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2013-03-08, 11:54 AM
OOC link. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14847675#post14847675)

The throne is the center of the room. Raised from the floor on a platform of marble, steps carved into the stone lead to the golden seat itself, shining with gems and lined with cushions said to be filled with the ashes of naturally dying phoenix. Sitting on it is the Jackal Lord, a man covered with fur that looks more elegant and refined than feral, bearing a head that's a cross between the animal that is his namesake and that of a normal human. The snout leads to a round head covered only in fur, without a mane or covering of humanlike hair; his ears stand up constantly, each pierced near the bottom, bearing an ornate ring. His clothes fit his title, a long cloak of dark brown hiding part of his multicolored vest. Purple is the main color, showing off his wealth and access to dyes, with red and green decorating other parts of it.

The Jackal Lord wears a pair of tight-fitting, dark gloves and two of his fingers (one on each hand) bear rings, both with large gemstones set into them. The rest of his attire is similar - showcasing the wealth and power of the owner. As he settles on his throne the chatter in the room, coming from reclining men and women spread across what are surely hundreds of cushions along the floor, some on larger ones almost like beds, others on upright ones that resemble stools. Surrounding his throne, pacing the area surrounding the marble platform, are a number of seemingly normal jackals, wearing simple collars. If the legends are true, these are the Jackal Lord's enemies, transformed by his mere gaze. From the edge of your vision you see his eyes, glowing red, resting on you.

Surrounding the throne, on the platform is a sextet of women, chosen for their beauty, it would seem, and wearing little apart from pretty strips of cloth that keep their attire (or rather the almost total lack thereof) a step away from total indecency. These are the women you have been instructed to not look into the eyes of - although the guardess who told you seemed to be speaking primarily to Jassira - and as the Jackal Lord shifts they twirl from their standing positions into low curtseys that eventually touch the ground. They sit there, motionless except for their breathing, as a single noise fills the entire room. The Jackal Lord clears his throat, immediately silencing those who had still been continuing their conversation, his voice projected across the entire hall, clearer than any human voice could be in such a large room.

Turning to you, a group of five standing on a small platform, visible to all of those gathered in the room but still below the Jackal Lord, he claps once. Instantly, a series of changes go through the room. It isn't audible, except as a lack of noise; suddenly you realize that you can't hear anything from the rest of the court. In fact, it seems like they've all simply stopped moving.

The guardess accompanying you, her back turned to the Jackal Lord, speaks quietly. "A measure to ensure privacy," she says. "The rest of the court neither sees nor hears us," as she finishes her explanation, the guardess straightens, gripping her spear more tightly and taking a deep breath before intoning, in as booming a voice as she can manage, "His Holiness the Jackal Lord speaks! Listen, and present your voices to his ears!"

You were told earlier that this is an opening ritual before the Jackal Lord speaks, the beginning of a two-way conversation. And, indeed, as the guardess ends her proclamation, the seated humanoid speaks, his voice deep and regal.

"You have come - been chosen - to fulfill a task of great importance. I seek the return of something taken from me by an unusual enemy. Another crime lord, weaker than myself and without much influence, but too powerful for me to attack without exposing myself to more worthy enemies. Especially as they seem to be working with their own allies.

I cannot send my own followers because my enemy will recognize them and will use their presence as an excuse to flee to their protector for aid against me. You are nothing - faceless mercenaries, for now. Strong enough to battle or sneak your way to where your objective is and unknown enough to not be missed by their spies," the Jackal Lord pauses here, looking to the one at the far left (from your perspective) of the group: Art.

"You seek the protection only my court gives you, as well as information known only by my spies," he says. It isn't a question, but a statement. Before the warforged can reply, he turns to the next in line: Jassira.

"You look to me with the eyes of one who has faced hardship...but now you see a light in the darkness, for yourself and others," he says, his voice retaining its commanding authority but gaining a soft quality for a moment. In his statement is another message, one intended for Jassira alone. (See below.) Nodding to her, he turns his gaze to Benton.

"The fortune you seek will come with your success here. Fame will follow in time, prove yourself to me and others will know of your greatness," if there is any doubt as to how strong the Jackal Lord's authority is, his words dispel it. For just a moment, it seems clear that, if he says it, it will be so. Then he turns to Sebastian.

"You seek out a way to ply your trade and find a place in this city for yourself, a strong hand to protect you from old enemies," he says, looking at the man for a moment longer in silence, before turning to the final member of the group: Jarek.

"You seek wealth as well, but not just for yourself. Your service to me will be greatly rewarded, ensuring...a bright future," he says, his words laden with deeper meaning only Jarek understands.

"You come to me a group of five, but you will leave as a unit," the Jackal Lord says, raising one arm from his throne and straightening his gloved fingers, as if a string extends from each one of them to one of you. For a moment he stays like this before he lowers it again, seeming satisfied. "Sariya will bring you to your new liason. She will speak to you of the details.

If you wish to speak to me, do so now! A direct audience is not something I grace my followers with often," he says.

The secret message is "keep your true form our secret in my court".

The Jackal Lord's secret message to Jassira is "keep your true form our secret in my court".

Of course, what he means by that is unknown.

It's obvious to you that the Jackal Lord means "a bright future for your family" with what he said to you.

2013-03-08, 01:35 PM
Jarek nods once when the Jackal Lord speaks to him. At the invitation to speak directly to the Jackal Lord, he glances sideways at his companions to see if they have anything to say.

2013-03-08, 03:23 PM
Jassira's orange hued eyes remain fixed upon the Jackal King, listening with rapt attention to his grandiose proclamations. She does not display any reverent awe. Nor does she show any signs of distaste for the creature's display of pride. Indeed, Jassira regards him with nervousness, as a student beginning their first day with a teacher.

Jassira herself seems an altogether normal, if somewhat well-built, human. Ruddy brown hair, the color of fertile earth, hangs just below her shoulders, unruly, though not necessarily ill-maintained. Vivacious orange eyes are the dominating feature of her visage, the rest concealed in a ferocious display of makeup, made to look like orange-and-black tiger stripes cross over her cheeks. Figure is trim, and muscled; though possessing a distinctly feminine shape, her body speaks of years tilling fields, or felling trees. Her height stands her aabove most all of her female piers, and most men as well...but curiously, clothing is ill-tailored for her, in the wrong direction. Shirt resembles a heavy, short-sleeved doublet, lined with the finest of ring male. Collar is far too large for the girl though, baring her sternum and a hint of cleavage, and sleeves extends a great deal past her elbow, loose and billowy. The bottom hemn dips to her knees like a battle-ready piece of nightwear. Any coverings for lower half are unseen, as where knees start, a pair of striped tiger-fur sabatons hang loose, pooling a bit near her feet, which are wholly covered by the thick black-and-orange mess. A pair of hand axes hand clasped to a leather kidney-belt, while a longbow is strung over her back with her rucksack. A hand-me-down warrior?

When the Jackal finishes, she speaks. "It is an honor to meet you...Mister...Jackal..." Social skills needed work, surely. "I just hope to, er, work with you in the future. As well." Her eyes flash down briefly, ending on that rather lame note. Public speaking; not her forte.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-08, 04:43 PM
Art strikes a curious figure in the court of the Jackal Lord, nearly as much so as Jassira. He still wears the ridiculous outfit he escaped his workshop in: a loose white (now stained) tunic, a floppy maroon hat, a scorched and acid-burned leather apron, a single black leather glove embroidered with purple, and a monocle that somehow fits perfectly in his eye without him having the muscles that would normally keep it in place. Plus, y'know, he's a metal man.

He keeps his eyes on the Jackal, for the most part. He does glance around every once in a while, enough to decide that he's not impressed with the pomp and grandeur. Ash of a phoenix? How could that possibly be comfortable?

He is impressed by the effect keeping their conversation private. Something to look into; such an ability could prove useful here in the undercity.

"Greatest master," Art begins, "forgive me for my seeming cynicism, but I noticed you promised these two"—he nods at Jarek and Benton—"that they would find what they seek, but not the other three of us. The whole world, your holiness, must know by now of your veracity and generosity by now. Will you not give the three of us some assurance that you will do what is within your means to provide us with what we seek?"

The formal speech is slightly foreign to Art's relatively young (figurative) tongue, but it's hard to live a decade with a centuries-old dryad and not pick up some social graces and the knowledge that, when dealing with powerful men, flattery is rarely amiss.

Spellcraft to recognize silence/freezing effect: [roll0]
Knowledge (arcana) for same: [roll1]
Diplomacy: [roll2]

2013-03-08, 05:27 PM
Sebastian gave the two rather wierd looking forespeakers a short glance that seemed to display his annoyance. Despite his atempt to merely seem aloof, a slightest hint of fear was hidden within his green eyes.
He took a few steps forward and gave the Jackal Lord a courteous bow.
"Forgive our display, oh Greatest Master. Some of us seem new to your domain. It is an honor to be called to you in person and we should well know that, whatever task you give us, our compensation through your grace will inevitably be as we deserve."
With that he bowed again and continued to wait in silence.

From the five here on the platform he believed himself to be the one with the most appropriate behavior for this place. And, with his individually tailored courtier's attire and high quality vest, he probably was also the most appropriately dressed of the group.

Diplomacy: 1d20+15 That didn't work :smallredface:

2013-03-08, 05:34 PM
OOC: let me try that again...
Diplomacy roll to calm any possible misgivings the Jackal Lord has and generally make a better impression than my peers :smalltongue:.
[roll0] und nochmal drei dazu

2013-03-08, 05:34 PM
The Jackal Lord chuckles, although whether his mirth is due to Jassira or Art is unclear.

"You have keen senses, metal man. Yes, I guarantee that all of you will receive what you seek if you serve me well," he replies, waving one hand, a light chuckle still in his chest.

"As for you..." the Jackal Lord turns his attention to Jassira. "You will address me as Your Holiness or Greatest Master. Next time I will be more strict, but this time I will allow your adorable gesture of respect to serve its purpose despite the improper title," he says. You aren't sure if you will ever again hear someone say 'adorable' with such an ominous tone of voice again - somehow the Jackal Lord manages to make his statement both threatening and praising at the same time.

The Jackal Lord looks to Sebastian with what might be a smile - it's hard to tell, since he doesn't have a human mouth and seems to be controlling every bit of his posture. "You seem to be the only one who could perhaps belong in the court. Do not think that I hold your companions' lack of manner against them or you, it is refreshing to be spoken to by those not yet bent out of their true shapes by the courtier's politeness. After all, I have not hired you to stay here and flatter me, although you do so quite well, but to recover something of mine.

Still, perhaps when the time comes for you all to stand before me again, you should be the one to speak to me," the Jackal Lord says.

Well, the noise-stopping effect seems to be based on a Silence spell, keeping sound from entering an area, then stretching it around the one meant to be covered by it, stopping sound from traveling to either side.

As far as the visual effect is concerned, normally you wouldn't be able to figure it out, but you notice a strange distortion that, you suddenly realize, is the effect of two Silent Image spells being set all but inside one another.

The center of the effect seems to be the throne.

2013-03-08, 06:20 PM
"Of course, Your Holiness."
Sebastian didn't have much more to say. All he wanted after all was to succesfully complete this task and get set up for many more lucrative jobs in the safety of the Jackal's domain.

2013-03-08, 06:25 PM
Jassira rubs the back of her neck, nodding at the gentle scolding. "Oh, right...um, sorry. Your Holiness." The words tasted peculiar on her tongue; being subservient was not exactly in her nature. She clears her throat. "May I ask, though, why we aren't to look at your....consorts?" There is a pause, and she adds a forced "...oh, Your Holiness." The poor girl really couldn't be any more out of sorts in this place.

2013-03-08, 06:28 PM
Benton stands to the side of the group, his face stoic and serious, although his body language shows different. Eyes darting around the room (although not directly at the eyes of the people at front, as warned), hands fidgeting, feet silently tapping on the floor, all signs of not fear, but impatience.

Throughout his wanderings Benton had met many a kings who had similar procedures, and through experience knew it was all a load of Digester spit. But then again, from those same experiences, Benton knew it was best to respect the authority, especially when he was outnumbered, whether he liked it or not.
When everyone else had finished talking, Benton decided to end the gross formalities, and stepped forward.
Taking a long, eloquent, and almost exaggerated bow, Benton spoke,

"My Liege, King, Holiness, and Master, I stand before you humbly as a servant in flesh and blood. It would be an utmost honor to work for you, but perhaps our party should indeed start working on retrieving Your Lordship's item before it goes beyond our reaches. Pardon my brashness, and please send us upon your oh so holy crusade."

Benton then backs away to his group, taking another bow as he does so.

2013-03-08, 06:40 PM
Sebastian gave the bard a rather incredulous look. Where does the Jackal find these people.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-08, 06:42 PM
Art doesn't even bother to hide his incredulity. Oh, mother of iron. This man is no more god than Teia. At least she looks the part of it.

2013-03-08, 07:04 PM
The Jackal Lord gazes down at the group for a moment, turning first to Jassira. "My...consorts, as you call them, have a gaze I find problematic in a court. You do not need to know more," he says.

As Benton finishes his introduction, he nods once as his only reply. A brief moment of silence follows as his gaze settles on each of you before he speaks again.

"Indeed, it seems as if everything which could be construed as important has been discussed. Go, now, Sariya will escort you out," the Jackal Lord finishes.

The guardswoman, presumably Sariya, steps forwards, gently stepping around one of the jackals sedately padding around the Jackal Lord's throne. "Come with me," she says, turning to lead you along a path that goes behind the throne, descending swiftly into a tunnel that splits into three parts. You are leaving the court, it seems.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-08, 09:06 PM
Art is more than happy to leave the charlatan's court, so as soon as he is dismissed he hustles after Sariya. When they reach the paper room he turns to his new companions. "Until we can learn of our mission, perhaps we should introduce ourselves, explain what we can do, and formulate a general strategy for what should happen if, say, a group of assassins comes to our laboratory and tries to eviscerate us.

"I'm Art. It's not short for anything. I make things, like wands and scrolls swords and and such. I've got these lenses over my eyes that let me see the warp and flow of magic , and I've got a knack for mechanical things, so I'm good with traps. I can also use a bow, but it's not my specialty.

"And, before you ask, yes, I'm mechanical. I don't plan on waking up one morning and enslaving all humanoids, but you never know." Art tries to smile to indicate that he was joking, but with his limited facial mobility it ends up rather more frightening than reassuring.

2013-03-08, 10:12 PM
Before saying anything Sebastian shoots a look at the guard, Sariya was it? One shouldn't forget that the Jackal still has his loyal ears just next to them and that they were pretty much at the heart of his domain in any case.
After giving a chuckle to that rather weird joke he took his turn with the introductions.
"It seems we will be working together on whatever his holiness* is tasking us with. I'm Sebastian, born and raised in the undercity. I do... various jobs for various people around here. Mostly I work with in a group, just like ours here. Although I must say that this is both the most colorful party and the most prestigious* boss I've ever had. I look forward to working with you all and am sure that we'll accomplish what ever needs to be done if each of us concentrates on their strengths and supports the others in doing the same."
*Sebastians mentions of their employer were lightly accentuated. Not enough to sound sarcastic, but maybe conveying a slightly skeptical notion if the listener also noticed Sebastian's facial expression.
After that Sebastian shortly glances towards the guard for a second time, as if to point at her with his eyes, conveying to be careful.

Bluff to make sure the guard doesn't notice anything off with the regarding her master that I am trying to convey to my party:
noch eine Hand voll bitte
Spot to notice if there is any reaction from her despite my bluff:

2013-03-08, 11:43 PM
Jassira frowns; just another human making a mockery and thinking less of someone that wasn't all smooth, hairless skin and blunt teeth. Still, the girl had a lifetime of dealing with such types. "Jassira. Doesn't really matter where I was born. I make a living tearing the throats out of people that think they're too clever, too noble, or too witty." Orange eyes flash to Sebastian for a moment, before settling on Art; what cruel irony, that the somewhat frightening metal man was the only one she could identify with in the least. "I can hunt and track decent, but like I said; throat ripping. Just don't get in my way when we fight." The words might've been more intimidating, if their tone had a bit more force and confidence. As it was, they just sound like empty boasting.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-08, 11:54 PM
Art takes an instant liking to Jassira. There's a fire in her, much like in Teia, though Teia was much more adroit in conversation. He has a passing urge to try to take her apart and find the hyena girl's boiler to see if he could replicate it in himself, but recalls that Teia had said "fire" was just a metaphor.

"Jassira, are your throat rippers magical? If not, I can arrange something to boost their effectiveness for a short time. Probably also something to protect your own throat, depending on what all I managed to pull from my lab."

2013-03-08, 11:57 PM
Jarek seems significantly more comfortable now that the group is away from the Jackal Lord's throne room. He lets the cloak he had been keeping tightly wrapped around his body fall open, revealing a small calico cat in his arms. She hops from his arms to perch on his shoulders, where she begins carefully licking a paw and cleaning her face. Apparently the man and cat have done this before, as she hardly even sways on her perch as he walks.

"My name is Jarek. I track down people who don't want to be found and bring them back to those who want to find them."

2013-03-09, 12:08 AM
Jassira shrugs. "I'm not shy 'bout accepting help from folks with the right mind. I don't have much magical gear. The greaves..." She gestures to the tiger-fur things about her lower legs, "...and my face-paint are both enchanted. Got em off a shaman that was trying to kill me. Was ironic, really." Was that a correct use of ironic? Maybe not... "Bought my belt on the cheap. Giant something or other." Another shrug. "I don't really stick to one thing in a fight though, if you're looking at doing something to my axes. I'm just as good with my god-given weapons as I am with them." She waves her hand at the construct.

Her eyes drift to Jarek. A pet? Typical. Humans loved animals when they were small, and cute. When they could control them, and throw them away at a whim. She grits her teeth subconsciously, as gaze drifts again to Art.

"As for protecting my throat, probably won't need it. Only one thing really hurts me."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-09, 12:33 AM
"Oh, I doubt it matters if you switch up. I can set up a temporary enchantment, or put one on your fists or feet if you'd rather. What hurts you? Silver? Cold iron? Adamantine? Good, evil, chaos, law? I admit I don't think you look like either a fairy or a demon, but looks can be deceiving."

As he speaks, Art moves in quite close to Jassira and studies her facepaint, her belt, and her sabatons, his monocle subtly changing colors as he does. After a few seconds he steps back. "Hmmm. Interesting. I can't say I recognize the energy of the greaves; looks like an older pattern than I'm used to dealing with. But the makeup, now that's unique. I can't say I've ever thought of putting the magic for a mask in makeup before, but there's no reason you couldn't, and you could continually add new pigments and binders without losing potency. You know, if you'd like, I might be able to adapt that a bit, make you something that would build off the magic in makeup."

2013-03-09, 02:12 AM
Benton, observing his group and sizing them up, decides to himself that its quite a bland group, with no fun involved. But a job's a job, and jobs pay taxes. Or no taxes, in this cesspool, he thought to himself, and chuckled quietly.

Addressing everyone, Benton begins speaking, with all the exuberance he used speaking with the jackal lost,"My name, as given by my mother, is Benton. Other names I have been called were scumbag, swine, bastard, ass, and Ben. But doesn't Benton have such a nice ring to it?"

Benton looks around for some kind of humorous response, then continues.

"I usually hang around the back in combat, singing songs, casting buffs, shouting death threats, throwing boomerang swords and shooting arrows, the usual. In addition, I make a mean socializer and a lady's man, or a man's man, if it really comes to that. I feel as if we have a long way to go together, working for the Jacka- I mean, His Great Holiness, Father of All Gods, Revered King of Kings," saying the title in a monotone, "and hope we don't run into too much trouble when we adventure. Olidammara knows what happen in the future, but I sure know from my wanderings that a divided party is a dead party. So lets not go at each others' throats, shall we? Benton finishes this small dialogue with a subtle yet noticeable side glance at Jassira.

