View Full Version : OOTS #877 - The Discussion Thread

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The Giant
2013-03-03, 09:17 PM
New comic is up.

2013-03-03, 09:18 PM
Durkon nooooo!

I love you, please don't go :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:18 PM
Good lord...

2013-03-03, 09:19 PM

RIP... we hope...

2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
No! The Xes for eyes...

Bling Cat
2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
Well ****.

2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
...Oh god. Not that I didn't see it coming, but still...

Oh, Durkon...:smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
~whistles~ dammmnnnnn.....

Dr. Gamera
2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
Expected, and deeply mourned.

2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo ooooo......



Mauve Shirt
2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
Giant, that is mean. TWO COMICS AGO I was celebrating his badassery. :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:19 PM
Wow. I'd leave it at that if it weren't for length minimums.

Now I kinda wish I hadn't read Origin of PCs, though...knowing their prophecy for Durkon makes even "the bright side" depressingly bittersweet.

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM

Didn't expect that.

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Elan should compose a song equally epic as the one he sang when Roy died.

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Mmm, dwarfy.

(Shouldn't Malack be drunk off his gourd?)

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Good lord...

I think you mean "Holy ****"

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Dont go home Durkon, stay with us!

The Goodnight
2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Awww, gee....

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM


...If you'll excuse me, I need to go to the store and buy a new box of tissues.

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Oh....no....He's gone. A hero hath fallen. Let sound the bagpipes, let the thunders crash. A Hero has fallen.

2013-03-03, 09:20 PM
Pollen count's really high today, innit? That combined with the dryness... and cat hair.

Yeah. Definitely the cat hair.

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
I had to make an account for this.. I've been reading this comic for years, and I finally had to make an account for this.

RIP, Durkon...

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
Holy crap.

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
Nooo Durkon! You were the most competent...

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM


We all saw that coming, but still... AAAH! :smalleek: :smallfrown:

No words... have something... in my eyes...

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
:( im sad.

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
It's probably going to take a bit for Durkon to wake up. Not that he'll want to. :smallfrown:

*Sheds tear*

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
Facing death with dignity. Sob sad day.

2013-03-03, 09:21 PM
Oh dear.

2013-03-03, 09:22 PM
That was amazingly depressing :-(

2013-03-03, 09:22 PM
Wonderfully done.

Ted The Bug
2013-03-03, 09:22 PM
So, you know that "we all love the Giant" thread? Yeah. You broke our hearts.


2013-03-03, 09:22 PM
Oh god, wow. He does the unexpected yet again. Despite it using stick figures the expressions on Durkon's face are great and show a lot. But Malack's expression seems happier than I thought he would be.

2013-03-03, 09:22 PM
Noo! Durkon!

2013-03-03, 09:23 PM
Pretty sure he hit all the stages of grief there. Still RIP Durkon.

2013-03-03, 09:23 PM
Wow. Just. Wow.

I really didn't see this coming. I mean, you know? I expected some other type of shenanigans here. The OOTS is in deep doo-doo here.

Rich, you have outdone yourself here. Bravo. I wanted to weep.

2013-03-03, 09:23 PM
Aww man, I was really hoping for a last second thors might or something. Yeah its too small of an area, but if he had done it and released it fast enough he could have broken loose.

Dire Lemming
2013-03-03, 09:23 PM

Oh, my...

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
Sleep well, gentle Dwarf. And may the Archons sing thee to thy rest.

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
Way to go Malack!

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
Pollen count's really high today, innit? That combined with the dryness... and cat hair.

Yeah. Definitely the cat hair.

May Valhalla welcome you Durkon.

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
That was an excellent death scene. Durkon will forever live on in my heart. And, ya know, probably the strip. As a vampire and all.

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM

Vampire Durkon! Not as cool as Vampire Belkar, but I'll take it! Hopefully Vampire B next though? Then we'd have double the dangerous blood drinkers!

Man, I love strip-a-day update schedules. I was kinda hoping Rich'd miss a day, so we could have this AWESOMENESS happen again, but I'm loving it nonetheless.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
At least there is no way Hel can claim Durkon's soul belongs to her :frown:

The Black Cat
2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
I teared up...a lot.

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
"The Bright Side" indeed. :smallsmile:

2013-03-03, 09:24 PM
Well, Malack managed to make Durkon's prophecied death far worse than Durkon ever imagined.

Oh, Durkon. Yes, you get to go home, but you haven't thought it through.

2013-03-03, 09:25 PM
I nearly cried just reading that.

This is how a hero should die.

The Zealot
2013-03-03, 09:25 PM
NOOOOOO! DURKON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I... I... I need to go sit down. Please, please, Malack, honor that last request, I beg of you. Durkon... don't change too much... please...:smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:25 PM
I was half-hoping for one-last reversal... Oh well...:smallfrown:

Roland Itiative
2013-03-03, 09:25 PM
I was expecting his death, but damn, his dying speech made me sad :smallfrown:

For a moment there I thought Belkar would break free of the mind control right after Durkon died, but I guess this strip is too sad for a kind-of last-panel joke.

So... Vampire Durkon next, with Belkar possibly being his first snack?

2013-03-03, 09:25 PM
That... that was just mean. :smallfrown:

In a good way story-wise at least. Just... excuse me while a little piece of me dies inside.

2013-03-03, 09:25 PM
*incoherent blubbering*
*all the tears forever*
*sad, sad faces*

2013-03-03, 09:25 PM

That's about all I can say, really.

2013-03-03, 09:26 PM
Yeah...he's dead as a doornail.

2013-03-03, 09:26 PM
This cannot be! Durkon is invincible!! Noooooooo!

Aw who am I kidding. The one time everyone would have loved to see a "plot twist". Coincidentally, I suppose this is a situation where a lack of a twist is the twist.

Oh BTW: Did you catch this? You can see Durkon getting paler and paler as his CON/blood is drained.

2013-03-03, 09:26 PM
Undead Durkon and Belker now? Not looking too good. Nobody else can rez, either.

Mutant Sheep
2013-03-03, 09:26 PM
Durkon seems so happy...:smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
Durkon has finally left us. :smallfrown:

I wonder, is he going to turn vampire now?

2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
And Durkon kept enough to try Resurrection once... But if he's the one who's dead, he can't cast it.

I'm curious, though. I thought turning into a vampire would happen right away. Not death, then comes back as a vampire. Does that mean Malack decided not to make him a vampire in the end? Or is it something else I'm missing?

I note that Belkar is witnessing everything, and presumably will be able to remember it. I wonder what it means for the future (if he survives this).

2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
To a fallen dwarf hero, I raise an ale in his honor.

2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
Nice! I certainly enjoyed this update. :smallamused:

Surfing HalfOrc
2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
I saw it coming, but I'm still surprised we got here. :smallfrown:

So, vampire Durkon, returning posthumously to the Dwarven Lands. Or not. Roy died, but it didn't stick. Miko died, but it did stick.

I REALLY can't say if Durkon is done for or not. And I LIKE IT!

2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
Lets hope Malack goes with Durkon's wishes.. which mean Belkar might still have a chance! I mean, Malack did seem like he was sincere with Durkon about his friendship, but in the end, had to do what he had to do as Durkon wouldn't have let it slide anymore.

Still, at least now Durkon and Malack get to be bestest vampire buds in the afterlife together!

2013-03-03, 09:27 PM
So the prophecy about Durkon destroying the Dwarven lands the next time he returns home could be about him returning home as a vampire and trashing the Dwarven homelands.

2013-03-03, 09:28 PM
I never really like Durkon but damn.
To undead?

*pours out beer on the earth*

2013-03-03, 09:28 PM
So... that's quite possibly the most depressing thing ever.

2013-03-03, 09:28 PM

-cue inelegant blubbering and incoherent sobbing-

Oh gosh, this is terrible.

