hunters? On the morrow, if we've not discovered what was taken, we might need to lead a group into the snow to hunt. If nothing else, we might be able to barter some fishing rights from this Yethel to tide us over till the storm breaks.

2013-03-15, 10:14 PM
"I'll send some of my boys over with the rest of the stuff. Easier than having the Karrels show up to take it by force."

"Now, as for hunting... I wouldn't figure on anyone who heads out there coming back. Pardon me if I'm not over-eager to volunteer my children for such a task."

2013-03-15, 10:44 PM
Knowledge Nature on the teethmarks:

2013-03-15, 10:47 PM
The tooth marks are from a small reptile.

2013-03-16, 01:20 AM
"I'll send some of my boys over with the rest of the stuff. Easier than having the Karrels show up to take it by force."

"Now, as for hunting... I wouldn't figure on anyone who heads out there coming back. Pardon me if I'm not over-eager to volunteer my children for such a task."

In that case, I go. I'll be certain your family's portion is sent back to the inn. Be safe.

Canthus hustles back to the church (there might be bread!!). He looks at the cursedly ominous skies and wonders what time it was as he walks..

2013-03-16, 12:28 PM
"What killed these animals?" Jericho asks "They don't look like unnatural teeth marks."

2013-03-16, 01:53 PM
"I think the villagers did." responds Azazel "Freshly butchered cow, horse, and pig was among the food that was stolen from the stores that you and Canthus assembled. But this doesn't account for all of it, just a portion. And whatever it is that's been eating it... well, it isn't human, that's for sure. These teeth marks are reptilian."

2013-03-16, 02:45 PM
"Is there enough here to give to Yethel?"

2013-03-16, 03:03 PM
Azazel holds up the picked-over bones and shrugs.

Heck if I know, Brother Jericho. All I have are these bones. If the rest of the meat is on the far side of this door, just waiting for us to take it, then maybe. If it's been eaten, or if it is being kept elsewhere, then probably not.

2013-03-16, 03:06 PM
Night has all but fallen as Canthus hurries back to the church; howling winds and snow promise another fierce night of storm, and the cold bites at him even through his armor.

There's definitely no meat left on the bones, and you didn't see any beyond the door, either.

2013-03-16, 03:17 PM
Canthus closes the church door behind him, then looks for fire, food, and friends.

2013-03-16, 06:45 PM
"Then we should make haste, the more time we're down here talking means that there's more of an opportunity for the thieves to escape." Jericho says with determination on his voice "The hunt begins."

2013-03-16, 06:58 PM
As Canthus returns to the church, one of the Fishers hurries up to him, a worried look on her face. "The Crypt... you'd better have a look..."

2013-03-16, 08:09 PM
Canthus trots down the stairs to the crypt.

2013-03-16, 08:16 PM
"The zombie river elf ate all the meat?" Justin asks as mentions about non-human teeth marks, reptiles, etc, get bandied about. And still with some fixation on the Zombie River Elf scare in the room.

2013-03-17, 12:27 AM
As Canthus descends the stairs he sees the strange tableau; all of the others crouched on the floor about a jagged wound in the wall, trash and animal bones laid out around them, Justin once again ranting about Zombie River Elves.

2013-03-17, 08:32 AM
Seem's I'm late for something.. What do I need to know? Canthus hefts his hammer, and concentrates his will at the opening, casting his ability to sniff out evil into the tomb. Have we need of getting through that wall?

2013-03-17, 11:36 AM
"Probably, Canthus. Justin decided to take a look in the crypt, and did so by trying to break the door down. Once we opened up a small hole, I heard something moving inside, and Justin thought he saw something move. We were trying to decide what to do next when the "ghost" of Saint Eben appeared and tried to scare us off. I realized that the ghost was actually just an illusion spell, and that something else was casting it. No sooner did I figure this out than something from inside the crypt used a Word of Power to try and kill me. Justin used some magic to retrieve some of the debris from inside the crypt, and we found these." Azazel holds up the bones "Bones from freshly slaughtered cow, horse, and pig, not more than a few days old. Picked clean by small reptilian teeth. I think we may have found a lead on our thief.

2013-03-17, 12:41 PM
Perhaps we should set a strong watch on the opening here, and come back in the morning after we've rested, and allowed you finger-wigglers to regain your spells. Or, we can smash this wall down now. Brother Jericho, what say you?

Do I get a reading with Detect evil?

2013-03-17, 12:50 PM
Nope, still no evil.

2013-03-17, 01:44 PM
"Old Lady told me food was hidden down here," Justin chimed in, nodding his head at Azazel's recounting, "Rat holes in the walls and stuff. Couldn't open the door so I opened the wall. Something missing from inside of the door. Then he came down," Justin pointed at Azazel, "And we saw a Zombie River Elf. And a Shiny came out and used Shiny Powers on him... and said that we'd be cursed with lice!" At that Justin was scowling and shivered a bit. "The shiny is mean. Probably because his bedroom is filled with Zombie River Elf trash."

2013-03-17, 02:30 PM
Canthus casts an eye toward Azazel hopefully... for an elaboration..

2013-03-17, 03:18 PM
Azazel shrugs. "It sounds like Widow Bresson suggested to Justin that this place might be a good hiding place, and he decided to check it out. When we looked inside, we saw a bunch of animal bones and rubbish, and some odd holes in the back wall. Justin saw some movement, and I heard whatever it was. While we were deciding what to do, the illusion of Saint Eben's ghost appeared, and started swearing vengeance and cursing us if we didn't leave. When it became apparent that that wasn't going to work on me, something used a word of power on me. To answer your question, I can use most of my abilities all day. So if you think it'd be more prudent to chase down whatever is in that room now, rather than waiting until morning, I can't speak for the others, but I'm ready to go now... and I think I can fit through that crack in cat form."

2013-03-17, 05:06 PM
Justin paused, as if suddenly getting an idea. He looked over at Canthus, and started to slowly circle around the Paladin, "Shiny guy strong, right? Real strong?" Justin asked slowly as he came back around the Paladin.

2013-03-17, 05:40 PM
We'd not be able to support you if you went in alone. It's your decision. I can try to widen this hole further with my hammer so that we can all fit inside, if you prefer.

2013-03-17, 05:44 PM
Give it a shot. I'd be willing to bet that there's another way out of that crypt, and whatever is in there is probably gone by now, but I'm not wild about going in there alone regardless.

2013-03-17, 06:03 PM
Canthus gets a mirror and holds it so that he can see what type of defenses the door has. If it's just a bar that he can reach, he lifts it. Or if it's something that Azazel could resolve (like the key being in the other keyhole or something), he recommends Azazel slip into cat form to get in the hole, and then transform back.

Does it appear that we could attach some form of grappling hook to the hole, and use all of the townsfolk to help in pulling it down?

if none of those things are likely.. Canthus will take two handed swings (1.5 str), as full round actions (+5 to hit inanimate object) with his hammer.



2013-03-17, 06:14 PM
As Canthus is going hog wild on the wall, Justin waves his hand at the Shiny, intoning a short few mumbled words as he surged with arcane power. Obviously the Shiny was going to batter it down, so Justin helped him by Enlarging him.

(Burned my last 1st level spell. +2 Strength, increased size for your equipment so more damage as well Pife. TEAMWORK!)

2013-03-17, 06:23 PM
The door looks like it should have a handle that would allow it to simply open from the inside; however, that handle is missing, with only a small hole in its place.

The wall is thick and sturdily built; it might be possible to pull it down, but the attempt might simply break whatever chain was used in the attempt.

2013-03-17, 08:55 PM
"I wish I had brought my crowbar for this journey" Jericho laments "Useful for opening vampire caskets, could have possibly helped here..."

2013-03-17, 10:04 PM
Justin holds out the crowbar that's been in his hand towards the Shiny, "I gots a 'bar! You think that's a vampire shiny in there?" he asked with a little tremble in his voice as he looked back in at the hole/room.

2013-03-17, 10:38 PM
"I honestly hope not, and I don't think there is good sir Justin. It's just my job to hunt vampires and other nasty monsters."

2013-03-18, 01:01 PM
So... is Canthus breaking down the wall, or what?

2013-03-18, 01:06 PM
He is.

He made his rolls for the whacks he took, and apparently Justin buffed him midstream.

How much do I add to the damage for the Warhammer due to its increased size because of Justin's help? (at work, can't get to books)..

2013-03-18, 01:58 PM
Well, I think you'd just reroll it. Your weapon damage increased from 1d8 to 2d6, and your strength would increase to 16, giving you a bonus of +3, which means your total damage bonus would be... +5? From strength-and-a-half plus the weapon's own +1? Also, you to-hit would increase by 1. So, another +1 to hit, and 2d6+5 damage per hit.

2013-03-18, 03:03 PM
Rerolled attacks on the wall

Rerolled Damage on the wall


2013-03-18, 05:49 PM
Sharp chips of stone fly from the wall as Canthus's hammer descends upon it again and again, but finally one large stone is knocked entirely loose, and then another, leaving at last a space large enough to the group to crawl through, one at a time.

2013-03-18, 06:15 PM
"Well then" says Azazel, as he rubs his hands together eagerly "Let's go find out what's in that crypt."

Azazel walks forward through the hole Canthus has opened in the stone.

2013-03-18, 07:26 PM
Canthus picks up his helm and puts it on, then bends again to pick up his shield and fix it to his arm, wishing just slightly that they had let him catch his breath. His hammer was gouged and scored slightly from it's assault on the wall, but Canthus steps quickly through the hole after Azazel, 'May Heironius bless us as we move to uncover and overcome the darkness which is cursing this town, and guide us to wise decisions on this journey. '

Please describe the room as it is now that we're in it.