Benton then turns to Art and eyes him over curiously. Never before in all his time has Benton seen a conscious construct.

"What an odd curiosity you are, Art. In all my travels I have never seen an intelligent construct, let alone one that's a spellcaster, crafter, and cook," Benton muses, as he points to the battered apron Art is wearing. "But we spellcasters gotta stay together, right? Right. I wonder what jokes constructs think of..."

Next, Benton walks up to Jassira. Staring intently at her makeup and boots, he began talking, "Something about you is a bit off. Not in a bad way of course, but... oh, how should I put this... exotic. You somehow remind me of the time I was chased by a Dire Tiger though a jungle. Less throat ripping back then though. You're feisty. I like that. " He winks, half jokingly, half not. He moves on before she rips his throat out or more interesting thoughts arrive.

Looking at Jarek, Benton sees nothing but a mostly ordinary man with a few scars. "Nice cat." Benton said, and moved on.

Finally, Benton comes to Sebastian. "I see you have a way with words," Benton says, " I too also like to live dangerously. You have some ways to go in the art of word-istry, but I believe together, we can achieve anything. I think you'll make a fine fellow in this party!"

With that, he marches to the front of the group, reciting under his breath poems, epics, and songs he is going to use in the future.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-09, 02:30 AM
Jassira, Art likes. Sebastian and Jorek he respects for their professionalism and their healthy skepticism and wariness of the Jackal. This bard... Oh, Sons of Slag! A bard, and a moron at that.

He reaches out with a massive mithral fist and nearly clotheslines Benton. "Hold. First things first. I do not cast spells. I see magic itself, unravel its strands and weave them into objects. Very different. Second, I am not a cook. Among other reasons, I don't have to eat. And finally, you are a spellcaster, and oblivious and human at that, ergo you are squishy, ergo you do not stand in front. Ever. That honor can go to one of our fellows, if they wish, or I can take it. We are safer here than most places in the Undercity, but you would be well served to treat it as a battlefield so long as we work for the Great Master."

Normally Jorran wouldn't notice such a thing as humans' propensity for being squished or another creature's obliviousness (motes, beams). But this was something Teia had drilled into his head—given his peculiar nature, it bears clarifying that this was figurative drilling—long ago while they were at war. As inspiring as they may be, drummer-boys do not fare well when they lead the march.

2013-03-09, 02:57 AM
Benton looks slightly taken aback when confronted by Art, but quickly regains his composure and replies.

"Ah, of course I know what you mean. Can't let my pretty face be scratched out in the midst of battle now, can I? You fellows and ma'am can take care of such nonsense. Carry on then!"

As Benton retreats to the back of the group, he pulls out a small steel mirror from his backpack and starts combing his bushy and curly hair, looking at himself from every angle.

Just as father said, Benton, you're not a warrior.

2013-03-09, 03:12 AM
Sariya doesn't seem to notice. Then again, she seems to be entirely ignoring the lot of you as far as conversation is concerned, only occasionally throwing a glance over her shoulder to make sure you're all still there.

Sariya continues to lead you through the twisting halls, eventually going up a short set of stairs into wide hall with more lighting. Along the wall across from you are a pair of double doors, with the words 'Baths' carved into the stone above it.

"As you've probably noticed, most of the guards and other such types around here are women, so if you're not, make sure the baths are empty before you go in. That is, if you ever end up using them," Sariya looks to Art as she mentions this. After a moment she continues, turning left from the baths. The walk goes further down the hall before reaching an area with fewer hallways branching off from the main one and more single doors. "These are the rooms for those who stay here to serve His Holiness. The important ones, at least," the guard adds, looking over the doors as if searching for something.

"She should be in one of these..." Sariya murmurs to herself, edging onwards as she checks each door with a long, focused look.

2013-03-09, 03:36 AM
Reply to Art from Four Posts Ago
Jassira stares at him blankly for a moment as he inspects her, and goes on about enchantments and binders and magic. "Honestly, I don't know how it all works. I just enjoy the fact that it does. If you can help any of these things works better..." She shakes a foot, ruffling the fur, "...then I'll happily talk about it over a drink." A pause. "You...probably don't drink, do you."

The Present
Benton's behavior was....forward. Not that Jassira minded that, really; she could respect a strong male. But he was human, and there was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't be laying on the charm if she was au naturale, so to speak. Her terse reply is silenced before it begins, though, by Art's stern reproach. For the first time, a smile cracks the corners of the human's lips, and as they return to walking the corridor, she sets a hand on metal shoulder. "Silver." Comes a simply, soft-spoken (though not whispered) word.

When, finally, they seem to have come to their destination, Jassira looks around, rubbing her shoulder thoughtfully. "Our liason lives under the...uh...His Holiness?"

2013-03-09, 09:35 AM
In reaction to Benton
I'm really curious how the Jackal went on choosing the members of this party here. Two trackers may well mean we're hunting something living, but that scholar construct points in a different direction. The bard... I guess I'll see when the time comes.
"Words are rather useful, as long as you have something to back them up with. So I'm happy enough that we have Jassira to provide a good throat-ripping." Sebastian gave a smile towards the warpainted lady.

As Sariya stops, Sebastian approaches Benton and whispers something in to his ear.
"I know that the Jackal's "divinity" thing is rather peculiar, but a happy employer is a well paying one. So I'd rather you played along in a less over-the-top fashion, at least until we aren't in his house anymore."

2013-03-09, 10:29 AM
In response to Sebastian
Don't worry, I'll surely tone down a bit. But remember, kings and rulers of the such make the rumors and customs to keep themselves in power longer, and the more those customs are followed the more secure they feel. I have no doubt the King is hiding something, which he uses these ploys to cover up."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-09, 03:41 PM
Reply to Jassira's Reply

"Oh, I do," Art replies. "Or at least, I can. I can't get drunk though." He sighs wistfully, trying to imagine the feeling.

2013-03-09, 03:58 PM
"Not quite. Those stairs put us back above the earth, we're about on level with the court now," Sariya's tone carries a hint of mirth as she replies. "But yes, she and some others decide to reside here. As one of them I can tell you why: the rooms, meals and equipment here is great. I don't think I could get anything as good without paying most of my pay," the guardswoman stops for a moment, seeming unsure about something, before moving to the next door, mumbling something.

"Anyways, it would take a lot out of my booze and whores fund, so..." at this point Sariya pauses for a moment. "Er, nevermind that, I was trying to make a joke," she says, seeming a bit disappointed.

She mumbled "damn doors, all looking the same".

Barely audible to you, she mumbled "damn doors, all looking the same".

2013-03-09, 04:07 PM
Jarek smiles at Sariya attempt at a joke.

"If people are staying here, why do they make it so hard to find the room you want?" he asks, puzzled.

2013-03-09, 04:44 PM
Sariya sighs. "I wonder the same thing, to be honest. I guess it's just a matter of where you are. I live way over in the guard wing, this here is the arcane quarter. Or whatever they're calling it now, they change it every time I take a look to the side,"

Coming to a door with a bit more space between it and the neighboring ones, your guide studies it for a moment before knocking. Raising her voice to be heard by whoever's on the other side, she speaks. "Ahem! I, ah, have the new group. The one I told you about,"

"...three times before you remembered it," the guardswoman grumbles quietly at the end.

From inside the door there comes a voice, sounding female and preoccupied. "Come on in. Leave the door to the study closed, though, I'm with Lepyra,"

Sariya looks to all of you, one hand on the door handle.

"It...can be a bit weird in there when those two are both around, want to wait for Lepyra to come out first?" She asks. It seems like going in there now would make her uncomfortable.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-09, 04:57 PM
Art looks at Sariya. "Not particularly," he says, oblivious to her discomfort. "I'm a metal man and I lived with a dryad whom some idiots think is a god. I'm pretty much immune to weirdness by now."

2013-03-09, 05:46 PM
The painted woman nods, "We should just go in. I'm hungry to know our task, and there's no sense in being meek."

2013-03-09, 07:56 PM
Sariya nods. "Well, alright, but don't say I didn't warn you," she says.

Opening the door, she goes in first. The room behind the door is all but pitch dark, only a low-burning candle on a table somewhere in it providing light. The dim flame flickers as the door is opened and as it closes. You can, after a few moments of adjusting to the light, make out the outlines of some furniture - two or three chairs and a table.

Nearly tripping as she walks into a chair, Sariya grumbles again. "The door to the study is right...there," she says, raising an arm and considering the wall for a moment before she points. Faintly visible is some sort of design on the door which, now that she's pointed it out, seems fairly obvious.

A faint noise comes from the other side of the door before it opens. Carrying a candle, a robed woman emerges. In even the flickering light of the small flame, her utterly pale skin and hair nearly shines compared to her black robes. Looking at you all with pink eyes, she smiles, revealing a few small red spots on her otherwise pale lips.

"Hello there. You must be the ones assigned to the big retrieval mission," she says, her voice friendly but strained, as she had just finished some strenuous activity.

Behind her, there's the sound of a fingernail tapping against something, but its source is out of sight.

"Feel free to sit down, well, those of you who can," the woman says, easing into one of the chairs, seeming relieved once she's seated. Looking to Sariya for a moment, she speaks again. "Sariya, dear, could you go check up on Lepyra? You know how it is sometimes,"

Sariya, judging by her posture and expression, does not want to go check up on Lepyra, but she nods and heads into the darker room anyways. Following her disappearance out of the light is a thud and a quiet swear.

Turning back to you, the woman places her candle on the table before her, its light revealing a steaming brew that smells of strong herbs. "I always wish to know who I'm speaking with...pardon my rudeness, but I will ask you to introduce yourselves first, as I have no doubt that Sariya has already blathered some nonsense about me to you all," she says.

2013-03-09, 07:59 PM
"I am Benton, bardiest of bards, and retriever of items, currently."

Benton then shifts his voice to a much lower one after turning a chair backwards and sitting on it.

"But I think the more important matter at hand is getting to know you, m'lady."

Benton, after this statement flicks back his bangs with a quick movement of his hand, and puts on the most charming smile he can put on at the moment.

(Diplomacy in next post, didn't work at first)

2013-03-09, 08:00 PM
Before the last big post
"Sure. We are expected after all." Curious as he was, Sebastian was more intrigued that put off by supposedly weird things.

After the last big post
Sebastian decided to introduce the whole group.
"Do not worry my lady. Our minds are still clear from any first impressions.
The fair miss with the predatory facepaint is Jassira, a fierce hunter and warrior from out of town.
The mechanical sir goes by the name of Art. He is a scholar of the arcane arts and one of the rare sentient machines Warforged.
This one is Jarek, a local tracker and bounty hunter. I do not know the name of his Feline companion though
Our friend Benton already introduced himself, and my name is Sebastian Merril, at your service."
Sebastian made a small bow with his last introduction and took a seat opposing the pale woman. He was sure that she would initiate the bussiness part of the conversation herself when she felt the time was ready.

2013-03-09, 08:20 PM
Jassira slips inside, sinking into a chair with a deep, inhaled breath. She doesn't appear to have any trouble making her way through the room, and her attention is turned to Sariya, watching her depart before fiery eyes focus upon what could only be their liason. Her nostrils flare again in the dark. Another human under the Jackal's employ? Likely no. There was something...off, about this one. Chalk it up to animal instincts, if need be, but Jassira had smelled the stink of enough humans in her time to know that their liason was a different breed...it was just, so very hard to tell through the thick stench of herbs. Another flare of her nostrils...was that blood? A subconscious, low-pitched, near-inaudible growl rumbles in her vocal chords as she sits quietly; she'd never been a fan of perfume. As pleasant as such smells might be, it felt like being blinded to one that had leaned on keen sense of scent for so long.

Making some OOC assumptions for the sake of a pos; puttin' the ol' schnoz to work with Scent. Also, low-light vision.

2013-03-09, 08:27 PM
Diplomacy to discover more about the woman and any helpful information she has.

2013-03-09, 08:42 PM
Jarek sits where indicated and nods politely when Benton introduces him. The cat jumps off his shoulder to the floor and begins exploring the room.

2013-03-09, 08:49 PM
Only after the niceties did Sebastian take a better look of his surroundings.
Spot, to see anything interesting in the room despite the bad lighting:
Listen, to hear if Sariya mumbles anything back there:
Knowledge (Local) to see if I know anything about the pale lady:
Knowledge (Nobility) adapted to criminal nobility, again to see what I know about her place in the Jackal Lord's hierarchy:

2013-03-09, 09:25 PM
The woman nods as the introductions commence, pouring herself some of the strongly-smelling herbal tea and taking a sip of the still-steaming liquid without any sign of trouble. After she lowers the cup to the table she closes her eyes, licking her lips and clearing them of the smeared red and hanging on drops of tea.

"I am Orynn," she says simply, her eyes still closed, her breathing deep and steady. Opening her eyes again, she smiles weakly. When she speaks her voice is quiet, but not strained as it was before. "I ask that you excuse my current state. I am not normally so lethargic, but this week has not been a normal one at all. I don't think I've ever needed to discuss so much with that annoying diviner in my entire life.

As for who I am, I am your liaison with His Holiness. Of course, even I don't meet with him more than once every two months, so we have significant freedom with which we can operate. As long as we bring back results, good results I might add, without too much collateral damage, there aren't many restrictions. Especially with something like this...An infiltration," Orynn stops here, breathing deeply for a few moments as if recovering her breath.

From the study you a dull thud, as if something small but heavy hit the ground, followed by a short curse. It's Sariya's voice. After that you hear a light clink, like metal on metal.

"Essentially, as long as you go in and don't make it obvious you were sent by His Holiness, your methods are up to you. We have some...methods of communication," Orynn gestures to her head as if this explains what she means.

Jarek's Cat:
The room is fairly boring, at least the floor is. It seems like Orynn keeps the place tidy. The rug is nice, though. Very soft and warm.

You aren't an expert on how robes look on people with different figures, but your eyes are quite keen, so you you notice that Orynn seems to be thinner than her clothes make her seem.

Significantly thinner.

Well, the room is fairly spartan. There are two additional doors, plus the one going out and the one into the study. The rugs on the floor seem nice, but you can't tell if they're high quality or a cheap replicate.

You've heard some rumors about a reclusive pale woman working for the Jackal Lord, but apart from the fact that she is a spellcaster none of them really agree on much. Unless she's a vampire werewolf zombie. (Not likely.)

You don't know about her, specifically, but you are fairly certain she is a "focused adviser" who has authority in a specific area of expertise. Apart from that, she probably serves the Jackal Lord in exchange for room, board and other necessities as well as research equipment, etc.

2013-03-09, 09:47 PM
Jassira shifts in her seat, staring at Orynn in the darkness. She wasn't human...but then again, that was a good thing, wasn't it? Humans were stupid, panicky tyrants. They tended to label anything they didn't understand as 'evil', or a 'monster'. And so, even though Jassira feels a bit on edge, no anger or accusations rise from the woman. After all, Orynn was acting cordial enough.

"Forgive me...but you haven't told us what we need to do, yet. The...Holiness, spoke of retrieval of a possession. What possession?"

2013-03-09, 10:02 PM
Knowledge (Arcana) in case I know anything magical that has a good chance explaining lady Orryn's remark on communication:
Untrained Knowledge (Psionics) check to see if I even know anything about Psionics in the first place and if it applies in any way.
I can't really react before I know what Sebastian knows.

2013-03-09, 10:07 PM
Orynn nods. "Yes, yes, of course. I'm sorry. Your goal is to retrieve a sarcophagus that contains something very important to His Holiness. What's inside is dangerous if it is released but otherwise of no threat. Those who stole it," the pale woman stops for a few breaths again, "They know naught of what is inside. They seem to have taken it because they knew it was important, without anything else to go off of,"

She pauses to drink more of her tea. "We know approximately where it is..." Orynn reaches to nudge an unassuming-looking scroll out of a small cluster of them. "This is the map,"

If you open it, you see that the scroll is definitely a map. It seems to be of the under city district, but in the flickering light of the candle it's hard to tell which part. Everything's quite small, making reaching it even harder. A point has been marked red on it, roughly in the upper middle region of the map.

Able to see in the dim light easily, you can tell that the map is of the entire district. These full maps aren't very common, especially ones with such levels of detail.

The area marked is within the Trubedai Zone, the area ruled by a supposedly insane, flying warrior who is of undetermined gender and employs as many winged people as they can.

There are a few spells you've heard of that can do that, the most common one involves sending an illusion of the caster reading a message, restricted to a certain length, to the recipient.

2013-03-09, 10:15 PM
Jarek leans forward, frowning as he studies the map. "Do you know who took it?"

Knowledge (local) to try to recognize the area [roll0]?

2013-03-09, 10:21 PM
"The Trubedai? That is where the mark is, at least." Comments the human, leaning over the table. Her eyes flicker briefly to Jarek, and then back to the map. "Is there any other aid you will provide to us? Or are we to perform this task 'alone'."

2013-03-09, 10:44 PM
(OOC: I just can't keep my fingers from it)

As Sebastian studies the map, he asks lady Orryn an unrelated question.
"May I ask what those methods of communication are that you mentioned?"

2013-03-10, 12:35 AM
Knowledge Local to remember any additional information of what we're up against:

Jeff the Green
2013-03-10, 01:56 AM
Art had noticed a curious and subtle alteration of magical currents around Orynn's endtable and spent some time examining it (turns out a planar mote had somehow found its way into the room and alighted upon the table), so he missed everything except something about a map.

He walks over to where Jassira and Jarek are examining it, and, not being able to see it properly, causes one of the runes on his forehead to glow. He studies the map for a second, committing it to his perfect mechanical memory.

Oh, yeah. Forgot to explain. Taking 20 on Autohypnosis for 19. (It's a free action, so there's never a real point in rolling.)

2013-03-10, 08:42 AM
Orynn shakes her head weakly at Jarek's question, but the motion turns to a half-nod at Jassira's comment. "I believe it was the Anraki, but there's little to go off of. The theft must have been planned in great detail; they took great precautions during the execution as well," Orynn pauses to watch Art's brief examination of the map. "A word of warning, metal man: if you ever see a woman in gold-colored robes and braided brown hair, avoid her," she says.

"We can offer you aid while in Trubedai's zone, through a contact who lives there, but we must be discrete-" Orynn is interrupted by a sudden yelp from the study, followed by heavy footsteps.

Sariya comes into view again, clearly angry, her face flushed, carrying one of her arm guards, leaving her right forearm exposed. She plods across the carpet, a streak of moisture on her face, whirling back towards the study. "And don't give me any of that 'natural order' stuff! You know that doesn't apply to you, anyways!" she shouts.

Turning to leave, she looks at the group. "I've done my job, I'm leaving now. If you need me, Orynn can help you find me," she says, the anger in her voice under control but still present. Ignoring anything that might be said as she goes, Sariya leaves the room, closing the door heavily behind her.

"Honestly, that girl needs to learn self-control," Orynn remarks, her voice tinged with clear emotion for the first time. She sounds disappointed and annoyed with what just happened, judging by her tone.

A moment later, soft footsteps herald the appearance of the one you can safely assume to be Lepyra. She's fairly pale, not as much so as Orynn, although enough to stand out in a crowd. Of course, that wouldn't be the only reason she would stand out. Her eyes are almost impossibly bright blue, in stark contrast to her pure black hair which flows down her shoulders. There's...something off about it, but it's hard to place. Lepyra is wearing something similar to Orynn, but her robes have clearly been modified. For one, the front is cut significantly lower and the entire garment accentuates her full figure, hugging her body rather than concealing it.

There's also no back, which is probably due to the pair of wings extending from Lepyra's shoulders. They are folded up quite close together, allowing her to easily pass through the doorway, but it's clear that they are of massive size when extended. In addition to this, a pair of small, somewhat slimy-looking tentacles slide along her neck, curling around each other to form a sort of necklace of flesh. Not far above it there is a bandage on her neck, with spot of red in its center where blood soaked into the material. You occasionally catch a glimpse of other tentacles behind her back.

