View Full Version : On Durkon and Trees

2013-03-05, 10:56 AM
Rich has been laying the groundwork for this event for quite some time. Consider the three major things we know about Durkon:

1. He has a "What Would Thor Do" bracelet. He's very attached to his deity.
2. He likes to drink (beer).
3. He has an irrational fear of trees.

Now, of course, we can imagine how this will all change now that he has become a vampire.
1. Durkon may be separated from his deity, either voluntarily ("how could you allow this to happen to me?") or involuntarily ("why don't you love me any more?").
2. Durkon will no longer be able to drink beer, but as drinking was a major pastime (cf New Year's Eve in Azure City), he may have problems with this.
3. Vampire Durkon would be damaged by a wooden stake. Will Count Durkon hate them (because wooden stakes can destroy him) or love them (because wooden stakes can free him)? One thing's pretty clear; he's not going to find many wooden stakes in the desert, nor will he find many in the dwarven homelands. Those guys really, really hate trees.