View Full Version : [PF] Cheap Darkvision

2013-03-04, 09:56 PM
Ok so just managed to escape from a Pathfinder Society scenario where we got jumped by sneak attacking Derro in magical darkness, and nobody in the party had Darkvision or a way to dispel Darkness.

Seriously, we were screwed to the point where we had to full retreat from the fight.

So I'm wondering, is there ANY way for a lvl 3 to get ahold of something for Darkvision?

2013-03-04, 11:15 PM
Anyone can buy a scroll of darkvision or daylight or something. How cheap is cheap enough?

It's not doable at 3rd level, but invest feats into the Eldritch Heritage line (Shadow bloodline) and you can get darkvision. 3 levels into Sorcerer (Shadow bloodline) or 1 level into Oracle (Clouded vision curse) will do it too, though dipping without a plan is a classically bad idea.

2013-03-05, 12:05 AM
It's not Darkvision, but one trick I've heard for beating darkness: Get a lantern with a Heightened Continual Flame spell in it: It'll shine through any darkness spell of a lower level.

2013-03-05, 04:51 AM
Alter Self should do it; Even at minimal caster level it will last for a whole fight. If you can pool your money to get it on a wand, even better.

2013-03-05, 04:26 PM
I generally stay away from Pathfinder threads, as I know nothing about it, but the 3.5 Lists of Stuff (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff) has a fairly lengthy section on darkvision that might be helpful.

2013-03-05, 05:42 PM
Be a dwarf. That is my advice. A party of dwarves. And spend ranks in acrobatics. Now you're tumble dwarves. Buy everyone dwarven boulder helms. Watch your DM sigh himself to death as a party of tumbling dwarves headbutts all their problems away.

2013-03-05, 06:29 PM
if it is magical darkness, you will probably need dispel magic or daylight to counteract it. Otherwise, build a head lamp so you can keep both hands free as you fight.

2013-03-05, 07:12 PM
Umm... does Darkvision let you see in magical darkness? 3.5. doesn't allow it but does Pathfinder?

2013-03-05, 08:31 PM
Umm... does Darkvision let you see in magical darkness? 3.5. doesn't allow it but does Pathfinder?

Yes. Specifically, Pathfinder darkness spells simply lower the ambient light level, allowing low-light or darkvision to work normally depending on how far it is lowered. Even at total darkness, Darkvision continues to function.

The exception is Deeper Darkness (and stronger spells/effects.) These are capable of lowering the light level one step past total darkness, to a level called supernatural darkness. It is at this level that Darkvision shuts off.

Red Rubber Band
2013-03-05, 08:45 PM
Be a dwarf. That is my advice. A party of dwarves. And spend ranks in acrobatics. Now you're tumble dwarves. Buy everyone dwarven boulder helms. Watch your DM sigh himself to death as a party of tumbling dwarves headbutts all their problems away.

Love it. #1 Best answer for GitP 06/03/2013

Edit: inb4 timezone-ists (I'm +10)

2013-03-05, 11:37 PM
Ultraburning Torch

Hire a spellcaster to cast Heightened Continual Flame on a torch (or whatever object), because you need a higher spell level than the Darkness to have any effect. This will overcome the Darkness.

Bare minimum: CL 5, spell level 3, 50gp component = 200gp
Cost for CL 11, spell level 6 with 50gp material component (overcome Darkness spells of 5th level and lower) = 710gp.
CL 17, spell level 9 with 50gp component (overcome 8th and lower)= 1580gp.

EDIT: Ninja'd 24 hours ago...

2013-03-06, 01:45 AM
Crafting Cheese.

Craft Wondrous as 3rd level feat.
Darkvision is a 2nd level spell, so
CLxSLx2000=market price to have permanent darkvision.
Now craft it so that you can only use it if you have your own class levels and one of the skills you put ranks into, reducing the cost by 30 and 10 % respectively. Crafting already does so at 1/2 price, so you're looking at creating it at the cost of 1,200gp.

It'll only work for you, but you can make others for the rest of the party if needed.

2013-03-09, 04:16 AM
Be a dwarf. That is my advice. A party of dwarves. And spend ranks in acrobatics. Now you're tumble dwarves. Buy everyone dwarven boulder helms. Watch your DM sigh himself to death as a party of tumbling dwarves headbutts all their problems away.

Your DM will drink himself to death (in honor of your party).