Finally, a long fleshy tail extends from her rear, swishing through the air in a manner that seems to indicate a playful mood. Lepyra smiles, looking over all you curiously. Her eyes rest on Benton and Sebastian a moment longer than the rest, twinkling with interest before she moves on.

"Sorry about that," she says, seeming not at all sorry but rather very amused. Her voice is strange, seeming impossibly clear and ringing ever so slightly. Something about the combination of her appearance, manner and speech makes her charm almost overwhelming for a brief moment before you regain your senses. It's not hard to imagine the effect she has on those without your particular moxie. "You probably already know I'm Lepyra, Sariya talks a lot about me to other people...then again, she didn't seem so chatty today," the strange woman considers something before she continues. "Anyways, I'm probably not going to be directly involved with your first mission, I'm no good at blending into a crowd,"

Trubedai, a winged being itself with no clear signs of gender, hires as many winged minions as it can get its hands on. Trubedai is rumored to be somewhat insane and fights from the air, often personally executing its enemies in gladiatorial one-on-one battles.

The elite force that guards Trubedai and carries out its most important orders is the Anraki, a force of entirely flying beings that use their maneuverability to outflank and split up their targets.

In general, Trubedai is fairly peaceful in regards to the other crime lords. The last time it underwent any sort of significant action against one, apart from retributive ones on a small scale, was almost a year ago.

You can tell by Orynn's reaction that this sort of thing (that is, Sariya's outburst) happens enough that she's gotten used to it.

Also, Lepyra seems very smug about something. At least, that's what her tail indicates when combined with her posture, etc.

Lepyra shows some of the same traits beings from the Far Realm do. Her hair, for example, shifts almost as if it were liquid. The Far Realm, a place you've only heard whispers of, is said to be an insane place where creatures that would break reality with their mere presence, if not forced into forms less volatile on the Material Plane, live.

You've never heard of cases of it happening, but some have theorized that the beings from this plane would have the same capacity to reproduce with mortals as angels and demons.

Lepyra has a scent that you can smell even over that of the herbs. It smells...very strange. You know, somehow, that it isn't natural, but it doesn't smell of perfumes or anything similar.

In addition to this, the only way her hair could possibly run over her shoulder the way it does is if it were water or something similar - it shouldn't be sitting there the way it is now.

Your keen senses also allow you better spot Lepyra's other tentacles - it seems like there's half a dozen more, sprouting from her back at regular intervals, three on each side.

2013-03-10, 11:41 AM
Seeing Lepyra, Sebastian is confounded for just a moment before regaining his composure.
"Lady Lepyra, I must confess that I have never seen another person quite like you and I am rather curious. If it is not considered rude, may I ask about your heritage?"

2013-03-10, 11:42 AM
Benton, amazed by all the types of women here, stands up and bows before Lepyra.

"So what reason gives us the pleasure of meeting another servant of His Holiness?"

Benton tries to be as sincere as possible, but his eyes betray him when they constantly dart over the bloodstain and tentacles around Lepyra's neck.

Where does the Jackal find these women?

2013-03-10, 12:14 PM
As unnerving as the sight is, part of her is actually happy at the presence of the unusual creature. With all The Jackal's grandeur and pomp, the niggling little doubt that he wasn't the person she thought he was had been getting stronger. But this is confirmation that The Jackal was the real deal, isn't it? Already in his employ, two that would clearly be outcasts among the humans? Hells, Sariya was a picture-perfect example of just how narrow-minded and hateful humanity could be; a litmus for the race.

And so, Jassira's pearly whites are shining in Lepyra's direction. Long canines lend a predatory air to the gesture, but posture tells the opposite story; if she had a tail, it'd be wagging.

2013-03-10, 12:17 PM
Lepyra smiles at the responses she gets, clearly pleased.

"Yes, you may ask. Now, whether or not I choose to answer..." Lepyra winks at Sebastian.

"Oh, I'm just here. Orynn and I have an arrangement," she says in response to Benton, giving Orynn a look. She seems to notice his look, though, as one of the neck-tentacles briefly uncurls from the other and gives him a wave.

Seeing Jassira's grin, Lepyra gives her her own in response. "Heya! What's your name, hun? I missed it earlier, I was busy," she says.

2013-03-10, 12:43 PM
Sebastian's laugh at Lepyra's answer didn't seem forced at all.
"That joke's on me. I guess that's a good sign that I should be more straightforward. Is it true then that part of your heritage lies in the so called Realms Beyond, or is that rumor just silly street-talk after all?"

2013-03-10, 01:05 PM
Benton, feeling more in his domain with this woman than anywhere else in this city, decides to play around where he (hopefully) can.

Taking confident strides, Benton approaches Lepyra and quickly grasps the tentacle that waved to him, lightly shaking it as if it were a handshake.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tentacle," Benton says nonchalantly while shaking it. Then, turning to Leprya, "As well to you, Ms. Lepyra."

2013-03-10, 01:37 PM
When Lepyra appeared, the cat, who had been lounging around on that very comfortable rug, quickly gets up and leaps into Jarek's lap. She sits very straight, staring at Lepyra with wide eyes.

Jarek is content to let the others speak to the strange woman, and sits back to watch.

2013-03-10, 01:50 PM
"Maybe," Lepyra replies to Sebastian, ginning widely. It seems like she isn't going to be giving him a real answer as to her heritage any time soon.

Lepyra laughes as Benton shakes one of her necklace-tentacles. "My tentacle and I are in agreement that the pleasure is ours," she says.

Orynn seems to be enjoying the respite, pouring herself another cup of her tea and sipping at it slowly.

2013-03-10, 04:54 PM
Giving Lepyra a small smile, Benton let go of the tentacle and now turned to Orynn.

"Pleasantries aside, perhaps we should make our way onto the mission. You said there was a contact on the inside we could start with? Also, do you perhaps know of any advantages we have over the flying Trubedai, combat or utility-wise?"

2013-03-10, 05:07 PM
Orynn nods, seeming stronger than she was a minute or so ago.

"I don't know his real name, but he was told to come here recently, so if he doesn't arrive in the next few minutes Lepyra will go looking for him," Orynn looks to the mentioned one as she speaks, who nods in acceptance.

"As far as Trubedai is concerned...You shouldn't really be fighting it. You will probably need to fight a few of its personal guard, the Anraki. As far as they're concerned, I've gotten a few spells that can deal with them in scroll form. They're in the study.

As far as utility is concerned...well, many of the Anraki can't close their wings as well as Lepyra can. So if you stick to tight quarters you can deny them a lot of their mobility," Orynn takes a long drink from her cup, finishing the tea in it.

"For the duration of this mission, your contact has requested to be referred to by the name 'Armian'," Orynn adds after a moment.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-10, 05:36 PM
Art looks up from the map. Lepyra is mildly more odd than Orynn, but only barely. He nods at her in acknowledgement, flashing her in the face with his skull-light, and then offers his solution. "If we do have to fight in the sky, there are a few things I can do to help." He ticks the options off on his fingers. "I have plans for a sort of, well, flying machine, but that's still a good amount of work before it's ready. I can use magic now, however. There's a spell I can put on a scroll that will turn us into birds, though that might make us fairly inept at combat. I can scribe a basic flying spell. Or I could also shrink us all and then call up some giant hawks to carry us. Give me a while to think about it and I might come up with more ideas."

2013-03-10, 05:41 PM
Jassira blinks, canting her head at the metal man. "You mean to tell me that two out of three of your possible ideas for fighting aerial foes involve making us bite-size?" She keeps her gaze locked on him for a moment, before turning her attention to Orynn. "We'll take the scrolls.

2013-03-10, 05:42 PM
Sebastian wholly ignored Benon's and Lepyra's flirtations.
"How will we contact this Armian should we need him?"

Knowledge (Local): Trubedai, the Anraki and his territory. I'll roll once for each.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Knowledge (Nobility): Same theme as above, but the official stuff instead of the rumors, I guess. Or however else the difference is. As the roll concentrates on the Crime Lord I only roll once.

Knowledge (Arcana) & Knowledge (Nature) to guess what Orynn may be drinking.
[roll4] [roll5]

And you didn't tell me if I know anything at all about Psionics with my untrained 6.
Also, please answer that last PM concerning that slight revision I asked you about.

2013-03-10, 07:19 PM
Flying. Ugh. Benton had tried that once; not fun at all.

"Perhaps," Benton said inquisitively, "We should follow the advice of the more experienced ladies here, and stick to our ground where we are most comfortable, and they, not so much. I'm not exactly comfortable with being killed by a flick of the finger as a tiny bird, let alone being stranded in the air with no way of getting down. An approach through the streets, or possibly the sewers even, would be 10 times better than flying into a flying enemy organization. It would be like jumping into a pool of dire sharks to get to an island someone could walk to."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-10, 07:37 PM
"By definition, actually, any island you could walk to would be a peninsula. And any island is one I could walk to," Art corrects. Art is no guru on a mountaintop, but he's already coming to view this bard as quite spoony. "And besides, at least if we swim into the metaphorical shark tank, we can punch them instead of stand on the shore while they fire arrows at us."

Art tends to have the same effect on metaphors that drunk engineers have on trains.

He clears his throat (purely for effect; warforged have no phlegm) and continues. "We might not have a choice of whether we fight them in a sewer or open air. No plans survive first contact with the enemy. We plan, and we plan for everything.

"Given a couple of weeks I could come up with something far more convenient than shrinking us down—though it would only be by a couple feet, Jassira—but I don't know that we have the time. What kind of schedule are we on, Miss, ah, Bolyn?

Art clearly should have been paying more attention to the odd woman in the robe than the end-table.

2013-03-10, 09:36 PM
Jassira leans back in the chair again, and hikes a leg up to lay calf across knee. New position affords a view of bare feet; seems the furred greaves didn't actually offer much protection for the soles. Curiously, she does not sport the calloused and colored flesh one would expect from someone that travels barefoot.

Orange eyes roam the room, and settle on Benton for a moment. His behavior was surprising. While Orynn cut a human enough figure, her companion was anything but. And yet this bard acted cordial. More than just the rote respect given to the Jackal Lord, which was surely a mere act; he flirted. Perhaps he was the all-too-rare human that had an open mind, and a friendly heart?

Then again, he was probably just another charlatan, concealing true thoughts and motives behind a jovial smile and silver tongue. Still, even Jassira could admit that her dim view on humanity had the occasional exception.

2013-03-11, 01:47 AM
Benton, after hearing Art's response, calmly sits down, rubs his temples with his hands, and quietly re-assesses his life decisions.

2013-03-11, 05:33 AM
As Art raises his head, Orynn is struck by his light and closes them quickly, shielding them with one hand and reopening them carefully. "Be more careful, it isn't polite to shine lights in other people's faces," she says, sounding annoyed but resigned. Jarek and Sebastian detect a note of melancholy in her voice.

Orynn raises an eyebrow at Art's question.

"Orynn is my name. As far as time is concerned, there is a meeting between me, the other group leaders and His Holiness in four weeks. By then I'll need some sort of progress report to give him. You don't need to get it back by then, but if I tell him you've just been sitting around working on some sort of magic effect I doubt he'll be pleased," she replies. Her voice is stronger than before.

2013-03-11, 08:51 AM
Sebastian decided to not involve himself in this "planning discussion" at this point. No need to contribute in this display of unprofessionalism infront of who was essentially an extension of their employer. Instead he leaned back into the chair and looked up to the side, seemingly in deep thought.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-11, 08:53 AM
"Ah. Apologies, Orynn" Art says. He douses his light and makes a slight bow in her direction. "I was distracted by your endtable and I didn't catch your name the first time. I don't think it would take the entire time. Maybe eight hours a day for a few weeks, and I don't really need to sleep, unlike the rest of them. Still, it would require access to a library and more gold than I have on hand. I assume we are to use our own resources for this job so there is less of a link between us and the Great Master?"

2013-03-11, 12:24 PM
"Armian is one of our more independent agents, he has some sort of amulet or similar he uses," Orynn says in response to Sebastian's question. "He refuses to let anyone here examine them, and has apparently managed to convince everyone who worked with him in the past to not tell anyone about how they work,"

"I think he just hates Silthia," Lepyra says with a shrug. "Anyways, I'm gonna go. I have some things to take care of, but I can be back by sundown, alright?" Orynn replies with a nod and Lepyra smiles, waving to you all before she leaves.

"As far as using libraries and resources of ours...I'm afraid that's going to be impossible, yes. We have reason to believe that Trubedai has spies working here, ones that didn't flee or get rooted out after the theft. We've kept this decision a secret, most people were told that you've all been hired to retrieve someone who ran off with the daughter and jewels of some merchant affiliated with His Holiness," Orynn continues. "If we let you into the library, it could tip off his spies to the fact that you aren't just going to be racing off to try and catch this kidnapper," she says.

Map Note:
Forgot to mention this earlier, but when Art illuminated it everyone looking at the map realized the reason it seemed so odd was because it's a map of the whole under city. The level of detail means it must have been quite expensive, but also makes it easy to think it's one of the more common zone maps.

Trubedai's zone is in the area where the under city bridges over into the lower city district, a chokepoint as the terrain on the coast turns from gently rolling hills to rocks and cliffs. Much of his zone is on the steep ascent to the gate to the lower city, with what appear to be platforms and bridges drawn on the map all throughout it, connecting the bits of stable flat land to the paths to the under city and the occasional hole in the cliff marked as
Large bird nest"
on the map.

2013-03-11, 12:32 PM
Jarek turns to Art, "I don't think we should wait, anyway. The longer we wait, the greater the chance that this sarcophagus gets opened accidentally." He looks back at Orynn, "I don't suppose you can tell us what happens or how to get whatever-it-is back inside, just so we're prepared in case someone has already opened it?"

The cat's eyes continue to track Lepyra as she leaves.

2013-03-11, 12:41 PM
"If the sarcophagus is opened, something inimical to all sentient life is released. Well, not exactly. There are more layers of defense inside it, but it's not entirely clear how strong they are. If it is released you will probably need to contain it violently. Very violently, then keep it down with a large amount of chains and similar binding equipment, before returning it to the sarcophagus, which suppresses its powers," Orynn explains.

"Luckily it's never been opened before, but based on the way His Holiness and the Six speak of it, there's some sort of autonomous killing construct inside," she says.

2013-03-11, 01:03 PM
"Well, then, I'm guessing we don't -really- need to worry about that then. If they haven't opened it, we can just bring it back after killing whoever's guarding it. If they have, then we won't -have- to kill whoever's guarding it, because they'll all be dead. Win/win." She uncrosses her legs, standing up and planting hands on hips. A lean backwards arches her spine as she lets out a refreshed sigh. "And I agree with Jarek. We shouldn't waste our time. I've got all I need to fight. I'm sure one of them..." She gestures to Benton and Art, "...can use those scrolls you mentioned."

2013-03-11, 04:57 PM
After recovering from his small episode, Benton replies,
"Yes, yes, the plan of obtaining the item of importance as soon as possible sounds fine, but I have one question: who is Silthia that Lepyra mentioned?"

2013-03-11, 05:13 PM
Sebastian snaps out of his distant thoughts and turns back to the conversation.
"We never asked. When, how and from where did the Trubedai's men steal this sarcophagus? It may be relevant."

Knowledge (Religion) concerning this sarcophagus and it's contents:

Jeff the Green
2013-03-12, 05:04 AM
"And a related question," Art interjects, "is, 'how big and heavy is this sarcophagus?' Stone is very difficult to move and not exactly quiet if you drop it." It's plain from his tone that he's speaking from direct, painful experience.

2013-03-12, 10:44 AM
"Silthia is the woman who deals with making and examining or breaking down magic items. When we've spoken, she's seemed entirely reasonable and like a fine person," Orynn replies to Benton, shrugging.

"The theft occurred one month ago," Orynn says. "It seems like they snuck into the underground section of the warehouse it was being housed in, ambushed the guards and killed them before a fight could break out. Then they simply walked out of the front door, it seemed," she continues.

"As to the size of the sarcophagus," Orynn seems to reach her limit here and pauses for a moment, taking two deep breaths before she continues to speak. "I don't know precisely how heavy it is, but there were four heavyset people carrying it whenever it was moved. It's...perhaps five feet long? It could be longer, I've never been the best at gauging distances. It seems to be about one and a half or two feet wide," Orynn finishes, breathing deeply again.

2013-03-12, 11:33 AM
Jarek frowns slightly. "That's not going to be easy to carry, and will attract attention. Could we perhaps shrink it by magic? Or would that interfere with keeping the creature inside it?"

Jeff the Green
2013-03-12, 11:44 AM
Art does a few figures in his head and whistles in appreciation at the immensity of their object. Or rather, he puts his jaws together and blows; without lips only a dusty rattling noise results. "No, we couldn't. First of all, the spell would only affect the sarcophagus, not whatever's inside it. It would either crush it—which sounds like it might not be a bad thing, but might miff our employer—or break it loose. Which would be a bad thing. More importantly, I don't think I can produce magic that would shrink that large of a stone mass. Honestly, I was hoping this was the sarcophagus of a pixie emperor or something.

"I might be able to come up with something to move it with, but I'll have to think about it."

2013-03-12, 11:50 AM
"It seemed?" Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows in thought.
"Maybe it would be best if you just describe everything we know about the theft. Surely four heavyset Anraki, walking out of his Holiness territory with a large box can't have gone unnoticed."

Knowledge (Local) to remember any stories about four or more persons, potentially with wings, walking or flying out of the Jackal's territory with a large box.
Knowledge (Local) & Knowledge (Nobility) to remember all non-secret conflicts and disputes between the Jackal and the Trubedai in the last few months. These things should be rather noticable to the local population of their respective territories.
[roll1] [roll2]

I assume the 18 I had in my last Knowledge (Religion) roll didn't reveal anything? It would be easier if you mention something akin to "You don't know anything more regarding X" in such cases.

2013-03-12, 02:05 PM
"Well, what we know is that in the morning, when more guards arrived to relieve the earlier shift, their colleagues were dead, the sarcophagus was gone and by mid-afternoon James Arvbury had disappeared. There was a small hole cut into the front of the door," Orynn says.

"The theft occured between the middle of the night and dawn. If there was anyone out, they could have just thrown a large piece of fabric over the sarcophagus and told anyone who asked that they were on secret business. At the time, His Holiness had just agreed to end the patrols on the zone border with Goorui, so they probably slipped through into there before continuing," the pale woman continues.

I wasn't entirely sure on how to apply it to the sarcophagus, then got distracted while writing the post and ended up forgetting it. But, yes, if you get no results I'll mention the lack of results.

Knowledge Results:


There is a story about a man, heading home late at night after finishing undisclosed activities, running into a woman with a jackal head necklace leading four men carrying something covered in fabric. The woman commanded the man to leave the area and he did, hiding in an alleyway for an hour before coming back out to continue home.


There were no conflicts, and there still isn't one. The Jackal Lord hasn't announced that Trubedai stole something from him, he isn't even disclosing that something happened, and Trubedai certainly isn't spreading the news either.

Before the theft, things were going fairly well between the two. Trubedai had just made a deal to purchase the research of one of the Jackal Lord's former enemies (now dealt with and missing) from the libraries it was being kept in for a significant sum in money and equipment.

General Information:
Goorui is the crime lord whose zone is directly adjoining to the Jackal Lord's in the north. The zone is well-known for being a terrible place to live in...unless you're one of the 'winners' of it. Important things here are the Market of Flesh, where everything related to humans, elves, etc. biology and slaves can be (usually) found. Slaves, desperate prositutes or other workers, grafts, horribly mutated beast-slaves, the occasional "medical miracle" that heals all disease...it's all to be found there.

Goorui's Zone is smaller than most, but apart from the marketplaces it's packed with people. The worst parts of the under city life - horribly addictive, dangerous drugs, rampant violence, the constant danger of being kidnapped by slavers or worse...

