View Full Version : A want to brake the game.

2013-03-03, 07:17 PM
So, I play as a Werewolf Halfling druid in a campaign and I have decided to try to brake the game as bet to my capabilities. (any equipment that can help would be much appreciated) I think that becoming a warshaper (complete warrior) and taking a bunch of meta-wildshape feats would do. Yet, I feel there is much more I could do. Any suggestions?

Darius Kane
2013-03-03, 07:25 PM
What do you mean by "break"?

2013-03-03, 07:30 PM
What do you mean by "break"?He said "brake."

Though I suppose if he wants to do both he could just...
http://rlv.zcache.com/stop_hammer_time_sign_clock_sticker-r4cd0d27d660c4333ad478369408ec7d0_v9wf3_8byvr_512. jpg


Hammer time!

2013-03-03, 07:30 PM
I'm pretty sure you mean "A wont to break the game"

2013-03-03, 07:35 PM
Why would you be a werewolf druid if you want to be powerful? You lose way, way too many druid levels for that to be worth it.

2013-03-03, 07:35 PM
I'm pretty sure you mean "A wont to break the game"??

Gonna assume we all realize the OP meant "I want to break the game."

2013-03-03, 07:35 PM
A werewolf halfling druid into warshaper sounds like the least broken thing ever. The level adjustment on lycanthropes plus having to take the racial hit dice of a wolf, combined with the loss of spellcasting by entering warshaper pretty much means you may as well skip druid entirely and go straight into warshaper with a couple of levels of fighter or barbarian for the bab requirement.

I personally like taking a druid with vow of poverty and a bunch of soulmeld-related feats for faux items.

2013-03-03, 07:41 PM

Wont is a word.

"As you are wont to do." means "As you are inclined to do." or "As you usually do."

A Wont is typically a desire, an inclination.

2013-03-03, 07:46 PM
Why do you want to break the game?

2013-03-03, 07:47 PM
Any thoughts on unleashing a plague of lycanthropy upon the world?

2013-03-03, 07:51 PM

Breaking the Game can be a fun experiment for theoretical optimization, but in an actual game it's not fun.

It's not fun for the DM, as all their hard work gets blown away by your monstrosity.
It's not fun for the other players, as they don't get to do anything.
It's not fun for you, as everybody resents you and all you have to show for it is a fleeting feeling of success as you add up some very large numbers.
The general rule in tabletop games is that people have or don't have fun collectively. Having fun at the expense of the rest of the group rarely works out.

That said, take levels of Warshaper until you get the "Grow a Natural Attack" ability. Now, wildshape into something with Pounce. You can grow two natural attacks a round.
Spend ten minutes growing 200 tentacles. You now have 200 natural attacks per round.

Then dodge the book the DM throws at you, pack up your character sheet, go home, look yourself in the mirror, and re-evaluate your life.

2013-03-03, 07:52 PM
wont is more accurately defined as a habitual inclination.

that being said I think he meant to say A want to break the game

wherein he is using want as a verb with an object which is defined as a desire or need to do something.

so he feels a need or desire to break the game.

enough random english classes though this is the interned...

just be a straight druid don't really matter your race you auto win.

just why are you breaking your game and is it going to upset everybody else at your table? if the answer is yes, the last thin you want to be is that one jerk who likes to go into games and then proceed to ruin it for the other X number of people playing.

but im probably going to be the sole voice of that line of reasoning.

2013-03-03, 07:56 PM
just why are you breaking your game and is it going to upset everybody else at your table? if the answer is yes, the last thin you want to be is that one jerk who likes to go into games and then proceed to ruin it for the other X number of people playing.

but im probably going to be the sole voice of that line of reasoning.

I am right there with you on that notion.

2013-03-03, 07:59 PM
wont is more accurately defined as a habitual inclination.

I suppose the question then becomes: Is this the first time that he's wanted to break the game or does he always want to break the game? If it's the former, then yes, he has a want to break the game. If it's the latter, then he wonts to break the game.

2013-03-03, 08:03 PM
Isn't it wonderful how spell checkers have removed all misspellings from the world?

2013-03-03, 08:04 PM
Just step on the respective pedal, it will eventually stop. Or ride a tiny legendary heavy encumbered snail, it will slow things down enough.

But if you want to break the game as a test of your capabilities, using a forum to ask for it is kind of cheating on a cheat, isn't it? It's just easier to play a videogame.

I'm sorry but I have no other advice than to say "don't do it", for the sake of fun.
(And core druid can be "broken" if you take the time to study the class a bit: Spells, Animal Companion and Wild Shape)

2013-03-03, 08:20 PM
Why would you be a werewolf druid if you want to be powerful? You lose way, way too many druid levels for that to be worth it.

I was bitten by a drow with the curse of lycanthropy.

2013-03-03, 08:23 PM
Why do you want to break the game?

I want to make the other players pay for making fun of me for being a halfling.

Darius Kane
2013-03-03, 08:25 PM
Don't. nghjdghdh

2013-03-03, 08:27 PM
I want to make the other players pay for making fun of me for being a halfling.Then what you do is, you make fun of THEM for NOT being halflings.

