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View Full Version : First time poster with a home made base class. :)

2013-03-02, 02:56 AM
Hey guys, I am a lurker and see some wonderful insight and optimization in these forums, so I figured I would bring my class here and see what you guys thought of it. It is pretty long winded and I apologize that it doesn't have fancy tables or anything like that (I suck at computering) but I was hoping you could tell me how balanced/unbalanced it is. I only worked on it for a couple days so i am sure there is a lot that can be fixed. It is kind of my version of an Aes'Sedai/Asha'man or a Bender from AtLAB. I wanted the player to be rewarded for imagination and creativiy as well as problem solving so I tried to make it versatile while restricting it so they couldn't be gods from level one.

I appreciate any feedback at all, I am here to learn after all. :) Thanks in advance!

Class basics.
The Elementalist

An Elementalist is a person who can manipulate the elements with their very will. An Elementalist can spur air into wind, slow water molecules to the point to freezing, mend or rend the earth beneath their feet and even control flames. An Elementalist is often seen as a person of wisdom, in touch with nature and also an intelligent person capable of solving many problems with their abilities. Elementalists are generally Neutral but any alignment can find their abilities to be attractive.

Saves-Poor Fort, Poor Reflex, Good Will
4 Skill points per level. Skills, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, Geography, Nature), Listen, Profession, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival and Swim.
Hit Die; d6
Abilities; Wisdom is important because it determines the strength of the Elementalist's ability to control the elements and determines the DCs of their abilities. Constitution is important for how much and how often an Elementalist can perform strenuous acts of elemental manipulation and bolsters their hit points for when they over extend. Intelligence is important for Elementalists for the crafting of their abilities. Knowing the interactions of various elements allows them to be more versatile in how they handle any particular situation.
Crappy level list (will try and do better later)
1. Elemental Manipulation, (1d6, 10 feet)
2. One with Land, Elemental Focus (2d6 20 feet)
3. Guided by the Wind, Elemental Blending(3d6, 30 Feet)
4. Body of Earth (4d6, 40 Feet)
5. Elemental Acclimation (5d6, 50 feet)
6. Natural Acuity, Elemental Focus
7. Primordial Rebuke
8. Bonus Feat
9. Fury of Storms
10. Elemental Focus
11. Elemental Spirit
12. Unnatural Resistance
13. Eye of the Storm
14. Elemental Focus
15. Elemental Spirit
16. Bonus Feat
17. Elemental Mobility
18. Mountainous
19. Elemental Spirit
20. Elemental Archon

