View Full Version : Pathfinder Alternate Racial Traits Question

2013-03-07, 08:42 PM
EDIT: Answered, thank you :smallsmile:
I am very new to Pathfinder, and somewhat ambitiously, started as an Alchemist. A Drow Alchemist, and I have run into a question about switching out racial traits. The links lead to relevant pages on the Pathfinder SRD, where I have quoted text from.

From the base Drow (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-drow)Racial traits, characters start with this trait:

Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poisons and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.

This alternate racial trait can be taken to replace Poison Use:

Ancestral Grudge: The enmity between the drow and elves and dwarves is long-standing and deeply entrenched. drow with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the dwarf or elf subtypes (with the exception of drow) because of their special training against these reviled foes. This racial trait replaces poison use.

Alchemists (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist) gain Poison Use at level 2.

The question: would taking Ancestral Grudge block the Poison Use trait gained at Alchemist level 2 - ie, are you unable to ever gain a trait that has been replaced? (Please provide references if possible, if you know the answer. I know you're barred from taking additional archtypes that would replace a trait has already been replaced by another.)

Second question: would it be wholly unreasonable to make this substitution in hindsight, at the beginning of the next campaign?

Thank you :smallredface:

2013-03-07, 08:53 PM
1) The alternate racial trait only replaces the racial trait. It does not prevent you from gaining the same ability you traded away from another source. It's a one-for-one trade at character creation, not an eternal prohibition.

2) I think that it would be wholly reasonable to the point of obviousness to take the ART knowing that you'll get the same ability from your class, yes. That being said, ask your DM (some people have eccentric ideas of reasonable).