View Full Version : Phillipe De Hee-Haw(3.5e Donkey Cavalier, WIP)

2013-03-07, 03:51 PM
Phillipe De Hee-Haw


I recently played a game of Warlock: Master of the Arcane and one of the lords you can get is a 'Stubborn Knight' name Phillipe De Hee-Haw. I really fell in love with him (Rushing into battle crying "CHEE-ARGE") and wanted to make a DnD character based off of him.

Now this is the first time I've made any type of homebrew for DnD really. (Although I made an eversheep spell for amusement.) So I'm kind of flexing ideas here.

After some thought I decided that I wanted the character to be a mixture of Human and Donkey. Now there are two ways of going about this. A PrC class "Knight of the Stubborn Order" and a 'race'. First the PrC, as I feel it's easier to flesh out.

Knight of the Stubborn Order

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Alignment: Any lawful.
Skills: Handle Animal 4 ranks , Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4 ranks , Ride 6 ranks
Feats: Mounted Combat, Iron Will
Special: Must have a Donkey as a mount.

Level* BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Stubborn, Swift Mount, Mount Intelligence +1
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Immovable, Mount Intelligence +2
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Extremely Stubborn, Mount Intelligence +3
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Carry on, Mount Intelligence +4
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Inseperable Companions
*Special: Stubborn Knight class levels stack with paladin levels for determining the characteristics of a paladin's mount.

Stubborn: At first level a Stubborn Knight becomes as stubborn as a mule, receiving a +2 bonus against any attempts to change his mind, including but not limited to: Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, Charm, Fear, and other mind-effecting spells or abilities.

Mount Intelligence: At first level, and every level there-after up to fourth level, a Stubborn Knight's mount gains a permanent +1 bonus to it's intelligence. These bonus' are lost if the rider somehow loses levels in this class.

Swift Mount: At First level a Stubborn Knight's Donkey mount's base land speed increases to that of a medium war-horse.

Immovable: At second level a Stubborn Knight becomes Nigh-Immovable, gaining a +10 bonus on Bull-rushes, trip-attempts, spells such as gust of wind or force spells or any other effect that would move him from his square. If effected by a spell that would cause him to run in fear he instead cowers. This effect will not allow an Initiate to stay in a square that is otherwise impossible. (Like a square that is now a wall.) although it may give him a circumstance bonus on a strength check against a wall moving into his square.

Extremely Stubborn: A third level A Stubborn Knight gains immunity to mind-effecting spells and a +5 bonus on checks made to change his mind. His stubborness has grown so great that he can now also shrug off damage, gaining DR 2/- for himself and the mount.

Carry On: At fourth level a Stubborn Knight gains the ability to push through rough terrain or impassible terrain (As long as it is physically possible) at 1/2 move speed. The Initiate still suffers any ill-effects such as damage, but will continue to move through the area regardless.

Example: A Druid using entangle on a 20x20 area. Phillipe may move through this area using a movement action at half his speed, without the need to make a strength or escape artist check.

Inseperable Companions A Stubborn Knight's bond with his mount becomes so strong that he becomes linked with his donkey. As long as he and his mount are on the same plane they are telepathically linked, and may view each other as per the Status spell. Furthermore, any damage may be moved, before it is dealt (But after it has been rolled, and damage-reductions ect. are applied.), split in any way to the rider and his mount. This effect only works if the Rider and Mount are within 5-feet of each other.

For Example: Phillipe is struck by an arrow, dealing 10 points of damage. Phillipe's DR 2/- reduces the damage by 8. Phillip, however, only has 5 HP left. He may chose to take 4 damage, and his mount take 4 damage. Or he can give all the damage to his mount. (Or any variations.) One it has been decided, it cannot be changed.

Likewise if Phillipe's Mount takes 10 damage from an arrow, then it's DR reduces it to 8, from there Phillipe can take all 8, or split the damage in any way.


The race thing would simply incorporate smaller aspects of this, tailor-made for my DM's Campaign.

I'm curious as to thoughts, I'm always unsure of numbers, but those can be tweaked once the ideas are there. The BAB and saves are taken from the Cavalier table, although i'm considering adjusting the will saves. (Being stubborn, he should have a higher will save.)

I currently like the capstone, though i'm worried about the overall power-level being low for 5 levels, maybe giving some more DR or charge bonus will help? I want to keep the flavor an immovable knight intact. A character who charges into a fight and refuses to leave.


2013-03-07, 11:22 PM
So I kind of don't like the idea of taking Paladin for this character. While he'll probably be inherently good, I feel he's not really inherently -divine-.

BUT I feel like a mount-reliant class/character needs something like special mount. Especially at low-levels. Now, the Donkey is supposed to be a life-long companion. So I think I'll add into Inseperable companions that the Donkey now ages -with- the rider, and is immune to all aging effects that do not effect the rider. I just think it's good flavor to have the mount and the knight die together.

But as for Special Mount, is there any other way to beef up a mount without being a paladin?