View Full Version : The Last Paladin IC - Part III

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2013-07-10, 12:12 AM
"I make up for the variety of gifts with the generosity of the one gift I have," she deadpans, continuing the torture until you lose consciousness.

2013-07-10, 12:21 AM
Karrin has rarely experienced this level of pain before. When she wakes up, she still aches all over! but, at least she's being tortured and not executed...small silver linings!

2013-07-10, 12:27 AM
You are alone in the cell once more. Your groin burns numbly with phantom pain from the punishment it received.

Your vision blurs again.

Khaine paces in his chambers, shaking his head. Lord Corvus enters. "M'lord," the older knight says, "I tried-"

"And failed!" Khaine barks. "The entire fortress heard her screams."

"She is still alive," Corvus says. "She might be more receptive now."

You hear footsteps approaching.

2013-07-10, 12:29 AM
Karrin waits for the door to open, and immediately says, "Welcome back, supreme commander Khaine. I'm afraid I'm less of a feast on the eyes now I'm sure, after a long ordeal earlier."

2013-07-10, 12:35 AM
"I must apologize for the way our hosts have treated you, although I did warn you that I could not defend you from them without some assistance," he says as he walks in front of you.

2013-07-10, 12:40 AM
"No, you could. It would not be expedient, but you technically could. There's a difference. Trust me, being a paladin has taught me a lot about not taking the easy path. Trust me when I say that I will *not* be receptive to any proposal that involves strengthening Evil in this world. But, I suppose to alleviate my boredom, I will listen to what you have to say."

2013-07-10, 12:43 AM
"What do you know of the demons?" Lord Khaine asks. "They are, after all, our common foes." He runs a hand over your cheek, down your neck, and between your breasts.

2013-07-10, 12:52 AM
Karrin shudders a bit, mostly from the phantom shock-pains she still feels. "I know a decent amount about them. They're out to cause as much pain and suffering as possible, and to destroy everything good and loving. They don't want anyone to have happiness, whereas I feel devils want happiness for themselves at the expense of others."

2013-07-10, 12:53 AM
"Yes. Foul creatures, who must be destroyed. Tell me, do you know of any weakness they might have? I of course mean of a strategic nature."

2013-07-10, 12:56 AM
"You're asking *me*? Surely as supreme commander, you already know much yourself. Well, their general outlook is violent-stupid. They rely more on brute force and less of subtlety, with the succubi being a somewhat exception. And even then, they're not subtle about trying to rut you into submission."

2013-07-10, 01:00 AM
"I know much, although there is still that which I don't know." He continues to move closer to you, surreptitiously fondling you during the discussion. "Know you of any hidden demon bases, or any of their troop movements?"

2013-07-10, 01:07 AM
Karrin ignores the fondling...for the time being. "Why do you want to know? I don't know of any troop movements or demon bases. The ones I know of I've destroyed. I know a chain of command for one group of demons..."

2013-07-10, 01:10 AM
"Yes, thank you. That would be of most useful. Tell me and I can get you moved to a better location, and keep the devils off of you."

2013-07-10, 01:15 AM
Karrin's nipples start hardening from the attention her boobs are getting. She looks at Khaine and says, "That won't be why I tell you. I will only tell you if you will use that information to destroy the demons without intentionally harming innocent people in its execution. My comfort is secondary. I will not have my information be the cause of suffering, as unlikely as that may be."

2013-07-10, 01:19 AM
"Every victory against the demons is an improvement for all mortals. You surely realize this," he says. "However, I give you my word that I will use all the power at my command to ensure that we minimize the suffering of all mortals we come into contact with in our campaign against the demons."

2013-07-10, 01:25 AM
Karrin's breath shortens a bit at the continued fondling, and her nipples are now very visibly larger and engorged. There is no hiding her excitement. "You are good at the art of hidden meanings, much like the devils. Minimizing the suffering could mean you kill them quickly. Still, your promise appears to be the best I can get, so here goes. Here is the conversation I overheard.

...and N'skarra will then be ready for the next phase of our plan.

That leaves us with the issue of selecting our pawn. Gorgeroth would have been perfect, but he recently perished due to forces unknown. To put him further beyond our grasp, Malaghast bartered his soul from Ken Rho for his own machinations. Malaghast himself is too cunning to serve as a pawn; he may see our plan and attempt to subvert it for his own ends. Esphestus is too unpredictable, and Arazad too much a blunt instrument. That leaves Carrion and Raz'mirrin. Of the two, I think Raz'mirrin would be best...

...thus N'skarra shall go to Raz'mirrin, and authority shall be Raz'mirrin under N'skarra, N'skarra under Azaketh, Azaketh under Xi'phen'ix'nef, Xi'phen'ix'nef under Aruoudiodoth the Many-headed Serpent...

I have personally destroyed N'skarra and Raz'mirrin, and the base Raz'mirrin was building for himself. Last I heard, Gorgeroth, who is a soul inhabiting a suit of armor as far as I can tell, leads an army near the ruins of Dawnspire."

2013-07-10, 01:26 AM
"Dawnspire. Very well." Lord Khaine leaves the cell. Before he does, he says, "I will look into your release at once."

You are left alone for a time.

2013-07-10, 01:32 AM
"Tch...horny bastard just wanted a feel. He's pussyfooting about it so much it's almost comical. He loves to pretend he has all the morals in the world, that he's working with the devils for the benefit of all, yet he doesn't have the morals to not cop a feel." thinks Karrin as she just tries to get some rest.

2013-07-10, 01:36 AM
You eventually succumb to a feverish, restless sleep.

When you awaken, a mixture of lesser devils and Angrovite soldiers are waiting for you. The soldiers eyeball you obviously.

You are unshackled from the rack you've been hung from, and allowed to fall to your hands and knees. Your joints and back pop as they are released from their stressed position.

2013-07-10, 01:39 AM
Karrin gets up unsteadily and takes a minute trying to stretch everything out, making sure everything is still working. She eyes the others in silence, waiting for some sort of order.

2013-07-10, 01:42 AM
One of the devils places an iron collar around your neck. "Your execution has been postponed, but not cancelled. You will serve anyone who speaks the password."

You are Dominated, under the command of anyone who speaks the password.

2013-07-10, 01:44 AM
Karrin idly wonders if she can use the password on herself. She'll have to try to remember the password when she hears it. "Fine. Now what?"

2013-07-10, 01:48 AM
"You will accompany us," one of the soldiers says.

You are marched through the underground fortress. You draw attention nearly everywhere you go.

Eventually, you find yourself in a large strategy room. There are no devils present.

"So, this is the mighty Lady Ye," Sir Corvus says, contempt in his voice. "The one that would drive the fiends from this land, now naked in her enemy's keep and mind-shackled."

2013-07-10, 01:53 AM
"Even Mind-shackled, I probably know more about strategy than you, especially anti-demon strategy. Now, are you here just to gawk or are you here for a reason? I mean, who knows, maybe I'm such a distraction because all the women of Angrove just can't compare to me. Or maybe you're not of a high enough position to be...awarded the good-looking women. Or both."

Karrin taunts Corvus, daring him to use the password.

2013-07-10, 01:55 AM
Lord Khaine steps forward. "Tell me, truthfully, if you are still in pain. And where you are. Do it," he says the last two words in Infernal, and you are compelled to answer.

2013-07-10, 01:58 AM
"My breasts and ***** received the brunt of the shock treatment, and are still sore and sensitive. My arms and legs and back ache from being restrained for too long." Karrin finds herself answering truthfully.

2013-07-10, 02:05 AM
Lord Khaine smiles. He brings out a bottle of ointment. "This is magical healing ointment. Rub it on your hurting areas in order to ease your pain. Do it."

2013-07-10, 02:11 AM
Karrin starts rubbing some onto her electro-shocked breasts.

After a while, Corvus walks out of the room, and the rubbing continues. When that is done, Lord Khaine has Karrin look at a map. Karrin is then ordered to reveal the location of Whiteveil supply routes. After that, Lord Khaine rubs Karrin's buttcheeks and orders Karrint o be taken to the room for some rest.

2013-07-10, 03:29 PM
You are taken to a small room, likely a slave's quarters. There is a cot, a table with some sort of watery soup, and a stool. A small fire burns in the corner, providing barely adequate warmth in the cold, underground chamber. You notice a distinct lack of wardrobe in the room.

2013-07-10, 03:35 PM
Karrin sighs, starting to get the idea that this "Obsidian" code of honors has no problem with treating females like chattel. She wonders how Angrovite women fare as she drinks the watery soup and huddles near the fire for a bit. whenever Karrin isn't praying for guidance, she goes to the different walls and to the door and tries to listen for any eavesdropping opportunities.

2013-07-10, 03:40 PM
"There was a day we treated our defeated opponents with dignity," you hear Lord Corvus' voice as you slip into another vision, lying shivering on the cot.

