View Full Version : Making a pack lord's multiple minions be effective (PF only)

2013-03-03, 03:46 AM
I'm entertaining a plan to be a pack lord druid, and accumulating a horde of rocs. At level 2 I'd take a second roc, at level 3 I'd take a third, and my first 3 feats would be boon companion (which I'm going to assume works for my purposes, I'm aware this is not universally accepted). Once I hit level 7, I'd have two level 7 rocs and a level 5 roc. At this point would it be worthwhile to keep adding more rocs, or focus on leveling up my existing 3 rocs?

My concern is that greater magic fang and mass bear's strength are the only things that I'd be able to use to increase their to hit bonuses. Their HP might also start to not keep up. At level 7 they'd have a strength of 22 and con of 15, so not bad, but the game will go to the later teens, and I need to be sure I'll be able to keep up.

The druid character would just hang back and keep healing and buffing the rocs. What are some other good buffs that I'd be able to have affect all 3 rocs? What are some good buffing and healing feats for the druid to have to keep the rocs stout? Is there anything else to increase the effective druid level of the rocs? This campaign will take place largely outdoors, so that's not too much of a worry. 25 PB, race and the like are entirely undecided.

Also, suggestions for large sized minis to use as the rocs would be nice. :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-03, 06:55 AM
I'd recommend sticking with those three rocs, both because quality trumps quantity and because you don't want to bog down gameplay too badly. With those three rocs, at level 9 you can have three large ones (3 levels each plus 4 from Boon Companion). I would recommend having at least one focus on grappling.

Animal Growth will be useful, even though you can only use it on one roc per casting. In addition to being a lot stronger in melee, carrying multiple people on its back is pretty cool too.
At higher levels the rocs will probably become weaker and weaker (which is another reason why you don't want to waste all your feats on them), but don't forget that you're still a full caster. When the rocs stop being useful against the biggest threats, send them after secondary targets like minions and focus on buffing your team instead, or blasting the enemy into oblivion. You're still a full Druid, you know.

Also, minis: be fancy, use origami swans :smallwink:

2013-03-03, 03:27 PM
So there's no 3.5 chain spell equivalent in PF? Drat, buffing the rocs one at a time will be costly. Are there any worthwhile feats or abilities that would make a druid better at mass healing them?