2013-03-03, 09:28 PM
I bet Thor will have fun explaining that one in about three seconds.

2013-03-03, 09:28 PM
...Wow. I'm a fan of Team Evil, and that still made me cry.

2013-03-03, 09:28 PM
Ohhh.... that's bad. That's really, really bad.

2013-03-03, 09:29 PM
So... Vampire Durkon next, with Belkar possibly being his first snack?

Oh man, I never even thought of that.


2013-03-03, 09:29 PM
That's a shame. I was hoping he'd live, but I guess it is kind of expected. Hopefully he at least gets buried with honor, or something. I wonder how the other party members will react, or if there's a chance for him to get raised. This will affect the plot, I'm sure.

2013-03-03, 09:29 PM
May Valhalla welcome you Durkon.

That image sums up my thoughts on this comic so well. I would say rest well but... we all know that wont happen.

2013-03-03, 09:29 PM

Well, this was amazingly fast. Also sad, but also very fast.

2013-03-03, 09:29 PM
Hit me harder than Lion King's, "Papa? Wake up papa."

Anyways, still confident they'll taking him to Kraagor's gate/dwarven homelands to get raised.

Hell, we might even get a few Durkon in the after life comics. Heck yes!
Beer steins with a CR21 and size gargantuan, Chug chug chug!

2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
And now every single appearance of Durkon from earlier in the strip will make me very, very sad.
I did like the art upgraded tears.
This is definitely one of the best death scenes in the comic.

2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
Rest in peace brave Durkon.

Sinner or Saint
2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
First step to any TPK, the Cleric dies, definitely not looking good for the Order.

Angel Bob
2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
I'm not the sentimental type, and I've never been a great fan of Durkon, but even I must observe a moment of silence.


2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
Rest in peace Durkon, you've fought the good fight...

Dire Lemming
2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
Lets hope Malack goes with Durkon's wishes.. which mean Belkar might still have a chance! I mean, Malack did seem like he was sincere with Durkon about his friendship, but in the end, had to do what he had to do as Durkon wouldn't have let it slide anymore.

Still, at least now Durkon and Malack get to be bestest vampire buds in the afterlife together!
I believe he will; neither of them had any choice in the actions they took.

At least, Malack personally won't be responsible the deaths of any other in the order, should he choose to respect Durkon's wishes.

The Troubadour
2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
I'm still bummed by the cheap way Malack finally defeated him, but this was an awesome fight right up to the end and it was a good death for Durkon. I do hope Malack doesn't desecrate his corpse by turning him into a vampire.

You only saw one part. There is another strip lateron in which Durkon reads a scroll which has been corrected by Malack, teacher like with red ink. After that he casts the spell successfully.

I can't find that strip. Could you please link it to me?

2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
May your spirit be guided safely to Valhalla, old friend. Thor never had a more dedicated or able servant.

2013-03-03, 09:30 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo ooooo......


Come on. You can do better. (http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/)


2013-03-03, 09:31 PM
*whistles Taps, salutes*

2013-03-03, 09:31 PM
:frown::frown::frown: :<(

You are a cruel, cruel person, Rich.

Pleeease let Durkon be dead instead of vampire'd? *sigh* not likely.

This is awful.

2013-03-03, 09:31 PM
Malack never technically agreed to the promise...

2013-03-03, 09:31 PM
....awwwwwww. :(

2013-03-03, 09:31 PM
I'm curious, though. I thought turning into a vampire would happen right away. Not death, then comes back as a vampire. Does that mean Malack decided not to make him a vampire in the end? Or is it something else I'm missing?

Durkon has to die and come back first. I know the monster manual says that if a person is killed by blood-drain they rise immediately, but I'd think the transformation would take a round or so.

Well, when DMing I'd rule it takes 1d4+2 rounds, but it's not RAW.

2013-03-03, 09:32 PM
/wipes furiously at eyes

Gift Jeraff
2013-03-03, 09:32 PM
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :smallfrown::smallfrown::smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:32 PM
Holy ****.

2013-03-03, 09:32 PM
:smallfrown: my favorite OotS pc

looking forward to more from you Giant

2013-03-03, 09:33 PM
Malack never technically agreed to the promise...

It's rude to talk with food in your mouth.

Realms of Chaos
2013-03-03, 09:33 PM
That was... words fail me.

I think that I need to sit down.

2013-03-03, 09:33 PM
Durkon's tears and that sweet smile.



2013-03-03, 09:33 PM
So now the big question, aside from how we keep on going through the tears: What happens to Belkar?

2013-03-03, 09:33 PM
Only just now saw this. So sad right now.

2013-03-03, 09:33 PM
crap, he is the only one who can cast, well anything, V is down, elan has very little in the way of healing, Durkon, the only one who could resurrect is a vamp (incidentally, someone call buffy, we have a spellcasting dwarf vampire)
the party will have to abandon the gate, and haley has already disarmed most of the traps, the linear guild may have to go head to head with xycon to keep the gate (the linear guild and the order may just have to team up when xycon come a-calling.)

2013-03-03, 09:34 PM
O. . M. . .G. . .

Well, we can hope Malack gets a brutal, painful obliteration by the OOTS when they find him, of the "leave his sun-bleached skull and shattered fangs out in the sun and let his name be cursed forever".

Seriously, now hoping for Malack to end up sucking up a Distintegrate or three from V while Roy uses that Undead Bane Greatsword on him or something.

That. . .that's just not right. Durkon was just doing the right thing, the ONLY right thing to do, and he gets this treatment.

Anybody here going to pretend Malack isn't pure Deserves-To-Die evil after this?

2013-03-03, 09:34 PM
I'm a full supporter for the villains to succeed but I think this song fits perfectly as a requiem for Durkon's death. Link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTKy0drMatc)

2013-03-03, 09:34 PM

He cried in happiness because he knew he was going home. Giant, you brilliant-story-writing son of a bitch!

Gonna go cry a while, now...

2013-03-03, 09:34 PM
:smallfrown: Rest in peace, Brother Thundershield. Rest in peace. :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:35 PM
I wanted Belkar to die first anyway, I knew that it was going to happen but this is just sad. Looks like team evil is going to win cause there is no planar binding.

2013-03-03, 09:35 PM
Stop reminding me of how sad FMA is sometimes :smallfrown:. I think I'm done for the day, I'm too sad to get anything done today.

However, I have one thing to say. Technically Durkon is fulfilling the prophecy no matter how he returns home since he isn't a human he's a dwarf:smalltongue:. And according to the SRD he doesn't necessarily turn into a vampire.

1d4 days after burial.

emphasis mine, he could be resurrected without a problem(or just left unburied for an indefinite amount of time...). Of course, I doubt that Roy would do that, its more likely he would unwittingly bury Durkon.

2013-03-03, 09:35 PM
Where's a Bard with Summon Dues Ex Machina when you need one? :(

2013-03-03, 09:35 PM
Wow, that was unbelievably sad... I even got slightly teary-eyed for a moment there!I simply hope that Malack respects Durkon enough to respect his final wish...

Anyway, RIP Durkon. I'm happy he was able to look on the bright side of life (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo) in his final moments... :')

2013-03-03, 09:36 PM
Will Durkon be a vampire now? Because without a high level cleric I don't see how oots is gonna be able to survive against the threats they usually fight.

2013-03-03, 09:36 PM
Let the liquid pride flow...

Chris Opperman
2013-03-03, 09:36 PM
That wasn't very fun. Of course, Roy died and came back, but I think maybe this one will be permanent.

2013-03-03, 09:36 PM
O. . M. . .G. . .

Well, we can hope Malack gets a brutal, painful obliteration by the OOTS when they find him, of the "leave his sun-bleached skull and shattered fangs out in the sun and let his name be cursed forever".

Seriously, now hoping for Malack to end up sucking up a Distintegrate or three from V while Roy uses that Undead Bane Greatsword on him or something.

