View Full Version : The Noble, the Knight and the Mage-- A Campaign

2013-03-04, 10:09 PM
Hello GIPG! So I have seen several campaign journals on the forums of late and I decided it might be cool if I posted my own. If anybody likes it I will keep posting. We are three sessions in and counting.
Homebrew Materials
So in this campaign we are using several houserules, they are as follows.
Modified Ability Scores: Instead of traditional scores, a person in our group made up that you would roll 4d6 as normal, but you would reroll ones, and if you got four of a kind, you got to keep all of them. So if I rolled five fives, I would have a score of 20. (Note: I dislike this system, though others in my group love it)
Auto Kills: If you roll a critical threat, and then on the critical confirm roll you got a critical threat, you would roll once again and if that attack would hit if the creature is affected by critical hits it would die instantly.
The Characters

Aegon: A noble dragon shaman. He is very weak and crippled and hated by his father as a weakling not worthy of his blood. He has set out from home to prove to his father that he is strong.
Sir Rickard: A knight who has sworn an oath to Aegon and his father to keep him safe from all harm. In other words, his meat shield.
Seleinia: A noble female elvish wizard, who has some crazy backstory about being captured and tortured by some evil lich king. She is the last of her noble house. Specilized in Abjuration

So now that we have the stage set, let's get on to the game play.
Session 1: The Jeweled Cup
Seleinia begins in a tavern called the rabid wolf ale house. It seems normal, except for a man clad all in black and a seven foot tall human sitting at the bar pointing at Seleinia and wispering. In the world of D&D, that can never be a good sign. The seven foot tall man approaches and drunkenly attacks Selly. Hitting her unarmed for 1d3 damage. Wow. Selly quickly responds with a "daze" spell, to which he succeeds on his save. Then he slugs her again. This time Selly hits him with her longsword, dropping the man to zero hitpoints. The man punches again. At this point Selly is almost below zero herself, so she launches a color spray at the man, it stuns him for four rounds, and then she stabs him again, dropping him down into the negative hitpoints. The man in black leather rushes up to Selly and introduces himself simply as "Night" and says that he has been hired to aquire a jeweled cup from a nearby dungeon, worth 700gp and the large man was a test of mettle, he was looking for adventurers to help him in his quest. Selly accepts and together the two set out along the road. Night says that it will be a ten day journy along the road to reach the dungeon. The first few days are uneventful, save for merchant corpses along the road. On day five, they come across a dire weasal eating one of said corpses, Night draws his shortsword and coats it in knockout poison, though before he can land a hit, Selly has dropped the thing with a sleep spell. Selly coup de gras it and skins it and they are on their way, unharmed. For a few more days, they pass more and more bodies until they come to a forested patch in the road. About an hour into the forest a blowdart flies out of the woods and hits Selly, a failed fortitude save later, Selly is unconscious. Night draws his shortsword, and looks around the field, failing a spot check. Two more darts hit Sellys horse. The horse panics. Night grabs a hold of it, another dart misses his head and he is able to trace its point of origin to a tiny green man hiding in the bushes. He sees that Night has noticed him and flees. That night Selly sets up her elven tree tent and they both climb up into it. Selly gets first watch, and sticks her head out to keep it. At midnight, a blowdart whooshes out of the wilderness and strikes her forehead, she succeeds her save vs. poison, though pretends to be knocked out. She awakens Night, and later they hear a whelp from a horse, Selly calls to Night, and he looks out, the horse is dead, and its saddle bags looted. They travel two more days, and reach a cliff leading up to the dungeon. They begin to climb, only to be assailed by a volley of darts. They spot the gnome, and he flees, only this time Night runs him down and tackles him. They tie the gnome to Sellys back and they begin to climb, halfway up, the gnome bites Selly for sneak attack, and Selly cuts the rope, killing the gnome from the fall. Selly shouts for Night to harvest the gnomes organs, and then climbs up and sets camp for the night.

So... did you like this? This was the first session, did you guys like it? If you do, I'll keep posting. Please give me feedback

2013-03-04, 11:04 PM
It's a good start.

1; Calm down. People reading don't mind settling in for a long read, but immense walls of text are hard to read. Break it up into paragraphs a bit.

2; "Crazy backstory about a lich"; care to explain on that a bit?

2013-03-04, 11:14 PM
Yeah. About the backstory... this is a player who likes to make stuff up without any regard for the campaign setting. He says that he was a member of an elven noble house, until it got wiped out by a lich kings orc horde. He alone was taken prisoner and was tortured for years until he escaped. He is haunted by his past, and says the lich kings orcs are still hunting him. So.... I think im gonna try posting the second session and see how people like it.