Another voice, likely an Angrovite knight, says, "So? We beat her fair and square. To the victor go the spoils, and all that."

Lord Corvus is angry. "No, the devils beat her. Call me a foolish old man, but I remember fondly a time when the Knights of Angrove behaved with more honor than a clan of brigands!"

2013-07-10, 03:48 PM
As she views this vision, she can see that perhaps not ALL of Angrove has been corrupted beyond redemption. this older man...this Corvus...might be a point of attack. He could be someone she can relate to and build sympathy.

2013-07-10, 03:53 PM
After you are permitted a bit of rest, you are brought back to the strategy room. Khaine and some knights are there, Corvus is not. Your interrogator and self-proclaimed executioner, Myr'ixiz, is also present.

"We've been able to verify the information you gave us; it all appears true. We've been able to improve our attacks against the Whiteveilians, and have begun to drive them back," Khaine says.

2013-07-10, 03:55 PM
"And when will you be turning your attention to what you yourself call the TRUE enemy? The demons?"

2013-07-10, 03:56 PM
"Once we have acquired enough territory to adequately protect our citizens from retribution. Whiteveil should make a good buffer zone."

2013-07-10, 04:00 PM
"Retribution? You think the demons will retaliate and you'll let Whiteveil take the assault FOR Angrove?" Karrin does not sound pleased at all.

2013-07-10, 04:02 PM
"That is our strategy, yes." Lord Khaine says nonchalantly.

"Now, how are you feeling today?"

2013-07-10, 09:14 PM
Karrin's face darkens a bit. "Still a bit cold, given the wardrobe you've allowed me to adopt..."

2013-07-10, 09:21 PM
One of the knights whispers something to Lord Khaine. He frowns for a second, shakes his head, and then seems to be convinced by whatever the knight is saying. He calls over Myr'ixiz. The devil reacts strongly against whatever he is saying, then seems to calm down after he speaks. You are unable to hear any of this.

"I think I know how to warm you up," Khaine says. "Make love to Myr'ixiz. Do it."

2013-07-10, 09:33 PM
"It seems you are just a lackey to the human, Myr'easy..." Karrin taunts to the erinyes a bit, trying to do everything she can to drive a wedge between the devils and the Angrovites. "Commander Khaine, I...cannot comply. I can only make love to people I feel affection for. Otherwise it is just known as rutting."

2013-07-10, 09:38 PM
"I have been bound, in accordance to the Laws of Thaumaturgy. I will do as I am commanded," she says, then says so only you can hear, "and collect my due when the time comes."

"Rut the devil. Do it." Khaine says, annoyance audible in his voice.

2013-07-10, 09:41 PM
"Humans don't live long in the span of things I suppose... whispers Karrin back to the devil. "I wouldn't mind collecting my due from him either."

The paladin starts trying to remove the tabard that the erinyes wears.

2013-07-10, 09:56 PM
She does not resist your efforts. She moves her head to beside yours, breathing in your ear. "I might as well enjoy this. I'm sure you won't."

She begins to run her hands over your back. Her razor sharp nails leave thin, red lines over your back.

2013-07-10, 10:54 PM
Karrin grits her teeth and whispers back. "After what you did to me the other day, this is like getting petted by a cuddly pusy cat!"

The paladin would normally start off by gentle tracing around all of her lover's sensitive bits, but right now she wasn't ordered to make her partner feel wonderful. She was ordered to rut. And rut she shall. She shoves 3 fingers into Myr'ixiz's back hole while using her tongue and a bit of teeth at Myr'ixiz's front!

2013-07-10, 11:04 PM
The devil begins to leak foul ooze as you use your mouth on her. She wraps her legs around your head, pulling on your hair as she positions you in the best spot for her. You nearly choke as she forces your nose and mouth into her womanhood.

2013-07-11, 02:58 AM
Karrin responds by going...pardon the expression...balls deep. She was ordered to rut, and rut she will with as much aggression s she can muster. This fiendish slut has damage resistance, so there's really no need to be gentle like Karrin needs to be when with Mira. Taking a deep breath, Karrin uses her tongue and teeth as AGRESSIVELY as she can while she literally tries to jam an entire fist up the devil's backside!

2013-07-11, 08:30 AM
Myr'ixiz tightens her grip around you; you think your neck is bruising.

After a while, she grabs your wrist and pulls your hand out of her backside. She violently throws you to the ground, laying you on your back. She kneels down between your legs, and shoves one hand up each entrance.

2013-07-11, 09:51 AM
Karrin is briefly worried the erinyes might break her neck by accident, but that dissipates when she is thrown to the ground and her holes violated by the foul fiend's hands...which have sharp claws! She struggles, and tries to reverse the position so that she can double-fist the erinyes instead!

Will basically try to reverse the grapple! [roll0]

2013-07-11, 10:00 AM
You are unable to break your position, and begin to worry about what sort of internal damage the fiend is currently inflicting.

"Enough, both of you!" Khaine says. To Myr'ixiz, he says, "You will treat the prisoner as she treats you," and to you he says, "You will treat Myr'ixiz as though she were your lover. Do it."

2013-07-11, 11:09 AM
Karrin sighs, and begins to relax, forcing herself to try to accomodate her partner's intrusions, trying to actually enjoy herself a bit. She brings her hands to Myr'ixiz's's to start guiding the erinyes gently on how the erinyes might pleasure her better.

2013-07-11, 11:16 AM
The erinyes envelopes both of you in her black-feathered, soot-covered wings. She presses your breasts together and begins to suck on your cleavage.

I'm not the first fiend whose rutted you, she says to you telepathically. I can taste succubus on your nethers.

2013-07-11, 11:28 AM
The paladin starts making noises of arousal and appreciation as her cleavage is licked. She thinks back to Myr'ixiz, "Yes, and I'll need therapy for life because of that. She was a monster who violated me in ways worse than physical rape."

2013-07-11, 11:36 AM
Myr'ixiz leaves several hickeys on your cleavage before moving down to your nipples. My heart bleeds for you, she thinks sarcastically. I think your hosts would like you to use your hands on me. Fools. I'll wring this indignation out of their souls for millennia.

2013-07-11, 11:45 AM
The paladin moves her hands down to Myr'ixiz's womanhood, and gently starts prodding at and tugging at the fiend's lower lips. "It's not like they can see anything I'm doing with your wings wrapped around us. I hope they won't suffer. There's time for them yet to repent..."

2013-07-11, 11:55 AM
The fiend reluctantly spreads her wings. She purrs at your attention between your legs, and a thick, pus-like substance begins to ooze and coat your fingers.

Do you truly wish to save those who are doing this to you? You desire to redeem Khaine?

2013-07-11, 12:41 PM
Karrin continues her attentions there, trying to ignore the ickiness of the pus. She pretends this is Mira's juices, and closes her eyes and dives right in with her tongue, licking furiously!

"Yes, because redeeming him means the world is a better place. Moreso than killing him."

Tell me if I need to make any fort saves.

2013-07-11, 01:01 PM
So you believe...

Myr'ixiz pushes your hair back, gently running her fingers over your ears. You hear her wings flutter as she moans in pleasure. Her ooze forms a thick, oily coating on your tongue.

Give me something in the ass, though a bit less than last time. I'll return the favor in a moment.

2013-07-11, 02:13 PM
Karrin uses just two fingers this time, and gently starts pumping in and out of the erinyes' backside, curling her fingers as she inserts.

"I know I am right. Conversion is victory."

2013-07-11, 03:07 PM
I would wager you can't, though... she taunts.

Myr'ixiz's wings spasm as she climaxes, causing a particularly large and nasty globule of ooze to squirt into your mouth. She eases your fingers out of her backside and bends you over.

I wonder how many times you've been in this position, whore...

2013-07-11, 09:42 PM
"Call me a whore all you want. At least no one gets hurt by this position and there's no inherent evil. I have no reservations about this except for my selection of partners currently."

Karrin spits out the disgusting glob, and remains bent over, ass in the air, ready to receive yet another humiliating intrusion.

2013-07-11, 09:46 PM
You feel her long, forked tongue flick up against your rear entrance, circling the hole before snaking its way in. The muscle begins to massage away the soreness caused by the previous intrusion.

Still, I have heard about you. You tend to get beaten and ravaged on a regular basis, don't you? This must, what, the half-dozenth time? One might even think you're letting this happen to you.

2013-07-11, 10:26 PM
he paladin can't *help* but groan in pleasure as the forked tongue somehow manages to relax her sore behind and actually make it feel good. She relaxes all the way to let the tongue in as much as possible.

"Oh I'm famous now am I? Did you also hear about what happens to those that ravage me? They tend to die. Pattern suggests you'll die by my hands in the future too, although I suppose you're being forced into this as well. Still, you're a fiend, and unless you convert, I am bound by duty to kill you."

2013-07-11, 10:30 PM
Her unnaturally long tongue extends deeper. She raises a hand, and inserts her fingers into your dripping snatch, taking great care not to scratch you.

