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View Full Version : Kansai Region: Group 1

2013-03-04, 04:11 AM
Previous post will be found at the Main (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=272720)

2013-03-05, 03:57 AM
Getting into position with Blaze Logan stands at the ready. "Alright Blaze, let's get in there and win this!" He stated as Blaze let out a little roar stomping its feet on the ground.

2013-03-05, 09:58 AM
Seika turns to Kamina. "Are you ready Kamina?" With an enthusiastic "Quil!" the fiery creature charges forward.

2013-03-05, 11:44 PM
(Was waiting on shadow to reply but he hasn't been online in a few days..and he missed our maptools game today, so I'm not sure if his computer is broken or if some life stuff is going on...just thought I would let you guys know.)

Katelynne stood up and stepped back beside Jake. "If you two change your mind" talking to Jake and Blade that is,"We are more than ready to take you on one vs one. If not that's okay. I understand. Logan's plan is great as well!"

She smiled as Seika and Logan took their places as they readied themselves for battle. "Good Luck you two!"

As Eve finally took a step back and stood closer to Katelynne, she extended a hand and placed it softly on the Snivys head. "Watch closely Eve. After all, you will be the one battling next."

2013-03-06, 12:00 AM
"Alright then Seika, if your ready then you can make the first move." Logan says extending his hand as Blaze puts himself into a defensive stance.

2013-03-06, 09:33 PM
Seika smirks, and her Cyndaquil seems to mirror it.

"Kamina? If you would?"

With that, Kamina charges forward and charges straight past Blaze, screeching to a halt looking slightly puzzled why there was no collision.

[roll0] vs AC 3
[roll1] damage (2d8+6 + 7 (Kamina's Atk) - 5 (Blaze's Def) )
[roll2] If crit

2013-03-07, 03:56 AM
Logan smirks before retaliating "Blaze, turn and scratch attack."

With just that order Blaze does a 180 degree turn and scratches at Kamina.

[roll0] vs 2 AC
[roll1] +7 (Blaze's attack) - (4 Kamina's defense)
[roll2] in case of crit

2013-03-07, 10:53 AM
Seika just kind of glares.

"Really? Just...really? I botch, and he crits."

Seika goes and picks up the KOed Kamina and turns to the rest of the group.

"I'm going to take Kamina inside the school to heal up, go ahead and have your bout. Afterwards and after Eve heals up, we'll fight her."

Seriously, my average roll using this forum die roller is around 25% of average :smallsigh:

2013-03-07, 01:37 PM
Logan just sits there and looks, stunned at what Blaze was able to do in one shot. "Wow, you are powerful" He says before turning to Katelynne, "So, shall we?" He asks, a new spark of confidence in his eyes.

Do you guys think i should add EXP now or wait till after this battle or should i ask Xepher how much i get?

2013-03-08, 04:20 AM
Katelynne watches in shock as Logan's Charmander takes out Seika's Cyndaquil in one hit. "Wow...that was fast! What power!" Her eyes then fall down to Eve as she tried to encourage her new partner. "Don't worry, just try your best!"

Eve, never taking her eyes off of the charmander nodded her head fiercely."Snivy."

Katelynee and Eve make their way in front of Logan and Blaze.

"Alright...let's get this thing going. How about you two go first?"

OOC: I'm not sure what you should do. Perhaps wait for Xepher?

2013-03-08, 10:43 AM
Eh, let's just finish up our battles and deal with it afterwards. Although a thought occurs. *the party grinds up all of their pokemon against each other until each of our starters reaches 2nd form XD*

2013-03-08, 05:56 PM
"Alright, GO BLAZE! Lets make it two for two. Scratch Attack!" Logan says pointing Blaze towards Eve. Blaze moves towards Eve with speed before scratching at her.

[roll0] vs 2 AC
[roll1] + 6 (Blaze's Attack) - 7 (Eve's Defense)
[roll2] in case of the unlikely event of a second crit

2013-03-08, 06:40 PM
Katelynne watches as the claws connect to the Snivy and is happy to see that the green pokemon was still standing after the attack hit.