That. . .that's just not right. Durkon was just doing the right thing, the ONLY right thing to do, and he gets this treatment.

Anybody here going to pretend Malack isn't pure Deserves-To-Die evil after this?

Malack did what he had to. I hope that either the Linear Guild or Xykon succeed. While Durkon's death is regrettable he was just another soul lost fighting for the wrong side.

2013-03-03, 09:36 PM

He cried in happiness because he knew he was going home. Giant, you brilliant-story-writing son of a bitch!

Gonna go cry a while, now...

You guys are bumming me out. I'm actually starting to feel bad about this. Think about how AWESOME vamp D will be though.... Just hold on to the awesome, I'm not gonna get all misty eyed....

2013-03-03, 09:37 PM
I can't find that strip. Could you please link it to me?


2013-03-03, 09:37 PM
VICTORY SCREECH! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdN0NXgjsn8)

Huzzah! Malack prevails over the brutish, hammer smashing jerk. And he's potentially a vampire ontop of that! This comic strip couldn't get any better. Props all around for the win.

*Looks at OOTS fans*


2013-03-03, 09:37 PM
Durkon is not yet gone. As a vampire, when Malack gets destroyed, he will regain full free will. That might be the point where he snaps back to Good and we see if Rich debunks the undead = always evil convention... or not.

Proud Tortoise
2013-03-03, 09:37 PM

2013-03-03, 09:37 PM
Mal seems like the kind of fellow who willleave the Belkster alone at this point.

Instead taking care of his only childe.

Dire Lemming
2013-03-03, 09:37 PM
Anybody here going to pretend Malack isn't pure Deserves-To-Die evil after this?
How are you justifying such a thought?

Durkon's death is most certainly very saddening (:smallfrown:), but Malack gave him several chances, even before their meeting at that point.

Regarding vampirism, I think Malack's most prominent intentions are to have Durkon see his own point of view and to share any vestiges of friendship they had, even forced.

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
You know, people killed by a vampires bite wake 1d4 days after burial. Not death, burial. Durkon's last wish was to be buried in his homeland...
Crap. Bye bye, Dwarven homeland.

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
I think this is the first time I've even commented on one of the new strips.

That was heart-wrenching. :frown:

I can't believe I'm so sad over the death of a stick figure.

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
Long time reader, first time poster. Even though I know you will not, I wish you will R.I.P Durkon. :smallfrown:

Time to listen to Oh Danny Boy again...

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
Somewhat saw that coming (which is rare for me, when reading OOTS).
But was hoping for the best.

Still, bye Durkon. Just don't disappear completely from the comic.

Plus, he was the best there. V has a lot of power, but is also arrogant. Roy had a lot of wisdom and cared a lot about the others, but, despite having impressive stat rolls, is still a humble fighter. Durkon had the best of both. His demise is the worst possible, imo. (he's a cleric, goddamit, everyone loves clerics)

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
When the last comic came out, I was sad because this seemed inevitable. I still hoped for some sort of turnaround for Durkon's sake.

I am so sad now, our favorite dwarf is gone. RIP :durkon: :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
Well, he gets to go home. He'll be safe from trees. It's a good way to go.

Praise Thor. (chug-chug-*sniff*chug):durkon:

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
And Durkon's eyes closed....

And...the breath stoped...

But Durkon Thundershield had smiles on face. (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4988255/1/Halflife-Fulllife-Consequences-Free-Man)

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
VICTORY SCREECH! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdN0NXgjsn8)

Huzzah! Malack prevails over the brutish, hammer smashing jerk. And he's potentially a vampire ontop of that! This comic strip couldn't get any better. Props all around for the win.

*Looks at OOTS fans*


High Five! :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-03, 09:39 PM
That's why I didn't want to think... :smallfrown:


2013-03-03, 09:41 PM
I think the simple fact that he is smiling, that he was content with his death, is what really makes this a tear-jerker. If he had gone down in any other way, rather than being sucked dry by what is essentially the fantasy equivalent of an overgrown leech, and didn't have enough time to realize what was happening or deliver his final words, we probably wouldn't be as emotional right now. Surprised, but not near tears.

2013-03-03, 09:41 PM
Regarding vampirism, I think Malack's most prominent intentions are to have Durkon see his own point of view and to share any vestiges of friendship they had, even forced.

Using a supernatural disease/curse to force someone into being your friend forever is evil. Even more so if their entire belief system goes against such a transformation. No, it doesn't mater if you're lonely and all of your other friends are going to die long before you do, you don't get to violate someone like that and not be evil.

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 09:41 PM
If Malack has any decency left, any at all, he will honor Durkon's last wish. I think he will though, he respected Durkon, after all.

I have this pit in my stomach and the hairs on my body are standing up. This is as shocking as Roy's death. Worse, because they don't have a friendly cleric available.


2013-03-03, 09:41 PM
Team up could happen. If Durkon rises as Malack's thrall, well, team Tarquin (I.e. The Linear Guild) will have more info about the gate and what's coming. Somehow, this gate goes kaboom and we move on to the last gate.

2013-03-03, 09:41 PM
A Hero Falls Once More.

2013-03-03, 09:42 PM
Honestly, I think the worst bit is seeing the smile on Durkon's corpse. No one else has died with a smile on their face on this comic, it's incredibly unsettling.

2013-03-03, 09:42 PM
High Five! :smallbiggrin:

*Bro fist for the dark side*

Alright, now all Malack has to do is Dispel the Belkster, get nibbling, and we can get working towards team Order of the Vampire! Now that's an idea I can get behind.

2013-03-03, 09:42 PM
That was tragic. When I first read the title I though Malack was in for a little sunlight.

I really hope Durkon's final wish is honored. With Durkon gone, V missing, and Belkar dominated, the rest of the order is not exactly in fighting shape.

2013-03-03, 09:42 PM
Durkon, you were there from the beginning, from the very start. The first thing we ever saw in this comic was Durkon fighting the good fight, putting his life on the line to fight that which is evil. His stability was what saved the day. Rather than gloat and glorify himself, he was humble and continued to do his duty.

When Roy was snarky and mean and dead, when Elan was obtuse and obnoxious, when Haley was cryptogrammed, when V was crazy and genocidal, when Belkar was stab-happy; you were always there. We could always count on you to do what was right. When Roy died, you made a speech to console Haley, and through her, to console us.

You resurrected Roy, you mentored and comforted V in V's hour of guilt and shame, you always did all you could to help, and in return the message allowing you to return to your beloved dwarven homelands was eaten. Everyone else got a gift from Shojo except you, but you never complained.

Why am I sad, why am I crying?

I don't know. Durkon just felt really... stable.

:frown: :smallfrown: :frown:

2013-03-03, 09:42 PM
I just realized Durkon isn't a vampire yet. What if, Malack decides to not have Durkon become a vampire, maybe just because the Spawn relation won't feel right knowing they weren't friends anymore. What if Malack just leaves Durkon's body, and doesn't vamp him?

2013-03-03, 09:42 PM
Someone must start a funeral thread

Dumbledore lives
2013-03-03, 09:43 PM
I got to say, I expected Belkar to die before Durkon, this is, well, really sad.

2013-03-03, 09:43 PM
:smallfrown: Poor Durkon.

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 09:43 PM
Honestly, I think the worst bit is seeing the smile on Durkon's corpse. No one else has died with a smile on their face on this comic, it's incredibly unsettling.

But appropriate. Durkon's going home. That's all he really wanted. No, no I'm not crying. I just have something in my eye.

2013-03-03, 09:43 PM
Right here I hope that either the Linear Guild or Xykon succeed. While Durkon's death is regrettable but he was just another soul lost fighting for the wrong side.

Seriously? WTF?

The wrong side? Fighting to destroy an abomination with no right to exist, that exists in blatant defiance to the natural order?