Your current state of affairs seems to suggest otherwise. You've been beaten, tortured, and made to wear a collar which has removed all of your free will. You are currently being used as a plaything, forced to debase yourself for the amusement of your captors. When they grow bored with you, I will kill you slowly.

2013-07-13, 08:05 PM
The paladin starts moaning louder as it appears this fallen angel knows what she is doing.

"Well of *course* you'll try to kill me slowly with torture. You can't take me on in a fair fight. Well, I guess we've always known *that*..."

2013-07-13, 09:32 PM
She intensifies her work with her tongue and fingers, occasionally pulling out to lick your juices off her fingers before getting back to it. With her other hand, she begins gently caressing your thighs and buttcheeks, making sure to avoid the brand.

Big talk, coming from the wench that got into this by losing a fight to devils.

2013-07-13, 09:53 PM
Karrin tries suddenly repositioning herself so that the brand touches the Erinyes "by accident" just to see what happens.

"True, but there was like 8 to 10 of you. Maybe it will amuse my captors to see me fight the likes of you in some sort of arena..."

2013-07-13, 10:01 PM
I'll be sure to suggest the idea.

Myr'ixiz's hand brushes up against the brand. Sharp pain shoots through you as it instantly feels like she's pushing the burning iron into your backside again. In your current state of pleasure, you are completely unprepared for it.

2013-07-13, 11:21 PM
Unexpected is the pain and the amount of it. So much so that Karrin SCREAMS out loud! "HOLY CRAP THAT HURTS AHHHHHHHH!"

2013-07-13, 11:28 PM
Sorry. Her words drip sarcasm. Nevertheless, she renews her vigor, taking the edge off the pain by increasing the pleasure.

2013-07-13, 11:30 PM
Under orders still from the collar, Karrin starts trying to enjoy herself again. Luckily her body is very responsive to pleasure and soon she is moaning like a female dog in heat again. It is good to know that the devils can give her so much pain, but it is bad that such a thing exists.

2013-07-13, 11:37 PM
Myr'ixiz keeps her hand on your side opposite of the brand just to be safe. You become increasingly wet as you feel your climax approach.

I would enjoy this next part as much as possible, if I were you. You won't have much fun in your future.

2013-07-13, 11:44 PM
Karrin does feel that climax approaching. She'll enjoy it, but she also tries to pay attention to her surrounding just in case there's anything important. She observes how Khaine acts during this time. She also continues to groan louder!

2013-07-13, 11:46 PM
While the knights have been watching you during this, you notice that they seem disappointed and even a little bored. Apparently, you haven't put on as much of a show as they wanted, or at the very least, failed to excite them, possibly because of the lack of chemistry between you and Myr'ixiz.

2013-07-13, 11:53 PM
Well what did they expect? They put a paladin and a devil together and it's pretty tough to get chemistry. What about Khaine specifically? Karrin feels her orgasm start, and she starts screaming out, "YES....YES!! RUT ME! RUT ME HARD! OH GOD I'M *******!"

2013-07-13, 11:58 PM
Khaine's eyes shine with amusement as you climax. You can tell in this moment that, while he appreciates the sexual aspect of this, it is mainly about the power he wields, and the satisfaction he gets from controlling you in this matter.

2013-07-14, 12:02 AM
Well, as long as he is amused, Karrin stays alive. Karrin will have to find a way to keep him amused, yet still try to work to convert him. However, perhaps an easier target first in Corvus.

For now, she tries to get up on unsteady legs. "Commander Khaine...is...is there anything else I can help with? Someone with more dignity perhaps? Or is this all you wanted me for?"

If he has no further use of her at this time, she has a request.

2013-07-14, 12:04 AM
"There are a few questions I have for you, but first I must ask you this. Are you still cold?"

2013-07-14, 12:06 AM
Karrin shakes her head. "Not anymore. The succubus...oops...did I say that? I meant the has-been angel kept me warm enough for the time being."

2013-07-14, 12:15 AM
You feel Myr'ixiz's gaze burning into you, with enough force that some of the knights step back.

"Very well. As I've said, am I not merciful? Since this has proven an effective method, from henceforth you shall pleasure yourself if you ever find yourself uncomfortably cold. Do it." He smiles. "Now then. I have some questions to ask you. As for you Myr'ixiz, this performance was... less than satisfactory. The two of you must practice it further." He then adds in Infernal, "It will be crucial that you perfect mating with her at a further juncture."

"I don't know what your plan is," Myr'ixiz spits, "But I am not your plaything, nor a harlot in your ownership. If you think I will suffer this indignity-"

"You forget the first rule of the Hierarchy: 'Never hesitate to go over their head.' I'm playing this game better than you are; my plan has already received the blessing of the highest of authorities."

Myr'ixiz snarls as she puts her tabard back on. You are reasonably certain you weren't meant to understand this exchange.

2013-07-14, 12:26 AM
Burning is fine. It'll keep the cold out. As for the Inferno, she is surprised that Commander Khaine doesn't know that she can speak Inferno. Well, there's no need to correct him. "Yes, commander. I will do as you say...if I can uncomfortably cold. I apologize if my performance today was...boring. I am completely unaccustomed to...being with a fiend in any way that wasn't rape. Since I must be truthful to you, I must inform you that I am unsure how effect any practice sessions will be, as I fear that her distaste for me may turn into her harming me."

2013-07-14, 12:30 AM
"She will not harm you unless I permit her to." He approaches you, putting on a facade of gentleness. "Don't you see? I'm trying to protect you from them."

He brings you over, back to the map. "Now, there are several other cities we know little about. What can you tell you tell me about this city?" He indicates Cabathad, but does not use the password at this point.

2013-07-14, 12:34 AM
Karrin responds to the facade, "You are so kind to me, Commander. I am in your debt." She then looks at the map. "That city is in ruins, and had a demon infestation the last time I visited. I do not know if the demons have left."

2013-07-14, 12:38 AM
Khaine mutters, "So that's another problem waiting to happen." He and his knights discuss things amongst each other; apparently there's been a major change of plan. You are dismissed, sent back to your room.

2013-07-14, 12:50 AM
Before she is sent back, the paladin has a request. "Commander, I remember you had some sort of...assistant? The man that spoke to me with contempt and made some comment about mind-shackled. As a favor to keep away the boredom and as a way to take back just a bit of my dignity, might I be permitted to spend some time alone with him? I'd like to play Risk* with him now and then, to show him who truly has the more strategic mind."

2013-07-14, 12:55 AM
"I'll ask him, the next time I see him," Khaine mutters distractedly.

Khaine seems to be confident enough to let you go back to your chambers without escort. On the way, you think you see a shadowy figure moving through the corridors.

2013-07-14, 01:01 AM
Karrin looks, trying to see if she can identify that shadow. If not, she heads back to her room and continues meditating.

2013-07-14, 01:05 AM
You can't track them any further. You return to your quarters, and attempt meditating.

Sometime later, a servant comes to you, carrying a revealing silk dress. "Lord Khaine requests you join him for dinner, and where this. If not, you can remain here and not eat, or eat in the barracks as you are."

2013-07-14, 03:03 AM
"Barracks...with all the other Angrovite soldiers?"

2013-07-14, 08:29 AM
"Yes, that is correct."

2013-07-14, 11:55 AM
While doing something to spite Khaine might feel good, right now she needs to get to know the man better and see if there is a way to redeem him. "Thank you for bringing the message. Please lead me to Commander Khaine after I dress."

Karrin puts on the dress, noticing how snugly it fits.

2013-07-14, 12:00 PM
After dressing, you are shown the way to Khaine's quarters. While you are heading to his chambers, you come across Lord Corvus.

"Well, it seems the commander sought fit to at least put something on you," he says, in what you notice seems to be his perpetually cross tone. "Wait. I wish to speak with you for a moment," he says, only using the collar if he has to.

2013-07-14, 12:05 PM
Karrin speaks in polite terms, although not deference terms since she doesn't want to arouse suspicion. "Of course. And please, how should I address you? I feel rude just referring to you as 'you' or 'Commander Khaine's assistant' every time."

2013-07-14, 12:09 PM
"You may refer to me as Lord Corvus."

You try to size up Corvus. He is old, and not only in terms of years, but he is still strong and keen of mind. He seems agitated, and you suspect he bears a great deal of animosity directed at you in particular.

"I've heard Lord Khaine say that you requested to spend time with me. I would very much wish to know what gave you this... idea." His words are hissed out from between his teeth.

2013-07-14, 12:16 PM
"I feel we got off on the wrong foot. If I am hated, then I want it to be for the right reasons. Lord Khaine also told me that your sense of honor is...different than everyone else's, and we may have something in common."

2013-07-14, 12:19 PM
Corvus closes his eyes for a moment. "What are you doing here?" he asks in a resigned tone.

