View Full Version : Level/Ability Damage Immunity? + Barbarian Question

Gwazi Magnum
2013-03-06, 11:05 AM
What are ways I can use to be immune to things such as ability and level damage such as spells that lower a characters level?

+ Do you know of any Barbarian Variants that replaces either their boosted land speed, given DR or trap sense?

If not do you know of any base classes with High BAB and HD12?

2013-03-06, 11:33 AM
For high BAB/d12 class, see Warblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2) from Tome of Battle.

The Undead/Construct Type will protect you from both Ability Damage/Drain and Energy Drain. Also, look up the list of stuff (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff).

Ability Damage/Drain:
Warforged Juggernaut 5, ecl 10, Eberron Campaign Setting
Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations - plus other immunities
Pale Master 10, ecl 15, Libris Mortis, ability drain only

Items from Magic Item Compendium that protect or heal ability damage
1) Scarab of invulnerability
2) orb of mental renewal
3) Rod of bodily restoration
4) Talisman of undying fortitude
5) Wraith's woe set
6) Caduceus bracers

Not included are Spells:
-Sheltered Vitality (SpC)
-Iron Body (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ironBody.htm) or Stone body (protects against Ability Damage only)

Immunity to energy drain
-Hunter of the Dead 10, ecl 15, Complete Warrior
-Pauldrons of Health, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
-Strongheart Vest, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
-Binder 13, Tome of Magic
-Master Specialist (necromancy) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - see text
-Enlightened Spirit 10, ecl 15, Complete Mage
-Shadow Sun Ninja 10, ecl 15, Tome of Battle - see text
-Bone Knight 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Five Nations - plus other immunities
-Thief of Life 7, ecl ?, Faiths of Eberron
-Deadgrim 3, ecl 8, Magic of Eberron
-Pale Master 10, ecl 15, Libris Mortis

Not included are Spells:
-Deathward (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/deathWard.htm) and Mass Deathward

Also some items:
-Soulfire Armor (BoED)

And feats:
-Enduring Life and Lasting Life (Both in Libris Mortis, provides resistance rather than immunity)