Especially since your family in particular is known for having males with far larger equipment than any human's.

You're informally known as the Tripod Clan.

2013-03-03, 08:30 PM
I was bitten by a drow with the curse of lycanthropy.

You could always cure yourself, and depending on what level you are you could potentially turn on the next full moon and wipe out your whole party while they sleep, as an uncontrollable wolf monster.

Night before the full moon when the rest of the party is sleeping and you are doing watch duty go through all their belongings and steal all their silver weapons. Next night slaughter the spell casters in their sleep first then laugh as the fighters have no way to bypass your damage reduction (assuming low level still)

Hircine would be so proud

2013-03-03, 08:31 PM
You could always cure yourself, and depending on what level you are you could potentially turn on the next full moon and wipe out your whole party while they sleep, as an uncontrollable wolf monster.

Night before the full moon when the rest of the party is sleeping and you are doing watch duty go through all their belongings and steal all their silver weapons. Next night slaughter the spell casters in their sleep first then laugh as the fighters have no way to bypass your damage reduction (assuming low level still)Ooooor you could just play pranks on them. Nonlethal pranks, but ones that are still rather humiliating.

Halflings are known for being rather testy (heh) when riled.

2013-03-03, 08:33 PM
"Y'see, the gods stop making ya bigger as soon as ye're great enough. If we was any taller, it just wouldn't be fair to the rest of ya."

2013-03-03, 08:33 PM
I want to make the other players pay for making fun of me for being a halfling.

Halflings are awesome, take the high road on this: play the best druid you can, read the druid handbook, manage your abilities wisely and you'll be an invaluable member of the party in no time.
By trying to break the game you're proving them right, showing that you can't play an awesome halfling druid without resorting to loopholes and cheesiness.

2013-03-03, 08:35 PM
I want to make the other players pay for making fun of me for being a halfling.


They're just being stupid. But remember, you are a druid.

The next time they mock you for being a Halfling, remind them that you are only a Halfling at this particular moment because you don't feel like being a Bear.

2013-03-03, 08:38 PM
My werewolf lord barbarian once ripped our groups sorcerer to pieces in a fight, out of game everyone in the group wanted him dead, but in game none of them wanted to shift their alignment to evil (even though the sorcerer was technically an evil character at the time he has just shifted himself a day earlier) It was a long time coming the sorcerer betrayed the party on several occassions as well as perfomring shenanigans that nearly got several party memebers (but never himself) killed.

Kill the weaklings! prove your worth as a predator! to hunt is to live!

It felt good to be bad :D

Rogue to our cleric: quick hes bleeding out on the floor!
Cleric: Im coming! (10 feet away)
next round Cleric: im still coming!
Next round Cleric: im still coming!
next round hes dead Cleric: okay im here! what seems to be the problem? I lol'd

2013-03-03, 08:38 PM
You could always cure yourself, and depending on what level you are you could potentially turn on the next full moon and wipe out your whole party while they sleep, as an uncontrollable wolf monster.

Two other are also werewolves.

2013-03-03, 08:39 PM
Two other are also werewolves.

So cure them.

2013-03-03, 08:40 PM
Two other are also werewolves.

This game is starting to sound pretty ridiculous.

Akal Saris
2013-03-03, 08:40 PM
Two other are also werewolves.

It sounds like quite the hairy situation!

2013-03-03, 08:41 PM
Two other are also werewolves.You still want to get yourself cured. You're a druid; you've got class features more powerful than entire classes!

You don't want the animal HD or LA. Get rid of it, STAT.

2013-03-03, 08:41 PM
You all right I will not brake the game unless someone else does.

2013-03-03, 08:41 PM
Two other are also werewolves.

take levels in cleric take the moon domain gain the ability to turn lycanthropes wave your hand and blow them all up

or cast the countermoon spell on them then transform and destroy them

2013-03-03, 08:42 PM
Akal, please don't say things like that here; it clearly belongs in one of the Bearington Bearman threads.

Big Fau
2013-03-03, 09:05 PM
Druids can all ready turn into wolves, why play a lycanthrope Druid?

2013-03-03, 09:08 PM
Druids can all ready turn into wolves, why play a lycanthrope Druid?Yet another reason for him to get cured.

Although...you could buy off the level adjustment and use the rebuilding options from the PHB2 to turn those animal HD into druid levels...

It'd cost some time and XP, but you could do it if you don't mind all the downsides.

2013-03-03, 09:14 PM
Yet another reason for him to get cured.

Although...you could buy off the level adjustment and use the rebuilding options from the PHB2 to turn those animal HD into druid levels...

It'd cost some time and XP, but you could do it if you don't mind all the downsides.

Is it actually legal to retrain racial HD into something useful?

2013-03-03, 09:17 PM
Is it actually legal to retrain racial HD into something useful?They count against ECL like class levels, and if you're of a race that progresses by racial levels you can take said levels in place of class levels when you gain enough XP (see: savage progressions), and you can retrain those, so I'm not sure why you couldn't.

2013-03-03, 09:48 PM
Halfling at this particular moment because you don't feel like being a Bear.