Redcloak wants to destroy the entire world, and the souls of all in it, just so that the Gods will have to create a new world later that he thinks will be more hospitable to his people.

Xykon wants to rule the world as an immortal overlord with what he thinks is an artifact-grade superweapon.

Malack is an undead abomination that just casually killed somebody he thought was his best friend, as a tiny part of his master plan to dominate about half the world (i.e. the Western Continent).

Tarquin is a charismatic and glib, but utterly heartless monster who places no value on the lives of anybody who is not him, and to a lesser extent his immediate family. He had dozens of slaves crucified and burned alive just to create a sign that would look nifty at night as they burned to death.

Each one deserves to die, and if there was any justice, painfully and slowly.

For many people, apparently this comic made them sad. It gave me rage, deep furious rage. The "Anakin sees his mother die and massacres a village of sand people" type desire for vengeance and wrath. Of course, in that case, it was evil for Anakin to do that because the Sand People were living beings with free will.

Not so with Malack, he's a vampire, an unliving monstrosity created by negative energy that exists in defiance of natural and metaphysical laws, that has no free will to not be evil (unlike say, the Black Dragons).

Familicide: Vampire would be a [Good] Spell, things like that just drive that home.

2013-03-03, 09:43 PM
Damn you Giant

you make me cry....

Rest in Peace Durkon

2013-03-03, 09:43 PM
*Bro fist for the dark side*

Alright, now all Malack has to do is Dispel the Belkster, get nibbling, and we can get working towards team Order of the Vampire! Now that's an idea I can get behind.

*insert maniacal laughter and long winded villain speech* :smallamused:

Enero Irontoad
2013-03-03, 09:44 PM
Hm, I wonder if Malack will honor Durkon's last request. On one hand, he is Lawful and did seem to respect Durkon, on the other hand, he is Evil and willing to put aside his personal convictions for Tarquin's sake. Since Durkon died from a vampire bite, that means he's certainly going to become a vampire himself if nothing intervenes in the meantime, right?

2013-03-03, 09:44 PM
Durkon, I'm glad that you were happy when you died.

My own grandfather died today. I just heard the news a few hours ago. And, I can't write anything to him yet, so I'm going to write something here for Durkon. There might be some overlap...

In memoriam
Durkon Thundershield cared about only a very few things: his home and his family, his friends, his service to his god and the cause of Good, and perhaps a place to find a good mug of ale, though few enough were forthcoming outside his ancestral lands.

But that which he cared about, he cared about deeply. His wisdom, his loyalty, and his courage were a rock that all those who knew him could always count on.

Many times, he had the practicality and good sense to just get things done and not wait for anyone else to come help him. But he was always there to help others. And everyone was safer and more confident knowing that they had his strength to fall back on in their times of need.

He often put aside his own suffering to take responsibility for others, and though they may not have said so, they were always thankful for his care. He also put aside the greatest of all his desires in order to fulfill his responsibility: he chose to keep his oath and never to return home without permission, though that was the one place he truly desired to go.

It was a mark of the integrity of his character that he never backed down from his principles. When his allies were being foolish and fighting with a paladin without realizing it, he chose surrender. When his party was separated, he chose to aid the people around him and do the most good that he could. When his allies were entrapped by Nale, he went to fight alone and showed the power that could be called on by a true servant of Thor. And, when he knew the great risk to his allies, he chose to fight alone and give his life to do everything he could to keep them safe.

Go safely to your God's side, Durkon Thundershield. I know without doubt that he shall have a place of honor for you at his right hand, and a mug of the finest ale that you have ever tasted always at the ready.

2013-03-03, 09:44 PM
He'll be safe from trees.

Actually, he's become more vulnerable to trees. A sharpened stick could be the end of him.

2013-03-03, 09:44 PM
I knew this was coming and I'm still tearing up. The last line just killed it. He's going home as... a vampire.

2013-03-03, 09:44 PM
I just realized Durkon isn't a vampire yet. What if, Malack decides to not have Durkon become a vampire, maybe just because the Spawn relation won't feel right knowing they weren't friends anymore. What if Malack just leaves Durkon's body, and doesn't vamp him?

Pretty sure that's not really an option.

Rest while you can, Durkon. You were a true dwarf to the end.

2013-03-03, 09:45 PM
*Leaving my usually only lurking in these threads activities*

Good gods... Durkon may not have had much in the comic to himself like the others, but I still loved the little guy.
R.I.P. Durkon.

I'm just gonna go sit in the corner and cry now.

2013-03-03, 09:45 PM
I had to stop lurking because this is a big deal. It's just really well done. Amazingly, almost stupidly well done. I'm bummed that Durkon's looking pretty doomed, but I couldn't really be too sad because this was just so well executed.

Of course we've still got a couple strips left in the series, right?

Dire Lemming
2013-03-03, 09:45 PM
Using a supernatural disease/curse to force someone into being your friend forever is evil. Even more so if their entire belief system goes against such a transformation. No, it doesn't mater if you're lonely and all of your other friends are going to die long before you do, you don't get to violate someone like that and not be evil.
It never was Malack's intent. The fact he did it now is his grasping at straws, much as Durkon too was forced to do.

I am not saying that Malack is justified in forcing the transformation in the least; I am saying that Durkon, and the readers, should have expected it after the latter's denial of continuous attempts to remain civil if not friendly.

Also, a neutral character could do something like that -- much like how one could lean towards good in specific events.
* Please note that I am not making the case of Malack not being evil, though it is still a very faint possibility.

2013-03-03, 09:46 PM
:smallfrown: Welp.... Not expecting that, but oh man. :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:46 PM
First step to any TPK, the Cleric dies, definitely not looking good for the Order.

That's a good point. A well-rounded party needs a cleric. Who do you think it'll be? Someone we've already seen (maybe even a resurrected Durkon?), or someone new?

2013-03-03, 09:46 PM
Rich.... You Magnificent Bastard....

And I'm not sure which part of that I mean more at this moment.:frown:

2013-03-03, 09:46 PM
*sheds manly tears*

2013-03-03, 09:47 PM
Actually, he's become more vulnerable to trees. A sharpened stick could be the end of him.

As I'm sure numerous people have pointed out before me: just about anyone would die if you jam a sharp wooden stake through their heart.

So it's not like vampires have anything special going on here, really. :smallsigh:

Sorry, trying to make light of the situation because it's damn depressing otherwise.

2013-03-03, 09:47 PM
Each one deserves to die, and if there was any justice, painfully and slowly.

I would argue against this. Saying this is like saying that all of them are irredeemable.

2013-03-03, 09:47 PM
I too registered for this comic. As a perennial cleric and/or LG guy, I liked Durkon a lot, and even though death is just another step in our path, it is a big one, and yes, I feel real sorrow for Brother Thundershield, in all his stick figure glory. I wish your soul isn't destined for desecration.

2013-03-03, 09:48 PM
I don't know. Durkon just felt really... stable.
I had just stemmed the tears, and this started them up again.

2013-03-03, 09:48 PM
If Malack has any decency left, any at all, he will honor Durkon's last wish. I think he will though, he respected Durkon, after all.
Pft. He'll honor Durkon's last wish like his partner, Tarquin, kept all his promises to "help" Elan.

(And for the person who was about to argue that Tarquin never actually promised Elan anything, I DINNAE WANT A SEMANTICS ARGUMENT RIGHT NOW.)

2013-03-03, 09:48 PM
Rest in peac... Oh, wait, I don't like you very much at all, dwarf. Yay, Malack! :smallbiggrin: I know you are destined to be killed destroyed before the end, as a secondary villain, but keep on rocking like that and die a awesome re-death!
I loved how Mal kept more or less the same expression and lack of reaction trough the whole process (not that he could speak with his mouth full, that would be rude, but still).
For the pro-durkon people, cheer up! So much character development potential that was was kept from him since the very start.

