View Full Version : First boss encounter

2013-03-08, 08:15 AM
Hi all, it's me asking for help again xD

So I'm running a PbP game, and the party are in the first dungeon, investigating the reason behind the sahuagin's recent violence. They are also expecting there to be some prisoners to rescue.

What the players don't know is that the sahuagin are being coerced by a cabal of necromancers, who are threatening to raise the dead sahuagin and set them loose on the seas. As lawful and 'honorable' people, the sahuagin are going along to preserve the memory of their revered ancestors.

The party have bypassed the watery sections of the dungeon, including the prison area, where the prisoners would have told them that the sahuagin obey the commands of a human wizard. As it stands they're heading into the 'boss room' where they'll encounter said wizard, plus a sahuagin with a level of ranger, and another with a level in druid (his animal companion is a shark, so won't take part in the fight)

The plan is for the wizard to feign imprisonment, being unarmed and all, and, when the sahuagin are defeated, he'll go along with them and become something of a spy in their midst.

It's possible that the players will see through this, so he is battle ready, just in case. Really what I'm asking is, is this a good idea? And more importantly, will the fight be overpowering if the wizard joins in or too easy if he doesn't?

The three enemies are Level 3 human wizard (necromancer) Sahuagin Ranger 1, Sahuagin Druid 1.
The party is Human Rogue 2, Human fighter 2, human bard 2, human warmage 2 and gnome shugenja 2.

Any feedback is, as always, much appreciated.

2013-03-08, 08:34 AM
So... almost straight up Bluff vs. Sense Motive checks regarding the wizard.

My question- does the wizard know that the PCs are here? Why would he entertain such a ruse before even seeing the PCs? He's doing something here in the dungeon and the PCs are messing it all up.

Trying to sell being a prisoner would require not taking part in the fighting initially... so either the BG has to go all in or all out to my mind...

Maybe the BG can wear a mask of some kind, make his escape after the defeat of the Sahaugin and then make himself appear a prisoner deeper in the complex?

2013-03-08, 08:41 AM
The door to the room is trapped with an Obscuring Mist, so as soon as they walk in, they won't be able to see very much. I was going to have the wizard buff the sahuagin and provide support while they fought the PCs in the mist, then afterwards he could see how things stood and decide if he had the advantage or not.

Obviously his Bluff won't be terribly high, but I think it's a more realistic option to feign innocence when outmatched, rather than running away or fighting to the death.

If he was to join the fight, he'd start by animating the corpses of the sahuagin to give him support while he blasts, so I have tactics prepped for both options really.

I'm just worried about the balance really, I don't want a TPK or a walkover. The party has access to some potions of CLW, which would make them more able to take on the whole group.

2013-03-08, 08:52 AM
The obscuring mist would work for later deception, but you could still have the wizard take part, escape and make a quick change if feigning innocence. Perhaps he can even kill someone else and dress them up as himself to gain an emotional hold on the PCs (ie, a prisoner revolted and took revenge on his captor). This might also give a +4 circumstance bonus on his bluff check?