In case I need them

Spot- [roll0]

Search- (was going to wait until you described the room, but in case it's needed beforehand.. [roll1]

2013-03-18, 07:34 PM
The crypt of Saint Eben is humble but well made; except for the holes in the walls, the walls are smooth, and the floor may even be of natural stone. The sarcophagus itself is equally plain, with a modest dignity often lost in more modern religious trappings. Inscribed at the base is a simple epitaph:

Here Lies Saint Eben
In Knowledge, In Faith

By the time the party enters, Justin's magics have cleaned about half of the room; dirt and trash still covers much of the floor, and several rags piled in the far corner look like they might have been used as nests. Along the western wall are several small holes, barely large enough for Azazel's cat form to pass through.

2013-03-18, 07:47 PM
Brother Jericho, advise us.. I hesitate to defile the resting place of a good man, with no proof that it is he who bedevils us. <once more, using Detect Evil to look both at the sarcophagus, and down the holes in the walls.

2013-03-18, 08:27 PM
Azazel goes to the corner to inspect the nest-rags before the spell can get to them. Between the little tunnels, the toothmarks, the spellcasting, and the nests, he hopes he may have enough evidence to guess at a culprit.

Knowledge check based on the circumstantial evidence?

2013-03-18, 08:31 PM
Still no evil. I promise I'll make some up for you sooner or later. :smalltongue:

It's gonna be Knoweldge: Local; at this point, you all can go ahead and make the roll untrained.

2013-03-18, 08:34 PM
Canthus' Knowledge:Local roll


2013-03-18, 08:35 PM
Knowledge: Local check

2013-03-18, 08:38 PM
Azazel is pretty sure this is Kobolds.

Canthus is pretty sure this is... Crab People.

2013-03-18, 08:53 PM
For the record, rgrekejin has been pretty sure this is Kobolds for some time now.

2013-03-18, 08:54 PM
For the record, rgrekejin has been pretty sure this is Kobolds for some time now.

What gave it away? :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-18, 08:58 PM
Azazel is pretty sure this is Kobolds.

Canthus is pretty sure this is... Crab People.

Canthus thinks it's Zombie Crypt Elves

2013-03-18, 09:02 PM
Azazel straightens up, dusts off his hands, and turns to the others: "Well... looks like we're dealing with Kobolds."

What does Azazel know about Kobolds?

2013-03-18, 09:03 PM
What gave it away? :smallbiggrin:

The digging Canthus was told about that Azazel doesn't know about.

2013-03-18, 11:22 PM
Justin stepped through last, looking up at the holes in the wall, barely paying attention to the spell as it continued to clean. "... Mr. Brother Man... you think Shinies like having a clean place?" Justin asked, as if it just occurred to him that the angry Shiny Ghost spirit might not actually want his place cleaned. "I don't want lice. Not again. I like my hair."

Justin poked his head back out the hole again, looking for one of the Fishers who had been watching over the whole excavation, "You're supposed da take care of this place, right? Ain't ya supposed to have stinky clouds and water and be chanting and such in here?" he asked the Fisher man, "Or one of you. I don't want the Shiny to be mad. Lice are bad."

With that he ducked his head back in and started to look around again. He took out his sword, poking at what places his spell hadn't cleaned out yet, as if under one of those rags would be some magical bit of food. He heard someone mention Kobolds, and looked over to Canthus.

"See. Told ya no one stole!" he sounded out in triumph as his faith in the townspeople was vindicated, "All the Zombie Basement Elves!"

(I suppose that's Aiding Another on the Search. So:

[roll0] -3 for being as smart as a brick)

2013-03-18, 11:33 PM
Justin, surprisingly enough, also recognizes that this is probably the work of Kobolds. Go figure.

2013-03-19, 10:56 AM
Easy now, Justin. We're not dealing with zombie-anythings anymore. Not here. These are just ordinary Kobolds. Even if I'm not sure what to do about them, it's at least nice to have a problem I can think about in concrete terms.

Pausing for a moment to weigh his words, Azazel turns to the rest of the group:

Well, it looks like we at last know who our thieves were. It'll be helpful, at least, to get the Karrels and the Bressons to stop fighting with each other. That said, I'm not really sure what to do about them. I'm the only one who can fit through these little tunnels they've made, and I have some serious reservations about doing so. Firstly, we know that the kobolds have at least one potent sorcerer on their side. Secondly, if things were to go south while trying to negotiate with them, I'm pretty much certain I'm not a match for an entire nest of kobolds, and third... traps. I suspect those tunnels are trapped to the high heavens.

2013-03-19, 11:45 AM
Well, we certainly can't leave a nest of these little thieving beasties below this town. But how to get at them? Even if we find all of the entrances to their little warren, nothing would prevent them from digging a new entrance. So we'll need to lure them out or drive them out.. I have an idea, but it's probably a terrible one involving a lot of time, and a lot of labor to pull off, and it wouldn't be guaranteed to work.

Terrible ideas aside, it might be wise of us to attempt to locate other entrances or exits. Now that they're going to know that we're aware of them, they could get more aggressive.

We could also ask if the town has ever had dealings with kobolds before. For all we know, someone in town could even be trading with them.

2013-03-19, 05:45 PM
Justin raised his hand as the people started talking about various things, traps, entrances and exits, etc.

"Why would the holes be trapped?" he pointed out. He pointed toward the door, and it's missing latch, "No one get in anymore. So no one but the lizard faces down here. Why trap your own cellar?" An idiot though he may be, he at least had some modicum of common sense. After all, he didn't leave dangerous stuff in his own workplace, or with his food.

Still, he shrugged, "Mr. Karrel, back by the river, said stuff showed up in a basement. Maybe he's actually a kobold?"

2013-03-19, 05:52 PM
As the party is debating, a small, scaled head pokes out of one of the holes, looking around quickly.

2013-03-19, 06:05 PM
"HIIIIIIIIIIII!" Justin waves at the Kobold face as he spots it.

(Presuming he does and since you didn't ask for spot checks)

2013-03-19, 06:07 PM
Yeah, he isn't hiding.

The kobold, a small, brown-and-green striped one, glances around again before hopping down out of the wall, landing lightly and staring at its feet; more than anything, it appears shy. Shy, and very scared.

2013-03-19, 06:19 PM
Justin puts his sword back away, now that he's done poking piles and such. He looks at the Kobold and slowly walks closer to it. "Hello there. I'm Justin. Are you hiding from the Shiny Ghost?"

2013-03-19, 06:40 PM
Hoping to sooth the kobold by using its native tongue, Azazel begins to speak to the kobold in Draconic. The whole mess sounds kind of like hissing, chirping, and barking, congealed into a language. Greetings little one. Be not afraid, we mean you no harm if you mean none to us. As I'm sure you're aware, some strange things are afoot in this unnatural left boot... wait, no, damn, that's not the right word... apologies, my Draconic is rusty... in this unnatural storm. We're looking for answers, and did not know this place was your home when we forced our way in. Perhaps you can help us?

2013-03-19, 06:50 PM
A look of relief crosses the little lizard's face when it hears Azazel speak, and replies in a rapid stream of broken Draconian.

"<Er. Hello. Mekyek sends message... er, Mekyek sends Pik to send a - please don't hit Pik - Mekyek sends Pik to deliver a message. Mekyek demands... er, Mekyek humbly asks... er, Mekyek demands that Pik humbly ask that you not tell anyone. About Mekyek. Or Pik.>"

2013-03-19, 07:06 PM
Azazel turns to the others and summarizes in common: "Its name is Pik. Their leader appears to be named Mekyek, and Pik informs me that they would prefer that we not inform anyone else that they're down here. Canthus, are you getting a reading?" Keeping the sentence flow moving normally, Azazel hopes that the young kobold will be thrown off of what exactly he is asking Canthus, even if, contrary to present appearances, he does turn out to speak common.

Turning back to Pik, in Draconic: "Do not worry, Pik. We're not going to hurt anyone. I'm going to have a talk with my friends here. We might need to talk to Mekyek, or at least have you take them a message for us. That's it. We're not here to hurt anybody." Azazel hold up his hands, showing them empty to the (presumably young) kobold in what he hopes is a reassuring gesture.

Can Azazel tell if Pik is male or female?

2013-03-19, 07:12 PM
Kobolds are actually hermaphroditic, but ones who've spent a lot of time around humans will often style themselves one way or another - this one strikes you as leaning male, but you're not certain.

2013-03-19, 08:13 PM
"Ask the kobold if it has any of the meat butchered here, and if so, ask it if its tribe or clan could provide some. I'm sure we'll have enough fish to feed the town and the kobolds. In secret of course."

2013-03-19, 08:29 PM
Quietly, but emphatically.. Well, I'm certainly willing to discuss it, but I might need a bit of convincing not to want to tell the village starving above our heads that there is a warren of dangerous creatures living beneath their homes, stealing their food, and Heironius only knows what else they've been up to, other than corrupting the tomb of a Saint, I mention in passing. I think that if we determine that the kobolds are a threat, then we destroy them. If we determine that they are not a threat, the villagers still deserve to know, do they not?

2013-03-19, 08:38 PM
Justin looked over at Canthus, "We should just tell 'em all. Right? I mean they've been down here what? As long as that door's been locked? Maybe more?" Justin looked over towards the door and it's missing piece. "They been here already. No problems. Except they take stuff and everyone gets mean to everyone else up there. So... if we tell them then they won't have to be mean to each other! And then we can do what's important instead."

2013-03-19, 08:38 PM
"Canthus" Jericho says with a slight frown "You're right. Vicar Christoph would want us to purge them if they are an evil presence. Let us make sure that they are in fact evil first. At this point these creatures are no different than the Bressons or any other member of this community: Scared lambs in a blizzard. If these kobolds have butchered the livestock, we must take back what is rightfully the town's. If they didn't, our hunt is still on."

2013-03-19, 09:00 PM
No, don't mistake me, my friend.. I don't suggest we harm these creatures. My larger concern was keeping them secret from the folk above. I am having a hard time justifying walking out of this town without letting them know about their.. neighbors.. I don't doubt that they could help each other in some small ways..

