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2013-03-06, 12:45 AM
Sector: Taldot
System: Thanos
Planet: Togoria

Captain Kang, Lt Colonel Tobias, Commander Sanderz
A faint blue glow filled the briefing room a long ebony table surrounded by high backed chairs. The faintest vibration pulsed in an asymmetrical tic that could be felt through the floor plates. Someone sniffed with a runny nose but it too dark to tell who of the staff officers standing against the wall it was. The Interrogator's senior crew sat at the table minus their special guests. The holoprojection showed a corpulent human male with a tonsure of silver hair and blue eyes so dark they appeared black in the holo.

The fat man wore the olive drab of the Imperial Navy and metal tabs of Admiral on his chest, his voice was deep with a slight wheeze. "Kang you have charge of the planetary defenses until my return. I'll receieve the rest of your quarterly training briefing upon my return and an update on the Togorian rebellion, its supposed to be our bloody fortress world. My spies have reported the rebel commander's ship disabled from an ion storm at the outskirts of the Boz Pity system the Hammer and Anvil will make short work of this General Solo. Ronsu, Out."

The Admiral had put so much emphasis on the word 'General' that holographic spittle had flown from his lips and flickered from existence when it traveled out of range of the holo-projector's display. The blue glow faded and the white lights flooded back to life.

"He sounds rather sure this time doesn't he." TIE Wing Commander Sam Yeril said with a sort of lazy drawl that jarred with his black service uniform, his blue eyes glimmered for a second under his longer than regulation hair as he looked back at his squadron leaders standing against the wall in particularly his attention focused on Sanderz. "Get ready for another long bout of bullseye-ing prowling kitties."

The commander of the Interrogator's TIE Wing gestured with a free hand at the space out the conference room large observation panels at the end of the table. The green brown globe seemed to fill viewport except for a slice of open space visible just over the planet's horizon. Imperial space traffic flowed quickly in a small grid near the planet's equator just off the VSD's starboard prow. The traffic centered on two bulky frigates that sat in the planet's orbit.

A shadow blocked out of the glare of the pale light from Togorian's sun as two V shaped hulls broke orbit above the Interrogator in a twin flash the the two Imperial-class Star Destroyer's were gone. With the briefing stalled the gathered junior officers waited silently on the Captain's leave.

The briefing is a normal military function reporting your plan for training and shipboard activities for the next 90 days. You primary mission has been to act as the recon line for the Togorian System Fleet but Admiral Ronsu has used your command for nothing more than traffic control above the mining efforst on Togoria for the last several weeks. The crew is bored and discipline issues are on the rise.

The insurgency on Togoria has been a constant issue for your Soldiers on the surface. Anything smaller than a battalion seems to come under almost daily attack but Admiral has specifically restricted the use of large payload influence in subjugating the Togorian rebels or destroying Togorian cities due to the immense deposits of rare metals and raw baradium deposits on the planet's surface, several thousand Togorian are being used for slave labor in the metal mines and your resources are stretched thin protecting all the mining efforts and enforcing Imperial rule in the planetary capital of Caross.

You're the Wing Commander's favorite squadron leader though your not sure why. The other two squadron leaders are junior to you and both male. Commander Warren Flix leads the TIE Fighter flight, and Commander Brandon Smit commands the TIE Bomber flight. Wing Commander Yeril is one of the best starfighter pilots in the fleet but leaves much to be desired in all other aspects of his life. His guidance is usually along the lines of "fly well or die".

Sector Chief Tavik, Rada

The stink of mercenary burdened the cabin's fresher unit as the dark haired man stood in front of Tavik's desk aboard the Interrogator. The requested job completed a small simple code cylinder the subject of the mercenary's most recent task lay on her desk. It was an older method of reporting. Objects left at pre-determined by agents whose cover or situation was too risky to chance a transmission being intercepted. The adjutant had admitted the mercenary with a pale face and hardly a 'pardon me, ma'am.' Before walking back out. The code cylinder did have some Arubesh engraved along its data interface port.

You were about to head to the Captain's ship meeting when your adjutant interrupted you and escorted this rough looking man into your office and left.
Knowledge Bureaucracy Check

You have no idea why these Imps have kept you going from pasty faced officer to the next but every time someone scanned the code on the cylinder they go a little pale and send you to the next person in the chain of command since you came aboard the Interrogator.

Doctor Kradu, M4-X1

The harsh glare of a force field never faded. The high harmonic pitch never altered. The little things were what could drive someone mad in prison. Doctor Kradu occupied a slim bunk in the rebel holding cell. Through the force field's haze and the empty hallway and another energy barrier a powered down battle droid was locked in a similar force field cell. The walls vibrated occasionally. The only other occupant was a Gran in the blue vest of a rebel guard uniform.

Location: Unknown Rebel Warship

You were supposed to link up with someone named Sienn Vecta in the Charros system but your ship had been ambuhsed by a rebel warship you and the droid you had met at the last Imperial port were boarded and overcome. Some how the rebels knew you were a scientist they seem to believe you designed the DeathStar, somebody mentioned possible execution and summary tribunal.

You were hit by multiple ion rocket when the rebels boarded the small freighter you and Doctor Kradu were traveling on. You most recent assignment was to act as his body guard.
Roll Mechanics to regain consciousness.

Location: Chaross System
Ship: Reaver
You were going to meet with Doctor Kradu and recruit him for a project that High Admiral Teradoc wanted him for but before you dropped out of hyperspace you sensed a disturbance in the Force and came out of hyperspace in the Reaver just outside of sensor range of your planned coordinates. Doctor's Kradu's freighter had been boarded and was attached to a Nebulon-B Frigate and two bulky cruisers had intercepted your rendezvous. As you watch the three warships flicker and make the jump to hyperspace. Your navicomputer recorded their trajectories and projected them as Togoria.

2013-03-06, 01:18 AM

M4 laid in a crumbled heap paint damaged, inactive systems offline. Something in him remained active enough to attempt to restart the rest of his systems.


2013-03-06, 01:21 AM
Miranda held the rumpled looking mercenary under her gaze for several long seconds before picking up the code cylinder and inspecting it.
Knowledge: Bureaucracy

2013-03-06, 01:41 AM
Your sensors flicker to life in the confines of the prisoner cell. Locked in behind a force field. A restraining bolt is attached to your chassis.

Miranda Tavik And Rada
The code cylinder bears the code markings for a Priority Black Alpha message from a deep cover agent that worked directly for the Emperor. When you pick it up there was a short beep in recognition and an audio message plays.

"Imminent rebel attack, target Togoria. Authentication XBA-01K1-Aurek." The voice sounded altered or like a droids it was hard to tell either way. A small jolt ran through the cylinder with a tiny flash of purple light and it began disintegrating into dust in Miranda's fingers.

You were hired to deliver the cylinder to the nearest Imperial official but you were in the Deysum system and forced to flee on a random hyperspace vector when a large group of rebels and pirates became embroiled in a battle there and arrived in the Togorian system hours ago. The pay was 5,000 credits from a little old human lady and you picked up the object from a safety deposit box up front.

2013-03-06, 01:48 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

"Pompous windbag..." Captain Andan Kang muttered, covering it by pinching the bridge of his nose between his right thumb and forefinger.

While Admiral Ronsu went off chasing reports of Rebel commanders stuck in ion storms, Andan was left holding the bag. In this case, the "bag" was a fortress world on the verge of open revolt and catastrophe. The only thing keeping the Togorians in their holes had been the pair of Imperial-class Star Destroyers in orbit and that porcine imbecile with his hand on the bombardment button. Now all that Kang had to keep order was the planetary garrison and his Interrogator, along with a couple of police frigates whose Captains he suspected had never even seen actual combat. Andan would have suspected that Ronsu was setting him up to take the fall when the "New Republic" swept in to liberate the system...but that would be giving the Admiral too much credit.

Captain Kang took hold of the hem of his uniform jacket in both hands and tugged it down straight before facing his assembled officers. He'd been handed worse details, and seeing as there was nothing he could do about it, he would just have to see it through with his usual rampant perfectionism.

"Commander Yeril, I want a twenty-four hour fighter patrol of this system. I'll leave the details of the pilot rotation to you, but I want every incoming and outgoing starship scanned. Perhaps Commander Sandez and her squadron would be an adequate choice for first patrol." the Captain suggested in his crisp, Imperial accent. "In the meantime, the Interrogator shall come to alert status and take tactical position above the planet in the Admiral's absence. Colonel Tobias, I want you and your men in full kit. The entire ship, including your stormtroopers, will be running combat drills. I shall personally inspect every centimeter of this vessel until I am satisfied we are at combat readiness." he continued, clasping his hands at the small of his back.

"There's something about this ion storm situation that I do not like..." he finished, turning toward the observation windows and casting his gaze outward at the planetary traffic. He narrowed his eyes, as if there was something out there he just couldn't see. "Dismissed."

2013-03-06, 02:29 AM
Tavik was on her feet and striding out the door before the cylinder even finished reciting its message. She snapped her fingers as she walked past Rada. You, with me. Her tone brooked no argument. How did you acquire this code cylinder? I need to know everything: how long ago did you get it, why specifically did you bring it here, who else knows that you have this?

The briefing room was not far from Mira's office; barring a meeting short enough to border on the mystical the captain and his senior crew should still be there. She propelled herself through the Star Destroyer halls as fast as protocol and dignity would allow, just short of breaking into a jog. Crewmen and staff alike knew to keep out of her path, and one technician who was distracted by his datapad was almost thrown to the floor as she walked right through him without slowing.
A Priority Black Alpha was not a normal emergency call, and to be worth risking detection from such a highly-placed source...It was frustrating that the message had no details, but that was a sensible precaution. If it had been intercepted, it would make identifying the source much harder.
Hopefully the captain would be up to handling his end of this situation sufficiently.

2013-03-06, 03:00 AM
Well, that certainly explained all the looks I got, Rada though.

Sighing, he fell in step with the agent. Imperial creds were as good as any other, but the bureaucracy was a nightmare and a half. When he answered, he spoke softly, just loud enough for Tavik to hear. "X days ago.* I was hired on Deysum by an old lady to bring that thing to the nearest Imperial official. She gave me the money and a key to a safe-deposit box. I don't think I was tailed, so besides the two of us, the only ones who know are the old lady and the half-dozen guys that kicked me up the chain of command to you.

"As for how I got here, I had to make a blind jump when I got trapped in the middle of a furball between a pirate fleet and a New Republic task force. I reverted here and that's when I ran afoul your picket line.

Lucky break, huh?" he asked, cracking a smile for the first time since arriving in system.

*-A'den has not given me a timeframe, so I cannot provide an IC answer. I also chose ignore the fact Deysum is canonically an Imperial fortress world in this time period.

2013-03-06, 03:12 AM

M4's photoreceptors lit up, his various sensors kicked on and body began to move. Before standing up he made sure to scan the room for life, his Spectrum searchlight would be to obvious so he had to rely on simple visual and auditory means. Rather or not there was anyone present he than ran a diagnostics check to make sure everything still worked.

(Perception: [roll0] )
(Diagnostics (mechanics): [roll1] +2 equipment bonus from Diagnostics package already included)

2013-03-06, 03:49 AM
Dr. Kradu

The thin human idly kicked the forcefield.

"Hey, what's going to happen to me?" He asked.

Kradu thought back to what he knows about this particular brand of force field generators, and whether they have any weaknesses.

technology: [roll0]

2013-03-06, 03:57 AM
We shall see just how "lucky" it is when this situation is resolved. I'm going to advise you now to stay in my sight at all times while you are on board this vessel.

They reached the briefing room just as the officers were starting to trail out. Mira was forced to slow her pace to press through the bodies lining up to get out, but one of her best business glares served to move several of the more junior officers out of her path. Some of the others gave her tardiness and her companion a quizzical glance, but she brushed past them too.
Captain Kang stood with his back to the room, gazing out at the rich green planet that filled the viewport, his hands clasped behind him in rigid military posture. Even when no-one was watching him, the man exemplified parade-ground form.

Captain, I need to speak with you immediately. Unlike the rest of the crew, she did not salute before addressing him, nor did she need to stand on ceremony before speaking to him. A quick glance around the room showed all the more junior staff had already departed; the only few officers remaining being ones she felt comfortable speaking in front of.
Is Admiral Ronsu still in the system? He needs to be notified immediately. There is a serious Rebel attack planned and about to be carried out on this system.

2013-03-06, 05:59 AM
Sienn Vecta
Location: Chaross System
Ship: The Reaver

The Reaver pulled out several parsecs before its intended rendezvous with the intent of first surveying the system for the presence of any hostiles. This precaution proved rewarding as alarms started to blare inside the rugged interior and an astromech droid rolled up to the control bay to observe the commotion.

Spotting the trio of rebel warships through both the canopy and the sensors, the droid's head spun as it bleeped and turned on its wheels. Traveling as fast as its machinery would allow it, it rolled down the connected passage-way to the only living quarter on the entire ship and parked outside its closed door.


Inside, a pair of green eyes fluttered open as Sienn Vecta was wretched from one of her daily rituals. Before her rested a bowl within which several tiny spheres rolled from the lip of the semi-hemisphere to all click together and halt at its basin.

Kneeling on her bunk, hands forward on her knee's and dressed as a casual spacer, the Rutian twi'lek lazily glanced towards her door from which the punishing whining of her astromech droid ate away at the fringes of her patience. Reaching over and activating a monitor perched above her bed, the twi'leks brow rose in surprise as she beheld the three rebel warships draining the ship of her contact and pulling themselves together for a jump to hyperspace.

Jumping off of her bunk and landing on the cool floor with her bare feet, Sienn covered the distance to the cockpit with a few swift strides of her long legs. Standing and leaning forward on the controls, the twi'lek peered across the empty vacuum of space before her and watched as the three rebel war-vessels converged into a formation. Catching her interest was the location of the two smaller warcruisers, their positions near her rendezvous point implying that they had been laying in wait specifically for her.

The twi'leks brow furrowed as she mentally compiled a list of those who knew she would be out here attending to the good doctor.

Hanging back for now, Sienn's developing plans of a rescue were scuttled when the three ships converged upon each other in a formation.

"Hey, that's my human!" she uttered as if watching something as trivial as a garden gnome being stolen. Almost on cue, the vessels catapulted themselves into the warp of hyperspace.


Having ignored her droid, Sienn was reminded of the machines presence in her peripheral vision as her blue fingers took to her computer console and started typing away furiously. "Get your own nerd..." she continued, muttering under her breath as the pale light from her set of monitors drained the color from her blue face.


Finally looking over to what her droid wanted her to see, Sienn's face split into a broad smirk as she watched the trajectory information of the three rebel ships start rolling across a screen. "I knew there was a reason I kept you around!" she beamed, stroking the top of the droids head as she took in nav-coordinates and started making adjustments of her own.

"Togoria?" Sienn uttered, clearly having never heard of the place. Sighing as she plunked herself down into the pilots chair, "The fun never stops in the armpit of the galaxy...", before seizing the control yoke to The Reaver and gunning the ship forward on its powerful thrusters. The stars visble through the canopy swiftly shifted positions as the Firespray rocketed forward.



"Gather any ID on those three vessels, encrypt it and send it to any Imperial presence in or near the Togoria sector, readable to the highest authority present. Suspected of housing rebel agents masquerading as crew."

The three ships employed by the Rebels were common amongst the galaxy - seeing three traveling to a planet wasn't exactly cause for offense. Refugee ship, cargo haulers, mobile corporate offices, science vessels...the list of disguises the rebels could use to evade Imperial suspicion was endless.

"Then keep a copy of the transmission in your databanks and wipe all trace of it from The Reaver."

The droid responded positively as Sienn keyed in her new coordinates. Several seconds later the galaxy outside her canopy twisted and contorted as her vessel was propelled into hyperspace towards Togoria.

Use the Force check for her daily Force Regimen: Telekinetic Practice: [roll0]
She's also studied her holocron for an hour and is adopting the Force Lightning power for the day.

p.s none of my future posts will be this long, but I felt establishment was necessary :smallsmile:

Holocron Coder
2013-03-06, 09:20 AM
Lt. Colonel Tobias

Tobias stood at parade rest as the corpulent man dictated to the present crew. Surreptitiously, he straightened his uniform, in the off-chance the stickler of a man happened to noticed a wrinkle out of place.

He breathed a quiet sigh of relief as the hologram cut off. He couldn't stand the Admiral; the man was disgusting and represented most of the things that Tobias thought needed correcting in the Empire.

Of course, Tobias himself wasn't of a rank that could do anything about it. Not yet, anyway.

As Captain Kang began speaking, Tobias stood at attention, mentally beginning the plans that would be necessary to gear up for a potential counterstrike by the populace now that the threat of bombardment was gone. When addressed by the captain, he salutes crisply and nods in an affirmative at the provided orders. At the dismissal, he stands at rest until most of the rank and file leave. Once he is relatively alone with the captain, he speaks up, "Sir, will we need a contingent on the ground, or will we prefer striking as situations arise?"

2013-03-06, 09:36 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

Captain, I need to speak with you immediately. Unlike the rest of the crew, she did not salute before addressing him, nor did she need to stand on ceremony before speaking to him. A quick glance around the room showed all the more junior staff had already departed; the only few officers remaining being ones she felt comfortable speaking in front of.

The Captain waited a beat before turning around. He had been about to answer his ground commander when the pair of new arrivals had come in. His cold, green eyes flicked over the human mercenary the sector chief had seen fit to drag along with her into the briefing room, assessing him with a glance, and then settled on Miranda. "Of course, Agent Tavik. You have my attention." he answered her.

Is Admiral Ronsu still in the system? He needs to be notified immediately. There is a serious Rebel attack planned and about to be carried out on this system.

Any other man would have chuckled at the situation. He had just been ruminating on the possibility that this was all just an elaborate ruse to render the system open to attack. Ronsu had stampeded out of the system chasing the bait and now it was all up to Kang to cover for his incompetence. "No, Agent Tavik, Admiral Ronsu has seen fit to chase after Rebels in a nearby star system. He will not be reachable for some time. I'm afraid we will have to be a sufficient deterrent in his absence."

Captain Kang knew that his seniormost officers would still be hanging around. It was their way to come to him with any specific issues after the briefing was adjourned, and even if they didn't have anything to bring up the Intelligence sector chief was still enough of an oddity to warrant some curiosity on their part. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will have to forgo combat drills in favor of the real thing today." he said. "All pilots to their fighters. Troops will make ready for boarding actions. I want this ship at red alert five minutes ago. You are dismissed."

"Now, Agent Tavik. Are there any other details of this attack that you might wish to share with me or shall I just pick them up as I go?" Andan said straight-faced, noting Miranda's time-honored spy tradition of never giving him all the facts. Usually he let it go, but in this instance he needed any edge.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-06, 09:56 AM
Lt. Colonel Tobias

His question now relatively moot with the new information, Tobias nods once, curtly, before departing the room and heading towards the on-ship barracks. Trailing behind him, having been waiting in the briefing room, is his second, Major Eliza Dagan.

"You heard him, Major. Boarding readiness. That means close-quarters combat and tight places. Our troopers will need blaster rifles, grenades, and cutting torches for when these rebels seal off parts of their ship. See to it that each trooper is outfitted. I will meet with the men in the barracks commons for particulars."

The major salutes and speeds ahead to the barracks as Tobias takes a bit more time in travelling. There's also a chance that they'll try inserting ground troops during the combat up here, to trip us up in the coming weeks he thought to himself. He would prepare for that particular situation as best he could, as well.

After a few moments, he stepped into his office and quickly retrieved his personal gear. A heavy blaster rifle and a few grenades, of both stun and frag varieties. It never hurt the troop's morale to have their commander on the lines with them, even if he was not particular adept at the particulars of firing a weapon himself.

Items retrieved, he steps out and heads towards the barrack's commons.

Not sure what else to do to "prepare" for boarding without GM input at this point :smallsmile: Barring any reply, will meet with the soldiers and remind them of standard practices for boarding an enemy ship or repelling boarders on their own ship.

2013-03-06, 05:33 PM
"No, Agent Tavik, Admiral Ronsu has seen fit to chase after Rebels in a nearby star system. He will not be reachable for some time. I'm afraid we will have to be a sufficient deterrent in his absence."

How convenient. I wonder if he had to ask his spies to go out and find him a Rebel trap, or if they just commed him an invitation. Condescension dripped off her voice. Like many Intelligence operatives, she had her own opinions about the quality of work done by most officer's private spies and secret sources, and they had a tendency to make her job more complicated.

"Now, Agent Tavik. Are there any other details of this attack that you might wish to share with me or shall I just pick them up as I go?"

Mira pivoted to gesture to the mercenary standing behind her.
This man was hired to deliver the message from the Deysum system, where he observed a Rebel task force engaging a group of pirates. I cannot tell you if that is where the attack will originate from, as for security reasons my source was not able to furnish me with all the details. However, I would suggest that they will be staging from a system near the Deysum system, or this message would have taken a different route to get here. You may want to consider consolidating your defenses along those vectors.

She turned to Rada.
I am going to need from you all the information you have on that Rebel fleet you encountered. You still have the sensor logs of it on your ship, I presume?

2013-03-06, 08:48 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

"Very well, Agent Tavik. If you would join me on the bridge, please?" the Captain said as he started walking. The briefing room wasn't far from the CIC, so it didn't take more than a minute or two in order to get to the two-level command deck. A yeoman called out the Captain's presence and everyone snapped to attention, but Andan waved them back to their duties with a small gesture. He strode past the parallel pits where the bridge officers performed their duties and made his way to the forward observation windows.

"Status?" he asked sharply of his first officer, a blonde, wide-shouldered Kuati noble, Commander Urdo Zyesh.

"Combat status achieved, sir. Shields and weapons available on your order." the Commander replied in his ever-present monotonous tone, which made him sound bored at all times.

"Bring us to a watch station over the known jump points from the direction of the Deysum system. Alert the system defense frigates to form up on Interrogator. Today is likely to get very interesting." the Captain ruminated.

"Very good, sir." Commander Zyesh answered with what could have been a yawn.

2013-03-07, 06:09 AM
Mira lingered just long enough to finish her conversation with Rada, then spun after Captain Kang, catching up with him just as he entered the bridge. The crew snapped to attention as he arrived, then returned to their duties at his gesture, ignoring the Sector Chief entirely as she shadowed the Captain to the forward viewport. She was used to being ignored on this ship, studiously so in most cases. Intelligence officers in general were not well liked, and her reputation in particular meant most crew members felt their interests were best served by staying out of her way as much as possible.
Which had its benefits.

It would be unfortunate if the Rebels were to learn that their activities were being reported to us. If I may, I have a suggestion. She spoke in hushed tones, just over the Captain's shoulder.

Kang looked at her out of the corner of his eye and raised one eyebrow at her. He looked just as bored as his first officer.

If the fleet were to be engaged in a maneuver when they arrive, one that just happened to coincide with their entry vector, it may not be apparent to them that we are lying in wait. A single ship, perhaps, seemingly fleeing from a patrol, likely a smuggler or maybe even another Rebel craft? If we launched it and let it hang just out of our range, when their fleet arrives we could give chase and open fire on it without risking any damage. She stepped around Captain Kang to gaze out the viewport beside him, now displaying a vista of stars with the planet's surface slowly disappearing below them. I wouldn't be surprised if the Rebels allowed it into whatever fleet they bring with them: they have a track record of being very poor judges of character when it comes to riff-raff like themselves. They are at the very least not likely to fire on some vagrant fleeing from a Star Destroyer, and who knows, it might find itself in a position to do something useful. She stared off into the distance, watching the constellations shift as the ship gently rotated along its axis, bringing its terrifying might to bear on the desired coordinates.

Just a thought.

2013-03-07, 08:16 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

Captain Kang studied the starfield, taking a moment to mull over the idea in his head. Most Imperial captains would balk at the idea of using anything but brute force to make an attack succeed, but Andan wasn't always conventional. Brute force had its place, certainly, but subterfuge was a valuable tool and with Agent Tavik around it was one he intended to employ to devastating effect.

"Very well, Agent Tavik. Take your ship, or your mercenary's, and whatever people you deem most appropriate for the mission. When the Rebels arrive we'll put on a show to make it look like you are in a dire situation and force them to commit fighters to rescue you from us, thereby arresting the momentum of their attack." he decided. "Convince them to allow you to board, then sabotage them from the inside. It's your decision, but I suggest bringing along Colonel Tobias and his stormtroopers hidden in your hold as 'refugees'. The Rebels won't be able to resist." he said without a smile.

2013-03-07, 09:22 AM
I shall have to examine this mercenary's ship. If it proves unsuitable, I will use my own, although it does not have much room for stormtroopers. A bounty hunter's vessel is the most reasonable cover, I may only be able to take one or two as Imperial "prisoners". That should pique Rebel interest, at any rate. She turned to leave, pausing a moment to cast her eyes across the crew stations in the pit: tractor control, helm, shield control, sensors, fire control. Just, please make it clear to your gunners how...displeased I will be if they score my paint.
She was sure he had a biting retort in defense of his men's ability to do their job, she left without waiting to hear it.

Back in the Star Destroyer's maze of corridors, Mira saw that the mercenary Rada hadn't gotten far. He looked slightly lost in the warren of identical passageways. She fell into step beside him, and spoke without preamble.
I will also require the specifications for the vessel you arrived in. We are going to be engaging the Rebel fleet soon, and as the only other person in the system that knows about it, you obviously aren't going anywhere for the time being. However, I can offer you a job if you are interested in earning some credits to make up for your time. She looked him up and down, glancing over his armoured vest and obvious holsters that sat on each hip. How are you in a firefight?

Mando Knight
2013-03-07, 01:25 PM
Sandez was glad that the captain had decided to scramble all fighters... anything to put a couple hundred meters between her and Yeril. She wasn't sure how, but he seemingly managed to put almost every single thing she hated in a superior officer in one package... and highly suspected that he only showed her any favor because the idiot wanted to get her in bed. She ran to the locker room to change to her flight suit... the sooner she was in her fighter, the better.

2013-03-07, 02:48 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

The Captain sat down in the chair he'd had installed on the bridge and pressed a button on the arm. Down on the flight deck, a screen lit up next to Commander Sandez. Kang, looking down at the arm of his chair, seemed to be looking down at her from the screen. "Commander Sandez, I have a special mission for you." he said.

"I want you and your TIE Interceptors to launch along with Agent Tavik's transport. I know it will be a chore, but I want you and your pilots to pursue and fire at her, but miss...most of the time. Make it look like she's in trouble so that the Rebels play hero and come rescue her. Then you may engage their starfighters at will once the ruse is complete." he explained briefly. "Understood?"

Mando Knight
2013-03-07, 05:15 PM
"Understood. Any further directives, Captain?" Like "Shoot Yeril, he's an idiot," or "Keep an eye on Tavik, I don't trust Intelligence," or "There's a secret hangar in the back, use the TIE Defenders there..."

2013-03-07, 05:37 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

The Captain raised an eyebrow. "No, Commander, that will be all." he replied. Then the screen went black as he cut off the transmission from the bridge.

2013-03-07, 05:37 PM
"You don't recognize me, do you?" Rada asked, genuinely curious. He shrugged. "No matter. Yes, I know my way around a lightfight. This rig," he said, patting the holster on his right hip, "Ain't just for show.

"As for my Scorpion, it's not for nothing I named her that. She's got a hard shell and a deadly sting. But she's no battleship, if that's what you're thinking."

2013-03-07, 09:39 PM
"Hey, shorty," Kradu said, after a moment had passed, "I'm talking to you."

He kicked the forcefield again.

2013-03-07, 11:21 PM
You don't recognize me, do you? Inside, Mira scoffed. Independents always took things so personally, wanting to make sure they were remembered and rehired, always trying to line up another job before this one was finished. That was one of the nice things about working with Stormtroopers: they never squabbled over who did the best job and who was the most memorable. Not within her hearing, anyway.

I'm afraid I work with a lot of people in your profession, and I don't commit all of you to memory. I'm sure I've seen you running some errand for me before. It was partly untrue; she couldn't have rattled off that many facts about him, but she did remember his name as an asset in some of the operations that she had run. She would not have offered to bring him along if she didn't recall reading a report that had made comment on his skills with a blaster. She was quite happy to leave him feeling unremarkable, however; let him try and impress her if he cared about being memorable.
Well, if you are as passable as you indicate, I have use for you. If you are interested in another job, meet me in the hangar deck and you may get the chance to show me your skills. Otherwise, I can arrange for you and your ship to be kept safe until this confrontation is over. While the chances of him using his knowledge of the fleet's advance warning to warn off the Rebel fleet was slim, his profession made it clear that his loyalty was for sale, and with a source this highly placed she was not interested in taking any risks that might compromise that source.

They stopped at an intersection, her quarters were one way and the turbolift shaft to the hanger was the other. She reached out and grabbed a passing Ensign by the arm, startling him. He started to protest, then looked to see who had accosted him and immediately fell silent. Although she technically didn't have the military authority to issue orders to Naval personnel, her commands to the lower ranks always went unchallenged.
Ensign, escort this gentleman to my personal craft in the aft hanger bay, or to a passenger cabin, whichever he chooses. Make sure he is comfortable. Which came with the unspoken understanding "Don't leave him alone or let him wander off", but she was polite enough at least to not say that out loud.
Then dispatch an analyst to retrieve the sensor data from his vessel. I'm certain he'll help with any security features he has. Report anything they find directly to the captain If the fleet arrived shortly it would be of little use, but they could be waiting for hours at the least, and if transpired that the two fleets were the same, any information they had could give them an edge.

Now, if you will excuse me, I will be joining you on this operation, and if we do meet any Rebels face to face I would like to be wearing something a little more informal. Mira turned and headed for her quarters. She doubted there would be time to put together an elaborate disguise, but anything was better than wearing an Imperial uniform. She pulled her comlink out of her belt as she walked.
Sector Chief Miranda Tavik. Inform Colonel Tobias that I require two commandos for an undercover operation, reporting to my ship in twenty minutes. Tell them to bring their gear, uniforms and plainclothes, just in case. She palmed the controls to her quarters and walked inside.

I will be making a deception check to disguise my appearance, taking 10 minutes and taking 10 on the check. I'm just going to go for the look of a generic spacer who totally isn't an Imperial Intelligence agent in disguise.

2013-03-08, 12:06 AM
"Wait, aren't we forgetting something, Agent? Like what's in this venture for me?" Rada asked.

2013-03-08, 12:41 AM
Mira paused as she turned away.
I'm offering you a job. You shoot people and I pay you. That's how the arrangement normally works, is it not? I can replace you with a Stormtrooper if you prefer, I just thought you might appreciate an opportunity to make some credits. That is why you do what you do, isn't it? And save me injuring one of my men if you end up getting killed.

2013-03-08, 12:57 AM
"Only if the price is right," Rada replied. "This ain't exactly knocking over the corner store you're proposing here. I don't take on naval battlegroups for beer money."

2013-03-08, 01:38 AM
I intend for this to be a primarily covert operation: if everything goes smoothly you shouldn't even have to fire a shot. And if things do get heated, I will happily discuss additional compensation with you when we return. I believe in rewarding competence.

2013-03-08, 01:53 AM
"Well, then, what are we waiting for? To the hangar bay," he told the hapless Ensign.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-08, 03:22 AM
Lt. Colonel Tobias

It isn't long before Tobias hears of the request for two commandos to accompany Sector Chief Tavik. He frowns. This was the sort of thing he would have jumped at the opportunity for just a few years ago. However, command has made him more careful, more thoughtful in his actions.

He turns to Major Dagan. "Choose your best soldier, load up with gear and civilian clothing, then meet Sector Chief Tavik in the hangar bay. Follow her orders."

As Dagan salutes, Tobias smiles slightly and says, "Good luck."

He watches quietly as she loads up on gear and heads out. Turning to the rest of the troops, he begins prepping them for boarding or counterboarding maneuvers.

Kept thinking over it, and, as much as I, the player, would like going over to the ship and fighting, it wouldn't make sense for Tobias, the character, to do so. So, he's not. Hopefully that doesn't put me out of anything interesting for a while. :smallbiggrin:

Mando Knight
2013-03-08, 07:31 PM
Sandez enters her TIE Interceptor, and relays the captain's orders to her wingmates.

2013-03-09, 01:18 AM

M4's tired to reactive his shields and mounted weapon, however he was too low on power to do so right now. M4 began to stand and now took notice of the Restraining Bolt on his chasis. A thought rushed through his processor, a single word. quaint His quick scan of the room revealed much, frigate class vessel, Dr. Kradu was next to him. And the guard at the end of the room, M4 trained his Photoreceptors on Dr. Kradu. A rough voice filtered through his Vocabulator.

