View Full Version : Question about leaping flame maneuver

2013-03-03, 04:54 PM
First off, I would like to apologize in advance if this topic has already been covered, I searched the forum and could not find information on this.

I am playing a character who will soon be obtaining the maneuver leaping flame, and am confused on how exactly the counter effects a players attack, and more importantly, the damage done to me.

It states that you instantly appear in a square adjacent to your attacker, after resolving your enemies attack. Now I have read the term after resolving your enemies attack before and it was in the context that it occured after the hit made contact but before damage occurred. My question then is since you are no longer in the square where the attack connected would you*take damage? The descriptor of the maneuver (as your opponent attacks you, you disappear...) seems to point towards this. Is there something I am missing or am I correct.