2013-07-14, 12:26 PM
"Lord Khaine requested my presence for dinner. I am on my way. Broadly, I was brought here against my will, but that doesn't mean I don't see remnants of the old Angrove that can stand proud. An Angrove that treats its prisoners with dignity. One that didn't truck with devils. Perhaps there is opportunity to go back to that state."

2013-07-14, 12:29 PM
Corvus turns to the servant. "Go. I will bring the prisoner to Khaine shortly." The servant goes.

Once the two of you are alone, Corvus violently pins you to the wall. "There was, until you let yourself get defeated!"

2013-07-14, 12:35 PM
Karrin nods. "That was a tactical mistake. I actually have no clue what we didn't bring more reinforcements into the ethereal realm. The duke must really have overestimated my abilities due to my previous successes. Still, it's not over until it's over. My job now is to gather as much information as possible, and to *survive* as long as possible to see an opportunity to escape or for rescue. If that means acting like a defeated sex slave, then so be it. The Thrones have asked for painful sacrifices in the past. Maybe this was a way to allow me to start contacting sympathetic Angrovites, since I had no way to reaching people like you before. If I can, I'll try to sow as much distrusts between the devils and the Angrovites as possible to try to break up the alliance."

2013-07-14, 12:41 PM
"Khaine will not simply let you. He is far more cunning than he appears, and will kill you before you become a threat." He looks down for a moment. "I am a knight of Angrove. My word, and my loyalty, are absolute. If he orders me to slay you, I will not stay my hand. Nor will I ever betray my city."

2013-07-14, 12:48 PM
"Lord Corvus, surely you have considered the fact that by cooperating with the devils, by following an ILLEGITIMATE ruler of Angrove, you may already be betraying the city? The current rulers came into power via a military coup correct? Surely you are old enough to remember that? The legitimate heir to ruling Angrove is out there, fighting to free this city as well. If you want to be a loyal Angrovite, you will do everything possible to help those trying to drive out the fiendish influence. As for Khaine, I shall just have to do my best to show that I am no threat, that I good entertainment as a plaything."

2013-07-14, 12:59 PM
Lord Corvus blinks. "At the time of the coup, I supported it. I believed that Houses Khaine and Hexulor were the best hope for the security and glory of Angrove. I believed the Reynaults were weak and would permit our city to be destroyed. I chose my side. It was only later I learned of the pact they had made with the fiends, and that in making my choice I damned myself.

I knew Azariah back then, counting him a close friend. He was a young knight, full of promise but hot-headed and full of the bravado of youth. I took him under my wing, hoping to help temper his excesses, believing him to have the potential to be a great knight. Instead, the fiends influenced him, encouraging his vices and convincing him that the ways of chivalry and honor were tools, to be used when convenient and discarded when not."

2013-07-14, 01:20 PM
"Lady Reynault is anything but weak. I have seen her fight, and without my divine powers to aid me she could likely best me in battle. And fine, you chose the wrong side and made a mistake. Like I told the fiend whom your precious Azariah forced me to rut, people grow by making mistakes...and hopefully learning from them. No one is beyond the possibility of redemption. Not you...and not commander Khaine. Ideally, I'd redeem the commander as well, and Whiteveil would not need to kill a single Angrovite soldier as we band together to kick the devils out."

2013-07-14, 01:26 PM
"The devils will see Angrove flattened and its people slaughtered before they see it freed. By serving, I can at least protect those who are still innocent within its walls. At least then my damnation will serve a purpose." He lets you go. "Go now to Azariah. I will say nothing for now, but I won't lie if they question me, so don't draw their suspicion."

2013-07-14, 01:30 PM
"The devils are not infinitely powerful, you can do your part to help. Let this go on, and soon there will be *no* innocents in Angrove as fiendish values to driven into the youth. I will talk to you again, Lord Corvus, but for now lead me to Khaine in silence as to not draw suspicion."

2013-07-14, 01:53 PM
Corvus shows you to Khaine's chambers. They are very well furnished, in contrast with the rest of the underground fortress. He waits for you seated in a high-backed chair at the head of a well-prepared table, with a pair of servants waiting on him. He rises as you enter.

"Lady Ye, how nice of you to join me." He offers you a seat. "I must sincerely apologize for my actions earlier. It is a difficult business, trying to keep the fiends satisfied. You must understand that all of the humiliation was necessary to keep you out of their torture chambers." His words are as smooth as silk.

2013-07-14, 02:00 PM
(Where is Karrin's seat related to his? And how dignified is the silk dress?)

"Well, I hope that my presence here will not cause too much of a strain between you and your fiendish allies. I'd hate to make trouble for someone who is taking such good care of me. Please, do not worry about the humiliation. As long as you keep me safe, I do not mind at all. I am quite proud of my body."

2013-07-14, 02:04 PM
You are seated across the table from him. The dress lifts your bosom, having a neckline that stops just above your nipples, but covers your legs fairly well, all things considered.

"I am grateful you understand the situation. I, of course, hold you in the highest regard." He takes a sip from his wine glass. "Unfortunately, I doubt I will be able to secure your release until the war is over, at least as far as Whiteveil is concerned. However, I will continue to try to make your stay as pleasant as possible."

2013-07-14, 02:12 PM
(Do the servants remain?)

The paladin takes a sip from the wine as well. "You know, from their perspective, they are just trying to retake their homeland. If all Angrove wants to do is just use Whiteveil as a buffer zone, I'm sure hostilities can be stopped if Angrove clears out of any lands that belonged to Whiteveil."

2013-07-14, 02:18 PM
(The servants are still present.)

"I'm afraid it is a bit more complicated than that. You see, the devils believe that the only way to defeat the demons is to unite all mortals under a single banner, and ensuring that they practice discipline and obedience. Whiteveil refused to accept an alliance with the devils, so they feel the city's current leadership will only promote discord and strife between the various factions of mortals."

2013-07-14, 02:29 PM
"I agree with the whole Lawful approach, and I definitely agree that uniting mortals is the only way to stand a chance against the fiends. If you know anything about the allies I have, you'd see that I have managed to put together quite an eclectic team. I've convinced people to work with me...people that normally nobody would expect to be self-sacrificing. Who has ever heard of a goblin who goes around helping people because it's the right thing to do? I have made progress is getting the dwarves to work with Whiteveil, although I believe some other force is working to promote internal strife there. Tell me the truth. Has Angrove or the devils been actively promoting discord in the dwarves? This is the kind of action that is counterproductive to harmony and working together."

2013-07-14, 02:32 PM
"On the contrary; my sources tell me that our hosts have endeavored to unify the factional nature of the dwarven clans of Azkard, bringing them under a strong central rule that would be open to joining our alliance."

The spin-doctor is strong with this one.

2013-07-14, 02:45 PM
Does Karrin feel that he genuinely believes what he says? In other words, is he a creator of the spin content or merely a consumer?

"Your allies have encouraged a civil conflict! When I was last there, I saw dwarves fighting dwarves! Look, I like order. What I can't stomach is pain and suffering. The devils are perfectly willing to cause pain and suffering to achieve their goals, and to kill anyone who don't agree with them. That's not uniting the people! That's just conquering! Letting people come to a consensus is the right way to live and to govern!"

2013-07-14, 02:51 PM
"People, coming to a consensus?" He laughs. "My dear, you are horribly naive. Nine out of ten people are too stupid to tell p*ss from ale, much less actually come to an informed decision! Only a wise, intelligent leader with the resolve to do what is necessary is capable of true leadership, and if they must use a bit of fear to keep the masses in line, then so be it! The dwarves were fools enough to reject our initial offer of friendship; any misfortune that occurs because of this is simply karmic justice."

He seems to fully believe this philosophy.

2013-07-14, 03:04 PM
"I have helped people and led them without resorting to fear, and you can too if you put your mind to it! Tell me, how has the people of Angrove fared under fiendish leadership? Are they living better than before? Are they happy? Or do only the elite prosper at the expense of the masses? The mark of a good leader is his ability to work for the betterment of those he leads and prioritize that over his personal desires."

(I've gtg for now. Cya later.)

2013-07-14, 03:10 PM
"The people of Angrove are safe, and live prosperous, purpose-driven lives, confident in the knowledge that as long as they do what they are told, they will be fed and entertained." He goes on to describe life in Angrove; it sounds much like the city epitomizes the concept of Bread and Circuses (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses) for the common folk.

(Will probably be at work when you get back; talk to you around 11 or so)

2013-07-14, 07:06 PM
"Before we go any further in this discussion, do you take it as a given that I, as a paladin, work for the betterment and prosperity of mortals?"

2013-07-14, 10:03 PM
"I work for the betterment and prosperity of all mortalkind. I have simply realized that for mortalkind to prosper, nay, even survive in this world, certain... types of mortals must be removed, others placed under tight control, with the exceptional left unfettered to do whatever it takes."