You can be a halfling and a bear. You just need to be a bit on the heavy side for a halfling and especially hairy.

2013-03-03, 09:50 PM
You can be a halfling and a bear. You just need to be a bit on the heavy side for a halfling and especially hairy.And, for preference, wear lots of leather and enjoy eating twinkies.

2013-03-03, 10:53 PM
They count against ECL like class levels, and if you're of a race that progresses by racial levels you can take said levels in place of class levels when you gain enough XP (see: savage progressions), and you can retrain those, so I'm not sure why you couldn't.

That's awesome if true. I am no 3.5 expert, but I was under the impression you were required to keep racial HD at all costs, for example if you are level drained by an undead foe you must buy them back before you can purchase any actual class levels.

2013-03-03, 11:35 PM
Chuck.... First off fail at spelling.(I am the OP's brother to all who have subscribed.). Second, Breaking* the game ruins things for everyone. I understand why you want to but PLEASE don't do it.

Sincerely, Sam

2013-03-04, 01:08 AM
Yeah, listen to your brother. Halflings are probably the coolest of the core races, and even if they were as lame as gnomes, other PCs being racist towards your PC is no reason to break the game. If you want to get back at them, do so in character, creatively.

2013-03-04, 01:33 AM
Take Druid until you have reincarnate. Kill the ones who make fun of you. Reincarnate them and roll the dice and see what they come back as!

2013-03-04, 01:37 AM
Take Druid until you have reincarnate. Kill the ones who make fun of you. Reincarnate them and roll the dice and see what they come back as!Or for more fun, hire a bunch of halfling wizards anonymously to do it for you! Just specify that they don't get the other half of their payment if they harm the halfling in your party.

2013-03-04, 01:39 AM
Or for more fun, hire a bunch of halfling wizards anonymously to do it for you! Just specify that they don't get the other half of their payment if they harm the halfling in your party.

And make a deal with a demon to have them "reincarnate" as halflings!

2013-03-04, 01:45 AM
And make a deal with a demon to have them "reincarnate" as halflings!Half-brownie halflings.

Then they'll be quarterlings.

Gnomish Wanderer
2013-03-04, 01:45 AM
Yeah, listen to your brother. Halflings are probably the shortest of the core races, but even if they were as cool as gnomes, other PCs being racist towards your PC is no reason to break the game. If you want to get back at them, do so in character, creatively.
Fixed it for you :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-04, 01:49 AM
Half-brownie halflings.

Then they'll be quarterlings.

With were-mosquito (they are technically carnivores)

EDIT: Or were-maggots

2013-03-04, 01:51 AM
With were-mosquito (they are technically carnivores)

EDIT: Or were-maggotsOoh! Were-penguins!

They're technically carnivores, too.

[edit] Talk to Yondalla to ensure that your Reincarnate turns out to be "halfling" for all of them. Even better if you can get some of her clerics incensed at the party's racist behavior beforehand.

2013-03-04, 02:33 AM
Ooh! Were-penguins!

They're technically carnivores, too.

You, sir, are my hero.

Were-ticks, were-leeches, were-mold (the kind that grows on meat!)

Are kangaroos carnivores?

2013-03-04, 02:46 AM
You, sir, are my hero.*Bows and wows*

Were-ticks, were-leeches, were-mold (the kind that grows on meat!)I'm afraid it's animals only.

Are kangaroos carnivores?Sorry, they're strictly herbivorous, far as I'm aware.

A were-pug would do just fine, though.

2013-03-04, 03:22 AM
were-house cat, were-cow, were-poodle

2013-03-04, 03:35 AM
were-house catThose things are *dangerous.* You sure you want to turn your party members into whirlwinds of wizard-death after having them killed?

were-cowMilk it for all it's worth.


2013-03-04, 04:12 AM
Those things are *dangerous.* You sure you want to turn your party members into whirlwinds of wizard-death after having them killed?

I once was playing a star wars version of DnD and my friend's cat ran at the wall at top speed, ran up the wall about three feet and, in true prince of persia style, jumped off the wall, did a 180 in mid air, slammed into the table, reached out and scratched a player's arm, then fell onto the floor, where he ran away to super turbo speed down the hallway.

2013-03-04, 04:44 AM
Breaking* the game ruins things for everyone. I understand why you want to but PLEASE don't do it.

Rather than asking him not to take an eye for an eye, it may be wise to fix what incited him in the first place.

2013-03-04, 11:09 AM
I once was playing a star wars version of DnD and my friend's cat ran at the wall at top speed, ran up the wall about three feet and, in true prince of persia style, jumped off the wall, did a 180 in mid air, slammed into the table, reached out and scratched a player's arm, then fell onto the floor, where he ran away to super turbo speed down the hallway.

I was so hoping this story would end with soda irreparably ruining a high level wizard's character sheet.

Anyway, ya OP get de-wereified and rock out pure druid awesomeness. Then you're free to make lots of dog jokes while being the strongest character by far. Make sure to talk to the DM about handing out xp properly so that you "catch-up" to those high ECL lycanthropes.