View Full Version : Bah... Snow...

The Vagabond
2013-03-06, 09:16 AM
So, it's snowing here in Virginia. Just great, just great. And my father is going to drag us outside this afternoon to build a snowman... And the snow just keeps piling on and on.

What do you hate/love about snow. I get a day off, at least. I liked snow when I was younger, but now... Eh, I don't like it. Sure, it's white and fluffy, but it's also... Well, annoying, having to shovel the driveway.

2013-03-06, 09:20 AM
Not I. I'm telecommuting to my office in Rockville. So long as the power stays on, snow makes no difference to me. Except for a shovelling chore, of course.


Brian P.

The Succubus
2013-03-06, 10:39 AM
I love snow. If there's a type of weather when I'm truly in my element, it's when it's snowing. Blistering hot sunshine can take a hike.

Mauve Shirt
2013-03-06, 10:44 AM
I can't go into work! Hooray!

Tectonic Robot
2013-03-06, 10:46 AM
Snow, man. It's so white. And there's so much of it. And apparently it's beautiful if you manage to look at it close up???

2013-03-06, 10:48 AM
Since I've only been in snowfall once, it's still something of a novelty. And super enjoyable, especially if it can be packed.

2013-03-06, 10:49 AM
I never get to stay at home due to snow... it doesn't matter if it falls 40 cm during night, the roads are still cleared of snow before I have to go to school. I can even ride my bike without any trouble.

2013-03-06, 11:19 AM
My fingers hurt from when I was in snow back up north-east in California.
Lucky for me; my girlfriend knows how to keep a heart and hands warm. We got some tea, and a hell of a time playing Halo 4.

2013-03-06, 11:25 AM
I love the snow! With one exception....

I'm a winter person at heart. I enjoy the cold weather, hate the heat of summer, and cross my fingers every time I see flurries (hoping it turns into a Blizzard).

The only thing I really hate is having to drive in the snow, because it's basically the most terrible thing, ever. So as long as I don't need to go anywhere, then bring on the white stuff.

2013-03-06, 12:15 PM
Some snow in there, huh:smallamused:

Well, imagine what it would be like to live in such an environment for 4 months every year:smallwink:

To answer the question, well it is March and thus I have reached my typical 'late winter&hoping for spring' attitude towards snow... DISAPPEAR ALREADY YOU ANNOYING WHITE SLIPPERY MOSS!!!


Jack Squat
2013-03-06, 12:16 PM
I enjoy snow. I don't mind shovelling the driveway (I've had to do it since I was a kid, it's really not that bad with a good shovel), and it's always nice to pelt a roomate or co-worker with a snowball.

However, I don't like when it's just enough snow that it starts to stick and people freak out, nor do I enjoy driving in snow. Not because it's difficult - I had zero problems in my sedan, and I certainly won't have any in my new Jeep. It's just that people around here have no idea how to drive in any sort of inclement weather.

Amidus Drexel
2013-03-06, 01:09 PM
Heh, VA's got a fair amount right now (at least where I'm at).

Nah, I don't mind snow; although I prefer to have just enough to cover everything. This foot, though, is a bit annoying. I'll enjoy it more after the driveway's shoveled, and it stops falling.

Astral Avenger
2013-03-06, 01:17 PM
We typically have snow from the start of December through end of March where I am. In the past 13 years, I have had a total of 3 snow days (and one day where it was to cold for school buses to start). I like the snow, I'm a competitive Nordic (cross country for you non skiers) skier, so I tend to like snow. On the other hand, once all the big races are done (about a week ago) I tend to start wishing for open water to go canoeing on.

2013-03-07, 04:47 PM
I go skiing.
This lovely 30 cm's of snow we've had over the course of 3 days, while annoying to shovel at work (because people at my work suck) and at home, it has done nothing but make me itch to go out to the mountains, pretty much every day.
Oh, and we have more snow coming. Until the weekend of course where I could actually get out and ski. Nope, the weekend is bringing above freezing temperatures. So the snow will melt a bit, then turn rock hard. Boo.
My only chance to enjoy this recent dump of snow is to blow off work tomorrow. Which isn't going to happen.

2013-03-08, 02:30 AM
Another Virginian reporting in, and yes, snow is annoying when you're in an area that doesn't know how to deal with it. The area of VA that I'm in does not. Not really. We didn't even get that much (maybe 14, 15 inches?). Still, all the roads are clear now, so I guess I can't complain too much. Had several friends glad to get out of school, though.

2013-03-08, 11:47 AM
I swear to god snow plows have special radar that lets them know as soon as you finish shoveling the end of your driveway or sidewalk just so they can drive on through and dump another 2 feet of heavy wet snow all over your pathway again. /sigh Time to go out and shovel again.

2013-03-08, 01:11 PM
It wasn't too bad today. Oddly, all the programmers (who can work remotely) made it in to work and all the project managers (who have face to face meetings) couldn't brave the weather.

2013-03-08, 09:55 PM
I like snow, everything is just so dark without it in the winter.

Never had a "snow day" though, I'm quite envious of those who did.

2013-03-08, 10:25 PM
I like snow, everything is just so dark without it in the winter.

Never had a "snow day" though, I'm quite envious of those who did.

God, things have gotten so wussified since I was a school age kid. It used to be they didnt cancel school unless it started snowing, showed it was sticking, and they expected multiple inches before the end of the day. Now they cancel school preemptively. They heard it was supposed to snow and cancel school. I swear i got more early dismissals than I did snow days.

2013-03-11, 05:55 AM
I only remember ever having one snow day during my entire school years, and that was because there was a blizzard where the wind chills had the temperatures drop to about -50C, and we had about 4.5 feet of snow drop in about 12 hours. There were people whose houses were almost snowed over because of the winds and they brought in military half-tracks to get to certain people in hard to reach places.

My dad took me and my brother to the local fire station (during the blizzard) where they had the half-track so we could see it, and then we got a lift home in it.
It was awesome.

And yesterday, I was in Stirling, officiating a football game (American Football) in freezing temperature and with snow coming down so hard at times during the game that I couldn't see the other sideline. Great game of football, decided with 18 seconds to go in the game.

Edit: Just found a picture from yesterday's game (https://twitter.com/SYGridironTV/status/310883865369661443/photo/1)..

2013-03-11, 09:22 AM
Military equipment + Snow = awesomeness.

Those artillery guys firing the big cannons? If you build a snowman on their range, they can hit it. They can knock just it's head off if they want.

Please bear in mind that live fire ranges are insanely dangerous.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-03-11, 09:33 AM
It's not quite so bad where I live, but a few minutes ago it was like a small blizzard, swirling snow and everything.

We missed our white Christmas, but at least we get a white Easter!