View Full Version : Various Campaign Settings?

Caligstro Smith
2013-03-06, 07:31 PM
There are various 1st party campaign settings that have been released for D&D 3.5, but I was wondering:

Why is it that while I see references to Eberron and Faerun in threads/discussions, handbooks, CO/TO, etc, and I even see reasonably common reference to Dragon Magazine stuff in such things, I virtually NEVER see reference to other campaign settings?

I have some Dragonlance setting stuff, and I've occasionally seen references to it for things like Tinker Gnomes and the Academic Priest feat, it's EXCEEDINGLY rare compared to Eberron/Faerun references.

And I only today found a book in my local used book store, Kingdom of Kamalar Player's Guide, that I've never seen referenced at all?

People talk about using stuff like Able Learner, or Education, or Skill Knowledge feats to get class skills for specific builds or into PrCs, but this book has Skill Prodigy, which gives you <Int Mod> more class skills to your skill list! Which is WAY better than Skill Knowledge as long as you're not a literal BSF.

And there's a metamagic feat that can make your spells not offer a saving throw! That's UNBELIEVABLY GOOD! Yet it's just not ever mentioned that I've seen online. Why?

2013-03-06, 07:45 PM
Dragonlance is (officially licensed) third party, and if I remember correctly, so is Kingdoms of Kamalar. They are relatively obscure compared to the big campaign settings, so not a lot of people have the books for them. Tidbits get used here and there, but you won't often see them.

That metamagic feat you mentioned is one of the few crazy good things in Kalamar, and it was errata'd, though I don't remember how.

2013-03-06, 07:48 PM
Only the DLCS is licensed; apparently the rest is third party?

Some stupid broken stuff in their apparently; Legend of the Twins holds a particular gem for Polymorphing.