View Full Version : Petrification, what do?

2013-03-06, 02:42 AM
Ok, so something that has been bugging me for a bit now (or more specifically after getting petrified 3 times in 3 sessions) what sort of defences against petrification exist? I know for mind affecting theres mind blank, for death effects theres death ward, but I can't seem to find anything for petrification. Hell, even polymorph effects can be negated by polymorphing into a plant or using gaseous form.

But I haven't managed to find a single source of anti-petrification with the exception of a feat from serpent kingdoms that gives you +3 vs petrification effects.

2013-03-06, 02:46 AM
There are a few examples of indirect immunity to petrification. It usually shows up in the form of immunity to transmutation effects.

Example: master of many forms capstone.

Have fun searching through material with this new found perspective.

2013-03-06, 02:52 AM
to be fair, getting 10 levels in a druid prc wasnt entirely what I was looking for.

2013-03-06, 03:16 AM
to be fair, getting 10 levels in a druid prc wasnt entirely what I was looking for.

and that particular class isn't the only way to gain a similar ability. I have at one time been more familiar with this particular facet of trivia. But alas time has muddled my memory. But I can assure you, if you look you will find a more suitable means to attain this immunity. I just personally don't want to spend the time combing through books to make up for my fuzzy memory.

So you are either in for a study session or at the mercy of the whim of the GitP fairies.

Edit: Meh, scratch that, I'm bored. I guess I can help you look. But I am starting from the back end and working to the front.

Dragon ascendant prestige class lvl 3 from draconomicon will give ya transmutation immunity. I hope you like the taste of gold though.

Found another one! Get Divine Rank 0 or higher.

Play a Musteval (or any other Guardinal) for straight immunity to petrification.

Enchant your favorite shirt as +1 armor then apply the Proof against transmuation armor enhancement to it. (+5 armor ability from the complete arcane)- total cost 36,000. The +1 armor bonus won't stack with regular armor if you have it, but the special ability will stick around no problem.

2013-03-06, 03:52 AM
Binding Haagenti grants Immunity to Transformation, allowing you to return from a petrified state on your next turn as a free action. Binder 3 (or Binder 1 using the Improved Binding feat). Or simply using the Improved Bind Vestige feat.

Also a couple of magic items from the MIC: Amulet of Inviolate Form and the Ruby Cincture of Immutability.

2013-03-06, 04:06 AM
and that particular class isn't the only way to gain a similar ability. I have at one time been more familiar with this particular facet of trivia. But alas time has muddled my memory. But I can assure you, if you look you will find a more suitable means to attain this immunity. I just personally don't want to spend the time combing through books to make up for my fuzzy memory.

So you are either in for a study session or at the mercy of the whim of the GitP fairies.

Edit: Meh, scratch that, I'm bored. I guess I can help you look. But I am starting from the back end and working to the front.

Dragon ascendant prestige class lvl 3 from draconomicon will give ya transmutation immunity. I hope you like the taste of gold though.

Found another one! Get Divine Rank 0 or higher.

Play a Musteval (or any other Guardinal) for straight immunity to petrification.

Enchant your favorite shirt as +1 armor then apply the Proof against transmuation armor enhancement to it. (+5 armor ability from the complete arcane)- total cost 36,000. The +1 armor bonus won't stack with regular armor if you have it, but the special ability will stick around no problem.

oh sweet, I had no idea that ability existed, where are the rules that say you can enchant a shirt with armor enhancements though?

2013-03-06, 04:48 AM
oh sweet, I had no idea that ability existed, where are the rules that say you can enchant a shirt with armor enhancements though?

Some people debate til they are blue in the face over that question. Personally, I think you can and play that way. But if your DM has a problem with your favorite magic shirt then just buy a pair of dastana from the arms and equipment guide and enchant those instead. The sad part is the clearly legal method of dastana is more powerful than the questionable magic clothes. Dastana provide a shield armor bonus that stacks with your regular shield and armor. So the +1 Dastana of Proof against transmutation Actually adds a stacking +2 shield bonus to your AC.

2013-03-06, 06:56 AM
Nobody can argue against magic pants! :smallamused:

2013-03-06, 07:29 AM
Nobody can argue against magic pants! :smallamused:

There is no pants slot — D&D characters just do not wear them.