Generally the crime lords keep their zones under control to keep their people from ripping each other apart, but Goorui doesn't. In fact he encourages the "survival of the fittest by feeding on the weaker" situation that exists there. It's generally accepted that only the support of him by the massively wealthy flesh merchants living there make him a strong enough force that no other crime lords have divided up his territory.

2013-03-12, 11:56 PM
"Why not magical bags?" replies Benton to the predicament, "It seems like a safer and better alternative to lugging a very obvious tomb all around town."

Local Knowledge for Silthia

2013-03-12, 11:57 PM
Trying again
[roll0] Alright, roller is hating on me right now, will try later.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-13, 12:38 AM
Art nods at Benton. "That could work," he says. He waits for Benton to seem excited about the possibility before deflating him. In the same way he might deflate a bug by treading on it. "Assuming, of course, that you have a few thousand gold coins to spare, and are willing to donate some of your lifeforce to help me make it. Or spend a week being tortured by a man I know to extract your pain for me to use.

"The thieves could have had the resources to use one, though."

He turns back toward Orynn. "Which brings up another point," he says. "How are we to be paid? A flat fee? Hourly? Expenses?"

I feel like I have a puppy named Benton chasing me around, so happy to be with me... and then I close the glass door and chuckle as it rams into it at full speed. :smallamused:

2013-03-13, 01:46 PM
"I actually have a few more questions before it comes to the matter of payment. As there were seemingly no eyewitnesses, I would like to know about everything that pointed towards the Anraki. And who your secondary suspects would be. You said yourself that you believe them to be involved, so we must be prepared in case the sarcophagus isn't where we assumed.
I also would like to know where the looted warehouse was located, if that isn't considered a secret. Just so I can make a few inquiries with the neighbours if needed.
And of course we need to know how we would recognize the sarcophagus once we find it.
I think that would be all the important details. Or is there anything I missed colleagues?"
With that Sebastian smugly turned to the others, thinking that he had thought of all the important inquiries mostly on his own. And hoping that no one would take his long-winded wordiness for ill...
Knowledge (Local) More info on the Goorui's territory.

Knowledge (Nobility) More info on the Goorui himself.

Knowledge (Local) Official reasons and rumors about why the Jackal agreed to stop patrolling the Goorui/Jackal borders.

Knowledge (Local) & Knowledge (Nobility) Who are the Six?

Knowledge (Local) Silthia.

Knowledge (Local) James Avbury.

2013-03-13, 04:07 PM
"James' diaries took a few weeks to put back together after being burned, but they include accounts of plans made with a few of the known members of the Anraki," Orynn says. "Secondary suspects would be anyone capable of pulling off a perfect crime and framing a crime lord by manipulating one of his agents,"

Pulling the chair up closer to the table, Orynn looks for the right place on the map for a few moments, squinting in the darkness. Eventually she finds it, and points to a place near the edge of the Jackal Zone.

"The sarcophagus is of simple stone and bears carvings depicting a kneeling humanoid in the beam of a sun or similar object,"


Goorui's Zone: It's about 60% as large as the Jackal Zone, but the last time anyone did an estimate that could be trusted as halfway objective (it's generally accepted that the author accepted all of the bribes offered to them, making for a relatively balanced pressure from all sides) the number of people living there is higher.

Goorui: Nothing apart from what's not spoilered.

Border Patrols: Officially it was to increase trade and ended after it didn't bring fruit and several criminals fled to Goorui's Zone from the Jackal Zone. There are absurd numbers of equally insane rumors about it (it was for the Jackal Lord's secret lover to enter/leave the Zone unseen; it was for the completion of a magical ritual to grant him infinite youth; etc.) but there are a few that seem grounded in fact:

The strange merchants who came through on the first day and left on the second without selling much of anything brought something to the Jackal Lord or one of the nobles in his court.

These same merchants actually came to pick up something from the Jackal Lord's court to bring it away somewhere to be forgotten. Perhaps someone's illegitemate child?

The Six: Those six women who you saw around the Jackal Lord. They've been with him for as long as he's been a crime lord, if not longer, always at his side when he sits upon the throne. They are never seen anywhere but at with the Jackal Lord. Some people say they're secretly his bodyguards. Others say they're his children. The last time someone looked one in the eye they collapsed instantly, only awakening minutes later. They've never shown any emotion apart from a slight smile during particularly good negotiations.

Silthia: She takes care of everything related to magic items in the Jackal Lord's court, or at least seems to. She might have a helper or similar, as sometimes she completes jobs at superhuman speeds. Silthia is from Goorui's Zone, brought to the Jackal Zone at about 13, but people disagree on how old she really was. She began working for the Jackal Lord only a year after she arrived.

James Avbury: Well known for...nothing, actually. Among some circles he's known for his frequent late night visits to brothels, but not many people know about it. You're pretty sure someone mentioned that he often visited the Red Spine, a seedy bar/brothel near the edge of the Zone. Supposedly he always went back to see one girl, but nobody seems to know for sure if he did and if so, who.

2013-03-13, 04:33 PM
Jarek nods slowly at Sebastian's questions.

2013-03-14, 12:07 AM
"Ah yes, of course," replied Benton to Art without hesitation, "but I don't think we need to worry about needing what we already have." He shot meaningful glances at Art, Jarek, and Sebastian. "And about the sizing problems of the bags, I think we can solve part, if not all of it. What do you all say to putting a bag, inside a bag, inside a bag?"

2013-03-14, 12:19 AM
"You still need to fit the sarcophagus into one of the bags. Stacking the bags inside each other doesn't help," Orynn cuts in.

"As far as pay is concerned, you are given a weekly amount at the end of each week. Upon completion of the job, you receive the remaining pay. I'm not the best with numbers, but I believe that after everything is accounted for the total each of you will be getting for this is two thousand gold," Orynn continues, nodding to Art as she begins speaking.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-14, 12:25 AM
Art's Jaw drops open with a clang. "I would say you're suicidal. Granted, it's not as bad as putting a bag of holding in a portable hole, but a whole host of unknown effects could occur. Extradimensional spaces aren't toys. Well, generally not, I have a friend who made a mobile for his baby with one, but they're not toys for you. Besides, Orynn's right; they don't work like that. It won't help to nest them."

Well, ninjaed. Maybe we can pretend Art said that before Orynn?

2013-03-14, 12:29 AM
It actually works either way, Orynn didn't say a word about potential dangers.

"Oh, and that, too," Orynn says after Art mentions how bag-stacking could be dangerous.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-14, 12:35 AM
Right, edited the last sentence.

Art turns back to Orynn with an approximation of a frown on his face. "I have to admit I was hoping for a higher fee, but I suppose we can supplement it with whatever we find on the Anraki we have to kill. Not like they'll be using them, and I'm sure the Great Master would prefer they not be repurposed to outfit new members of the organization."

2013-03-14, 01:06 AM
Jassira had been sitting quietly during all of this, letting the more 'brainy' types go on about planning and fees and blah, blah, blah, blah. She understood the need for a little forethought, but it needed to be tempered with action. With might! She leans forward.

"We don't need bags, or shrinking, or a battalion of animated mouse-golems, or whatever the next idea is." She says sharply. "Just bring a damn sheet or something. I can carry it out. If you insist on having -something-, make it a spell that makes me bigger so I can carry it easier. Every moment we spend in inaction is another moment that it might be opened up. Its another moment that they might get wind of us coming, and, most importantly, its another moment the Jackal has to wait." A bit of slip...gone unnoticed? Tiger-faced woman folds her arms, looking around the gathered group.

2013-03-14, 01:14 AM
Jarek nods, "I agree with Jassira. We're probably better off carrying it out just the way they did -- after all, we know that method works."

2013-03-14, 01:18 AM
Benton sighs.
"I suppose that works... though it does take out some of the fun."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-14, 01:19 AM
Art looks at Jassira with a puzzled expression. "We're talking about something that weighs maybe half a ton, Jassira," he says gently. "Granted, you appear quite strong, but I doubt you could carry that much. With me enlarging you, perhaps, but that would only last a minute or so. And I doubt even with the rest of us helping you we could manage it."

2013-03-14, 01:21 AM
"We're not here to have fun. We're here to do a job. Have fun after we're back and paid."

2013-03-14, 01:23 AM
"This isn't supposed to be fun, its supposed to be a -job-." She says sternly, eyes fixed on Benton, speaking in tandem with Jarek. She pauses a moment, glancing at the like-minded human. "Besides, fun involves a lot more physical effort than this."

At Art's reply, she flashes a broad grin. "Only half a ton? Good, we can grab two while we're there. Just trust that I'm a lot more dangerous than I look." And she already looks pretty dangerous...

2013-03-14, 07:40 AM
Sebastian's happily hoping that Jassira's boasting is the truth. The stronger the team bruiser is the better, as long as you don't get on their wrong side.
"Then its all settled I guess. Isn't there someone we're still waiting for though?"

2013-03-14, 11:09 AM
Orynn watches as the group discusses carrying the sarcophagus. Jassira's boast doesn't result in any response, although she does quietly correct her when she speaks about waiting.

"Please get used to referring to him as 'His Holiness', or at least 'the Jackal Lord," she says.

"As far as waiting is concerned, yes, in a moment-" Orynn is interrupted by a knock at the door, followed by it opening slowly.

"Orynn? I hope you can pardon my just rushing in here, that woman is out in the halls and I need to get out of sight quickly," a male voice says, coming from the figure who just entered the room. It seems to be male, but every inch of skin is covered - between the thick jacket, gloves, boots, worn pants, hood and mask, you can't see the actual person beneath all of the clothing.

"Ah! You have company. Good afternoon, everyone, I'm Armian," the newcomer continues after the door is closed, giving you all a casual half-bow. "Since you're here, you must be the ones who I'm working with on the new job,"

Orynn nods. "Yes, you are going to be working with them. I'll let them introduce themselves, I'm not entirely sure I have all their names right anyways," she says.

As the masked man looks at each of you, you can get a good look at him as well. He's wearing dusty boots and gloves with a patchy jacket as a top layer, followed by a pair of sturdy-looking pants and shirt. The sleeves extend to his gloves and continue inside of them, leaving no skin free. Over the shirt Armian is wearing a vest and a few belts, mostly empty, but with a handful of vials and tools on them.

His mask doesn't match the dirty appearance of his clothes at all. Gleaming white, it bears painted-on markings around the cheeks and eyes; the expression carved into it is neutral, the face looking like some sort of quasi-human, with a square nose and barely curved lips. Rather than simple eye holes, there seem to be gems of some sort there where his eyes would otherwise be.

2013-03-14, 04:44 PM
Jassira tips her head toward the newcomer. "Hey. Jassira. I'm hoping you have something useful for us." She says flatly. The hunter was a solitary sort, and having to work with others was a bit...draining. At least this Jarek fellow seemed to have priorities in order.

2013-03-14, 04:59 PM
Jarek nods politely, "Jarek. What the lady said."

The cat wanders over to sniff the newcomer's shoes before returning to Jarek and hopping up onto his shoulder again.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-14, 05:32 PM
"Art. Not short for anything," the warforged says, inclining his head slightly.

2013-03-14, 06:36 PM
"Ah yes, of course," Benton states enthusiastically, walking up to Armian, "Pleased to meet you. Hopefully our adventures together will prove fruitful in the future!"

By the time Benton finished his introduction, he was shaking Armian's hand with fervor and giving him the biggest smile imaginable. But Benton's eyes stared deep into Armian's, with the lustrous gems in mind...

2013-03-15, 02:28 PM
Armian nods at the introductions of Art, Jarek and Jassira, shaking Benton's hand when he comes without the bard's fervor but with some energy.

"Well, this is certainly an interesting group," the man says. As he speaks, Orynn stands and leaves the room, going into the still-dark study. "We should be able to begin soon. Once Orynn has finished fishing out whatever she wants to give you all, we can go. Although, if you see an odd-looking young woman approaching us and she calls out my name, be prepared to follow me when I run.

You might already know, Lepyra tends to flaunt the fact that she's really the only one here who fully understands everyone's relations to one another so she may have mentioned it, but if Silthia gets a hold of me it'll be hours before we can get anything done. You see, she's technically capable of giving me orders, but only if I acknowledge her presence. It's...you're probably wondering how this place even keeps working, what with all of the strange people here," Armian stops for a moment, chuckling behind his mask. "I felt the same way when I started. But when it comes to work, these women - and yes, His Holiness does employ almost only women in the higher-up positions for some reason, in case you're wondering - they do things that should take weeks in days,"

Orynn emerges from the study, carrying four scrolls in her arms. "These will allow you to temporarily pull a flying creature to the ground. They last three minutes each, and particularly tenacious targets may resist the spell, but it's generally effective. The spell has a range of about 130 feet," she explains, approaching the group. Looking over everyone, briefly examining each of you again, she goes to Art. "You're probably the most likely to be able to use these. They've been made using a formula Silthia derived, which makes it easier to activate them...You are capable of using arcane magic, aren't you, Art?" Orynn asks, holding the scrolls for him to take.

You notice several things due to your sharp senses.

The first: As Orynn comes into the room, Armian immediately shifts his gaze to her and - as far as you can tell with the mask on him - essentially stares at her until she begins to speak. You can't tell why, though. Then he turns to a more neutral view, looking at her because she's speaking.

The second: You notice that Orynn's arms are rather thin, but still retain a slight bulge of muscle. She isn't particularly strong, it seems, but she isn't some emaciated waif who can't lift anything heavier than her own hand.

{This is because of Scent, good 'generic perception' rolls and your high Survival roll/modifier. Just so you know the last bit isn't going to waste in the big city.}

The third: With the herbs' smell fading and Orynn passing by you, you can smell something on her. Sweat - a little old, but there. Some time within the past fifteen minutes something made her sweat quite a bit. There's also a hint of another herb in the sweat. It's something you're sure has some pepped-up long name in some book, but you know it as "Motherleaf" (or, alternatively "Greenspike" for the shape of the leaves), so called because its painkilling properties build up over time. As a result, many expecting mothers will take small doses, once or twice a day, so that after a few weeks they can go through childbirth without much pain.

This is only for those who can gather it, though. Most people in the under city couldn't afford much more than one dose a month, if they really needed it. It's not that difficult to find; you could probably get enough to supply one such mother in about one or two weeks of gathering. Of course, the process of preparing it for brewing into tea or other such things is beyond you. Normally it's either eaten as-is (and tastes horrible) or ground into paste (which tastes slightly worse), but shops here sell it in different forms.

Judging by the strength of the smell (Relatively, remember this is something you just barely picked up. Normally it isn't even possible to smell it in a person's sweat/blood/whatever.) Orynn has a huge dose of it - you can't tell if taken all at once or built up - in her. The kind of amount you give a man who is about to say goodbye to an arm in a very bloody fashion.


It takes a bit, but the name "Armian" rings a bell. You don't know very much about him, apart from the fact that he never shows his skin and works almost exclusively in Trubedai's Zone. Which is probably why there isn't much to know about him here.

You're confident that, with your skills, you could find some good information on him once you're somewhere he's been around often (i.e. not here).

Judging by Orynn's description, the spell in question is Earthbind. (Can be found in the SpC, around page 40ish I think.)

Judging by Orynn's description, the spell in question is Earthbind. (Can be found in the SpC, around page 40ish I think.)

2013-03-15, 07:01 PM
"Of course! Unless anyone has any objections, I'm ready to go."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-15, 07:05 PM
"Of course I can," Art replies to Orynn in an almost-offended tone. "There's not really that much of a difference between arcane and divine in the first place." He carefully stows the scrolls in his pack and nods at the odd woman. "Thank you for these. They should be quite useful."

2013-03-15, 07:26 PM
Jassira's nose twitches as Orynn passes, and her gaze follows the women. When she speaks, the woman seems to snap out of her state of distraction, and she turns her attention toward Armian's well-concealed figure.

"Good luck for me then. Hopefully I can move beyond one-time errand-goer." She rises from her seat. "But yes, we should be getting this underway." Another looks is cast towards Orynn, before Jassira approaches the door.

2013-03-15, 07:34 PM
Jarek stands, tucks the cat into the crook of his arm, and adjusts his cloak. "I am ready to go, as well."

2013-03-16, 11:14 AM
Sebastian approaches to shake Armin's hannd.
"My name's Sebastian, pleased to meet you."

As lady Orynn explains the function of the binding scrolls, Sebastian voices a happy "Ah".
"Those surely are useful. Let's hope that we won't have to use those too much though."

"We are planning on infiltrating the Trubedai's domain after sundown, right?" Sebastian asks as he follows Armin and the group's two hunters.

2013-03-16, 03:24 PM
"I'd rather scout in day, and then do the stuff that'll get us in real trouble at night. We're unaffiliated, as far as anyone knows, so we shouldn't attract too much attention just taking a look around, and figuring out how to approach this. Once we've done that, high-tailing it out with the sarcophagus at night should be easy." The human muses with back currently planted against a door opposite Orynn's in the hall. She's pulled an axe from the loop at her belt, and is currently running her thumb along the side of the gleaming, bladed edge of weapon; its a wonder she's not slicing open her flesh with the apparent sharpness of the edge.

2013-03-16, 04:22 PM
Armian nods as Jassira speaks. "I have a travel pass for both Goorui and Trubedai's border people, so we can just enter the zone without trouble. I'll be making a stop in Goorui's Zone to pick something up from a contact, but after that we can just go right into Trubedai's Zone. I live near the center, under the Plain's flags, so it should take...about three hours, at a good pace, four including the stop," he says.

Jassira's rubbing of her weapon catches Armian's eye (or at least he seems to be looking at it, it's hard to tell with the mask), but after a moment his surprise fades. It's clear that he came to some kind of conclusion about why the woman wasn't cutting open her thumb with the blade. Perhaps the result of working in a business that attracted the strange, odd and powerful types?

"My place isn't luxurious like the ones here, of course, but it's fairly nice. Fitting you all in there would be both impossible and incredibly conspicuous, though, so we'll have to get you all places across the road, at the...oh, my mistake, I'm assuming again," Armian interrupts himself, "I don't know if you all have somewhere you're staying that you'll want to return to. Still, this will probably be a multi-day project. Finding things stolen in the dead of night by a crime lord are generally not left lying around in the open. With bad luck we'll have to the Hungering Depths to find it...

Anyways, what I'm really getting at is that if any of you won't be staying in Trubedai's Zone overnight, we'll need to get more travel passes. I have someone who can supply us some, he's the one I'll be meeting in Goorui's Zone, so if you need one tell me now," he says. "If I get one, His Holiness' coffers will reimburse me, but if one of you buys one on your own you'll probably get nothing from Alkei. That man is as stingy as his father - responsible for half the organization here, I hear they say, always trying to save, save, save,"

As he speaks, Armian begins to walk, heading towards the halls that are more brightly lit, indicating that there's windows or similar letting in sunlight in that direction.

Alkei is well known among those who work for the Jackal Lord as being the ultra-miserly treasurer. It's said that the Jackal Lord's golden throne was financed entirely by the money he saved in a month, but that's an overblown legend - in reality, one of the central gems was purchased with the money he saved the crime lord in an entire year. In part because of his and his father's measures to cut costs and (in a strange twist of fate, seeing as these are all criminals) eliminate corruption in the organization there was a massive increase in bookkeeping and bureaucracy.

"They can't steal from us if they're busy filling out forms" is said to be how Runen introduced the idea.

Preemptive replies to your Knowledge checks:

"the Plain": The local nickname for an unassuming member of the Anraki who governs the center of Trubedai's Zone in his name. Said to not even have wings, the most unusual thing about her is that Trubedai appointed her to that position.

"the Hungering Depths": The local nickname for the chasm under the platform-heavy area of Trubedai's Zone. It can be reached, but is full of undead and therefore very dangerous. It's governed in Trubedai's name by an Anraki general known as "the Hungering Eyes" who can navigate the depths without attracted the attentions of the undead.