2013-07-14, 11:16 PM
"Yes. Certain types of people should be removed. I call those murderers. The problem with your perspective is that you think you know who are exceptional from the get-go. People need to have the freedom to explore their strengths and potential. Did you think I was born a paladin?"

2013-07-14, 11:28 PM
"I believe you were born with a great destiny, which you then manifested using your own will."

2013-07-14, 11:33 PM
"Yeah, because I didn't have a system designed to oppress me and only let me know what I am told to do. I discovered my destiny. No one told me what it was, and I'm not sure anyone else knew before hand. Potential is a terrible thing to waste! Surely you can have a prosperous people while still allowing them to be ambitious?"

2013-07-14, 11:35 PM
Khaine shakes his head. "You are a perfect example of what must be avoided: great potential, wasted on a misguided and ultimately meaningless cause. Blind ambition, untempered by a higher power, is far more dangerous than power wasted."

2013-07-14, 11:42 PM
"I have great goals in life, and they are *completely* tempered by higher powers. Who do you think the Thrones are? They guide most of my actions, answering my prayers for guidance. And you want to talk about blind ambition...then take a look at the devils! They backstab each other ALL the time to have a chance at advancement!"

2013-07-14, 11:48 PM
"The devils ensure that the greatest among them rule, and the weak are put in their place. It is a highly efficient method; one that is excellent at weeding out the mediocrity. Your Thrones made the mistake of placing too much emphasis on individual rights, and have lost the war because of it."

2013-07-15, 12:09 AM
"Individual rights is the right thing to emphasize! It is an end onto itself, and it can work if we all work together! The point is, being oppressed is no way to live. It's not TRULY living. Helping the weak RISE to greatness...now THERE is a lofty goal. Like I told the erinyes...people learn by making mistakes. If you confine everyone so they cannot make mistakes, then they also cannot grow. No one is immune to mistakes...not you...not I...not the devils."

2013-07-15, 12:17 AM
"I have not seen such passion, such fervor dedicated to any cause in a great time. I have forgotten how... intoxicating it can be."

Khaine smiles at you, his features beautifully accentuated in the candlelight. Gracefully, he stands, gliding over the floor to the hearth of the room's fireplace. He reminisces on one of the trinkets upon the mantle. "What would you have me do, then?"

2013-07-15, 02:04 AM
"Boiling it down? Give people a chance. I know people make mistakes, but just as a parent allows his children to make mistakes to learn and grow up, you should also have faith. Have faith that people, with the right investing in education, can make sound, informed decisions."

2013-07-15, 10:59 AM
"I will do what I can, but when in comes to civil policy, I don't have as much influence as I would prefer." You notice as he says this how well his trousers frame his well-chiseled backside.

He returns to the table. "I would like to thank you greatly for giving me a chance to speak to you in a civil environment. I don't see any reason why we need to be enemies."

He gives you a very sexy smile again. You begin to think he may have put an aphrodisiac in your wine.

2013-07-15, 03:11 PM
Karrin can feel its effects, and her hard nipples are easily seen through the silk dress. "We will not be enemies as long as...as...you show respect for life and for the dignity of people. What...what is in this wine? It's very hot in here now..."

(Be back in an hour or two)

2013-07-15, 03:30 PM
"Do you like it? It is an older vintage, and one held in high regards. Predates the fall of the Pryvirian Empire, in fact. This day and age, there are so few of the luxuries of civilization left. We should fully enjoy those we have. Good food, drink, company..." His words drip like golden honey.

2013-07-15, 05:04 PM
Karrin wipes the sweat off of her brow. "I'd rather use finery and wealth as...incentives for others to excel, but as long as these luxuries are not...produced via abusing others such as with slave labor, I suppose we can enjoy...now and then."

His words affect the paladin as it mixed with the drugs. "I...I think you lit too many torches in here I am sweating a lot..."

2013-07-15, 05:23 PM
"I suppose it might be prudent to retire to my study for the final course. I trust you've enjoyed the meal so far?" You look down and see that you've cleared your plate without realizing it.

Taking you by the hand, he leads you to another room. There are certainly fewer torches; the room is far darker at the moment, and the two of you are seated much closer together, creating a very intimate environment. The servants bring you two a pair of crystal goblets, containing a chilled, thick soup-like dessert that tastes of cream and berries.

2013-07-15, 05:54 PM
"The meal was very good, and so is this dessert. However, I believe this is where we shall have to end the night. If you truly respect me, then you will honor the fact that I already have a significant other, and will not pursue this any further." Bring forced via her collar is one thing, but deciding to cheat on Mira is another. If Karrin is to be raped, then so be it, but she will not forget who is truly her lover!

2013-07-15, 06:01 PM
Lord Khaine nods. "I understand. Thank you for your company, and if you ever wish to return, I am here." As you leave, you feel his eyes watching you; you suspect he considers this nothing more than another challenge to overcome. He will likely simply increase his efforts at seduction.

You are returned to your chambers. The sweat-drenched silk dress quickly chills, and you are still under the effects of the drugs.
(G2G for couple hours)

2013-07-15, 06:19 PM
Karrin removes her sweat-soaked dress, and spends the next hour or so fingering herself to warm herself up. She tries to moan quietly as much as she can.

2013-07-15, 09:18 PM
Despite your best efforts, as you pleasure yourself your thoughts continually turned back to Khaine. How attractive he was, how gentle he treated you, how he made every thing he said seem completely logical and reasonable, so that your instincts told you that he is every bit the strong and capable leader he believes himself to be.

A part of you can't help but be smitten with him; you wonder if he may have had an enchantment placed on you, or has magically boosted his charisma. Even so, the idea that these feelings are genuine gnaws at you, and you can't fully dismiss it.

2013-07-15, 10:41 PM
Karrin keeps trying to tell herself that the feelings must be magically or drug induced. Given the man's attitudes and beliefs, there is no way Karrin can have feelings for a man like that. That night, she prays extra long and hard for guidance on how to keep herself pure and strong in these difficult times.

2013-07-15, 10:55 PM
The unusually amorous feelings pass as you pray. You fall into a restless sleep.

Mirabelle stands atop a jagged outcropping, a small company of mixed dwarves and Whiteveilians behind her. Her black armor glistens in the setting sun.

"It's not here," a man next to her says as she surveys the landscape, looking more and more perturbed. "We followed the half-elf's instructions to the letter, and there's still no sign of the Waystone."

"It has to be here," Mira says. "Lyanna wouldn't get this wrong. If she says there's a teleportation stone in this area, its here. We've-"

There is a roar, and you see a legion of devils lead by a cornugon approaching from the west. "It was a trap," the man says. "The tablet was false."

Mira curses. "Get the group together! We're retreating-" The devils teleport into the middle of them. Mirabelle shouts a warcry and begins hacking away at the fiends, trying to buy the others enough time.

She slays several barbazus when the cornugon turns its attention to her. The greater devil leaps beside her, swinging its mighty chain. She blocks several strikes, then charges forward, slicing at its legs. With a bellow of pain and anger, the devil whips its tail sending her flying backwards. She charges, leaping from a rock in order to slash it across the shoulder.

The wound is bad, but you can tell the fiend is exaggerating as it stumbles backwards. As Mira shifts to a more aggressive pose in order to deal the killing blow, you see the cornugon grinning.

The horned devil swings its chain, and you see nothing, nor hear the crash of a strike. It takes a moment for Mira's form to lose momentum from its charge, as her head tumbles away.

2013-07-15, 11:05 PM
Karrin wakes up gasping and hugging, breathing heavily. "Mira...Mira...Mira..." she keeps muttering as she tries to calm herself down. "Mira is strong. She will figure out how to fight the fiends more effectively. I will escape. I will help train her. She will prosper. I will live...for her."

She slowly her breathing and goes through her usual morning ritual, doing the forms and motions without the actual channeling of holy energy. Then, she tries something new. She tries to give herself an order via the collar. She whispers, "Slap yourself. Do it." and sees if she has an urge to do that. If she does, then she does her best to resist. Rinse and repeat to try to get used to resisting the collar.

2013-07-15, 11:14 PM
You feel under no compulsion to obey your own commands. You look around and notice that your dress from the night before is missing.

A servant arrives with a barely adequate meal, and a sealed letter bearing Khaine's mark. "My lord requires you to read this, and then report to the strategy room."

You open the letter.

Lady Ye,
I have been thinking much about what you said last night. My heart has been stirred; for the first time in a great while, I am questioning whether things are going as they should be.

Reluctantly, I must require you to continue this ruse, so as not to draw suspicion. Understand that I do not wish to see such a noble and proud lady as yourself treated in such a manner; the mating with Myr'ixiz was commanded of me by one of her diabolic superiors to both debase you and punish her for some form of failure.

Meet with me again tonight, and I must beg your forgiveness for everything I will command you to suffer today. It is imperative you burn this letter after you read it.