But for now, the landscape is "food".. I'd be happy to feed the village, these kobolds, the wolves in the hills if need be, but we must find meat for this Yethel beast.. Then again... Azazel, do they know anything about Yethel?

2013-03-19, 09:00 PM
To Pik, in Draconic: Very well, Pik, we have reached a decision. We would like to talk with Mekyek, if they are willing to come out and speak to us. If not, please relay this message to your master - Do you have any red meat? If you do, we would very much like to have it - we have a chance to trade it for a great quantity of fish, which we would be willing to share with you if you can give us the meat. I know that the snow has been harsh - if you kobolds do not get food soon, you too will start to starve. If you can give us the meat to trade with, we can make sure that does not happen. Can you tell Mekyek that?

To the others, in common: I have sent it to fetch its master, so that we may ask them for meat if they have it, and so Canthus can get another reading.

2013-03-19, 09:03 PM
To Pik, in Draconic, as he departs (if he departs): Oh, one last thing, Pik. Have you or Mekyek ever heard of one called Yethel? He lives in the river, and is... well, I'm not sure, but not human.

2013-03-19, 09:44 PM
Pik turns to depart, and then stop for a moment as if remembering something. "Mekyek told Pik to say, if you tell the people, they'll try to hurt us. We don't hurt the villagers - we don't even take that much."

With that, Pik disappears into the wall, scurrying rapidly away.

2013-03-19, 11:35 PM
"BYEEEEE! WATCH OUT FOR LICE!" Justin shouted at Pyk, waving after the kobold as he left.

"... sounds like a nice guy. Think he'll help us kill the Zombie River Elf?" Justin asked the others in the room.

2013-03-20, 03:32 PM
While waiting for either Pik or Mekyek to return, Azazel takes the bag of marbles out of his backpack and challenges Justin to a game.

2013-03-20, 11:54 PM
Justin squats down opposite of Azazel, and plays marbles with him with a little whoop, more than familiar with the game and happy to have something to play.

2013-03-21, 11:55 AM
Pik returns after a few short minutes, trepedatious as ever as he hops down from his hole in the wall, shifting from foot to foot and rubbing his hands together as he speaks, eyes never meeting the party.

<"Er, Mekyey knows nothing of Yethel... Mekyek asks that one of you come to negotiate with Mekyek, Mekyek promises safe passage...">

2013-03-21, 12:10 PM
And how is one of us to join you Pik? As you can see, we are too large to enter your tunnels. Mekyek can come to us, and we will assure HIM of safe passage.

2013-03-21, 12:13 PM
<"Mekyek says that if you agree to come, Mekyek sill render you able to do so. Mekyek says the little one would be easiest, but any of you may come.">

2013-03-21, 12:33 PM
Wait, is Pik still speaking in Draconic, or is he speaking in common now?

To Pik, in Draconic: I will come with you to see Mekyek, but I can shrink myself. Have Mekyek shrink one of the others, so that they may come with me too.

To the others, in common: I'll go with to speak to Mekyek. Any volunteers for getting shrunken down and coming with?

2013-03-21, 03:00 PM
If I can be made to fit, I would be happy to join you.

2013-03-21, 04:29 PM
"Unless anyone else speaks the tongue of Kobolds, Azazel shall have to go alone."

2013-03-21, 04:45 PM
Alas, I cannot speak their tongue. but I fear for Azazel's safety if he goes down there alone!

2013-03-21, 04:46 PM
"<Mekyek can speak human. If you want to come, stand here,>" Pik says quickly, pointing to a flat section of floor. "Easier if little one goes alone, though. He be safe; Mekyek not want enemies.>"

2013-03-21, 05:11 PM
With a slight grimace, in common: He says that if you want to come through the tunnels, you should stand on that flat portion of floor there. He thinks it will be easier if I go alone, though, which makes sense. The kobolds don't have much to gain by opening hostilities with us. But if any of you want to come with me... I guess stand there. I'll go alone if I have to, though. I defer to each of your individual judgements.

*waits for people to assemble on the flat section of the floor*

To Pik, in Draconic: Very well, we're ready. Tell Mekyek to shrink those here. As for me... I'll follow you through the tunnels.

Azazel morphs into a cat.

2013-03-21, 09:19 PM
"I'd be weary of you going alone then, but I'm almost out of spells, and nothing is terribly useful. Canthus, I know you're chomping at the bit to aid Azazel, If they say you can fit, you should go."

2013-03-21, 09:35 PM
"Why not ask to use Old Lady Bresson's hole?" Justin pointed out, beeming to himself, thinking he was so clever, "She knew they were down here. Must have her own hole she uses."

2013-03-21, 10:02 PM
*since there appears to be discussion, I will say that this is before Azazel transformed*

I... umm... I'm not sure it works that way, Sir Valkirk. Are you going to come along to see more of the kobolds, or do you want to stay here?

2013-03-21, 10:35 PM
"Do you prefer aid, or do you think we would be best served by you going alone? I stand ready to come"

I can't tell if Azazel is asking for help, or asking to go alone. If Azazel responds that he wants company, I move to the flat part of the floor without delay. If he indicates that he wants to go alone, I step back

2013-03-21, 10:57 PM
In common, to Canthus: It would probably be best for me to not go alone, but I don't want to overwhelm them, either. Canthus, if you would be good enough to accompany me, Brother Jericho and Sir Valkirk can hold down the fort here.

In Draconic, to Pik, gesturing at himself and Canthus: We two will go. Have Mekyek use his magic on him *indicating Canthus* and I will follow you through the tunnels.

*Now* Azazel transforms into a cat.

2013-03-21, 11:02 PM
Justin looks over to Brother Jericho, "... we have a fort?!"

2013-03-21, 11:22 PM
Pik nods and scurries back into his hole in the wall, pushing against the bricks from the far side; after a few moments effort, he's able to clear a small hole, revealing natural stone behind it, a small tunnel disappearing into the rock.

From the darkness beyond, a brief magical incantation can be heard before Canthus starts to shrink, the Paladin and his equipment growing smaller by the second until he's of a size that can fit into the waiting tunnel.

2013-03-21, 11:31 PM
Azazel follows Pik through the tunnel he's clearing, keeping a somewhat wary eye out for traps or anything else fishy as he goes...

Spellcraft check to identify the spell being used:

Spot check:

2013-03-21, 11:34 PM
The spell was clearly "Reduce Person"; Azazel also suspects that Stone Shape has been used to make some of these tunnels wider.

As Azazel crawls along the tunnel, he sees numerous smaller holes leading off to the sides, some of which he could fit through as a cat, some of which are even smaller than that.

2013-03-22, 11:02 AM
Canthus --I have my shield on my back, and no weapon in my hand, but my helmet is on and visor down. I have no means of lighting my path with me. As the light runs out, I pause.. Err, gentlemen, a moment..

I need to find a torch or lantern...

2013-03-22, 02:55 PM
Azazel reaches out his paw, and signals for Pik to pause for a moment, so that Canthus can find his torch and get it started.

2013-03-22, 03:06 PM
Pik slows; Azazel can see him glancing around nervously, but he stops to let Canthus secure some lighting before continuing.

2013-03-22, 03:19 PM
Once Canthus has his torch out and burning, Azazel signals Pik forward, and continues to follow the little Kobold.

2013-03-22, 04:22 PM
After a few more moments of uncomfortable crawling, Pik leads the duo out into a larger, smooth-stone chamber; about a dozen Kobolds linger about the walls, maintaining a nervous distance from the pair. The same sort of refuse that filled the crypt also suffuses this room, and a number of yet smaller tunnels lead off into the stone.

A single Kobold descendls slowly from one of these; this Kobold has a different appearance than the others, with more of a bronze finish to its scales, a less hunched, more dignified posture, and is dressed in clean grey clothes that appear tailored to its frame, rather than the mismatched scraps the others wear. This singular Kobold regards Canthus and Azazel for a moment before speaking in slow and careful common:

"Greetings. I am Mekyek, hierarch of the Meltwater Kobolds. It seems we have much to discuss."

2013-03-22, 04:54 PM
*shifting into human form*

Yes, Mekyek, indeed we do. As you know, there rages above us a blizzard of unnatural intensity and duration. The villagers are starving. I doubt your food stores are presently full to bursting either. We have been down to the river to fish, and... there, we met a supernatural creature that calls itself Yethel. You being a magic-user yourself, I'm sure this sounds more believable to you than it might otherwise. This creature drained the river dry, until we stood on the riverbed and talked with it. In short, it demands red meat in order for us to be able to take of his fish. We know that you took some meat from the stores that the village was gathering when the storm hit. If you have any left, I ask you to please give it to us. In exchange, we will give you and yours a fair share of the fish that we gather from the river.

2013-03-22, 05:08 PM
Mekyek considers Azazel's words for a long moment before replying.

"The storm is even less natural than you know, but our food supplies are... ample. We consume less than the humans, and there are not so many of us... I ssuspect we could last the storm, natural or not."

"However, we have no dessire to see the humans starve.. few kobolds live as safely as we do, and we would see the sstatus quo endure."

2013-03-22, 05:10 PM
Azazel's eyebrow twitches at the remark about the storm: Oh? Do you know something about whatever is bringing this damnable blizzard upon us?

2013-03-22, 05:28 PM
Mekyek blinks once, slowly, taking time to think before responding to Azazel's inquiry. "Perhapss. But there is time to talk of such later. For now, we must yet decide what you will do now, in regards to presserving our secrecy."

2013-03-22, 05:36 PM
What, exactly, did you have in mind, Mekyek?

2013-03-22, 05:41 PM
"Ssimple. Do not inform the villagers of our presence. Things have... worked, the way they are. We take little enough, and do no lassting harm. From time to time, we have even helped... it benefits uss for the community to prosper."

