View Full Version : Build Help: Raging Dwarf Blender <3.5 FR>

2013-03-07, 05:36 PM
Well, the DM said for me to "play whatever makes me happy," and to me, it's Dwarf.

So going through my list of favorite dwarves, I remembered an image of a heavily intoxicated half-naked Dwarf charging with a pair of axes, screaming and foaming at the mouth. And then it hit me: Dwarves get Dwarven Waraxe as a proficiency, and maybe there's a way to make TWF work for a "Battlerager."

My big thing is I want room in the build for Dwarf Paragon 3 and Deepwarden 2, and we have a pesky 28 point buy. Help?

2013-03-07, 08:39 PM
For TWF on a Rage-centered build, I'd strongly recommend a two-level dip into Ranger, to access TWF without needing to allocate all those points to DEX. For example, Ranger 2/Lion Totem Barbarian 2/Dwarven Paragon 3/Deepwarden 2 as a starting point.

On 28 points, I'd probably want a 16 STR (10) 12 DEX (4) 16 CON (8) 8 INT (0) 14 WIS (6) 6 CHA (0) distribution.

2013-03-07, 08:55 PM
For TWF on a Rage-centered build, I'd strongly recommend a two-level dip into Ranger, to access TWF without needing to allocate all those points to DEX. For example, Ranger 2/Lion Totem Barbarian 2/Dwarven Paragon 3/Deepwarden 2 as a starting point.

On 28 points, I'd probably want a 16 STR (10) 12 DEX (4) 16 CON (8) 8 INT (0) 14 WIS (6) 6 CHA (0) distribution.

I had thought about Ranger 2 as a good dip. However, Lion Totem isn't my favorite thing to have. Don't get me wrong: Pounce is Hot. But we already have a THF Goliath Lion-Totem Barbarian. I may still take it, since there aren't too many useful "drop uncanny dodge for something less suck" abilities.

And I was looking at similar, minus having a 10 in intelligence and a 12 in Wisdom (Best to not lose skill points if it can be avoided).

And on a side note: Would being an Earth Dwarf be a good call over Mountain Dwarf in this case, as would taking Whirling Frenzy be worth it?

2013-03-07, 09:04 PM
If Lion Totem isn't your thing (and there are other ways to get Pounce), Wolf Totem offers some interesting BFC options.

Any flavor of Dwarf that doesn't lose DEX would probably work just find for your purposes.

Whirling Frenzy is pretty much always worth it when available.

2013-03-07, 09:04 PM
Another suggestion: Consider Monkey Grip with the dwarven waraxe. For most weapons Monkey Grip is a terrible choice, but for dwarven waraxe+enlarge you have a 1-handed weapon doing 3d8 damage. Granted, it hurts your to-hit (-2 from TWF, -2 from MG), but the damage is impressive and with TWF you won't be power-attacking much anyway. Then take Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting and you're wielding twin Large dwarven waraxes, each of which does a base damage of 2d8, or 3d8 if you're enlarged.

2013-03-07, 09:16 PM
If Lion Totem isn't your thing (and there are other ways to get Pounce), Wolf Totem offers some interesting BFC options.

Any flavor of Dwarf that doesn't lose DEX would probably work just find for your purposes.

Whirling Frenzy is pretty much always worth it when available.

So Earth is out (loses 2 dex, gets 2 strength), though Glacier may be an interesting choice, since they get the Cold Endurance feat for free.

I expect myself to be TWF-ing until the cows come home, so tripping may not be my preferred tactic.

And in no way would I ever consider Monkey Grip. Too many minuses to contend with while in my Frenzy (total -6 to-hit means my off-hand is 99% of the time going to miss). Nice thought, but no dice there.

And I'm going to talk to the DM to see if I can get a "lesser" Decanter of Endless Water (only trick is it never runs out of water) and refluff it as a Stein of Endless Grog (booze). Remember: I'm trying to be a Battlerager, so what you need to be a great Dwarven Rage-Machine is Boulder-Gut, a high proof alcohol that has been known to turn the most serene and kind dwarves into foaming-at-the-mouth frenzies of steel and sinew.

2013-03-07, 09:26 PM
Another suggestion: Consider Monkey Grip with the dwarven waraxe. For most weapons Monkey Grip is a terrible choice, but for dwarven waraxe+enlarge you have a 1-handed weapon doing 3d8 damage. Granted, it hurts your to-hit (-2 from TWF, -2 from MG), but the damage is impressive and with TWF you won't be power-attacking much anyway. Then take Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting and you're wielding twin Large dwarven waraxes, each of which does a base damage of 2d8, or 3d8 if you're enlarged.

In 3.5, Monkey Grip is making a Character actively worse at damage in essentially all cases.

2013-03-07, 09:37 PM
In 3.5, Monkey Grip is making a Character actively worse at damage in essentially all cases.

Basically what I was saying. Better clarified Amphetryon. If I had any skill whatsoever, I'd make you an Avatar of an Ampharos Wizard, bust because you're that awesome.

And on a small side-note. I'm fully aware on how sub-optimal TWF is in comparison to THF, but I used to run a Dwarf Noble Warrior/Berserker/Reaver in Dragon Age: Origins, and I just felt that with a dwarf barbarian, TWF just felt "better" to me. Plus, him being a moderate alcoholic is a throwback to Oghren, everyone's favorite dwarf from a video game. The idea was the rather scary image of a dwarf clad in little but a kilt running at the monsters, screaming Dwarven insults, waving his axes that will carve the monster to lunch meat, his kilt flapping up so it blinds the monster who looked at him funny, and his eyes bloodshot.