Ability descriptions.
Elemental Manipulation- Your ability to change the world around you grows with each level. At each class level, you are able to manipulate some of the elements in your area, using them to your advantage. If you desire to control an open flame and wield it as a weapon, the area in which you can do so is limited by your class level. Any element you choose to Shape must be present in the area in which you intend to use it. Your area of effect is equal to 10 feet plus 10 additional feet for each Elementalist level you posses. You may deal damage with blades of air, showers of earth, needles of ice or jets of fire. This damage is calculated according to class level and abilities that may alter it. The damage types depend on how you choose to Shape the element. You may choose piercing, slashing or bludgeoning for earth and water, and slashing or piercing for air. If you are shaping ice, half the damage is done as cold damage and fire always deals fire damage. You may deal up to 1d6 damage per Elementalist level, max 10d6. You may also choose to continue Shaping an element for a longer period of time than just an initial burst. You can continue to concentrate on any affect you desire, such as a shield of air attempting to deflect incoming missile attacks. These effects and effects similar to them, can be extended with a concentration check. Your concentration on these effects and can be interrupted by taking damage and follow the concentration rules. You can maintain concentration for a number of rounds equal to your Elementalist level plus your constitution modifier. When Shaping an element that affects an enemy, such as attempting to push them away with wind, or bind them with earth or ice, they are offered an opposed check or save DC depending on what you are attempting. The opposed check is 1d20 + Elemental level + wisdom modifier, while your save DC of any ability is 10+Half Elementalist level+Wisdom modifier. Certain elements are easier to affect than others and sometimes require a Shaping Check. For example, soft earth is far easier to manipulate than hard stone and metal. To affect stone or metal, you must be able to make a Shaping check against it's hardness. If the element is augmented by magic, it is allowed a save as well as it's magic enhancement bonus counting towards it's hardness and hit points. The check to shape something of this nature is Your Elementalist class level plus your Wisdom modifier vs the hardness and hit points of the substance you wish to manipulate. You either can, or cannot manipulate a substance. You can choose to shape any attack made with an element however you desire, according to your area of effect and other limitations (see a more detailed element restrictions below). You can choose a line, which can reach your maximum area limit, a cone equal to half your area (minimum 10 feet, maximum 60 feet) or a burst centering on the Elementalist equal to one quarter their maximum area (5 feet minimum 20 feet max). You may also choose to simply focus on a single space. You can choose any square as a target, or an enemy itself by making a ranged touch attack. For instance, if they choose to hurl a jet of flame or blade of air, they make a ranged touch attack against their target and deal the corresponding damage. They may also choose to affect multiple squares that are within their maximum area but not adjacent to them. (see shaping rules and restrictions) Elemental Manipulation requires focus and stamina. An Elementalist may use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to half their Elementalist level (minimum 1) multiplied by their added constitution and wisdom modifiers. Exceeding this limit is possible but straining on the Elementalist, resulting in hit point damage, fatigue or even exhaustion. (See “Strained Shaping”) Using this ability is a standard action.

One With the Lands- You may add your wisdom modifier in feet (rounding up to the nearest multiple of 5) to the area of effect of your Elemental manipulation. You also gain your Wisdom Modifier as a bonus to AC when not wearing armor or using a shield.

Elemental Focus- You may choose one Element in which you attain greater power in over the others. You may manipulate an area of that element equal to 20 feet per class level instead of 10. You may also exceed the damage cap, making it 1d6 per class level, max 20d6. You also gain greater power to manipulate your focused element. You can apply 1.5 times your Elementalist class level to any shaping check towards your focused element instead of just your class level. You gain an Elemental Focus at levels 2, 6, 10 and 14. You may choose any element any amount of times, it’s effects are cumulative. If you choose air 4 times, your area of effect is increased by 80 feet per level. Your shaping check is increased similarly as well. 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on saves depending on which element you choose to focus on. If you choose fire or air, your bonus is added to your reflex save. If you choose earth or water Your bonus is added to your fortitude save. These bonuses stack accordingly.

Guided by the Wind- You are adept at affecting the elements where you choose and on whom you wish. You may choose a number of squares in your area equal to your intelligence modifier to ignore in any effect you create. If you choose to cause a burst of wind, or explosion of fire, you may ignore the squares occupied by any team mate in it's range or an object you don’t wish to damage. You also gain a base land speed bonus of 10 feet and 10 feet every 6th level after 3rd. (9th and 15th)

Elemental Blending- You may choose to mix elements together to create new effects, such as applying fire to water creating steam to provide yourself with cover or a damaging blast to scald your enemies. Or water to earth, to making a slick mud, creating difficult terrain or any combination of the four elements. The difficulty of combining elements is cumulative. Adding one to another to form an effect increases the shaping check if required, by 1.5 adding a third doubles it, while a fourth increases it by 2.5. For example, if you wanted to melt a chunk rock into magma, you would have to meet or exceed 1.5 times the shaping check required to manipulate the stone.

Body of Earth- Your connection to the elements grants you a resistance to poison. You gain a bonus on saves against poison equal to your Wisdom modifier. You also gain slight damage reduction of 2/- . The damage reduction increases to 4/- at level 8, 6/- at level 12 and 8/- at level 16.

Elemental Acclimation- Your ability to manipulate the elements manifests itself as a resistance to the woes nature may throw at you. You may ignore weather conditions that might harm or kill other people. You can exist comfortably in temperatures of -50 to 140 degrees fahrenheit without having to make fortitude saves. You gain energy resistance 5 to the energy that corresponds to any element that you chose for Elemental Focus. Fire for Fire, Cold for Water, Electricity for Air.

