View Full Version : LA and racial HD

2013-03-02, 05:37 PM
Ok, just a quick question, which is a more preferable option out of the following pairings given you are getting the same attributes in each respective pairing aside from the listed differences.

note magical beast HD

+2 LA vs. 2RHD+1 LA
+3 LA vs. 3RHD+2 LA
+5 LA vs. 6RHD+2 LA

I'm guessing that the flat LA is better, but I've been wrong before...

2013-03-02, 05:45 PM
That's a bit too abstract for me. I think it probably depends on what you're trying to do and what level you're playing at. For example a Pixie has awesome abilities, but if you're playing at a low-ish ECL, the lack of hit dice will leave you with barely any hit points.

2013-03-02, 06:24 PM
In the long run, LA is probably better, in general, cause you will get more class levels out of it, but at low level, the lack of HD will be killer.

But it also depends on what you get out of it all. If you grab something with low LA, a few RHD and then half dragon on top, you'll get more mileage out of those RHD, with a higher die for the RHD and a higher save DC for your breath weapon.

skycycle blues
2013-03-02, 06:25 PM
I would prefer the racial hit dice in every given case. If I'm going to be treated as a character of any ECL, I would want hit points, skill ranks, BAB and saves at least close to what a character of that level ought to have.

2013-03-02, 07:43 PM
Depends at least slightly on whether LA buy-off is allowed--if it is, then avoiding LA above +2 would be preferable to be able to buy it off sooner, and completely.

Frankly, though, even if not, I still might prefer RHD, just as a personal preference, for similar reasons as skycycle blues. I think that I'd never really want to deal with a +5 LA, in any case.

Also factoring in is what type of HD it is. The one in your example set, Magical Beast, is pretty "good" from that perspective--a d10, two good saves, full BAB, albeit still only 2+INT skill points (the same basic specs as the Fighter, only with good REF as well as FORT) The only better RHD types might well be Dragon and Outsider, IMO.

Whereas Humanoid HD are basically a joke. Same for Giant, really. And Ooze. ...and I guess Construct (ETA: although Construct *traits* are very nice indeed, so). And Animal and Plant and Vermin and Aberration.