All and all, a great strip :D Vamp Durkon will be interesting, but I dunno about Vamp Belkar. My guess is that the Sexy Shoeless God of War will remain breathing, for whatever reason. I just can't picture the same thing happening to both of them.

2013-03-03, 09:49 PM
... my

2013-03-03, 09:49 PM
I'm a full supporter for the villains to succeed but I think this song fits perfectly as a requiem for Durkon's death. Link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTKy0drMatc)
No! Not Durkon!

O buddy Durkon, of the mighty beard

Your light is gone, it must be fear'd

from a world of almonds and nasty trees

and cajuns and ice cream and lovely threes

you were a constant, so stable and true

but now you're gone, we have no clue

our arboreal tormentors that haunt our dreams

and laugh at all our futile screams

sleep easier now that you are gone

Malack, Malack, what have you done

Oh Durkon, Durkon Thundershield

your memory shall never yield!
R.I.P. :durkon: #001-#877
(That's mutually exclusive with becoming a vampire, by the way.

How are you justifying such a thought?

Durkon's death is most certainly very saddening (:smallfrown:), but Malack gave him several chances, even before their meeting at that point.
How are you justifying those as reasonable choices? :smallannoyed:

2013-03-03, 09:49 PM
Since everyone else seems to be linking music for this strip here's my choice. Doubly Appropriate too.


Also, giant you git, (in a good way), that was an excellent final speech.

Goes off to find a corner to cry in.

2013-03-03, 09:50 PM

:smallannoyed: Am I the only one that hates the "Abomination" and undead must be evil attitude. Its stuff like this that really bothers me, do constructs or other beings that live/are created through magic also lack the right to live or the right to not be hunted down and live in peace. And even if an undead person decides to be evil does that make them any worse than an average evil human?

2013-03-03, 09:50 PM
Who wants to take bets that Durkon gets more screen time undead than he did alive?

2013-03-03, 09:50 PM
* Please note that I am not making the case of Malack not being evil, though it is still a very faint possibility.

No, it is not in any way a possibility.

That's a good point. A well-rounded party needs a cleric. Who do you think it'll be? Someone we've already seen (maybe even a resurrected Durkon?), or someone new?

SoD spoilers
Redcloak's niece?

2013-03-03, 09:50 PM
Pretty sure that's not really an option.

Rest while you can, Durkon. You were a true dwarf to the end.

There's still time. According to the 3.5 rules Durkon will rise as a Vampire under Malack's control 24 hours after his burial. Until then Durkon can still be resurrected, staked through the heart or cremated to prevent him from rising as a Vampire.



Ted The Bug
2013-03-03, 09:51 PM
Seriously? WTF?

The wrong side? Fighting to destroy an abomination with no right to exist, that exists in blatant defiance to the natural order?

He's trying to be all *edgy*. Ignore. It's a sad, sad day.

2013-03-03, 09:51 PM
Wow. What a great strip. I was hoping somehow Durkon could be saved but the possible story lines now have me even more intrigued than before. :)

2013-03-03, 09:52 PM
* Please note that I am not making the case of Malack not being evil, though it is still a very faint possibility.

Of for crying out loud! Can you people please accept that we burned that bridge several strips ago! Are you going to argue that Durkon isn't Evil either if he rises as a Vampire now?

2013-03-03, 09:52 PM
:smallannoyed: Am I the only one that hates the "Abomination" and undead must be evil attitude?

I like my vampires monstrous. They eat people. The mouse feels no sympathy for the owl. I hope the "sexy vampire" thing that (I think?) Anne Rice started is a passing fad.

Dr. Gamera
2013-03-03, 09:52 PM
What horrors wait for us in the next two strips?

2013-03-03, 09:52 PM
So, good job to Roy for splitting the party. :smallmad:

I wonder if this will lead to animosity between the members, like with the Scribble. Doubt it as they still have another gate and possibly Xykon's astral lair, but still . . .

2013-03-03, 09:53 PM
Respawn in 5....4....3....2....1..... Oh wait, nah that just needs a true ress scroll and he's fine back in the story :smallbiggrin:

2013-03-03, 09:53 PM
Seriously? WTF?

The wrong side? Fighting to destroy an abomination with no right to exist, that exists in blatant defiance to the natural order?

Redcloak wants to destroy the entire world, and the souls of all in it, just so that the Gods will have to create a new world later that he thinks will be more hospitable to his people.

Xykon wants to rule the world as an immortal overlord with what he thinks is an artifact-grade superweapon.

Malack is an undead abomination that just casually killed somebody he thought was his best friend, as a tiny part of his master plan to dominate about half the world (i.e. the Western Continent).

Tarquin is a charismatic and glib, but utterly heartless monster who places no value on the lives of anybody who is not him, and to a lesser extent his immediate family. He had dozens of slaves crucified and burned alive just to create a sign that would look nifty at night as they burned to death.

Each one deserves to die, and if there was any justice, painfully and slowly.

For many people, apparently this comic made them sad. It gave me rage, deep furious rage. The "Anakin sees his mother die and massacres a village of sand people" type desire for vengeance and wrath. Of course, in that case, it was evil for Anakin to do that because the Sand People were living beings with free will.

Not so with Malack, he's a vampire, an unliving monstrosity created by negative energy that exists in defiance of natural and metaphysical laws, that has no free will to not be evil (unlike say, the Black Dragons).

Familicide: Vampire would be a [Good] Spell, things like that just drive that home.

For starters, ouch, that stings right at home.

Secondly, yeah, that seems like the right side to be on. Because it's the winning side and it's the side that has alot more depth to it then you give it (Well, except for Xykon, he's just loonie).

And what proof do we have that Vampires lack free will? Malack has expressed the ability to think for himself and the future, only striving to continue his ultimate cause that he has personally dedicated himself too. So all that's left is the "living" part, and what does that matter for? Should we go around destroying all constructs because they're made of rock and such? Should we slice up angels because they never die (Much like Vampires do, which brings to question how outsiders and the like don't disrupt the "natural order" that is DnD's highway pile-up of unnatural magic that bends the laws of the universe regularly, so maybe we should kill V and the other wizards too?) alongside every other immortal being? Durkon's just a stubborn stick in the mud and he had it coming.

2013-03-03, 09:53 PM
I have a theory.

Kraagor's gate is in the northern lands, which is where the dwarven lands are as well. The OOTS will head there after Girard's Gate, and bury Durkon along the way.

Now then, check this bit about vampires.

Create Spawn (Su)
A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial.

The Order finds the gate a couple days later, and during the battle for it, a vamp'd Durkon arrives. And then, it gets real.

Gnome Alone
2013-03-03, 09:53 PM
I think Hircine is actually forum-RPing the Daedric Prince of the same name.
So I predict Durkon becomes a vampire, Roy convinces him not to seppuku, but when he returns ("posthumously" -I love the Oracle) the destruction he brings is still just "Xykon."

2013-03-03, 09:54 PM
I would argue against this. Saying this is like saying that all of them are irredeemable.

How are they redeemable:

Xykon: Undead, inherently beyond redemption - destroy on sight

Malack: Undead, inherently beyond redemption - destroy on sight

Redcloak: High priest of a deity that wants to not just destroy the world, but the souls of everyone in it, deeply devoted to this cause to the point he sacrificed his own brother to the cause. Odds of redemption mathematically insignificant.

Tarquin: Textbook Evil Overlord who has no problem with execution by slow torture of people, mass enslavement, who even admitted to his own son that he will die by a heroes sword one day and he'll have it coming to him. . .but he just expects to live the good life before he gets his just desserts.

Roland Itiative
2013-03-03, 09:54 PM
You know, people killed by a vampires bite wake 1d4 days after burial. Not death, burial. Durkon's last wish was to be buried in his homeland...
Crap. Bye bye, Dwarven homeland.