"Alright retaliate with tackle!"

Eve rushes forward and prepares herself for contact.

AC[roll0] vs 4
Damage[roll1]-5(Blaze's damage)
Crit [roll2]

2013-03-08, 09:44 PM
Blaze moves back after being tackled back. "Blaze, try another Scratch attack!" Logan calls out as Blaze jumps towards Eve going for a third Scratch attack.

But before he can land his attack Blaze trips and misses Eve before regaining his footing and turning around after his failed attack.

[roll0] vs 2 AC
[roll1] + 6 (Blaze's attack) - 7 (Eve's Defense)
[roll2] in case of crit

2013-03-08, 10:46 PM
Katelynne feels her heart quicken as the charmander trips. "Eve use tackle now..."

Eve takes the opportunity to rush towards its opponent.
AC[roll0] vs 4
Damage[roll1]-5(Blaze's damage)
Crit [roll2]

2013-03-09, 12:06 AM
The hits from Eve sends Blaze a few feet away before he hits the ground. As Logan rushes over to him Blaze begins trying to stand back up "No, No, No, Blaze, you stay down, your too hurt to be allowed to move around." Logan says as he returns him to his Poke ball.

"Ok, I've got to get to the Pokemon center to heal Blaze up, come along so you can heal Eve up before you battle with Kamina and Seika. Also, I'm going to want a rematch later." Logan says with a smile on his face.

2013-03-09, 03:06 PM
As Katie watches Blaze hit the ground a smile grows on her face. “Eve you did it...We did it!”

The Snivy turns around and looks at her with an expression that says ‘What did you expect. Of course we were going to win.”

As she returns Eve, she takes her place beside Logan as they begin to make their way towards the pokemon center. “A rematch it is! But expect to lose again!” She playfully sticks her tongue out at him.

After they make their way to the pokemon center and heal up, and perhaps meet up with Seika once again, she turns towards them both. “So would you guys want to start heading towards the next town after Seika and I’s battle? Maybe we can even go out looking for another pokemon or something.”

2013-03-09, 04:22 PM
Seika comes out of the school and sees her companions walking off towards the pokemon center.

*shouting* Uh, guys? It's a 15 minute walk to the center, and about 5 minutes into the school's facilities.

((*Ahem* After everyone heals up...))

"Okay Kamina, we got unlucky last time, but we'll totally win this time!"

After waiting for Katelynn to get ready, Seika once again gives the order to attack.

[roll0] vs AC 3
[roll1] On hit
[roll2] On crit

Kamina charges and lands a good blow dealing about half of Eve's health.

2013-03-09, 09:47 PM
Katelynne watches as the Cyndaquil slams into Eve. "Alright Eve...tackle!"

Damage[roll1]-Kamina's Deff
Crit[roll2]-Kamina's Deff

2013-03-09, 10:20 PM
Seika just sighs.

Ye gods, I didn't realize just how much this system hates glass cannons if a non-stab, non-crit, non-weakness, dumpstat attack has a decent chance to ONESHOT A FREAKING EQUAL LEVEL POKEMON. Seriously, 12 or higher on a 2d8 isn't that hard. Since when is Pokemon supposed to be Legend of the Five Rings? And ye gods do I need something special attack based already if I am gonna be a glass cannon >_> /rantrantrant

((One healing trip later))

A very sullen Seika is ready to head out.

2013-03-09, 10:37 PM
Katelynne and Eve follows Seika into the school to get healed. "Ah it's okay. I think it was just a lucky shot. The first fire move Kamina gets and Eve and I are toast. "

Once outside and by Logan again, Katelynne repeats herself.

“So would you guys want to start heading towards the next town now that we all have battled? We might even run into some pokemon to add to our teams."

Ah you had some bad rolls there XD

2013-03-09, 11:05 PM
Shaking herself off, Seika straightens up and looks out.

Well, at this point there's no way to go but forward. Let us be off then!