2013-03-22, 06:22 PM
I do see your point. This does seem like a close to ideal setup for you. But... even if we do not inform the humans that you are here, Mekyek, I think they are beginning to suspect that there are stranger things afoot in their village than they had ever imagined. We found this Yethel creature in the river, and they know all about that. The villagers know that things have been disappearing for years, and have begun to figure out that it isn't simply some other family stealing them. They know that something is prolonging this storm beyond the bounds of what is normal. And they know that we've been down here, battering away at the entrance to this vault. Even if you were to swear us all to secrecy, I don't think your community has much of a chance of staying secret for long. Wouldn't it be better for you to come to the humans' rescue now, in their time of need? That way you can be assured that no one gets it into their crazy heads to blame you for the blizzard or worse. At this point, Mekyek, I'm afraid the continued secrecy of your band is not really a viable option. I will hold my tongue if it pleases you, but do not expect it to do much good. Why not make sure the humans see you as friends and allies, or indeed, saviors, rather than as thieves and pests, and set yourselves up for good relations in the future? You have that option in front of you now. But if you don't grasp it quickly, my friend, it will slip away.

2013-03-22, 06:27 PM
Hmm... roll diplomacy.

2013-03-22, 06:31 PM
Damn. I knew I should have let Canthus and his +11 to diplomacy field this one. [roll0]

2013-03-22, 08:23 PM
Hierarch Mekyek, my friend speaks truth. There is now a hole in the vault wall, so the villagers will find your warrens within hours. These are gentle people, Mekyek, as it seems the Meltwater tribe is. Let us speak to them on your behalf. I believe that we can convince them to let you remain, but you will not have to hide any longer. There are skills your people have that the humans do not, and there are skills that they have that your people do not. I implore you to consider working together for mutual benefit. I can give you my word that I will ensure the safety of your people before we leave. But the most important thing to consider at this moment is red meat. Have you any you can spare us, that we might fill your peoples bellies with fish. And in so doing, we, and you, Hierarch, can assist in saving an entire village of humans.

If you're willing to let me try a Diplomacy check after Azazel - 1d20+11

2013-03-22, 08:31 PM
Not sure why my roll didn't work.. [roll0]

2013-03-22, 08:40 PM
Mekyek considers the suggestions for a long moment, scaled head tilting to the side before replying.

"No. We have hid ourselves this long, we may hide ourselves longer; the fact that there are other mysteries in the area makess the likelihood that we shall be found out less, not greater, for now there are other forcess to blame. Repairing the vault iss the work of an hour."

"You. Ssmall one. You are not the same as these humans, clearly... how eager were you, to show yoursself amongst them? And you are a creature of sskin and hair, like them, while we are lizards, ssnakes, vermin. Secrecy is our only shield, not good will."

2013-03-23, 02:07 PM
I confess that I wasn't overly eager, Mekyek, but since then, they have been very kind and welcoming. As it turns out, my fears were completely unwarranted. I think you would find that yours may be as well.

2013-03-23, 06:54 PM
"That may have been your experience, but I doubt it would be ourss. Look at the world around you; it is not kind to Koboldss."

2013-03-24, 11:21 AM
And often, kobolds are not kind to their neighbors. You know this as well as we. There is fault on both sides, as with most conflicts.

You have food, Mekyek. By your own admission, you are quite safe from the storm down here. Yet you parley with us. What is it that you want? There must be something. How can WE be of service to the Meltwater Clan, and Hierarch Mekyek?

2013-03-24, 12:15 PM
"Fault is not the issue - I freely admit that kobolds hold their fair share of the blame, we are not an... eassy race to have as neighbours, even for ourselves. Thiss does not lessen my obligation to care for my people, however."

"We parley with you for two reassons. First, you found us, which iss... unfortunate. If your ssilence may be begged, bought or extorted, we wish to do sso."

"Ssecond, we would see the town survive. Perhapss your Yethel might be a part of that, though I quesstion trusting such a creature. But, there iss more. Sooner or later, this sstorm must end, and I am not so confident it will do so without your help..."

2013-03-24, 02:08 PM
Yes, exactly.. Why would the storm require our help to end? What do you know about the nature of this storm?

2013-03-25, 12:09 PM
Mekyek pauses for a long moment before replying. "There iss a reason we have been able to sstay hidden here for so long. Ssomething about thiss place... limits our birthrate, leavess most of our eggs infertile. When firsst I came here, I was not so powerful a ssorcerer... but sslowly my capacity has grown."

"This place has alwayss been strange."

2013-03-25, 12:34 PM
You're a great practitioner of magic, Mekyek. Surely you have some ideas what is causing your eggs to be infertile. What other effects have you noticed?

2013-03-25, 12:35 PM
And, most importantly, have you noticed any changes recently?

2013-03-25, 06:59 PM
Mekyek regards both of you coldly before replying. "Yess. And yes. But you still have not agreed to uphold our privacy, so I have not yet decided how much I wish to ssay."

2013-03-25, 08:51 PM
Azazel sighs audibly. He'd rather tell the villagers about the kobolds, but he can't see any way to get the meat and the information they need without agreeing to Mekyek's terms.

Very well, Mekyek. Here is my offer. In exchange for a quantity of red meat sufficient to appease Yethel, and your help putting an end to this storm, I'll not speak one word of your presence here to the villagers. I'll advise the others to do the same, although I must tell you... one of our number is... well, rather... deficient... in certain mental capacities. I cannot guarantee you that he will not blurt something out at an inopportune moment, but I doubt he is even fully aware of what you are, and the villagers may well simply ignore his ramblings were he to say anything. Even still, it is not foolproof. But that is the best offer I can make you. What say you to that?

2013-03-25, 09:26 PM
Canthus remains silent, thinking hard.

2013-03-26, 02:35 PM
"Your offer is ssufficient, but I fear it comess from the wrong person. I have no assurance that you will hold your tongue, and your partner remains distressingly ssilent."

2013-03-27, 11:12 AM
I suppose I can't speak for my partner, but what other assurances can I give you, if not for my word? I will not tell the villagers of your presence here. I will advise the others not to as well. That is all I can do.

2013-03-27, 04:53 PM
Good Mekyek. I remain silent while I think, else I am likely to say the most absurd things.

I am recalling conversations I have had and overheard with one of the citizens of the town above. I believe that she already knows that you are down here and have been using the mausoleum. And yet, you are still here, unhindered, unharmed.

Surely you can see the benefit of coming out into the open with the town of Meltwater. They are a kind and peaceful folk, with not a warrior among them that I can tell. Think of all the gains for your tribe if you were able to trade with them openly?

And especially since I believe that at least one of them knows you are down here, I don't see what could possibly be wrong with honesty.

But, that for later. For the moment, I have a request. Will you grant us several pounds of red meat? We can borrow it, or I would be happy to buy it, trade for it, or make any other reasonable deal for it.

I will also speak to my god in prayer, and determine if I may keep your secret. If Heironius answers Yes, that I may keep your secret, then so I shall. If his answer is No, then I will come back and tell you of my decision before I tell any townsfolk where you are. And that is the best I can do. Even you would not go against the will of your god, surely.

2013-03-28, 12:57 AM
Good Mekyek. I remain silent while I think, else I am likely to say the most absurd things.

I am recalling conversations I have had and overheard with one of the citizens of the town above. I believe that she already knows that you are down here and have been using the mausoleum. And yet, you are still here, unhindered, unharmed.

Surely you can see the benefit of coming out into the open with the town of Meltwater. They are a kind and peaceful folk, with not a warrior among them that I can tell. Think of all the gains for your tribe if you were able to trade with them openly?

And especially since I believe that at least one of them knows you are down here, I don't see what could possibly be wrong with honesty.

But, that for later. For the moment, I have a request. Will you grant us several pounds of red meat? We can borrow it, or I would be happy to buy it, trade for it, or make any other reasonable deal for it.

I will also speak to my god in prayer, and determine if I may keep your secret. If Heironius answers Yes, that I may keep your secret, then so I shall. If his answer is No, then I will come back and tell you of my decision before I tell any townsfolk where you are. And that is the best I can do. Even you would not go against the will of your god, surely.

Mekyek shifts, eyes blinking once, slowly.

"If it iss as you say, and one above already knowss of our presence... I suspect I know which one. I would have more asssurances from you, but I ssupose the same strange honour that compelss you to speak is the only thing that would make your promisse to keep silent hold any worth, besides."

"You will have your meat, and your answerss, and I will have to hope I have not brought needless sstrife upon my people."

2013-03-28, 08:11 AM
Honorable Mekyek, I believe you are making a wise choice. Thank you.

2013-03-28, 09:40 AM
Azazel smiles and nods approvingly as Mekyek makes his decision. Now that he is reasonably certain that the villagers needs can be met, his mind has already moved on to the more interesting problem - that of the unnatural storm. With an almost palpable eagerness in his voice, Azazel speaks:

And my thanks as well, good sir. You're doing all of us here a great service. Let us do one for you in return: what can you tell us about this infernal storm, and how can we go about putting an end to it?

2013-03-28, 05:25 PM
"I ssuppose this will be eassier if I show you. We should go and collect your other companionss, to keep them from spreading the news too soon."

Back in the crypt, Jericho nods, distracted. Not a literal fort, Justin. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll head upstairs... best someone keep an eye on the flock, make sure none of them wander down here. I'd prefer not to hold this a secret from them, but I wouldn't see the choice taken out of our hands just yet, either., he says, wandering off.

2013-03-28, 06:16 PM
"But... Kobolds! No one needs to fight. Stealing was kobolds, right?" Justin asked the Shiny as he went up stairs, quite loudly. He stands up, and kicks one of the yet to be cleaned piles of rags, grumbling to himself.

*clack, clack*

"Yeah..." Justin murmured up to Jillian, "Shinies are weird."

2013-03-28, 07:21 PM
I will follow Mekyek.

