View Full Version : Lady-o'War

Toy Killer
2013-03-07, 10:03 PM
So with all this talk about playing an Ooze character, it gave me a font of inspiration for an imposing encounter for my party. I present to you: The Lady-o'War

(Back ground info: My campaign world is being invaded by hell, and devils/demons are hinted to be ascended mortal souls. I'm scratch building each devil and demon to give them more of a personal feel, rather then standard imps and balors and such. Despite being an outsider, she is still stated out as an Ooze, fluffed as an outsider; a demon in particular. Possibly a pregnant bride whom drowned, but that's more for me to know then anything else. She would be more dangerous underwater, but the area she will be encounter in was supposed to be submerged under water.)


(Living "Color spray(lvl 7)/extract water elemental(lvl 4)" /Awakened Ooze/Aquired DM Fiat Template o'wonders)


This is a quick sketch I did of what I envision her to look like, it will be retouched on a digital medium eventually...

Lady-o'War(Outsider [evil, Chaotic, Ooze]); Movement:20, swim 40 Init: +6
HD 7d10 (70 Vitality/17 Wound Points)
AC:19 (17 flat-footed, 12 touch)
BAB:+8 (slam) (+8 Grapple Modifier)
Full Attack:+8 Slam
Damage: 1d4+5 (Color Spray [DC 14 fort vs/ stun, treat as poison] Extract water Elemental[DC19 Fort for 4d6 damage])
Saves: F:+11 R:+10 W: +10
Special Qualities/Feats: Tremor Sense (20ft), Blind (But no blind sense), Immune to poison, sleep effects, Paralysis, Polymorphing and stunning, critical hits, flanking, Improved Initiave
Special Attacks: See Below...
Attributes: STR17 DEX14 CON17 INT10 WIS14 CHR17
Spells prepared:(////)N/A
Manuvers Prepared: (Known)N/A
Stances Known:N/A

Tendrils of The lady-o'War
Akin to the Jellyfish Motif she follows, the Lady-o'War is surrounded by tendrils that underwater, are a cloud benieth her, stretching out for 20ft. Anyone with in this area is at risk of being poisoned by her unique venom. This cloud remains in place until she Flails (See below). On land, the tendrils have nothing to support them, and they merely lay on the ground below her, filling the same 20 foot burst around her.
Any character with in this area must succeed against a touch attack (+4 attack bonus) or save against a DC 14 color spray, as though hit by her slam (But without the Extract water elemental damage). anyone whom is hit by this attack automatically is noticed by the Lady-o'War, and is unable to hide from her tremorsense. If an object is thrown into the area, it's considered to be noticed automatically (but not nessicarily Identified)

every 1d6 rounds, the Lady-o'War flails her tendrils around her. This is a 20ft burst centered on her. This resets the area covered by her tendrils, and everyone within the new 20 ft burst must make a reflex save (DC 17) or be hit as above. She will likely travel closer to someone stunned then the inverse.


And this is flailing...

Tell Me what you think!

2013-03-07, 10:06 PM
I think this belongs in the Homebrew forum.

2013-03-07, 10:07 PM
I get dirty thoughts when I look at the 2nd picture... :smallconfused:

2013-03-07, 11:11 PM
I think this belongs in the Homebrew forum.

your sig is soooo relevant.

also, is it supposed to be a transparent woman pregnant with a skeletal halfling, who has jellyfish umbrella hair?