"Dr. Kradu, are you unharmed?" While waiting of an answer M4 checked his storage compartment to see if that had been plundered while he was out of order.

So is it both my heavy weapon and my wrist mounted weapons that are offline or just the heavy repeater?

2013-03-09, 03:16 AM
Dr. Doran Kradu

I'm assuming Kradu's weapons and equipment have been taken, or should we assume that the equipment will be waiting for him once he joins the rest of the party?

"I'm not injured, if that's what you're asking," Kradu responded, "unharmed remains to be seen."

2013-03-09, 01:36 PM

M4's photoreceptors focus in and out again. "This unit does not see a meaningful distinction." His voice lowers a bit as he continues to speak the to the good Doctor. "Shields, and mounted weapon systems offline, have you discovered anything about our cages?" M4 trains his sensors back to the guard to see if he's taken notice yet. Not that droid with a restraining bolt was dangerous...right?

2013-03-09, 02:07 PM
Fifteen minutes later, Mira arrived at her ship to find Tobias' commandos waiting for her. Both of them were in full uniform with packs slung over their shoulders; she had changed into a spacer's vest and trousers like would been seen on a hundred worlds, her hands were grimy and her clothes had dabs of engine grease on them. Her previously long-flowing hair was pinned tightly in a bun, and she looked like she could have been a mechanic on any passenger ship or smuggling vessel from here to Tatooine.
Alright, lets launch, and I'll go over the plan. She pointed at Rada. You just got a new vessel to pilot. Take her up and put us just past the Star Destroyer's range. When the Rebels get here we're going to be fired upon, and we don't want to get too close.
She walked up the ramp into the Nightclaw and the two commandos clipped up behind her with military bearing. Once they all fit into the cockpit behind Rada, she pointed to them.
You have a change of professions coming, so change into your civilian gear and try to lose the posture. You're going to be a bounty hunter for the next few hours. You, on the other hand, are getting promoted to captain. She handed the other trooper a pair of rank cylinders to clip to his uniform.
Phase 1 of this operation is to board one of the rebel vessels. They should be rightfully cautious about allowing an unknown vessel to land in the middle of a battle, so: we are going to fake battle damage from the confrontation they will be able to witness, including a blown hyperdrive, and we are going to be a team of bounty hunters with a valuable Imperial captive, hoping to get some replacement parts so we can leave the system. Now we don't know when they will be arriving, it could be any minute now, it might be hours or even a day from now, so we will be taking shifts in the cockpit. The moment those ships arrive, the Interrogator will open fire and have its TIEs buzz us, so we need to be ready to get out of the way at a moment's notice.

Phase 2 is infiltrating the vessel. Now, once we get access to the ship, our primary objective is already complete: having convinced the Rebels that our fleet being in position to intercept them was merely a coincidence. There is no imperative for us to attempt to sabotage the Rebels strong enough to risk capture. However, if we have the opportunity to assist in disabling the warship so we can capture it intact, that is obviously a benefit. So, for this operation, Rada will be the pilot for our band of mercenaries, I will be the mechanic and you will be the "muscle". Try to look grim and intimidating. She said sarcastically, indicating the soldier. She turned finally to the second commando.
You will be our prisoner, and potentially someone the Rebels have an interest in interrogating. Obviously we won't be giving up our bounty without compensation, but if the suggestion of letting them pay us for you gets us inside, then that does its job. Wait in the holding cell back there once we land, and turn your comlink on to monitor communications. Rada will turn his comlink on and leave it clipped to his belt, so you can listen to what goes on outside the cell. Remain there until needed, but if things start to go badly, let yourself out and start shooting. Take your gear and stow it in the cell, hide it under blankets or something, and wear binder cuffs, just don't lock them. Rada, if you need it, he will be your backup. He will hopefully have the element of surprise, so try not to waste it if you do need it.

My first plan if we are able to dock is to attempt to enlist help from a mechanic in fixing the ship. If I do manage to slip away, keep whoever is left occupied until I return. Lie to them if they ask questions, but if they get suspicious, shoot them before they can report in. This ship is our escape vehicle, so protect it, and if you get overwhelmed before I return, take off without me. Nothing gets accomplished by all of us being captured. In case it is needed, take any reference to "unruly banthas" in conversation to be your cue to start shooting. She leaned over Rada's shoulder and indicated one portion of the control panel.
You should like this. If shooting happens, this ship has some surprises in store for them. Just activate these controls here. She indicated the firing mechanism for the underslung E-Web blaster. Then she adjusted the ships transponder codes, switching over to the fake ID Rusted Duck.

Option two involves leveraging our captive as currency to get deeper into the ship and speak with someone of rank, but remember that once we get on board, our top priority is getting out again in one piece. No foolish heroics. She clapped Rada on the shoulder.
Alright pilot, take us out.

2013-03-09, 05:32 PM
"Aye, aye, ma'am," Rada, throwing a mock salute and powering the ship up. "So who're we working for then?" he asked as he guided the freighter out of the hangar. "Not the bounty hunters make a habit of giving up their clients, but if we get jammed up against a wall, I wanna give an answer, and I want the stories to match if we get separated. For that matter, who're we? I can go as myself, and so can the merchandise, but you two," pointing to Tavik and the remaining commando, "Probably shouldn't. And while we're at it, somebody ought to go back and really disable the hyperdrive in case somebody thinks to check," he added.

2013-03-09, 06:08 PM

"Aye Sir." Sr. Commander tossed Captain Kang a salute and turned to Commander Sandez. "Looks like we're in it for real today, of course if any of you chumps is up to it we could make interesting, anyone who doesn't earn an 'Ace' today is buying at the Sabacc table tonight. But I wouldn't get your hopes up too much, I'll be painting my third blood stripe on today."

Major Dagan smiled affectionately. "Yes Sir, thought I should remind you that 500 Stormtroopers are still planetary guarding the mining operations that are still ongoing."

She followed Tobias her stride matched his her prominent green eyes flashing in anticipation for the battle. She would hardly take place in the hostilities herself but coordinate operations from the CIC once Tobias had spoken to the men of the Interrogator's Marine Battalion.

"Sir the request for the Assault Shuttles has not yet been filled and we lack the proper hardened assault craft to launch a full boardering action if we are ordered to, but there are several stock freighters docked with the two Bulk-Cruisers in system we could use them to ferry troops aboard a disabled rebel craft."

As they entered the barracks deck it was in a stat of more or less controlled chaos various squads and platoons beginning accountability formation as Stormtroopers and regular line troopers alike were squirming into combat kit and checking out weapons from armories and receiving their full combat loads of energy cells, grenades, and combat accessories. Naval Security was rather stingy about who carried loaded blasters aboard the ship actively the policy was always a point of contention between the Corps, the Security Forces, and the Army.

"My gun's bigger." Drawled one trooper to the other was he hefted a blaster cannon on his shoulder the other man carried a standard E-11b rifle but looked non-plussed by his battle buddy's remarks. "Battalion Commander!"

The trooper called out and everyone snapped to attention as Colonel Tobias came int the hold.

Major Dagan nodded and picked out the two that had happened to call the hold to attention and briefly gave them the run down before sending them to report to Agent Tavik.

On the bridge a notable change vibrated through the floor panels as the ship's primary drives lit to life and brought ship onto an intercept course with the system's rimward navigation buoy. The ice blue flares showed the the planetary fleet's three Lancer-class Frigates burning hard toward the Interrogator's position. Their Captain reported in over holocomm all of them were fresh commands from Captain's fresh out of the pre-Command course. Two were boysih faced men from Caridia the last a rather severe looking woman in her late forties. They all acknowledge Captain Kang's orders and were converging on his position. Each had been at the system's rim point patrolling the pirate jump points.

Unknown Rebel Warship

The Gran guard looked up at Doctor Kradu's comment and uttered a string of high and low musical sounding syllables. Before laughing with a nauseatingly human quality and patting his service pistol with a smug smile.
Gran Language
For the greatest martyr maker of all the stars? You better pray they just let me use my pistol instead of a Nexu.

M4-X1: Heavy Repeater is down though you may be able to power your other weapons with a successful second attempt to make repair.

Dr. Kradu: Correct

Aboard Rusted Duck

The two commando's nodded to with Agent Tavik's brief they both appeared professional and alert. After she spoke and moved off to speak with Rada the one she had identified as the 'Captain' leered at his partner.

"You know Jenkins, your gonna owe me a salute when we get back." The other trooper rolled his eyes then they both rolled their eyes as the craft lifted off.

Fifteen minutes went by. The initial tension started to wear off as time crawled longer into the better part of an hour. Agent Tavik's vessel was in position a flight of TIE interceptor's running through dogfight maneuvers with the Tavik's personal craft. The three Lancer frigates took up positions in an reverse echelon with the Interrogator at the center. Tie flights were flying patrols across the various pirate and standard jump points.

The quiet buzz of activity broke, "Sensor contact! Thermal bloom. Sir I have three cruiser mass hyperspace blooms in sector X100Y097. I can't get a good read on them the IFF is going crazy here!"

The Ensign at the Sensor Control station called out, his voice cracked slightly as he tried to interrupt the IFF but the reading instead of coming in as normal text line descriptions were running with alpha numeric combinations.

"Their using some sort of jamming but they should be in visual range in a minute!"

It was hard to make them out as nothing more than specs against the brilliant mass of stars and stellar bodies.

The command net comm cracked, "This is Alpha 3 relaying visual feed. I have one Nebulon-B class Frigate, one Star Galleon-class Frigate, and one Escort Carrier."

A holographic display near the command council illuminated a three dimensional representation of the telemetry the TIE reported. The vessel were configured in a column formation with the Nebulon B Frigate mass shadowing the Star Galleon and the Escort Carrier bringing up the here. Each ship had a the large rebel crescent and stars splashed in a bright red orange color across prow.

"Their laun-" The feed and the transmission cut out as quickly as it began.

The Battle space is set up in a cube with X, Y, and Z lines. X represents East/West 000-100, Y represent forward and back North/South 000-100.

The planetary gravity well is heaviest at X 000 Y 000 basically bottom left corner of the cube. The planet is obviously much larger than just a hundred squares but consider everything in the bottom left corner to be in orbit of Togoria. The two Imperial Bulk Cruisers would then be located in X002 Y 002 and X003 Y 001 in what would be the lowest safe orbit for a cruiser class vessel in orbit around Togoria. The rebel fleet would be roughly located at the edge of the planetary gravity well.

So hopefully I don't loose you all here but the following would be the lay out of the of all the relevant ships. Might help to draw it out on a piece of scratch paper.

Squares are in Starship Scale
Imperial Forces:
(Around Togoria)
Imp-Bulk Cruiser Troubadour: X002 Y 002 (Facing South)
Imp-Bulk Cruiser Wagoneer: X003 Y 001 (Facing South)

VSD - Interrogator: X040 Y050 (Facing North East) [8]
Imp-Lancer#1 Dart: X039 Y051 (Facing North East) Initiative: [8]
Imp-Lancer#2 Lash: X039 Y052 (Facing North East) Initiative: [10]
Imp-Lancer#3 Scourge: X041 Y051 (Facing North East) Initiative: [11]
Agent Tavik's Ship: Rusted Duck: X043 Y053
Delta Flight 1 - Comander Sandez Delta 1-3 [ in Formation]: X042 Y052
Delta Flight 2 - Delta 4-6: X040 Y050 Initiative: [16]
Alpha Flgiht 1 Alpha 1-4: X080 Y090 Initiative: [26]
Alpha Flight 2 Alpha 5-8: X040 Y053 Initiative: [16]
Alpha Flgiht 3 Alpha 9-12: X043 Y 050 Initiative: [27]
Bravo Flight Bravo 1-6: X040 X050 Initiative: [11]

Rebels Forces:
??? Nebulon-B Frigate: X100 Y097 Initiative: [2]
??? Star Galleon Frigate: X100 Y098 Initiative: [6]
??? Escort Carrier Frigate: X100 Y099 Initiative: [8]

Roll Initiative for your ship if you command one. If your onboard a ship and don't have a roll your actions will happen in the round/rounds of the ship your aboard. For instance coordinating the preparation of the boarding parties might take 20 rounds.

I'll try to build a map of some sort once I figure out what I can build it with.

2013-03-09, 07:08 PM

The Reaver dropped out of hyperspace into a boiling mass of confusion. The red pink ion trails of the three rebel warships burned brightly in the space ahead. Pinpricks of pale white light burned brightly the closet ship a long cigar shaped Escort Carrier was already disgorging a literal swarm of rebel fighters and larger bulky shuttles. A small Imperial picket of four TIE Fighters was already being engaged by the vanguard Rebel fighters. Togoria burned bright green and brown in the back drop.

Interposed between the Rebel warships was a single Star Destroyer and its picket ships. The normal planetary garrison was notably absent.

The comlink crackled harshly with static, short range scanners, and the targeting computer seemed to be having a digital seizure. An invisible pressure seemed to press against Sienn in the Force, one of the ships was throwing off immense mounts of electronic radiation that seemed to be jamming every short range or broadband system.

2013-03-09, 07:37 PM
"Here they come," Rada said as the sensors painted new contacts on the board. "Hey wait... that's not the same ships that jumped me in Deysum. It's a new fleet."

I suspect I will lose init to Mando, so I will hold off on my action.

2013-03-09, 08:25 PM

"I don't understand whatever growling that was that passes for language on your backwater planet," Kradu replied to the Gran.

"There's a reason they call it Basic," he added.

He turned to M4.

"Maybe, but that won't do us much good without a weapon, right?" he whispered.

"Wait a minute..." the doctor muttered, examining the forcefield again.

how would the blaster turret talent work here? It says I can construct 1 blaster turret per encounter, but doesn't provide cost or equipment requirements or anything. Maybe I can reconfigure the force field emitter (after cracking open a service panel or something)?

2013-03-09, 09:54 PM
"Sparkles, get that holorecorder ready!"

Heading into the engine room, Sienn pulled off some metal plates and stuck her hand in to pull back a hand of dark grease. Head into her refresher, she smeared the dark substance strategically across her features and, by the time she was done, she seemed to have a black eye and an injury to her side with her hand pressed against it. The extra bandage across her lightly toned tummy helped the situation as well. Some power-steering fluid provided a convincing blood splatter across the bandage. Hunching herself forward a bit, loosening her features to appear wounded and vulnerable, and Sienn could almost break out into a devious cackle at her disguise.

Clicking her fingers to bring her droid up, she issued it the proper orders to start its holorecording.

"This is Verana Italis! Mayday! I'm en-route to Togoria, I'm a courier medicinal supplies to the Togoria surface, credits on arrival! Bounty hunter by trade...
the employer thought I could slip in easily *pained wheeze*...but I ran into troubles with the Fireblade Cartel...barely made it out....I've frozen myself in the cryofreeze, please help!"

** end holotransmission **

Careful not to give too much information as to seem suspicious, and just enough to warrant bringing her on board the only ship with a tractor beam, the Nebulon-B, Sienn finished the message and instructed her droid to transmit it to the Nebulon-B.

Getting dressed in her space outfit, Sienn hops into her cryofreeze unit and sets the timer to release her upon exit from hyperspace.


The Reaver lurches out of hyperspace as the engagement was almost underway. Sparkles, following it's instructions, flies the Firespray towards the rebel invasion force, the weapons of The Reaver powered down and emitting an S.O.S signal. One of the fake transponders emitted a premade image - the Crimson Ferret, a bounty hunters ship specialising in locating missing refugees.

Beeping to himself, the astromech droid hails the Nebulon-B frigate.

If it does not reply, it beams the pre-recorded holorecording straight to the frigate.

2013-03-09, 09:58 PM
Dr. Doran Kradu

Kradu inspected the edges of the forcefield emitter again.

Oh, it's a Corellian design... I wonder if it's the ARC II series...

He tapped the wall next to the force field, seemingly looking for something. Kradu pressed with his palm against the wall and kicked the upper right corner of the emitter, once, twice, and the third time, a section of the paneling popped open half an inch. Now for the delicate part...

He dug his fingers under the top-right of the panel and leaned backwards, putting his weight on the far end and bending the panel just enough to... ZAP, a short circuit created a puff of plasma, vaporizing the bottom clamp of the panel and nearly burning his fingers, even at the top of the panel.

Doran smirked as a quick tug dislodged the panel entirely. Now he now had access to the inside of the force field emitter. He flipped the power regulator leading to the lower left emitter, then ripped out the emitter, popped out the focusing lens, flipped it over, then popped it back into the emitter. Now, instead of a steady field, it would create a focused beam of energy. Next, he reached into the wall, down below the dislodged panel. The Arc II had a short-term capacitor to keep the forcefields up in case of power failure. It should be round and smooth and... there! He twisted the capacitor, uncoupling it, and dragged it up, then connected it to the emitter, leaving one of the leads untouched.

Amazing what you can do with just a little bit of wire and know-how... and an incompetent QA team at the ARC forcefield design department.

With his makeshift blaster ready to go, Kradu leveled a kick at the lower right corner of the forcefield emitter. With enough blunt force impact, it should cause the forcefield to drop...

"Don't worry, we'll get outta this," he said.

inspire confidence in the droid, for +1 atk for the rest of the encounter

2013-03-09, 10:46 PM
The initial transmission never made it off the Reaver due to the overwhelming electromagnetic radiation emmitted by one of the Capital Ships. Static intference flooded the comm array until Sparlkes sent the tight beam transmission. After a minute the static broke and a young clear voice came across the comm array.

"Ms. Italis stand by and prepare to be brought aboard medical teams will be standing by.""

The Reaver flanked by two X-Wings was brought onto the Nebulon-B's aft hangar after all starfighters had launched.

The Gran looked up as the force field flickered and died. It cut loose with a a string of musical words and reached for its comlink.

Dr. Kradu Roll Initiative. ]

2013-03-09, 11:14 PM
Fifteen minutes ago

Mira nodded as Rada raised his points, a small smile on her face. They were pertinent points, and she had expected them to be raised, but from the two trained commando operatives. It was pleasing that this mercenary had got in first with his questions, he was presumably used to thinking on his feet.
We will be working for someone whose cause the Rebels can have sympathy with, but not someone close enough that they might be working together. An independently wealthy Bothan, I think, angered over a massacre at his home colony on Concord Dawn in retaliation for suspected Rebel activity. Our captain here was responsible for overseeing the retaliation, and we have been hired to bring him to Bothan "justice". I am Melina Vance and our weapons expert here is Taybor Marshall, an ex-Imperial who left service after the destruction of Alderaan. You amy wish to consider adopting a name of your own, Rada, for security purposes. You never know when your name might be remembered. Now, "Taybor", if you could go back to the engine compartment and engage in some creative dismantling. Do your best to make it look like battle damage, please.


The sensor board on board the Nightclaw beeped a split-second before the fleet dropped into the system, scrambling their scanners with their powerful jamming systems.
"Here they come, hey wait... that's not the same ships that jumped me in Deysum. It's a new fleet."

Well at least I was right about their entrance vector. A shame they couldn't have come a little closer. Oh well, we'll just have to go to them
This is it, everyone. Action stations. she called back into the hold of the ship.
Bring us up to full speed, on a course parallel to their inbound vector. Once we get closer, start to bank us closer to their fleet. "Taybor", fire up the laser cannon, start taking potshots at the TIEs. If you hit anything, it's coming out of your pay. Rada, raise our shields to 10%, make it look like we've taken some hits. Take evasive manoeuvres, but don't juke us about too much, or we might fly into some TIE fire. She reached past him to activate the communications panel.

Attention unidentified vessels, we are being pursued by Imperial craft. Do not, I repeat for the love of the Gods do not fire on us, please, our vessel is badly damaged, we can't take much more of this. Requesting any assistance you can offer, please, anything to get these glit-biting nerf herders off our backs. Her voice exploded into a sudden crescendo of alarm as she spoke into the comlink. Beside her, Rada gave her a brief glance as she changed from the hard-edged commander she had been moments ago to a panicking, frightened girl. She paused for a moment, before throwing one last comment into the transmission.
Oh, and if you're Imp forces, you can kark off and kriffing die.

2013-03-09, 11:45 PM
Blinking, panting softly and stretching her neck as the frost of the cryofreeze thawed away from her blue body, Sienn flex her fingers and grabbed some things from her ship while she washed up.

"Show-time buddy."

Grabbing her lightsabre, Sienn slid the thin object into her boot. She then holstered a data-card in her back-pocket and strapped a gem-studded glove to her right hand and a fingerless glove to her left. She then tucked a fang-sized talisman around her neck before zipping up her spacers jacket.

"Remember, power-down in the closet." the Twi'lek said to Sparkles, kneeling down next to him and affixing a fake restraining bolt. She inserted a data-chip into the small droid, downloaded the copy of the transmission she had sent earlier then took that small data-chip and slid it into one of the cracks upon her ship that couldn't be reached by normal means. Finally, she put a small commlink into her droids carriage compartment, before giving its head an affectionate stroke and stood up.

Moving to the cryofreeze unit, Sienn collapsed forward, landing on her back in front of the open unit as if it had malfunctioned and she had tumbled out. Facing upwards, she placed herself into a Force Trance to appear unconscious and near-death, then waited.

Going into a Force Trance: [roll0]

2013-03-10, 12:19 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

Captain Kang watched the tactical readout for a good thirty seconds, silently deciding on a course of action. The crew knew well his habits, and his seeming inability to be rushed in these situations. He steepled his fingers below his chin, resting his elbows on the arms of his chair, and narrowed his eyes.

The Rebels had made aggressive use of large amounts of starfighters in the past, and this battle plan followed that habit. With the exception of the Nebulon-B frigate, the capital ships that had just jumped into the system were all but useless in a fight between capital ships. In the case of the escort carrier it was much like bringing a vibroblade to a blaster fight. He doubted that the vessel's armament could even scratch Interrogator's paint job. The problem was that they were outnumbered as much as four-to-one by the Rebel starfighters...and each of those X-Wing and Y-Wing class snub ships could riddle Andan's small flotilla of starships with proton torpedoes if they got close enough.

Fortunately, Andan had an ace in the hole. To be more accurate, he had three. The Lancer class frigates that had formed up on the Star Destroyer's flanks were designed and built to be fighter-killers. He hoped that those three frigates, plus some bold moves on his part, would be enough to turn the odds in his favor.

"Signal our starfighters to stay close. Force the enemy craft to engage them close to the Lancers and their quad-lasers. The frigates and the fighters will form a defensive screen, taking out any ordinance launched at us and any starfighters that attempt to break through." the Captain ordered.

"Helm, all ahead full. Tactical, as soon as the Escort Carrier is within range of the big guns, cut it apart." he said, almost as an afterthought. He needed to give Agent Tavik some time aboard the Nebulon-B to complete her mission, but the two other capital ships that had come with it were free game. "I want it removed from my starfield, gunner."

Andan's going to charge straight in and start hammering the Rebels with the VSD's superior firepower. Lancers and starfighters will provide a defense against their starfighters. All TIEs will stay in close to avoid getting drawn into big furballs with multiple enemy fighters. Between the Lancers and our TIEs, along with Sandez our fighter ace, we should match their fighter strength.

Initiative: [roll0]

I'm going to use Combined Fire on the Escort Carrier for an extra die of damage with the VSD's big boomers.

2013-03-10, 12:32 AM

M4 listened as the Doctor talked, while he did he tried again to restart his arm/wrist mounted weapons. The heavy repeater was down for now, but he needed to be armed either way.

He nods when Kardu inspires him, his receptors studying as he brought the field down. Weather or not his weapons went back up he would mimic the the actions striking in similar points of his own cage.

Mechanics: [roll0] supposed to be +13 but -5 for attempting self repairs.
In case I get free
init: [roll1]

edit: I think I rolled a 20 on Init. O.o

2013-03-10, 02:24 AM
The comm interferene played hell with the Rusted Duck's sensors it cut for a moment as a tight beam transmission beamed to it flashing a line of text:


The Reaver was brought aboard the Rebel frigate. Marines surrounded the craft, engineers crowded around the airlocck and lit their plasma cutters and burned a hole through the airlock. Marines pounded onto the ship and found Sienn collapsed outside of the cryopod.

"MEDIC!" A pair of white armored combat medics stormed up the gangplank with a stretcher. With a few quick measured movements they had Sienn safely bound on the stretcher and were double timing it to the medical center flanked by a team of marines. When Sienn arrived in the Medical bay the Frigate was already vibrating from the discharge of energies as the warship lived up to its name.

2013-03-10, 02:31 AM
Kradu stepped out of the holding cell and turned the makeshift blaster on the Gran.

"Surprise," he said, connecting the last remaining lead.

init: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll2]
I'm not sure whether to add level bonus to damage or point blank shot bonus to this attack/damage. We can add them in if they should be, I guess.

2013-03-10, 02:40 AM
15 Minutes Ago
"Ah, the curse of name recognition," Rada said. "Well, nicknames are workable. Let's go for 'Slick'."

15 Minutes Later
[color=blue]Now you tell me, Rada thought, dumping most of the energy from the shield generators into the engines, making the freighter take off like a shot towards the Rebel ships.

"Well, there's our invitation. Shall we?" he asked, but did not bother waiting for an answer before steering towards the given coordinates, throwing a few jukes just to be sure.

Full: All-out move to X51, Y61.

There are no rules for reducing your ship's SR, but I am hoping it would be something like free action and a DC 5 Mechanics check or so.

2013-03-10, 02:52 AM
Sienn resisted the urge to flinch as she was aware of the rebels cutting into her ship with their tools. It wouldn't impede the escape, as one airlock door would protect against the vacuum...but it was still a repair she didn't want to have to make.

Still aware of her surroundings via her Force Trance, Sienn made mental notes of the direction she was being taken and the general behaviour of those on board.

When she reaches one of the medical bays, the twi'lek waits until the two combat medics leave. She was stable and fine for now, so she doubted she'd be a priority target...once they left, she turned her extra-sensory perceptions to the rest of the bay. At the same time, she started slowly, slowly, undoing the buckles that held her straps in place beneath the stretcher.

Force Trance: Who else is in the bay?
Use the Force Check: Move Light Object to start unbuckling her bindings: [roll0]

2013-03-10, 03:45 AM
Mira leaned back into the comm array, filling her voice with relief and a hint of exhaustion.
Thank you, thank you so much, we're on our way. She flipped off the switch and returned to her usual, icy-cool tone.
I think they like a damsel in distress. Take us in, "Slick", I'm going to check that the other two are ready.

2013-03-10, 12:59 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

Even as the Interrogator's engines spooled up to full to propel the battleship forward into the fray, Captain Kang remained in his chair with his chin on his hands. His eyebrows knitted together in consternation. It wasn't the clear disadvantage in starfighter support that had him vexed, though that was a significant problem. Instead, it was the Rebels use of sensor jamming that was the cause of the Captain's concern.

As far as he could see, there was no reason besides general fog-of-war battlefield confusion to use such a tactic in this instance. It was possible that it was simply to keep the Imperials from calling for help, but the thought hadn't entered Andan's mind once before or during the encounter.

The third, and most dangerous, option was that the sensor and communications jamming the Rebels were using had been employed to keep the Imperial flotilla from noticing another group of Rebel starships...perhaps troop carriers...that had jumped in along another vector. The idea made Kang's teeth clench as he realized that if that was the case there was nothing he could do to help the Imperial forces on the ground on Togoria until this battle was concluded. If only that porcine dolt Ronsu had remained in the system instead of chasing off after spotty intel they wouldn't be having this problem... With Hammer and Anvil present they would have had more than enough starfighters AND capital ship coverage to deal with any potential threat the Rebels might bring to bear.

But they weren't present.

The only thing Andan could do was conclude this battle in space with haste, then if there was another problem to be solved he would turn his attentions, and the two-thousand troops he had on board the Interrogator, upon it.

If it's unclear, Captain Kang is currently pulling a Gendo (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ClaspYourHandsIfYouDeceive). :smallcool:

2013-03-10, 03:08 PM

The TIE/LNs of Alpha Flight 1 quickly became engaged in a dogfight with a group of X-Wings near their position. Alpha 3 was destroyed outright but not before crippling a Rebel X-Wing. Telemetry data from the other TIEs became useless as they became embroiled with the flight of X-Wings. The bulk of the enemy fighter group closed with the Interrogator's position. It was almost impossible to get a good fix on the three Rebel warships, the only indication of movement was the bubble of sensor interference closing with the Imperial battle group. Out of the lead edge of the jamming bubble burst forth squadrons of Rebel fighters that began to light up the holo-display in the CIC like an angry swarm. The spread was X-Wings, Z-95 Headhunters, and Y-Wings in support/bomber rolls. A second wave squadron followed the first wave of fighters but these craft were larger blocky and registered as Assault Shuttles.

"Sir I have 36x X-Wings, 24x Y-Wings, and 24x Z-95 Headhunter type fighters as well as 12x Assault Shuttles closing with our position."

Rebel Warship - Medical Bay
In the medical bay the two Rebel marines stood guard, a 21-b Medical Droid looked over its supplies but the rest of the bunks were empty at the moment with all crew manning their battle stations. The two marines looked up at the sound of rattling that came from Sienn's bunk. The both were armored in blast vests and helmets and carried standard Alliance blaster rifles which meant they were liberated Imperial E-11b's. The first marine on the left side of the door was a young kid with bright blue eyes and a bit of unruly red hair sticking out from beneath his helmet.

"Ma'am try to stay calm down the Medical Officer can see to you after the battle. 2-1b looks like she's going to need a sedative."

At that moment the security alert started ringing and he rubber necked toward the door.

Rebel Warship - Brig
The Gran guard looked to have an almost epilitic seizure when Doctor Kradu went to fire his blaster. The comlink raised to its lips and but Kradu was faster on the draw. He pulled the trigger.

Nothing, the blaster was dysfunctional.

The Gran stopped flinching and looked at Kradu it muttered into its comlink and drew its own blaster.

"Don't move." Its basic was appalling but easily understood it motioned with it's barrel for the Doctor to put down the makeshift blaster. At the same time the security alert klaxxon began ringing through out the ship.

M4-X1: You successfully repair your 20 points of damage. Bringing online your blaster cannon, blasters, and your shields begin to charge (5SP). Your still locked in the cell.

Rusterd Duck
"Rusted Duck with is Green Leader break port we'll be in range in sixty seconds." Rada's comm crackled. The IFF began coming to life as a large group of Rebel fighters appeared on sensors now. They were difficult to see at range but a cluster of stars directly infront of her was distinctly growing brighter. The shadow of Togoria's moon fell as it sunk over the planet's horizon and the star's prime sun played light against the hulls of the three alliance vessels that were beginning to grow in clarity.

Taybor in the engineering compartment had made a complete mess of the compartment, there was even a minor reactor coolant leak. Not a hazardous level but long term exposure was not advised. The rest of the room looked like it had been rocked by an artillery strike.

"Look alright, Ma'am?"

Other trooper acting as the Captain had finished changing and looked rather worse for wear with artfully applied grease and blood from where he had used his own knife to cut a small flesh wound in his scalp. His uniform was dingy and bloody and the rank tabs hung loosely from his collar.

"Captain Rex always puts up a fight Ma'am before surrenderin'" The trooper drawled and presented himself for inspection. The man had not even thought twice about self-mortification to make his appearance look real. His hands were clasped loosely in the binder cuffs.

If no one has any other actions they want to take I can skip us forward to the lead star-fighter engaging each other and long range for the capital ships.

2013-03-10, 03:37 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

"Alert Bravo Flight to focus on the assault shuttles. Gunners, target those shuttles and fire at will for the moment, but alert me when we have the escort carrier in range." the Captain said, seemingly nonplussed. "And someone tell Colonel Tobias that there is a slight possibility that we will be entertaining guests."

I'd like to blast apart those assault shuttles if I can. It's at a -1 to hit with my weapons (with the Captain aiding) , but there's still a decent chance of destroying a few before they get to us if their reflex saves are anything like a Lambda class shuttle. The TIE Bombers will focus on them too, if possible.

I can roll a few times for the different batteries if you want to go ahead and resolve it?