If his body gets to the dwarven lands without him becoming a vampire first, he'll probably be resurrected (the Order has the finances to pay for the spell, they only need a high enough level cleric), not buried. Unless he doesn't want to come back (unlikely, as his sense of duty wouldn't allow him to forfeit the Gate quest, no matter how blissful the afterlife may be), or the dwarven clerics decide not to bring him back (I see no reason for them to do that, since they were even going to allow him to come back home).

My bets are on Malack retreating from the pyramid, fulfilling Durkon's last wish, but taking the corpse with him, and burying him to get his "child".

Dire Lemming
2013-03-03, 09:54 PM
How are you justifying those as reasonable choices? :smallannoyed:

In essence, what you are saying is that Malack should have sacrificed everything and Durkon should have gotten exactly what he and the OotS wanted?
Also recall that Malack's initial plan was to be even more reasonable in compromise.

:smallannoyed: Am I the only one that hates the "Abomination" and undead must be evil attitude. Its stuff like this that really bothers me, do constructs or other beings that live/are created through magic also lack the right to live or the right to not be hunted down and live in peace. And even if an undead person decides to be evil does that make them any worse than an average evil human?
You are not.

No, it is not in any way a possibility.
Mr. Burlew writes this exquisite webcomic.

Also, unless proven to be otherwise, there would be a possibility. As I said, very faint, but there.

2013-03-03, 09:54 PM

Why did you kill Durkon Mr. Burlew!!!?? Besides the fact that he was such a down-to-earth and loving soul, now the Order of the Stick doesn't have a healer!!!

2013-03-03, 09:54 PM
Crap. Crap, crap, CRAP.

Well, Roy was right.:smallsigh:

Now HOW the HELL is the Order going to get out of THIS mess?


Well, CRAP! :smallfrown:

Losing your FIGHTER leader is one thing (evidentally the cost of about 200 strips) but losing your CLERIC to a VAMPIRE...???

2013-03-03, 09:54 PM
Wow... a hero has passed... *removes hat, cue bagpipes*.

"Ameh-zen gress, how sweet the soond,
Tha' saved a dwarf like hiiiiiiiiim...
'E once was lost, bu' noo he's foooond
Was blind, but noo he sees..."

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 09:54 PM
Is there anyway for Durkon to rebel against Malack's control after he rises? Part of me thinks it should be possible, but I'm not familiar with D&D vampire mechanics. Part of me wants Malack to sic Durkon on the OOTS and Durkon say, "No," and start wailing on a shocked Malack. Things need to get better. They just have to.

Please don't make the team stake Durkon after he's a vampire. It would just be too much after all of this.

I was thinking of rolling an Argonian vampire in Skyrim based on Malack. In my current condition, I think I would break my tv if I tried that. :smallfurious:

2013-03-03, 09:55 PM
Goodbye Durnik, may Thor be able to argue you home.:frown:

2013-03-03, 09:55 PM
Oh gods... Durkon... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2013-03-03, 09:56 PM
Tears. Just... tears.

2013-03-03, 09:56 PM
This was my reaction for the first 10 minutes.


2013-03-03, 09:56 PM
Farewell, sweet dwarf, and flights of lumberjacks sing thee to thy rest. :smallfrown:

The Pilgrim
2013-03-03, 09:57 PM



Farewell, Durkon. Hope to see you alive again by the end of the next book.

2013-03-03, 09:57 PM
I like my vampires monstrous. They eat people. The mouse feels no sympathy for the owl. I hope the "sexy vampire" thing that (I think?) Anne Rice started is a passing fad.

I suppose, however its just a fact of their existence. Sterotypical druids(at least sane ones) do not hunt down every human for killing animals to eat. Its a comparable situation with vampires(yes they feed on sentient beings archtypically(They could feed on people willing or animals)(is this even required for d&d 3.5 vampires?))

2013-03-03, 09:57 PM
Right in the feels. Amazing strip, Giant. And now I'm trying and failing to figure out what Malack's face in the last panel meant...

I'm still bummed by the cheap way Malack finally defeated him, but this was an awesome fight right up to the end and it was a good death for Durkon. I do hope Malack doesn't desecrate his corpse by turning him into a vampire.
There are no cheap ways of killing someone. There are effective ways and there are stupid ways.

Malack never technically agreed to the promise...
He doesn't need to and Durkon wasn't trying to get him to. Malack either abides by the request or he doesn't.(I'm guessing does, but you never know.)

Malack did what he had to. I hope that either the Linear Guild or Xykon succeed. While Durkon's death is regrettable he was just another soul lost fighting for the wrong side.
I'm going to assume you're joking...

Anybody here going to pretend Malack isn't pure Deserves-To-Die evil after this?
Malack's almost-certainly-must-be-killed status comes from his stated intention of killing thousands of people each day for the rest of eternity. This, while very sad, changes nothing.

2013-03-03, 09:57 PM
I - buh... gah. Don't mind me, I've just got something in my eyes.. and my throat... and my heart...

Well done, Giant. I hope Durkon manages to find peace, even though he will rise as a vampire. Whether it is within the goodness of his heart, on the end of a stake, or otherwise. If Malack doesn't honor Durkon's dying wishes, I'll lose the last bit of respect I had for him...

2013-03-03, 09:58 PM
I would say RIP, but I sadly don't think that's going to happen... :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 09:58 PM
Also, about four minutes before the comic went up, I was talking with a friend on Skype and said something like "I hope Malack goes through with it this time, the tables are getting dizzy from this constant turning."
I hate past me.

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 09:58 PM
Farewell, sweet dwarf, and flights of lumberjacks sing thee to thy rest. :smallfrown:

You're not. Helping. Bahahahaha!

2013-03-03, 09:59 PM
pour one out for Durkon

2013-03-03, 09:59 PM
Is there anyway for Durkon to rebel against Malack's control after he rises? Part of me thinks it should be possible, but I'm not familiar with D&D vampire mechanics.

Unless Malak is a vampire lord then yes. A will save, and Durkon may get a circumstance bonus as well depending. Really depends how much being turned affects him.

Dire Lemming
2013-03-03, 09:59 PM
Of for crying out loud! Can you people please accept that we burned that bridge several strips ago! Are you going to argue that Durkon isn't Evil either if he rises as a Vampire now?
Please read my post completely before making that assumption. Your second point will be a long debate which will doubtless be covered soon enough in a thread for those who wish to converse it; I most certainly do not want to come across as rude by ignoring that, and if I do, my most sincere apologies. :smallfrown:

So, good job to Roy for splitting the party. :smallmad:
How is it Roy's fault? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0867.html)

2013-03-03, 09:59 PM
This comic made me sad, but it was incredibly well written and a truly good death for a lovable character. That only Durkon got any dialogue in it just drove it home.

Really enjoyed it from a story perspective, even if it made me tear up.

2013-03-03, 10:00 PM
I foresee V's Soul Bind debt being recalled soon...and maybe a few other prophet-y things taking place, like Belkar dying and such. I certainly hope not, of course. Maybe Durkon's final wish will work like a Miracle spell or the like (something like a Dying Curse from BoVD). Or maybe they'll just resurrect him.

So long, Master Thundershield. Your badassery and common sense will be missed.

2013-03-03, 10:00 PM
Those wondering if Malack will get drunk: Give it a few strips

Comic quality: Depressing, great.

Joke a Day: MIA, i cant even think of another comic without such.

2013-03-03, 10:01 PM
Please excuse me while I compose a eulogy for him. (Probably set to the tune of O Danny Boy)

2013-03-03, 10:01 PM
Here's to not being a normal comic, I guess. :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 10:01 PM
Unless Malak is a vampire lord then yes. A will save, and Durkon may get a circumstance bonus as well depending. Really depends how much being turned affects him.

I've been reading through the srd and I see no mention of being able to save against control. I doubt that there is a save, it seems to be an automatic thing.