2013-03-28, 07:38 PM
Azazel will as well.

2013-03-29, 11:00 AM
Mekyek nods solemnly and leads the party back into the tunnels after having a brief word with Pik, who runs off in the direction of the Crypt.

A moment later, Pik crawls out in front of Justin, stares for a moment as he remembers only Azazel spoke Draconic, and grimaces as he works his mouth around the unfamiliar syllables.

"Mekyek... tell... follow... see friends?"

2013-03-29, 03:30 PM
Jericho looks over the gathered townsfolk with a rather worried look on his face. He's had a long day of calming townsfolk and speaking to river spirits had worn him down. He hoped that tomorrow Heironeous would bring him new, more down to earth obstacles to face. Like Zombies, or Imps. Something that he could fight. He down and closed his eyes for a short respite of simple meditation, to find the meaning to the events of the day.

2013-03-29, 04:00 PM
"Hi Mr. Kobold!" Justin greeted Pyk. He waited as Pyk delivered his message, then walked closer. Justin bent over, looking at the hole Pyk came out of. He poked his hand in there, as if expecting to see something happen to it as he did so. He pulled his hand back out, kinda disappointed it didn't auto shrink.

"Okay Mr. Kobold, where are there?"

2013-03-30, 01:04 AM
"Hi Mr. Kobold!" Justin greeted Pyk. He waited as Pyk delivered his message, then walked closer. Justin bent over, looking at the hole Pyk came out of. He poked his hand in there, as if expecting to see something happen to it as he did so. He pulled his hand back out, kinda disappointed it didn't auto shrink.

"Okay Mr. Kobold, where are there?"

"Here, come, follow," the Kobold calls out quickly, gesturing anxiously over his shoulder before hopping back into his tunnel, which grows wider a few seconds later, stone receding to form a crawlspace through which Justin can fit.

2013-03-30, 05:27 PM
"Neat!" Justin said with a smile. He put his hands on the edge of the hole, getting his feet in first. He slowly slid back and forth over the stone, a few inches, 6 times. With a nod to himself he let out a "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" as he used his grip on the edge of the hole to push himself down it as rapidly as possible, trying to turn the crawlspace into a slide as far as he could before he had to wiggle and crawl.

2013-03-30, 05:31 PM
Jericho looks over the gathered townsfolk with a rather worried look on his face. He's had a long day of calming townsfolk and speaking to river spirits had worn him down. He hoped that tomorrow Heironeous would bring him new, more down to earth obstacles to face. Like Zombies, or Imps. Something that he could fight. He down and closed his eyes for a short respite of simple meditation, to find the meaning to the events of the day.

Actually using any divination spells, or just meditating?

2013-03-30, 05:33 PM
A little ways down the tunnel, Mekyek turns to the side, laying his hands against the stone and chanting a few strange words in high Draconic. The stone beneath his hands shifts and grows, and after a moment Justin comes sliding through the newly enlarged opening, bumping his head slightly against the far wall, in front of Canthus and Azazel.

2013-03-30, 06:16 PM
Actually using any divination spells, or just meditating?

Just meditating, no divination for me.

2013-03-30, 06:34 PM
(Wouldn't you mean feet against the far wall, as he was feet first?)

Justin slid out of the opening, letting out a little yelp at the hard landing. He stood up as best he could, hunching over if needed, rubbing his butt after the slide and the fall. "Owwww... Oh... Hey Shiny, Hey Kitty," Justin greeted them cheerfully with a little wave of his spare hand as he noticed the others inside the place.

"There's two Mr. Kobolds? ... huh... Hello Other Mr. Kobold."

2013-03-30, 08:48 PM
If that's a spell, Azazel makes a spellcraft check to recognize it. 1d20+10

Hello to you too, Sir Valkirk. This is Mekyek, the leader of the kobolds. He knows something about what's causing this storm, and is taking us to go see it. Fancy a look?

2013-03-30, 08:49 PM
Well, so much for that. Let's try again: Spellcraft, go! [roll0]

2013-03-30, 08:51 PM
Well, it looks like if I post within a minute of my previous post, and roll I try to post gets messed up. Good to know, I guess? Last try - [roll0]

2013-03-30, 09:27 PM
"Obviously Zombie River Elves," Justin stated to Azazel, quite assured that he had the whole thing figured out as he had been telling the Shinies to use their Shiny Powers on the creature for hours now.

Justin then knelt down, low enough that his head dipped below Mekyek's, "Hi King Kobold! I'm Justin Valkirk."

*clack, clack* came a sound from under the hood on top of Justin's head.

"Jillian says hi."

2013-03-30, 10:23 PM
Canthus chuckles at Master Valkirks entrance. Perhaps I should check with you when I think I know what is going on, Master Valkirk.. It seems you are far better than I at digging down to the root of a situation.

2013-03-31, 08:34 PM
Well, it looks like if I post within a minute of my previous post, and roll I try to post gets messed up. Good to know, I guess? Last try - [roll0]

Azazel does not recognize the spell.

2013-04-01, 07:25 AM
Is Brother Jericho coming as well, Sir Valkirk, or is it just you?

2013-04-02, 12:45 AM
Justin shook his head, "No... no... Other Shiny watching birds for some reason. I think he's hungry for chickens? Do we have chickens?" Justin paused, looking as if he was contemplating the inventory that had been liberated recently.

"You think a chicken would blind the zombie river elf?"

*clack, clack*

Justin sighed, "YES, MOOOOOM."


"OW! No pinchy." Justin reached up and rubbed at his head a bit. "Shiny watching birds. So what's King Kobold showing us?"

2013-04-02, 12:03 PM
After quite a few minutes of meditation, Jericho gets up from his seat with a look of determination on his face. He briskly walks back to the Church's large collection of books for any information regarding anything occult, or how to combat them. Perhaps he could find information regarding Yethel.

2013-04-02, 12:17 PM
Canthus is just keeping a wary eye on everyone. He's wanting to ensure that there is no panic when villagers see Mekyek, and is ready to jump in verbally if anyone starts to overreact.

2013-04-03, 12:42 AM
Mekyek doesn't seem to be leading the group back towards the church at all; rather, most of the tunnels he turns on to leads them only deeper underground.

Brother Jericho... I guess that would be a "Search" check? I could see "Knowledge: Religion" also serving, for the purposes of research...

2013-04-03, 01:33 AM
"King Kobold is showing us to a underground sea?" Justin asked as they walked, seemingly quite out of nowhere. He nodded slowly, and took a swagger that looked more like a drunken sailor than the sober and nearly starving man he actually was.

"Underground sea elves!"

2013-04-03, 07:46 AM
Canthus chuckles at Justin.

I beg your pardon Mekyek, but where are we going?

2013-04-03, 01:06 PM
"You will ssee..." Mekyek says, distractedly. As they crawl through yet another narrow opening, the path opens up into a large tunnel, tall enough for the humans to walk erect; the construction changes also, no longer showing the smoothness that results from Mekyek's magics, but rather the ugly chips and shards that indicate this tunnel was carved by hand.

2013-04-03, 09:15 PM
Where did these tunnels come from, Mekyek? Did your people carve them by hand, or do these predate your tribe?

2013-04-03, 10:05 PM
Justin reached into his pack, lowering his hood. He felt Jillian scuttle off his head, down his hair, and onto his left shoulder. With the head clear, he pulled out his Tricorne hat, patting it down on his head, now feeling suitably nautical for his underground sea adventure.

"Why King Kobold make holes big enough for us? He know we were coming?" Justin asks Azazel, since he seems to be the one in charge of the situation at the moment.

2013-04-03, 10:07 PM
"These are not our work. If you follow thiss tunnel in the other direction, you will find it collapsed, and the entrance buried... the entrance was far from the town, needlesssly far... I ssuspect this was meant to be kept a ssecret..."

2013-04-03, 11:10 PM
Suitably puzzled, Azazel examines the stonework, trying to see if anything rings any bells. I don't know what sort of knowledge check that would be, if any.

No, Justin, I don't think King Kobold dug these tunnels at all.

Turning to Mekyek, Azazel inquires further: Well, Mekyek, if your people didn't dig these tunnels... then who did? And why?

2013-04-03, 11:19 PM
"Zombie River Elf?" Justin added in helpfully to the conversation. He swaggered a bit more, running his hand along the tunnel wall. Not to check the wall, just for the fun of running his hand along the wall and feeling the sensation of his hand bouncing over the uneven surface.

"Obviously Zombie River Elf. He's mean. Plus he made deals before. So he must have a way into town. And no one saw him. So tunnel!"

Justin smiled, even as wrong as he might be, quite certain of his "brilliance" in deducing this from misunderstood facts and half remembered conversations.

"... wait... zombie river elf tunnel...?" Justin reached down for his sword, "Are your shiny powers ready?!"

2013-04-03, 11:22 PM
Architecture and Engineering.

"We do not know, but we can make certain... guessess. You will see ssoon enough," Mekyek replies, leading the group slowly along the passage; it no longer seems to be sloping downward, and in fact is regaining some elevation; furthermore, the air seems to be getting steadily colder, the further they go.

2013-04-03, 11:25 PM
Justin drew out his sword now, holding it in both hands, he was pointing it towards King Kobold, a look of utter terror on his face as he noticed the growing cold, going uphill now. He was starting to breathe hard as he felt some panic gripping his heart. "NO! NO! NOT GOING TO ZOMBIE RIVER ELF! BAD KING KOBOLD! YOU'RE TRYING TO TRAP US!"

... yeah, the fact that he almost got dragged under the ice by it before seemingly had no psychological impact on him, not at all.

2013-04-03, 11:28 PM
Mekyek turns quickly, taking a cautious step backwards at Justin's outbreak, raising one of his hands defensively.

"I assure you I am doing no ssuch thing," he says, glancing nervously at Canthus and Azazel. "Please tell me you will not act on this fools ravings?"

