View Full Version : Malack and Tsukiko

The Succubus
2013-03-04, 08:49 AM
Unusually for me, this isn't a shipping thread (well, not entirely).

It's occurred to me that Malack and Tsukiko have very similar attitudes with regards to the beings they create. Malack sees his very spawn very much as his "children", while Tsukiko saw her undead minions in much the same way as friends and family.

I'm curious as to how those two would have reacted had they ever had the chance to meet one another.

2013-03-04, 09:01 AM
If she met him before she met Xykon, Tsukiko would have become as obsessed with Malack as she was with Xykon. Depending on the situation, it might not have ended badly for her the way the Xykon obsession did--if she could have kept enough control to refrain from stalking Malack.

I doubt Malack would ever have liked her, particularly. But he would have been polite, unless she went sufficiently overboard that he found it necessary to kill her in self-defense.

2013-03-04, 09:06 AM
Depending on their other outlooks, I do not consider it impossible Malack might have turned her sooner or later. Probably later, but in all honesty... why not? I doubt it would have had the sexual component that Tsukiko would have wished for but I am also pretty sure that being a "D&D-Undeath" is a pretty solid cure for any sexual components Tsukiko could have imagined.

2013-03-04, 12:46 PM
Sooo this thread is about "How would Malack deal with rabid fangirls"?

I read to much manga/fan fiction for this not to be funny...

2013-03-04, 01:03 PM
Frankly I think it is way too much to expect Tsukiko to be open-minded about non-mammalian undeath. Hers was a childish obsession that made only very strained sense within a narrow zone of comfort for her. It was just a kinky power fantasy. She could have easily created intelligent independent undead and tried a real relationship, yet she "never got around to it". The closest thing she had to a real relationship with undead is her mindless sucking up to Xykon.