View Full Version : new member here, half celestial build question

Eman Resu
2013-03-07, 01:43 PM
1st off let me say hi to all & please feel free to advise me on any "suggested" site protocols...I am at work so this message will be cont between phone calls and the occasional boss "fly by"....OK so lets get my geek on!

I am in a new-4 player-starting at 6th level campaign, the group voted to play gestalt, so be it. The party consists of some pretty good solid /optimized builds, not totally tweaked out but strong nontheless. They are all spell casters + melee, and why shouldnt they be, its gestalt! A little power gamey for my taste but I am here, so while in Rome... The 3 other players are a combo of spellcaster & melee/skill monkey. I wanted to limit my pc to as little spell casting as possible and remain somewhat true to a Prince Vultan look-a-like. In re-creating Prince Vultan from Flash Gordon (leader of the Hawkmen) I quickly discovered a major lack of prestige classes that dont cast and that would best fit a Prince Vultan vibe/flavor

I am not interested in being the most powerful pc but I am interested in being a melee butt kicker! Prince Vultan used a club, this is where I will part picking the spiked chain err actually a meteor hammer combo spiked chain. this wep was found by another player in I believe a pathfinder book, DM allowed it.

feats I have so far

imp trip
2 handed power attack (x2 str)
power attack

what I am looking for is a feat or feat chain or combo that best works with this build
prestige classes, really any advice all but ToB is open

here is the party basics

1) Psion (Erudite)/Elocater - fighter/scout

2) Druid / warshaper / fighter w/ a gimped greenbound/ashbound summoning

3) Warlock -scout glaive w/ imp skirmish & power attack

4) Prince Vultar half celestial, jotenbrood, 7' tall 350lb Aasimar of a Nordic Viking'esk variety / barbarian /fighter/ 2 levels of Pali..suggestions?