View Full Version : [3.P] RHoD for newbies...?

2013-03-02, 01:07 PM
So, I volunteered to DM a game for one of my groups after the previous DM had to stop due to school. I figured I'd just run RHoD for them and it'd be easy. After the initial character creation session, though, I realized that it was 4 newbies, 1 person that'd played once, and 1 guy that knew the system fairly well. I'm using core PF rules, but pretty much everything from 3.5 is on the table. Does anyone have any advice for running this particular module for a bunch of new people, or for running a game in general for people new to the system?

Also, the players, if it helps:
Half-Elf Cleric of Kossuth 4, running the Fire and Restoration domains.
Half-Elf Ranger 4, going straight archery.
Human Rogue 4, TWF-ing. Standard issue rogue.
Gnome Beguiler 4.
Half Elf Sorcerer 4. Probably going to play a blow-em-up sorcerer.

Finally, the experienced player hasn't decided what to play yet, but I suspect he'll be a Warblade.

2013-03-02, 04:32 PM
Myself, I wouldn't run RHoD for newbies. It's a hard adventure to both DM and play right. The beauty of the adventure--it's a superb module--will be completely lost on them. The module emphasizes advanced play, so they won't really be able to learn well from it. It's like serving a fine wine to someone who hasn't had any experience tasting wine, they may like it, but they won't get the most out of it--not even close.

Pick something like the Sunless Citadel as a good module for newbies.

2013-03-02, 05:00 PM
I'm running Red Hand of Doom for my group, and I'm a pretty newbie dm. So far, they just beat the forces at skull gorge bridge. Even though my group is 6-8 people large (some people cant make it sometimes, sometimes everyone does) and I havent had a huge problem with difficulty. 2 of the people are newish, but thats balanced by one person whos a spiked chain tripper extraordinare.
The first chapter is meant to go a bit easy on the pcs, and by that time I think you'll find out what their strengths and weaknesses are.
One thing to note, is that watch out for the descrepancies in the players. If the warblade is outshining everyone else, try to toss more loot towards the other players way.
Finally, there's actually a guide on RHoD written on gitp (just in case you havent seen it) The link is: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=171284

Happy gaming!