View Full Version : Vow of Poverty and Planar Ally

2013-03-02, 10:41 PM
I have a small question about the Vow of Poverty and Planar Ally;
As the share of the gold of the character in question is to go to charity, temples and such, and as the gold is not part of the spell, a casting component, can a Cleric under Vow of Poverty offer up his share of gold (allotted of course to go to poverty) to be donated to a temple/given to the called creature for the creature's aid?

Jack of Spades
2013-03-02, 11:28 PM
I'd expect paying any valid outsider to count as paying into the church. Whenever possible, such a cleric should be summoning an outsider who is somehow tied to his church anyhow.

Note: Don't remember the exact parameters of Planar Ally.

2013-03-03, 01:23 AM
Uh I think this needs to move to the 3.5e forum...

2013-03-03, 02:16 AM
Planar Allies, especially Good ones, can accept services in lieu of payment. Such Allies will surely understand, honor, and respect those who have taken the Exalted Vow Of Poverty and easily accept such services. As per the spell, if the Cause for casting the spell is justified enough the Planar Ally would not ask for payment or services at all.

2013-03-03, 06:17 AM
But isn't the thing with VoP that you can't have any ulterior motive? You can't "pay" for something because you feel that you don't own the money, the moment you gain something you are just holding it until you encounter a good cause.

I'd say that donating in the hope of gaining services is very much against the spirit of VoP.

2013-03-03, 07:42 AM
I have a small question about the Vow of Poverty and Planar Ally;
As the share of the gold of the character in question is to go to charity, temples and such, and as the gold is not part of the spell, a casting component, can a Cleric under Vow of Poverty offer up his share of gold (allotted of course to go to poverty) to be donated to a temple/given to the called creature for the creature's aid?

I'd say no. The money wasn't yours to give in exchange for the service. You were already under an obligation to give it anyway, so in effect you would be receiving the service for free, as you would be "giving" that money twice.

2013-03-03, 07:52 AM
But isn't the thing with VoP that you can't have any ulterior motive? You can't "pay" for something because you feel that you don't own the money, the moment you gain something you are just holding it until you encounter a good cause.

I'd say that donating in the hope of gaining services is very much against the spirit of VoP.

Well, the OOC/IC confusion there. I mean OOCily you're donating and being a good person, taking your vow, etc, for mechanical benefits anyway. But ICily people in game and your own character don't really see it that way. Your character ICily isn't normally thinking "If I give to the Church of the High Holey Pokey they'll do me a solid later on." but the church itself probably thinks "... hmm... that's a nice young man... if he's in trouble some day I'll go out of my way to help him..."

Which is basically how Vow of Poverty is written. People are supposed to have that nature hard wired into them due to your exalted charitable vow.

Similarly it's all up to what sort of critter you Planar Ally in. If your cleric is popping out a Guardinal (And with all those extra exalted feats you probably even have things like that Halo of Light around you, etc, that make Good outsiders like and respect you), he'll probably figure you're a decent chap and help you out on your just causes.

Not like you're normally dealing with Efreets who are all about the desire to screw you and take all your shinies.

Well maybe you are. But if you are... they might demand something else more esoteric as "Payment". Services, markers, a pound of flesh, whatever. If you start mucking around with Evil stuff (Risking your Exalted Status to boot) you can expect they will demand some form of payment that is probably within your Vow to give, and probably going to taint your soul.