View Full Version : Viable Tactic? (PF)

2013-03-04, 01:19 AM
Hey guys,

So we played Crypt of the Everflame this weekend, and we came up against a swarm, with we had no idea how to handle it, and I want to know what you guys think of this:

I have a Tiefling Rogue, with scaled skin, so +1 AC and Fire Resist 5, so I covered myself in lamp oil and had the sorcerer light me up, and I went and stood in the swarm burning.

So d6 damage a turn plus hitting it with a torch, we took care of the swarms, at the cost of my clothes, armour and 4 points of damage.

What do you guys think, good tactic? lol.

2013-03-04, 01:26 AM
Swarms aren't intelligent but they aren't that dumb either. Why did they keep attacking/crawling all over you? If anything you probably should have scattered them a bit.

But yeah, any tactic that destroys your clothes is probably a terrible idea once you get any magic item made of cloth. Why not throw the oil on them, and have the sorcerer light that up?

Out of curiosity, what type of swarm was it?

2013-03-04, 01:29 AM
Best way is to corral them & throw the fire in the corral

2013-03-04, 04:38 AM
They were bat swarms and I kept chasing them down. And we were level 2, I didnt have any magic items yet.

2013-03-04, 04:45 AM
Honestly, it's amazing that you lived. What with taking fire damage and bleed damage constantly.

Overall: Hilarious story for any adventurer to tell at tavern. Not a viable tactic.

2013-03-04, 05:03 AM
The bats should either scatter in search of easier prey, or hover outside of the range of the fire. They're animals, not brainless.

Also, that much lamp oil burning all at once would run out pretty fast.