You see some fluctuations in the light on the floor, probably caused by one...no, three short interruptions of light from the windows (or whatever's letting the light in) - which is probably caused by people walking by them.

There's also a tiny bit of light under the door to the baths, indicating that there's more light in there than in the hallway.

Everyone but Jassira (yes, even the cat):
Travel passes are one of the things the crime lords agreed upon between each other universally. Essentially, one pays a fee (which goes to the rulers of all zones the travel pass is for) and receives a pass with which one can cross the zone borders.

The travel passes are only necessary for those with "business", but in practice anyone armed or carrying more than a few copper pieces needs one to cross the zone borders to avoid being harassed and/or extorted by the border patrols of both sides.

2013-03-16, 05:06 PM
"Travel passes..." A frown creases the lips of the human. She was obviously unused to the bureaucratic layout of the thieves' domains. "I think I'll just stay in the Trubedai zone. Easier. Cheaper too, I guess." Her gaze casts for a moment, upon the rest of the crew, before beginning to follow Armian. They'd probably have to share a room, wouldn't they? Well....she wouldn't mind sleeping in the same place as Art....the rest, though? Even Jarek, though he seems of like mind, was still human.

2013-03-16, 05:25 PM
"Alright, then you'll probably be staying at the Moon and Silver, it's a nice place and directly across from where I live, so we can meet up to start our second day of searching easily," Armian says with a nod.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-16, 08:15 PM
"I wonder if I could get them to replace the bed with a workbench," Art muses aloud.

2013-03-16, 11:48 PM
"Yes, that'll keep us looking low key." The sarcasm drips quite copiously from her words.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-17, 12:06 AM
Art rolls his eyes, but without pupils the effect is lost. "Jassira," he explains with exaggerated patience, "I'm a hand taller than you, made of metal, and don't sleep. I think I'm going to be conspicuous checking in regardless of my choice of furnishings. Which reminds me..." He digs into his sack for a moment and draws out a blacksmith's hammer. "There aren't many warforged in the undercity, but I'd be willing to bet that what there are can't afford to repair themselves frequently. Would you mind hitting me with this a few dozen times? Use both ends and the sides occasionally so it doesn't look like it's all from the same weapon. I'll beat out the dents once we're done with the job."

2013-03-17, 01:06 AM
"As much as we would like to dent you up a bit," Benton replied to Art, "I doubt your body would draw much attention that we couldn't weasel out of, and I prefer my constructs pretty."

Benton then gives a wink to Art.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-17, 01:08 AM
"That's a new one, Art snorts. "Flirting with the asexual metal man."

2013-03-17, 02:30 PM
Jassira snatches the hammer out the construct's hand. "For now, I'm forced to agree. At this rate, he..." She points to Benton with the head of the hammer. "...is far and away more likely to blow our cover with his...bardlyness." Bardlyness? "That said, if you want me to rough you up, I'll do it once we're out of His Holiness' place. And I sure as **** don't need a hammer to do it." She turns, and continues walking, tossing the hammer carelessly over her shoulder. Its lazy trajectory has Art's noggin as an end-point.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-17, 10:05 PM
The hammer strikes Art with a silvery tolling, but he catches it before it hits the ground and returns it to his pack. "Personally, I prefer 'barditudinosity'," he offers Jassira.

2013-03-18, 09:44 AM
"Under the circumstances, it will probably be safer and easier for me to stay in the Trubedai zone while we are working, so I'll need a pass as well. Which also means I need to stop by home before we leave this zone to let my wife know not to expect me while we're gone."

Jarek seems to be deliberately ignoring the 'bardlyness' conversation.

2013-03-18, 11:23 AM
Sebastian chuckles at 'barditudinosity' and nods at Jarek's mention of wanting to pass by home first.
"I also have a few errands before leaving for the Trubedai's zone. After all I didn't know where our job would take us a few minutes ago. Maybe if you give us a few hours to prepare, that would be much appreciated."

Seeing that I am from the under city and knew all about the passes, would it be possible to retroactively have alredy bought one? If yes, how much would a pass cost that allows me to enter most of the important territories and, if such things are also governed by the pass, let me enter the gates of the lower cities freely?
Also, thanks for the automatic knowledge checks.

2013-03-18, 02:11 PM
No, you'll need the travel pass if you stay outside Trubedai's Zone - you need them to cross the borders without trouble, for this trip Armian's is enough. Staying in another Zone isn't an issue.

Armian nods. "That shouldn't be a problem. We can meet up again at Fountain Square, in...let's say two hours?" He suggests.

A moment later two fully armored figures enter the hall, following a woman in red-and-green robe. She glances up from the scroll in her hands, nodding tersely to the group before continuing her hustle. Armian raises an arm in greeting but says nothing until you all turn into a more well-lit hallway. To your left the wall is made of large windows that give you a look out to a garden being tended by several women under the direction of another in brown robes.

"That was Rozie. Not Rosie - she hates when people call her that. I can barely hear the difference, but it's apparently important. She's the evocation specialist around here and is always busy with some bit of organization she took upon herself," he explains as you pass through a few more halls, eventually getting to a pair of double doors which he opens with a push.

It takes a few moments to orient yourselves, but (perhaps with the exception of Art, who seems to take more time to realize where you all are now) you quickly realize that you're off to the side of the Jackal Lord's court. If you were to go straight along the road you're on now and then turn right, you would return to the entrance you used to get in.

"Well, I trust you can all find your way to the fountain square from here. I'm off to go see some people I know in the area. Remember, two hours!" Armian says, waving and walking down the road in the opposite direction.

The Fountain Square
The Fountain Square, called so because of the large jackal head fountain in its center, was once at the edge of the Jackal Zone but is now a few blocks from the border to Goorui's Zone. It supplies clean water to the nearby people and is the center of an area in which the Jackal Lord's minor religion is strong.

I know your modus operandi now. Knowledge checks on every NPC with a name that seems important. So now I can just work it in to my intro posts.

Knowledge on Rozie: Well known for her insistence that one pronounces her name properly, she is almost always busy. Some say that she throws herself into her work to escape some pain from her past, but nobody knows what this might be. She doesn't live in the Jackal Lord's palace but rather in a nice apartment not far from it.

2013-03-18, 10:16 PM
"Two hours it shall be! I'll go and try to hide my bardtoodizzlyness."

Benton wanders off, searching for either the most prestigious or most shady clothing shop in town.

2013-03-18, 10:22 PM
As Benton goes out of sight Sebastian exhales, acting almost as if some weight was lifted off his shoulders.
"Well then, see you at the fountain in two hours, collegues."
With that he leaves, in the opposite direction of the one the bard chose.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-18, 10:28 PM
Art nods at his departing colleagues and heads straight for the fountain square. For one, the single task he wants to complete is space-independent, and for two he doesn't trust his ability to find his way back to the fountain from wherever he might end up.

Once he arrives, he finds somewhere—comfortable or not—to sit and begins pouring over his notes and references for information on the figures he'd heard mentioned and on the possible object of their quest.

[roll]Knowledge (religion) regarding the sarcophagus: [roll0]
Knowledge (arcana) ditto: [roll1]
Knowledge (arcana) about a construct inimical to sentient life: [roll2]
Knowledge (local) about Orynn: [roll3]
Knowledge (local) about Lepyra: [roll4]
Knowledge (local) about Armian: [roll5]
Knowledge (local) about Silthia: [roll6]
Knowledge (local) about Goorui: [roll7]
Knowledge (local) about Trubedai: [roll8]
Knowledge (local) about the Plain: [roll9]
Knowledge (local) about the Hungering Depths: [roll10]
Knowledge (local) about Alkei: [roll11]
Knowledge (local) about Rozie: [roll12]

I think that's everything.

2013-03-18, 10:41 PM
Jassira will accompany Art to the fountain square. Her time there isn't long though, just enough to ensure that she knows its location before its off, in search of the most elusive prey...good ale.

Redheaded huntress is off, in an effort to find a proficient bar, and probably instigate a brawl in it.

2013-03-18, 11:34 PM
As Sebastian walks he ponders on all the things he noticed, especially about that pale lady.

So let's make a list regarding Orynn:
She's rather pale.
She had red "spots" on her lips.
She was busy with Lepyra before we came, who both needed tending afterwards and had a fresh neck-wound.
The presumed victim was a rather rather weird and exotic creature though, maybe even related to the utterly alien Far Realms.
Orynn's room was very dark and stayed that way, even when she wanted to show us things.
She reacted negatively to having bright light shined into her eyes, but then again who wouldn't after being in a dark room. Her reaction wasn't much out of the ordinary.
On the other hand, she was drinking a tea that included painkilling and immune-boosting herbs, which would be weird for an undead to do.
She also seemed to waver between weakness and strength as the conversation went on.
Having noticed all these things I'd like a Knowledge (Religion) check to see how likely it seems to me that lady Orynn is a vampire.
I'd also like to know the possible reasons for those things on the list that don't fit in case she is/isn't undead, all the while assuming that Lepyra consented to having a neck-wound inflicted by Orynn.
I don't know what, if any, additional checks I would need though.
Here is a list for the questions:
What do I know about mortals with high light-sensitivity?
Why would a non-vampire drink Far Realm, or any other part outsider blood?
Why would a vampire ever drink a tea made from those herbs? Could they be simply used as a cover for blood or does a better reason spring to mind?
What kind of sickness does she seem to have that she needs to drink that stuff and is switching between frailty and strength (assuming she is mortal)?
Why would a vampire possibly be in her unsteady condition?
Feel free to roll for me, but I'd like to know the results if that's no problem.

2013-03-19, 05:00 AM
Since your roll failed, I went ahead and rolled for you with my own dice. The end result was 17.

As to how likely you think it is that she's a vampire...it's hard to say. The real telling parts (reaction to sunlight an positive energy as well as the consistent intake of blood) weren't observed. The neck wound Lepyra had couldn't have been inflicted by vampire fangs, based on the placement of the bandage, but not all vampires drink solely through their bites.

If she is undead, the only non-fitting bit is the tea, although it could be part of a cover to keep it from being too obvious.

Format is: Question (Skill Used Roll Result)
So the first means "Used Know(Local), got 24".

Mortals with light sensitivity (Local 24): Many goblinoids have a sensitivity to light, as do a great number of humanoid underground dwelling creatures. Her pale skin could be due to a life spent underground or a bloodline of those who did.

Outsider/Far Realm Blood (Arcana/the Planes 23/13): Some types of extraplanar beings have blood or other body parts/fluids with unusual properties. For example, the blood of half-celestials and their full-blooded extraplanar kin, when rubbed into the skin, can remove wrinkles and improve eyesight. You don't know what sort of properties the blood of someone like Lepyra might have, but it's entirely probable that it does something beneficial when drank.

Tea and Reasons (Religion/Nature/Local 19/25/20): The herbs in the tea that you could identify don't have any sort of religious usage or anything to do with undead. You do remember that the painkiller can be "stacked" by taking multiple doses before the last leaves the system, leading to a stronger effect than if a single large dose is taken. This is why it's often used by pregnant woman in the last week or two before childbirth to build up a strong painkilling effect. There are no negative impacts on the child from this, although building it up for a longer time might have some.

As for why an undead might drink it...you can't think of anything apart from concealing the blood, although perhaps it's used to wash it down so it doesn't clot in her mouth/throat.

What kind of disease (Heal 9): You don't know.

Vampire in that condition (Religion 18): A vampire deprived of blood for an extended time does show signs of weakness, but it generally disappears the moment they feed. If Orynn is a vampire, she would have been at full strength after feeding on Lepyra, rather than recovering over time. Her seeming shortness of breath also doesn't fit.

Oh god. Alright, let's get crackin' *pulls up metaphorical sleeve*

Sarcophagus: Apart from their normal uses, sarcophagi are often used to bind undead or other nonliving threats. Something about their form makes it easy to put magical bindings into them, arcane or divine. As such, a sarcophagus containing such a being fits the methods of many casters who realize they can't truly control something they made, but can't or won't destroy it.

Construct: There are several you've heard of, but none that one would seal away rather than just destroying. They can all be deactivated, as well, so anyone with the skills to make one could easily shut them down until they are needed.

Orynn: There are rumors that she's a vampire, but not many people know about her because she spends all of her time in the Jackal Lord's palace and even there she keeps to herself.

Lepyra: She is of some sort of extraplanar heritage, most likely, and well known for her refusal to talk about it. She's also a big 'people person' and generally takes a different lover each day she spends outside of the Jackal Lord's palace (she leaves about once a week to go carousing).

Armian: He spends almost all of his time in Trubedai's Zone and is always fully covered. He works as an agent of sorts for him and has a wide network of contacts. Fairly mercenary, he occasionally takes small jobs for other crime lords, but never against the Jackal Lord.

Silthia: She takes care of everything related to magic items in the Jackal Lord's court, or at least seems to. Silthia is from Goorui's Zone, brought to the Jackal Zone at about 13, but people disagree on how old she really was (and is). She began working for the Jackal Lord only a year after she arrived.

Goorui: Said to be of surprising youth for a crime lord, Goorui clawed his way to the top of his zone while it was still a whirling pit of anarchy. Of course, it hasn't gotten much better since then, but now he at least theoretically rules the zone from his ever-changing base, staying at the places of various flesh merchants made rich under his rule for a few days before moving on. The biggest slave owner in the under city, it's said that he takes a different woman to bed each night just because he can.

Trubedai: Trubedai is said to be insane, executing his enemies in one-on-one fights. He hires as many winged people as is possible. With his position, he could have been a far more powerful crime lord if he had taken advantage of the wealth he received by being in control of the way to the lower city, but he has never shown interest in expanding his influence. The generals of the Anraki are said to do most or all of the day-to-day running of the zone, with him only taking part in major decisions.

I say "he" due to grammar - the actual gender of Trubedai is unknown, as is his appearance. Apart from being winged, accounts of his appearance are different each time he appears in public.

the Plain: The Plain is what locals in Trubedai's Zone call the one who runs the central part of his territory in his name. There are a thousand rumors about her - how an entirely average girl (she's probably about 19 or 20 years old, but most people think she's younger) who isn't even winged has one of the most prestigious positions in the Anraki. It's a common belief that she is his lover, but in truth the commonly cited "proof" is false.

The Plain's real name is Eira and she is rarely seen by the people of her sector. She often travels across the Zone to bring Trubedai's decisions to other Anraki generals, but isn't seen while doing so.

The Hungering Depths: At the bottom of the chasm over which a portion of Trubedai's Zone is built are the Hungering Depths, named so for the large number of wandering undead in them. The Anraki general of the sector is Ursori, known as "the Hungering Eyes". He is said to be the only one capable of navigating the winding ways of the eternally fog-shrouded Hungering Depths and avoid the undead without magic.

Alkei: Alkei is well known among those who work for the Jackal Lord as being the ultra-miserly treasurer. It's said that the Jackal Lord's golden throne was financed entirely by the money he saved in a month, but that's an overblown legend - in reality, one of the central gems was purchased with the money he saved the crime lord in an entire year. In part because of his and his father's measures to cut costs and (in a strange twist of fate, seeing as these are all criminals) eliminate corruption in the organization there was a massive increase in bookkeeping and bureaucracy. Alkei is young but is said to be an old man at heart, just like his father.

"They can't steal from us if they're busy filling out forms" is said to be how Runen introduced the idea.

Rozie: Rozie drinks a lot when she isn't working, which isn't often. The place she visits ("Avern's Tavern", named after the recently deceased founder) is said to have two people they hired specifically for her: one to serve her and the other to help her get to her apartment.

You find a place that you've been to before, called "Not the Red Goose" for some odd reason. The ale is good and surprisingly cheap. The patrons there aren't very friendly, but they can swing pretty well.

The most prestigious shop is only open two days a week, as the owner is out seeing her better paying clients three days a week.

The shadiest, however, you easily find. There is a terrible selection of clothing, all of it fairly old and often very worn. It's pretty obvious that it's a front for some other business, as the girl at the counter manages to stay unfriendly for a whole four seconds after you arrive.

2013-03-19, 08:28 PM
Keeping an entirely straight face, Benton quickly approaches the girl at the front of the store with purpose he tries to show, but is not sure what purpose.

"Formalities aside, this is urgent. You know what to do."

Knowledge Local to know what is happening here:
Perform (acting) to act in persona (if needed, not sure if applicable)
Bluff to convince the girl that Benton knows what he is doing
Ugh, these rolls are disappointing me :smallannoyed:

2013-03-20, 06:05 AM
(There's a bit of if-then in this one, just ignore it if you decide to act differently than I expected. Local 9 gives nothing.)

The girl's expression grows confused as Benton speaks. "What? Aren't you supposed to be coming tomorrow? And be a woman?"

A look from him dispels her confusion, however, and she hastily makes a couple of half-bows. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize - Don't worry, I'll go get it!" She says, turning around and rushing back through the door. You hear some rustling around and something falls onto the floor, then she comes back into the room.

In her hands she holds a package wrapped in cloth that's clearly rectangular. She holds it out to him, clearly expecting him to take it, her eyes a bit fearful. Once he does, she anxiously shifts from foot to foot, her gaze on him.

Inside the cloth wrappings is a rectangular leather container, holding an ornate dagger and two pearls. The dagger's blade is inscribed with the words For your heart, my love and both it and the hilt are clearly of great quality.

2013-03-20, 12:13 PM
Jassira makes her way to 'Not the Red Goose'. Curious name aside, having good ale was a big plus. She opens a belt pouch, and sticks her hand into it...one solitary copper piece. Responsible spending was not her strong-suit. But surely she'd be able to get a few free drinks before she got the boot.

She enters the tavern, and scans the room for a table with an empty seat, figuring on joining a few others and mooching a glasses or two.

2013-03-20, 12:31 PM
It isn't that busy inside, but you can see a table with two of three places filled. There's a lightly armored male elf in one and a humanoid in brown traveler's robes, hood pulled up and generally difficult to tell much about. You are fairly certain that the figure is either human or elven, though. The elf is saying something, to which the hooded figure is nodding slowly every so often. Both have a mug on the table before them and the elf takes a brief drink as he speaks.

Apart from that, there are several empty tables and a few solitary figures, mostly tired-looking men that don't seem interested in company.

2013-03-20, 02:32 PM
Jassira makes her way to the table with the elf and hooded figure, pulling up a chair, turning it around so back faces the table, and straddling the seat. She leans upon the back of it, and grins broadly.

"Hope you don't mind if I join you for a drink. It's been a long day."

Elves...they weren't humans, but by all accounts, they held the same sort of prejudice and arrogance. And opportunity to rile them was never to be turned down.

2013-03-20, 02:38 PM
The two look up as she arrives, the hooded one nodding and the elf smiling.

"Don't worry about it, we've got the same thing going here. You a night shifter, too?" The elf asks before turning to signal the closest serving girl. "One for the big lady here!" He says and she goes off to the counter.

The hooded figure raises the mug into the shadows under its hood and seems to drink deeply. You notice that the fingers gripping the handle are thick, rough and dirty. The look given by hard labor and work with earth.

I wrote the elf's dialogue, then realized how it could be interpreted by Jassira.

She probably knows he means "are you also a worker who works the night shift", though, given her 14 Wis.

2013-03-20, 02:50 PM
Smiles? And buying her a drink? They seemed nice enough, but then again, she wore the mask of a human. They'd be just like any other given her natural form.

Still...a drink is a drink. "Well, mostly during the night. Sometimes days, but it can be rough." The human says in a tone that hid her ferocity under softer notes, a broad grin on her face, probably more pleased than she should've been with the double entendre.

"What're a pair of elves doing down here? Aren't you more....foresty types, instead of slum-dwellers?"