Captain's Tactics Roll for Aid: [roll0]
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 1: [roll1] [roll2]
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 2: [roll3] [roll4]
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 3: [roll5] [roll6]
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 4: [roll7] [roll8]
Double Turbolaser Battery 1: [roll9] [roll10]
Double Turbolaser Battery 2: [roll11] [roll12]
Double Turbolaser Battery 3: [roll13] [roll14]
Double Turbolaser Battery 4: [roll15] [roll16]
Heavy Ion Battery 1: [roll17] [roll18]
Heavy Ion Battery 2: [roll19] [roll20]

EDIT: If these assault shuttles are Colossal or larger, just add 20 to all my rolls. And if they have Vehicular Combat, the batteries will pair off to have two fire at the same shuttle. (Targeting 5 of them every round instead of 10.)

EDIT 2: Jeezy creezy I hope these aren't the Imperial Assault Shuttles from the Starships book! :smalleek: That SR is ridiculous!

2013-03-10, 04:08 PM
Sienn lay there, looking up at the marine that turned his head.

When he turned back, "Yikes! That sounded like damage to the aft of the ship - you and your buddy should go and check it out incase there are any wounded that need retrieving to the medical bay!"

Use the Force: Mind Trick vs targets will defense: [roll0]

2013-03-10, 06:39 PM

"Ha! Just kidding," Kradu said, "didn't they tell you I had a great sense of humor?"

The doctor jammed both leads onto the contact points, hoping for at least one burst of energy, then dodges to the side and presses the release button for M4's cell forcefield (if there is one readily apparent).

free action to attempt to fire the turret again.
Standard to open the cell door if it won't fire or is clearly useless.
Atk: [roll0]
Fp: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]
Mechanics (if necessary): [roll3]
Knowledge tech (if necessary): [roll4]

2013-03-10, 07:31 PM
Medical Bay

The two guards went slight slack jawed, "We need to go check the damage to the aft of the ship!"

The 2-1B Medical Droid then stuck the sedative needle into Sienn's arm. The clear liquid pumped in the standard patient dosage to knock a standard weight humanoid unconscious.

Treating this as a standard touch against an immobilized target. Your bindings are unbuckled but still on top of you.
[roll0] vs Fortitude. On a hit you move down the condition tracker to Unconscious, on a miss you just move one step down the condition tracker. (i.e. slowed reflexes from being drugged)


The guard already raised his weapon to fire when Dr. Kradu's second attempt shot an orange blaster bolt straight in the guard's face. He dropped like a broken puppet his face a blackened ruin. The controls for the field to M4-X1's cell chirped and the force field switched off.

2013-03-10, 07:48 PM
Sienn hadn't even noticed the droid creep up on her. She'd been too busy chuckling to herself as she watched the two marines running away to spot the droid loom above her figure. This ended swiftly when its syringe entered her body.

"Heh heh he - ow motherschutta!!" Sien yelped, her eyes widened as she glared up at the droid angrily. "Stab me with a kriffing needle?! What the kriff is wrong with you?!"

The world seemed to slow for the twi'lek before snapping back to proper speed as the drug seeped into her system but found it far more robust than the average humanoid.

Narrowing her eyes, Sienn called upon her connection to the Force again, seizing the droid up with invisible hands and smashing it against the floor to crumble in a heap.

Using Move Object: Use the Force: [roll0]
If she beats its Will defense, she picks it up and smashes it against the floor. I'll roll damage in the OOC area based upon her roll DC.

Should she be successful, Sien then pulls herself out of her bindings. Taking several moments to correct her feet, blinking away the drowsy effects of the drug, the twi'lek corrected her composure and stood up tall.

Looking at the crumpled machine, Sienn rolled her shoulders, pulled up a datapad from one of the medical desks and headed off into the corridor. Along the way she insert the datachip that she had brought along that gave her a general location for the brigg in a typical Nebulon-B frigate - a ship commonly employed by both the Empire and the Rebellion.

If the good Dr was still on this ship, that's where Sienn believed he'd be held.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-10, 08:06 PM
Lt. Colonel Tobias

Fifteen Minutes Before...

Major Dagan smiled affectionately. "Yes Sir, thought I should remind you that 500 Stormtroopers are still planetary guarding the mining operations that are still ongoing."

"Indeed. Thank you for the reminder," Tobias replied. "Although not much use at the moment unless the rebels land and strike during the battle up here."

He looks thoughtful for a moment as they walk towards the barracks.

She followed Tobias her stride matched his her prominent green eyes flashing in anticipation for the battle. She would hardly take place in the hostilities herself but coordinate operations from the CIC once Tobias had spoken to the men of the Interrogator's Marine Battalion.

"On that note, keep an ear on the transmissions from the men planet-side. If something starts to go awry, I want to know immediately," he orders.

Dagan nods in affirmative and continues,

"Sir the request for the Assault Shuttles has not yet been filled and we lack the proper hardened assault craft to launch a full boardering action if we are ordered to, but there are several stock freighters docked with the two Bulk-Cruisers in system we could use them to ferry troops aboard a disabled rebel craft."

Tobias nods. "Any boarding action we make on another ship will require a fighter screen and some amount of stealth. And the ship will likely need to be disabled or, at least, toothless."

As they entered the barracks deck it was in a stat of more or less controlled chaos various squads and platoons beginning accountability formation as Stormtroopers and regular line troopers alike were squirming into combat kit and checking out weapons from armories and receiving their full combat loads of energy cells, grenades, and combat accessories. Naval Security was rather stingy about who carried loaded blasters aboard the ship actively the policy was always a point of contention between the Corps, the Security Forces, and the Army.

"My gun's bigger." Drawled one trooper to the other was he hefted a blaster cannon on his shoulder the other man carried a standard E-11b rifle but looked non-plussed by his battle buddy's remarks. "Battalion Commander!"

The trooper called out and everyone snapped to attention as Colonel Tobias came int the hold.

Tobias looked over the men and waited a moment for silence. "In case you haven't heard, we're about to engage an incoming rebel fleet. It's likely that there will be boarding maneuvers, on one side or another," he stated frankly. We've trained for both sides of this, so I expect all of you to do what you do best."

He pauses a moment for slight effect

"Let's get ready to kill some rebels," he finishes with a nod, short speech complete. He was never one for long words and speeches. His men knew this.

Time of Battle
Tobias checked over his men along with Major Dagan, giving a stern eye at any straps out of place, weapons in disorder, and even gave a stern dressing-down to one new private who hadn't kept his assigned weapon in clean order.

Letting Dagan handle keeping the men alert, but as relaxed as possible, Tobias awaits any order from the Captain. He wanted to be able to react quickly to any command.

2013-03-10, 08:56 PM
Dr. Kradu

"Space-trash," he muttered.

The doctor dropped the makeshift blaster, it was probably spent now anyway, ran over to the gran and grabbed his blaster, comlink, Id card and datapad (if he has them). He made sure the comlink was not transmitting.

"Augh, gross," he said as he caught a sight and a whiff of the now-expired alien's brain matter.

Kradu scanned the ceiling for any ventallation ducts they could crawl into. Once the M4 makes his way out, Kradu will remove his restraining bolt and offer him the blaster pistol.

"We need to move, then I'll try to reactivate your weapon systems," he said, "and then the fun begins."

The beginnings of a smile tugged at the corner of the doctor's mouth.

take 10 to remove the restraining bolt.
Let me know if there's anything else immediately interesting on the body or in the brig.

2013-03-10, 11:41 PM

M4 nodded to the Doctor and walked behind him, "Negative weapon systems are back online. This unit apologizes, for not terminating the guard on his own." M4 stepped on the gran's body as he moved past to the door. Before attempting to open it, he took a moment to recharge his shields further, still not at full power but close to it. Aiming one of his blaster equipped appendages out of the door way he made to open it, "Stay behind me Doctor Kradu."

Droid Shield mastery: Taking two swift actions to automatically pass endurance check to recharge shields by five.
and I'm assuming the door is just push button otherwise I'll have roll something to pop the bitch open.

2013-03-11, 12:58 AM
Kradu dragged the gran's body into his former cell and threw a blanket over it.

"Ready," he said, aiming his blaster pistol at the door.

2013-03-11, 08:27 PM
Sienn made her way to the detention block without drawing too much attention partly because half crew seemed to be wearing bits and pieces of half a dozen uniforms from around the galaxy. Though more important personnel were dressed in brand new Rebel uniforms, the New Republic seemed to be getting more funding and better equipment everyday. She made it just outside next corridor into the brig. The corridor was deserted but marked with a red painted line on the floor and Arubesh lettering:


A sudden and violent and alert pulse in the Force alerted her to a squad of marines in heavy armor running down the corridor from behind her. They came around the corner at the last intersection shoving aside a group of techs in the confines of the ship's tight access corridors.

"Make way! Security!"

About the same time the alarm Klaxxon started going off. They obviously thought she was another crewwoman on the ship.

The brig was a small area of 7 cells and a control station and a single large blast door that lead out of the room. The alarm klaxxons in the confined area were deafening as they started ringing and emergency red lighting pulsed like strobelight at a Twi'lek dancer bar.

2013-03-11, 08:44 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

As the assault shuttles angled in toward the Imperial battlegroup, the Interrogator unleashed with her full arsenal to discourage them. The space between the two groups lit up with green and blue fire from enormous turbolaser batteries and heavy ion cannon emplacements.

Just a reminder. I'm taking care of two rounds of firing simultaneously to avoid wasting time.
Round 1
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 1 (vs. Shuttle 1): MISS
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 2 (vs. Shuttle 1): [roll0] (320 [edited per Combined Fire])
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 3 (vs. Shuttle 2): MISS
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 4 (vs. Shuttle 2): MISS
Double Turbolaser Battery 1 (vs. Shuttle 3): [roll1] (310)
Double Turbolaser Battery 2 (vs. Shuttle 3): [roll2] (280)
Double Turbolaser Battery 3 (vs. Shuttle 4): [roll3] (280)
Double Turbolaser Battery 4 (vs. Shuttle 4): [roll4] (265)
Heavy Ion Battery 1 (vs. Shuttle 5): MALFUNCTION
Heavy Ion Battery 2 (vs. Shuttle 6): [roll5] (165)

Round 1
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 1 (vs. Shuttle 1): [roll6] (335)
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 2 (vs. Shuttle 1): MISS
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 3 (vs. Shuttle 2): [roll7] (230)
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 4 (vs. Shuttle 2): [roll8] (235)
Double Turbolaser Battery 1 (vs. Shuttle 3): MISS
Double Turbolaser Battery 2 (vs. Shuttle 3): MISS
Double Turbolaser Battery 3 (vs. Shuttle 4): [roll9] (190)
Double Turbolaser Battery 4 (vs. Shuttle 4): MISS
Heavy Ion Battery 1 (vs. Shuttle 5): MALFUNCTION
Heavy Ion Battery 2 (vs. Shuttle 5): MISS

2013-03-11, 09:04 PM
Corrected weapon damages.
Round 1
Double 1: [roll0] (165)
Double 2: [roll1] (165)
Double 3: [roll2] (220)
Double 4: [roll3] (205)
Ion 2: [roll4] (115)

Round 2
Double 3: [roll5] (160)

2013-03-11, 11:19 PM
If the blast door does not open:

"One side," Kradu said, "let me have a crack at it... Feel free to offer any advice though."

The doctor stepped up to the blast door to put the gran's Id badge to the task.

try to use the gran's Id to open the door. If not, take 10 on use computer, if that doesn't work, try to hotwire it. Both are dc 29, + whatever aid another M4 can provide

2013-03-11, 11:32 PM

M4 looked over and watched the Doctor work, offering any advice he could as he worked. But he kept most of his attention focused on the door, if enemies were almost upon them (as he suspected.) He'd need to be ready.

I rolled above 10 in the OOC on a use comp check, so that gives TC a +2 on his check using the Aid another action if I'm not wrong.

2013-03-12, 12:23 AM
The blast door rotated open, no one had tried to lock it. The panel chirped to the cacophony outside. A half dozen men charged up the corridor from behind a blue skinned Twi'lek woman. They have the obvious look of very professional security and snub-nose blaster carbines and scatterguns. They looked to mean business.

2013-03-12, 12:52 AM
Sienn giggled through closed lips as she watched the squad of marines trudge past her as if she were a harmless technician.

Turning on her boot, the twi'lek poked her head around the corner to watch where the group was moving and, unsurprisingly, she saw that they were preparing to shoot whatever came out of the brigg...her destination. It seemed the good Doctor had stirred up some trouble on his own - how resourceful!

Her suspicions were confirmed when the doors were pulled apart and there, positioned behind a fearsome-looking war droid, was the man she had been sent to retrieve.

Smirking to herself, the backs of all the security officers turned to her...she reached forward mentally to touch Kradu's mind...but only slightly.

Softly, she mentally whispered the code-word she had used to identify herself to the doctor as the Imperial agent he had been sent to meet.

2013-03-12, 01:25 AM

M4's photoreceptors took in the charging guards, he pushed the Doctor further inside the room, "Stay down." Then stepped fully into the doorway, his legs spread clamp like toes locking down to brace himself. His vocabulator turned up to it's maximum volume. "Stand down or be eliminated. You have one chance."

The light in M4's photoreceptor's changed, and he locked on to the lead Marine in the hallway. His heavy repeater brought to bear, safety's clicked off. Power began to stream into it, and he opened fire.

I think this is a surprise round, but if it's not use this attack for whenever I do go to help speed things along.
[roll0] -5 for autofire, I moved, and readied heavy weapon,
damage for whomever gets hit since it be an area attack, I can't use my talent to get a bonus against a specific target.
and in case it ain't a surprise round Init

2013-03-12, 02:46 AM
Dr. Kradu

The doctor backpedaled away from the door and fell down next to the makeshift blaster.

"What are you doing, shoot them again!" He yelled.

move back to the turret, free action to fire, standard action = trust talent, giving M4 another standard action.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2013-03-12, 03:06 AM

M4's targeting systems must have been off, but thanks to Kradu, he got a chance to redeem himself and launched another salvo into the charging marines. This expended his repeater's ammo however, of course it was worth it if it stopped even one of the charging marines.

Made rolls in OOC
Attack: 18
Damage: 27 or half on a miss from Area attack, +9 half from last damage roll.

2013-03-12, 07:35 AM
Standing almost behind the squad of troopers as they moved, and seeing her attempt to contact the Dr Kradu had been unsuccessful, Sienn made the decision to act. Initially she was content to let the war droid handle the situation, but it seemed he appeared more fearsome than he actually was as his accuracy left a lot to be desired. All it would take is a stray blaster-bolt to take Dr Kradu in the chest and her mission, and all this effort, would be a failure. Unacceptable.

The twi'lek briefly stood on one foot as she raised her lightsabre-carrying boot up to knee-level, before reaching down with her right hand, retrieved it and activated its blade.

Fortunately for her, the snap-hiss of the purple blade couldn't be heard over the klaxxon alarms and rapid fire of the droids weaponry, nor was her normally attention-grabbing weapon radiating the same type of glow within the bask of red emergency lights that would normally alert people to its presence. For now she seemed unnoticed.

Stretching out her hand, the twi'lek emitted a blast of the Force at the marines in front of her, right in their backs. Every soldier within six metres of her had reason for concern.

Withdrawing Lightsabre - move action.
Utilising Force Slam - standard action. Given it's a 6 square cone (roughly a six metre cone in RL), and her position behind and ignored by the squad, she should catch all/most of them in its area of effect.

Assuming that these 6 guys are a single encounter, I'll spend a Force Point to up the damage on Force slam by +2d6 to represent wanting to dispose of them quickly. If this isn't the case (something I'd normally be able to confirm quickly in a table-top group) then I won't spend a FP.

Use the Force: [roll0] vs their Fort Defenses.
Hit: They take [roll1] damage, and are all knocked Prone until next round. If not a single encounter, then [roll2] damage.
Miss: They take [roll3] damage, and are not knocked prone. If not a single encounter, then [roll4]

2013-03-12, 01:42 PM
Corridor 12Z - Rebel Frigate
The security squad were hardened troopers and combat veterans but caught between a heavy repeating blaster cannon and the sudden blast of Force at their backs they crushed. M4-X1's first blaster salvo managed to scorch every floor tile and ceiling panel between it and the troopers, his second salvo peppered the trooper with blaster fire, slagged armor plates, and burned flesh. The troops would of shrugged off the salvo and continued instead invisible pressure crushed them like an AT-AT foot into red smears on the floor. The blood sloshed ankle deep from the sudden and violent deaths, even their blasters were crushed to ruin.

The corridor was oddly quiet except for the slight oily ozone smell of blaster discharge and the gagging stench of six dead bodies crushed beyond recognition.


"Sir port fire control reports a power regulator blew out in the port Ion cannon battery repairs are under way."

Brilliant lances of emerald energy burned trails across the space at long range. Two of the Assault Shuttles withered under the sustained fire, the second salvo vaporized the two shuttles in satisfying fireballs. Rebel fighters closed in on the Imperial Battlegroup like an angry swarm of bugs ready to avenge their brothers. TIE Fighters from Alpha flight launched forward ready to engage the enemy fighters as the closed the range. Contrails of burning blue twin engines showed the brave flights heavily outnumbered versus the rebel fighters. As the two fighter groups collided their was an explosision of red and green laser fire and burning purple contrails of torpedoes launched by the Rebel fighters.

The Dart, Lash, and Scourge all prepared firing solutions to shoot down incoming torpedoes and enemy fighters as they came into range of their laser cannons. The blister of the frigates point defense cannons swilved and tracked incoming targets at medium range a storm of green flashes began chewing at the incoming missiles.

The Rebel Carrier crouched at the rear of the formation, twin red flares and a sudden incoming alarm screeched as it employed its two medium concussion missile lauchers. Red turbolaser fire burned across the starscape into the Imperial formation as the Frigates began hammering at the Interrogator from long range.

Alpha Flight 1: Dogfight Pilot [roll0]
Alpha Flight 2: Y55X44 Fire Laser Cannons on Rusted Duck
Alpha Flight 3: Y56X40
Rusted Duck:
Bravo Flight 1: Y53X42 Concussion Missiles at Green Flight 2 [roll2] / [roll3]x2
Bravo Flight 2: Y54X40 Concussion Missiles at Green Flight 1 [roll4] / [roll5]x2
Delta Flight: Y56X42 Fight Defensively (Ix TIE Interceptor Destroyed, Flight 1-Step Down Condition Track)
Wing Commander Yeril: Y54X43
Commander Sandez: Y51X41 (Waiting on Action from Round 1)
Dart: Ready Action Attack Missiles/Torpedos [roll6]
Lash: Ready Action Attack Missiles/Torpedos [roll7]
Scourge: : Ready Action Attack Missiles/Torpedos [roll8]

Rebel Carrier: Concussion Missiles Medium: Long Range: [roll9] / [roll10]x2
Rebel Neb-B Frigate: Y74X45
Fleet Tactics: Knowledge Tactics: [roll11]: Target Interrogator
Turbolaser Battery 1: Long: Interrogator: [roll12]
Turbolaser Battery 2: Long: Interrogator: [roll13]
Rebel Star-G Frigate: Y75X47
Turbolaser Battery 1: Long: Interrogator: [roll14]
Turbolaser Battery 2: Long: Interrogator: [roll15]

Green Squadron all out movement to vicinity Y62X48
Green Flight 1 Y62X48 Torpedo Attack Alpha Flight [roll16] / [roll17]x2
Green Flight 2 Y63X47 Torpedo Attack Delta Flight [roll18] / [roll19]x2
Green Flight 3 Y64X48 Torpedo Attack Delta Flight [roll20] / [roll21]x2
Angel Squadron
Flight 1: Y69X44
Flight 2: Y70X45
Flight 3: Y71X44
Lance Squadron
Flight 1: Y72X43
Flight 2: Y75X45
Flight 3: Y75X44

Amber Squadron
Flight 1: Y70X46
Flight 2: Y71X25
Flight 3: Y72X44
Mace Squadron
Flight 1: Y72X45
Flight 2: Y72X46
Flight 3: Y73X46

Hunter Squadron
Flight 1: Y72X42
Flight 2: Y73X41
Flight 3: Y52X40
Ghost Squadron
Flight 1: Y74X46
Flight 2: Y77X47
Flight 3: Y79X47

Assault Shuttle 1: Destroyed
Assault Shuttle 2: Destroyed
Assault Shuttle 3: Y73X42 Fight Defensively
Assault Shuttle 4: Y74X42 Fight Defensively
Assault Shuttle 5: Y74X44 Fight Defensively

Mando Knight
2013-03-12, 03:51 PM
Sandez follows Tavik's ship, firing shots around it to no visible effect.

(Delay until after the Rusted Duck, then move and Attack Run to pursue and fire at the space near the Duck, decreasing Sandez's Reflex to 22 until the start of her next turn, ending position (46, 58))

2013-03-12, 05:33 PM

M4 double checked to make sure his photoreceptors were working, they were. But still something had caused that wall of force that crushed those marines. Cautiously he made his way out into the hall way, his repeater lowered itself, and his arms came up wrist weapons primed.

"Third Party, reveal yourself." M4 stepped over a chunky piece of meat as he slowly advanced.

2013-03-12, 06:33 PM
Dr. Kradu

Kradu's jaw dropped. He'd never witnessed such carnage up close, but then his analytic mind started taking over, on auto-pilot.

"Some kind of invisible, kinetic force," he mumbled.

Then he caught M4's reference to a third party, and he adjusted his glasses.

"Hey, I know you," he said, catching sight of Sienn, "you're that... Client, from... That project."

He frowned, normally he was much more specific, but the sensitive nature of both their savior's identity and the fact they'd wiped out an entire city (keeping 97% of its infrastructure and military hardware intact, as it were) necessitated anonymity.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

2013-03-12, 07:22 PM
Satisfied that she had neutralised the safety to Dr Kradu's threat, Sienn had pout away her lightsabre just as M4-X1 rounded the corner and demanded her identity. The weapon was tucked behind her back just in time.

"Oh there's no danger from me droid." the twi'lek uttered, coming forth from the red haze of emergency lights to stand before the duo, her green eyes bright in the flashing sirens.

"Very astute doctor!" she chirped up as Dr Kradu came out from behind the brigg entrance and recognised her. "There's not a fortress in the galaxy that can keep me out. I'm here to deprive the rebels of your presence - I hope you won't protest? There's still a tractor beam generator that needs deactivating, however, before we can make any attempt to leave...that is..."

The twi'lek trailed off as she held a hand to her chin in thought, her eyes sparkling with hidden mischief.

"...if you want to leave. Nebulon-B frigates were originally an Imperial design. Oh yeah, whose this?" she asked, peering at M4-X1.

2013-03-12, 07:37 PM

"It's okay M4, she's with us," he said.

The doctor retrieved his blaster pistol, and kicked over a few corpses, hoping for comlinks or a security Id badge or two that had survived the assault.

"M4 has been assigned to protect me, but the rebels seemed prepared for him," Kradu replied as he moved, "they had ion rockets, lots of them."

The doctor looked up at Sienn's suggestion.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked, "disable the ship and request boarding parties? I don't think we can fly the frigate on our own."

2013-03-12, 07:42 PM
Seinn rose an eyebrow...or at least, what passed for an eyebrow seems as twi'leks lacked that feature...as Dr Kradu mentioned the ambush. It troubled the woman that he too was a target that would've required inside knowledge by the rebels to properly catch off guard. Sienn smelled a traitor in their midst - something she would have to address when they got out of this situation.

In the meantime, she saw that the Kradu had the sense to dress in one of the rebel guards uniform, even if it looked a little baggy on him. That would help.

"If I were to get you into engineering or the bridge - what could you do to disable the ship to be taken as prize?"

2013-03-12, 08:05 PM
Rada toggled the comms. "Copy that Green Lead, Rusted Duck has visual. If I make it out of this, I'm buying you guys a round!"

2013-03-12, 08:09 PM

Doran Kradu snorted.

More like what can't we do...

"It depends on whether they have automated defenses slaved to a central computer," he said, "if they do, we can add crew members to the target list."

The doctor paused.

"If they don't, there's still a lot we can do from engineering to disable the ship, but shutting down the hypermatter reactors would be the most effective," he said, "the reactors power everything except the turbolasers, unfortunately, that includes life support, which means unless we manage to signal imperials, we'll probably just get rescued by any support craft which are nearby..., or left on the ship, depending on how charitable the rebels feel."

"Maybe we could set an explosive to destroy the cooling systems, then they'd be forced to shut the reactors down..., in the meantime, we could try to steal a ship from the hangar bay," he said, "once again, the problem is signaling Imperials before the Rebels can call for backup."

He shrugged.

2013-03-12, 08:18 PM
The twi'lek pursed her lips, before the corners of her mouth curled into a hint of a devilish smirk.

"And the bridge?"

2013-03-12, 09:00 PM

"True, the bridge is the command and control center of the ship, but they don't really do much but shout orders," kradu replied, "no crew member is going to fire on their own ships or lower shields in combat. The real nuts and bolts are in engineering."

"Although... ships usually have a fail-safe in case the bridge is compromised, it locks out and seals the bridge. If I can get access to the main computers, we can lock down the bridge, sealing the command crew inside. That should create enough confusion to let us move about the ship more easily, and disrupt chain of command."

"Heck, I might be able to access communications from the computers," he added, "depending on what mods the rebels have done to the ship."

"What did you want to do from the bridge, order a hyperspace jump to a fortified imperial stronghold or something?"

2013-03-12, 11:36 PM

M4's photoreceptors trained on Sienn's face for a moment, a glitch in his system compared it to a picture of Lyn, it wasn't her of course how could it be? It couldn't simple as that. But still he made the comparison, something most droids wouldn't make the mistake of doing.

"This unit will abide by whatever is decided, but it suggests sabotaging the shields, thruster, and or weapon systems to aid in any escape attempt." He takes another moment to recharge his shields further, finally bringing them back to full strength. "Heavy weapon energy depleted, shields recharged... Auxiliary power packs missing most likely confiscated along with the Doctor's equipment."

2013-03-12, 11:54 PM
Sienn nods, giggling softly through closed lips as her green eyes widen.

"Yes yes, if we try to make a run for it, the tractor beams must be castrated."

2013-03-13, 01:02 AM
Dr. Kradu

"First things first, let's take a look around," the doctor said, "won't do much good to sabotage the ship if we're in the middle of a rebel fleet..."

He holstered the blaster pistol and walked towards the brig entrance.

"I'll need to find a computer terminal somewhere, maybe we can find out what happened to your equipment too," he added.

2013-03-13, 04:19 AM

"Units equipment was housed in storage compartment, unknown who removed it...but I know he was eating something cheesy at the time." M4 followed the Doctor and stood guard outside.

"Suggestion, use a data pad to patch into ships sensors...Perhaps one of the guards possessed one." He looked back to the marines...what was left of them. "Alteration to previous statement: Nevermind."

2013-03-13, 06:24 AM
Sienn reached into one of the pockets on her pants and produced a datapad that she had taken from the medbay earlier.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-13, 08:34 AM
Lt. Colonel Tobias

Looking over the troopers quietly talking amongst themselves, Tobias debated if there was anything he could do to better prepare for ongoing battle.

He glanced over at Major Dagan before asking quietly, "Any word from the Captain on if we'll be useful or not?"

2013-03-13, 08:54 AM
Dr. Kradu

"Well you're just full of surprises," Kradu said, accepting the datapad with a smirk.

"C'mon, let's have some fun," he said, moving towards the exit of the brig.

2013-03-13, 01:37 PM

"This unit is pleased his suggestion is being considered." M4 followed the Doctor, his sensors scanning and searching for any hidden rebels. His Searchlight mounted on his left shoulder popped up and shined forth aiding his search. He kept his remote viewer stored for the time being.

Perception: [roll0] +2 from searchlight to notice hidden targets.
Also anyone in the the 6m cone takes -10 to stealth checks against M4. I doubt their are any but pays to be safe.

2013-03-13, 05:38 PM
Sienn, M4-X1, and Doctor Kradu were alone in the corridor. Behind them lay a dead in back into the bridge. Ten meters down the corridor was a four way intersection directly across was a set of blaster doors, running right was the way Sienn had come from the rear hangar bay but the blast door was now closed at the intersection, left lead down another long corridor blocked by a blast door thirty meters down the length. The ship was compartmentalized in case of a hull breach every thirty meter section of the ship could be sealed off against the breach until localized shields could stabilize the pressure. The atmosphere felt slightly dryer than galactic norm. The smell of the broken open bowels of the dead could make a man gag who was not used to such sights. What items that were not obviously broken were shorted out or rendered useless by the combination of pressure and soaking in body fluids. The alert klaxxon still rang in the corridor but its sound was more muted outside the detention area, red strobe lights blinked along the floor bracketing the floor panels. M4-X1 sensed no physical presence though sensors in the walls were obviously detecting the body heat and other emissions from the droid and two organic life forms.

Rusted Duck

"Rusted Duck, Green Leader, bring your craft to Y73/X46, Green Flight 3 will escort you to dock with the Patriot." The intercomm aboard the Rusted Duck and her IFF identified the Nebulon-B class Frigate as the ship the Patriot. It was unknown if it had been a previously held Imperial vessel or a ship the Rebels acquired on their own. It had been last spotted at a failed raid on Kalaan, the Intelligence analysts had assumed it lost when the Rebels had fled into the Unknown Regions.

2013-03-13, 07:34 PM

"Hmm. I suppose I can try to hotwire one of these things," he muttered, fingering the IDs he had pocketed.

"Let's go," Kradu said, "engineering is this way, hopefully we can find a computer terminal on the way."

use the IDs to open the blast door if we can, otherwise computer/mechanics 29 + aid another (if anyone helps) to open them.

2013-03-13, 07:53 PM
Sienn brought up the rear, watching her two new compatriots closely.

Occassionally, she felt a sliver of...something haunting the Nebulon-B...a presence amongst the shadows that was just out of reach.

Pausing, narrowing her eyes and looking about her surroundings, the twi'lek inhaled as she stretched her senses across the frigate.

If she found anything she didn't share it. Instead, she pursed her lips, flicked them, then followed the other two.

2013-03-13, 07:55 PM
"Roger that, heading in," Rada said, turning the ship back towards the thickest of the fighting.

Then he looked up. "Sithspit, that's what we were missing," he muttered. He produced a pistol, marked by the oversized cup on the front as part of Merr-Sonn's DEMP family of ion weaponry, and offered it to Mira butt-first. "Here-take this and put out a few glow panels so it looks like we've been ionized. I'll draw out the landing to give you time."

Full: Delay until the assault shuttles move, and then all-out move to [X46, Y73].

2013-03-13, 11:24 PM

M4 moved to the front to guard Kradu, he kept one arm aimed outwards at all times. Listening to the Doctors directions as they moved to engineering. "Doctor, perhaps we should attempt to reacquire our confiscated equipment as well? Escape is primary, but reacquiring our equipment should make doing such easier."

Mando Knight
2013-03-13, 11:49 PM
Sandez continued pursuit, then peeled off to engage the fighters that had moved in to intercept. "Target is behind X-Wing escorts. Engaging fighters."

Move: move to (48, 61).
Standard: initiate dogfight with adjacent X-Wing. Taking 10 on dogfight roll (because Vehicle Focus says I can), 29 to shake off. (Note: "Skilled" X-Wings can't)

2013-03-14, 12:43 AM

M4 moved to the front to guard Kradu, he kept one arm aimed outwards at all times. Listening to the Doctors directions as they moved to engineering. "Doctor, perhaps we should attempt to reacquire our confiscated equipment as well? Escape is primary, but reacquiring our equipment should make doing such easier."

Kradu sighed and thought for a moment.

"Well, having my visor would make it easier to slice the computer... Alright, we'll see if we can find it near the airlock where we came on board," he said, "don't think they'd expect it, after all."

2013-03-14, 02:36 AM
The X-Wings of Green Squadron broke apart as the Rusted Duck flew toward the Patriot. Two X-Wings settled in on the freighter's left and right wings. The intercomm continued to crackle as the squadron's chatter leaked into the Rusted Duck's comm's. The X-Wings all bore a dark green pin strip down the fuselage with pips marked on the wings.

"Rusted Duck this is Green 9 dock with the docking tub on the Patriot and prepare to disembark onto Patriot we can't keep your transport hitched to the frigate mid battle."

The rest of Green squadron's flights broke apart Green Leader engaged Commander Sandez as the TIE Interceptor screamed in on the Rusted Duck's tail, Green 2 broke off with the squadron leader in an attempt to keep on Green Leader's wing but Sandez outclassed the rebel pilot like a nexu could out pace a hutt. Green Leader tucked into a roll that was easily anticipated and green lasers burned the top of the X-Wing's shields and vaped cockpit and cored the fighter. Green Leader was dead before he knew what was happening.