2013-07-15, 11:20 PM
Does Karrin feel this letter actually came from Khaine? Presumeably it is difficult to forge Khaine's seal. More importantly, does it feel like Khaine is just lying about his feelings?

2013-07-15, 11:59 PM
Karrin is way of Khaine's intent, although, there's no harm in playing along for now. After all, if he wants to bed her, she is powerless to stop him. Deceiving Karrin can do little harm in the overall scheme of things except hurt her feelings, as Karrin is already in a horrible spot.

She burns the letter, and heads out to the strategy room, wondering who she'll rut today.

2013-07-16, 12:18 AM
Along the way, when you are alone, you catch another glimpse of shadow out of the corner of your eye. You look for it, but it is gone.

You enter the strategy room in the middle of a report by Lord Corvus. The knights give you a cursory glance as Corvus continues.

"...according to the devils, they found a company of dwarves and Whiteveilians searching the nearby foothills. Apparently, their plan to plant false information about a means of entering this base worked. "

"Were you able to take any prisoners?" Khaine asks.

Corvus' expression darkens. "Unfortunately, against our wishes the devils slaughtered them to a man. I would have liked to learn more; especially considering the fact that they weren't led by a knight, but a woman in black dragonhide armor." He describes the battle in more detail; it perfectly matches your dream from the knight before.

2013-07-16, 12:27 AM
"Lord Corvus...you are sure of the details of this...encounter?" She forces herself to enter a sea of calm-ness...although this may just be the calm before the storm. She feels herself getting dizzy...and she stumbles a bit.

2013-07-16, 12:36 AM
Corvus steps forward, helping to steady you. "I heard it secondhand, and trust the source."

2013-07-16, 12:37 AM
"The bodies...what happened to the bodies? Were the remains just left there?"

2013-07-16, 12:40 AM
One of the other knights say, "Devils usually recover the bodies of the slain of either side, to make into undead. If they are unable, they've recently begun the policy of burning them."

2013-07-16, 12:42 AM
"Commander Khaine, if you wish to show your honor, please do your best to find out what happened to the bodies. If you can. please make sure they are not desecrated or burned." Karrin leans against Lord Corvus, unable to support her own weight.

2013-07-16, 12:47 AM
"I will do what I can to ensure that they are treated with respect-"

Myr'ixiz enters the room. "That will be quite enough. The dead belong to the Temple; you have no business dictating their fate." She gives a knowing, wicked smile at you. "Pleasant dreams?"

2013-07-16, 12:55 AM
"I'm sorry. Why are you so interested in my dreams? No matter how jealous you feel, you just don't rate important...or sexy enough...to be in my dreams. How about this? If you let me kill you, I'll dream about that for at LEAST a week straight afterwards! I promise!"

2013-07-16, 12:59 AM
Myr'ixiz laughs.

"We must turn our attention back to the matters at hand," Khaine says. "Our reports indicate the Whiteveilians are massing a great host, but we cannot figure out where their forces are." He turns to you. "Tell us where they are going. Do it." As he does so, he subtly indicates the erinyes, and looks at you almost pleadingly.

2013-07-16, 01:08 AM
Karrin shakes her head, as if trying to clear a great headache. The recent revelation of the presumed death of Mira strengths her resolve and hatred, and she says, "I do not know. Maybe they're dealing with another threat."

2013-07-16, 01:12 AM
Khaine nods, apparently believing you fully.

The other knights ask you several other questions, and you continue to give misleading answers. Eventually, they conclude their business, and are now bored and horny. They turn to Khaine.

"Alright, you two. Give us a show. Do it."

2013-07-16, 01:14 AM
Karrin does not resist this one. In fact, she plans to comply fully...but also being the one in charge. She aggressively approaches the erinyes, and will basically play the Dominant in an S&M style play, generally being very rough but still stimulating the erinyes at every opportunity. There was spanking and teeth involved.

2013-07-16, 01:18 AM
It is evident that while she is capable of fulfilling this role, the devil does not prefer to be in this situation. Nevertheless, she complies, and eventually the two of you are brought to climax. The knights approve.

After the time in the strategy room, you are instructed to wash and meet Khaine once more. Another dress, this one still respectable while showing off your bosom, is prepared for when you are finished.

2013-07-16, 01:27 AM
Karrin washes up, and puts on the dress. She quickly stomps her way over to Khaine's room, still trying to contain her rage. Plus, she's still annoyed she ha no idea what the shadow is! Outside, she knocks.

2013-07-16, 01:30 AM
A servant shows you in.

After you enter, finding Khaine seated at the table once more, he dismisses the servants. "I gave the order to take prisoners," he says, not meeting your eyes. "We are both prisoners, it seems."

2013-07-16, 01:34 AM
"This is your so-called 'alliance' with the devils. THIS showcases exactly what they think of mortal 'leadership' and what they consider 'power sharing.' Tell me, commander...do you have loved ones? Have you considered that one day, the devils might do something to them and you probably won't be able to do jack to stop them?"

Karrin says these words forcefully, and gets into Khaine's face, staring him down.

2013-07-16, 01:37 AM
Khaine says, "I already have. I took great pain in seeing that I had my revenge on the devil who perpetrated it. I brokered with its superior, and in the end I saw it ground to dust. At the time, I thought it proved I was more cunning than they; now I believe they were simply trying to make me more like them."

2013-07-16, 01:40 AM
"They have control off your city's culture, entertainment, and what education you see fit to give to your so-called 'inferiors' I'm sure. Your bread and circuses will ensure no one thinks for themselves anymore. No-siree! Why'd anyone want to do that? It's annoying to have to think whether one's actions are ethical or not. It's better to just have to follow orders, and then I get to eat and be entertained! Well maybe my neighbor will disappear because of my actions but hey I got extra rations tonight! Woohoo!"

2013-07-16, 01:46 AM
"It is easy to pass judgement when you aren't living it!" Khaine hisses back.

He pauses for a second.

"Forgive me. You must understand that when someone has no hope, it is hard to consider the future, and you do what makes you feel good at the time."

2013-07-16, 01:49 AM
"I...I..." The paladin shakes her head in disbelief. "I say these things not to judge, but because I *CARE* about your people...and I *CARE* about your ability to lead them onto the right path And no hope? no hope of what? Are you trying to tell me that you've been reluctant all this time? That you only made a deal with the devils out of necessity and since then you've despaired of ever being rid of them? And that you've been living this way to run away from those feelings?"

Karrin takes a deep breath. "Do not ask *me* for forgiveness. It is your people that you need to ask forgiveness from. Every soul that goes to Hell is partially on your hands...but this need not go on. It's NEVER too late to turn around..."

2013-07-16, 01:55 AM
"All my life, I've believed that I was smarter, stronger, the best. That I had the right to take what I wanted because I deserved it. The devils said that the reason I didn't have what I wanted was because other, less worthy people were holding it back from me, and that with their help, I could claim it! It was so easy, going along with them..."

He pauses. "I am tired of easy."

2013-07-16, 01:58 AM
"You deserve what you put in. Tell me...how did you claim your post? You are very young, yet you are already supreme commander..."

2013-07-16, 07:53 AM
(Got up this morning, realized I completely whiffed the plot and characterization last night. Planning to retcon the entire scene.)

2013-07-16, 08:39 AM
Karrin washes up, and puts on the dress. She quickly stomps her way over to Khaine's room, still trying to contain her rage. Plus, she's still annoyed she ha no idea what the shadow is! Outside, she knocks.

You find Khaine waiting inside. The meal tonight is a bit more reserved than last night's, although it is still a league above prison food. The commander himself is seated at his chair, wearing attire that is cut to accentuate his virile form.

He nurses a glass of wine as you enter. "Welcome, my dear. You seem troubled; I felt you might wish some company this evening."

2013-07-16, 09:41 AM
"Commander, someone I deeply care about has just died, and her remains likely to be desecrated with undeath. So yes, I am deeply troubled, and ANGRY tonight. You may not find me very good company, as I have the urge to kill the closest thing I can find."

Karrin is trembling a bit.

2013-07-16, 09:51 AM
"That is understandable," he says. "Many have lost loved ones in this war, on both sides. It is a great tragedy, but one that cannot be avoided. I know you blame us for the war; I do not believe I can convince you otherwise. But it was the devils that slew her, not me or my men."

For a second, you see him fiddle with a ring on his finger. "Might I suggest trying the wine? It will help dull the pain for a time."

Will Save vs Suggestion (DC 19): [roll0]

2013-07-16, 09:58 AM
Karrin grits her teeth and shakes her head. "I will NOT be drinking any wine tonight, commander. Tell me the truth. Did you or did you not set this operation up? Regardless of whether you ordered them captured instead of killed?"

heading to school. logging on when I get there

2013-07-16, 10:02 AM
"I did not," he says, his tone measured and calm. "I was not even aware of it until after it had happened. My orders were to attempt to capture any foe that approached this base, if possible."

He samples some food. "Tell me about this woman. It will help you. I know it will."