2013-03-20, 03:58 PM
The elf chuckles at Jassira's question. "Oh, how I sometimes wish I could be. But no, I'm tied down here with a family. My friend here actually likes the work we do, though,"

The serving girl arrives and gives Jassira a mug of ale. While she bends over to place it on the table, the elf takes an (for people without your sharp eyesight) inconspicuous look at the side of her chest. The hooded one also seems to notice and shakes their head slowly.

2013-03-20, 04:01 PM
Upon arriving at the Fountain Square, Jarek nods farewell to his new companions and heads home, the he cat running ahead to arrive several minutes before he does.

((This is fairly typical -- Tessa knows when the cat arrives, Jarek is 5-10 minutes behind.))

2013-03-20, 05:03 PM
The woman merely gives a nod to the serving girl when mug is placed, before picking it up to drain half the contents, leaving her with foamy 'mustache' that she wipes away on her forearm. She gives a grin to the elf, "Even a family man falters in the face of a busty barwench, eh?" She nods to the departing server, and let's out a jovial laugh. "So what is it you two do, exactly? Guards? Freight-haulers?"

2013-03-20, 05:37 PM
"Good." Benton noisily slaps 50 gold pieces on the counter.
"This shop is now closed. Take this and go make something of your life. You've never seen me, nor heard of me. This encounter never happened. Gather your things from the shop while I peruse for a while, and prepare to lock up when I am done."

After that, Benton slams his hands against the counter, shaking the gold pieces in the process. With a glare, he speaks, almost growling, in a menacing tone,
"And if anything related to this is revealed to anyone, you can kiss the luck you had today goodbye, along with other... important things."

With that, he dramatically spins around and changes his mood into a happy shopper's, sifting though the various junk clothes.

When the girl is not looking, Benton casts detect magic within the store to detect any more goodies, and to check if the dagger and pearls he has recently obtainted are magical.
Diplomacy to convince the girl to leave
Intimidate to make the girl not reveal anything in the future
Search for anything out of the ordinary, ridiculous, or overly pompous.
Taking 20 on the search check for a total of 23.

2013-03-20, 06:20 PM
The girl seems confused at first, then grows angry. "Hey, you aren't the first who just-" then she catches a glimpse of exactly how much money Benton had put on the counter and the sight seems to knock the breath out of her. She stares, wide-eyed, at the gold until the bard slams his fist onto the counter. Jumping back a bit, she hastily nods at Benton's threat.

"D-don't worry! I won't tell anyone, sir!" She assures, actually swaying slightly and clinging to the counter to keep her balance as she speaks. "I-if you'd like anything else, don't...don't hesitate to ask," the girl stammers, before turning to go through the back door again, nearly forgetting the coins but turning back to take them in her hands. You hear some rustling and, after you cast Detect Magic and scan the room, she emerges, still looking rather shell-shocked.

"Uhm...I'm ready to leave. So just say the word, um, sir," she says, now wearing a ragged coat over her other clothes.


Detect Magic reveals...that everything in the shop is mundane.

A thorough search (the fact that he's really taking his time seems to make the girl uneasy) shows that there are a few secret compartments under the badly used boots available.

"I don't take any of those! O-or sell them! Really!" The girl assures before he even opens one. Inside are small packages of bits of crystal, vials of liquid and a few strange-looking herbs. Many of them bear purple ribbons - the mark of one of the most infamous drug cartels of Goorui's Zone. All of it is very dangerous.

The elf shrugs. "There's an old elven saying I refer to in times like these: 'He who looks but does not touch is not truly living life'. With a bit of interpretation, it clearly delineates between enjoying a view and betraying the trust put in you by a partner," he says. Something about his tone makes you feel like he justifies his actions with that same argument often.

"Graveyard workers" the hooded one says, voice scratchy. It sounds male, but it could be either, judging by how hoarse it sounds.

"That's what'd I'd call it, too. We dig graves and tend gardens, mostly the former," the elf says. "So, what is it you do, that has you working night and sometimes day?" he asks, taking another drink.

2013-03-20, 06:29 PM
"As yes, My package."
Glancing at the girl, he puts the various items into his backpack.
"Don't worry, this isn't for me. Anything else you wish to tell me about this area before we leave this hellhole?"

2013-03-20, 06:43 PM
The girl seems surprised again when Benton takes the drugs, but doesn't say anything until he asks her his question. Blinking a few times, clearly she had been lost in thought for a moment, she considers it.

"Um...not really. I only work here a little, to help pay my way through magic tutoring. I...have other jobs on the side," she turns away from Benton as she says the last bit, clearly embarrassed but also not feeling like she could have backtracked after mentioning it.

"C-can you tell me your name? Or something to call you? This is...probably going to be something I remember my whole life, if you...if you understand," she says suddenly, as if just finding the will to speak despite her trepidation.

2013-03-20, 08:07 PM
Benton's eyes the girl inquisitively when she mentions magic tutoring, and gets even closer to her when she mentions the jobs, one eye right in her face, almost comically.
"And what jobs would those be, m'lady? And was the sum I gave you enough for the tutoring?"

In response to the name, Benton puts a foot on a nearby pile of clothes, places his fists on his hips, and puffs out his chest, stating in a heroic voice,
"I am Brutus Battleborn, the most skilled warrior in the land. But you didn't hear that from me. What is your name?"

Perform (act) to awe the girl with Benton's act
Bluff to fake the name and profession

2013-03-20, 10:49 PM
Jassira contemplates how to answer the posed question. "Hunter. Mostly night work." Another tip back of her mug drains the remainder of the contents. "I like that saying...doesn't sound like it preaches restraint though." She smiles, again showing off pointy canines, "To me, it sounds like advice to be more...visceral. To -experience-, rather than just look." A shrug. "Maybe I'm biased; I'm much more a fan of experiencing, either way."

2013-03-21, 06:13 AM
The girl backs up from Benton slowly, clearly still somewhat fearful after his earlier intimidation, nearly tripping over a loose board before replying.

"I-it's...you know...night work," she says, clearly uncomfortable speaking about it. "The tutoring? Yes, it's enough, d-don't worry sir!" The girl's second reply is more enthusiastic. "With this much...I can move out of the Zone and into a better neighborhood. Even send something back to my parents!"

Benton's dramatic display seems to blow her away and she stares wide-eyed for a few moments before gathering her wits enough to reply.

"Ah...oh, my name? I'm Sandy. Sandy Tarnoff," she says.

She means prostitution with "night work".

The hooded one nods at Jassira's statement.

"Maybe, but I couldn't do that. It's tough being stuck in a city sometimes, but I'm not going to stop being faithful, especially after giving up so much for her," the elf says. "As for experiencing, you do seem to be that type. Not really a dainty maiden, are you? With those fangs you look like you would bite the head off anyone who tried keeping you cooped up as a housewife. My mother was the same way - always going off to find something to do. In the end, it got the two of them a roof over their heads that didn't leak,"

It seems like the elf happily talks about his life. The hooded one takes another long, slow drink as he speaks.

2013-03-21, 12:34 PM
Jassira nods, folding arms on the back of her chair once more, and leaning forward. "Housewife? No...no, I could never see myself being reduced to something as simple as that. Besides, I wanna give my kids a good future...and the time isn't right for that, yet."

Her attention turns towards the hooded figure. "And what-about you. Are you like your friend, content to live shackled in a city?"

2013-03-21, 12:44 PM
The elf nods. "At least you think about it before getting into something you can't go back out of," he says.

The hooded one shrugs at her question. "Everyone is shackled. Only question is to what and how obvious their shackles are" he says, taking another drink.

2013-03-21, 01:33 PM
Jassira shakes her head with a grin. "Would you say a wild animal is shackled? I'm no more so than the hunting wolf, or grazing elk. But I can see that -that- kind of life isn't for everybody." She pushes herself up from her chair, and turns it around, sliding it back under the table, before leaning on the side, and looking at the hooded figure. "You didn't answer my question, though. I think that, maybe, that means you -don't- like this chained life. A slave to the machine of civilization. I have a key, you know, for leading the untamed life, if you're interested."

2013-03-21, 01:53 PM
"It's been a pleasure. Sandy, but I must be off now. Perhaps I will see you again, perhaps not. Farewell!"

With that, Benton ran away with great bounding strides, searching for the most prestigious clothing shop that is open.

2013-03-21, 02:23 PM
"A-alright. Goodbye Mr. Battleborn!" Sandy calls as he leaves, following him with a more reserved tread. There is a spring in her step, though.


After about ten minutes of searching, Benton finds a significantly nicer-looking store called "Markoren's Clothing Store". Inside is a good selection of clothing, ranging from humble to fairly audacious. At the counter are what appear to be a pair of siblings, one man and one woman, the man sitting on a stool and the woman standing. As he arrives another man is just leaving, clearly in a good mood.

The man looks up as Benton comes in.

"Good afternoon, sir! Anything specific you're looking for?" He asks.

"Wild animals are shackled to their needs and instincts. The need to find food drink water breathe air. The instinct to procreate." The hooded figure responds. Everything they say lacks the sort of intonation that's normal in speech, sounding less like a sentence and more like a string of words.

"Your talk of a freedom from civilization makes me curious however. What do you mean." Again, the normal signs of a question are missing. It's almost like hearing a child read out a sentence in a book one word at a time, each independent of the context and therefore without any sense of belonging to a whole.

The elf seems content to stay silent and watch, his eyes flickering from Jassira to the hooded one as he takes a slow drink, holding his mug so as to not obscure his view of either of you.

Oh god, writing that dialogue almost hurts.

2013-03-21, 02:57 PM
"I wouldn't call those shackles. The taste of food, the invigoration of drink, the passions of a lover. That is -life-. Aren't those enjoyments the things that drive us to wade through the muck of civilized life?" At this she takes her hands off the chair, gesturing to the interior of the inn. "Once upon a time, the hunt was revered. Sating the needs of instinct -yourself- was valued. Civilized life brought comfort, but it brought weakness, too. Now your food comes to you without meaning or triumph. Drink comes at the slightest thirst. Whorehouses and prostitutes have risen to fulfill the needs of the unworthy." She is breathing a bit faster now, heart thumping beneath chainmail adornment.

"What I offer is a reclamation of primal feelings lost. Stronger tastes, and sharper smells. The exhilaration of the hunt, of triumphing over weaker prey." She gives a subtle gesture to the rest of the room. "But mostly, what I offer is freedom from the constant burden of -being civilized-. A monthly taste of what it is like to live free from rule. To live once more as we were created to."

2013-03-21, 03:13 PM
Pssst, how about my question to everyone in the OOC? I know you're on, so I'm gonna bug you to reply to it 'cause I'm impatient.

Feel free to laugh if you did so while I was writing this.

The elf nods at each of Jassira's points, turning to the hooded one after she makes them to hear his reply.

"Life is being able to make choices. Choosing to enjoy food or drink or perhaps instead pursuing other pleasures is life." Before the strange hoarse speech of the hooded figure can continue, the elf clears his throat and speaks.

"I understand what you mean about the hunt, but here food isn't gotten without work either. You just work for coin instead, rather than hunting it yourself," he says.

"This freedom you speak sounds much like what every cult and drug dealer in this city is offering. Be free they say and join us in our rituals. How is what you offer different."

"It sort of sounds like a transformation, to me," the elf replies immediately. "Sort of like what that guy with the huge beard does. You know, he turns into that thing with huge claws to dig faster?"

The cloaked one nods slowly in understanding, but seems more focused on Jassira.

2013-03-21, 03:25 PM
"Working for coin is hollow, though. Do you truely enjoy what you do to earn that coin, or even the coin itself? That is the difference. When I hunt, I enjoy it...the rush of testing your own body. Pushing limits...and the reward is tangible and immediate, inexorably linked to the act."

She shakes her head at his comment about drug dealers and cultists. "What I offer is nothing like what they do. Cultists beg subservience. They offer you a false religion...they ask you to praise, and tithe, and sacrifice...and for what? So -another- can make your hopes and dreams come true, instead of making your wishes true with your own strength. Drug dealers offer happiness, again, but it is a hollow happiness. Free from effort, and so, free from meaning." She bangs her fist on the table, shaking the glassware. "Unlike those charlatans and conmen, I don't want any coin from you...or vows of servitude. I merely offer you the strength to crawl out from under the foot of these people."

She bares those canines once more at the talk of someone that could transform. Claws... "I'd love to meet your friend. What he can do is only a part of what I speak of."

2013-03-21, 03:36 PM
Jassira's actions draw a glance from one of the other patrons, but upon seeing that there isn't anything more than a conversation happening he lowers his head again.

"Your offer is intriguing. But you do not say how you intend to bestow this strength upon us -"

"Hey, wait a moment there. This sounds very interesting, but I don't think I'm up for it. Leaving the city once a month...she'll think it's something like me having an affair or something. Count me out," the elf injects.

"Upon me then. Is it to happen here at a table in a tavern or is this empowerment tied to a specific act or place."

2013-03-21, 03:57 PM
"An act. It can be...jarring. Come to the Moon and Silver tomorrow, if you want a taste of the savage life." She walks round the table, brushing a hand against the unhooded elf's shoulder. "I do hope you reconsider. The offer is open to your wife, too." Her gaze returns to the hooded one. "Ask for Jassira, if you decide to come. I should be off now, but I hope the pair of you have a satisfying day..." Farewell said, she begins to make for the tavern's exit.

2013-03-21, 04:23 PM
"That sounds intriguing." The hooded one says.

The elf stays silent until she leaves.

"It was nice talking to you," he says, smiling.

2013-03-21, 08:29 PM
As if he practiced the list within his mind, Benton quickly spoke to the pair,
"I'm going to need a black top hat, red bowtie, black cloak, fake black mustache, and white gloves. Just name a price."

2013-03-22, 03:12 AM
"No problem, sir. Although...I'm afraid we don't have mustaches here, only clothes," the man says, exchanging a glance with the woman as he stands, then indicating one side of the shop. The woman nods and they come out from behind the counter, splitting up to different sides of the store to quickly collect everything Benton requested.

Within a few minutes they return with everything but the mustache, stacked neatly into a bundle.

"That will be one gold and two silver, sir," the man says.

2013-03-22, 05:16 PM
Benton sighs. Perhaps I am never destined to have two mustaches, Benton thought to himself, stroking his own mustache.

"Oh well, thanks for the business. Keep the change."

Benton tosses two gold pieces onto the counter as he takes the clothing items and puts them on. After that, he strolls out, going back to the fountain where everyone agreed to meet at.

2013-03-22, 05:56 PM
After two hours have passed, the party once again gathers, this time at the fountain square. A few moments after the last of them arrives, Armian shows up as well, pushing through the masses of people moving through the square. It was both a transportation hub where nearly a dozen streets and side avenues met up as well as the prime source of water for the nearby people - the crowd there is always fairly thick.

"Hello again, my colleagues! I trust you all made use of your time, as the next leg of our journey will bring us into Goorui's Zone. There...aren't many things to do there, if one has any sort of moral compass, that is, the masked man says. "Well, then, let's go,"

Unless anyone objects, he promptly begins the journey across the remainder of the Jackal Zone and into Goorui's Zone. The transition isn't entirely jarring - as you get closer to the border the area grows more seedy-looking and you see that the road and buildings aren't kept in as good a state as they are in the center of the Jackal Zone. As you go along a fairly narrow street, in the shadows of the fairly untrustworthy-looking buildings on either side, you see a bright red stripe that runs along the ground, patrolled by two bored-looking lightly armored men. One bears the symbol of the Jackal Lord, the other that of Goorui (a jackal head on a golden background and a scepter over a pair of shackles, respectively).

"Here you are!" Armian says quickly as you all approach, cutting off anything either of them may have wanted to say and flipping open a small leather case to reveal the travel pass within. Both guards glance at it, then at the group, before letting you through. They seem quite interested in the group, originally primarily Art and Jassira, but after a moment their curiosity spills over to the rest of your strange squad. They don't say anything though.

"Alright, we're in Goorui's Zone now. A few important notes while we're here:

First off, don't give anything to any beggars if a guard can see you. Donations are taxed, you see.

Secondly, it's best to keep a neutral expression. If you play cards, use that face. Showing emotion openly signals to everyone that you're new here and they'll swarm you, trying to sell you everything imaginable.

Thirdly, ignore just about anything anyone wearing a collar says to you. A lot of people here send out their slaves to beg or steal or similar and they like to pretend to need help, only to trap you later. A favorite is trying to convince you to help them escape, only to rat you out to the guard for gold.

Finally...if you smell something odd, try not to breathe too deeply, some of the stuff in the air here is quite nasty," Armian says. This fits what all of you know about the Zone, apart from Jassira who doesn't really know specifics about it.

The walk continues, eventually entering an area more heavily traveled. Before long you come to a street that's utterly crowded, merchant stalls lining the sides and a slowly moving mass of people making their way along the street, some breaking off to inspect the wares of one or more merchants.

"Alright, I'll be in there," Armian points to the second floor of a building on the opposite side of the street, perhaps eighty feet away. "It shouldn't take more than ten or fifteen minutes. Feel free to do whatever, as long as we don't have to look for you once I'm done," he says.

Then he goes, hopping in front of a train of chained-together slaves and weaving through the crowd. Well, it's less 'weaving' and more 'jabbing everything that comes near him with his elbows and making slow forward process'.

It stinks terribly. Not only of unwashed people, but also of almost stingingly chemical smells and strange other scents you can't identify.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-22, 06:25 PM
Art manages to avoid dropping his jaw at Benton's antics this time, and instead opts to clap his hand to his face. The clang is essentially the same.


When Armian disappears into the crowd, Art pushes his way in as well and looks for a merchant selling grafts, body parts, and other sundry biological curiosities.

2013-03-22, 06:35 PM
Art quickly finds what he's looking for. A fat man sits on a large padded chair, proudly extolling the virtues of his wares. According to him, his grafts "will increase the productivity of any slave by at least 100%!"

To his right stand three collared people - two humans (one male, one female) and a dwarf. Each of them have a dull, unfocused look in their eyes. The human male has had both arms replaced by what seem to be stone arms, sculpted quite well and mimicking the look of muscled flesh fairly well. The woman has a metal arm, this one more crude, ending in a claw to which some sort of shovel contraption is connected. The dwarf's arms are both gone at the elbow, replaced by a complex-looking system of three smaller forearms.

The stall to the left of this one features a dozen illusions [labelled "ILLUSION OF PRODUCT, ACTUAL PRODUCT MAY BE OF DIFFERENT APPEARANCE"] of cylinders within which float organs or entire limbs. The man in this booth isn't overweight and is currently explaining something to an interested-looking man with gray hair, occasionally pointing back at the only real product in his stand: a glass vat in which a leg and a hand are suspended.

2013-03-22, 06:51 PM
During the walk and in the market, Jarek's cat has not been on his shoulder. In fact, she has been largely out of sight, following him at a distance and as much as possible appearing to be a normal stray cat wandering the streets.

At the market, Jarek leans casually against the side of a building and waits.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-22, 06:59 PM
Art approaches the fat man's stall and examines the woman's arm graft for a few moments. "Is this entirely biomechanical," he asks the proprietor, "or does it have a magical component to it?"

2013-03-22, 08:07 PM
Jassira wrinkles her nose at the smell of the place, and seems out of sorts. This was -exactly- the sort of setting she hated being in. Crowded, polluted, with a textbook full of laws waiting to be broken. She takes after Jarek, leaning against the wall beside him with a scowl, on guard and edge, constantly searching the crowd for trouble.

2013-03-22, 08:26 PM
Seeing nothing much of interest to him in the ribble-rabble of the lowest of the low, Benton joins Jassira and Jarek in leaning on the wall, and seeing Jassira's expression, crosses his arms and scowls as well, trying to imitate Jassira as much as possible.

2013-03-22, 10:46 PM
Benton's antics were...harmless, really. He'd merely been an annoyance devoid of malice thus far. Indeed, like most of his song-singing ilk, among the normal crew he might be tolerated, or even enjoyed as comedy relief in a serious world.