As Rebel fighters came into range the gun batteries around the Lash and Scourge came to life with a vicious ferocity on the attacking fighters.

"Green 2 lost Green Leader, damn he's good gonna try to hold him here press on with the attack."

"Two Flight copies." The second flight of X-Wings closed in as the rest of Delta Flight's interceptors rushed to meat them. Sprays of ruby and emerald laser blasts lit up the space around the fighter craft like Lifeday.

Pink flares blossomed across the starfield as the fight screen protecting the shuttles lit their after burners with the assault craft to close the distance at the Interrogator. The fighter craft creaked and troopers shifted nervously in the assault shuttles as metal groaned under the acceleration. Pilots bit of hasty curses as they maneuvered attempting to avoid collisions in the fighter screen. Like a high and low atmospheric front the fighter screens slammed together green laser fire slashed at rebel craft that had to regulate power shifts from engines to cannons.

"Whooo!" Commander Yeril cried out as he flew his TIE Interceptor directly at a flight of four Z95 Headhunters in a spin the advance upgrades to his laser cannons on his TIE spat green lances of fire among the Rebel craft.

The Patriot shuttered as the turbolaser batteries in the prow blasted at the Interrogator again. A tractor beam emitter targeted the Rusted Duck to guide the damaged civilian transport safely toward the Frigate.

The ponderous Star Galleon-Class Rebel Frigate moved slowly up the battle line with the Patriot it belched another salvo of turbolaser fire against the Star Destroyer.

The Rebel Carrier still sat in the same position it had halted in but alert alarms started ringing aboard the Scourge as it was targeted by a pair of the Carrier's concussion missiles from long range.

Alpha Flight 1: Dogfight Pilot
Alpha Flight 2: Y55X44 Pilot Avoid Collision // Fire Laser Cannons on Amber Flight 2 // [roll3]x2
Alpha Flight 3: Y58X41 Fire Laser Cannons on Hunter Flight 2 // [roll4] // [roll5]x2
Bravo Flight 1: Y55X41 Laser Cannons on Hunter Flight 3 [roll6] // 5d10x2
Bravo Flight 2: Y56X39 Laser Cannons on Hunter Flight 3 // 5d10x2
Delta Flight: Y58X45 FD // Attack Green Flight 1 [roll8] // [roll9]x2
Wing Commander Yeril: Y57X42: Darklighter Spin on Hunter Flight 1 Plit Check (Ace) [roll10] // Atk [roll11] // [roll12]x2
Commander Sandez: Y51X41 (Waiting on Action from Round 1)
Dart: Y52X43: Attack Angel Flight 1 (1,2), Flight 2 (3), and Lance Flight 1 (4)
1 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll13] // [roll14]x2
2 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll15] // [roll16]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll17] // [roll18]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll19] // [roll20]x2
Lash: Y52X42: Attack Angel Flight 2 (3,4) and Angel Flight 3 (1, 2)
1 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll21] // [roll22]x2
2 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll23] // [roll24]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll25] // [roll26]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll27] // [roll28]x2
Scourge: : Ready Action Attack Missiles/Torpedos [roll29]

Rebel Carrier: Concussion Missiles Medium: Long Range at Scourge: [roll33] // [roll34]x2
Patriot: Y74X45 Target Interrogator
Turbolaser Battery 1: Long: Interrogator: [roll35]
Turbolaser Battery 2: Long: Interrogator: [roll36]
Rebel Star-G Frigate: Y75X45
Turbolaser Battery 1: Long: Interrogator: [roll37]
Turbolaser Battery 2: Long: Interrogator: [roll38]

Green Squadron all out movement to vicinity Y62X48
Green Flight 1:
Green Leader Destroyed
Green 2: Y60X48: Target Sandez [roll39] Dog Fight
Green 3/4: Attack Laser Cannon's Delta Flight: [roll40] // [roll41]x2
Green Flight 2 Y63X47 Laser Cannons Attack Delta Flight [roll]1d20+7[roll] // [roll42] x2
Green Flight 3 Y69X48
Angel Squadron
Flight 1: Y54X45
Flight 2: Y52X45
Flight 3: Y52X43
Lance Squadron
Flight 1: Y56X43
Flight 2: Y75X45
Flight 3: Y75X44

Amber Squadron
Flight 1: Y56X46
Flight 2: Y56X45
Flight 3: Y57X46
Mace Squadron
Flight 1: Y67X44 / Aim @ Interrogator
Flight 2: Y67X45 / Aim @ Interrogator
Flight 3: Y73X46

Hunter Squadron
Flight 1: Y58X42
Flight 2: Y59X41
Flight 3: Y58X40
Ghost Squadron
Flight 1: Y74X46
Flight 2: Y77X47
Flight 3: Y79X47

Assault Shuttle 1: Destroyed
Assault Shuttle 2: Destroyed
Assault Shuttle 3: Y59X42 Fight Defensively
Assault Shuttle 4: Y60X42 Fight Defensively
Assault Shuttle 5: Y57X44 Fight Defensively

2013-03-14, 02:52 AM
Sienn watched from behind the doctor and the wardroid as they spoke about retrieving their equipment before pressing on. Retrieving their equipment from an area that was most likely on the other side of the ship.

"The less time we spend wandering around the hallways, the less opportunities the rebels have to discover our true loyalties." Sienn spoke from behind. The usually soft, lyrical voice a twi'lek possessed a compelling edge to its tone.

"I can get you into engineering without too much hassle and from there we can work to allow the Empire to take this vessel as prize. We can reacquire your stolen property then."

2013-03-14, 04:02 AM
"Sorry M4, but she's right," kradu said, "we'll try to find something on the way."

2013-03-14, 04:29 AM

"As I said I will abide by your decisions, equipment can simply be replaced. But I...this unit agree's with the Twi'leks assessment." M4 Continued to scan the corridor's as they moved along he engaged his audio sensors listening for any sound that might indicate others along the way, weapon at the ready. "How much further Doctor?"

Perception (not using searchlight.)
Audio Enhancers allow me a Reroll on perception and taking the highest of the two. Pg.55 of Scavengers Guide.

2013-03-14, 06:47 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 135; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

"Tactical, use our tractor beams to fend off the assault shuttles for now." Captain Kang said suddenly. Any shuttles that broke through the defense screen could deal with Colonel Tobias and his two thousand troops on board. Right now he wanted those capital ships. "Target the Rebel carrier. Maximum firepower."

"Sir, engineering reports green light on the malfunctioning ion cannon emplacement." someone reported from the pit.

"Very good. Full barrage, if you please. Wipe that thing from my battlefield." Andan ordered, keeping one eye on his tactical holo-readout and the other on the forward windows. "Tell engineering I would like my shields back up to full strength now that they are finished with the ion cannon."

Round 1
Captain's Aid on HT1: (Taking 10) 27
Combined Fire on Escort Carrier (+1dmg per 2 instead of 3)
(Note: Escort Carrier Reflex 13)
Heavy Turbolaser 1 (Long): [roll0]
Damage: 12d10+5=72 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972086/) (x5) [360]
Heavy Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll1]
Damage: 12d10+5=81 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972088/) (x5) [405]
Heavy Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll2]
Damage: 10d10+5=54 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972089/) (x5) [270]
Heavy Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll3] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 1 (Long): [roll4]
Damage: 8d10+5=44 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972090/) (x5) [220]
Double Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll5] (CRIT)
Damage: 9d10+5=43 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972091/) (x5) [215, CRIT: 430]
Double Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll6] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll7]
Damage: 4d10+5=43 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972093/) (x5) [215]
Heavy Ion Cannon 1 (Long): [roll8]
Damage: 8d10+5=58 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972094/) (x5) [290]
Heavy Ion Cannon 2 (Long): [roll9]
Damage: 7d10+5=41 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972095/) (x5) [205]
Tractor Beams targeting Assault Shuttles.
Tractor Beam 1 DC17 (Long): 1d20+7=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972078/)
Opposed Grapple: [roll10]
Tractor Beam 2 DC17 (Long): 1d20+7=27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972079/)
Opposed Grapple: [roll11]

Engineering DC20 Shield Recharge: [roll12]

EDIT: Overkill? Perhaps a bit. :smallbiggrin:

Finally finding an opportunity to flex her muscles, Interrogator reached out across space with its heavy weapons to touch the Rebel Escort Carrier. It didn't take long for heavy turbolaser blasts and ion bolts to drill straight through the enemy ship, turning durasteel armor to liquid butter and overloading her shields. The onslaught turned the carrier up onto one side before cracking her in half in a satisfying explosion that Captain Kang watched from his chair. Despite the urge to do so, he didn't crack a smile at the sight.

"Excellent, gunner. My compliments. Retarget for the Star Galleon, if you please. I wish to deprive them of it as well." Andan said coldly. The assault shuttles would almost be no consequence if they had no home to return to, he ruminated. Then again, he fully trusted in Colonel Tobias' ability to repel the boarders should they make it onto his ship.

Round 2
Captain's Aid on HT1: (Taking 10) 27
Combined Fire on Star Galleon (+1dmg per 2 instead of 3)
(Note: Star Galleon Reflex 15)
Heavy Turbolaser 1 (Long): 1d20+9=22 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972109/)
Damage: 10d10+5=61 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972110/) (x5) [305]
Heavy Turbolaser 2 (Long): 1d20+7=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972111/)
Damage: 11d10+5=57 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972112/) (x5) [285]
Heavy Turbolaser 3 (Long): 1d20+7=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972113/)
Damage: 7d10+5=36 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972114/) (x5) [180]
Heavy Turbolaser 4 (Long): 1d20+7=13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972115/) (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 1 (Long): 1d20+7=27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972116/) (CRIT)
Damage: 9d10+5=36 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972118/) (x5) [180, CRIT: 360]
Double Turbolaser 2 (Long): 1d20+7=25 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972119/)
Damage: 9d10+5=47 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972120/) (x5) [235]
Double Turbolaser 3 (Long): 1d20+7=25 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972121/)
Damage: 9d10+5=65 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972122/) (x5) [325]
Double Turbolaser 4 (Long): 1d20+7=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972124/)
Damage: 5d10+5=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972125/) (x5) [155]
Heavy Ion Cannon 1 (Long): 1d20+7=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972126/)
Damage: 4d10+5=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972127/) (x5) [100]
Heavy Ion Cannon 2 (Long): 1d20+7=15 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972128/)
Damage: 4d10+5=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972129/) (x5) [155]
Tractor Beams targeting Assault Shuttles.
[B]Tractor Beam 1 DC17 (Long): 1d20+7=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972130/) (MISS)
[B]Tractor Beam 2 DC17 (Long): Maintain Grapple
Opposed Grapple: 1d20+66=69 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972131/)

Engineering DC20 Shield Recharge: 1d20+8=17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3972132/)

EDIT: Pretty sure I broke this one, too! :smallcool:

The Interrogator gunners once again proved their lethal efficiency as the massive ship retargeted for the bloated, Rebel Star Galleon and unleashed her fury upon it. Green spears of energy rocked the large cargo hauler posing as a ship of war, turning her into so much useless debris and illustrating the severe difference between a repurposed frigate and an Imperial ship of the line. In just minutes, Interrogator had all but broken the Rebel flotilla, leaving one lone Nebulon-B and the swarm of angry starfighters to contend with her if they still dared.

"Gunner, target the last Rebel frigate. I think we'll take this one a prize instead of destroying her." the Captain said. "We'll let Agent Tavik and her mercenary have the glory of accepting her captain's surrender once they're aboard."

Holocron Coder
2013-03-14, 08:10 AM
Lt Colonel Tobias

After a short discussion with his Major, Tobias finds that the captain did indeed send word of a potential boarding. Several assault shuttles were inbound and may get through the Interrogator's firing screen.

Taking about half the troops, he directed the men towards the most likely entry point for the assault shuttles. As the troops moved out, he spoke to Major Dagan. "Keep the rest of the troops here in reserve in case the rebels do something unplanned. I trust your judgement in this matter."

With that, and after any reply, he heads with his troops to prepare for possible boarding.

Assuming that his years of experience (and a Knowledge (tactics) of +18) will give him insight as to where the assault shuttles will land.

If there's enough time, he'll set up defensive positions, ideally with any E-Webs (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/E-Web_heavy_repeating_blaster) that they may have with them.

2013-03-14, 05:14 PM
The Rebel Carrier crumpled like a used pressurized soft drink under the fire of the Interrogator sustained turbolaser fire cut through the ship's shields and began burning off the ship caraspace of the ship. Lifepods just began launching from the ship when it detonated with the explosive force of a small atomic bomb. The patrol fighters around it banked away peeling away from the shockwave of the Rebel ship exploding. The merciless fire continued as it targeted the Star Galleon just as Tavik's crew docked with the Patriot the lumbering ship was just pulling up next to the frigate when green and blue bolts started laying into the Star Galleon, its shields seemed to not even be up the way the Interrogator's laser fire cored the ship burn molten holes straight through from the prow to aft. When green laser fire started burning it way out the back of the ship and the engine venturies it suddenly burst apart the hulk spilled loose thousands of tons of cargo creating a debris field on the Patriot's starboard side.

The sudden loss of two thirds of the Rebel fleet seemed like a death knell to the rebel forces. Then firing solutions began trilling on the Interrogator's deck as almost every available rebel fighter began locking torpedoes onto the Star Destroyer. Purplish streaks began streaming across space multiple inbound torpedoes targeted the Interrogator, Dart and Scourge. The two Lancers began making short work of the X-Wings even as they attempted to launch picking off fighter craft and ordnance before it could strike. As the Rebel Fighters converged on the Interrogator all three Lancer-Class Frigates began firing fall salvos firing friendly space with hostile fire. Z-95 Headhunters from Hunter squadron began engaging Commader Yeril, his bitten curses occasionally came over the command net. Alpha Flight 3 and Hunter Flight 2 burned lances of energy at each other at point blank range. While the aged matronly Captain of the Scourge reported she had to abandon anit-torpedo defense to engage the Z-95's that began attack runs on her ship. The three rebel assault craft closed in on the Interrogator combined they represented a threat of one and twenty rebel marines.

The Rusted Duck clamped up against the docking tube seals, a heavy metal object knocked against the top hatch three times.

Alpha Flight 1: Dogfight Pilot
Alpha Flight 2: Y55X44 See OOC
Alpha Flight 3: Y58X41 See OOC
Bravo Flight 1: Y65X41 All Out Movement Collision Avoidance [roll1] // Collision Avoidance [roll2]
Bravo Flight 2: Y68X39 All Out Movement
Delta Flight: Break Attack Green 3/4: [roll3] // [roll4]x2
Wing Commander Yeril: Y57X42: Attack Hunter Flight 1 [roll5] // [roll6]x2
Dart: Y52X43: Attack Angel Flight 3 (1,2,3,4)
1 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll7] // [roll8]x2
2 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll9] // [roll10]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll11] // [roll12]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll13] // [roll14]x2
Lash: Y52X42: Attack Angel Flight 2 (1,2,3,4)
1 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll15] // [roll16]x2
2 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll17] // [roll18]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll19] // [roll20]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll21] // [roll22]x2
Scourge: : Attack Hunter Flight 3
1 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll23] // [roll24]x2
2 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll25] // [roll26]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll27] // [roll28]x2
3 PDF Quad Laser Cannon Battery: [roll29] // [roll30]x2

Patriot: Y74X45 Fight Defensively

Green Flight 1:
Green Leader Destroyed
Green 2: Y60X48: Waiting on Mando
Green 3/4: Y58X46 [HP93/DR10/SR10]: Attack Laser Cannon's Delta Flight:[roll31] // [roll32]x2
Green Flight 2 Y58X43 Laser Cannons Attack Commander Yeril [roll]1d20+7[roll] // [roll]8d10[/rollx2
Green Flight 3 Y72X45 Escort Rusted Duck/ CAP
Angel Squadron
Flight 1:[HP77/DR10/SR10] Y50X44 Attack Interrogator Proton Torpedo [roll33] // [roll34]x2
Flight 2:[HP105/DR10/SR0] Y52X44 Aim at Dart Attack with Proton Torpedos: [roll35] // [roll36]x2 Destroyed before attack.
Flight 3:[HP:73/DR10/SR10/-1CT] Y52X43 Y52X44 Aim at Dart Attack with Proton Torpedos: [roll37] // [roll38]x2 Destroyed before attack.
Lance Squadron
Flight 1: Y56X44 Dogfight Pilot Roll [roll39]
Flight 2: Y75X45 Destroyed when Star-G exploded.
Lance 9: Dock aboard Patriot

Amber Squadron
Flight 1: [HP83/DR10/SR5] Y54X44 Attack Inerrofator with Proton Torpedos: [roll40] // [roll41]x2
Flight 2: [HP66/DR10/SR5/-1CT] Y54X43 Attack Interrogator with Proton Torpedos: [roll42] // [roll43]x2
Flight 3: Y56X43 Attack Dart with Proton Torpedos: [roll44] // [roll45]x2
Mace Squadron
Flight 1: Y67X44 / Attack Scourge with Proton Torpedos: [roll46] // [roll47]x2
Flight 2: Y67X45 Attack Scourge with Proton Torpedos: [roll48] // [roll49]x2
Flight 3: Y73X46 CAP

Hunter Squadron
Flight 1: Y58X42: Attack Commander Yeril [roll50] // [roll51]x2
Flight 2: [HP51/DR10/SR10/-1CT] Y59X41 Attack Alpha Flight 3 [roll52] // [roll53]x2
Flight 3: [HP79/DR10/SR15/-CT] Y54X40 Attack Scourge Concussion Missiles [roll54] // [roll55]x2 (-2 REF) (-1 on attack roll)
Ghost Squadron
Flight 1: Y76X44 Looking for Survivors / Escape Pods
Flight 2: Y77X44 Looking for Survivors / Escape Pods
Flight 3: Y78X44 Looking for Survivors / Escape Pods

Assault Shuttle 1: Destroyed
Assault Shuttle 2: Destroyed
Assault Shuttle 3: Y57X44 Fight Defensively - In Interrogator's Tractor Beam
Assault Shuttle 4: Y56X41 Fight Defensively
Assault Shuttle 5: Y57X41 Fight Defensively

2013-03-14, 07:26 PM
Aboard the Patriot
At the next set of blast doors the Doctor activated the door controls and the wall panel beeped in a negative tone and the doors remained firmly shut. The doors thirty meters behind them closed with the hiss of strained hydraulics. A faint blue glow pulsed over them as a ray shield covered the rear doors. Then the doors in front of the trio opened without the Doctor pushing the button.

At the other end of the corridor several rebel marines were in cover with an E-Web cannon set up on a tripod. A rebel officer reached to his comlink and began screaming into it.

Rebel Marines Block the Corridor.
Roll Initiative.
Rebel Initiative:
Rebel Marine 1: See OOC
Rebel Marine 2:
Rebel Marine 3:
Rebel Marine 4:
Rebel Marine 5:
Rebel Marine 6:
Rebel Marine 7:
Rebel Marine 8:
Rebel Marine 9:
Rebel Officer O1: [roll0]

2013-03-14, 08:12 PM
Dr. Doran Kradu

"Take 'em out!" Kradu yelled as he ducked back around the corner.

standard: trust, Sienn gains a second standard action.
swift: activate born leader, +1 insight to attack rolls

2013-03-14, 08:26 PM
"Holy sith!" Rada cried as the Interrogator reached out for Rebel capital ships. Wit the freighter firmly in the invisible grasp of the Patriot's tractor beam, he was free to watch slack-jawed as the Star Destroyer's guns shredded two-thirds of the attacking force in seconds.

The thump of a docking clamp being attached shook him out of it, and he went back to meet their visitors. Hearing the rapping, he yelled, "Stand back, we're opening up!" Checking the atmosphere to make sure there was a good seal, he then cycled the airlock open.

2013-03-14, 10:23 PM
Docking Tube

The airlock cycled a Rebel Marine with a hydro wrench in one hand and a scattergun in the other stood over the hatch covering it. A short ladder ran up to the Patriot.

"Hurry up if you want to live." The big human muttered at Rada he stepped back from the hatch to let Rada climb up the ladder. The marine had enough space to cover the hatch and those climbing up the ladder. "Lieteunant Commander Lakota, and Ragnir are waiting in the mechanic's bay above."

2013-03-14, 10:33 PM

One of the Rebel Marines managed to be the fastest on the draw and laid down a barrage of laser fire.

Rapid shot auto fire attack on Sienn and M-4X1. [roll0]: Hit: [roll1] Miss Half Damage.

2013-03-14, 10:57 PM
ooc - I'm making this post because I'll be away for a few hours. My initiative is after Seanfall and a couple more marines.

Sienn's eyes glimmered as the blast door opened to reveal nearly a dozen soldiers laying in wait for them, E-web prepped and officer shouting.

One of the rebel marines proved quicker than the Sith aspirant and his blaster rifle spewed forward a forest of red spears that would've scorched the twi'leks soft skin...if she hadn't have acted.

Immediately a shield rippled to life around the Siths body, each blaster bolt impact quivering small pock marks across its surface as they smacked against the protective barrier. Withstanding the puny weapons of the rebellion, Sienn strode forward.

"Your puny weapons can never prevail..." Sienn hissed, her eyes narrowing as she withdrew her lightsabre, activated the purple blade, and then siezed the E-web with invisible hands.

The heavy weapon hoisted into the air, hovered for half a second before its figure was sent smashing into the officer to the side.

"Your efforts to destroy me are no closer than the Peraxians with their torches and pointed sticks!"

Flicking her hand in the direction of the bulk of the rebel soldiers, the Sith unleashed another crushing wave of Force energy

Reaction action: Activate Force Shield: 1d20+19=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973386/) , /sigh another 5. Spend a Force Point so Sienn currently has Shield Rating of 15.
Move Action: Move forward three squares, putting her behind the barricade and giving her light cover.
Standard Action 1: Move Object on the E-web: 1d20+19=32 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973409/) - smashing it against the rebel officer: both of them take 9d6 damage.
Officer: 9d6=33 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973410/)
E-web: 9d6=29 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973412/)
Standard Action 2: Force Slam against 6 marines in a cone from where Sienn is standing: DC = Rebel Fort: 1d20+19=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973418/)
Damage: 4d6=9 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973422/) So pathetic damage, but they should all be knocked prone.
Oh just wait, she gets +1d6 for her Sith talisman: 1d6=1 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973427/)

GM consideration: Because I only moved 3 squares, can I also take out Sienn's lightsabre an activate it? Strictly speaking each one is a separate move action...but come'on, taking out a cylinder and pressing a button is the equivalent to moving 5 metres? /puppy-dog-eyes

2013-03-14, 11:20 PM

M4's combat systems kicked in, his shields absorbed the bolts that skimmed across him. Without bothering to move he brought up both his arm mounted guns, took aim at the one who had fired and launched a twin set of blaster bolts.

to be clear I'm firing at the 6th marine, one who shot at us.
Standard action: Attack with both weapons, Dual Weapon mastery 1 -5 to attack.
right arm.
[roll0] +1 from PBS = 11
Left arm
[roll1] +1 from PBS = 22

Damage in case of hits
[roll2] +6 from heroic levels and PBS= 21
[roll3] +6 from Heroic Levels and PBS= 14

2013-03-14, 11:56 PM

M4-X1 blasted down the quick marine, the man crumpled under the fire and fell to the ground behind the crates. The smoke rising from his chest showed he wasn't getting back up. Three other marines braced against the crates and laid down a whither blast of autmatic laser fire with their blaster rifles. The smell of ozone and slag filled the corridor.

Marine 2 Braced Auto Fire Attack: [roll0] // [roll1] centered on M4-X1 and Sienn.
Marine 5 Braced Auto Fire Attack: [roll2] // [roll3] centered on M4-X1 and Sienn. (Auto Hit - Double Damage)
Marine 8 Braced Auto Fire Attack: [roll4] // [roll5] centered on M4-X1 and Sienn.

Sienn's shield popped as the marines placed a couple of well placed power shots overwhelming her with sheer volume of fire.

2013-03-15, 12:15 AM
The gunner cried out as the weapon was wretched from his hands and slammed into the officer. The heavy barrel crushed the Rebel Officer's neck the comlink rolled from his lifeless hands. The blast of force that rolled from her outstretched knocked boxes and marines prone in front of her but most of the men managed to roll over with nothing more than a coople of bruises and a bit of blood leaking from their ears. They stood up from prone and blasted away at Sienn and M4-X1 too.

Marine 1 // Attack Sienn [roll0] // Hit [roll1]
Marine 3 // Attack Sienn [roll2] // Hit [roll3] (Auto Hit Double Damage)
Marine 4 // Attack Sienn [roll4] // Hit [roll5]
Marine 7 // Attack M4-X1 [roll6] // Hit [roll7]
Marine 9 // Attack M4-X1 [roll8] // Hit [roll9] Draws Side Arm and Aims at Sienn

Mando Knight
2013-03-15, 01:11 AM
Sandez, dissatisfied with the skills of the X-Wing she destroyed, struck at another one.
Standard: Initiate Dogfight, taking 10 for opposed Pilot check. 29 to shake.
Swift: Rapid Shot Lasers. Not forgetting Point Blank Shot this time. [roll0], [roll1]×2 = 88, counts Damage Reduction and Damage Threshold each as 5 lower.

2013-03-15, 01:15 AM
"This is Green 2 this Imp pilot is on me hard just took a hard hit I have systems going down all over the place anyone about to give me a hand!" The rookie tone in Green 2's voice was almost pathetic. The rebels were still picking up almost any bush pilot in the Outter Rim and putting them in heavy starfighters. They just had better funding now a days compared to crack Imperial training. The rookie was broadcasting on an open net there a definitive twang in the boy's voice.

2013-03-15, 02:29 AM
Ooc: using telekinetic savant to get back Force Shield to use as a reaction, without spending a force point.

Using Force Shield as a reaction to the first barrage: 1d20+19=34 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973912/). Yes! That should give her SR 20, and none of the hit or muss damage has been near 20, so she should be unscathed.

I'll post her action soon, posting on my phone in a courtyard with friends.

2013-03-15, 03:07 AM

M4 held his ground, and instead spent a quick moment to recharge his shields, he aims at the closest Marine and fires twice again. He would simply have to mow them down one at a time, but maybe after a few were down the others would simply surrender. He ran that threw a probability calculator and received the numerical version of: Fat Chance buddy.

Attack rolls

Giving up move action to take a second swift action for recharging shields.

2013-03-15, 03:20 AM
"That one, get that one!" Kradu called from his vantage point behind the wall.

2013-03-15, 04:26 AM
The twi'lek started to giggle through closed lips as she watched the forest of blaster bolts slap uselessly against her shield, the craters of energy rippling across her enclose and amusing her highly. As she watched and felt the men dying before her at as part of her own actions, she could feel their lives snipped short and the Dark Side whispering its encouragement into the back of her skull. Always there, ever present, that nebulous sensation crawled at the top of her spine like an infestation of maggots, pushing her on to dominate and devour.

"Heh heh heh heh heh!!" she snickered loudly, her green eyes alive with fire and wide with a maddened glee.

Finally retrieving her lightsabre from her belt, the Sith activated the weapon and took comfort in the snap-hiss of the purple blades violent birth.

Pummeling waves of the Force emitted from the twi'leks figure as she continued to ground against the marines with her spiritual connection - marines thrown left, right, centre and straight onto the ground as their bodies were subjected to the crushing forces the seemingly harmless twi'lek could bring to bear.

The crystaline glove on her right hand seemed to throb and pulse with power, the multi-studded gems swirling with sinewy eldritch energies that fed into their wearer to strengthen her connection with the Dark Side.

Spotting the marine a the back, the one she had taken the e-web from, Sienn watched as he pulled out a blaster and started aiming it her way.

"Ah-heh heh..."

Reaching out with her right hand to one of the marines on her flank, Sienn ensared him with her willpower and ripped him off the floor. Watching him struggle against weightlessness for a brief second, she sent the man hurtling towards the one with the blaster pistol like a living missile.


Move: Taking out her lightsabre and activating it.
Standard Action 1: Force Slam against Marines 3, 4, 7 and 8: 1d20+19=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973930/)
Using her Sith Amulet to re-roll:
1d20+19=30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973931/)
Spending 1 of her Temporary Force Points for the day to up the damage:
Damage: 7d6=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973934/)

Move Object on Marine 1: DC = Will: 1d20+19=38 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973947/)
Then throwing him at Marine 9: DC = Marine 9's Ref:
1d20+19=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973949/)
I wasn't sure if I could use a Sith amulet to reroll when targeting someones Reflex via Move Object. If I can, then the reroll is:
1d20+19=26 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973950/)
Hmm, that's not much better lol.
I'm hoping that hits.
They both take 9d6 damage:
Marine 1: 9d6=32 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973952/)
Marine 9: 9d6=28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973953/)

2013-03-15, 08:20 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 140; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

Captain Kang stood, clasping his hands behind his back. "Heavy turbolaser batteries, you may return your focus to the assault shuttles. All other turbolaser and ion cannon emplacements target the Nebulon-B frigate. I do not want it destroyed, gunner." he emphasized to the Lieutenant at the tactical station, eliciting a studious "yessir" from the man. Walking toward the front viewport, Andan watched the continuous green and blue energy blossoming out from the weapons on his ship, pleased with their power and performance. With that last barrage Interrogator had stunned the Rebels into silence. They weren't even firing back now.

The only thing he was not pleased with was the amount of starfighters still in his skies. Heavy weapons were next to useless against snubships like those, and they'd already started taking shots at him with proton torpedoes. Under a sustained bombardment even the Interrogator might crumple...an embarrassing end to a ship of the line to be sure. He had to trust in Yerill and Sandez to clear his skies before too long.

Captain's Aid on HT1: (Taking 10) 27
Combined Fire on Nebulon-B (+1dmg per 2 instead of 3)
(Note: Nebulon-B Reflex 19, Assault Shuttle Reflex 23)
Heavy Turbolasers targeting Assault Shuttles 4-5.
[B]Heavy Turbolaser 1 (Long): [roll0] (CRIT)
Damage: 9d10+5=48 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3974061/) (x5) [240, CRIT: 480]
Heavy Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll1] (MISS)
Heavy Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll2] (MISS)
Heavy Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll3] (MISS)
Double Turbolasers targeting Nebulon-B frigate.
Double Turbolaser 1 (Long): [roll4] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll5] (MALFUNCTION?)
Double Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll6] (CRIT)
Damage: 8d10+5=55 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3974062/) (x5) [275, CRIT: 550]
(Expending a Maneuver to use Engine Hit (Starships P.26) - Neb-B's speed reduced by 2 squares in addition to damage suffered.)
Double Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll7] (MISS)
Ion Cannons targeting Nebulon-B frigate.
Heavy Ion Cannon 1 (Long): [roll8]
Damage: 7d10+5=38 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3974063/) (x5) [190]
Heavy Ion Cannon 2 (Long): [roll9]
Damage: 4d10+5=36 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3974065/) (x5) [180]
Tractor Beams targeting Assault Shuttles.
Tractor Beam 1 DC17 (Long): [roll10] (MISS)
Opposed Grapple: [roll11]
Tractor Beam 2 DC17 (Long): MAINTAIN HOLD
Opposed Grapple: [roll12]

Engineering DC20 Shield Recharge: [roll13] (+5 SR)

As the Interrogator smote another incoming assault shuttle with a blast of emerald fire, her secondary and tertiary weapons jabbed at the Patriot with nearly overwhelming force. A double-turbolaser blast took the frigate on the side of her bulbous engine compartment, causing several of its engines to wink out or catch fire. The agile, light capital ship was reduced to limping along like some ancient Dreadnaught as she trailed debris like drops of blood frozen in space. Bolts from Interrogator's ion cannons sizzled over her surface, taking out a few lighted windows but otherwise not impeding her too much just yet.

On the Star Destroyer's bridge, Captain Kang directed his communications officer to send a tight-beam transmission to the enemy ship. With the jamming still in place, he could not send a long or clear transmission, but his message was simple.


2013-03-15, 10:40 AM
Tavik's ship shuddered as the Star Galleon detonated, buffeting the small ship and the Nebulon-B with shockwaves from the explosion. Mira was almost disappointed at the Rebel's ineptitude. Even after luring the Admiral and most of his fleet out of the system, they hadn't been able to muster enough firepower to engage a single Victory-class Star Destroyer in combat. She anticipated the X-wings outside were in the process of being cut to ribbons by Yeril's squadrons, and shortly the Nebulon-B would be coming under the withering fire of the Interrogator. Hopefully Captain Kang's gunners would not be quite so efficient in their duties there, and both she and the ship could be taken in one piece.