Natural Acuity- If you are using the elements to attack foes, you may add your intelligence modifier to your damage dealt. You also gain an +2 insight bonus to shaping checks. This bonus increases to +4 at level 12 and +6 at level 18.

Primordial Rebuke- An elementalist can attempt to counter the spell of a caster that deals elemental damage or affects an element in one way or another (such as control winds) by attacking the base elemental components of the spell being cast. This ability is similar to a dispel magic spell being cast by a wizard of the Elementalist’s level. The Elementalist must prepare an action to use this ability. Unlike using dispel magic, and Elementalist must make a spellcraft check to identify the spell being cast to know how to dismantle it properly. An elementalist cannot use this ability to dispel active spell effects or suppress magic items. At level 11, this ability acts as a greater dispel magic. At level 15, the Elementalist can choose to turn the spell back on it’s caster with a successful counter. The caster is allowed any applicable save versus their own DC.

Bonus Feat- The Elementailist may take any feat they qualify for.

Fury of Storms- The Elementalist can enter a rage like state once per combat as a free action. The Fury lasts a number of rounds equal to 3+Con modifier. The Fury empowers the the Elementalist, increasing their area of effect by an additional 5 feet per level or an additional 10 for any element that they have focused. The Fury also increases their ability to shape an element, adding their Constitution modifier to their check if positive. After the Fury ends, the Elementalist is fatigued. If the Elementalist is already fatigued, they become exhausted instead.

Elemental Spirit- At 11th level, your relationship with the elements begins to change you physically, mentally and spiritually. You become immune to poison, and gain further benefits. You gain Low light vision out to 120 feet, a resistance to sleep and paralysing effects equal to your wisdom modifier, become harder to flank (gaining Uncanny Dodge) you also gain resistance to extra damage from critical hits and precision damage (equal to Light Fortification, page 219 DMG) and no longer need to eat. You also gain a slam attack that deals 1d6 damage+your strength modifier.
At 15th level, your abilities deepen. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet, become immune to sleep and paralysing effects. You gain Moderate Fortification (DMG 219), Improved Uncanny Dodge and your slam attack increases to 1d8 damage. You no longer need to drink.
At 19th level You gain blindsight out to 30 feet, become immune to critical hits and precision damage and can no longer be flanked and are immune to stunning. You no longer need to sleep or breathe and do not feel fatigue or exhaustion from Elemental manipulation but can still take damage.

Unnatural Resistance- You gain resistance to the unnatural forces of magic used against you. You gain arcane spell resistance equal to 12+ your Elementalist level.

Eye of the Storm- You stand unflinching in weather effects that would hinder or stop most other creatures. You are no longer subject to the effects strong winds, visibility impairment from heavy rain or blizzards and you ignore all natural difficult terrain. This includes spell effects that mimic or enhance nature, such as Entangle.

Elemental Mobility- You gain burrow, swim and fly speeds your land speed. Your flight maneuverability is good. Your speeds may be increased depending on which elements you have Focused. You gain 10 more feet of speed for each focus. Burrow for earth, Flying for air and swimming for water. These speed bonuses stack.

Mountainous- You are a true force of nature and as indomitable as a mountain. You can no longer be bull rushed, tripped, grappled or trampled. Furthermore, if you are standing on solid ground, you meet the attacker with the resistance of a mountain itself. Any creature that attempts to trip, bullrush or trample you falls prone unless they make a reflex save equal to their check made to perform the combat maneuver. Any attempt to grapple or constrict you simply fails.

