View Full Version : The Judge?

2013-03-08, 03:16 AM
So I am trying to think of how one would create a judge. If the players fight one, what would they be facing? I mean probably a high diplomacy cleric of St. Cuthbert, right? or would he/she be some wizard with a strong moral compass?

And Minos, he has become tainted by evil. What would his statistics be?

Just wanna know what everyone thinks

Thanks in advance, Sam

2013-03-08, 03:29 AM
What immediatly pops to my mind is the simple Justiciar of Tyr.
I'll admit, he had to be LG to enter this class, but nothing prevent him to fall to the evil side then and continue in his class (IIRC, he loses his class benefits only if he breaks the loyal part of alignment).

2013-03-08, 03:30 AM
A Judge could just as well be a low-level Expert with the right skills. However, if you want something cooler, that Cleric should do nicely. Give him a wooden warhammer and shield (he really likes banging them together). :smallwink:

2013-03-08, 03:59 AM
For clarification: do you mean like the Judges from Judge Dredd, or like a civil judge ruling over court cases?

2013-03-08, 04:30 AM
For clarification: do you mean like the Judges from Judge Dredd, or like a civil judge ruling over court cases?

Judge Dredd with a civil court twist

2013-03-08, 04:37 AM
Honestly I was thinking more like the Judges from Final Fantasy Tactics. Those are by far much, much more evil. Also freakin' insane. I mean what else would you think of a guy who shows up at random battles and says crap like "I'm going to imprison anyone who attacks with a weapon this battle! No wait, anyone who uses Ki abilities. No wait, anyone who wears pants!"

Which would make for an interesting DnD type character. Probably some form of Cleric or Mystic Theurge with a ton of Warding spells and protections on himself to make him nigh invincible and able to punish anyone who does something against his whims anywhere near him.

"No conjurations or my ward teleports you to Carceri!" ~Insane Judge

2013-03-08, 04:45 AM
Well then, just like the Judges in Judge Dredd they should be varied and be capable of working on their own as well as working with a group. As a bonus, of course, they should be able to wear heavy armor. With that in mind, you have a few different options all of which could work equally well together.

For the magic side of things, Clerics of a god of Justice and/or Protection definitely seem likely to work towards these sorts of goals. Put a decent amount of skillpoints into Knowledge: Nobility/Royalty to reflect their knowledge of the law under their juristiction. You might also see some Gish builds and/or Battle Sorcerers in Mythril Full Plate in the mix.

For the martial side of things, Warblade and Crusader work quite well. Their wide variety of maneuvers give them the combat flexibility that the Judges display on so many occasions. Throw in a few Swordsages and Rogues to help support the heavier fighters, plus have them focus on UMD to give the nice array of wand/scroll/staff use to represent the heavy weapons support the Judges can use when the situation calls for it. They should also have a decent rank in Knowledge: Nobility/Royalty for the same reasoning as above.

You could definitely go more detailed for individual builds, of course. Clericzilla and Ruby Knight Vindicator builds could be used to represent some of the most powerful of the Judges, having climbed their way up through sheer power and skill.

2013-03-08, 04:57 AM
Honestly I was thinking more like the Judges from Final Fantasy Tactics. Those are by far much, much more evil. Also freakin' insane. I mean what else would you think of a guy who shows up at random battles and says crap like "I'm going to imprison anyone who attacks with a weapon this battle! No wait, anyone who uses Ki abilities. No wait, anyone who wears pants!"

Which would make for an interesting DnD type character. Probably some form of Cleric or Mystic Theurge with a ton of Warding spells and protections on himself to make him nigh invincible and able to punish anyone who does something against his whims anywhere near him.

"No conjurations or my ward teleports you to Carceri!" ~Insane Judge

I hadn't even thought of that! I love those sadistic bastards haha. I must make one now!