Stumbling slightly, Mira followed Rada up the ladder into the Rebel vessel's cofferdam. Behind her came the two commandos, one struggling slightly to climb while bound in cuffs, the other following with blaster loosely trained on him as he rose. The four of them were just gathered inside the airlock when the whole ship shook from a punishing blow to its shields.
Are we actually any safer on this thing than we were on our own? The ship shuddered again from another direct hit.
I understand if your captain is going to surrender to them, just let us know and we'll go back out there and take our chances.

Having provided an excuse for Kang's ships being in position to intercept the fleet, Mira's primary function was done here. And given the performance of the Interrogator's crew so far, she didn't feel any sabotage work would be necessary. Although she was still willing to offer some persuasion to the captain if he proved stubborn enough to attempt to continue this suicidal assault.

2013-03-17, 05:28 PM
Patriot - Docking Bay / Tube

"You are about to be a lot safer here than any vessel broad casting an Imperial signal. Lieutenant Commander Lakota please have Captain Illex deactivate the jamming array I believe we have taken sufficient losses for the Imperials to believe they have won." The voice on the other side of the tube access way was deep, masculine,and tinged with a vaguely High Galactic accent but the inflections were all wrong. "He's already demanding surrender? Wonderful. No, no, I can't I have an abomination to purify."

"Yes, sir." A feminine voice replied.

With that the voice silenced and heavy footfalls announced him walking across the bay floor away from them. A blue haired woman peeped down the ladder, "Come on what's the hold up?"


The comm stations suddenly came to life with a dozen incoming messages. The intercom squelched as the ensign at the station struggled to lock on to the them and refine them through the static.


"-say aga-"

"over run!"

"Rebel Warshi-"


The sudden overlap of messages made them indistinguishable just as the ensign raised his voice the sensor's array chief stood up and shouted.

"Captain Kang! Rebel Warship astern, its coming over the planet's horizon below. The Trouabadour is gone! The Wagoneer is attempting to break orbit! Frak! The Rebel warship is an MC80a confirmed call sign Odysseus. I'm also picking up as many as a dozen medium transports touching down around mining area."

"Sir!" The communication's officer interrupted the sensor chief, "I have Commander Tre on the ground I'm patching him through." He pushed a button at his counsel and a head and shoulders hologram of a Imperial Stormtrooper in the stead of Commander Tre stood in the field he was looking away blasting at something from the sounds that came over the net. He looked back.

"This is TK-6427, Commander Tre is dead. The Rebels landed an assault force almost ten minutes ago on the outskirts of the mining camp. Their freeing the slaves, local Togorians are helping, we're being overrun they have-" The transmission cut off."

The sensor chief, "Sir more rebel fighters are coming up from the Odysseus. It's targeting us, she's minutes from firing range."

Patriot Corridor

The rebel marines were down. Those that were not dead were close to it and so battered down they didn't bother getting up. Sienn could feel it in the Force. The men were defeated, exhausted, and cowering in fear hoping she didn't sense them playing possum. Those that M4-X1 had blasted were down and not getting up, crispy torsos had shown where his blasters had simply overwhelmed the simple flak vests they used.

The blast door at the end of the corridor opened. It was the docking bay and access to the docking tube as well as access to engineering was beyond down the long thin portion of the frigate. Though the need to sabotage the ship may of been super fluent due to those last hits that rattled.

Rebels scampered back and forth across the docking bay and someone was chatting to someone in the docking tube issuing orders. The docking berths looked empty except for the Reaver and whatever ship was attached to the tube.

A single figure blocked the way. Head to toe in mirror polished power armor that was inscribed with odd little squiggles and pulsed with a faint golden glow from beneath the heavy interlocking plates. On his, the figure looked masculine, shoulder rested a power hammer, or what seemed a power hammer if someone had spent hours of labor polishing and caring for one. The metal head was inscribed with the funny sigils and a massive crystal was inlaid in it that seemed to glow brightly with its own internal glow. It was harsh to the eyes for Sienn. The figure wore a full helm with a mirrored face shield and vacuum seals.

"I told Captain Illex to kill you, young men, always willing to consort with any devil or demon as long as it has things on it's chest that shake." The voice was hard, masculine, and tinged with accent of the Imperial Center.

This man's presence in the Force almost seems to burn it is so bright. You only sensed him as the blast door cracked open like a container spilling radiation.

2013-03-17, 06:43 PM

The doctor hastily constructed a makeshift turret while the newcomer talked, but looked up at the mention of shaking chests.

"I'm not that out of shape, am I?" He asked, touching his own chest.

2013-03-17, 06:51 PM
After handing over the rebel officers commlink to Dr Kradu, Sienn stood within the corridor and peered over the defeated marines. Most were dead - more souls to add to her body count. Some were still alive, their desire to remain alive by feigning death coming out stronger than their desire to wallow in the pain their bodies were experiencing. Pain she had inflicted.

Though not a particularly sadistic person, Sienn could feel the anguish seeping from the pores and infusing into the Dark Side, thickening its presence.

When the doors parted, the first thing Sienn's bright green eyes focused on was the Reaver - her baby. The stout, rugged vehicle was resting upon the hanger-bay floor.

Then Sienn noticed the metal-clad...man, blocking the doorway. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this was the individual whom she could detect from before, as even now his presence in the Force was sickeningly bright and encompassing.

"I told Captain Illex to kill you, young men, always willing to consort with any devil or demon as long as it has things on it's chest that shake."

Sienn smirked. "Ooo, I smell rejection in someones past!" she exclaimed, her eyes alight as she eyed the man up and down.

"What's with the outfit, Mick Dames?" she asked, referencing an eccentric, trouble-ridden holonet entertainer known for his colorful, outlandish regalia and spice addiction.

"Lose a fight with a disco ball?"

2013-03-17, 06:52 PM
"You ever try climbing a ladder in binder cuffs?" Rada called back up the ladder. "Neither has Captain Rex here."

2013-03-17, 06:57 PM
Miranda's ears twitched the moment she heard that voice. Commanding, confident, refined: this wasn't just the voice of a superior officer, it was the voice of a leader. A figurehead who could spur his troops past their limits, or a zealot who would drag his men down with him in a wave of madness. Either way his presence made everything far more dangerous.

For a brief moment Mira was reminded of a mission on a remote planet, several years ago. A similar figure, mysterious, commanding, possessed of a conviction in her own abilities Mira never would have understood if she hadn't witnessed them for herself.

She had never met the Lord Vader, but she imagined this might have been how he would have sounded: regal and filled with religious fanaticism. His mention of purifying abominations only cemented for her the belief that he was a follower of some ancient Jedi religion or similarly dangerous supremacist doctrine, and the Jedi had been hunted to extinction for a reason. Of course with the Rebel propaganda attempting to resurrect that dangerous religion, extremists like this one would be flocking to their cause, eager for any excuse to cause death and disruption.

We're coming, we're coming. Got a piece of merchandise we don't want getting splattered all over your bulkheads.

Mira popped up beside the blue-haired woman and stepped aside to allow the two commandos up behind her. Behind them, in the docking bay itself, was a fantastically overwrought figure, glimmering head to toe in absurdly shiny armour. He was already striding away, turning his attention to something out of Mira's view. If she hadn't been convinced that he was some kind of lunatic before...

Lakota, was it? she inquired of the woman standing next to her.
Thank you so much for your help, we'd be spacedust by now if it wasn't for your X-wings. But is it honestly safe for us to be staying here right now? I don't know if you saw what that Star Destroyer did to the rest of your fleet, but I don't want to have just upgraded from a small target to a huge one. No offence to your...shiny friend there but; haven't they already won?

2013-03-17, 07:28 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 140; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

OOC: I'm hoping that this is considered simple speech and is therefore considered a free action.

Captain Kang stood silently on the bridge, contemplative of the recent changes in the situation. He let go a barely perceptible sigh along with a quiet "Damn that corpulent gloryhound..." He rubbed his immaculately shaven chin and took another moment before issuing any orders. Even mid-battle, Andan could never be rushed.

"Communications, now that the jamming is no longer an issue, contact Commander Yerill as well as the captains of our Lancers and advise them to not stray too far from us. We're done here for the moment. Next, attempt to contact Admiral Ronsu on holocom." he ordered, reclasping his hands behind his back. "And do inform TK-6427 to hold his ground. Surrender is not an option." he finished speaking and returned to his chair.

All of this could have been avoided if that fool had not rushed away after obvious bait. Ronsu had cost them the entire Togoria system as a result of that particular lapse in judgment. He was going to give the Admiral a piece of his mind the next time they met...assuming he hadn't compounded his blunder by being drawn into a trap.

In the meantime, he was going to give Agent Tavik and company just barely enough time to get off the Nebulon-B frigate before he transformed it into a ball of briefly ignited gas and loose debris. It was the least he could do for the Rebels before he suffered the indignity of retreat into hyperspace.

"Sensors, status of the remaining assault shuttles? If they intend to press their attack, project likely points of entry and coordinate with Colonel Tobias to repel intruders." he added from the shadows of his high-backed chair.

2013-03-17, 07:55 PM

The spangled clad figure cocked its head to the side. There was something almost a chuckle came from the speakers within his helmet. A slight shudder ran through him. He spun the power hammer in one hand and braced himself.

"Amusing." He looked down at the corpses behind Sienn and a tremor ran threw him, it was a violent fanatical tremor in the force.

"My name is Paladin Ragnir and darkness will not avow you here. Men of the Light rise and fight! Rise against the darkness and cast this being back into the abyss that it crawled from! In the name of the Light!" Pure faith burned in the man's voice as he raised his voices whispers of the force whipped around the room subtle power sank into the limbs of the men that she had bowled over and left crouching in tower the same men rose battered, bloody, and broken but their eyes burned with the power of the faithful. Arms with blasters, knives, or bloody fists they attacked M4-X1 and Doctor Kradu.

"The victory of the light is all!" The armored figure whipped his hammer back and forth and lunged striking at Sienn with an overwhelming blow.

Will have a map update tonight or tomorrow.
Round 1

Paladin Ragnir: Initiative[roll0]
Swift Action: Inspire+1FP: UtF [roll1]
Move Action: Five Foot Step
Standard Attack: Melee Attack Power Hammer (Force Empowered / Stunning Strike) Atk: [roll2] // Hit: [roll3]

Inspired Marines 1-5

2013-03-17, 08:46 PM
Sienn narrowed her green eyes as the insufferable "paladin" drew upon the Force to invigorate his defeated soldiers, before lunging at her himself.

The large man came tumbling forward like an avalanche of glistening metal, his hammer raised high and coming down in a glittering arch. Despite his imposing statue he closed the distance between himself and Sienn with surprising speed. However, the twi'lek was faster. Countering gracefully the twi'lek spun her body on the side and pulled herself back - her long lekku swaying on the back of her head as she deftly avoided an otherwise punishing blow.

Darting past the man, Sienn somersaulted into the hanger bay, landing elegantly on her feet and spinning herself at an angle while remaining focused on the man in front of her.

The Dark Side screeched to life in the hangers atmosphere as a nebulous tempest of lightning wreathed the twi'lek. The living static crawled across her body was a web of crackling, electrified archs, while the polished deck upon which Sienn stood was abruptly illuminated with flickering blues and purples.

Compelled by the steel will of the Sith sorceress, the storm surged forward as a violent web of claws that seeped into the mans armor to tear at the supple innards within, putrefying the atmosphere with the stench of ozone and scorched flesh.

Initiative: 1d20+12=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977656/)
Move Action: Moving into the hanger and away from him. I'm not trying to gain mechanical advantage of flanking him or anything so I won't be rolling tumble, it's simply for cinematic purposes - but MX could gain an advantage if the guy turns his back on him and comes after me.

Standard Action: Force Lightning on the figure: 1d20+19=37 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977677/) boo-yah! Spending a Force Point to move him an extra step along the condition modifer. I hope to hell that beats his reflex save lol. He should now be moved -2 along the Condition Track, receiving a -2 to all his actions.

Force Lightning Damage: 9d6=34 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977683/) - if that damage is above his Fortitude defense/damage threshold, I think he moves another -1 along the condition track: so he should be -5 for all his actions and checks...assuming he doesn't pull something funky.

However, I've got an extra standard action via Kradu, but I first want to see what the effect of this is on him to decide what I'll do next.

2013-03-17, 09:39 PM
The lightening slashed against the paladin tearing at his armor flitting against an invisible barrier before knocking it aside and scorching his armor. When the storm of violent energies played over his body the man grunted and seemed to flex against it. A grunt became a shout and the man stumbled forward but regained his balance. He held his hammer ready and though his armor was blackened from the blast of lightening he stood resolute.

Hit: The lightening hit DR overcame and moved him -2 down the Condition Track.

2013-03-17, 09:46 PM

M4 aimed his guns at the marines some of whom decided to assault with bare fists. "STAND DOWN, OR YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED! SURRENDER AND YOU WILL BE TREATED AS A POW!" to prove his point he took aim at the closest marines and fired from his arms again.

Full round attack...targeting closest marines.
Right arm
Left Arm

2013-03-17, 10:21 PM
The corner of Sienn's lips curled slightly as she slowly broke the pride of this "paladin". His attempts to hold back the pain of the dark sides lashes was admirable, but mislead. Like all who experienced the agonising calcification of Force lightning, his pain garbled up from his burning lungs to announce his anguish.

Very satisfying.

Still aware of others in the hanger and wishing to make a spectacular example, Sienn reached forward with her gauntleted hand: the gems encrusted on her fingerless glove swirled with black power as the Sith ensared the paladin within her will.

Seizing the man with the Force, she ripped him from his feet and smashed him into one of the tracts from which the blast door extended - pinning him in place.

"Do you feel that, Paldin? The calcification of your skeleton. The compression of your figure between the steel and the Force. That is the sensation of inevitability."

Use the Force: Move Object vs his Will Defense: 1d20+19=30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977945/) I doubt she'll need to make a reroll.
Damage: 9d6=33 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977955/)

She's pinning him to the spot so that he can't move, so she's maintaining Move Object as part of her action into next round.

2013-03-18, 12:11 AM
Doran Kradu

The turret rotated around and took a shot at the nearest marine.

initiative: [roll0]
atk: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

2013-03-18, 12:44 AM
His attention inevitably drawn by the fight at the blast door, Rada winced. "Ouch," he said, turning back to Lakota. "Whatever species Ragnir there is, is it supposed to bend like that?" While waiting for a response, he gave the woman a cursory look-over for weapons in case he or she needed to join in the fun.

[roll0] to find concealed weapons

2013-03-18, 02:12 AM
Any response Mira might have got was drowned out by the sizzling sound of electricity coursing across Ragnir's armour. At the far end of the hanger bay, a waifish Twi'Lek stood toe-to-toe with the big man, forcing him to his knees with a sustained barrage of searing blue bolts she seemed to conjure out of nowhere. Even as Mira watched, the girl clenched her fingers into a fist.
Like a marionette attached to his master, the Paladin jerked around as she twisted her wrist, spasming through space in an impossible manner before flying sideways into the bulkhead.

Is that... A faint memory stirred. Something about this girl, about the incredible and supernatural power she had just displayed as casually as though she were getting dressed...

Mira stepped forward into the hangar deck, hands raised in the air, voice projected clearly across the hangar bay.
We surrender. Please, just don't kill anyone. Paladin, I respect what you are doing, and the galaxy needs more beings with convictions like yours, but you can't serve the Light if you get yourself killed, can you?

Initiative: [roll0]
Move action: Stepping into the hangar. (How many spaces away from me is the Paladin?)
Standard action: If he's a valid target, Demand Surrender [roll1].
If he's not, but he's within 12 spaces, Revolutionary Rhetoric, taking 10 = 31.
If he's not, I'm chatting to myself, I suppose. I guess I'll Rhetoric Lakota instead, if all else fails.

Mando Knight
2013-03-18, 06:50 PM
Sandez, holding steady on the X-Wing's tail as if the two ships were bolted together, fires again at the fighter, destroying the Rebel craft. She then flies the Interceptor past the debris, in an effort to catch up with the Y-Wings that had begun closing in on the Interrogator.
Standard: Taking 10 on the Dogfight check to line up the shot, 34 to shake...
Minor: Rapid Shot Lasers [roll0], [roll1]×2 = 110, ignores 5 DT and DR

Move: to (48, 56)

2013-03-18, 06:52 PM

The three Marines M4-X1 that blasted down died screaming incoherent battle cries even as blaster bolts burned their flesh and boiled blood they crashed down clawing at the floor to reach their foes until the last breath of life finally fainted from their burning eyes. The other two charged into melee with the droid and the doctor utterly fearless and with total disregard to personal safety. Screaming defiance one man slashed at Doctor Kradu with a knife clutched in his bloody fist bleeding from a half dozen wounds. The other man jerked his arm up and punched at the droids shields clutched in his burned hand was a grenade. There was a pregnant moment and it detonated.

Ragnir rolled across the ground buffeted by Sienn's attack it picked him up and threw him against the port bulkhead and dropped him to the ground. Crushing force seemed to pin him face down for a moment. Then he planted a fist on the deck and pushed against the deck. The plates groaned and the metal bent in his hand like butter as he pushed against the hundreds of kilos of invisible force.

"ENOUGH!" The power Sienn blasted at him with rebounded against her like a serpent twisting in her hand the same telekinetic force that had lashed against the Paladin came rushing back at her and threw the Twi'lek woman to the ground hard. Deck plates bent under the force of her impact. Force blasted her to the ground and dissipated.

The Rebels in the bay paniced as it became obvious two major force users were squaring off. Men were grabbing blasters and shouting orders. They ran to cover the exits two small doors on the port and starboard sides of the chamber and a large blast door that lead to long access shafts that ran the length of the ship to engineering.

Ragnir stood up slowly he raised his hammer and faced his foe. Scorched with soot the armor still gleamed. The air crackled around with invisible energy as he drew deeply on the Force it settled over him, nothing changed about him but he looked just as ready to fight as he had before.

"Is that all?"

Lakota turned her violet eyes to look at Agent Tavik, "You want to surrender to that? She's going to kill us all better trying to give ourselves up to the Imps on the Star Destroyer!"

The human girl couldn't of been older than twenty looked shaken ready to guided in any direction. Her violet eyes were moist with unspilled tears watching the Paladin and Sith duke it out. More Rebel marines were setting up in the side chambers visible through the transparisteal panels that showed adjoining mechanical rooms to the docking tube bay and more side accesses into the depths of the ship sooner or later the small room was going to become a shooting gallery. Three rebels squatted over head on a catwalk hooking a man-portable blaster cannon up to a power generator.

Free Action: UtF Maintain Inspire (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14920286#post14920286)
Reaction: Rebuke (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14920459#post14920459)
Swift Action: Indomittable: 1/day move +5 up CT
Move Action: Stand Up From Prone
Standard Action: Gain DR 10 for 1 Minute

Marine 1-3 Dead
Marine 4: Move Adjacent to Doctor Kradu:: Attack with Vibro Dagger [roll0] / Hit [roll1]
Marine 5: Charge to M4-X1's position: Detonate Frag Grenade: [roll2] vs REF Hit [roll3] / Miss Half Damage in 2 square blast radius.

LtCdr. Lakota: Lost Standard Action

Additional Marines
Port Side Squad Initiative: [roll4]
Starboard Side Squad Initiative: [roll5]
Catwalk Squad Initiative: [roll6]

Space around Interrogator:

There was a short scream across the comm net and the X-Wing Commander Sandez targeted burst into a ball of flame as her lasers vaped him.


"Sir! We have one shuttle locked in a tractor beam their attempting to break loose. Two shuttles are closing to boarding range, prow sensor station and starboard heavy turbo laser battery. The Patriot has lost most of its maneuvering power. Rebel fighters are pulling back from the range of the Lancers I think their waiting for the Cruiser." The sensor chief rattled off from his station his voice held a slight nasal quality.

"Sir, no reply from our forces on the surface." The communications ensign reported. "The Lancer Captains are requesting an update sir."

2013-03-18, 08:53 PM
Sienn let out an eerie cackle as she lay on the ground, "Woo-hah-hah-hah!!" before unceremoniously rolling onto her side and then climbing to her feet, pressing a little button on her belt-mounted commlink as she did so.

"Look at you go!"


Inside the Reaper, Sparkles rolled itself out of one of the closets as it hears the commotion outside as a comms device beeped within its polished, chrome head: "Look at you go!" in Sienn's voice. Rolling into the cockpit, it beeps excitedly when it see's its owner before it quieting itself when seeing the one she's facing off with.

Emitting a series of shrill, energetic whines, the little droids information arm slides into the computer monitor jack...


In the hanger, unbeknownst to the Paladin, but visible to the twi'lek, the pair light turbolasers affixed to the Reapers chin whirred up from resting position and swiveled to about to point their muzzles at the Paladin.

Seeing this, Sienn's smirk widened. Sparkles had got her message. Her lips sealed shut, the twi'lek giggled as she reached to her side, collecting a nearby fuel canister from a rack that was undoubtedly employed to repair and refit starfighters before and during the course of a battle. Grabbing it up with the Force and throwing it...next to the Paladin. She didn't even try to hit him.

Abruptly, a forest of thick, green lances spewed from the weapons in a ear-blasting torrent. The crescendo of destruction painted the Paladins position, smoldering the deck floor and detonating the fuel canister to send a soft earthquake of sensation rippling out from the point of impact. Smoke and debris billowed out in thick, black fumes as fires tripped the red-strobe lights to bask the hanger in a chaotic red haze of an emergency.

"Heh heh heh...they're always defiant..." Sienn's voice cut through the haze.

"But in the end it's always the same: they scream and they cry!"

Electricity filled the air as another tempest of Force Lightning ripped through the confusion to engulf the paladin, searing his armor and calcifying the bones.

Move Action: Getting up.
Swift Action: Activate comm-link to Sparkles.
Then, holding/readying action until before Sparkles acts.

Sparkles Initiative: 1d20+16=28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979536/) -10 for size of the Reaper, so 18.

Move Action: Moves into the cockcpit.
Swift Action: Turns the ship on.
Standard Action: Autofire against the Paladin with the Reapers light turbolasers.
To hit: Attack 1d20+9=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979542/)
He'll obviously miss, so Paladin takes:
3d10=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979534/)x5 = 80 damage, but 40 damage seems as Sparkles missed.

Then, having held her action: (In case she needs to "notice" this: Perception 1d20+13=27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979545/))

Standard Action 1: Use the Force on a nearby fuel canister, or proton torpedo rack - there's bound to be some lying about on racks in a hanger during an engagement.
Use the Force: 1d20+19=22 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979522/)
Hmm, Sith Gauntlet to re-roll:
1d20+19=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979524/)
/sigh, that'll have to do.
Seems as she isn't throwing the item at Paladin, I don't think she has to make an attack roll: she just places it next to him, and seems as I doubt the item has a Will defense, it doesn't get a say in the matter.
Damage the equivalent of detonate as we spoke of: 5d6=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979634/)

Second Standard Action:
Another Force Lightning barrage: 1d20+19=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979527/)
Damage: 9d6=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979598/)
Spending another Force Point to move him another -1 along the CT, so for -2 in total.
If she has to spend a Force point to overcome a Rebuke attempt then: 2d6=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3979662/) - 37.

2013-03-19, 01:04 AM
Kradu ducked as the ship's weapons fired inside the hangar.

"M4, remind me never to get on her bad side, okay?" He said.

2013-03-19, 01:37 AM

"This unit does not think she has another side to get on Doctor."

2013-03-19, 04:13 AM
Mira ducked back beside Lakota as the hangar bay erupted into green laser fire and more crackling blue lightning. So this must be what happened to that Rebel cell years ago...no wonder she seemed confident.
Okay, you're right, that thing isn't going to take prisoners. She's more likely to cut us to bloody ribbons and dance on our remains. And she's polishing the hangar floor with your Paladin! She injected the edge of panic into her voice that she hoped would carry over to the Lieutenant Commander.
Look, you need to tell me what you know about your fleet here, and you need to give me your comlink. Our prisoner said something when we hauled him out of that Imperial base, and I think you might be being lured into a trap. There could be more like...her. Down on the planet. Mira eased into a firm, commanding tone as she stretched out her arm to take Lakota's comlink from her. The shaken girl looked like she would do anything to have some reassurance in the face of the maelstrom in front of her, even if it meant taking orders from a complete stranger.
I have to warn your captain. While there's still time...

Holocron Coder
2013-03-19, 08:13 AM
Lt Colonel Tobias

Assuming the information about the boarding locations will be relayed once Chronic posts...

Tobias listens to the report about the two entry points. I can only be at one location. Major Dagan will have to take the other. As much as I trust in her skills, I'd handle repelling them from the turbolaser batteries. We can't afford to have those under rebel control, he muses to himself. Aloud, he speaks, "Major Dagan, take half of the troopers here and head for the prow sensor station. Keep the rebels from taking or destroying our eyes. I'll take the remainder and head towards the starboard turbolasers."

As the men begin packing up to move out, he murmurs to Dagan, "Be willing to take prisoners, but be cautious. Rebels have a tendency to play mind games. Best of luck."

Troops prepared, he heads towards the starboard turbolaser batteries at a dignified hustle.

2013-03-19, 08:47 AM
The turbolaser were unable to lock onto to such a small target so the blast only partially caught Ragnir still it turned the entire right side of his armor an ashen black color that clashed with the rest of him. The lightening blast did just as much damage as the turbo laser fire. Smoke rose from his armor plates in spots.

"Sometimes evil requires some non-conventional smiting." His voice was pained. "After all even half dead I'm in an armored space hardened suit and your not.

He reached down and pressed a switch on his utility belt. The static field at the mouth of the docking bay that protected it from hard vacuum of space suddenly dropped. Everything that wasn't bolted to the surface or wall of the bay suddenly whipped across the floor to starboard side being sucked toward the large open maw in the ship to space.

"So long scum." The paladin jumped up and a blue flare lit under him a small jet pack in his armor carried him up to the catwalk above their heads and out of sight. The rebels in the side chambers had sealed their hatches. The men on the catwalk screamed and scrambled for purchase already two bodies tumbled across the floor. Several boxes, crates, and canisters smashed against the side of the Reaver before rolling past out into the vacuum.

2013-03-19, 09:25 AM
Sienn watched as the Paladin of light and justice bravely abandoned his troops to the vacuum of space, and shoot off into the air atop a pyre of blue flame.


By this time the air of the hanger rushed out into the emptiness of space, hurling debris as anything not secured down became a living, dangerous missile. As a twi'lek of not even a hundred and fifty pounds, Sienn quickly found herself airborne.

Deactivating her lightsabre and splaying her long, blue fingers, Sienn reached to her own utility belt and wretched at the liquid cable dispenser. Flinging the powerful cable as it polymerised upon contact with the air, Sienn used the Force to encircle its end around around a ladder that protruded from within one of the hanger walls. Grunting softly from the jolt that almost broke her in two, the twi'lek, for a few seconds, stared weightlessly at the beautiful expanse of space that lay beyond the hanger: each star a solar system, each nebula a silent witness to million of years.

Reaching out again with her eldritch abilities, Sienn smashed the emergency lock that should cause the the physical, metal shielding to shutter across the hanger opening in case of such events as this.

Swift action: Activating her liquid cable dispenser on her utility belt.
Move Action: Use the Force to Manipulate Light Object her liquid cable dispense to fasten herself to something, like a wall-mounted ladder. Use the Force: 1d20+19=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3980328/)
Hmm, not too good: will re-roll with gauntlet if need too.
Turning her Standard Action into a Move Action: Use the Force to Manipulate Light Object activate the emergency hanger sealing process that these places should have that over-ride things: 1d20+19=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3980385/)

2013-03-19, 01:07 PM

The battle now mostly over, M4 reached out and grabbed hold of the Doctor as the atmosphere was sucked out of the hanger and the open corridor. "Hang on doctor." M4 grabbed hold of anything he could to keep them from getting sucked into the hanger.

2013-03-19, 05:52 PM
Patriot Docking Bay

"Don't let me go!" Lakota screamed as she grabbed Rada's arm the force lifted the small human completely off the ground.

The emergency metal shutters for the hangar groaned then screamed in their metal housings turbo laser fire from the Interrogator had partially slagged the overlapping metal panels, they sprang across the hanger but multiple rents and slagged furrows of metal caused the metal scrape against the housing. Three glowing holes the size of a small body were loosely plugged by debris, an astromech droid plugged one hole its warbling trills screeched across the bay. Three rebel marines hit the wall at bone snapping force. The center shutter buckled in it's housing, it was too damaged to hold back the vacuum for longer than a minute at best. The nearly homicidal ripping force lessened to a degree instead harsh wind blasted across the docking bay floor as the atmosphere leaked into space. The shutters groaned ominously the thin metal armor screeched as the suction of the vacuum seemed ready to pull the damaged emergency door completely off the runner and into space.

The air was very thin the available oxygen was rapidly becoming less than what an average humanoid would need to sustain life.

Interrogator Bridge

"Sir we received an automated alert from the Hammer. Standard ship in distress but we are not able to raise anyone on the holoviewer. No reply from the Anvil." The communications ensign reported his voice had a slight tremble to it.

"Sir the rebel Nebulon-B is powering its remaining thrusters they appear to be trying to make a departure vector." The sensors chief spoke up as the grisly man stroked a fine gray goatee. "Our spy mistress still hasn't gotten off her."

"Sir!" A young fire touched lieutenant stood up from a tactical station, "Security reports the shuttles evaded our turbo lasers and cut into the maintenance access ways in vicinity of the prow sensor station. "Major Dagan is getting into position to cut them off at the corridor junction out of there. Colonel Tobias' men are at the Starboard turbolaser battery ready to meet the boarders!"

Starboard Airlock - Heavy Turbolaser Battery A1 - Munition Handling Dock 326

Tobias' men were in place when the airlock bulged and blew in. Rebel sappers had primed the door with detonate the force explosion rolled across the floor and caused ears to pop and atmospheric alarms to start going off. A battle cry sounded from with in the shuttle and Rebel troopers charged into the smoke filled fray.

Will have a map soon roll initiative.

Space Around the Interrogator

The rebel fighters broke into two groups, those breaking off and returning to the limping frigate and those that made a suicidal rush at the Interrogator can covered the two Assault Shuttles attached and began to board.

2013-03-19, 06:23 PM
Mira felt the comlink Lakota had handed her almost rip itself from her grasp as the entire bay suddenly opened itself up to the vacuum of space. She staggered forwards before she could catch herself, slipping back out the docking bay tube and towards the expansive blackness beyond. For several gut-wrenching seconds her hands clawed desperately at the smooth bulkheads she slid past, failing to find any purchase as she was whisked forwards. Her hair whipped into her face, obscuring her vision, and her frantic attempts to grapple with something, anything, that could save her met only with slick, uncaring metal.
Then something struck the emergency control panel, she couldn't see what, and the bay doors came shuttering out, sealing in the precious remaining oxygen and arresting Mira's movement just short of the bay's edge. She paused for the briefest of seconds to regain her breath as her rational mind struggled to reassert itself, pushing back the primal terror and panic that had just threatened to overwhelm her. When she looked back up to the catwalk overhead, it was once again with the grim demeanour of Imperial Intelligence: an icy, hard exterior with a cold rage burning behind her eyes. The Paladin's stunt had scared her more than she would have cared to admit, and she was not accustomed to allowing anyone to inspire that reaction in her. Despite the continued flow of air past her and out the damaged bay doors, Mira straightened to Imperial posture and raised her voice to be heard across the insistent whistling, shouting directly up at the catwalk to which Ragnir had retreated.
This is how you serve your cause, you false knight? Slaughter your own men while you run fleeing? Feed them to the wolves so you can turn tail and hide? You failed to kill this Sith, and she is going to slaughter her way back through every trooper on this ship to get to you. You failed: come back and face the consequence of your failure without squandering the lives of everyone under your command on your error in judgement, you coward!

Dropping any pretence of disguise to regain me access to my Inspire Fear talent.

Move Action: Move towards the centre of the hangar. If Ragnir fails to reappear, I'm using my full movement towards the door Kradu and M4 are in.

Standard Action: Demand Surrender of Ragnir, taking 10 and spending a Force Point on the Persuasion check for a total of 31 + [roll0].