It is an unfortunate circumstance, then that he is human. A grievous sin that he compounds with behavior that gets under the red-head's skin, in a place where she already feels uncomfortable.

Jassira's short temper becomes apparent after just one minute of Benton's behavior. The change is quick; in only the time it takes Jassira to turn on her heel, she's a foot and a half taller. Freckled features have been replaced with a snarling visage that isn't far off from the one worn by the jackal king. Ruddy mane resembles the red of her hair, while darker coat covers the flesh visible. It is immediately apparent why her armor was so ill-fitting, for now muscled form fills it out perfectly. In her human form, Jassira was fit, and somewhat slender; in this form, she's put on padding in every regard, the great majority of which appears to be pure sinew.

The way her claw-tipped hybrid of hand and paw grasps the front of Benton's shirt to lift him from his feet, and slam him against the stone wall on which he leaned confirms that, yes, its all muscle. Jassira snarls. "Do you think I'm funny, human?" Orange eyes stare straight into his. "Your kind does -not- have permission to make light of me. Do you understand?" Her words are guttural, the growl of a beast behind every note. "I am not your friend. I am -stuck- with you while working a job. If you continue to make yourself the fool at my expense, I will -eat your heart-."

It seemed the...well...not-human has a poor sense of humor. Or, human humor, at least.

Grapple: [roll0]

2013-03-22, 11:49 PM
Benton, somehow predicting but hoping not it would come to this, does not struggle. Of course he is terrified; a woman he had met two hours ago just shape shifted into a beast and now was threatening death to both him and his livelihood, but Benton has learned how to handle his fear over the years.

Raising his hands in submission, Benton speaks in a rushed yet calm and hushed whisper, careful not to tread on any metaphorical toes,
"Look, I'm sorry for sparking the beast within you, but I think we have some bigger priorities at hand."

Benton signals with his eyes to the mulling crowds around them.

"We can discuss the specifics of this situation later, but right now, with, as you implied, the job as first importance over our dear friendship, might I remind you we are trying to stay anonymous right now? And your shape shifty stunt here in the middle of a marketplace isn't helping us, and neither will some... sensitive contents I am in possession of if our cover is blown. So let's just call a truce for now. For the sake of the job, of course."

With that, Benton crosses his arms, looks up in the air, and starts whistling a tune, as if nothing were ever happening even though he was being suspended in the air by a were-thing.

Diplomacy to calm Jassira

2013-03-23, 12:03 AM
Jarek stands fully upright with a jerk and turns to face Jassira and Benton. "Jassira!" he hisses, "We're on the same side here, and we want to keep from being noticed! I thought you were more professional than this!"

2013-03-23, 12:24 AM
Jassira keep her gaze locked to Benton's for a few long seconds, apparently impervious to either his charm, or Jarek's chiding. She does, after a delay, let the bard fall to his feet, shifting back to (depending on who you asked) a more natural form. She folds arms beneath her chest.

"I'm in no danger of blowing anything. Have you seen this town? Your kind are almost outnumbered by 'monsters'." Vitriol drips from her words. "It's happy idiots like him..." She jerks her thumb towards Benton, "...that attract attention."

2013-03-23, 01:07 AM
Benton regains his composure slowly, straightening his posture and adjusting his new clothes back into place. Sizing up to Jassira and puffing out his chest slightly in a dignified manner, yet still a head shorter than her, he replies,

"Well you're certainly right about me; I got your attention. It's just that you got everyone else's attention."

With that, Benton winked at Jassira and strolled away before Jassira could reply, casually looking at different stalls now and again.

2013-03-23, 09:54 AM
The man looks at Art without a hint of confusion or curiosity, his tone friendly as he speaks.

"A good question! It's almost entirely nonmagical, actually, the only bit where there is any thaumaturgy involved is where the joints meet, here," the man shuffles in his seat a bit and indicates the part of the arm where it connects to the shovel-device.

"There's a Grease spell on it that gets refreshed every few hours to keep it working smoothly. There's also something else in the shoulder, to keep the host slave from potentially going berserk. Don't worry, dear sir, I know what you're thinking, but the price is only just barely increased by it," he assures, smiling.

At the edge of your vision, in the small alley between two stalls, you see a slim cloaked figure slip from the shadows of the alley into the crowd, clutching a leather package. It's the kind of thing you'd normally miss and, not a second after the figure enters the crowd, seemingly heading in the direction of the others, they disappear. That...is unusual as well.

Jassira and Benton's brief altercation does attract some attention, primarily at the seven-foot-tall woman, with looks ranging from frightened to interested. One man, dressed in a suit, actually steps forwards from the crowd, before instantly being accosted by nearly a dozen beggars and retreating back into the mass of people.

You get the feeling of being watched by something other than a few of the less ambivalent passerby and, after a brief moment, pin the source as being a window on the house Armian indicated as where he was going.

You feel something brush against your arm - not unusual in this crowd, but it's more than just normal contact in close quarters. Somehow you know that this was deliberate.

You also realize that none of the people you see around you could have done it; a surge of intuition tells you that they must have been shorter than you and going in the same direction (to the left from where the rest of the non-browsing party is). It's also the wrong sort of touch to be a pickpocket, it was too drawn-out for that.

This is what a natural 20 on your "generic know what happened" roll looks like.

In case you check, you don't find anything missing or planted on you.

2013-03-23, 12:06 PM
Jarek goes back to leaning casually against the wall, but keeps an eye on that window.

Spot [roll0] to see if he can see who's watching. Preferably without staring.

2013-03-23, 12:52 PM
You see someone who is in a similar outfit to Armian, standing next to the window, occasionally looking down at you. Just barely in view is Armian himself. They seem to be talking.

2013-03-23, 12:58 PM
Jarek continues to stand, watching both the people in the window and the crowd around him.

2013-03-23, 03:37 PM
Benton looks in the direction of his offender. Determined to see who this was, Benton follows the general direction.

Damn midgets.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-23, 08:54 PM
Art ignores the cloaked figure and continues questioning the stall owner. "How much dexterity does she have with it? And what kind of magics do you use to make the connection." He tries to maintain an air of detachment as Armian suggested, but finds it difficult. Hopefully his limited facial mobility helps on that front, at least.

2013-03-24, 10:20 AM
You see a few people who are around the right height, but none of them are in the right position to have done it. Whoever touched you seems to have vanished without a trace.

As you look around, you do notice that Armian is leaving the building he had entered before. He begins once again elbowing his way through the crowd towards the others before spotting something and going over to one of the stalls.

"Eh, not much, but she was always a clumsy one," the man says. "The connection to the shoulder is mostly mechanical, there are some wires that connect to her nerves,"

Suddenly someone taps Art on the shoulder. It's Armian.

"Hope you aren't having too much fun," he says, "I'm done, let's get back to the others," as he finishes, Armian turns to go back to where the others are.

The two seem finished with their discussion before long, and Armian leaves the building. The other one also goes out of sight.

Armian comes out of the building, entering the crowd with a flurry of elbows and slowly moving through it, changing course before long to go off to one of the stalls on the side of the road.

2013-03-24, 10:35 AM
Benton sighs, as he gives up the hunt and returns back to his comrades.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-24, 03:47 PM
Art glances at Armian for a second. "One more question and I'll come.

"Why do they look so drugged?" he asks finally.

He listens to the man's answer and then pushes his way through the crowd to rejoin the others.

2013-03-24, 04:43 PM
The man shrugs. "Side effect of the transformation, I think. At least, they looked more alert before,"

Before long, you all see Art and Armian come through the crowd back to the point where he left you to wait.

"Alright then, everyone! Let's get moving," Armian says. The journey continues, following one of the smaller roads as it cuts through Goorui's Zone and goes uphill towards Trubedai's Zone. In the distance you see a few flying things, moving over the buildings. The part of the zone in the shadow of the rising cliffs seems to be all but covered by a strange frame of wood and cloth; the area opposite it has several visible bonfires on its tallest buildings.

You continue uphill and eventually come to a larger street, which Armian follows. A after a few more minutes of walking you reach a guard post, where a steady trickle of people pass over the border. He shows his pass to the guard and says "Returning resident and guests", then the man waves you all through, not seeming especially vigilant.

Before long, the streets grow more lively and Armian leads you into the center of the zone, eventually coming to a busy residential street. On one side of it is a good-looking three story house while on the other there's a prosperous tavern/inn. The Moon and Silver.

"Alright, I trust you all can get your rooms on your own. If you want to get a head start, you can, but otherwise...good evening and good night. We'll meet in front of the Moon and Silver tomorrow at noon," Armian says, leaving with a wave. By now it's evening and the hours of walking have begun to take their toll on those of you not used to the activity.

The inside of the Moon and Silver is fairly busy, with perhaps two thirds of the tables full and numerous serving people, male and female, heading between the counter and tables to keep up with the demand. Off on one side of the tavern there's a word painted on the wall in white paint.


Below it sits a man at a desk, several rows of hooks behind him, several with keys but most without.

2013-03-24, 06:53 PM
Benton approaches the man at the counter, and speaks with an exquisite and gentlemanly tone,
"I'll be requiring a room for two; your finest one in fact. Brutus is arriving."
Benton slaps down the coins needed for the transaction without delay, and then strolls over to the barkeep. He then tosses 5 gold coins at him, stating,
"The next few are on Brutus Battleborn, my traveling companion. Make sure the patrons know that."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-25, 03:03 AM
Art groans rustily. "If you feel like killing him," he whispers to Jassira, "I won't tell anyone. Hells, I'll make the acid to dispose of the body."

When Benton is thoroughly done and gone from the common room Art approaches the desk. "I'll be needing a room for at least the next several days, probably a couple weeks. I assume this won't be a problem? And if I were to purchase some furnature, like a desk or somesuch, it could be installed there? Possibly in place of the bed, actually."

2013-03-25, 06:05 PM
Jassira snickers at Art's comment. Oh, she was going to get along -just- fine with Art. "And waste a good meal?" She quips, waiting behind the metal man as he books himself a room. The human shifts nervously from foot to foot. "I...uh...could I stay in your room? I'm a little short on coin..." Travel fare to the big city was expensive, after all, and a wanderer that was used to roughing it didn't have the need to carry around too much money.

Jeff the Green
2013-03-25, 06:57 PM
Jassira's reference to making a meal of Benton confirms Art's suspicions that she was more, or other, than she seems. But she clearly wasn't interested in sharing right now, so he merely files away the information in the back of his brain.

"Of course," he responds, but then feels the need to clarify. "Assuming you can sleep through banging and scratching of quills and tinkering and such. I don't sleep, but when I'm damaged I have to repair myself."

2013-03-25, 08:03 PM
The man seems a bit confused, but Benton can see him write "Brutus Battleborn - room A3" and the present date on his paper before he goes to the barkeep. The barkeep also seems surprised, but he takes the coins and shrugs. As a man comes to him with a coin in his hand, he shakes his head and gives the man a mug of ale, saying only "It's on Brutus Battleborn".

Art has the following selection of rooms, as explained by the man at the desk:

-Single person room of simple quality. Little furniture, one bed, a bench and table.
-Same, with two beds.
-Single person room of better quality. More furniture, larger bed in its own room, comes with food and drink.
-Same, with two beds.
-Single person room of great quality with five sub-rooms total. Includes significant food and drink, delivered to the room o request.
-Same, with two rooms. (This is what Benton ordered.)

2013-03-25, 08:57 PM
The fiery redhead smiles, nodding to Art. "I can sleep through a hurricane. I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do to wake me." There is a brief pause. "To make it clear, that is -not- me giving you permission to -try- and wake me."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-27, 01:56 AM
Art selects the most expensive of the rooms and pays a ten-day in advance—granted, he has little coin left by his standards, but by his standards purchasing the inn would probably cost a pittance. He tosses Jassira her key and turns back to the man at the desk. "Would you know of somewhere I could purchase some furniture? Cheap would be best, second hand fine."

2013-03-27, 03:07 AM
The man looks at Art quizzically, but looks at his clothes again. Understanding spreads on his face and he nods.

"You're some kind of craftsman? Well, for three coppers a night we can bring you a workbench and table from one of the others rooms. Just remember," the man looks at the burn marks on Art's clothing, "Any damage you cause you'll need to pay for," he says.

"Would you like to see your room now?" The man asks, now speaking to both Jassira and Art. A true businessman, there's not a tone of 'what in the name of all nine archdukes of hell are a brawny redhead and a walking, talking, crafting machine doing renting a room together?' to b found in his voice.

2013-03-27, 10:58 PM
Jarek sighs. Clearly, keeping a low profile will not be happening with this group. He purchases two nights in the simple single bed room (unless someone wants to room with him when he goes to talk to the innkeeper).

Jeff the Green
2013-03-29, 03:19 PM
"Not I, thank you," Art replies. "Though, Jassira, you're welcome to if you want. I'm going to go take a look around the Zone."

He takes his key and then begins asking around after a magical supplies shop.

Gather Information, looking for a place that sells materials for making magic items: [roll0]

How are you going to handle magic bonuses to Gather Information, PersonMan? In particular, I'm thinking about the skill bonus infusion, which at Art's current level will last 50 minutes. Is that long enough to count?

2013-03-29, 07:08 PM
Heading to his room and locking the door, Benton carefully takes the drugs out and removes any sign of Goorui ownership and stowing it within the most hidden place he can find (or the trash, if nothing suits his needs). Once finished, he heads out of his room, carefully locking the door as he leaves. Back in the bar, he addresses the room in a grandiose voice,

Ladies and gentlemen, creatures and critters, heed my word! I am here to bestow upon thee an epic tale of Brutus Battleborn, the finest warrior in the land! It begins with Brutus, surrounded by planar fiends...

Making the story up as he goes along, he acts the scenes out as best he can to immerse the audience into his story and the glory of fictional Brutus Battleborn.

Perform (act)

2013-03-30, 07:08 AM
After an hour of searching, Art is able to find both someone who knows of such a place and find it. The store, Salva's Remedies and Supplies, is in a part of the Zone that is dominated by squat stone buildings with small windows. As Art enters the area, a pair of guards dressed in red armor bearing a stylized red drop on the chest approach him, but once they get close enough to see him clearly they lose interest. Each carries a backpack with several pockets as well as a shield and short sword.

As Art enters the store, another guard is just leaving, looking a bit fatigued, and an elderly man behind the counter is just packing something away. He's wearing bloodstained gloves and an apron that has several dozen light brown stains on it.

"Ah, it looks like I have one last customer before closing up today," the man says, removing his gloves and adjusting his spectacles. He's a bit on the thin side and much of his head is bare - what hair he does have is pure white.

"Hmm...you don't look like a healer to me. An alchemist, maybe?" He says, looking at Art's attire. "And bloodless, to boot. Quite unusual...What is it you're looking for, sir?" He asks.

Which room type? The cheapest, or the middle one?

Either way, the room is fairly comfortable for the price and you can rest without much trouble.

It takes a while (it seems like most of the patrons find the "surrounded by planar fiends" bit hard to swallow) but eventually the story draws the listeners in. Several people are clearly quite impressed by the presentation, more so than the rest.

After the story ends, one of them approaches Benton. A young man, he has short hair and vibrant green eyes. He's wearing a vest with a red shield emblazoned on it - clearly some sort of coat of arms or the like.

"I happened to overhear you getting a room for Brutus and yourself - since he's staying here and you seem to be traveling with him, could you tell me when he might be arriving? I'd like to speak with him," the man says, his tone friendly.

In a flash of insight*, Benton remembers that this man wasn't nearby when he ordered the room. If he somehow did "overhear" him, it was from across the room. This man clearly isn't being entirely open; he's hiding something.

*AKA natural 20. Again.

2013-03-30, 01:19 PM
"Ah yes, of course," Benton replies as if he had done a thousand times before, "Many people wish to see Brutus himself. One moment please."

Benton walks back to his room and locks himself in, casting Improvisation (12 points) and using his wand of Heroism on himself.

He goes back to the man and replies to him,
"Master Battleborn is quite busy right now, and he requires you state specifically why you need to see him."

Jeff the Green
2013-03-30, 08:40 PM

Art smiles at the man. "I do have some training in alchemy, but what I'm looking for are some basic scroll-scribing supplies," he explains. "I was led to believe you have some?"

2013-03-30, 09:01 PM
Jassira takes her key, venturing upstairs to inspect the room. A short respite is taken, just enough time to ease her muscles, before she's on the prowl about town, taking advantage of the concealing cloak of twilight.

2013-03-31, 05:36 AM
"Supplies for scroll scribing? Those are simple enough...how much do you need?" The man asks, walking over to a drawer behind the counter and opening it, putting a few rolls of parchment onto the countertop before taking out smaller, more exotic materials. Special inks, dusts with which one dries the ink, spread for preparing the paper...

This is a bit odd, since such supplies are measured in gold they're worth, rather than volume or amount. Feel free to make up some arcanobabble and just tell me how much GP worth you're buying in a spoiler or similar.

...Or buy a cartload of parchment and somehow use up something like 50 pages per scroll because they have a low monetary worth.

"I understand," the man says, nodding. "I was interested in speaking with him about working with the Plate Guard on a...case. I'm afraid I can't say more until I speak with him in person. Official business and all that, I'm sure a traveler such as yourself can see the need. After all, I'm sure Brutus has done many such things in the past..." he continues.

When Jassira enters the room, everything seems fine. The room really is expansive, with two bedrooms, a small pantry, some nice furniture, a space for eating and a room with an empty bathtub.

There's something odd, though - a strange smell in the room. It's a person, Jassira realizes after a moment. A human or something quite close, with the lingering smell of alcohol on them. She can neither see or hear them, though.

Judging by the smell, this person is standing in the middle of the main room, a bit towards the door. Even more unusual...they're moving. Slowly, but surely. If Jassira couldn't smell them there would be no evidence that there was even someone else present.

(Assuming that this could change her plans for the night, I'll wait on what happens when she goes out.)

2013-03-31, 10:58 AM
Jassira nods appreciatively as she enters the room; these were pretty nice arrangements. She stops mid-stride at the smell, though, nostrils flaring. A soft growl is tugged from her throat, and she begins to slowly move forward, towards the source of the smell. The change is nautral, fur sprouting from flesh, bones elongating, features sharpening into a muzzle, and finger becoming deadly claws. Nostrils flare once more, before she closes her eyes, and growls sharply. When they open, irises are overlayed with the ghostly imagine of slitted, feline pupils, and she strikes.

Swift Action: Activate War-Stripes, choosing See Invisibility
Move Action: Shift to hybrid form.
Standard Action: Grapple target if adjacent, or within 5' step ([roll0]).

2013-03-31, 01:21 PM
The magical vision granted by the War-Stripes...doesn't seem to be enough to reveal whoever is there. As Jassira closes in, however, there's a loud shriek and suddenly a cloaked figure appears, melting out of the air as if it had been there the whole time. Then Jassira grabs her, easily overpowering the figure and getting a good grip.

"Ahh! Please, I surrender! Don't kill me, please! I give up! I surrender! I swear I didn't mean you any harm, just don't hurt me, please!" The figure, voice clearly female, pleads. "Please, have mercy!"

The conditions aren't ideal, but based on what little of the figure isn't covered by the cloak or out of Jassira's field of view the one she has just gotten a hold on is about a foot and a half shorter than her current form. The figure is fairly skinny and seems to have a soft form, but Jassira can feel lean muscles beneath the skin. Nothing like hers, but enough to make this person stronger than they may look.

"Please let me go, I'm too young to die horribly,"
she whimpers, fear soaking her voice and beginning to seep into her smell.

2013-03-31, 01:49 PM
"One moment please."

Again, Benton goes back to his room and waits there for a while to feign a meeting with Brutus, and comes back to the man a few minutes later.

"I'm afraid he took off into the night; sometimes not even I can predict his motivations. He did leave a note saying that I could be of assistance, however. I've been with him for over 15 years now; no need to not trust me."