2013-03-03, 10:02 PM
I just realized: there is now no way that the Giant will let Malack live now. He just killed one of the most loyal and best characters in the comic. Whenever and what ever his death is, I hope it comes swiftly and silently - like the owl.

Timeless Error
2013-03-03, 10:02 PM
:smallfrown: *sob*

Poor Durkon. You will be missed.

Gnomish Wanderer
2013-03-03, 10:02 PM
Oh, oh my. I- um...
:smallfrown: Durkon, ye lived true. :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 10:02 PM
Oh, gosh.

Durkon was only fifty-five years old.

Dwarves can live for several centuries. He was not in the prime of his life. He was young, oh so young. He could have lived for hundreds of years more.

How soon the little ones fly, fly away

As fleeting as a summer day.

2013-03-03, 10:03 PM
I just realized: there is now no way that the Giant will let Malack live now. He just killed one of the most loyal and best characters in the comic. Whenever and what ever his death is, I hope it comes swiftly and silently - like the owl.

Oh no, if we're talking about raptor kills, then it should come like the cooper's hawk. They drown their prey. :smallamused:

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 10:03 PM
I can't see Durkon just accepting vampirism, being an awful monster. It's too contrary to who he is. Durkon's a fighter, I think he will try to keep his old identity.

One of the big themes of this comic is that alignment is determined by actions, not nature. Here's hoping Durkon becomes the first Lawful Neutral vampire in history.:smallamused:

2013-03-03, 10:03 PM
Oh no, if we're talking about raptor kills, then it should come like the cooper's hawk. They drown their prey. :smallamused:

There we go.

2013-03-03, 10:04 PM
There is a dwarf who was sure, all the beers are gold
And hes drinking his way, to Valhalla
When he gets there he knows, he'll help fight all Thor's foes
With a word he can stun blind or deafen....
Ooh, ooh, and hes drinking his way, to Valhalla.

There's vampires in the halls but he wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes friends have two faces.
In a space by the gate there's a theres a halfling who brings,
two daggers to a dwarf who does dispel.

Ooh, it makes me thunder,
Ooh, it makes me thunder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the north,
And my body is crying for burying
In my spells I have cast crackling lightning blasts
And the voices of the dwarves, cry "Timber!".

Ooh, it makes me thunder,
Ooh, it really makes me thunder.

And it's whispered that soon, to my home he'll bring doom,
but he'll have to do it when he's exhumed.
And a new day will come for those young humans,
When that stuffy elf is their only caster....

If there's no cleric in your party, don't be alarmed now,
Just make sure that you've killed the Linear Guild
Yes, there are two gates you still have to go but in the long run
We know Xykon's still coming to this one.
And it makes me thunder.

His neck is bitten and it won't let go, in case you don't know,
The thunder's calling him to join Thor,
Dear Malack, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
His Bifrost lies in the Canyon of the wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And he's drinking his way, to Valhalla.

2013-03-03, 10:05 PM
I just realized: there is now no way that the Giant will let Malack live now. He just killed one of the most loyal and best characters in the comic. Whenever and what ever his death is, I hope it comes swiftly and silently - like the owl.

I hope it will be epic, with him dishing out everything he has, like a badass, and then, when hope seems lost, the Protection From Daylight is dispelled and the ceiling crashes (if the fight is indoors), destroying Malack with awesome special effects while he makes a 12 second short but impactating farewell.

Malack deserves it, a quick death would not make justice to this awesome character! May he die a legend :smallamused:

2013-03-03, 10:06 PM
There's something that really tugs at me deep within, to see someone die with a smile on their face.

This comic has some of the most touching deaths I've ever seen. I think I might hate you by the time this comic's done, Giant.

2013-03-03, 10:06 PM
Oh no, if we're talking about raptor kills, then it should come like the cooper's hawk. They drown their prey. :smallamused:

It has to be a river or something. Only running water will kill a vampire, a bucket of water will just have a very pissed Malack finger of deathing the hawk to death.

2013-03-03, 10:06 PM
My stomach churned.

2013-03-03, 10:06 PM
In essence, what you are saying is that Malack should have sacrificed everything and Durkon should have gotten exactly what he and the OotS wanted?
Only as much as you are saying Durkon should have sacrificed everything, and Malack gotten exactly what he and the Linear Guild wanted.

Also recall that Malack's initial plan was to be even more reasonable in compromise.
And Durkon's explaination as to why he refused was just as reasonable.

2013-03-03, 10:07 PM
*punches wall*

2013-03-03, 10:07 PM
I foresee V's Soul Bind debt being recalled soon...and maybe a few other prophet-y things taking place, like Belkar dying and such. I certainly hope not, of course. Maybe Durkon's final wish will work like a Miracle spell or the like (something like a Dying Curse from BoVD). Or maybe they'll just resurrect him.

It appears that the debt applies once he dies, but I can't find a more definitve strip that it only applies when he dies. I only found this loose implied soul on death.

2013-03-03, 10:07 PM
:smallannoyed: Am I the only one that hates the "Abomination" and undead must be evil attitude. Its stuff like this that really bothers me, do constructs or other beings that live/are created through magic also lack the right to live or the right to not be hunted down and live in peace. And even if an undead person decides to be evil does that make them any worse than an average evil human?

Constructs (except for Living Constructs like Modrons and Warforged) are not alive. They have no metabolism, don't eat, sleep or breath. They have zero place in an ecosystem. With the exception of Flesh Golems they are not mockeries of living things, and they serve a useful purpose. Clay Golems are created by Lawful Good clerics to defend the innocent. Inevitables uphold the Laws of the Multiverse. Iron Golems were created only to rock!

In Ebberron Warforged have legal rights. In Planescape Modrons and Inevitables are the pillars of Law in Mechanus. Adam, Mordenheim's Monster, is the Darklord of Lamordia. And while Adam is Chaotic Evil, he isn't inherently Evil because he's a Flesh Golem; he's Evil because of the way Dr. Victor Mordenheim and his wife Elise treated him.

The Undead are different. When even a wizard like Grubwiggler considers them to be "vile loathesome things" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0575.html), you can tell that that Undead provoke strong reactions in people. There are only three civilized societies in D&D that allow Sapient Undead to walk around freely: Sigil, the City of Doors, where the influence of Skall, former Factol of the Dustmen, is still felt, years after his disappearance in the Faction War; the magocracy of Glantri in Mystara where Liches and Vampire Wizards live openly as members of the Aristocracy; and Ehrelhei Cinlu, the city in the Vault of the Drow, on Oerth, where Undead are the least unusual things walking the streets. Everywhere else Vampires, Liches, Wights and Ghouls either hide their presence or are discovered and destroyed by heroes or discovered and enslaved by necromancers.

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 10:08 PM
My stomach churned.

All of our stomachs churned. It's a natural reaction to seeing a beloved character die. Knowing that doesn't make it easier.

2013-03-03, 10:08 PM
I think Hircine is actually forum-RPing the Daedric Prince of the same name.
So I predict Durkon becomes a vampire, Roy convinces him not to seppuku, but when he returns ("posthumously" -I love the Oracle) the destruction he brings is still just "Xykon."

Not really, while I do like Hircine my favorite prince would be Molag Bal, Sheogorath, or Jyggalag.

Normally I would root for the OOTS to succeed but I just find the villains extremely compelling in this comic.

I'll even admit that Durkon's death pulled at my heart strings and I actually teared up a bit.

2013-03-03, 10:09 PM
It has to be a river or something. Only running water will kill a vampire, a bucket of water will just have a very pissed Malack finger of deathing the hawk to death.

I recommend summoning an elimentite(sp?) swarm of water elementals. It is quite literally running water.

2013-03-03, 10:09 PM

I was afraid this was coming when Rich hinted at something big, but I din't want to believe it :smallfrown:

2013-03-03, 10:09 PM

2013-03-03, 10:09 PM
How are they redeemable:

Redcloak: High priest of a deity that wants to not just destroy the world, but the souls of everyone in it, deeply devoted to this cause to the point he sacrificed his own brother to the cause. Odds of redemption mathematically insignificant.