2013-03-19, 08:55 PM
"You're still alive, how unfortunate. I'll tell you this Imperial Agent I would snuff out star systems to see the Empire fall my methods will be brutal, that little tremor of fear you felt will happen again, you may grow accustomed to it. Lieutenant Commander Lakota you served me well, try to die bravely."

The voice seemed to come from all around the docking bay it crackled slightly as if from the ship's public announcement system. The wind made it hard to tell where it came from at all.

2013-03-19, 10:11 PM

"M4, may I humbly suggest we pursue a tactical withdrawal?" the doctor said, gesturing to the ship which had fired its lasers at Paladin.

He was surprised at how quiet his voice sounded.

"Sound needs air, dummy," he thought.

2013-03-19, 10:40 PM
Laying on the steel floor and staring up at the roof, Sienn almost snuggled into the spot as the fatigue she had cultivated quickly seeped away from her limbs and system.

"Ah..." she exhaled softly, before standing up to her feet.

Disconnecting her cable dispenser, the twi'lek walked over to the collection of people as the Paladin was giving his speech bravely from his hiding spot amongst the rafters.

Spotting the woman with blue hair and seeing her rank insignia upon her uniform as that of a rebel commander, Sienn guessed that this must be Lakota. She didn't recognise the other people present - most of the rebel marines seemed taken out of action, while a magnificent looking woman stood defiantly while staring up at the rafters where Ragnir slithered off to, while another fellow - whose stance, eye-movements and posture indicated he probably knew how to handle himself quite well - also stood by.

"Lakota, right?" Sienns green eyes flashed brightly as she questioned the blue-haired woman.

"Hehe, don't worry, I remember when my master tried to kill me too!" she beamed.

"But! That does leave you with no current allegience." Sienn continued, this time striding past Lakota, turning on the heel of her boot to walk backwards so that she could keep talking to the girl while she moved.

She gestured to the emergency metal sheets that were straining against the incredible pressure compressing their integrity. If Sienns words weren't compelling enough for the commander, then perhaps the abrupt screetch of tortured metal that screamed through the hanger would be.

"But if you'd rather end up purple, bloated and fetal before splattering against the viewscreen of the next salvage ship, I'm sure Ragnir will duty note his sacrifice!"

Turning and heading towards one of the sealed doors, Sienn yelled over her shoulder in the direction of Kradu and M1.

"Doctor, Tinman - this way!" she uttered, hoping they recalled the original plan to infiltrate the engineering bay. If Ragnir was listening, all the better, Sienn was sure there were some fun toys to play with in engineering.

Sienn then pulled her commlink up and uttered something: her voice changed...it was softer, pleasant, almost flirtatious sounding syllables danced out of her lips. She was speaking in Ryl, the native language of twi'leks everywhere.

<"Sparkles. When that hanger bay door opens take the Reaper into space and stay close enough to the Nebulon-B to kiss it. Tell the bridge that there was a hanger blowout and that this is the ony way you can keep the ship nearby and out of Imperial hands.">


Approaching the doorway, Sienn didn't break her stride. When it would look like she'd run into the doorway in a hilarious and clumsy manner, her entire figure seemed to demolecularise and melt into the sealed blast door, passing through until she wasn't there anymore.

Once on the other side of the blastdoor, Sienn activated the control console to open it up and let the others through.

Making a Persuasion roll against Commander Lakota to join her: 1d20+14=29 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3981608/)
I hope that Sienn gets bonuses due to: her emerging relatively unscathed after having smacked around Lakota's last boss, Ragnir leaving her to die, and Sienn showing her some mercy by not killing her on sight and opening one of the sealed doors to let everyone out.

When reaching the door, Sienn is using Phase to pass through it. I don't have access to the book at the moment, but with a 1d20+19=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3981610/) on the Use the Force roll, Sienn shouldn't have any worries passing through the door and into the hall-way on the other side.

Once on the other side, she'll open the sealed door to let others through.

Just a heads up to Random and GAT: Sienn isn't addressing either of your characters because you look like normal civilians to her at the moment, albeit impressive ones, so she's lumping you in with Commander Lakota. Just didn't want you guys thinking I was snobbing you.

2013-03-19, 11:10 PM
Lakota stared at the Twi'lek forcer user with revulsion and horror battling on her face she took two steps back unarmed frightened.

"Stay away from me monster." Her teeth chattered she tried to stand behind the woman who had taken her communicator. She looked at the other woman fear battling respect. "I surrender just don't kill me, please."

There was a sound of metal hatch slamming shut from somewhere above. Ragnir's hard metal voice rasped across the ship's internal PA. The

"All personnel, this is Paladin Ragnir abandon ship. The Imperial Star Destroyer is about to fire on us again I will pilot the ship into the Imp hull. Please evacuate before anyone needlessly dies." There was a slight pause then a asexual voice of protocol droid announced.

"Please be aware the Patriot's self destruct sequence has been activated all personnel have two minutes to evacuate to the nearest escape pod, thank you and have a pleasant day."

The ship's PA cut off.

2013-03-19, 11:26 PM

M4 nodded and held the doctor to his chest, "I think your right Doctor the time has come to retreat in full." M4 inwardly winced as he realized he said 'I' instead of 'this unit'. OH well, holding the doc close M4 bent a bit and lit up his thrusters, flying threw the corridor and toward the "Reaver". "Twi'Lek Force user, we are heading to your ship, please make your way there, as our plans have been forced to shift." M4 spoke that over his internal comlink to Sienn and any imps using that same frequency. M4 wasted no time with trying to fire on any rebels instead simply rocketing towards the ship with his flight systems on full tilt.

Standard action: Grabbing the doc.
Move action: Flying towards the ship like Death was nipping at my hydraulics.

2013-03-19, 11:29 PM
Sienn shrugged at Lakota's apparent horror.

"Oh well, if you want to go down on a sinking ship with your loser boss, suit yourself! You might want to start holding your breath because it'll be a long swim through space until the nearest rebel vessel."

Then Ragnirs voice echoed throughout the chamber. As it spoke, the twi'leks ear cones twitched softly as she listened in, walking back across the hanger floor and to her ship.

"How noble." she uttered dismissively to herself at Ragnirs glorious sacrifice.

"Come'on boys, that's our cue to - oh, there you are." she was cut off as Kradu and the wardroid came rocketing out of the adjacent hallway.

"What about you lot?" she asked the crew of disguised Imperials as she walked past them to her ship. Sienn's sole job was the safe retrieval of Dr Kradu...anything beyond that was just entertainment for her.

Moving to the Reaver, Sienn got to the beginning of the extended entrance hatch. Looking up at the hole the marines had burned into the door to evacuate her earlier, the twi'lek clicked her tongue, "Schutta's..." she uttered under breath, making her way up. The second sequence of airlocks would protect them from space, but the fact she had to get it repaired was quite irritating.

2013-03-20, 01:04 AM
"What about you lot?"

I think we will be fine on our own. Thank you for the offer. Mira nodded her head ever so gently to the Twi'Lek as the two women walked past each other, walking again with poise and a confident bearing that had been hiding until now. This charade over, she saw no reason to continue the deception, and she spoke to the Dark Jedi as if they were colleagues passing in a hallway. She gestured Rada back down the docking shaft.
Shall we? She placed a firm hand on Lakota as she walked past, still cordial but now as unyielding as durasteel.
You can come with us. And you will tell me everything you know about this Paladin Ragnir, and of this mission to Togoria. Her tone did not offer an alternative, although she could tell from the other woman's face she was glad enough not to have to evacuate on the same ship as the Twi'Lek.

Retreat back to my ship and disengage from the Patriot. Take 10 on Persuade to get Lakota to spill the beans = 31.

2013-03-20, 01:35 AM
"Right," Rada said, finally working his way free of the assorted detritus that had landed on him in the brief exposure to vacuum. But first, he took the common sense precaution of relieving the rebel Commander of her weapons. "And if you want to cause trouble, go ahead. Then I'll have to blast you, which'll make it that much easier for me to collect hazard pay." He awarded her a quick smile and then practically jumped down the boarding tube for the Rusted Duck. Making the bottom, he ran for the cockpit, powering up the ship while trying to punch a line through the jamming to the Interrogator.

2013-03-20, 01:55 AM

"Whooooaaaa!" Kradu said as M4 grabbed him and rocketed towards the freighter.

Once there, he waved frantically towards Sienn.

"C'mon, c'mon!" He said, "let's get offa this death trap!"

trust: extra standard action to Sienn so she can get to/open the ship faster

2013-03-20, 02:30 AM
Walking up the ramp, Sienn waited for the good Doctor and wardroid to catch up with her. When they did, she opened the inner airlock and stepped through, a strange calmness to her actions. It's almost as if the lack of immediate, violent stimulation had calmd her down.

Moving into the innards of the Firespray, Sienn passed the chamber filled with cryotubes and plonked her blue butt down in the cockpit. An astromech droid piped up from her side, Sparkles, its head spinning slightly as it garbled out a string of beeps and bops.

"Yes, yes, yes - now is not the time for panic."

The Reaver shuddered as it hefted off the hanger floor. It pivoted upon its central as it rearranged itself so that it's durable "head" was facing the flimsy, thin metal that was barely holding back the powerful vacuous power that caused the air to rush out.

Waiting a little while to ensure the other civilians had boarded their own ship, Sienn applied all shields to the impact zone then gently nudged forward - pressing the helm of the ship agaisnt the feeble metal and slowly applying pressure. A jolting shock rushed across the frame of the ship that vibrated the skeletons of all on board when the ships metal touched against the durasteel of the puny hanger door. She was sure that this method would be less damaging than simply crashing through the barrier.

Once outside: (only expand if she makes it out of the Hanger)
Sienn gunned the engines, reapplying the shields in a more even manner.

The expanse of space opened up to bask the expansive cockpit viewport of the Firefly with an enviously beautiful view. Before them was the emerald-indigo sphere of Torogia, suspended in space as an exotic fruit. Upon the edge of its furthest horizon glittered the specks of the bulk of the incoming fleet, while off to its side resided the seeminng meagre Imperial resistance that stoically awaited the embrace of their enemy. Flecked about the Empire's few war vessels were a cloud of starfighters dodging, weaving and spewing spears at each other in a frantic life-or-death battle: occassionally an orange fireball would erupt to signify a hit, before it was snuffed out and returned to atoms.

"Things are going to get pretty heated." Sienn said, her voice rather calm as she pointed a blue, gauntleted hand in the direction of the approaching rebel fleet.

Space outside seemed to smear across to the right as the twi'lek turned her ship to place her on a different course. Sienns instincts told her to flee - to simply turn the ship around and hyperjump back to High Admiral Teradoc...but the sliver of loyalty to the Empire that resided within her was much too compelling to put up with that. This sector was a territory of the Empire, and in the wake of the disasterous...painful events of Endor, the Empire existed upon the boarders of its dominion. Pursing her lips and silently cursing herself, the twi'lek gunned the engines forward to deliver her ship quicker to the Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyer.

"Sparkles, transpond our code to that Victory class - I'd rather avoid having our welcome be a turbolaser to the face."

Beepity-bop-bo-boo! the droid responded, getting to work.

Not "ramming" the hanger bay door, but isntead just applying pressure along with the buckling compression that the door is already under.

If such a thing needs a pilot check, then I'll take 10 if this isn't as stressful as combat, so that should be a 22 on the roll.

If I can't take 20, then: 1d20+12=31 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3981855/)

Holocron Coder
2013-03-20, 08:21 AM
Lt Colonel Ran Tobias (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524091)

HP 67/67, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 23
Defenses: Fort 23, Ref 26, Will 30
Skills Deception +20, Gather Information +15, Initiative +9, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, knowledge (social sciences) +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Perception +11, Persuasion +20, Use Computer +13
Force Points 11
Attacks Heavy Blaster Pistol (+7, 3d8+5 energy damage, 20/x2)

Hopefully having arrived at least a few moments before the rebels breached the wall, Tobias will direct troops to various cover placements around the room. If he has an idea of where the breach will occur, he directs the troops to flank and cover that position for highest possible effectiveness.

Initiative - (1d20+9)[23] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14927764&postcount=402)
[roll0] to set up the room before the breach, if possible.

2013-03-20, 12:35 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 140; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

Well, it looked like that idiot Ronsu might have gotten what he deserved... Still, it would have been better if he'd had the class not to take two very expensive Star Destroyers down with him in his blaze of failure.

Might as well go see if at least one of them could be salvaged, or at least have a report ready for his superiors about what had happened.

"Recall our starfighters and nearby transports, including the...Reaver, that just left the enemy frigate." the Captain read off of a display as he moved over to look down at a station in the crew pit. "Weapons, except for turbolaser battery one, as soon as Agent Tavik's ship is away destroy the Nebulon-B. Turbolaser battery one, destroy the assault shuttle in our tractor beam." he swiftly ordered. "Inform the captains of our Lancer escorts to prepare for hyperspace and convey my gratitude for their exemplary performance in this engagement. Set a course for a mini-jump just outside the system to throw off pursuit, then we'll proceed with all haste to the Boz Pity system to ascertain the Admiral's fate. Sublight engines to full power until we're clear of the gravity well."

Once both transports broke away from the Patriot, the heavy weapons batteries of the Victory-class Star Destroyer opened up once more to erase it from space. Green fire lashed out at the smaller ship, painting it then crumpling its shields and armor plating, reducing the latter to melted slag.

As the crew around him moved with purpose, following his orders, Captain Kang sat back down in his chair. Today's battle had not been his finest hour, but he had cost the Rebels dearly. They would have to hold Togoria without the Star Galleon's troops or a mobile carrier base for most of their fighters. If he moved quickly, and with some support, he could return to take back the world soon. He would have Colonel Tobias begin drawing up assault plans once they were away. And speaking of which...

The Captain depressed a button on the arm of his chair, opening a channel to his stormtrooper commander. "Colonel Tobias, I assume you have the boarders well in hand?"

Captain's Aid on HT1: (Taking 10) 27
Combined Fire on Nebulon-B (+1dmg per 2 instead of 3)
(Note: Nebulon-B Reflex 24, Assault Shuttle is Tractored and loses its Dex Bonus to Reflex. If it can still fight defensively without moving it should be at either 23 or 18? I'm not sure.)
Heavy Turbolaser 1 targeting Assault Shuttle in Tractor Beam.
Heavy Turbolaser 1 (Short): [roll0] (+3=24)
Force Point: 1d6=1, 1d6=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3982325/)
Damage: 7d10+5=39 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3982326/) (x5) [195]
Heavy Turbolasers 2-4 targeting Nebulon-B.
Heavy Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll1] (MISS)
Heavy Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll2] (MISS)
Heavy Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll3] [B](Expending Maneuver for Devastating Hit. +1 die of Damage.)
Damage: 8d10+5=52 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3982333/) (x5) [260]
Double Turbolasers targeting Nebulon-B frigate.
Double Turbolaser 1 (Long): [roll4]
Damage: 4d10+5=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3982334/) (x5) [115]
Double Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll5] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll6] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll7] (MISS)
Ion Cannons targeting Nebulon-B frigate.
Heavy Ion Cannon 1 (Long): [roll8] (MISS)
Heavy Ion Cannon 2 (Long): [roll9] (MISS)
Tractor Beams targeting Assault Shuttle.
Tractor Beam 1 DC17 (Long): [roll10]
Opposed Grapple: [roll11]
Tractor Beam 2 DC17 (Long): MAINTAIN HOLD
Opposed Grapple: [roll12]

Engineering DC20 Shield Recharge: [roll13]

2013-03-20, 12:45 PM

M4 let the doctor go and boarded the ship, but before leaving he turned and captured an image of the 'Paladin'. Tracking height, weight, and supposed physicality underneath that armor. He attached a simple message in binary to the image 'kill on site'. Once Boarded M4 inspected the interior of the ship as the Twi'lek began to take it out of the ship, he was almost knocked to this feet the ship rammed threw the metal shutters.

"Doctor, this unit suggests flagging the woman for psychiatric evaluation." He than found a safe place to stand and proceeded to charge his shields back up, between all the marines blaster fire and that suicide grenade they'd been reduced to almost nothing.

2013-03-20, 07:01 PM

"That action itself might be hazardous to my health, my dear M4," Dr. Kradu replied as he strapped himself into a seat.

Edit: the ship jolted as they passed through the blast door and into outer space.

"Might as well make ourselves useful," he muttered.

"Is there a laser turret M4 could man... Err, droid, whatever? I'm going to see what I can do to boost the shields from engineering," he said, "unless there's something else you'd rather I do."

2013-03-22, 07:14 PM


Rada, Agent Tavik, the Imperial troopers, and Lakota all piled down the docking tube and into Agent Tavik's ship it powered up smoothly as automated features in the docking tube let the ship cast away in emergency situations. The comlink chirped in an open link the jamming was gone but the channels were in chaos. Rebel escape pods littered the space around the Patriot as the crew abandoned ship and debris from the StarGalleon clogged maneuverable space port of the freighter. Rebel and Imperial fighters mixed it up at point blank range as the Interrogator closed in on the limping Patriot.

With her crew abandoning ship and already crippled by the punishment the Captain Kang's crew had dealt her the Patriot could list as Rada piloted the Agent's ship clear of the Rebel frigate. A final barrage of rebel turbolaser fire splashed against the Interrogator's shields but failed to breach them.

Aboard the Reaver the little astromech droid twittered nervously as Sienn pushed against the weakened emergency shutters with the Reaver's forward shields. The doors stripped away as the rest of the atmosphere blasted clear of the bay. Sensor alerts trilled as the Interrogator's main batteries powered up again. The little Firespray 31 cleared the hangar just as the first green and blue lances impacted the Patriot.

The Nebulon-B Frigate shields fell and a firestorm ravaged the ship as the main turbolaser batteries savaged the prow of the ship and stamped a trail of destruction across the ship's spine until it snapped and the Patriot broke apart into multiple pieces of slag, the power regulators blew out in the primary turbolaser batteries and a brilliant red ball of fire surrounded the front of the ship before the glare faded and left the blackened remains of the Rebel frigate. Dozens of escape pods littered the space around it, more than likely most of her crew made it off the ship before it blew.

Rebel starfighters made the space around the destroyed frigate very hot for any Imperial craft as the fighter pilots fought to protect their remaining crew mates. The Interrogator and the three Lancer-class Frigate loomed over the scrap heap of destroyed Rebel warships.

Then red and blue turbolaser fire splashed against the rear Lancer brushing it's shields and scorching armor plating from the little frigate as the Odysseus MC-80 moved into firing range. Flights of Rebel A-Wings and B-Wings were closing with the trailing elements of the Imperial fleet but the fleet was clear of Togoria's gravity well while Rebel reinforcements were still climbigb out of the planet's gravity. A momentary advantage in speed lay with the Imperial fighters and warships.

Space Around the Interrogator

"Delta 1." Yeril's voice came through the interference, "the Interrogator is preparing for a jump to hyperspace time to go ho-"

The transmission broke off in interference as a set of proton torpedoes smashed into Yeril's ship and exploded in a brilliant ball of fire. There had been zero electronic warning, they had never been locked onto the Interceptor.

Interrogator Bridge

"Captain," The helmsman at his station looked, "the micro-jump course is plotted awaiting your order to execute. Jump telemetry has been tight beam transmitted to the Dart, Lash, and Scourge all three ships signal ready to execute at your command. The Scourge reports taking fire from the MC-80 minor damage only."

The communications ensign was still hung over his council, "This is the Interrogator to all remaining TIE Fighter element dock now if you want a ride home. Rusted Duck and Reaver you are clear to dock in Command Docking Bay 2."

The senior non-commissioned officer at the tactical terminal, "Colonel Tobias' men and the internal scanners report blaster fire in Turbo Battery A1 and Major Dagan's men are exchaning blaster fire with the rebels near the forward sensor suite. The rebel's in the prow are better equipped Major Dagan's men are in a a serious firefight, sir."

Starboard Airlock - Heavy Turbolaser Battery A1 - Munition Handling Dock 326

Init: Stormtroopers: [28]
LTC Tobias: [23]
Rebel Boarders: [12]
Stormtrooper 1: Blaster Rifle: [roll0] / Hit [roll1]
Stormtrooper 2: Blaster Rifle: [roll2] / Hit [roll3]
Stormtrooper 3: Blaster Rifle: [roll4] / Hit [roll5]
Stormtrooper 4: Blaster Rifle: [roll6] / Hit [roll7]
Stormtrooper 5: Blaster Rifle: [roll8] / Hit [roll9]
Stormtrooper 6: Blaster Rifle: [roll10] / Hit [roll11]
Stormtrooper 7: Blaster Rifle: [roll12] / Hit [roll13]
Stormtrooper 8: Blaster Rifle: [roll14] / Hit [roll15]
Stormtrooper 9: Blaster Rifle: [roll16] / Hit [roll17]
Stormtrooper 10: Blaster Rifle: [roll18] / Hit [roll19]
Stormtrooper 11: Blaster Rifle: [roll20] / Hit [roll21]
Stormtrooper 12: Blaster Rifle: [roll22] / Hit [roll23]
Stormtrooper 13: Blaster Rifle: [roll24] / Hit [roll25]
Stormtrooper 14: Blaster Rifle: [roll26] / Hit [roll27]
Stormtrooper 15: Blaster Rifle: [roll28] / Hit [roll29]

LTC Tobias was emplace in parital cover with his platoon of Stormtroopers when the Rebel stormed in under the cover of the smoke of the explosion from the blast door being blown in. More a dozen storm up the assault ramp from the shuttle, more voices could be heard from inside.

The Stormtroopers of the Interrogator were ready disciplined fire burned into the Rebels even with bodies on the floor a dozen rebels stormed the room and had a foot hold and blaster fire burned back and forth at point blank range.

2013-03-22, 07:39 PM
"Home sweet home, boys." Sienn said over her shoulder as she guided the Reaver beneath the Victory-class Star Destroyer. Its durasteel belly encompassed almost the entirety of the Firesprays cockpit as other smaller, darker jagged shapes were swarming back from their fight with the rebels.

Uninterrupted, the Reaver slid through space before bringing itself up at the chin to penetrate the large, open square and slide into the womb of the warship. Pressing past the first set of shield generators to protect the hanger bays from the vacuum of space, the Reaver headed into Docking Bay 2 before gently easing itself down and coming to a rest on its back.

The hum of the ships enginges steadily died down as the quatro inside the cockpit stared upwards at the network of pipes, catwalks and cranes adorning the hanger bay ceiling.

Looking over her shoulder as she got out of her chair, Sienn smirked "Another happy landing."

2013-03-22, 08:05 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

"Helm, you may execute hyperspace jump as soon as our support craft are aboard." the Captain let the pilot loose on his own recognizance on when to fire them off into lightspeed. The Captain had to learn to let the expert crew do its job while he split his own attention between several different avenues. He trusted his men to do their duty.

"Turbolaser battery A1. Lock down and leave the fighting to Lt. Colonel Tobias. Operations, I want A1 at an output of zero, shut down all power flow to that emplacement for the time being so that on the small chance it's overrun and taken over or sabotaged the rebels won't be able to do anything with it. Send reinforcements to Major Dagan and invite Agent Tavik and our new passengers to by all means make themselves useful by joining the fight. Lock down those assault shuttles, as well. I don't want them damaged. They might be useful in the future." the Captain said as he walked over to the bridge gunnery station.

"Gunner, cover the Lancers. Direct all remaining batteries to fire on the Mon Calamari. I want to leave them with one hell of a bloody nose before we retreat. If that last assault shuttle is still alive, let the would-be boarders cool their heels in the tractor beam until we jump." the Captain finished dictating his orders as he sat down in his chair once more, leaving the crew to follow them.

Captain's Aid on HT2: (Taking 10) 27
Combined Fire on Mon Calamari (+1dmg per 2 instead of 3)
(Note: Just going to assume that the Mon Calamari is fighting defensively, giving it a Reflex of 21.)
Heavy Turbolaser 1 locked down to avoid being captured or blown up by boarders.
Heavy Turbolasers 2-4 targeting MC80.
Heavy Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll0] (MISS)
Heavy Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll1] (MISS)
Heavy Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll2] (MISS)
Damage: 9d10+5=55 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3987163/) (x5) [275]
Double Turbolasers targeting MC80.
Double Turbolaser 1 (Long): [roll3] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 2 (Long): [roll4] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 3 (Long): [roll5] (MISS)
Double Turbolaser 4 (Long): [roll6] (CRIT)
Damage: 7d10+5=54 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3987166/) (x5) [270; CRIT: 540]
Ion Cannons targeting MC80.
Heavy Ion Cannon 1 (Long): [roll7]
Damage: 4d10+5=28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3987171/) [140]
Heavy Ion Cannon 2 (Long): [roll8] (MISS)
Tractor Beams targeting Assault Shuttle.
Tractor Beam 1 DC17 (Long): MAINTAIN HOLD
Opposed Grapple: [roll9]
Tractor Beam 2 DC17 (Long): MAINTAIN HOLD
Opposed Grapple: [roll10]

Engineering DC20 Shield Recharge: [roll11] (+5 SR)

Note: By my calculations, the hit by the Double Turbolaser gave the Mon Cal condition damage, weakening its defense and thus allowing the following attack by Ion Cannon 1 to also hit. Ignore this if we're just saying that all of these attacks occur simultaneously. Also, it doesn't really matter since a damage roll of 140 probably doesn't do much more than shave a little off the MC80's shields at most.

2013-03-22, 10:20 PM
Dr. Doran Kradu

"Home eh?" Kradu said, unbuckling himself and standing up.

"Have you been on this ship before?" he asked as he moved towards the exit, not bothering to turn around to pose his query.

"Let's go meet the captain, whatever his name is..." he said.

The doctor stopped and cocked his head to one side.

"Speaking of names, what should I be calling you these days?" he asked, turning around and facing towards Sienn.

2013-03-22, 10:32 PM
Rada made a beeline for the Interrogator, weaving through wreckage and bolts of coherent light, finally screaming up towards the Star Destroyer's belly, only cutting the engines seconds before the freighter's prow smashed through the mag-con field that arbitrarily separated the docking bay from the void of space. Rada switched over to the repuslorlifts as the Rusted Duck barged in, flaring hard to kill momentum and realign the ship with the hangar deck.

"Home safe," he announced as he guided the ship to its designated landing zone. "And I didn't even scratch your paint job," he added with a note of pride.

"By the way, they said they're entertaining guests in the forward sensor array and A1 turbolaser battery, and that we're cordially invited to attend."

2013-03-22, 10:57 PM

M4 was ready to disembark, he stopped as the Doctor addressed the captain again. "I have been searching threw a small database of Imperial personal. Those with the training she possess's as well as force sensitivity, she is not in this database....though the list is a short one."

2013-03-22, 11:05 PM
"Your dashing saviour." Sienn responded, that smirk still there as she got out of the cockpit.

After retrieving something from her room, the twi'lek pulled a trim, light jacket around her frame and brushed her long lekku over her shoulders.

"But I'll settle for Vecta. Come along Sparkles."

The astromech droid extended its rollers and followed behind its owner. When the four of them had departed, Sienn locked the ship and approached the welcoming committee l.

2013-03-22, 11:27 PM

The possibility of it had already been ruled out, the woman was without a doubt not Lyn. But still as she flecked her lekku another memory file opened up and played a scene of Lyn putting on a coat with the same motion. M4's head twitched and a small spark surged across his head.

"Let us be off this ship." M4 ran another side by side comparison of the two, to remind himself again that not all Blue Twi'leks were Lyn. These flashes were starting to annoy the droid, he had ruled it out in less than a second but still his memory files continued to open around her. Finally he bent to the doctor and with his vocabulator turned down whispered (as best he could) into his ear.

"Doctor...when you have a moment there is something I...this Unit must discuss with you concerning...a Technical problem."

Holocron Coder
2013-03-23, 01:56 AM
Lt Colonel Ran Tobias (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524091)

HP 67/67, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 23
Defenses: Fort 23, Ref 26, Will 30
Skills Deception +20, Gather Information +15, Initiative +9, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, knowledge (social sciences) +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Perception +11, Persuasion +20, Use Computer +13
Force Points 11
Attacks Heavy Blaster Pistol (+7, 3d8+5 energy damage, 20/x2)

Standing in a relatively safe location, Lt Colonel Tobias barked out orders and encouraged his men, directing their fire more efficiently.

As he did so, he actively scanned the field, looking to see if there was anyone that was directing the combat or stood out among the crowd.

Swift - Activate Born Leader. All in LoS gain +1 insight bonus to atk for encounter.
Free? - [roll0] to search for enemy commanders or elite units
Move - Assault Tactics, [roll1] to give all allies +1d6 versus any important target (see previous check) or, if none found, some hapless rebel. Each attack on that target reduces their reflex defense by 1. lasts 1 round
Standard - [roll2] at the square 5 in front of Tobias, where the 7 are clustered together. [roll3]

2013-03-23, 04:50 AM

"Sure M4," Kradu replied, "err, here, or is it something we need to stop by Maintenance for?"

2013-03-23, 01:35 PM
Command Docking Bay 2

The last of the Imperial Starfighters docked aboard the Interrogator multiple births were empty more than half of the Starfighter compliment was missing or destroyed. It gave the docking hangar a rather subuded tone even as mechanics and tech ran back and forth across the black polished floors scrambling to refuel and recharge the squadrons. The tone in the command hanger was rather subdued as well only two Stormtroopers were present to meet Sienn and those two simply stood sentry at the large doors that exited the hangar otherwise the hangar was deserted except for the maintenance crews bringing a fuel skiff and power generators out to the Reaver and the Rusted Duck.

On the bridge the navigator manipulated the controls at his station. A hum of power ran through the floor and the stars blurred as the Interrogator jumped into hyperspace. The blue corona of Hyperspace only lasted for a handful for a seconds before realspace re-emerged as the helmsman completed the micro jump.

The tactical sergeant grunted, "Sir I've just registered a small explosion from Major Dagan's position I don't have communication with anyone from security down there and the internal security system is not showing me anything on camera."


Colonel Tobias' troopers mowed the rebels down, he even blasted one of the charging men himself. Their tactics were suicidal the Stormtroopers and the Colonel killed more than twenty Rebels before the remaining dozen started throwing their blasters down and raised hands. Some overeager troopers mowed down two surrendering rebels before the blaster fire ceased the Stormtrooper sergeant looked at Ran, "Orders, sir?"

Ten rebels stood among the bodies with their hands raised when the fire silenced the shuttle pilot and crew came up too with their hands raised.

"We surrender!"

Space Around the Interrogator
The three other Lancer frigates emerged from hyperspace about thirty seconds after Interrogator both the Dart and Lash looked crisp and brand new. The Scourge's armor glowed a dull red more than half of the aft starboard section of the ship seemed to have been branded.

"Sir the Scourge reports they took a final salvo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14951912#post14951912) from the MC80 before they jumped. Captain Dara is requesting to transfer the wounded crew members from the Scourge to the Interrogator. The Scourge looks functional but another hit from that MonCal Starcruiser will finish her off if they give chase." The communications ensign looked up from his station and reported to Captain Kang.

Mando-Assume you made it aboard before the jump.
Navigator's Astrogation Roll: DC 10 [roll0]

2013-03-23, 01:56 PM
Moving down the ramp-way of her ship, Sienn stretched her shoulders and her arms before peering about the hanger bay properly.

Spotting the doors in the distance, the twi'leks long legs carried her quickly towards the two stormtroopers.

"I'm going to need to see the captain of the ship." Sienn spoke matter-of-factly to the two guards.

"I'm escorting a VIP of the Empire and will need his cooperation in facilitating some requests."

2013-03-23, 02:15 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

"Calculate for jump two. Inform Scourge that they have permission to transfer all non-essential personnel to Interrogator, but I'm not willing to write off that frigate just yet. Tell them that they should begin to affect repairs and keep with us if at all possible." the Captain replied, his words calm and measured despite the situation. They'd had to retreat, but he'd done it with the loss of only two bulk cruisers thus far. He would not add a valuable anti-starfighter frigate to the death toll if he could help it.

"Inform Major Dagan that he should have an excellent explanation for his failure ready for me when next I see him. If Colonel Tobias is finished with the turbolaser battery boarders, have him reinforce the Major with all haste. I don't want Interrogator damaged any further." he frowned. With two thousand troops on board it was a wonder that these Rebel scum had even made it past the airlock... If Major Dagan was still alive then he was looking at a possible demotion. This was unacceptable.

He switched his focus once more, knowing that he didn't have the time to linger on any one subject. "Have Commander Yerill report to the bridge. I want an accurate assessment of our remaining fighter strength and a report of how our pilots faired in the last engagement." he ordered, not yet aware that the Commander was no longer amongst the living.

