View Full Version : Murder?

2013-03-05, 10:53 PM
So I was asked to make a backup character for my current campaign in case I die and no one resurrects me. I(out of game) have convinced the paladin to become evil by using my bardic prowess so I can play a Death Master. I was going to do a cancer mage but was shut down by another player(our DM said BoVD PrCs are okay) who is planning one. The campaign started out semi good aligned(good deeds caused by the paladin) but most everyone is chaotic neutral.

But I decided instead to play an obese, cannibalistic, murderer. I am allowed traits and flaws, level buyoff, and any book that isn't from Eberron. I have been thinking deformity(obese and teeth) and Corpse Crafter as my first feats. My DM has approved using corpse crafter on my companion and other undead so that's my main attraction to the feat. But fell animate would be awesome as well.

Any PrC suggestions would be great, other feat choices, etc.
Thanks, Sam

2013-03-05, 11:02 PM
Ask him if you can also use the optional rules in BoVD for "disturbed" characters. It would entirely make sense to have the Psychopath trait, or Sadist Trait, etc. And hopefully works well with your build.

As always Dark Speech is suggested by me if you're going Vile anyway. It's just too damned useful, it's a swiss army knife that is always available no matter how much the DM tries to screw you out of your toys.

I suppose more than that, it depends on what the character does. I mean he kills people and eats people... but how? Is he someone that stalks and kills? That... dammit what is the feat name... one that lets you Hide and Move Silently against even traits like scent, lifesense, etc, is important. Methodology matters.

Interestingly enough there is one feat in Exalted Deeds you might also want to look at to fit the ritualistic fat cannibal murderer concept. Ancestral Relic. A murderer should have a signature way he does things. And the "Loot" nature of DnD doesn't really support it. You don't have that one knife you have almost a fetishistic relationship with as you kill, etc. You have whatever blade you last got on an adventure with the best pluses. Running Ancestral Relic (And it's General, not Exalted so it's open to even evil bastards), can give you that Signature Weapon feel you may want.

2013-03-05, 11:09 PM
Ask him if you can also use the optional rules in BoVD for "disturbed" characters. It would entirely make sense to have the Psychopath trait, or Sadist Trait, etc. And hopefully works well with your build.

As always Dark Speech is suggested by me if you're going Vile anyway. It's just too damned useful, it's a swiss army knife that is always available no matter how much the DM tries to screw you out of your toys.

I suppose more than that, it depends on what the character does. I mean he kills people and eats people... but how? Is he someone that stalks and kills? That... dammit what is the feat name... one that lets you Hide and Move Silently against even traits like scent, lifesense, etc, is important. Methodology matters.

Interestingly enough there is one feat in Exalted Deeds you might also want to look at to fit the ritualistic fat cannibal murderer concept. Ancestral Relic. A murderer should have a signature way he does things. And the "Loot" nature of DnD doesn't really support it. You don't have that one knife you have almost a fetishistic relationship with as you kill, etc. You have whatever blade you last got on an adventure with the best pluses. Running Ancestral Relic (And it's General, not Exalted so it's open to even evil bastards), can give you that Signature Weapon feel you may want.

Arcturus you just made my night! I love the ancestral relic idea. And he kills so the law doesn't find him but he is by no means sneaky about it. Sort of like John Gacy did.

2013-03-05, 11:20 PM
...dammit what is the feat name...

Darkstalker, I believe. It's in Lords of Madness.

2013-03-05, 11:28 PM
Ancestral Relic (And it's General, not Exalted so it's open to even evil bastards)...
It's not Exalted, but it does still have "any good" as an alignment requirement (though a DM might easily waive that).

2013-03-05, 11:34 PM
... I always miss some little detail. Dammit. :smallfurious:

Oh well it was a hell of an idea, and honestly I don't know why "good" is really attached to the feat. So you might get a DM to waive it.

2013-03-05, 11:36 PM
... I always miss some little detail. Dammit. :smallfurious:

Oh well it was a hell of an idea, and honestly I don't know why "good" is really attached to the feat. So you might get a DM to waive it.

Caleb wouldn't care. And if I explained why he'd say okay