My rolls weren't very good, but at the same time, had I rolled max without a crit, you'd be standing at 1 hp, while as I said, you only have to roll a 12 to one-shot me. Now that I actually think and do some math, yeah, HP is easily the strongest stat since you get back three times your investment per point, whereas an offensive stat only nets you 1 point per point of investment...at least if there's no AoE involved. Only at insane levels of combat stages do your offensive investments match a defensive investment...I understand wanting to reduce combat time for a pen and paper format, but seriously, Pokemon != L5R

2013-03-09, 11:22 PM
Katelynne smiles as she watches Seika bounce back. "Alright so which way would you like to go? I think we have two options. We can go over the bridge or else take a ferry to the islands."

2013-03-10, 01:34 AM
"I think we should go over the bridge, that way if we come across a water typed Pokemon, we are more likely to be able to catch it than if we are in the middle of the sea" says Logan. Although he didn't mind the sea, he wanted to head to grassland now to try and catch some Pokemon from closer to here so he wouldn't have to come back later.

2013-03-10, 12:02 PM
As you three wait around, Jake is still nowhere to be seen.


2013-03-10, 03:52 PM
"Alright, I also think heading to the mainland is the best idea. I wonder where Jake is?"

Katelynne looks around and then reminisces about their earlier conversation. "I wonder...I wonder if he left us..." A sad look comes over her face as she ponders about it. She knew that Jake wasn't really that good around other people, but would he really leave? " I think he would know that we would take the main road route. That was the route we were originally planning on taking...I'm sure he will catch up to us." She gave the area one last look before walking toward the entrance to the route towards the mainland.

As they walked along, she decided to let Eve out so that she could both enjoy the sunlight, and so that she could get to know the Snivy a bit more.

2013-03-10, 08:04 PM
"I know the gym leaders in the metropolitan area we'd be heading to on the ferry are pretty tough, so I think it'd be best if we headed west as well. It is sad that we can't find Jake anywhere though."

As they are walking along, Seika is choosing to carry Kamina.

"Hmmm...we're gonna need to toughen you up somehow."

2013-03-10, 09:00 PM
Blaze happily walked beside Logan as he walked with the rest of them to the west enterance of the city. "Not that I mean to be rude but i would prefer not to have to wait for Jake too long, especially if he really isn't coming, I mean, he didn't like most of the people in our class in the first place so if he isn't here soon, i doubt he is coming with us." Says Logan as he sits down to wait in case Jake really did decide to come.

2013-03-11, 07:58 PM
"I understand...Jake can be complicated. We..don't have to wait. I'm sure if he wants to find us, he will have a good idea where we went."

2013-03-11, 11:24 PM
"He seemed like a tough individual, so I'm sure he'll be fine."

Seika has at this point let Kamina down to let the Cyndaquil roam about around her.

2013-03-14, 01:33 PM
After sitting for about 10 minutes Logan stands up and stretches before turning to the others and saying "I think we have probably waited enough time for Jake. I do have to agree with Seika, he did seem lie a strong enough individual and could take care of himself. So how about we start moving out of this city and begin our adventure?" He was hesitant saying this knowing that Katelynne and him were friends but if they did start moving soon they would end up being left behind by the others.

2013-03-14, 08:53 PM
Somewhat OOC: As Katelynn and Seika are already walking out of town they notice Logan running to catch up with them, after he randomly decided to sit down while they were walking towards the route exit. :smalltongue:

Also somewhat OOC: If there are no objections, then what I'd say is...
"When something RELEVANT happens..."
Because really, if we're just gonna be walking six squares per post... then unless there is something around (stuff to search for, pokemon to fight/catch, trainers to battle, etc.), we're just kind of putzing around.

2013-03-14, 11:43 PM

After catching up to the others Logan feels sort of stupid for sitting down and not noticing the girls kept walking and walks a little behind them blushing brightly.

OOC: We wont know if anything relevant happens till the DM posts to tell us it has and it can get boring waiting for that to happen.