Elemental Archon- You have become a true master of the elements. When making shaping checks, you ignore hardness and hit points of the substance completely. Your arcane spell resistance increases to 35, you gain immunity to cold, electricity and fire damage and your damage reduction increases to 20/-. You gain unlimited access to Elemental Manipulation and no longer suffer any negative effects from it. Any weather effect that you create in your area of effect can persist outside of it if you choose not to end it. Your soul itself merges with your body and you become effectively immortal. You no longer age but can still benefit from aging effects, such as increased mental stats based on age, you do not suffer negative aging effects. You can still be killed however and if you are, you can no longer be brought back to life with spells that return souls to bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate or resurrection. To bring you back to life, greater magic must be used, such as limited wish, wish, miracle or true resurrection.

Additional rules.
Element Restrictions: Your area of effect is just that. The area in which you can affect the elements. This does not mean you have unfettered control over all of the land, air, fire and water in this area. Each element requires varying levels of power to shape and will be detailed here. Note; Shaping Area is different than Area of Effect (sorry for the confusion but the math isn’t that hard when you have everything written out for your level. I promise.)

Air: You may shape up to 5 cubic feet of air per level. You may alter the wind speed in your shaping area by 5 mph per Elementalist level. If you focus on Air, you may alter it by 10 mph per level instead. By concentrating your power on a smaller area, you may attempt to use air to push creatures of varying sizes away. Between levels 1-5 you may attempt to push creatures of your size category or smaller away from you. Between 6-10 you may attempt it against creatures of up to one size category larger than you, 11-15 two sizes and 16-20 three sizes. Knocking an enemy back like this is considered a Bullrush attempt. Your check result is 1d20 + your Elementalist level + your wisdom modifier. If your shaping area is at least as large as a creature and you can achieve the proper wind speed to blow away, knock down or check a creature, you may use that table instead. Your air based attacks that deal damage are “darts” or “blades” made of air and can deal piercing or slashing damage equal to 1d6 per Elementalist level. You can focus this on one target by making a ranged touch attack against them, or affect multiple creatures in your Shaping Area. Either a cone, line or burst. You may center these shapes anywhere inside your area of effect. For example, you can shape a 15 foot cone (assuming you are high enough level) anywhere in your area of effect, by choosing which square you will be aiming it from. The square does not need to be adjacent to you. The same goes for bursts. Bursts effectively act like fireballs or similar spells. If you choose to affect multiple creatures, they are allowed to make a save against the attack. your DC is 10 + half your Elementalist level + your wisdom modifier. If you wish to use air to damage objects, you must succeed on a shaping check to do so.

Earth: You may shape up to 5 cubic feet of earth (soft dirt, sand and similar particulated earth) per Elementalist level. You can choose to either raise or lower ground levels, creating walls or trenches equal to the heights/depths you are capable of or desire. You may cause bursts of earth or spikes of rock (shaping check required against stone or metal) to damage foes or create difficult terrain by creating uneven bumps in the ground. The damage caused by bursts/showers of earth is generally bludgeoning but if you are capable of shaping stone you can alter it to piercing or slashing, whichever better suits your situation. A knowledge geography check can help you ascertain what kind of ground you are currently standing on. With a successful skill check (ultimately up to the DM), you may know if the ground around you is rife with or lacking stone or mineral deposits. You may also attempt to “grab” an opponent with earth/rock. This is considered a grapple check requiring a touch attack. If the attack is successful you may initiate a grapple. Your check result is 1d20 + your Elementalist level + your wisdom modifier. The target of this ability can oppose the grapple, make an escape artist check or alternatively make a strength check to attempt to break the material used. They may also attempt to damage the material used by more conventional means, such as attacking it. If you use particulated earth for this, you must concentrate to maintain the grapple, if you shape stone or metal (Shaping Check required) you do not need to concentrate, as it is set to its new shape.