2013-04-04, 06:46 AM
Canthus arches an eyebrow at Mekyek. The lad has fairly good instincts Mekyek. You just aren't being very forthcoming with us right now. Perhaps if you told us what to expect?

Reaching over and clapping a hand on Justin's shoulder (hopefully not the one that Jillian is on), Canthus reassures his friend. Easy lad. All will be well. Just keep a sharp eye, and all will be well. Remember, we're eventually wanting to see the zombie river elf, so we can give him meat and be allowed to fish..

2013-04-04, 09:12 AM
If I can make the check untrained... Knowledge(architecture and engineering): [roll0]

No, Mekyek, its alright. Justin's just been a bit on edge since his run-in with Yethel earlier. I do not believe you are leading us towards danger... at least, not immediate danger. Although it would be nice to have some idea of what our eventual destination is...

Standing on the opposite side of Justin from Canthus, Azazel reaches out his hand and, placing two fingers on the blade of Justin's sword, attempts to guide it slowly downwards, so that it is not pointed threateningly at Mekyek.

2013-04-04, 10:14 AM
Justin visibly trembled at the mention of wanting to see that Zombie River Elf and give him meat. But as Azazel nudged his sword, he did indeed lower it. His eyes followed the point of the blade towards the ground in front of him. He let out a slow, stammering breath, but did not put his blade back away. "Shoulda used your shiny powers..." Justin whispered. He nodded slowly, and finally did sheathe his weapon.

2013-04-04, 10:38 AM
Mekyek relaxes, lowering his arms but keeping a few yard's distance between himself and the humans.

"You may be feelings the effectss of this tunnel... it used to be sstronger. Jusst a month ago, I could not bring mysself to walk even this far... there was physsical repulsion as well, you could throw a sstone and it would come back to you..." he says, starting to walk once more down the hallway.

2013-04-04, 10:52 AM
The effects of.. Mekyek, how long has this tunnel shown these.. "effects"?

2013-04-04, 11:19 AM
"For as long as we have been here. Longer."

2013-04-04, 11:22 AM
But you say that they have been weakening recently? How recently did you notice?

2013-04-04, 11:22 AM
"It changed when everything changed. With the sstorm."

2013-04-04, 11:37 AM
Knowledge check on the effect present in the tunnel? Arcana would be my guess.

2013-04-04, 11:40 AM
It doesn't sound like any particular spell which you recognize, but powerful magics are sometimes used to "Ward" areas, to discourage people or creatures from interfering with them.

2013-04-04, 11:56 AM
A half-smile tentatively creeps onto Azazel's face at the mention of what sound like magic wards. Somewhere in these tunnels there's a secret to be found, a secret that someone was willing to invest considerable time and effort in hiding. And nothing delights Azazel quite like new secrets.

Hmm... sounds like warding magic of some kind. Whatever's at the end of this tunnel, something didn't want anyone interfering with it. Lead on Mekyek. Let's see what there is here to be seen.

2013-04-04, 12:05 PM
The cold grows only more intense the further down the tunnel you travel, and by the end you think you'd be warmer out in the storm. Mekyek steps aside at last, revealing another heavy door, similar in construction to the one on the crypt; the door is frozen solid, white frost covering the dark metal. The symbol of the church of August Augustus is crudely etched into the door.

Mekyek glances at the party, gauging their reactions before speaking. "The ssymbol is new... it appeared only once the door began to freeze. I do not believe it iss locked, but I have not ventured beyond mysself... you will forgive, but I have always been adversse to danger."

2013-04-04, 12:36 PM
Detect Evil at (and through, depending on it's thickness) the door.

Most interesting. And you have no idea what or whom is on the other side? And you've only been able to come down here since the storm began?

2013-04-04, 12:42 PM
Nothing on the door, but it looks thick enough that you wouldn't see past it anyway.

"The further we went down the tunnel, the harder it became to keep going. I wass deemed leader because I had the strength of will to make it further than any otherss... but I never got thiss far before the storm."

2013-04-04, 12:52 PM
Azazel had been expecting any number of things at the far end of the tunnel. A door with the symbol of a largely benevolent deity had not been one of those things. Does detect magic pick up anything? Also, knowledge religion on Holy Orders and rituals related to August Augustus that might be in play here. [roll0]

Well... huh. Can't say I was really expecting this. Canthus, any ideas what this could be doing here, and what it might mean?

2013-04-04, 01:10 PM
Yeah, there's a pretty heavy bit of magic here - Abjuration and Conjuration.

The church of August Augustus is actually very light on ritual - their rites are fewer and simpler than almost any other religion, with an emphasis that the devout should focus more on the world around them than the religion itself; most of their churches are closer to being schools than temples.

The upper echelons of the church are significantly more rigid, however, and priests who rise to that level are generally expected to sequester themselves - something about the process of learning being as important to individual growth as the results, so the "Wisest" would actually harm acolytes by telling them all they know, because it would deprive them of the opportunity to learn such for themselves.

Of all the churches, the Augustinians are the ones most involved with arcane magic; they tend to maintain liaisons with the orders of mages, and sometimes even handle Arcane threats themselves.

2013-04-04, 01:12 PM
I have many questions, actually, and no answers as yet.

Mekyek, you say that of your tribe, you alone had the strength of will to come further? It wasn't a feat of strength? And that you could not approach the door until after the storm began? I must ask.. what made you try again then? Also, you didn't see the symbol until the storm began and you could approach closer?

Azazel, as far as what lies behind the door, I'm mystified.

Does the cold seem to be emanating specifically from the door, or is the entire room equally cold?

Is there any airflow around the edges of the door, or.. is there any airflow anywhere in this chamber?

Does my torch appear to be functioning normally?

I would like to approach the door, and hold the flame of my torch about an inch from it. Does ice melt? The "right amount"? When the flame is removed, what happens?

2013-04-04, 01:18 PM
"Both will and sstrength would be required to move too far down the tunnel... it wass usually the former that turned us back. When the sstorm began, I decided to check... I ssuspected the one sstrangeness might be related to the other. The... compulsion to leave was lesss, and for the first time I reached the door. The symbol had not yet appeared, as the door was cold, but not yet frozen... I believe the door was built of metals that expanded and cooled at different rates, so the symbol would appear only when the door froze, as it did a few dayss later."

You haven't opened the door yet, so you're not sure about the room. You don't notice any airflow, but your torch does seem to be guttering more than usual; when you hold it up to the door the frost melts, but reforms a few moments later, once you remove the torch.

2013-04-04, 01:27 PM
I'm no man of science, but I think it unlikely that the door froze because of the weather above, we're too far below ground. Hence, the source of the cold must be behind this door.

I think that we should retire back to the village for the evening, to rest, refresh your magics and gather up Brother Jericho.

Mekyek, have you or your people tried opening the door since you could approach it, and what methods have you or could you bring to bear on it?

2013-04-04, 01:30 PM
"We have made no attempt to open it... as for how to do sso, my only thought is that metal becomes brittle in such cold. It would ssurprise me if a simple application of force were inssuficient to shatter the bolt..."

2013-04-04, 01:41 PM
Canthus looks down at his hammer thoughtfully.

Interesting idea, Mekyek.. Justin, Azazel.. Should we attempt to force the door now, or return on the morrow, refreshed and with Brother Jericho's able assistance?

2013-04-04, 03:07 PM
How strong is the aura of magic (faint, moderate, whatever, as per detect magic), and when did I first start to notice it?

Well, Canthus, I'm as ready now as I will be tomorrow... but having Brother Jericho with us may make a difference, if we have to fight something. And it doesn't seem that whatever is behind this door is likely to run away now that we know it's here... if anything, it seems to want someone to come here.

2013-04-04, 03:13 PM
Justin, what do you think?

2013-04-04, 03:43 PM
Brother Jericho begins to research anything Regarding spirits like Yethel in the Church library.

2013-04-04, 04:07 PM
Justin screwed his face as he studied the door, finally being asked what HE thought about the whole thing. He tapped his right foot, slowly at first, but faster as he pondered.

*clack* Jillian clicked her claws once, seeming to be communicating with Justin, and he nodded sagely at it.

*Clack* Justin nodded again.

After about a solid two minutes of seemingly being lost in thought from that point he finally opened his mouth, raised his right finger as if to say something, and froze.

"... you think I'mma fool..." Justin finally said, lowering his finger, speaking softly. "Bad thing behind the door. Really bad thing. Shiny Ghost knew it. Tried to keep us away." Justin shook his head slowly. "Bad thing there. Wants out. Zombie River Elf... zombie river elf..." he paused, and shuddered once again, "Try to help it out? Called here by it almost getting out? Snow because it getting out?" he shook his head slowly. "Door needs big heavy bar across it."

2013-04-04, 04:13 PM
Canthus can't keep the grin off of his face. Justin had never said anything quite THAT confusing before..

So, Justin, should we try to help it out now, or should we go back and rest and get Brother Jericho so that we can help it out tomorrow?

2013-04-04, 04:14 PM
Azazel, there are actually two auras - one for the abjuration and one for the conjuration. The conjuration's been creeping up slowly down the length of the hallways, the abjuration really only picked up within a few yards of the door. Both are faint, but getting stronger the closer you get.

2013-04-04, 04:18 PM
Justin shook his head, "No... not let out. Not at all! And you think I'm the fool!" Justin protested quite heatedly. "Shiny Powers want it to stay INSIDE. You a shiny. You should know better. Shiny Power tells you not to do something, you immediately do it?"

"Get other Shiny to help, Bressons, Fishers, all of 'em. Lock door tighter! ... then... ... then deal with Zombie River Elf before he makes it worse." Justin shuddered at the mention of the Zombie River Elf again, but it wasn't quite as bad as before.

Jillian however, scuttled over to Justin's other shoulder, to be closer to Canthus, and let out what seemed to be a few clacks of her claws directly at the Paladin.