To be fair...it's not that the Dark One wants to destroy the world - he wants to use the threat of destroying it (and, in particular, its gods - including himself) as the only bargaining chip he's got to make his people something other than XP-fodder for everyone else.

To me that seems actually fairly understandable, as does Redcloak's support for it. To be sure, it could go very badly wrong, but all he's gambling on is the other gods' sense of self-preservation, which seems like a pretty strong bet.

2013-03-03, 10:09 PM
Well, they're down a cleric, if not a ranger also. V is unaccounted for, and Xykon might show up at any time. They need reinforcements. Time to call Celia, I guess. We all knew that Durkon was going to return to his homeland "posthumously", but not necessarily in this manner. I haven't read "On the Origin of PCs" (spelling?), so any hints as to the events in this strip were missed by me.

On a minor note, for those who read "Goblins", Chief's death was also unexpected (although very loosely foreshadowed). It came at the hands of a Dwarf, and he (Chief, not the Dwarf) was also a cleric.

2013-03-03, 10:10 PM
Well, time for a 21 Beer Salute out of respect for the dead. Present arms! Revolution Witbier at the ready...

2013-03-03, 10:10 PM
I do suspect Malack will at least give the OotS the chance to flee.

2013-03-03, 10:10 PM
The most level headed one always needs to die sooner or later. Rule of writing-comics-movies-etc it seems....Pity it was the dwarf. Hopefully, this won't be the last we see of him, always felt Durkon was by far the least used and explored of the main cast. Hope that wasn't the reason why he was offed.

2013-03-03, 10:10 PM
It has to be a river or something. Only running water will kill a vampire, a bucket of water will just have a very pissed Malack finger of deathing the hawk to death.


An angelic hawk, with an undispel-able Death Ward.


2013-03-03, 10:11 PM
D***. Sad. Anyway, now that I've stopped tearing up (it's not crying unless something drops), what does The Order do now? They can't hope to defend the gate this way, right? At least not against Team Evil, not if Belkar AND Durkon are killed/vamped. Do they just blow the gate, try to kill Malack and escape to Kraagor's?

I can half see them fighting a desperate battle with the Linear Guild, destroying the gate, killing Malack, and limping away from the fight with either Vampire Durkon or Durkon's body (w/ or w/o Belkar's equivalent), hoping for a resurrection, so they can mount a defense there.

I can also see them fighting the Linear Guild, the gate getting destroyed somehow, and the Linear Guild having Vampire Durkon lead them to Dwarven lands to look for the next gate (thus fulfilling another prophecy....), where yet another uber-confrontation takes place.

Knowing this comic it will be neither and nothing in between.....

2013-03-03, 10:11 PM
There is a dwarf who was sure, all the beers are gold
And hes drinking his way, to Valhalla
When he gets there he knows, he'll help fight all Thor's foes
With a word he can stun blind or deafen....
Ooh, ooh, and hes drinking his way, to Valhalla.

There's vampires in the halls but he wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes friends have two faces.
In a space by the gate there's a theres a halfling who brings,
two daggers to a dwarf who does dispel.

Ooh, it makes me thunder,
Ooh, it makes me thunder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the north,
And my body is crying for burying
In my spells I have cast crackling lightning blasts
And the voices of the dwarves, cry "Timber!".

Ooh, it makes me thunder,
Ooh, it really makes me thunder.

And it's whispered that soon, to my home he'll bring doom,
but he'll have to do it when he's exhumed.
And a new day will come for those young humans,
When that stuffy elf is their only caster....

If there's no cleric in your party, don't be alarmed now,
Just make sure that you've killed the Linear Guild
Yes, there are two gates you still have to go but in the long run
We know Xykon's still coming to this one.
And it makes me thunder.

His neck is bitten and it won't let go, in case you don't know,
The thunder's calling him to join Thor,
Dear Malack, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
His Bifrost lies in the Canyon of the wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And he's drinking his way, to Valhalla.
Cool, is that a reference to Led's Immigrant Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlNhD0oS5pk)?

Plus, I think Durkon is a definite goner.
Ressurection would be anti climatic and vampirism would be a desecration to the character (but more possible than ressurection).

So, will we find a new cleric for OOTS?
Perhaps the female dwarf that fancied Durkon from early strips.

2013-03-03, 10:11 PM
I actually cried a little.

Easily the most powerful OotS strip ever, and there has been a lot of those.

Powerful stuff, Mr. B.

Edit: Just wanted to mention how affecting the change in Durkon's skin tone is. /shiver

2013-03-03, 10:11 PM
*sees title*
*gets hopes up*
*gets to end*
*starts bawling*
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a35/BuckGodot/Icons/crying.gifhttp://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a35/BuckGodot/Icons/crying.gifhttp://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a35/BuckGodot/Icons/crying.gif

2013-03-03, 10:11 PM
Don't worry, he'll be back as an awesome undead vampire dwarf soon enough.

This reminds me of the time when my dwarf fighter became a Vampire. Went on to become the Immortal Blood King of the Dwarves...I hope that Durkon finds a similar fate...

2013-03-03, 10:12 PM
Rest in peace, you marvelous, dwarfy, beer swigging, goblin smashing, spell slinging, friend healing, advice giving, accent talking, awesome bastard.

You'll return to your homeland. We await. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYS6mYACJPE)

2013-03-03, 10:12 PM
The most level headed one always needs to die sooner or later. Rule of writing-comics-movies-etc it seems....Pity it was the dwarf. Hopefully, this won't be the last we see of him, always felt Durkon was by far the least used and explored of the main cast. Hope that wasn't the reason why he was offed.

I agree. Durkon was always rather underdeveloped as a character, and these moments of awesome doesn't seem to be enough. I hope that this isn't the last we'll see of him, ignoring Vampkon.

2013-03-03, 10:12 PM
I made a whole new account just to commemorate the sadness of this strip. I must say I saw this coming, but that doesn't make it any less heart wrenching to read. Thanks Giant for this *sob* amazing webcomic.

Lord Raziere
2013-03-03, 10:13 PM
*salutes Durkon*

*begins playing bagpipes*

Harry Leipzig
2013-03-03, 10:13 PM

An angelic hawk, with an undispel-able Death Ward.


I think Thor himself may just smite Malack. Just cause. If we're gonna invoke divine retribution, let's go all out.:smallcool:

2013-03-03, 10:13 PM
I can't see Durkon just accepting vampirism, being an awful monster. It's too contrary to who he is. Durkon's a fighter, I think he will try to keep his old identity.

One of the big themes of this comic is that alignment is determined by actions, not nature. Here's hoping Durkon becomes the first Lawful Neutral vampire in history.:smallamused:
I suspect that if Durkon had somehow been turned Evil without becoming undead, he would still have had a prejudice against the undead. Even a Lawful Evil Durkon may be self-loathing enough to go sun-bathing if Malack neglects to order him not to, or if Malack has been destroyed.

2013-03-03, 10:13 PM
That's a good point. A well-rounded party needs a cleric. Who do you think it'll be? Someone we've already seen (maybe even a resurrected Durkon?), or someone new?

I'm voting for face-heel-turn Malak. Or if not a fully-reversed Malak, then maybe he'll decide to just take a short break from the whole "conquer the continent" thing.

Edit: I was one of the people who said all along the Malak was evil, and I'm a sucker for a good redemption story (of which I don't think we've seen any in this comic, yet).

2013-03-03, 10:13 PM
So Droukans going to become a vampire. Well he can still become living again, but if death is really so trivial it'll make the comic less entertaining.

Gift Jeraff
2013-03-03, 10:14 PM
If Malack has a soul, I pray that it is tortured for all eternity (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0724.html).