Fire: You may increase the temperature within your Shaping Area by 5 degrees fahrenheit per Elementalist level, 10 degrees if focused on Fire. You may also control any flame within your Shaping Area, stopping its advance, spreading it further or directing it as a weapon. Most Elementalists require there to be a flame present at earlier levels to direct as a weapon. An open flame, such as that of a torch can be enlarged, to deal more damage but consuming the torch faster. An Elementalist may use the flame of a torch to shoot a jet of flame at a target within their area of effect dealing 1d6 damage but consuming 10 minutes of the torch’s burn time. They may also consume up to the total lasting burn time of the torch, dealing 1d6 per ten minutes left (maximum 3d6). Larger flames are required for more damage. At level 5, an Elementalist no longer needs an open flame and can create the flames spontaneously. A jet of flame can be hurled at a single target as a ranged touch attack or can be employed as an area effect by using the shaping rules in Elemental Manipulation and detailed in Air. An Elementalist’s save for fire based area effects is 10 + half Elementalist level + wisdom modifier. Before level 5, the Elementalist requires an open flame larger than that of a torch to deal more than 3d6. An elementalist that focuses on Fire may spontaneously create flames as early as level 2 (assuming that is when they choose to focus on fire). If the Elementalist desires to continually halt or urge a flame on, they must concentrate on the effect. An Elementalist may also wish to concentrate on continual fire damage to one or many targets. The same concentration rules apply. General combustion rules apply to all of an Elementalist’s fire based attacks.

Water: You may decrease the temperature in your shaping area by 5 degrees fahrenheit per Elementalist level, 10 if you Focused on Water. You may also shape up to 5 cubic feet of water per Elementalist level however you desire, providing there is a source of water within your area. Most Elementalists do not Shape water alone as a weapon, as it lacks the solidity or raw damaging ability of other elements. Using a jet of water as a weapon deals either bludgeoning or piercing damage equal to one half of your regular elemental damage and requiring a ranged touch attack. Area effects using water also deal half damage and offer a save, your DC is 10 + half Elementalist level + wisdom modifier. Ice however, does your full damage but requires a Shaping Check. Lower level Elementalists need to have ice present to shape. An Elementalist may concentrate for a full round to freeze up to 5 cubic feet of water per Elementalist level, however freezing the maximum amount increases the hit points of the ice and therefore its Shaping Check. An Elementalist of level 5 or higher does not need to have a body of water present to shape it nor do they require a full round to freeze it. They may draw the water from moisture in the air, plants and creatures near them and they may freeze up to 5 cubic feet of water per Elementalist level as a standard action. An Elementalist may attempt to remove enough moisture from a creature to cause it desiccation damage, dealing up to the maximum amount of damage the Elementalist can achieve for its level. The creature is allowed a fortitude save to take half damage. Elementalists may also attempt to freeze the moisture in a creature, dealing up to the maximum amount of damage the Elementalist can achieve for its level. Creatures can attempt to make a fortitude save to take half damage. If they fail their save, the are slowed. If ice is employed as a weapon, it can be shaped to deal bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage.

Strained Shaping: If an Elementalist exceeds the maximum number of rounds of its Elemental Manipulation ability, it becomes strained, suffering hit point damage and other effects. For each round beyond its maximum, an Elementalist takes its constitution modifier plus its Elementalist level in hit point damage. This damage can be healed like any other damage, but if it suffers its total amount of hit points in damage over the course of a day it becomes fatigued. If the Elementalist is already fatigued or has been fatigued that day, they become exhausted instead. A fatigued Elementalist takes damage from using its Elemental Manipulation ability becomes Exhausted. An exhausted Elementalist takes its constitution modifier and Elementalist level in hit point damage every time it uses its Elemental manipulation ability. Example; Joreth, a 2nd level Elementalist with a constitution score of 14(+2 modifier) and a wisdom score of 16(+3 modifier) can use his Elemental Manipulation ability 10 times or if concentrating, rounds per day.

2013-03-02, 03:23 AM
Links are acceptable, but I have learned that people are more likely to read/respond to things that are in your post.

2013-03-02, 03:29 AM
If you need formatting help, this page (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8483419#post8483419) can help, as can this one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/misc.php?do=bbcode).

2013-03-02, 03:51 AM
Grindle: Fair enough, thanks for the heads up!

Ninjadeadbeard: Thanks for the link. I will put it's knowledge to work.

Edit: Hopefully this will work for now as I need to work in a few hours. ;)