2013-04-04, 04:43 PM
I vow that lobster hates me Justin. What does it say to you about me?

2013-04-04, 05:51 PM
Puzzled, Azazel steps back and examines the door again, looking for any warnings or runes or words that might explain what he's looking at.

Search Check: [roll0]
Also, can I tell which subschool the conjuration is from?
As he looks for clues, Azazel absentmindedly relates his thoughts to the others.

You might be right, Sir Valkirk, but, then again, you might not be. There is an abjuration effect present on this door. I can sense it. Now, there are a few abjurations that are designed to prevent escape from inside the warded area, but most of them work the other way around - they keep whatever is inside the wards safe from outside threats. There is also an aura of conjuration magic which has been slowly rising in power the closer we get to this door. If this place were a prison, designed to keep something locked away and hidden, I might expect to see some abjuration magic, but I would also expect to see enchantment magic, or perhaps some illusion magic. But conjuration doesn't make sense. Conjuration magic is designed to bring things to you, or take you somewhere else. It's not for repelling things or sealing them away. Conjuration doesn't make sense for a prison. But... it might make sense for a stronghold?

Azazel shrugs as he makes his suggestion, attempting to convey the impression that he's not completely convinced by this train of thought either.

2013-04-04, 06:02 PM
You can't tell what subschools there are, and your search reveals nothing interesting about the door itself.

Brother Jericho is unable to find anything relevant to Spirits, Yethel-like or otherwise, in the church's meagre library; most of what he does find seems to be historical accounts of St. Eben, the foundation of the church of August Augustus, and the early conflict between the churches of Augustus and Uzziel.

2013-04-04, 06:59 PM
"Damn" Jericho curses under his breath. He decides that if tomes do not hold the answer, and the elders of the town have no knowledge, he would have to wait for his allies to return from their Kobold excursion to do anything.

2013-04-04, 07:10 PM
"Pssh! Shiny doesn't know anything. Crabs don't talk. Crabs aren't people," Justin said with the confidence in his knowledge, as if telling Canthus that skies were naturally blue or that rocks were hard.

2013-04-04, 07:52 PM
Once again lads, I think we would be best served to come back tomorrow with Jericho and a full complement of magics for you Justin. Anything exciting beyond that door might make us wish he were here. I'm certain that it would also be easier to get through that door if we brought back sledges and spikes. More torches as well, as I only have this one. Tell me if you think there's a reason we need to force entry now, and we'll do it, certainly, but right now we can appease Yethel, get some fishermen busy, get some sleep, and come back on the morrow with reinforcements and a plan! What say you?

2013-04-04, 09:45 PM
That seems a sound idea to me... although I wonder whether or not one of us might want to keep watch on this door. It seems a slim possibility that anything would happen that would escape the notice of Mekyek and his tribe, but perhaps I should stay here and keep watch anyway. That said... I certainly don't want to miss our talk with Yethel.

2013-04-05, 12:27 AM
Hmm.. Even though Mekyek tells us that he's never known the door to be open, I would hate to leave you alone down here. We have no reason to believe that anything extraordinary will happen tonight, and i'm sure Mekyek or his people could alert us if anything happened. And, as you say.. I'd hate for you to miss the visit with Yethel..

2013-04-05, 08:41 AM
Very well then, we shall return here tomorrow with Borther Jericho to investigate further. Off to the river to see about some fish?

2013-04-05, 10:47 AM
Indeed. '

Unless someone has anything else they want to do down here, we work our way back to the cellar. Before leaving him, .. Mekyek, would you be willing to meet us again tomorrow morning, so that we can go investigate what's behind that door?

2013-04-05, 05:20 PM
All this talk of Zombie River Elf meetings seemed to have Justin on edge. He could feel a little tremble in his hand, and Jillian was using her claw to smooth down some of his hair behind his ear.

"Okay. Sleepy times, then fishing," Justin nodded, making sure he knew everything that was going on. Well... as much as he ever knew. "Then Other Shiny and you come down here and lock door tight."

2013-04-06, 12:28 AM
Mekyek nods once, solemnly, before starting to lead the party back through the maze of tunnels. "Mekyek will meet you in the crypt, as before."

2013-04-06, 02:47 PM
Wait.. About that meat?

2013-04-06, 06:04 PM
"Mekyek will see it delivered to the housse between the church and the inn. That way you will not have to explain its ssuden appearance to the villagers, should you decide to keep our ssecret."

2013-04-06, 06:29 PM
Very well then. Let us be off. Do we plan on dealing with Yethel tonight, or in the morning?

2013-04-06, 07:43 PM
I would think tomorrow. with the weather and the darkness, it would be very dangerous to try to find or contact Yethel, and unwise to attempt to start fishing in the dark as well.

2013-04-07, 10:09 PM
Alright then, let's get back to the Church and work on getting some sleep.

Azazel turns and, assuming he remembers the way, begins to trudge back towards the vault that the party had recently broken into.

2013-04-07, 10:49 PM
Brother Jericho picks up a book on August Augustus and begins to read at leisure.

2013-04-08, 06:44 AM
Justin follows the company back in silence, keeping his eyes on the ground in front of him, letting Azazel lead the way back to the crypt. He seems unusually subdued, occasionally stroking the shell of Jillian in what seems to be a comforting ritual, but not paying too much attention to it.

He remains like this until they get back to the Crypt, crawling out of the Kobold hole. He pauses to look at the room he helped break into, and clean up, and the central figure in the room. The saint's own resting place.

His gaze lingers on the sarcophagus. And Justin finds himself reaching into his pack for this rusty, trusty Crowbar that had gotten so much use today. Crowbar in hand he wandered over towards the Saint's resting place. Without a word he put the bar up to it, and seemed quite ready to crack open the casket.

(Barrin' the Saint's tomb... Str check?

[roll0] + 1 Str bonus, +2 Crowbar?)

2013-04-08, 07:00 AM
Wearily, Canthus trudges back to the crypt. He's ready for a bite of food (mmm, cheeeeeese), and to sleep for a week. He's just thinking about getting upstairs and getting his armor off when he sees Justin about to crack open the saint's tomb.

Canthus raises a hand to object, then lets it fall back to his side. Normally, there would be no way that Canthus would allow a tomb to be defiled. However, the strangeness of this situation, coupled with the fact that Justin seems able to stumble into critical facts silences him. If the tomb is "normal", Canthus can just help put the lid to the sarcophagus back on. But it's likely that this lid was going to have to come off at some point anyway.

Asking Heironius for guidance in this questionable decision, Canthus silently moves to assist (+2 to Justin's attempt)

2013-04-08, 12:59 PM
Rather taken aback by Justin's snap decision, Azazel stands by as the others attempt to pry the lid off the coffin. It seems like a rather obvious precaution at this point, he's just a little shocked at Justin's decision to seize the initiative.

2013-04-08, 05:32 PM
It takes Justin and Canthus working together to pry the heavy stone lid from the sarcophagus, but after a brief period of grunting they are able to push it aside. The years have not been kind to the body inside; only bones remain, with some dark, tar-like sludge dried along the bottom of the casket. The loose skeleton is still dressed in robes, humble but of high quality and undegraded over the years; to the right of the body is a staff, and to the left, a book, the parchment stained and dirty but mostly intact.

Upstairs, Jericho works his way through a ponderous tome on the history of St. Eben; the author, who seems to have known Eben later in life, is far from objective, and the tone often borders on worshipful.

Saint Eben was born into a small and hidden community of Augustinians, but the commune was raided when he was only a few years old. Too young to be punished for the beliefs of his parents, even by the notoriously conservative Uzzielites, Eben was instead indoctrinated into the church, and spent the rest of his formative years in a secluded Uzzielite monastery. Eventually, the church higher-ups came to trust him in spite of his origins, and he became a respected member of the priesthood, where he remained for over two decades.

When Eben finally left the monastery, he did so at almost the height of tensions between the churches of Uzziel and Augustus; despite the Uzzielite's best efforts, worship of August Augustus was spreading, and the last several raids had encountered lethally heavy resistance. St. Eben stayed out of the conflict for a year or so, but eventually left his new post - a research position at one of Uzziel's few libraries - to find and contact the leadership of the Augustinian underground. The details of what happened next are cloudy, but Eben was some how able to negotiate a truce between the two churches, and the Augustinian religion was able to come out of the shadows.

Interestingly, one of the first tasks the Augustinians were put to was enforcement of the anti-Arcane laws - an unusual assignment, given that they had been the main violators of those laws, just a few years before.

2013-04-08, 06:29 PM
Justin looked down at the saint's resting place, his lips moved, murmuring something that was inaudible, even to himself. He cleared his throat a little and finally spoke up, "Hi Mr. Dead Shiny. Don't give me lice. We're gonna do something and I wanna have ya help okay? Just... I'll take this and you can use it to give me shiny powers when I need it, okay?" Justin reached down into the sarcophagus, pulling out the book since it was suitably "holy talisman" sized for him, and wasn't desecrating the shiny by taking his finger or something.

"... Someone should really clean up the black stuff. It doesn't look right. Rest of him is clean."

2013-04-08, 07:45 PM
Peering down into the sarcophagus, Azazel looks for the presence of magic. It has occurred to him, somewhat belatedly, that Saint Eben may have been buried with some potent magical artifacts. Although he suspects that Canthus and Brother Jericho may look askance at a bit of light grave robbing, Azazel is confident that they can be convinced of the need to bring all the available resources to bear on the task of saving the village, even if that does mean borrowing said resources from a dead Saint for a little while.

2013-04-08, 08:18 PM
Now remember lad, that's not yours. You may see if it can shed some light on our current situation, but we're not thieves, especially not of a saint's holy relics or treasured items.