2013-03-08, 07:46 AM

Any ideas on making my Axe-Wielding Axe-Chucking (No bow for ranged. Real Dwarves use throwing axes) better?

2013-03-08, 07:50 AM

Any ideas on making my Axe-Wielding Axe-Chucking (No bow for ranged. Real Dwarves use throwing axes) better?

Bloodstorm Blade 4 will let you chuck your Waraxe efficiently.

2013-03-08, 08:02 AM
I don't know if you've heard of it, or how your DM feels about Homebrew, but the Naked Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7661877&postcount=19) PrC sounds perfect for this sort of character. It's the one class I've always wanted to try, but I've never gotten the chance.

2013-03-08, 08:24 AM
Isn't there a Prc for this touch of twf somewhere? Can't remember its name.

2013-03-08, 08:49 AM
Isn't there a Prc for this touch of twf somewhere? Can't remember its name.

Bloodclaw Master, Dervish

Edit: Homebrew is effectively banned (minus 1 PC, who is of a homebrew race.), and I'm going to be carrying around throwing axes in case of flying critters

Man on Fire
2013-03-08, 08:54 AM
If you don't want wear armor, try Fist of the Forest, which will give you Con to AC. Sadly, it requires two feats that are rather useless for this build.

And what it's wrong with Monkey Grip?

2013-03-08, 09:16 AM
If you don't want wear armor, try Fist of the Forest, which will give you Con to AC. Sadly, it requires two feats that are rather useless for this build.

And what it's wrong with Monkey Grip?

I really didn't look at FotF, because I want as little non-dwarf theme as possible

2013-03-08, 10:06 AM
There's a 5-level PrC in the back of Races of Faerun: Battlerager. It's Dwarf-specific and generally a good thematic fit for what has been posited so far, though not a world-beater in power level. Its requirements make Ranger 3 a viable consideration.

2013-03-08, 10:26 AM
There's a 5-level PrC in the back of Races of Faerun: Battlerager. It's Dwarf-specific and generally a good thematic fit for what has been posited so far, though not a world-beater in power level. Its requirements make Ranger 3 a viable consideration.

I was actually looking at grabbing a few levels in Battlerager (Immunity to Fear, More Rage). And minus getting Improved Unarmed Strike and Requiring 4 wasted skill points (Perform. Seriously WotC? Seriously???), I dig the fluff and crunch.

2013-03-08, 03:00 PM
So thus far, I've got

Dwarf (subrace TBD) Ranger 2/Whirling Frenzy Lion Barbarian 2/Dwarf Paragon 3/Deepwarden 2/Battlerager 5

Now, I need 6 levels, feats, and gear and I'm pretty well set

2013-03-08, 03:21 PM
So thus far, I've got

Dwarf (subrace TBD) Ranger 2/Whirling Frenzy Lion Barbarian 2/Dwarf Paragon 3/Deepwarden 2/Battlerager 5

Now, I need 6 levels, feats, and gear and I'm pretty well set

Ranger 3/WFL Barbarian 3/Dwarf Paragon 3/Deepwarden 2/Battlerager 5/Bloodstorm Blade 4?

2013-03-08, 04:05 PM
Ranger 3/WFL Barbarian 3/Dwarf Paragon 3/Deepwarden 2/Battlerager 5/Bloodstorm Blade 4?

So, since I want to start the game running, My level 3 looks like:

Ranger 2/WFL Barbarian 1

I take my Dwarf Paragon after this, then grab Deepwarden as soon as Paragon is set. Then grab Ranger 3, shuffling nicely into Battlerager, then polishing off barbarian.

The only part of your specified build that rubs me wrong is Bloodstorm Blade. I'm a TWF machine, not a ranged monkey. I'll have throwing axes as a nuke button vs. flying guys, but the party fighter is a Half-Ogress Fighter heading to Hulking Hurler

2013-03-08, 04:38 PM
BSB is mostly suggested to allow your melee prowess to apply against a wider swath of opponents, as flying becomes an increasingly common option for both sides at higher levels. Having a party member headed to Hulking Hurler is great, but I'd personally want to contribute enough to feel I could "pull my weight" against those encounters.

If you find it unpalatable, you might consider finishing off with Totemist 2/Ironsoul Forgemaster 2, as the latter is a Dwarf-specific PrC that works pretty well by all accounts.

2013-03-08, 05:24 PM
BSB is mostly suggested to allow your melee prowess to apply against a wider swath of opponents, as flying becomes an increasingly common option for both sides at higher levels. Having a party member headed to Hulking Hurler is great, but I'd personally want to contribute enough to feel I could "pull my weight" against those encounters.

If you find it unpalatable, you might consider finishing off with Totemist 2/Ironsoul Forgemaster 2, as the latter is a Dwarf-specific PrC that works pretty well by all accounts.

My DM has already thrown a Winter Wolf and 3 Yetis at the party of 8 "3rd Level" PCs, so for now, those last four levels can float. Plus, I've convinced the Hulking Hurler to take Fling Ally so she can chuck the Drunken Sod at flying things.

And the DM is leery on Incarnum. I was thinking Stonelord, since 2 of the powers (Earth's Power and Earth's Strength) would be useful "nova" effects