View Full Version : 3.5 Question - Would (insert deity) and (insert deity) forge an alliance?

2013-03-03, 12:36 PM
Hello everybody! How's your day?

I've got a question about deity alliances. I came across a tidbit on wikipedia while looking up Gruumsh saying that in 4e, he allied with (and possibly more than that) Lolth. That being said, it got the ol' noodle rolling and I'm curious as to whether or not other evil deities would team up with them. Would Bane, Tiamat or any other evil deity join said union for the sake of all that is evil?

2013-03-03, 12:42 PM
Generally not if the goal is (as Lolth's usual goal is)- daemonic takeover.

Indeed, Grummsh fought against the Primordials rather than joining them, despite being Chaotic Evil himself.

The Evil gods, and some of the Chaotic Evil ones like Grummsh, want to win the game without smashing the board.