Canthus bows his head, and holds his hand over the skeleton, palm down. Oh, great and just Hieronius, bless these remains and the church in which we stand. Lend your wisdom and blessing to we who labor against this unholy storm and the strife that it spreads. Grant us the strength to cleanse the taint from this place, and leave it thriving again, under your eternal gaze.

Canthus looks a bit sheepishly at his companions and shrugs... Hey, praying over the bones of a dead saint can't hurt, right? Even if we just uncovered said bones?

2013-04-08, 08:33 PM
All three objects (Book, staff and robes) register as strongly magical. Upon a more careful reading of "Detect Magic", you'll need to make spellcraft rolls to identify the schools.

2013-04-08, 08:42 PM
Book: [roll0]
Robe: [roll1]
Staff: [roll2]

2013-04-08, 10:31 PM
The robes are abjuration; you can't tell about the rest.

2013-04-08, 11:11 PM
"Well... there's a lot of magic here." observes Azazel, gesturing at the contents of the sarcophagus "The robes have some sort of abjuration effect on them. The book and the staff are magical as well, but I can't tell you for certain what school they are. I hate to suggest it, but perhaps Saint Eben wouldn't mind us borrowing his things for a brief while, since they will be used to save his home village, after all, and we can use all the help we can get."

What are the strengths of the auras?

2013-04-09, 01:57 AM
Justin looked over at Azazel as he clutched the book close to himself, "Well of course it's magic! He's a powerful shiny guy who was magic too, just like me."

Justin flashed a smile, seeming a bit more like himself at the moment. He looked over at Canthus, "Think you or the other shiny would read this to me? Maybe wake up the shiny powers in it?"

2013-04-09, 02:08 AM
Staff and robe are Moderate, book is Strong.

2013-04-09, 07:31 AM
to Azazel, As long as you agree that we're just borrowing them. Once this drama is over, unless the spirit of St. Eben appears and gifts you with his relics personally, back into the sarcophagus they go..

to Justin, I would be happy to read this to you when we have quiet moments. I can teach you, if you like. May I see it for a moment? I'll give it right back.

Assuming Justin hands the book over, I would just like to take a look at it, first on the outside, identifying it by title, and also looking to make sure that it doesn't appear to be obviously trapped, before opening it to read the first few lines.

2013-04-09, 09:40 AM
To Canthus: Oh, of course. I'm not even sure what these things do, they may not even prove useful, but, for now, we need all the help we can get.

To Justin: Be careful with that book, Sir Valkirk. It's the strongest of this lot of items by far.

With that, Azazel gingerly reaches down and carefully removes the staff from its resting place. He examines it, and looks it over for any identifiable markings. He'd try to blindly activate it, but fears doing so in an enclosed space, in case this turns out to be a staff of fireballs or something.

2013-04-09, 01:38 PM
Justin lets go of the book reluctantly, letting Canthus take it.

"Be careful. You're a shiny, not a magic man," Justin warned Canthus as Azazel told them all about the power of the book.

2013-04-09, 01:45 PM
The book doesn't have a title, and nothing about it indicates any sort of threat. However, when Canthus opens it, the pages are covered in layers of text, some written over one another in different types of ink, some written vertically, some as spirals, some apparently with different lines formed of the same characters read in different directions. Canthus recognizes maybe one word in ten as using the common alphabet, and another tenth using the celestial one, but almost all of the individual words are incomplete, seemingly miss-spelled or shift alphabets in the middle of a syllable.

2013-04-09, 01:59 PM
And I hand the book immediately back to Justin, rubbing my eyes as I do so.

Seems that you're correct again lad.. Perhaps you or Azazel can make some sense of that. I don't think I'll be of any help in reading it.

2013-04-09, 02:02 PM
Justin takes the book back, tucking it under his arm. He then looks back down at the Dead Shiny, frowning a bit more, "... what made all the black?" he asked, again pointing out the black sludge like substance at the bottom which seemed really weird to him. "Kobolds make it?"

2013-04-09, 05:52 PM
I... umm... I think that black stuff is what's left of the Shiny, Sir Valkirk. He's been dead a long time.

2013-04-09, 07:58 PM
Justin shrugged at that. "Okay... but why the robe clean then?" After all, if it was Shiny Juices, the robe should be stained by them. Made sense to Justin, after all, if he sweated in his clothing, the clothing got sweat all over it.

Regardless, it was only a minor mystery to Justin and he walked over towards the hole in the wall that they had knocked down earlier. He held the Shiny Book in his arm as he crawled through the hole. "Hi!" he would say to whatever Fisher was currently watching the 'desecrated' tomb in horror, presuming there was one of them there.

2013-04-09, 08:31 PM
Well, it is warded with abjuration magic. Presumably whatever spell it is protects it from stains and discoloration too.

Azazel perches on the edge of the stone sarcophagus, and stares down at the body, trying to think of a way to remove the robe without disturbing the remains of St. Eben overmuch.

2013-04-09, 10:34 PM
This bit of information gleaned off of the book perplexes Jericho. If Saint Eben was the one who led the way to arcanist equality, why did he start by enforcing anti-arcane laws? He would have to continue researching further.

2013-04-10, 01:26 PM
Justin finds the stairwell empty; from upstairs, however, Jericho can hear him calling out.

Knowledge: History or Religion from Jericho about the enforcement thing (History will be easier.)

Eben's bones are pretty much loose inside the robe, it's gonna be pretty much impossible to get the robe without disturbing them.

2013-04-10, 03:25 PM
Azazel lets out an audible sigh, and gestures to the robe under the bones.

I know that it's not the most proper thing to do, but could you help me move the bones? You're a priest of some kind, right? This robe might be useful, and the... proper rituals for exhuming a body... are not something I deal with very often.

Although Azazel does roll a knowledge religion check to know if there's any sort of ritual or prayer that might make this slightly more appropriate. [roll0]

2013-04-10, 03:31 PM
I'm happy to help, but strangely, politely looting the bones of a saint wasn't covered in any lecture I attended.

2013-04-10, 04:23 PM

Jericho realizes he's being called and makes his way to Justin.

2013-04-10, 09:56 PM
As Justin climbs the stairs he sees Brother Jericho up top. "Hi!" he calls out to the Shiny. He holds out the book in front of him with both hands, over his head, as if there was some sort of musical cue that he was waiting on.

"Help me read Shiny book! Need it to seal evil door in Kobold Kingdom!"

2013-04-11, 07:08 AM
assuming Canthus can hear Justin's enthusiastic request to Jericho..

Canthus buries his head in his hands and groans softly.. And there went Mekyek's secret.. Oh well, I didn't want to keep it a secret anyway.

Canthus isn't squeamish at all, so, as respectfully as he can, he extricates the robe from the bones, attempting to leave the bones "in order" as best he can, murmuring a contrite apologetic prayer for the sacrilege.

***Note*** Is this considered a chaotic act? I know it's not "evil", but if it's chaotic and will jeopardize my paladinhood, I will not do it.

2013-04-11, 02:09 PM
Although Azazel does roll a knowledge religion check to know if there's any sort of ritual or prayer that might make this slightly more appropriate. [roll0]

Yeah, the appropriate train left this whole situation a while back. :smalltongue:

Mike - there is still such a thing as "Arcanist Enforcement", but these day's it's mostly handled by the arcanists themselves - a lot of magics (particularly necromancy) are wildly illegal, even with mages themselves being more-or-less accepted.

pife - it's a mildly chaotic act; doing so this time won't put you in any danger of falling, but if you did this sort of thing regularly, you might be in trouble.

2013-04-12, 09:10 AM
Assuming that nothing out of the ordinary happens when Canthus removes the robe, Azazel takes it, along with the staff, out of the crypt, and heads upstairs to see if he can help interpret Justin's book.

2013-04-13, 09:19 AM
Jericho is perplexed, but now inquisitive. He quickly descends the staircase and meets up with the others. "Book? What book?" He asked Justin, before shaking his head and turning to Canthus "Book? What book?"

2013-04-13, 11:52 AM
A concerned look on his face, Canthus fills in Brother Jericho, including the kobolds, the icy door, and the deal with Mekyek, finishing with.. And then he asked me if there was a polite way steal the robes from a dead saint's bones! I didn't know what else to do Jericho.Something very strange is happening here, and I think that saint has something to do with it. The book, the stave and the robes are all magical. I looked at the book, but.. Well, it's definitely magical..

I'll need to set myself a penance when we finish here, will you help me? Breaking into a saint's tomb and pilfering his tomb-gifts are not a moment I'm proud of, and I would make amends, if I can.

2013-04-13, 03:24 PM
Azazel is able to remove the last two items without incident.

If I'd been thinking, I would have made the saint's bones register as magical as well... oh well. :smalltongue:

2013-04-13, 04:17 PM
If I'd been thinking, I would have made the saint's bones register as magical as well... oh well. :smalltongue:

Of course! The Reliquary Holy Symbol is a real (and really cool) magic item. :smallsmile:

...plus, I'm sure they'd be useful for, like, exorcisms and things.

2013-04-13, 05:15 PM
"This...this is wrong." Jericho says, shaking his head. "You shouldn't have desecrated this saint's tomb. But... It's too late now. Hand me the book, let me see if I can decipher it, and if not I will be attempt to do so again in the morning. Heironeous willing, I will be able to use his guidance to read the magic contained within."

2013-04-13, 06:22 PM
I know, and it grieves me to have been a part of it. But I made certain that everyone knew that these artifacts would be going back into the tomb as soon as we figure out what they have to do with this situation.

2013-04-13, 07:04 PM
"Shiny Ghost showed up earlier. Said not to go down to Kobold Kingdom. Warned me 'bout bad things. So Shiny Guy probably has magics to seal up the evil door." Justin pointed out, unconcerned for the moment about desecration, but focused more on making sure the "Evil Door" was properly dealt with.

He hands over the book towards Brother Jericho, "Use your shiny powers to make it work! I'mma help too. Mr. Shiny Guy was one of me."