2013-03-06, 07:59 AM
Amulet of Inviolate Form (11000 GP, MIC). Only works 7 times, but works automatically.

Belt of the Reinforced Form (5400 GP, Drow of the Underdark). Doesn't outright prevent petrification, but offers a +4 on the save.

Talisman of Undying Fortitude (8000 GP, MIC). Immunity to anything that requires a Fort save, but it has to be activated as a swift action, so you have to know you're going to be petrified first. 2/day, lasts 3 rounds.

2013-03-06, 08:04 AM
Maybe changing into something that is immune to petrification like via the planar exchange spell or something similar? Summon something immune to petrification to do the fighting for you?

2013-03-06, 08:05 AM
Being not flesh is a great defence against Flesh to Stone.
There are several spells which can achieve this.

Can you give us a sketch of your build ? It might give us more to go on.

2013-03-06, 09:25 AM
There is no pants slot — D&D characters just do not wear them.

What? My codpiece of protection was a waste of gold? *Shakes fist at evil GM who promised such an item would protect against the worst kind of critical hit*

2013-03-06, 06:39 PM
Being not flesh is a great defence against Flesh to Stone.
There are several spells which can achieve this.

Can you give us a sketch of your build ? It might give us more to go on.

I'm a wizard 7/loremaster 2, but it hasn't been flesh to stone hitting us, it's been various monster abilities such as a dracolisk's gaze and a retriever's petrification ray.

2013-03-06, 07:02 PM
I'm a wizard 7/loremaster 2, but it hasn't been flesh to stone hitting us, it's been various monster abilities such as a dracolisk's gaze and a retriever's petrification ray.

There are a few gayz defences but you will have to dig around for them or hope someone remembers them off hand and there is a spell in the spell compendium that deflects all rays.

Also I believe all true celestials gain immunity to petrification. That doesn't help you since you don't gain there SQ's through pottymorf. But its worth noting. Also elemental evils are immune to petrification too. Again, doesn't help you.

2013-03-06, 07:09 PM
Spellblade-3.5-6000g enchantment.
You can have it absorb any spell you want (must specify upon creation) and then cast it as a swift action. You may have as many of these as you want, but you must be wielding the weapon for it to work. Dancing weapons do not count as being wielded. However, shield spikes, armor spikes, bootknives, knee spikes, and a few others all count as wielded.

Runeblade-Pathfinder-Cost varies
In addition to giving you some bonuses to certain spell schools, it also will absorb up to 3 transmutation spells per day. You may only have one runebladed weapon.

2013-03-06, 07:25 PM
Hmm, Wizard spells aren't the best for this.

You can use things like Gaseous Form and Primal Form, but casting spells is tricky to say the least.

Polymorph should give you some options.

You're not quite high enough level yet, but Stone Body should work.

There are defences against breath weapons or gaze attacks though.

2013-03-06, 09:18 PM
you could get a contingent stone to flesh, if you're not going to have another contingency going or if you expect to be fighting a gorgon or basilisk soon.

2013-03-06, 09:45 PM
you could get a contingent stone to flesh, if you're not going to have another contingency going or if you expect to be fighting a gorgon or basilisk soon.

too bad to have a contingent 6th level spell I would need to be level 18, and I'm level 9, which isn't even high enough level to cast contingency itself.
Oh and stone to flesh has a chance to just outright kill you... thats fun :smallsigh:

2013-03-06, 10:06 PM
There's always Stone Salve from the SRD. It's not cheap at 4,000 gp per use, but hey.

If you can finagle an item with 1/day stone to flesh, that's also cool. Plus, you can use that to breach stone walls! You know, if you don't mind being covered with wall blood. It's also not inconspicuous and the opening would only be 3x10ft, but hey. Utility. Also allows you to turn statues to corpses.

That's probably gonna run you about 26,400 gp, though

2013-03-06, 10:46 PM
The best defence against gaze attacks is to stay out of range. People often assume these extend as far as you or the monster can see, they don't, and they're usually only 30' range or so.

Retrievers eye rays might be more of a problem. For that you might need one of the item solutions suggested (one more; mithril buckler with the same armor enhancement suggested for the shirt/dastanas), or drop solid fog on the retriever to immobilise it & cut down its visibility, then pound on it from afar.