2013-07-16, 11:16 AM
Karrin sits down but does not eat anything for now. "She's my significant other, and one of the strongest people I know. I will find a way to bring her back, and if you want to prove your honor, then you will find a way to help me with that!"

2013-07-16, 11:24 AM
"That is certainly a noble cause," he says. "True love conquering even death. I will see what I can do, but it will take... a great deal of cajoling. Especially considering how much of a threat the devils consider her; I would assume the last thing they would want would be for her to return to this world."

2013-07-16, 11:40 AM
"Worthy goals are never easy. I'm sure you will feel exactly as I do if one of your loved ones have been hurt or killed..."

2013-07-16, 11:46 AM
"I'm certain I would as well," he says, a hint of patronization in his voice. "But, nonetheless, simply allowing your anger to burn within you does nothing but prolong the pain in your heart. If you won't touch the wine, at least try to eat some of the food."

He looks you over. "If I may be permitted one more observation. I believe you are using your anger to contain your grief. I wouldn't recommend that; I know where it leads."

2013-07-16, 12:00 PM
"You are right. I *am* bottling up all of my anger. I am using as to not break down at the moment. My friends and allies NEED me to be strong...I...I can't AFFORD grief..."

2013-07-16, 12:09 PM
"You can't afford to keep it in. Besides, you are not amongst your friends or allies now."

Will Save vs. Charm Person (DC 18): [roll0]. Note: You don't know it was cast if you don't pass.

2013-07-16, 12:19 PM
Karrin sighs. "Well, maybe not amongst *many* allies, at least. Maybe there are a few people here that are sympathetic to my plight. But the point is, my lover will need me to be strong in order to get my act together to revive her. My allies outside need me to be strong so I can help them when the time is right."

2013-07-16, 12:23 PM
Khaine sighs. "There is strength, and there is stubbornness. Would it really hurt to grieve for a single night? I do not wish to see you in this state; it pains me."

2013-07-16, 12:48 PM
The paladin stares down at her plate, and she starts sobbing quietly.

2013-07-16, 12:57 PM
Khaine comes over to you. He wraps you in an embrace that feels enough like genuine affection that it makes you feel a little better.

He holds you for a while. "I think," he says, reaching for your collar, "that we don't need this for the moment." He mutters something, and it comes off.

2013-07-16, 12:58 PM
Does Karrin hear what the command word is?

2013-07-16, 01:19 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Infernal: "Unmake Bonds"

(So, I went to post this morning, and realized I couldn't do anything with the plot as it was going. What do you think?)

2013-07-16, 01:38 PM
(Yeah. This is definitely better now. It makes sense for Khaine to try to take advantage of Karrin's grief)

Karrin continues sobbing. She does not try to push away the embrace, and just shivers against Khaine. "I...WILL...get her back..."

2013-07-16, 01:46 PM
"I am sure you will," he whispers to you. "I wish very much now that circumstances were different. Very different. I hate how lonely you must be now..."

2013-07-16, 01:52 PM
Karrin sniffs. "I know I will be with my friends once more. And you have been...surprisingly supportive as well, so I guess things could be worse..."

2013-07-16, 01:54 PM
He begins to gently massage your neck, where the collar was, before moving down and including your shoulders.

2013-07-16, 02:45 PM
The paladin enjoys the massage for the time being, still too consumed by grief to think of anything else.

2013-07-16, 02:49 PM
"I can't promise you much," he whispers to you, "but if you want just one night to forget about everything that has happened and is happening, to ignore the pain and live for one moment of contentment, that I can give..." His offer is exceptionally tempting.

2013-07-16, 02:55 PM
"Are...are you trying to hit on someone who is effectively a widow...on the day of widowing?" Karrin's voice is not hostile, but is firm.

(gotta go for a few hours)

2013-07-16, 03:02 PM
"You've been alone, now, for how long? Days? Weeks?" He whispers. "Do you want to stay alone? To spend this of all nights, accompanied by nothing more than the shallow gasps of your own breaths, and the feeble beats of your aching heart?"

(Just to be clear; he's supposed to be very charismatic. I'm not sure if I'm writing him well enough)

2013-07-16, 05:29 PM
(Karrin is in way too much pain to be receptive to this right now. Right now she's feeling more pain and anger than loneliness. There's a bit of self-loathing going on as Karrin feels like she wasn't capable enough to protect Karrin. However, Karrin isn't the insecure type who feels she absolutely needs to be romantically loved in order to have Worth. In other words, what Khaine is doing would probably work on someone with lower self-esteem and maybe some image problems, but Karrin is too busy feeling angry to feel anyone hitting her with the romance bat. What she'd appreciate more than anything right now is reassurance and friendship, and if Khaine keeps pushing to go further than Karrin will believe he is only being supportive to get into her pants.)

"I'd like to stay here and talk...to have someone who will listen to me."

2013-07-16, 05:35 PM
"I understand. Whatever you wish to say, I will listen." He moves back to his chair.

2013-07-16, 05:49 PM
Karrins begins to talk in earnest about all the good times that she and Mira had together, and also the depths to which Karrin was willing to go to save Mira in the past. Karrin leaves out the details of N'skarra, but is frank on most everything else, especially on what attracted Karrin to Mira. "Mirabell is fiercely loyal to her friends, and she is willing to fight for Good and defend those who are preyed upon. She *cares* about other people...even those that may not be in a position to immediately repay her..."

2013-07-16, 05:56 PM
Khaine listens intently as you talk, late into the night. Eventually, you begin to feel tired.

"I think I understand you better, Lady Ye, or may I call you Karrin? Tonight has been most enlightening. I am truly sorry for your loss."

2013-07-16, 05:59 PM
"..." Karrin looks at Khaine for a few seconds. "You may. My loss can and will be reversed. She deserves it, despite starting out as mere blacksmith's daughter. Tell me, would she have had the chance to do great things within Angrove's Destiny Plan?" The Destiny Plan is what Karrin has taken to calling Angrove's enforcement of not letting people explore their potential.

2013-07-16, 06:08 PM
(Mira was an orphan)

"I suppose that would depend on the clergy; they are responsible for evaluating an individual's worth."

2013-07-16, 06:23 PM
(Then why do I remember her growing up learning blacksmithing? She just apprenticed under one?)

Karrin yawns. "In any case, I'd like to get some sleep now..."

2013-07-16, 06:27 PM
(She was self-taught; she had to craft her own armor out of scraps. In a cave)

Khaine puts your collar back on. "I will see you tomorrow. Hopefully the devils won't be around as much."

2013-07-16, 07:20 PM
Karrin laughs. "What? Not letting me stay here? Even a cot on the ground here is better than my cell. Let the other think you used me tonight if they wish. I don't care what they think."

2013-07-16, 07:28 PM
Khaine nods.

Later, you are given a small section of the study, and a few blankets. You find yourself lying alone in the cold night, alone for the first time since this morning.

2013-07-16, 08:16 PM
Karrin prays a lot, asking for support and confirmation of the day's events, even though she knows it is likely true. She also sends her thoughts to Mira's soul, promising her that Karrin will bring her back.

2013-07-16, 08:21 PM
All is not as it seems...

You slip into a restless sleep; true rest has been hard to come by these days. You awake early, or at least you think you do. It is hard to judge time since you were captured. You are cold, and Khaine had you put the collar back on before you went to bed simply because of the risk of you being discovered without it.

2013-07-16, 09:09 PM
Karrin yawns, and goes through her morning prayer rituals as she waits for the commander the wake up.

2013-07-16, 09:19 PM
You see a sealed note lying on the desk.

I've been called back to Angrove; I am not certain why, or when I will return. I've left instructions with those I trust most to keep you safe; but I cannot promise much, so be careful. Do not invoke our hosts' anger.
Burn this.

2013-07-16, 09:23 PM
Karrin frowns, wondering if Corvus will now give her instructions. She burns the note, then actually explores this room. they left her alone here, so she might as well try to find anything important or useful.

Also, she hides somewhere and tries the command word to unlock her collar to see if it works.

2013-07-16, 09:35 PM
You find several treatises on warfare Khaine's study, along with some books of a more personal nature. However, nothing of any strategic value is in this room.

Not surprisingly, the command word does not work when you say it; apparently the collar does not take commands from its wearer.

2013-07-16, 09:58 PM
Karrin studies those books to get a better sense of Khaine as a person. She wonders if she's allowed to just roam about.

2013-07-16, 10:16 PM
You find mostly non-fiction titles. Historical recounts and autobiographies of great wars and warriors of ages past. You also find a collection of old tales, and an unmarked book hidden deeper in. Inside its cover is the title, The Lusty Tlymarian Warrioress, and a quick skim of its contents leaves you embarrassingly moist.

2013-07-16, 10:32 PM
Karrin memorizes the content of that just in case she needed to perform any of those things in the future for any reason. Now hungry, she wonders if any servants brought food to her cell...