Assisting Pilot's Astrogation. Taking 10 on my Use Computer for a 22 if possible.
Pilot DC10: [roll0]

2013-03-23, 03:33 PM
"Home safe," Rada announced as he guided the ship to its designated landing zone. "And I didn't even scratch your paint job," he added with a note of pride.

Good work. As soon as this engagement with the Rebels no longer requires my attention I shall see to it that you are compensated for your effort.

"By the way, they said they're entertaining guests in the forward sensor array and A1 turbolaser battery, and that we're cordially invited to attend."

You are welcome to accept their invitation if you desire.
Mira gestured to the two Commandos in the small passenger section of her ship as she headed to the docking ramp.
Clean yourselves up with anything you need and then report to the A1 turbolaser battery. You both performed well, for your exemplary service I'm stripping you of your rank and title. If you want that salute, you'd better get it now. Tavik gave an uncommon little smile with her joke as she held out her hand to receive the rank cylinders back from the trooper. Despite his self-inflicted injuries, she knew he would be heading straight towards the lightfight and not the medical bay. It was exactly the kind of dedication that was expected of the forces of the Empire, and she was happy to see him upholding it.

Descending the ramp from the Nightclaw, Mira spotted the Twi'Lek that had caused so much damage aboard the Rebel vessel stretching casually and speaking to the hangar guards, as though she had just finished nothing more strenuous than a sporting competition. As she approached she overheard the woman's request, and Mira waved the troopers off as one of them looked over at her with what she was sure was an expression of uncertainty under his helmet. Without having seen her in action, the Twi'Lek looked more like she ought to be asking to dance for the captain than make requests of him.

I'll see to this, trooper. I am on my way to the bridge now, come with me and I'll escort you there. Bring your passengers too, I'm sure the captain will want to speak with them.
Despite her lack of obvious rank or identification, Mira was clearly no longer the quailing civilian she had appeared on the Patriot. She returned the stormtroopers back to their post with a flick of her wrist, and stepped past them into the hallways of the Star Destroyer, not waiting to see if the dark jedi followed or not.

2013-03-23, 04:26 PM
Command Docking Bay 2

The two troopers stood dumbfounded for a moment then the former Captain grinned and yanked off the rank insignias, "You're alright ma'am."
He turned to the other commando, "come on boys need our help bet the boss handled the big guns already let's scope out the sensors array." With that the two hulking former troopers took off at a dead sprint neither man bothered to change into his armor just grabbed their guns and went at it.

The Stormtrooper at the door didn't budge but looked at Miranda and in his voice there was a slight hint of relief came out in his curt, "Yes, ma'am." When Miranda took responsibility for Sienn and her companions. The big doors opened and the two troopers took the grav sled that would run down the ships belly toward the forward sensors array while a turbo into the command tower of the Star Destroyer was waiting for Sienn, Miranda, and the rest.

The big trooper in the bloody Imp officer uniform slammed a powerpack into his DLT-20A looked at Rada the other trooper paused at the sled's controls, "Wanna shoot some Rebs, Merc?"


"Yes sir, course plotted. We have four Lambda shuttles ferrying wounded from the Scourge to Docking Bay 1. More men are on their way to Forward Sensors Array, the techs in the Sesnor station report no contact they heard a large explosion and blaster fire but their only hearing sporadic blaster fire now they've magnecticlly sealed the blast door into the sensors array. The Reaver and the Rusted Duck are both docked sir, Agent Tavik and her entourage on en route to the bridge. We're not able to communicate with her, sir, Major Dagan that is." The communications ensign gave a brief report, "and Captain Dara on the holo sir."

The miniature holoprojector at the Captain's chair projected a small inch image of the matronly Captain of the Scourge. "Captain Kang, the Scourge is functional I will not abandon her, I still have all four guns and the ability to maneuver. The blast blast compromised some of the hull integrity around engineering, a power regulator blew out in sequence and the chain reaction shocked out terminals all over the ship. The Scourge can fly but I have 176 sailors with electrical burns that I'm not equipped to handle that will be transferring to the Interrogator, thank you sir. The rest of the crew and I will be affecting repairs while en route to Boz Pity."

2013-03-23, 05:34 PM
"Oh, why not? Doubt I'll get paid until they're gone anyway," Rada said, climbing aboard, then drawing and checking the charge levels on each of his Deathhammers in turn. Full, just as they were supposed to be.

2013-03-23, 07:53 PM

"It can wait till Maintenance, but it is Important." With that M4 follows Sienn outside of the ship clearing the way for Dr. Kradu. Vocabulator turned back up he announced to the troopers. "M4-X1 escort of Dr. Kradu reporting." He stood rigid at attention, his processor began going through several military regulation files making sure his posture was correct.

2013-03-23, 08:54 PM

"Alright M4, alright," Kradu replied, "look like we need to meet the Captain first, and it looks like he somehow got someone on board that Rebel frigate."

Gotta meet this guy, or girl? Hmmmm, could be interesting. Wait, why don't I just ask her?

Kradu quickened his pace to catch up with Mira.

"S'cuse me, err, ma'am," he said, not knowing what her rank was, "Dr. Doran Kradu, at your service. I'm just wondering, how exactly did you manage to get aboard that frigate?"

2013-03-23, 10:20 PM
Mira looked the doctor up and down as he introduced himself to her. This was the VIP the Twi'Lek had risked her life to get off that Rebel ship. She made a mental note to scour her databases for references to that name when she got the chance. In response to his question she smiled, a predatory expression that didn't reach her eyes.
I asked permission to come aboard, of course. Now how did you manage to get aboard? Your friend here seems to have gone to a lot of trouble to get you off it.

She hadn't failed to notice Kradu's struggle to address her, but Mira wasn't in the habit of being the first person to explain who she was. Once she was convinced this doctor didn't belong in an interrogation cell, she would let him know who she was. People tended to clam up fast when they learned they were talking to Imperial Intelligence.

And why exactly was that, I wonder? Not just anyone merits such an impressive escort: a Dark Jedi and a state-of-the-art combat droid?

2013-03-23, 10:26 PM
Sienn had barely been on the ship for a few minutes and already she was receiving an escort straight to the bridge. Mathematically it would be unknown of the twi'leks ego could inflate to any greater proportions.

<"Service with a smile."> Sienn replied to Mira, her native, melodic language sounding as if she was happy for the trip. A curiousity piqued within her at recognising the striding woman from within the Nebulon-B, and several scenario's ran through Sienns head as to exactly what this human had been doing there. The way she conducted herself about the ship and the authority she possessed that fortified her against retribution from the stormtroopers clearly indicated that she was someone of rank - and a high one too. Compounded with her imposing demeanor and Sienn expected she'd have to carefully go over whatever the woman said...deception seemed to be a potent weapon of hers.

The twi'lek followed behind the two humans, her ear-cones picking up what they were saying while her attention was rather rubber-necked. Peering about the insides of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer, Sienn inhaled the fragrance of the natural environment that the Imperials preferred to surround themselves with, its sterility offering a familiar comfort to the woman.

2013-03-24, 12:09 AM

"The simpletons thought I designed the Death Star," Kradu replied, "so they captured me, and my droid bodyguard."

He gestured to M4.

"As if I would have ever designed a battle station reactor exhaust port without a one-way pressure valve," he scoffed.

"Plus, what's the point of a giant laser that destroys everything, what if there's something down there you want?" He asked.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-24, 02:10 PM
Lt Colonel Tobias

Tobias directs the troopers to relieve the remaining rebels of their weapons, armor, and any other armament before detailing a portion of the troopers to bring the rebels to the ship's brig for later processing.

This area properly handled, he heads towards the forward sensor array with the rest of the troopers. On the way, he attempts to contact Major Dagan. "Major Dagan, report on your situation."

A few moments of silence results in a frown and a repeat of the order. Further silence causes Tobias to rush the rest of his forces down towards the sensor array.

2013-03-24, 06:52 PM

"And the act of destroying a planet had the opposite effect that had been desired. Instead of frightening the Rebels it galvanized them and drew more support." M4 followed Kradu, keeping his sensors up and on as he slowly scanned the room. Not looking for anything in particular just keeping a heads up.

"An act that repeats itself more than a few times in imperial history."

2013-03-24, 07:46 PM
Dr. Kradu

Kradu gave M4 an odd look.

"Well, you're just full of surprises, aren't you, M4," Kradu replied, "never thought I'd hear something like that coming from a combat droid's vocabulator."

Mando Knight
2013-03-24, 07:56 PM
Sandez pulls herself out of her Interceptor, and double-checks her count... before the jump, she thought she'd counted only herself, four standard TIEs, and possibly all the bombers...

Then she receives the captain's orders for Yeril. "This is Commander Sandez, Ensign. Commander Yeril was killed by a torpedo strike just after the recall was ordered. Most of the fighters were destroyed in the attack, I'll report to the Captain when I know who's left."

2013-03-25, 09:47 PM
Docking Bay

The docking bays around Commander Sandez were rather empty, her Interceptor was the lone TIE in the rack. The four TIE/LNs of 2 Flight from Alpha Squadron were gathered around a pack of death stick smoke looking morose. The bomber's looked better off only one of their number was missing though the pale faced pilots still seemed as taken aback as the others. The losses all together were rather minimal compared to the thousands of lives the Rebel fleet lost but at the star-fighter scale the Rebel's had come out ahead. Except for Sandez's case Rebel bush pilots tended to out class Imperial Pilots when the odds when even but with the advantage of numbers the rebel fighter pilots had done a number on the TIE squadrons. Minus what the Lancers had killed Imperial fighter losses were almost two to one what the rebels lost in dog fights. It was a simple fact that Imperial Academy had lowered its standards, substantially. While each Rebel pilot that flew was usually an experienced veteran, ex-smuggler used to dodging the law, or a traitor that knew Imperial doctrine.

"Ma'am, initial BDA (battle damage assessment) looks like 6x TIE Interceptors, 8 TIE Fighters, and 1 TIE Bomber destroyed. A few other survivors might need to be reduced to parts." The bay chief handed Sandez a datapad with a stream of numbers, information on the lost ships, pilots, and next of kin information. "Captain Kang requested your presence on the bridge."

There was a slight hum as three of the Lamda shuttles took off and emergency medical crews rushed to board a fourth one.

Tram Rail Z124
The sled hurtled down the magnetic rails of the ship usually used to move hazardous ordnance around the ship the bulk heads were thick and allowed for fast movement. The rail car slowed early before their intended destination at a platform where an Imperial Officer and a platoon of Stormtroopers stood waiting. The two troopers in their partisan garb snapped to attention at the sight of the officer.

"Its' Colonel Tobias, merc, he's in charge of all the ground forces on the Star Destroyer mind your manners." The skinny trooper working the controls muttered before the sled stopped for the Colonel and his men.

"Sir!" The larger trooper saluted when the mag-sled stopped and motioned the Tobias aboard. "Figured you might be done early sir let's go get that second group of rebs!"


The turbolift with Miranda, Sienn, Doctor Kradu, and M4-X1 and the rest arrived at the access corridor outside the bridge.

2013-03-25, 10:20 PM
The Bridge

The enhanced blast-doors to the bridge expanded to permit the quad of Imperials into the nerve-centre of the ship. Sienn's green eyes glimmered as the steel sheets were pulled away to reveal a hive of activity, with dark olive uniformed officers and personnel buzzing about swiftly in the aftermath of a lethal engagement.

As they moved inside, the twi'leks ear-cones twitched as her brain melded together several conversions into one incoherant whole, such was the noise pollution flooding her mind. Beyond the shifting figures were the expansive bridge viewscrreens through which the beautiful void of space could be beheld - a small hint of their location given away by a distant, pink gas nebula. Receiving the odd-look from staff unused to an alien operating this close to the chain of command, Sienn let their curious onlooks wash off her figure without losing an iota of her stride.

As she was led forward, it didn't take the Sith long to spot the nucleus of the operations - a striking man that the twi'lek found to be aristocratically handsome, in that downplayed smug-manner too many high-ranking Imperials had about them. The twi'lek smiled as the four of them drew up to the captain.

2013-03-25, 11:23 PM
"Who, me? Misbehave?" Rada asked with mock indignation as the sled slowed.

Mando Knight
2013-03-25, 11:51 PM
Sandez took the datapad, nodded, and headed towards the turbolift, making a brief detour to the locker room to drop off her helmet.

A moment later, the turbolift opens to the bridge. She steps out, and salutes Captain Kang. "Commander Melissa Sandez, reporting for Commander Yeril, Captain."

2013-03-26, 12:33 AM
Dr. Kradu

The doctor trailed off as they approached the bridge. They were still in a combat situation as far as he knew, and he didn't want to interrupt anything critical.

2013-03-26, 01:10 AM

M4 moved behind Dr. Kradu, as they entered the bridge, on reflex almost, he began to scan the area plotting fire solutions, places of cover etc. etc. He doubted the rebels would make it this far but it paid to be prepared.

2013-03-26, 02:28 AM
Miranda strode across the command walkway to where Captain Kang stood and brought her retune to a halt in front of him. Notably she did not salute him.
Captain Kang. The Rebel fleet appears to have been under the control of a zealous fundamentalist Force user going by the name Paladin Ragnir. I have little doubt that he survived the destruction of his ship, and may be assuming command of that Cruiser as we speak. Be advised, my preliminary impression is that he is as dangerous as he is unstable, and harbours no compunctions about sacrificing his own troops. If even some of his followers are as unhinged as he is, you are likely to encounter more suicide tactics.
Her report finished, Mira looked behind her as if only then remembering the three figures that had followed her.
This doctor was in the process of being extricated from Rebel custody by these two when we arrived. The woman requested to speak with you when she came aboard. She is also a...Force practitioner.

2013-03-26, 05:33 AM
Suddenly, something clicked in Kradu's head.

"Hey," he said, pointing a finger at Sienn, "You're the agent we were supposed to rendezvous with on Charros in the first place. How'd you even find us?"

"Not that I'm complaining," he added, "that Paladin guy was a complete psychopath."

2013-03-26, 05:49 AM
"Tricks of the trade." Sienn smirked.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-26, 07:35 AM
Lt Colonel Tobias

Tobias raises an eyebrow at the enthusiasm shown by the soldier. "Indeed."

He gestures for the stormtrooper contingent to board and waits at parade rest as he addresses the troops.

"You performed admirably at the gun placement. Almost no casualties, boarding action halted, rebels captured. I expect that you all will perform just as admirably as we go to assist Major Dagan," he says, keeping the troops riding high on their, albeit small, victory.

2013-03-26, 07:43 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

Captain Kang watched as the Intelligence Agent, the Scientist, the War Droid, and the Sith walked onto the bridge, wondering vaguely what sort of punchline there should be for the situation. He stood up and pulled once at the hem of his uniform shirt to straighten out any wrinkles, then clasped his hands behind his back as the party approached him. He listened to each of the reports, as well as the Doctor's random chatter, and gave the war droid a once-over before he spoke.

"Welcome aboard, or back to, the Interrogator all of you. At ease, Commander Sandez." he turned first to his pilot. "I take your presence here to mean that Commander Yerill is no longer with us. In that case, you will assume his duties as I'm promoting you to Wing Commander. You executed your duties well during the battle and I expect to see a lot more from you in the future. While we come up with a plan to recoup our starfighter losses, I want full details on our remaining fighter strength and for you to see that what is left of your pilots and equipment are ready to launch at a moment's notice."

Then the Scientist and the War Droid. "Doctor, this is something of a formality, but I will ask that you allow one of my officers to debrief you." he asked, obviously not going to take no for an answer. "I want to know why the Rebels wanted you and, to put it frankly, what you can do for me. Your droid is also of interest. It seems to be a high-end, military model. Where did you come across it?"

Next the Intelligence Agent. "Thank you, Agent Tavik. This is very interesting. I never expected the Rebels to show so much backbone..." he rubbed at his hairless chin for a moment as he pondered. "This Paladin Ragnir shouldn't be underestimated, but his tactics are not completely unpredictable. I look forward to our next engagement." Indeed, next time Admiral Ronsu's gullible idiocy may not be a factor present to hinder him. With the right resources, Kang knew he could outfight and outmaneuver a Rebel force such as the one that had driven them from Togoria in any battle. What was left to Andan was to make sure he acquired that strength in a timely manner.

Finally...the Sith. He'd long considered all force-users to be dangerous psychopaths. He knew how Lord Vader had treated his suboordinates and knew that their ancient religion valued power before all else. After Endor he hadn't expected to see one again, much less hear of two in one day. "I do not know anything about you, Twi'lek. Your assistance is appreciated, of course, but do regale me with your name and other pertinent details."

2013-03-26, 08:09 AM
Sienn had watched quietly from the rear of the group as the Imperial pilot had arrived, snapping up a trim salute before receiving her promotion. This certainly seemed to be an equal opportunity starship, the alien mused silently.

One by one the four of them were addressed by the captain and Sienn did her best not to look at him, per say, but instead peer around the bridge. Taking in the captains image was...uncomfortable, for the twi'lek...too familiar. The clean appearance. The handsome propriety. The strong jaw that moved slightly as he held her by the lower back and whispered, just playful centimetres away from her ears, that Endor would be his last assignment.

Blinking away the daydream, Sienn's mind rushed back to the present before realising the captain was speaking to her directly. Releasing a tension from her shoulder-muscles that she hadn't realised existed, Sienn lowered her chin slightly while addressing the captain, causing one of her long lekku to sweep forward over her shoulder and hang across her front, its tip reaching down to the utility belt on her spacers outfit.

"You may call me Vecta." she started, her voice melodic and disarmingly soft.

'And I am the one who will restore the Sith to their rightful glory.' she thought silently.

"And now that I have retrieved Doctor Kradu from a rebel prison cell aboard their own ship, I will be returning him to High Admiral Teradoc, who will greatly appreciate your assistance."

2013-03-26, 10:56 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

Andan raised an eyebrow at that, but really he shouldn't have been surprised. From what he'd heard, an overabundance of confidence (or should we say hubris?) was rather standard as far as the Jedi and their ilk were concerned. He'd heard that anyone who stood in Darth Vader's way, even when he was walking down the corridors of his Star Destroyer, was left a lifeless corpse in his wake...but those were only rumors. He set his mouth in a measured line and replied calmly.

"Indeed? Well, High Admiral Teradoc will have to wait until you've been debriefed, I'm satisfied of who you are, and your orders have been confirmed, Ms. Vecta. There is the safety of my ship to think about, as well as the possibility of carelessly handing over an Imperial citizen to a potential bounty hunter. You understand. You will be free to leave once we have reached a safe port in an Imperial system. Until then, my steward will help you settle in our modest guest accommodations." he said, his tone brooking no argument despite its politeness. He nodded to an ensign who seemed to be hovering just out of view at all times, his job to be there when needed but never in the way.

2013-03-26, 11:26 AM
This time the twi'lek grinned and her green eyes shimmered.

There it was - Imperial haughtiness. By the Force she enjoyed it. While most would find it pompous or arrogant, Sienn found it strangely engaging...it was almost like an art-form - seeing whom could retain the most polite and civil veneer while delivering the most searing snipe. It was fun to participate in, and even more delightful to watch.

In that sense, Sienn wondered where this particular captains vice lay...was it his duty? Pride? His career? Everyone had a vulnerability, and she was keen to get a peek at what soft centre lay behind the typical Imperial fortitude.

"Sooner than you think, handsome." the twi'lek uttered.

"One doesn't send someone of my calibre to retrieve any standard lab technician, alive, from the midst of a rebel fleet. When that much is invested one typically waits with a degree of anxiety that I imagine would be most unbecoming of those higher in the food chain than humble servants such as us. In fact, it's why I wanted to speak with you!"

Sienn's disposition remained bright and strangely optimistic. One arm was folded over her flat, lightly toned tummy while her other gestured soft hand-movements to accentuate her words and motion about the bridge. Then, as she drew to a close on her sentence, she wandered closer to the captain. The height difference between them was apparent as the twi'lek moved with the fluid grace of her species: ducking her face in as if to speak softly to the captain so that those around them could not hear what she had to say.

"I need access to your ships HoloNet transceiver so I can call him up myself. We could even ring him up together if it makes you feel secure. I imagine you'll have to be answering to a forgiving and understanding fellow for losing a system to rebel forces and having a happy High Admiral in your corner is one way to acquire the implements necessary to correct unfortunate events."

2013-03-26, 12:04 PM

M4 waited for a slight lull in the conversation before speaking, "This Unit's Designation is M4-X1, Experimental prototype. Reassigned to the protection of important imperial personages. This unit has captured several images and recordings of the 'paladin' if the Captain would like to review them." M4 also made a point of Saluting the Captain before and after he spoke, another mimicry of the humans around him.

He had watched the exchange between 'Vecta' and Kang with little interest, so she can spit lighting from her hands and has a nice sword. M4 didn't see the importance of her abilities but the captain was right about not allowing her to take the Doctor just yet.

Mando Knight
2013-03-26, 04:12 PM
Wing Commander Sandez nodded in acknowledgement, and started to open her mouth to make her report when the newcomer began talking. She stifled a groan as the Force-witch... well, Sandez wasn't sure what this "Vecta" was intending to do... arrogantly presuppose her superiority over the Captain? Seduce him? Find a reason as to why she would be completely justified in turning him inside out with her strange powers?

Walking up to the Captain, Sandez makes her report. "We took heavy losses to our fighters in the battle, sir. I was piloting the only Interceptor that made it back. Four standard fighters and five bombers also survived. Here's the bay chief's draft of the BDA." She hands him the datapad.

2013-03-26, 07:17 PM

Kradu's lips tightened as it became apparent the Captain had never heard of him, but then he shrugged and let the slight roll off his shoulders.

"One of your officers?" Kradu repeated, "not a problem, but I assume we'll be speaking again shortly afterwards, Captain."

He has no idea of the kinds of things we could accomplish if we pooled our resources...

2013-03-26, 08:56 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

In a similarly low voice to the Twi'lek, Captain Kang said, "In case you haven't noticed, I am rather busy, Ms. Vecta. I am currently dealing with a Rebel rat infestation in the forward sensor array, a large number of wounded filling up my medical bays and taxing my bacta reserves, a damaged frigate, and on top of that my thug of a superior likely just got himself killed. So you will excuse me if I do not jump to fulfill your every whim. I suggest that you have patience and let me do my job, then when I am quite ready we will make your holocall."

Turning to the others, the Captain moved on. He answered them in sequence to when they had spoken. First was the droid. "Yes, M4, that would be helpful. The bridge crew will help you plug in to a secure terminal."

He took the datapad from Wing Commander Sandez and skimmed its contents before moving on. "Commander, if I was able to get you more starfighters, do you have the pilots to man them?"

Finally, Doctor Kradu. "Yes, Doctor. My officer will endeavor to make the debrief as quick and painless as possible. Later I hope you will join the senior officers and I for an evening meal. The others are also invited, of course." he smiled in a polite way that was short and didn't even come close to reaching his eyes.

2013-03-26, 09:18 PM
Forward Sensors Array

The mag-sled arrived at the freight dock for the prow of the Interrogator seconds after picking up Colonel Tobias and his men the tunnel darkened noticeably as the mag-sled nested into the abutment at the end of the track. This was the end of the line, as close to the prow of the ship someone could be taking the convenient methods of travel. The actual sensors array was accessed by a small corridor that branched from the small cargo terminal the rest of this end of the ship was mostly taken up with complex machinery, maintenance crawl spaces, and storage. Conduits ran power low overhead.

The terminal was littered with bodies and debris. Stormtroopers dead and some bodies partially incinerated, Rebel fighters were mixed in the pile mostly men in forest green body armor and shadowcloaks, their weapons were standard deck sweepers and explosives. The terminal seemed almost too quiet. flames licked the walls quietly in the direction of the sesnors array and smoke billowed around the corner of the terminal that lead further toward the prow.


Holocron Coder
2013-03-26, 09:25 PM
Lt Colonel Ran Tobias (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524091)

HP 67/67, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 23
Defenses: Fort 23, Ref 26, Will 30
Skills Deception +20, Gather Information +15, Initiative +9, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, knowledge (social sciences) +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Perception +11, Persuasion +20, Use Computer +13
Force Points 11
Attacks Heavy Blaster Pistol (+7, 3d8+5 energy damage, 20/x2)

Quickly taking stock of the situation, Tobias silently directs the group to his left to stand watch on the door near the entry point. While those troopers get into position, he directs the rest to take flanking and cover positions against the door to his right. Once everyone is settled, he takes a safe position himself and directs the "right" door to be opened.

Four troops on the "bottom" of the map array so to ahve some decent cover and watch the bottom door.

Six troops at the "top" of the map arrange around the door at the top as best they can.

Tobias takes position behind the troops or a wall, as best he can, then directs them to open the door.

Once things get started... [roll0]

2013-03-26, 09:36 PM
And here's where the other side of the Imperial Hautiness token bared its wearisome head.

The twi'lek stared at the captain as he brushed her off a second time, her eyes eeriely vacant as she seemed to gaze through him at and something beyond that only she could see.

She held this gaze.

And held it.

And held it a little longer.

It surprised her a little that all the captain had to do to get her off his back was utter a single sentence to one of his underlings, but that seemed beyond him. Instead, on top of losing a sector to rebel forces, he seemed adamant to add delaying-a-high-admirals-waiting-time-for-obtaining-his-super-weapon-scientist to the list...and after she'd tried twice to relieve him of both problems.

Well, some men you just can't reach.

"Well I tried helping, twice." Sienn said, moving past the captain, her back turned to him. Her tone seemed weary, the way a parent would sound when their attempts at feeding their child nutritious food was constantly rebuked.

"But if uttering one sentence to your underlings to make your life easier in the long-run is beneath you...well I'm sure you know what you're doing."

Pausing next to Kradu, the twi'lek looked over at the man.

"I'll contact Teradoc on my own. It was a pleasure to work with you again, and I look forward to future collaborations." she said, seemingly quite genuine.

With that, unless anyone stopped her, Sienn walked down the bridge, gesturing to the ensign that Captain Kang had motioned to earlier.

"I believe you've got quarters to show me to. If not, I'll be in my ship. Come along Sparkles."

The twi'leks astromech droid beeped softly as it fell in tow behind its owner.

Abruptly, she paused close towards the blast door, before looking over her shoulder.

"The ship is called the Interrogator, isn't it?" she confirmed, holding one fist up and still while her long, blue index finger swirled about in a circular motion to gesture to the ship itself. The various gems that studded the gauntlet the twi'lek wore one that hand glittered in the red and white lights of the bridge.

Assuming no one else interrupted or caught up with the twi'lek to speak with her, Sienn was shown to the guest accommodations...


If no one stops her:
Sealing the door behind her, Sienn started to prowl about her room.

<"Scan for any bugs or listening devices, Sparkles."> the twi'lek spoke to her droid, the little astromech beeping excitedly as it got to work.

As the droid set about its task, Sienn slid her jacket off of her shoulders and withdrew several items from its folds. She took out her lightsabre and lay it on the floor, before retrieving what she had taken from her room before departing the Reaver...a small, red crystaline pyramid. Carefulyl setting the item upon the floor, the twi'lek sunk to her knee's and took a meditative position: kneeling, rump against her heels, hands flat on her thighs, eyes closed, lekku swept back over her shoulders.

As she did this, the faintest of whispers seemed to curl up from the crystal device in front of her...strained mutterings in a language once-believed long dead.

The twi'leks breathing slowed as she inhaled softly, her blue skin bristling in the cool, sterilised air of the starship. Gathering up her mind to seep into the ebb and flow of the her surroundings, Sienn pushed her thoughts across her room, then the starship, then the sector, then further out into the void of space...

Use the Force Check: 1d20+19=36 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3993444/)


That should be enough for Sienn to communicate with anyone in the galaxy. She's reaching out and giving a slow, general update to High Admiral Taradoc that Kradu was ambushed, she successfully rescued him from a rebel fleet, and she's currently on board the Interrogator and to contact her ASAP on the ship.

She does not say anything beyond that: she doesn't say he's stonewalled her, all she says is that he's the captain of the vessel.

2013-03-26, 10:23 PM
Mira watched silently as Sienn walked off the bridge, huffing like a child. Before the Emperor's death, there was a greater unity to Imperial affairs throughout the galaxy. Agents that answered only to him, existing outside even the secret systems that Intelligence monitored, could appear and disappear at will, taking command of starships and overruling regional governors with a word. Even the merest hit of having to face the wrath of the Emperor instilled incredible compliance across the Empire.
With Palpatine's death, much of that command structure had also died. Mira suspected nobody would ever know just how many agents he had used, or what had happened to all of them. Most of them, she suspected, belonged to his religion, wielding unnatural forces to achieve ends otherwise beyond the more traditional arms of his government. Every day the central authority of the Empire fragmented just a little bit more, with Admirals, Moffs and high-ranking operatives trying to cling to as much power as they could hold on to. The ability of individuals like Sienn to bind ordinary officers to their will would be growing a little more difficult every day, she imagined.
Once the Twi'Lek had left, Mira tilted her head to the captain.
My department can coordinate debriefing the doctor and going over the droid's files, unless you have any objections, captain? With the inclusion of one of your officers, of course.

2013-03-26, 10:32 PM
Dr. Kradu

"Anytime Vecta," Kradu replied, "I guess I owe you one now. Let me know the next time you need to capture a planet or direct too much energy into too small a surface area."

2013-03-26, 10:57 PM
Not recognizing the hand signals being used, but seeing the Stormtroopers take up firing positions, Rada followed suit. Noticing the cloaks on the fallen troopers, he reached into his vest and produced a small, datapad-like object.

But it was not a datapad, it was a thermal sensor, great for picking out hiding troops, especially ones carrying recently-fired blaster weaponry.

[roll0] with heat sensor.

2013-03-26, 11:45 PM

M4 saluted again and moved off to get plugged in and upload all the images and audio he had captured of the Paladin, it was a simple function and he simply stood as it was done. "Captain, If the Doctor allows this Unit offers his aid in riding the sensor array's of it's rebel problem." to punctuate the fact he lifted an arm up across his chest and primed it's blaster.

Mando Knight
2013-03-27, 12:35 AM
"We have some reserve pilots, of course, but I don't think we have enough to compensate losing half our fighter complement. Even if we did, I wouldn't recommend that as a long term solution, sir."

2013-03-27, 01:16 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

Glad to be rid of the Twi'lek force witch for the moment, the Captain paid her no more attention as she left the bridge. His crew had long since learned never to rush Kang or try to push him. He would contact Teradoc when his job was finished to his satisfaction and not a moment before.

"That would be satisfactory, Agent Tavik. I'd also like you to pull whatever information you can on this Vecta woman if you don't mind." he said to Mira, giving her an appreciative nod. "M4, go with Agent Tavik for the moment. If there is cause for more reinforcements at the sensor array she will release you to answer it, but I have a feeling that the fight will be over by the time the tram would get you there. Your files are more important right now than risking your destruction in a lightfight, however remote the chance of that might be."

Andan turned lastly to Sandez, his thumb and forefinger rising to stroke his chin thoughtfully. "I see, Commander. It may come to naught, but if we find the wreckage of Hammer and Anvil at Boz Pity I would like to attempt to salvage any remaining TIEs off of their racks that may have escaped destruction. With some repair and extra parts we may be able to give you a few more operational fighters in case we get into another round with the Rebels." he outlined the brief plan he'd been constructing, letting her give her input.

2013-03-27, 03:02 PM

M4 nodded to the Captain, "As you command." while the techs were downloading their files M4 than looked to agent Tavik once they were finished he would walk up to her and salute her. "Unit M4-X1 reporting Agent Tavik, what would have of me?"

Mando Knight
2013-03-27, 07:14 PM
"That would help, Captain. I'll start working on the surviving pilots' training regimen as well, but it'll take time for any noticeable improvement." Sandez pauses a moment. "Permission to speak freely, Captain?"

2013-03-27, 10:00 PM
The door opens to aft to a long corridor of cargo bays directly ceiling of the corridor has a round hole cut in the top and the immediate area is blackened the charred remains of four Stormtroopers and two rebels lay around the slagged metal disc that fell in from the ceiling. Above the hole is thin blue screen of an emergency atmo shield, space shined beyond.

The prow door (down) was plunged in smoke and the corridor was filled with flames, several more bodies were charred to unrecognizable forms. The prow corridor lead twenty meters to the access of the forward sensors array but smoke and flames choked the corridor.

