View Full Version : Helping build a gestalt chain fighter[pathfinder]

2013-03-05, 04:09 PM
So I'm currently invited to a gestalt game this semester and I've been struggling fully realising a few of my builds to their fullest potential. One such build is a chain fighter attacking from reach. I like the idea of a bounty hunter using a massive iron, spiked chain with a hook on the end to smack things around and literally drag his bounties in like the catch of the day. The only problem is I have no idea how to build a character like this. I have no ideas for race, no ideas for class combinations, feats, attribute distribution. I need some help!

A little background info. 25 point buy as of right now. All the pizao first party stuff is in place and anything else has to be approved by the gm. So...halp..ploz?

2013-03-05, 04:14 PM
Get yourself Psychic Warrior/Warmind on one side! The benefits are delicious, and PW is a good warrior all its own.
I don't recall if the Thunderjarl's already past beta, but I'll give you directions with it once I get home and near books. It's sexy.

2013-03-05, 04:17 PM
Get yourself Psychic Warrior/Warmind on one side! The benefits are delicious, and PW is a good warrior all its own.
I don't recall if the Thunderjarl's already past beta, but I'll give you directions with it once I get home and near books. It's sexy.

Psionics are banned.

2013-03-05, 05:11 PM
Your dm fails at life. D:

2013-03-05, 05:12 PM
To paraphrase my dm "psionics doesn't fit the world and is a giant can of worms I don't want to open. You want to play a psionics character? fluff magic as psionics."

2013-03-05, 05:28 PM
Does the character concept demand that one side of the gestalt actually be fighter? If not, may I suggest cleric? A few recommendations below, showing how clerics can pick this up:

• Worship Vulkoor. He's a relatively obscure deity, but he has the War domain and the Scorpion Chain as a favored weapon.
• Take the War domain and something else. This nets you EWP: Scorpion Chain and Weapon Focus: Scorpion Chain.
• From there, take Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise and Improved Trip. Use flaws if you can. Being human also helps, though you might consider playing something with a Strength or Dexterity bonus if you can get flaws.
• At level 3, take the Knock-Down feat from Sword and Fist

This should give you a pretty solid chassis for a chain tripper. I'm playing a similar, though non-gestalt, build at the moment and am finding it terrifically effective.

edit: Sorry, didn't realize that this was Pathfinder. My recommendations are 3.5 material; but if your DM allows crossover, this will still be effective.

2013-03-05, 07:15 PM
there is an item in pathfinder, the spiked chain, it does 2d4 worth of damage and has trip and disarm bonuses to it. I can easily get it as a weapon by just being a half-orc, at which point I can just be any other class. I'm just really wondering what classes benefit it best as well as feats.

2013-03-05, 08:39 PM
For reasons best known to themselves, the PF developers removed reach from the spiked chain. Use a heavy flail instead unless you really like Dexterity. It's got a length of chain in it, and the ball could have a hook in it for flavor. You can use that racial option to get 90' darkvision instead.

A ranger makes a good start on a bounty hunter; you've got to find your targets as well as knock them out or kill them, right? The Guide archetype probably fits best, unless you only hunt humans or something (guides get to nominate one target as their favored enemy 1/day at 1st level, +1/day each 3 levels after).

OK, that's full BAB, d10 HD, a bonus to attack and damage when you need it, skills, a few spells ... right, you wanted to trip and disarm. Gestalt with Monk with the Maneuver Master archetype. The flurry of maneuvers doesn't seem to require monk weapons unlike flurry of blows. There's some overlap in abilities, but enough synergy to make it worthwhile IMO.

None of this gives you reach I'm afraid. For that you'd have to use a ranseur, bill or guisarme instead, learn the Lunge feat at 6th level, get an ally to buff you, etc.

2013-03-06, 07:50 PM
One more thing - there is one PF reach weapon with disarm and trip. It's called the scorpion whip, and it requires proficiency in the whip as well as its own EWP (half-orcs can get whips as martial weapons via the beastmaster alternate racial trait.)

Trouble is it's a light weapon with a base 1d4 damage, so you'd need some other melee weapon for when you want to do actual damage. Or as a weird idea you could go into TWF.

2013-03-06, 07:52 PM
Actually there is also the Kusarigami listed under the eastern exotic weapons. Combining Fighter with Monk or Ninja gets you access to this as well as considerable amounts of CDM to do ranged trips. A nice bonus is also the free action grapple on critical hits. Combine with Ninja for sneak attacks and awesome Ki abilities or with Monk for flurry of blows and stupid amounts of CMB.

Figured it out, it seems. Thanks anyways!