2013-07-16, 10:38 PM
"Hey, what are you doing!?"

A guard enters the room, brandishing his weapon.

2013-07-16, 10:41 PM
"Nothing. I woke up, and the commander was gone. I dare not go anywhere without permission, so here I stayed."

2013-07-16, 10:49 PM
The guard seems to put two and two together. "Alright, follow me." He takes you on a route back to your cell, when along the way, you encounter a large contingent of enlisted men.

"Hey, where you taken' that broad, Javick?" One of them says.

"Back to her cell," Javick says. "The commander didn't have the decency to return his toy after he was done with her."

"Well, as he's away, why dun't ya let us have a go?" their leader says.

Javick shrugs. "Just remember, Khaine went to a lotta trouble to go through the whole winin' and dinin' with her, so I don't think he'll like it much if ya break her, Mordain. I'll be in the mess." He leaves you with them.

2013-07-16, 11:06 PM
Karrin just tries her best to look non-offensive. "May I have some food? The commander promised me food but he must've been called to business early."

2013-07-16, 11:08 PM
The one called Mordain shrugs. "That depends. Do you like sausages?" The other soldiers snicker.

2013-07-16, 11:09 PM
"I would appreciate any real food right now. I am very hungry."

2013-07-16, 11:27 PM
"Well then, let's go to the mess," he says.

You are half-led, half dragged to the mess hall, where weary, angry soldiers are eating a thick, steamy gruel. A bowl of the stuff is set before you; the only nice thing one can say about it is that it's more filling than prison fare. As you eat, you notice more and more attention on you, and hear whispers about the "leash bitch."

2013-07-16, 11:30 PM
The paladin eats the gruel happily. She is very hungry, and does not mind slurping the stuff with the rest of the soldiers. She does her best to ignore the comments.

2013-07-16, 11:32 PM
The soldiers wait until you finish your meal, then Mordain takes your plate away.

"Alright, now it's time to pay up. We gave you better food than you deserved, prisoner, and we expect you show us the proper gratitude. You've filled your belly, so now we'll fill your belly."

2013-07-16, 11:35 PM
"How can I repay you in a way that will not anger the commander? He said something about working hard to get me..."

2013-07-16, 11:38 PM
"Hey..." Mordain says roguishly, "If he didn't want to share you, he'd a put a ring on you, eh?" The rest of the soldiers laugh.

2013-07-16, 11:54 PM
"I'm pretty sure his high status marks me as his property. Why else would he spend so much time and energy and luxuries wining and dining me?"

2013-07-16, 11:58 PM
"Listen," Mordain says, poking you in the chest above your cleavage with his finger, "You aren't the first broad Khaine's brought around here. He gets first pick, of course, but the chivalrous knight always makes sure there's enough left for the rest of us. Besides, that really isn't your concern, is it? Like I've said, you've eaten, it's time to pay up."

2013-07-17, 12:24 AM
Karrin sighs, shrugs, and says, "Alright...if you want to risk the wrath of Khan Khaine, then who am I to argue. I will be happy to show my appreciation to the...most worthy soldier first."

2013-07-17, 12:30 AM
"Alright then," Mordain says. "Highest ranking first." The others agree, and to your misfortune, it just so happens to be Mordain. A place on the table is cleared as you are encircled.

"I don't think you want that dress of yours torn, do you? Then you couldn't wear anything," one of the crowd says.

2013-07-17, 12:32 AM
Karrin sighs, takes off her dress, and hands it over before lying back on the table. "There...how do you want me?"

2013-07-17, 12:35 AM
He pauses a moment to consider. "Ass up, doggy-style."

2013-07-17, 12:36 AM
Karrin raises her ass up as high as she can, her ass up in the air, presented and vulnerable. She feels like a common whore right now.

2013-07-17, 12:40 AM
Mordain starts rutting you, first in the snatch, then your back door once he's coated his member with enough of your juices. He alternates between the two of them before finally finishing in your backside.

"Ehh, I'd give a three out of five. Personally, don't know what the commander sees in her." That does little to discourage the rest.

2013-07-17, 12:43 AM
"I'm trained as a warrior, not a prostitute! Now, who's next?" Karrin tries to put on a brave face.

2013-07-17, 12:49 AM
You are kept in the position as two more soldiers approach. You recognize the one behind you as Javick, the soldier that found you. "Nothing personal, miss," he says, "but your ass is too good to pass up." As he begins rutting you from behind, the other one guides his member into your mouth.

2013-07-17, 12:52 AM
The paladin starts sucking obediently. She knows what expected of her, and Khaine told her to not cause any trouble. She does her best to give a passable job to keep the soldiers happy, yet not good enough to rate as a whore.

2013-07-17, 12:59 AM
The soldier groans, and lets himself go with no concern for you, leaving you nearly gagging as he pulls out.

This continues until all of the soldiers are satisfied, leaving your backside covered in sticky white.

"Well, the leash bitch has certainly paid for her breakfast. If you're ever hungry again, feel free to come back. You know the price." They laugh.

2013-07-17, 01:10 AM
Karrin takes her dress, some extra gruel if possible, and then heads to the bathing area to try to clean up. Does anyone try to stop the nude woman from walking there?

2013-07-17, 01:18 AM
You are able to get away without being disturbed. You drip occasionally as you walk from the excess that was squirted into you. The bathing area is simply a cold pool separated a from the rest of the base by a stone wall with an archway in it; while the only way for someone to see is to enter the bathing area, there's nothing stopping anyone from entering, either. The alcoves in the wall for storage of the bathing pool's users are all empty.

2013-07-17, 04:36 AM
The paladin stores her dress and then goes into the bath to start washing herself!

2013-07-17, 10:25 AM
The water is unheated. Goosebumps run up your back, and the collar's command activates.

2013-07-17, 01:10 PM
The paladin groans in frustration as she starts fingering herself using one hand while washing herself with another. She was already sore from the gangbang, but she really needed to wash off as she doesn't want to walk around all day soaked with the men's ejaculations.

Karrin tries to finish cleaning as soon as possible and then get out.

2013-07-17, 01:20 PM
As you finger yourself, you notice a shadow fall over you. Looking up, you see a naked woman preparing to enter the pool. Her hair is shaved save for a single braid in the back, and her body is covered in ritual scars and tattoos in the shape of infernal symbols. Based on the writing, she is a member of the devil assassin cult. She stares at you impassively.

2013-07-17, 04:59 PM
Karrin does not feel comfortable sharing space with this assassin. Even if she is not fully clean at this point, she will get out of the pool and leave, not even taking time to put on her clothes.

2013-07-17, 09:58 PM
In an isolated section of corridor, you see a female figure in midnight-violet leather, which hugs her figure. She turns to face you briefly; although her face is concealed, you do get a glimpse of her eyes. They are a shining silver, and lack pupils, a trait known to full-blooded elves.

2013-07-17, 10:34 PM
Karrin is surprised. She thought the elves had all retreated behind their magic wall thing. Have the devils already penetrated that as well? Wait, didn't the dream she had say something about a fake elven tablet?

2013-07-17, 10:52 PM
The figure darts away, apparently not wishing to be seen.

2013-07-17, 11:06 PM
Perhaps this one isn't aligned with the fiends. An infiltrator or assassin or some sort sent against the devils? Karrin decides not to report what she saw to anyone, and will instead wander the fortress, trying to map out its layout. If anyone demands, she would perform sexual services just to avoid trouble.

2013-07-17, 11:19 PM
You end up getting rutted three more times before you are finally sent back to your cell. You are tired and sore. There is a bit more food available for you when you arrive; more prison fare.

2013-07-17, 11:22 PM
Karrin eats the food, knowing that she must keep her strength up. Who knows when an opportunity will present itself for her to escape. She idly wonders about how hard the collar would be to destroy, but does not do anything to try to harm it. She falls asleep praying. Maybe she'll get another dream...

2013-07-17, 11:40 PM
Several days pass, much the same as this one. Your fatigue, both physical and mental, increases with each passing day.

This changes one day when you find the body of the assassin cultist dead in the bathing pool, apparently killed from behind with a slashing weapon.

2013-07-18, 12:07 AM
Karrin quickly backs out. She does NOT want to be the murder suspect here. Whatever washing can wait! Was anything apparently taken?

2013-07-18, 10:18 AM
She was in the middle of bathing; it does not appear she knew of the attack. All of her gear is left untouched in the alcove.

2013-07-18, 11:13 AM
(What gear did the have? If there's nothing of use that Karrin can reasonably hide, Karrin will just leave.)

2013-07-18, 11:23 AM
(Various poisons, a pair of the daggers with magic that lets them be permanently poisoned, a garrote, infernal cult religious text and unholy symbol, +1 Shadow leather armor)

2013-07-18, 11:26 AM
Karrin elects not to take any of those items and leaves, deciding to head back to her cell still coated and dirty. If they search her cell they will not find anything.