The southern corridor has total concealment, and an environmental hazard. @Rada: The thermal imagers are overwhelmed by the thermal blooms of the flames.

2013-03-27, 10:17 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

In reply to his new Wing Commander's request, Captain Kang simply nodded, giving her leave to speak her mind. He turned to look out the viewport as he listened, his hands still clasped at the small of his back. The personnel transfer would be finished in a few scant moments, and he knew that his navigator already had the next hyperspace jump plotted. His bridge crew was simply awaiting the Captain's word.

Holocron Coder
2013-03-27, 11:26 PM
Lt Colonel Ran Tobias (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=524091)

HP 67/67, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 23
Defenses: Fort 23, Ref 26, Will 30
Skills Deception +20, Gather Information +15, Initiative +9, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, knowledge (social sciences) +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Perception +11, Persuasion +20, Use Computer +13
Force Points 11
Attacks Heavy Blaster Pistol (+7, 3d8+5 energy damage, 20/x2)

Tobias frowned, looking up the corridor back into the bulk of the ship. "It appears that someone has put a hole in the Captain's ship." He pauses. "I'm certain that at least a few have headed in that direction. But, first, we deal with the sensors."

Leaving two of the troopers to watch the north corridor, he directs the rest to surround the southern corridor as he debates how to handle the situation. Not knowing Rada's specialties or distinctiveness, he fails to ask advice of the man.

Not being able to see down the corridor for the smoke, and hesitant to fire randomly, for fear of destroying the sensors more than they may already be, he looks about for any way to clear out the smoke or put out the fire. Surely this section of the ship has something to deal with emergencies such as these?

[roll0] to see anything that will be of use for clearing out the corridor without overly risking his men.

If he fails to see anything, he'll order a few into the corridor, cautiously, depending on their stormtrooper gear to survive vacuum/heat/cold/etc, to check it out.

2013-03-28, 12:24 AM
The message had been sent. Any moment now her employer would be calling. Sienn was satisfied.

Retaining her kneeling posture, the Sith Apprentice opened her eyes slowly and fixed them upon the small, red crystaline triangle in front of her. Almost on cue, soft, unspoken whispers slithered through the shadows of the poorly lit room, the red hue of the holocron spilling into the surrounding murk.

"Come out..." Sienn whispered softly, reaching down with her amulet-encrusted hand and extending pressing her fingertips against the warm, rune-etched sides of the pyramid.

"...do....not disturbed....me..."

"Shake the slumber from your mind, old man, you've been sleeping for too long."

Motes of reality swirled in mid-air as arcane energy congregation around the holocron - the sudden influx of the Dark Side rushed past Sienn's sense like electricity across her nerves.

Threads of shadow coalesced above the Sith Holocron and weaved together, weaves of inky strands compressing and molding itself into a humanoid shape before taking upon a red, ghoulish face and eyes. Steel rings were pirced across the things bottom lip while thick, redbanks of toughened skin formed ridges and tracts upon the scared face, some of which drooped beneath the firm jaw to hang as fleshy extensions. Embedded within the centre of the alien face rested a pair of dim, orange eyes that gazed upon the twi'lek with a pitiless glare.

"Obnoxious child." the figure uttered, seeming uninterested in the woman before him. His words were rough and gutteral after seemingly being scraped from the back of his throat - the language of the Sith.

"More pressing matters demand my attention than a wailing child - I see that you have survived another day." Sienn replied, the harsh language spilling from her lips contrasting with her pleasing appearance.

"I'm sorry to disappoint."

The figure grinned. "Am I to assume your errand for that Imperial was a glittering success?"

"You are." Sienn stated as she hoisted herself from her kneeling position to stand in front of the Sith ghost. The appirition cast a soft, red glow across her poorly lit quarters like a photo development room.

"Congratulations. You should impart yourself with expeiditious speed to the nearest den of revelry and liqour to celebrate the further constrainment about your figure the coils of this admiral inflict."

"Oh must you speak in this pompous, round-a-bout way. You've expanded into quite a wind-bag as of - "

"Enough." the order hissed from the Sith purebloods lips. Though not expansive in volume his order stung authority and swiftly penetrated the twi'leks confidence. Paralysed in her tracks, her figure hung briefly and her eyes drifted away from the mans gaze: slowly, she composed herself and folded her arms over her abdonem.

"You have broken the routine of my educationary principles so I expect your explanation will be convincing as to why they should continue at all."

"I was involved in an engagement with the Rebellion, not even an hour ago. They carried within their ranks a rather odious man."


The Sith pureblood raised his hand and gyrated it up and down on the end of his wrist, gesturing her to continue.

"He knew our ways." Sienn said, watching as one of the Siths eyebrows rose.

"A Je - ?"

"No. I've fought Jedi before. This one was different. More fanatical. More driven. He happily sacrified his own troops to try and defeat him. He fled, of course."

"That's a characteristic that's unusual to the Jedi..."

"Non-existant, in my experience. He called himself a Paladin."

The Sith Pureblood narrowed his dull eyes, looking the twi'lek up and down. "Are you sure?"

"Well he didn't call himself a Pair-o-bins."

A small silence hung between the two as both Sith seemed to consider the other. "Where are we now? Imperial vessel?"

"Yes, called the Interrogator."

"So the crew have proved cooperative?"

"In a manner of speaking. The crew gives me a wide birth, while you could shove coal up the captains rear and produce diamonds."

"An endearing image..." the Sith uttered, his cheeks curling as if he had just bit into a lemon.

Sienn flickd the corners of her lips into a satisfied smirk.

"Very well, I will dwell on this. Remember that the galaxy is in chaos, and what may seem to be a restriction could be a potential opportunity. May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you."

With that the Force spectre desintergrated before the twi'leks eyes, every mote of sickly crimson light tumbling into a siwrling vortex, compressing the ghost back into his crystaline prison where he belonged.

Mando Knight
2013-03-28, 01:27 AM
"Sir, it's going to take more than a few days of training and repairs unless we can get some reinforcements, if you want to turn the tide on those Rebels. The fighters we have weren't designed to take on larger numbers of shielded fighters. We'd likely lose most of our fighters again in a rematch, and it seems that skilled, loyal fighter pilots in the Empire are getting rarer with every battle."

2013-03-28, 01:54 AM
Dr. Kradu

The doctor cleared his throat.

"Captain," he said, stepping forward, "if I may make a suggestion..."

"The late former Grand Admiral Zaarin was a strong advocate of sturdier starfighters," Kradu said, "while the traitor was killed in battle after a series of engagements after staging a coup against the Emperor, part of the reason he almost succeeded was his technological advantage. Pilots under his command were more effective, disciplined, and had lower mortality rates than would be expected, due to their tendency to survive engagements."

"Perhaps you could seek out alternative starfighters, rather than replacements, or upgrade the existing ones," he suggested, turning his head behind the Captain's back and tossing a wink to Wing Commander Sandez.

2013-03-28, 08:14 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

"Agreed. On all counts." the Captain replied. "Unfortunately, for the moment we must work with what we have. Unless you have coordinates to one of Zaarin's old research stations that miraculously hasn't been sacked and looted by the Imperial fleet or pirates, we will have to wait until we reach the nearest resupply point and can requisition new fighters. Even then, this ship is not exactly high priority in the grand scheme of things." the Captain admitted, not too full of himself not to see the truth of things. "If you have other suggestions, please feel free."

2013-03-28, 09:51 AM
Dr. Kradu

"It depends how long I'll be sticking around, which I suppose depends on Vecta and that Admiral she was talking about. I hope he's not bent on building another planet destroyer..." Kradu replied with a sigh and a shake of the head, "but depending on what parts you have in Maintenance, we might be able to upgrade the existing fighters. Enough time and materials, and we could even boost the Interrogator's shields or weapons systems."

He smirked.

"Wouldn't that be interesting," he added, "well, I guess it wouldn't be as interesting for our adversaries, but it would be interesting for us."

"I'd better see about that debriefing," he said, stepping back, "then we can talk more, over dinner. Despite all the rhetoric about treatment of prisoners, the Rebels neglected to feed me."

if kradu is privvy to any hidden caches of starfighters or advanced technology or abandoned labs from his time working under zaarin, he'll hint at it but won't mention it to Kang just yet.

2013-03-28, 10:12 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

"Very interesting, indeed." Captain Kang turned to look at Doctor Kradu from where he'd been looking out the front viewports. "After dinner, then. I will have maintenance compile a list of available parts for you. Commander Sandez will be available to assist you. And I will deal with Lady Vecta." he assured the scientist. This man was a surprise, and he could now easily see why the Rebels had mistaken him for the Death Star's designer. It would put him at odds with the Sith, but perhaps he could put the doctor's talents to use. "Thank you, Doctor Kradu." he nodded.

Mando Knight
2013-03-29, 12:14 AM
"Thank you, Captain. Do you have any further orders, sir?"

2013-03-29, 07:52 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

"You are dismissed, Commander. See to it that your pilots get some rest. This may not be their only engagement today..." the Captain replied ominously, then turned to look out the front viewports again.

"Status?" he commanded of the bridge crew, wanting an update on the personnel transfer from Scourge and the Rebel boarder mop-up at the bow. As soon as those were taken care of the second hyperspace jump to Boz Pity could commence.

2013-03-29, 02:00 PM
Doctor, M4, this way please. Mira ushered them to the turbolift, and selected one of the decks that held her Intelligence personnel and interrogation chambers.
This is mostly a formality, I'm sure you understand. M4, I will have a technician go over the data you downloaded with you. Doctor, one of my agents will help you prepare a full statement of why and how you came to be aboard the Rebel vessel, and why Agent Vecta was involved. I have some pressing matters to attend to, but I shall see to it that you are assigned temporary quarters and afforded ample time to prepare before the evening meal.

2013-03-29, 08:14 PM
Dr. Kradu

"Hi," Kradu said with a smile, "I don't think I caught your name, Commander, was it?"

"Doctor Doran Kradu, military weapons specialist," he said, extending a hand.

"Actually, (insert name as whatever Mira introduces herself as, otherwise he will say Commander) M4 tends to get agitated if I'm out of visual range, for extended periods," Kradu replied, "if it's alright, I'd request for us to be assigned in the same quarters, and would accompany him to Maintenance or wherever your technicians are."

"I could get a good look at what they're doing down there too, might as well make myself useful... if it's okay with you and your agent, that is... honestly, I don't know much of anything about why the High Admiral requested my presence, so I don't think there'll be any sensitive information passing back and forth," he added.

2013-03-29, 11:11 PM

"This unit would also like the Doctor to be present during maintenance. He is familiar with this unit's armaments and systems and can assist. Though this unit has been equipped with self-diagnostic equipment." M4 stood behind the two in the lift slowly letting his shields recharge, his power was lower than before, his main battery about depleted from the Ion rockets and past activity his secondary was only about depleted at this point. "This unit will need to recharge after all data has been analyzed and maintenance has been completed. The rebels Ion Rockets drained it's batteries of much of their energy." Dr. Kradu would notice the extreme monotone and formal nature of M4's speech, different from before when he at least allowed the occasional vocal change.

Mando Knight
2013-03-30, 12:51 AM
"Yes, sir." Sandez salutes once more, then returns to the hangar level.

2013-03-30, 07:47 PM
Agent Tavik. Mira replied, taking Kradu's hand.
Sector Chief Tavik, in fact. And I understand your concerns, Doctor. I can arrange for you and your droid to be kept together, although if it is as easily upset as you suggest, I may have to ask its weapons be kept offline while it is onboard this vessel. I can certainly see to it that it gets the opportunity to recharge, and any components necessary for its maintenance...after both of you have been fully debriefed. She held eye contact with the doctor, not confrontational but firm.
While neither of you may recognize the importance of any of the information you may be carrying, it can often be the minor details that are the crucial ones, and as I currently have little to no information on this Paladin or why he abducted you, everything you know could be critical. Where you were when they attacked you, who knew about you, what their tactics were, how long the engagement took, what you know about the woman that came to your rescue, anything and everything that was said to you while you were on board. I imagine M4's files will prove quite useful with that. Mira gestured politely as the turbolift doors opened in front of them, ushering the doctor and M4 onto the part of the ship she affectionately thought of as "her" deck.
I trust therefore that you will cooperate fully with my agents for the debriefing, and we can have it completed as quickly as possible. Afterwards, I'll see what maintenance has to say about showing you around. And I shall be certain to have someone sent for you in plenty of time to get you freshened up before dinner. Arriving at a doorway, Mira keyed the door and it sprang open with the usual startling suddenness of Imperial designs. Beyond lay one of the deck's less intimidating interrogation chambers, designed to accommodate cooperating witnesses and furnished with a table and chairs, with none of the terrifying machinery or intentional claustrophobia of some of the deck's other rooms.

2013-03-30, 08:37 PM
Dr. Kradu

"Why thank you, Sector Chief Tavik," Kradu replied, "I assure you, I will tell you everything I can; that Paladin psychopath has earned my personal ire, but it's not entirely my preference that matters."

He turned to M4.

"It's not that he's easily upset, it's that he's assigned to my protection, and so tends to wish to keep me in visual range more often than not," he added.

"M4, are you able to get through the interview on your current power reserves, or do we need to go to Maintenance first?" he asked.

2013-03-30, 09:21 PM
Wondering what fault had prevented the automatic fire-suppression systems from working, Rada put the heat sensor away and fitted a breath mask over his face, before looking around for a hand-held fire extinguisher.


2013-03-30, 10:03 PM

"Power check....complete. Main Battery depleted, current battery power at 25% This unit can run for several more hours before power is depleted." M4 takes a moment to scan and check the room before allowing the Doctor to move past him.

Perception check
searching for any hidden surprises.

"This unit suspects the rebel's Ion Rockets combined with the stress of reactivation severely strained it's power reserves, heavy weapon ammo is also depleted though that is a minor concern as we are not in a combat situation."

2013-03-31, 03:19 AM
Forward Sensors Array

A quick scan of the area showed a loose plate on the wall just past the corridor hard to see in the smoke Rada felt the hot atmo press against his skin as he examined the corridor. Further investigation showed the bolts in the wall plating were freshly replaced after a few seconds of work with a sonicdriver from one of the Stormtrooper's utility kits he pulled the wall panel off. The intricacies of Starship engineering might of alluded Rada but the Arubesh warnings lasered into the metal inside the bulkhead declared the ruined cluster of datanodes and severed sensor conduit to be the automatic control system for the atmospherics in this small section of the ship, it was also part of the decentralized security system that relayed security events to the main data processing center for the ship's primary internal security system. The ruined metal housing showed signs of sabotage and residue scorch marks of a small ion charge inconsistent with thermal damage. It was a clear sign of sabotage and would be the cause for the failure of the ship's automatic fire suppression system. A manual override lever for the fire suppressant pump housing was still intact. The sabotage would of delayed threat reporting to the ship's internal responses in this section of the ship. It would of also stopped any security monitoring in the Sensors Array since the same conduits that relayed those signals joined into the slagged node. A foreign device was plugged into the conduit that would relay the signal onto the next data-processing hub.

"Frak." The big trooper in civilian fatigues next to him grunted and reached past Rada and pulled the lever up to the active position. All down the corridor a double set of nozzels appeared and began directing sprays of white foam onto the blaze of fire.
"Saboteur Colonel."

In minutes the blaze of fire and smoke was reduced to a damp humid atmosphere white foam sloshed across the floor ankle deep the walls showed scorch marks some areas were warped and bubbled. Signs of adhesive thermal propellent showed in the pattern of damage from the fire. With the smoke cleared it was easy to see scorched remains of a dozen bodies piled against the blast door at the end of the hall, they were burned to badly to identify as anything more than humanoid, though four bodies were burned husks of Stormtrooper armor. The blastdoor lead into the Forward Sensors array.


"Sir the Medical reports the patient trasnfer is 75% complete. All other stations report ready to jump at your mark. Sensors are reporting all clear." The young communications Lieutenant reported obviously a bit rattled to make his report until the VIPs had cleared from the Bridge.


Sienn had just finished with the Sith specter when her communications counsel chirped and a full size hologram suddenly stood next to her. The hologram showed a relatively unimpressive Imperial Admiral, broad shoulder and slightly overweight. His hair was silver gray but still dark at the root giving him a dark complexion, his mustache was short and trim cropped to letter of regulation his sideburns stopped just below the lobe of his ear. His cheeks were freshly shaved but that was the only sign of recent hygiene, his eyes were a dark beady brown and showed bags from lack of sleep. His olive uniform was rumpled.

"Report quickly, the Rebels have launched a massive assault across multiple sectors their targets are focused around building an invasion corridor along Perlemian Trade Route, that fool Sate Pestage is calling for a council on Coruscant but I can't leave the Maldrood with that fool Zsinj declaring himself a warlord and attacking MY supply depots along the Lucazec to Lianna corridor. Every fool governor is clamoring for a Fleet to protect his system against Rebels and privateers, every damn one thinks the main thrust is coming at his world. You need to fix whatever is happening in the Taldor Sector. I will not abide the Rebels taking mine Therium ore left on Togoria someone must of tipped them off to its use in nano-techology. If Admiral Ronsu is alive I want his head I cannot afford to look weak now. If the Rebels decide to secure their backs before this telegraphed preparation for the invasion of the Center they will turn on me in force. The Maldrood must be strong! Break the Rebel presence. When Sate Pestage dies, which at his age is likely any day now I want the Core World to look to me. I am the defender of the Mid Rim!" Treuten's tirade ran down and he looked at his pet Force-witch. His eyes hardly looked at the young Twi'lek but seemed to be burning as he stared at something away from the projector.

"Did you secure Doctor Kradu? Without the Maw I have only a few men who can make Operation Forge happen."

Mira's Deck
The young intelligent analyst handled the datapad nervously as he approached Mira and waited for her to handle her newest wards. The analyst wing was quite different than the somber order in the Sector Chief's office. Operative Wane was much more used to the lively discussion, the smell of stale coffee, and long hours with stacks of datapads and reports to categorize and screen for the Chief's viewing.

"Ma'am, the Rebel officer is in interrogation three." The room was similiar to the one the Chief was ushering the Doctor into though it included a few more common implements common to the trade concealed and could be activated with a remote switch.

"The Oversector Chief sent requested a report, news of Admiral Ronsu and Togoria is starting to get out on the holonet. Togorian rebels are claiming a massive victory... there may be some compromising holovids of the conditions in the slave labor camps in the Therium mines." The man stopped as he realized he was already rambling and handed the datapad of compiled reports to the Chief.

Pilots Louge

A deck above the docking bay in the small Delta-Rock Lounge a bar with tables for about fifty people with a large holo screen window that projected a real time image of the open space to the port of the Interrogator was quiet. A drab Imperial Navy junior rating stood cleaning a mug at the bar and a large table by the screen had a cluster of pilots with hunched shoulders crowded around a scattering of drinks, nerf milks, health stims, and a few tonics. Usually the room was segregated by rank and the type of craft a pilot flew but tonight the fighter and bomber pilots sat mixed together. The tone was somber almost morose. The gender divide was less noticeable, most of the bomber pilots were actually female humans only one of their number was a man. The fighter pilots were all hard bodied young men all of them sat together speaking in quiet tones.

2013-03-31, 03:51 AM
ooc - just a heads up buddy, Sienn is in a provided quarter on the Interrogator, not the Reaver.

Sienn watched Teradoc with an passive expression, her arms folded across her abdonem.

So, she was to dispose of Ronsu. That was fine by her. Just another mark to her extensive body count. If Kangs words rung with even a vibration of truth, the admiral was an incompetant dimwit that was easily lured away from his post to chase phantoms. The Empire would be better off without his services.

This could prove one way to remind the Captain of the chain of command, the twi'lek thought silently. The Empire didn't look well upon officers that lost entire systems...if she could dispose of Ronsu and place Togoria's loss upon his head instead of Kangs, she could save him from a court marshal and employ him to take the planet back. A military operation started to form inside her head.

"Did you expect any less?" Sienn asked, grinning, tilting her head.

"Dr Kradu is on this ship - I retrieved him from the Rebels. I saw the force of rebels at Togoria - retaking the planet will be a challenge, but it isn't impossible." she uttered, pausing to consider the man for a second.

Silently, she reaches out to a communications console and types in a command.

"I think this deserves a wider audience."



One of Kang's domestic communication officers furrowed his brow as a message comes across his screen. Swallowing hard, he turns his head and talks up to Captain Kang.

"Captain, Sir!" he says, grabbing the commanding offiers attention, "Lady Vecta and...High Admiral Teradoc are on a comms call and want to patch through to the bridge - the High Admiral is requesting your input in the call."

If Kang accepts the call:

Two figures materialise across the communications console in front of Kang: the twi'lek he had met from before, and a rugged, aggressive-looking High Admiral whose deep chest and broad shoulders give him a physical presence.

"Kang." Vecta greets. Even as a semi-transperant appirition her smug confidence is written all over her angular, attractive face.

"I was just informing the High Admiral that you're the one to thank for protection at Togoria - he is a grateful man."

2013-03-31, 08:43 AM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

OOC: I'm going off the assumption here that no holocalls happen on Interrogator without the Captain and crew knowing about it or massive slicing occurring.

As the two holograms materialize, they would find Andan looking largely nonplussed, but also possibly a tad disapproving. "That's Captain Kang if you please, Lady Vecta." he admonished her in full view of the admiral. He of course knew about her call, as he had been notified as soon as the ship received a holonet transmission. He'd been listening in for the duration. He'd decided to let her take the call for the sole reason of finding out more about her mission and it had been very educational.

"High Admiral Teradoc," he nodded without fanfare, "My report on the Togoria situation and my formal letter of protest against Admiral Ronsu is being streamed to you now. It is understandably brief, considering the time, but I will elaborate on any portion of it you wish." he said. "Currently I am affecting personnel transfer from Scourge, dealing with the remnants of a Rebel boarding attempt, and making minor repairs before our jump to Boz Pity to confirm the situation of Admiral Ronsu and his ships. It is my belief he was led into a trap."

2013-03-31, 09:23 AM
ooc - my assumption was that the bridge would actually receive the transmission first, and Sienn would get called up for the convo. Work with what you're given though!

"That's Captain Kang if you please, Lady Vecta."

"Oh I know." the twi'lek responded, her cheerful disposition the complete opposite to Kangs stone-face.

2013-03-31, 12:42 PM
Rada sloshed forward through the foam to check on the door. Carefully, lightly, he pressed the back of his hand against the control panel, fearing the worst-the blaze had fried the controls to the door, and they would be too hot or melted to even attempt a jury-rig.

[roll0] to see if I can get the door to open.

2013-03-31, 02:37 PM
Sensors Array

Rebel Iridonian: [roll0]
Imperial Commando (orange txt): (1d20+12)[30]
Stormtrooper 1 (1d20+4)[16]
Stormtrooper 2 (1d20+4)[17]
Stormtrooper 3 (1d20+4)[18] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15001215#post15001215)
Tobias: 13

The blast door rotated open onto a scene of carnage. The sesnor's array was still largely intact but the crew was a smouldering stack. The screaming started too. A big Iridonian in a pressurized exo-armor looked up from his work. Each hand of the suit ended in four sharp talons mounted around the gaping barrels of flamers. Beneath one large paw the Iridonian held down the smoking head of an Imperial crewman the man was still alive but being burned by little candle sized flames. Behind the Iridonian was a stack of detonate the size of a small speeder. Major Dagan was sprawled limply at the ground.

"More blood for the altar!" The alien's accent was feminine through the heavy armor helmet it wore.

Bridge / Vecta's Chambers

The hologram of Teradoc scowled for the moment at Vecta. No doubt he feared her power but with a quarter of the Empire's military might roughly at his fingertips and a sector of space made the Trueten more confident. He looked once at a Captain Kang.

"Fix this mess," The Admiral had obviously not realized his conversation was not private he looked daggers at Vecta once more. "Captain Kang I'm appointing you to the position of Systems Fleet Commander, find out what happened to Ronsu, if he survived this debacle kill him, secure the regional Imperial Forces counter attack the Rebels wherever they threaten my domain. Consider any Imperial Forces under Former Admiral Zsinj's command pirates, I need Therium ore from Togoria I don't care how you get it. Lady Vecta help him."

Teradoc cut the transmission with a slash of his fist his eyes already focused on something else.

2013-03-31, 03:03 PM
Having come within a hair's breadth of being spaced not 10 minutes earlier, Rada was rather ticked off and in no mood for crazy. Moving like a pouncing nexu, he drew his guns and let Anvil and Tongs deliver a burning retort.


Free: Draw Deathhammers
Full: Full attack the Iridonian. Two blaster, Rapid Shot
[roll2], -5 DT. If DT exceeded, -5 to all attacks against Rada until end of my next turn (sadly, this does not apply to flamethrowers).
[roll3], targeting left-hand flamethrower, for hal of above damage.

[roll5], -5 DT. If DT exceeded, -5 to all attacks against Rada until end of my next turn (sadly, this does not apply to flamethrowers).
[roll6], targeting right-hand flamethrower, for half of above damage.

Damage: 0
CT: Normal
Ammo: 23/23

Mando Knight
2013-03-31, 03:10 PM
Sandez first walks to the bar. "Caf, black."

Taking her drink and walking over to the table, she takes a seat. "First, some good news. One of the ships that came on board was carrying a VIP, a Dr. Kradu. When I reported our losses to the Captain, Dr. Kradu expressed an interest in upgrading our fighters... I think he worked in the TIE Advanced program before Zaarin went rogue. You should already know or have guessed that we're jumping to Boz Pity to clean up after Admiral Ronsu. Captain Kang hopes to find some replacement fighters there, but he expects a trap. We'll need to be ready to scramble in case it is, since Scourge took a beating just before it jumped."

She takes a sip of her drink. "One more thing. There's a self-styled "Lady Vecta" on board. If you see a blue Twi'lek, don't antagonize her, she claims to report to Admiral Teradoc and seemed to carry herself like a Vader-wannabe. Any questions?"

2013-03-31, 03:54 PM
Mira nodded curtly to her subordinate as she took the datapad from him. The Rebels were working quickly, not that she was surprised. This entire debacle was a military failure, not an intelligence one, but nonetheless she could not imagine the Oversector Chief would be pleased at this turn of events.
I will speak with the Rebel myself. Doctor, Operative Wane will handle your debriefing. This is Doctor Kradu and his droid, M4, here to be debriefed on their recent abduction by Rebels. No formality necessary. "Formality", in Intelligence parlance, referred to the level of coercion and force required in an interrogation. Mira wondered idly how formal her conversation with the Rebel agent she had rescued would need to get.
If there is anything you require, Doctor, just let my Operative know and he will see to it. I will have someone sent for you before dinner with the Captain.

Turning back down the corridor towards Interrogation Three, Mira ran through the list of tasks required of her. The Oversector Chief would require a prompt response, but it was her experience that he was understanding of delays that occurred in sending reports when she was busy defending the Empire. The military situation over Togoria was out of her hands, but the propaganda resulting from it could be addressed. She would have to attempt to contact her agents on the planet, to see which ones were still able to be of use. She dispatched a directive from her datapad to her technicians to set about deconstructing any Rebel footage they had access to to prove it falsified, as well as passing it on to her analysts to examine it for evidence regarding troop make up and placement.
She paused outside the entrance to Interrogation Three. This incident needed to be treated as a single step in a larger plan. Irrespective of whether or not the Paladin had survived, she was sure that his goals had been farther reaching than simply liberating a few catfolk, and she had no doubt that that plan was still being followed by whoever commanded that force. Perhaps this woman would provide some insight into what those goals were. Tapping a key code to disable the chamber's recording system, Mira opened the door and stepped inside.

2013-03-31, 05:30 PM
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2350/stevecriadoimpcaptain.jpg Captain Andan Kang

VSD-II Interrogator
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16), Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 1,168; DR 20; SR 145; Threshold 251
Condition: -0

If Captain Kang felt any pleasure as a result of his apparent promotion as well as his instructions to kill his predecessor, it didn't show on his face. He remained studiously stoic as usual when he replied, "As you wish, Admiral." to an empty connection. Teradoc had already cut the transmission off, but now the Captain and the Sith had their own private chat despite the ship decks separating them.

"Lady Vecta, this has been an enjoyable interlude but I must return to my responsibilities. I trust I will see you at the officers' mess for the evening meal soon enough. Be prepared to stay a moment after so that we may discuss your...skills...and how best to employ them." Andan suggested calmly. "And seeing as how you shall be staying for the foreseeable future, welcome aboard Interrogator. Those quarters will be available for your use for the duration of your stay. They are the most lavishly comfortable space on the entire ship, so do enjoy yourself." he added before the line went dead.

It was true. Looking around herself, Sienn would notice that the large rooms she found herself in were quite opulent, geared more toward planetary ambassadors and regional moffs than an agent of the Inquisitorius. In fact, her quarters were even more richly furnished than the Captain's, who left his personal living space rather spartan.

Back on the bridge, Andan turned to look over the bridge pit. "Ensign, I'm still waiting on a report from Colonel Tobias. The ship is not to step down from combat alert until he reports the all clear. Make sure there are calls and responses at every checkpoint to make sure no Rebel scum is out running around impersonating a stormtrooper." he ordered.

"Next, please emphasize to Scourge's captain as well as the shuttle operators that time is of the essence and that they should finish the transfer as soon as possible." he said as he looked out the window toward the ship in question, noting the long, black scars down one side where the Mon Calamari turbolasers had marked her.

"Finally, I want to know what resources I have at my disposal. I want a complete list of starships, especially Star Destroyers, planetary bases, outposts, and other Imperial property in my realm of influence. I may be needing them soon." he said as he returned to his chair. "Send the results to my personal terminal here, thank you."

2013-03-31, 08:36 PM
Sienn watched as first Teradoc explained his side of the story then cut the transmission, before Kang added in his final word and then also cut the transmission: the twi'lek was left alone in her quarters.

"He seems to have changed his disposition." a gutteral voice came from behind Sienn.

She didn't have to look over her shouler to know who it was: Sirahk.

"Yes, a promotion directly from the ruler of the sector would lift ones spirits, I imagine." she replied before turning on the heel of her boot and coming face-to-face with the ghostly apparition of her mentor.

"A big step up for one so impertinent. You could've simply done away with him, and let Teradoc promote the next-in-line to the position instead: someone more maleable."

Closing her eyes and shaking her head softly as she took several steps towards the ghost, Sienn kept her arms folded over her abdonem while her hands held the opposite arm just above the elbow. "This isn't a battlefield. The application of force requires more measurement and restraint to help optimise its effect."

"Do not diregard the lessons I have been teaching you, girl. You are fulfilling a pedigree of leadership and monarchs, not of lapdogs."

The twi'lek chuckled softly, "Have you ever meet the man whose machinations made all of this possible?" she asked, moving her hands to gesture to the ship around them, inferring the entire vessel and the Imperial military.

"I have. Twice. The first time was a..."

Sienn trailed off briefly, her green eyes sinking away from Sirakh's gaze to look at memories that only she could see. Her muscles twitched and her shoulder blades ached at whatever it was that ran through her head. For a brief second the twi'lek looked like a frightened girl shivering in the cold rain.

"...painful, experience. An experience that taught me the power of words to control us, and the patience necessary to use them."

"Impudent child. And you believe you have control over the new 'System Commander'?"

Sienn turned away from Sirahks ghostly image, sauntering slowly over to her expansive bed.

"Control? No. An influential reminder? Yes."

"You're pinning your web of security upon the captain liking you?" the Force ghost uttered the sentence with a disdain that even Sienn found surprising: his usually dry, calm demeanor torn for the briefest of seconds to allow something more primal to seep through the cracks. Still, the twi'lek shouldn't be surprised: Sirahk was an alchemist and a sorcerer, he was not a politician. He had developed in a very different world to her own and so couldn't be expected to understand her intentions without further elaboration.

"I just went from being the most detested person on this ship, to receiving a personal invitation to attend a congregation of his inner circle, followed by a private counsel. I could, if you desire, beat my chest and try to alpha-female my way to the top of the food chain: but you'll forgive me if I don't leap for joy at the prospect of employing a deeply flawed and polarising strategy that has led to the ruination of individuals and kingdoms alike.

Gratitude is the hope and expectation of favors to come - never underestimate its compelling effects"

Sirakh eyed the twi'lek and flicked his lips with a soft 'tsk'.

"You had best hope that this works."

"It already is."

With that, he vanished once more.

Alone, the twi'lek pulled herself up onto hew new bed and lay upon her back. Calmly, she moved her arms up and rested her hands behind her head, and gazed at the ceiling, or something beyond it.