View Full Version : [PF] Gifts for a Paladin

Chained Birds
2013-03-02, 08:31 PM
I was looking at specific items a Paladin would want, other than generic +1 Weapon / Armor and Charisma Booster / Other Boosters, but I soon found myself unsure of anything a Paladin would specifically want/need...

So can anyone help me find anything a Paladin would want within the 1gp-6000gp area that a Fighter wouldn't also have a copy of?

Mystic Muse
2013-03-02, 08:33 PM
Phylactery of Faithfulness. It's basically an anti-fall measure.

2013-03-02, 08:38 PM
Phylactery of Faithfulness. It's basically an anti-fall measure.

I was going to make a joke about a chrome platted stick up the *** but I never thought it would actually exist

2013-03-02, 09:43 PM
If he's mounted, you could give him mount stuff

Chained Birds
2013-03-02, 09:51 PM
If he's mounted, you could give him mount stuff

Anything particular? Assuming a Lvl 5 WBL, what would be the best for them?

2013-03-02, 09:56 PM
Headband of Alluring Charisma is always a good choice for a Paladin, since it helps them get more benefit out of Divine Grace & Smite. Or any +X to stat items, really.

2013-03-02, 09:59 PM
If they have a mount, food for that. Everything living needs to eat.

2013-03-02, 10:02 PM
I seem to recall a rather cheap amulet for paladins that increased their aura, should be in the MIC.

2013-03-02, 10:02 PM
I dunno what's been translated all the way over to PF. There's horseshoes that give mounts flying. That's good. I remember there used to be a type of barding (Rhino Skin I think?) which gave massive charging bonuses.

A coupon book with a lot of pre-paid "Commune with God" spells? Teaparty with Raziel?

2013-03-02, 10:06 PM
This belt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt-equestrian) will be handy if the paladin in question wears anything less than heavy armor, and the +4 Ride skill bonus may be useful even then.

2013-03-02, 10:32 PM
Give his mount some nice barding to make it healthier. For a level 5 character, splint mail or chain mail is probably enough.

Random Wondrous Items
Cloak of Fiery Vanishing
Deathwatch Eyes
Challenger's Gloves
Horseshoes of Speed

Chained Birds
2013-03-02, 10:33 PM
Give his mount some nice barding to make it healthier. For a level 5 character, splint mail or chain mail is probably enough.

Hmm, does the price to make it Masterwork get quadrupled too?

2013-03-02, 10:41 PM
I don't believe that it is.

2013-03-03, 02:52 AM
The location of a Holy Avenger that needs rescuing from an Evil creature's clutches.

2013-03-03, 04:15 AM
A bobble head of his chosen deity that casts bless weapon when you shake it around?