View Full Version : Flurry of Blows + Justicar stacking?

2013-03-07, 06:53 PM
Does a monks flurry of blows + a justicars -1 str per hit "stack?

Or does the flurry of blows only function as one hit and not multiple ?

2013-03-07, 06:58 PM
Flurry of Blows count as multiple attacks, not a single hit. That is why it takes a full round action to use, whereas a single hit would only take a standard action.

2013-03-07, 10:38 PM
Flurry of blows is multiple attack similar to a full attack but with a few extra attacks at the top and a penalty to hit across the board. The Justicar's crippling strike deals strength damage which stacks with itself (the same way hit point damage does) on every successful attack dealing nonlethal damage.

So yes, this combo works perfectly.

As far as no save ability damage goes this is pretty mild, but reasonable for games in which monks are considered effective characters I would imagine.

2013-03-07, 11:28 PM
Flurry and Crippling strike stack, but the main weakness of Flurry still exists: it doesn't hit nearly enough. You're better off making a TWF build with full base attack bonus to launch as many attacks as you can.

I'd recommend ranger 2 whirling frenzy spirit lion barb 1 fighter 1 warblade 2 justiciar X. Take TWF combat style (obviously), and improved two-weapon fighting at 6th. Take tiger claw maneuvers, which focus on TWF, with the warblade levels. Sudden leap and wolf fang strike in particular will be useful.

1st: skill focus (gather info), track (bonus)

3rd: extra rage

4th: quick draw (fighter bonus feat). This is just personal preference, but I like quick draw on TWF builds. They have twice as many weapons to draw after all. Power-wise, there are much better feats.

6th: improved two-weapon fighting

At level 8 when you get crippling strike, during a frenzy (which you can do three times per day), you'll have 5 attacks at a net of only -2 attack penalty each (whirling frenzy penalty for the extra attack is offset by the str increase) - BaB of +6+6+6+1+1

2013-03-08, 02:14 AM
Flurry and Crippling strike stack, but the main weakness of Flurry still exists: it doesn't hit nearly enough. You're better off making a TWF build with full base attack bonus to launch as many attacks as you can.
It's not that different either way. Your attack bonus with flurry is only 1 point lower for monk 1-13. The key is that you can combine flurry with TWF for even more attacks. Use a merciful monk weapon if you need nonlethal. In spite of the additional penalty you still come out ahead on hits until around 4 or 5 attacks. With some attack bonus optimization, maybe until 7-9 attacks.

Though even with crippling strike the idea is not that spectacular regardless of how you get your extra attacks. Maybe if you also deal good damage then I suppose it helps for the brief time that your target is still alive. But as an alternative to high damage it's not that hot.

2013-03-08, 07:06 AM
It's not that different either way. Your attack bonus with flurry is only 1 point lower for monk 1-13. The key is that you can combine flurry with TWF for even more attacks. Use a merciful monk weapon if you need nonlethal. In spite of the additional penalty you still come out ahead on hits until around 4 or 5 attacks. With some attack bonus optimization, maybe until 7-9 attacks.

Monk has medium base attack, as opposed to full. That starts to make a big difference by level 6, at least 2 levels before you can theoretically be getting crippling strike. Also, justiciar takes bab of +6 to enter; fighter/barb/warblade can take the first level at 7. Pure monk has to wait until level 9.

Barb also has rage, which offsets some of the penalty - with 20 str at level 8 (an entirely reasonable number), +2 weapons, and rage, the attack total would be +13+13+13+8+8. Really, you could throw in another +2 for flanking, since that's the main way to get crippling strike to begin with.

Monk on the other hand: 20 str, +1 amulet of mighty fists, twf, itwf, would be attacking at....+9+9+9+4+4. Flanking bonus would raise it up to 2 points lower than the other character's non-flanking attack routine. And they don't even have crippling strike for another 2 levels, or non-lethal strike for a bit of bonus damage. Monk also lacks pounce, or any way to move and full attack. The other character has both, along with more HP, more armor, and more damage.

Though even with crippling strike the idea is not that spectacular regardless of how you get your extra attacks. Maybe if you also deal good damage then I suppose it helps for the brief time that your target is still alive. But as an alternative to high damage it's not that hot.

Yeah it probably wouldn't be as good as it looks. Most things are going to die too fast for the relatively small reduction in str to matter.

A more fun build would be to take advantage of the grappling options, and hog-tie some dudes. Then take embarrassing pictures of them post it on facebook.