With that Benton snapped into a salute.

"Boltzer, reporting for duty!"

Bluff about Brutus, +3 from improvisation (luck), +2 Heroism (competence)
Bluff about name, +2 Heroism
9 points remaining for improvisation

2013-03-31, 03:37 PM
The man seems disappointed by Benton's news, his face thoughtful for a few moments before he speaks.

"I see. I hope he doesn't end up in the Midday or Shadow district. It could get ugly either way...Ah, as far as the job is concerned, it's actually fairly simple. He would need to guard a sarcophagus for three days. I know, I know, not really work for a man with Brutus' abilities, but I was told to find anyone of exceptional talent and offer them the job. If he's interested, tell him to come to the plate barracks front entrance tomorrow at noon. If you don't know where that is, just ask around, the people here are friendly enough," he explains. "When he's there, he can ask for Kenson,"

2013-03-31, 04:37 PM
"Of course, I'll relay the information to him at once. Perhaps you could tell me what is wrong with those districts you mentioned? And perhaps why the sarcophagus needs to be guarded?"

2013-03-31, 05:07 PM
"Oh, it's just that the Generals there are pretty harsh. Ayein demands utmost obedience from the people in her district and Cimmera's henchmen have a habit of harassing people who look out of the ordinary," the man replies, shrugging. "Of all of the districts, I think Eira's is by far the best to live in, but then again I am biased...As far as the sarcophagus is concerned, I don't know. It's just important, enough so that four elite Anraki are already guarding it. Apparently, that's not enough for the Plain to feel secure about it, so we're looking for one or two more," he continues.

2013-03-31, 05:24 PM
"Wonderful," Benton said, clapping his hands together,
"I must be heading off now, but two things: First, what is your name? And second, how did you hear of me praising Brutus? I certainly didn't see you. Perhaps you would like to enlighten me?"

Just some rolls for "if, then" posts.
Diplomacy if man refuses to relay the information
+ 3 from improvisation
+ 2 Heroism
Sense Motive if he tells me how he heard me
+ 3 improvisation
+ 2 Heroism

2013-03-31, 05:39 PM
"I'm Jared Sensson, Sensson with a double s. As for how I heard you, well, I guess I was sitting in your blind spot or something...I have good ears," Jared says. He's lying, Benton feels.

"Well, have a good evening, Boltzer," Jared says, giving Benton a slight wave before turning to return to his table.

2013-03-31, 06:22 PM
Jassira sets feet against the floor, and pushes, bringing the intruder to the floor, and coming atop her. Thighs would straddle her midriff, fur shins dipping inwards so that feet could hook against her legs, while massive claws find purchase on shoulder, chest, or upper arm to keep her still.

"Quiet!" The she-jackal snaps in a hushed, vicious tone that flecks this figure with spittle. "Who are you, and what are you doing in this room..." She breathes, nostril flaring as she finishes the sentence, inhaling deeply; the scent of fear...like catnip to her. Her jaws move closer to the softer, weaker creature that she'd captured, nose of her muzzle moving to push away what clothing barred access to the sweet flesh of her neck, seeking a deeper scent, and more tempting place to sink jaws into.

Standard Action (I think?): Pin opponent ([roll0])

Jeff the Green
2013-04-01, 02:18 AM

"Oh," Art replies, doing a swift bit of mental math, "I'd say a dram each of electrum, smoke, and quicksilver inks, plus two sheets of blocked parchment, and some blotting dust."

Enough supplies for two 1st-level scrolls, 25 GP-worth.

2013-04-01, 03:21 AM
The man nods, fishing the desired supplies out of the (fairly badly organized) mass, tying it together with some twine.

"That's...twenty and five gold pieces, sir," the man says.

The cloaked girl squeaks as Jassira pins her, but the hushed command silences her completely. Her eyes, a green-blue and wide open with fear, flicker from Jassira's eyes to her teeth, blinking shut only to avoid being sprayed with saliva.

"I-my name is S-Saria. I was told to eavesdrop if there were two people in the room. It-it's just an odd job," the girl says, voice quivering. Her face is fairly typical for a human female, only a small scar on her left cheekbone being unusual. Her hair, oddly enough, is light blue - but then again, finding a young mage looking to make a few coins by coloring hair isn't hard anywhere.

"I was just leaving, but you found me somehow...Please, I'll do anything, just don't kill me," Saria's eyes are locked on Jassira's jaws as she pushes aside the cloak. The girl's attire clearly isn't made as armor; the hem of her blouse is too low to offer any protection to her neck or collarbones. The smell of fear grows stronger, growing into sheer terror slowly but surely.

2013-04-01, 08:22 AM
Jassira's position has settled now, and the massive wolf-creature relaxes more, now that she has the thief's left elbow beneath her own, and right wrist clasped firmly in a clawed hand whose grip is iron-strong. Her left paw still has enough range of motion to drag a sharpened tip gently across Saria's face, mirroring the scar on opposite side, though not breaking flesh. Nostrils flare again at the aroma of terror; Saria wasn't doing herself any favors by acting like prey.

"Who were you doing it for..." She whispers. Voice has a gravelly, bestial edge behind the traditional dulcet tones of a female. "And why...should I let you live? I'm hungry..." The claw that had been tracing a slender line down her face descends, to take hold of the collar of her attire, wrenching it downwards and to the side, ripping fabric enough to display the intruder's right shoulder, collarbone, and a larger portion of her chest. A menacing growl rumbles from the were-jackal's throat.

2013-04-01, 09:12 AM
"I work for the innkeeper. H-his man downstairs sends people he thinks are unusual to this room, so I can spy on them..." Saria says, shuddering at the touch of Jassira's claw. When she tears the girl's clothing, the revealed skin seems darker than the rest and quickly brightens a tone when the cloth leaves it. Apart from that oddity it's average.

"W-well, I don't think I'd make a good meal for s-such a magnificent creature as yourself, I'm stringy and I take drugs and I drink too much and sometimes smoke and, and don't you deserve better? I-I mean, I probably t-taste terrible, too," she continues, her voice quickening as Jassira tears her clothing. She does seem sincere, though, despite her fear. Then she realizes something, her eyes brightening and she speaks again.

"And the innkeeper will wonder where I am! I-if you eat me here there will be blood everywhere and the screaming would make noise and maybe I could work for you instead? I can be useful, I swear, just don't eat me!"

2013-04-01, 12:59 PM
Eyeing Mr. Sensson cautiously, Benton leaves the bar and searches for a shop where he can buy many-a-disguise.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-01, 04:07 PM
Art fishes out the coin and nods at the shopkeeper before heading back to the inn.

Depending on how long the GI took and how far away the shop is, he may or may not get to Jassira in time.

2013-04-01, 07:40 PM
Jassira stares down at her prey with inhuman, fiery eyes. Another deep growl rumbles from the pit of her throat as she looks at the frail thing beneath her. A horrifying, tooth-filled smile graces her lips, and she traces a claw gently, over and over, across Saria's throat, gentle in the action. "You can't scream without a throat...but...maybe." She leans in, and buries the wetness of her nose against the side of the human's neck, inhaling sharply. The action would chill her flesh slightly as the Jackal takes in her scent, contemplating her worth, eyes closing. She seems placid for a long moment, unmoving and quiet.

Her right claw snaps forward, clamping over the thief's mouth, and digging clawtips into her cheek, stifling her utterly. She holds the fragile little thing down securely, ensuring that she cannot move an inch as she plants a long, slow lick over the flesh she'd exposed with ripped clothing, coating the upper portion of breast, collarbone, and shoulder with thick saliva, before she bites down at the point of the poor girl's rotor cuff. She sinks teeth in deep enough to hit bone, holding the struggling human there for a long moment. She doesn't finish the bite though...doesn't tear off a chunk of flesh to gorge upon. Instead, she simply pulls back, leaving the wound to bleed profusely...but it was not a mortal one. She licks her now-crimson-painted lips, and grins again at the human.

"You will work for me. I'm going to uncover your mouth now, Prey. If a scream comes out of those pretty little lips, they won't draw another breath."

She makes good on her word, waiting until the rogue looked calm, before slowly uncovering her mouth, still keeping her pinned.

Subdual damage with the bite. Sustained bite is attempting to represent forcing multiple saves versus Curse of Lycanthropy (DC 15 Fort) via 'multiple' bites. I'll leave specifics up to you.

2013-04-02, 09:44 AM
Getting there was an hour, getting back another twenty minutes. So eighty in total.

The tavern is quiet when Art gets back, business winding down as many patrons either have left or are leaving for home or their rooms.

Benton finds a shop, Carein's Clothing, that has a wide selection of different clothing. As he approaches it, a man with draconic wings exits the store in what looks like a dress uniform, taking to the skies without noticing the bard.

Inside there is a woman behind the counter, currently putting some coins in a pouch. "Good evening, sir," she says without looking up as Benton enters.

Saria thrashes a bit as Jassira bites her, a few quiet noises of pain coming past the hand over her mouth, but she seems to lose strength after a few moments, her muscles relaxing around Jassira's teeth.

When Jassira releases her from the bite, she can see tears running down the sides of Saria's face, her jaw clenched in pain. The werejackal can taste some peculiarities in the blood of the girl, but nothing that she can identify. After a few moments she nods slowly, seeming more in control of herself. When Jassira removes her hand, she breathes heavily for a few moments, on the brink of sobbing, before she speaks.

"C-can I bandage my - the wound?" Saria asks slowly, shivering with each breath, her blood already staining her clothes and beginning to run onto the floor. Jassira can see the first signs of lycanthropy in her eyes - a slight change in the girl's pupils that will later give her increased visual clarity. Apart from that, she just seems drained by the experience, her fear still potent but lessened as the immediate danger recedes.

Assuming Jassira allows her to, she crudely bandages herself to stanch the bleeding and moves into a sitting position, smearing some of the blood on the floor as she does so. "W-what do you wish of me, m-mistress?" She asks weakly, her voice shakier than it was before. The blood loss, pain and fear have all taken their toll on her quickly, it seems.

2013-04-02, 12:47 PM
Jassira allows the girl's request, pushing hersself up to come to a crouch in front of the newly-turned human, watching her carefully. She seems ready to strike, but when Saria merely sits before her...and shows submission by addressing her with a title of respect, she nods, rising. "I want you to act normal. I presume that you were to spy on my companion and I. You will tell your employer a half-truth, and keep our secrets secret. My friend should arrive in due time; he is a mage of some sort, and may have healing to help you." She brushes a paw over the human's shoulder, before standing, and beginning to circle her. "I would also like to know what it is that I tasted in you. You were human...but also something else." Were... "You will tell me of any interest in myself or my companions that you hear. Other than these things, there is only one more task I ask of you in my service, and without doubt the most important one: You will join me, just before sunset, on the night of the full moon. Do you understand, Prey?"

2013-04-02, 01:21 PM
Saria nods at Jassira's instructions, seeming ready to accept tasks from the werejackal woman without question.

"I'm not entirely sure myself. I've always had no trouble hiding, even in plain sight, and can see in the dark better than other people, ever since I was a child," Saria answers, after a moment of consideration. As Jassira continues, she asks "If I may ask, Mistress, who are your companions?" but stays silent apart from that question.

A bit confused, Saria nods at Jassira's final question. After a moment, her eyes widen with realization. "You mean, I'm a werewolf now?" She asks.

2013-04-02, 01:42 PM
"I'm going to need a trench coat, a devil's mask, and an assortment of your finest fake beards and wigs. Looking the woman over once, he leans onto the counter using both of his elbows, and says in a seductive voice, "And perhaps a night with you, m'lady. Show me what you got in store." Ending the sentence with a wink, he continues to gaze at the woman and her response.

2013-04-02, 05:01 PM
Jassira inally comes to a halt behind the woman, placing one possessive paw upon unwounded shoulder, and stroking gently. "A mechanical man, for one...and a trio of humans." She seems far calmer, now...and even cordial, pulling wisps of Saria's hair back with digits of other hand to make her look somewhat less out-of-sorts. "I may introduce them to you...but yes...you are lycanthrope. Now, close your eyes. The changes happen gradually...and your first transformation will occur under full-moon's light. Until then, I am going to teach you to embrace the beast, so that it does not overwhelm you..." Jassira seats herself behind Saria, and begins to walk the girl though a simple meditation that focuses on becoming used to keener senses.

She'll likely be doing this until Art returns.

2013-04-02, 10:19 PM
Jarek, oblivious to the exciting night his companions are having, sits quietly in his room after grabbing a quick bite of supper, thinking about what they are about to do. The cat, who climbed in via a window, sits at his feet, happily devouring a mouse before washing her face and settling down for the night.

So....apparently I forgot several rather obvious rolls way back when we were getting our info on our job. Now that Jarek has a chance to sit down and think, he's going to see what, if anything, he knows about our likely culprits:

Knowledge (local) pertaining to Trubedai [roll0]
Knowledge (local) pertaining to Anraki [roll1]

Also, as far as I can tell, everything that has been happening so far for others has been happening this first night. Jarek is going to want to go out early the next morning before our noon meeting with Armian, so let me know when that happens.

2013-04-02, 11:24 PM
Jassira, Art:
Saria quietly nods, either simply accepting or too intimidated to speak if she isn't. At first, she tenses a bit whenever Jassira touches her, but over time she seems to adjust to the (now fellow) werejackal's presence.

When Art arrives, he sees a slim-looking girl in a bloodstained cloak sitting in front of Jassira. There is a bit of blood smeared over the floorboards and the girl's clothing is ripped, revealing a large, crude bandage that's all but soaked through with blood. It obviously wasn't applied with particular skill and the girl's clothes are fairly bloody, but she seems unhurt apart from the shoulder wound.

Art recognizes the girl as the cloaked figure he saw in Goorui's Zone.

Jassira is still in hybrid form, correct? Art didn't see her in it yet, but I think he'd be able to recognize her anyways...if you don't think so, just make that clear in your post. :smallwink:

If there isn't a reply by the time I'm back to posting, I'll add some more description.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-02, 11:24 PM
Art enters the room and sets his pack down by the door. "Ah," he murmurs, "that would explain the silver thing.

"Who's your friend, Jassira?" He mostly ignores the blood on the floor; he'd stayed in enough seedy inns during his travels to not particularly care.

2013-04-03, 12:29 AM
Jassira's fiery gaze flits to the warforged as he enters, staring at him for a long, silent moment. She was fairly easy to recognize, mostly due to attire. After all, who else wore that tiger-stripe makeup, and ridiculous matching leg-warmers. A soft growl rumbles in her throat.

"Saria. She was to spy upon us. She's come around though...haven't you, Saria?" Claw strokes down her good shoulder. "If you have any, she could use healing. Humans are so soft..." The claw squeezes the woman's upper arm gently, before the were-jackal pushes herself to her feet, and brushes mane back.

2013-04-03, 10:35 AM
The woman is clearly flustered by Benton's sudden change in focus, but after a few moments of blushing and stammering she gathers her wits. "Ah...I'll show what we have," she says.

Getting up, the woman gathers the items he requested, glancing at him whenever she thinks he isn't looking, clearly trying to tell the nature of his earlier comment.

"Well, here it is. Ehm...you -were- joking with that earlier comment, right, sir? I-I mean, no one would be that forward in a store like this with someone they just met..." she seems unsure of herself as she presents the mask, coat and gestures to the gathered fake facial hair.

Jassira, Art:
"Uh...yes, of-of course, Mistress," Saria stammers, her eyes locked on the claws of the werejackal stroking her shoulder. The action releases a fresh wave of fear from her.

At Jassira's mention of healing, the cloaked girl looks up to Art hopefully, almost jumping when Jassira squeezes her arm but otherwise not moving when she gets up.

Trubedai: A genderless, winged being said to never sleep, Trubedai is considered insane by some for their tendency to execute prisoners personally, in one-on-one gladiatorial combat. Apart from these executions, Trubedai is rarely seen. All of its orders are relayed through the Anraki.

The Anraki: Headed by a group of generals, the Anraki relay Trubedai's commands and operate as his elite guard. Every Anraki (with the well-known exception of Eira, known as either "the Plain" or her self-given title of "Scion of the Plate") has wings or the ability to fly via other methods.

2013-04-03, 03:30 PM
"Take it as you will." Raising his eyebrows twice, he takes the items and examines them. Placing the required gold into the girl's hand personally and putting the items into his backpack, he says in a quiet but confident voice, "You can find me at the Moon and Silver. Best room available."

Benton heads back to the inn, going to his room and getting comfortable.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-04, 12:57 PM
"I think I have something that will work," Art replies. He pulls a thin wand from his pack, tipped with a blue crystal wound with copper wire, and presses it gently on Saria's wound. "This will take a little while to work; it's more efficient, but a little slower than normal healing.

"Jassira, you should be more careful," he reproves the werejackal gently. "Lycanthropy is contagious, and I don't have the magic available to heal her if she's infected."

2013-04-04, 05:54 PM
Jassira remains quiet as the metal man produces the wand, and wields its power. His reproach is meant with a flat-sounding "Really? Huh, you'd think that would've come up somewhere during the twenty-three years I've been a lycanthrope." Her level, vivacious gaze stays upon Art for a moment more, before she returns her attention to Saria. "This is my companion you would've been spying on alongside me. Does your shoulder feel better?" The word 'pet' is never spoken...but something in her tone makes it clear where she believes Saria lies on the totem-pole.

2013-04-04, 11:28 PM
After about an hour, Benton hears a bit of commotion from the tavern and a slamming door, followed by a loud laugh. The woman doesn't show up.

Jassira, Art:
Saria almost edges away from Art's wand-touch, but she stays still, grimacing as he presses it to the wound. She stays silent when the two have their exchange, closing her eyes for a few moments as her shoulder heals.

"Yes, much better...thank you," Saria says in response to Jassira's question, although the thanks is directed at Art. Standing slowly, she looks Art up and down and nods. "I can see why he sent you two to this room..." she says.

"Jorg will be expecting my first report in about an hour," Saria says quietly after she looks out the window for a moment.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-05, 02:11 AM
"Well, I can give you something to make you a little better at lying about us," Art offers. "What are you planning on saying?"

2013-04-05, 02:28 AM
"Women." Benton mutters to himself as he goes out to see what the hub-bub is about.

2013-04-05, 06:36 PM
Content that the brainy pseudo-golem would handle things, Jassira looks around the room, to familiarize herself with the settings. It doesn't take long for her to find the bed, and down on her back, giving a stretch of epic proportions, before settling with her eyes closed.

2013-04-06, 08:51 AM
Benton comes into the tavern just in time to see a woman storming off down the street out of a window. The barkeep seems confused, shaking his head as he washes a mug. One of the few patrons still there is still laughing, although he's begun to get control of himself...Until he sees Benton, that is. Then he goes off again.

"I assume you're the one she was looking for," the barkeep says to Benton, ignoring the laughing man. "When I told her our best room already had two men in it she stormed off,"

Jassira, Art:
"I...don't know yet. I think I'll just say that you two didn't talk about much of anything," Saria says. "I'm not really good at lying, so any help would be nice,"

2013-04-08, 01:40 AM
"Then mix it with the truth. You saw a golem working his craft, and a beastwoman sleeping." Jassira growled from the bed. She was no street-savvy con artist, but it seemed simple enough. Indeed, if she hadn't found the intruder, wouldn't that have been the truth of their stay here?

2013-04-08, 02:28 AM
Sighing loudly enough for the people around him to hear, Benton walks to the door and opens it. He then turns around and dramatically points at the laughing man, saying, "20 gold says I can get her back with me, tonight."
With that, he left the bar, in search of the woman.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-08, 03:19 AM
Art nods in agreement. "I'm going to read for a while. Let me know when you're ready to make your report and I'll set you up."

He'll put skill enhancement on a piece of jewelry or something. +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff for 50 minutes.

2013-04-08, 12:09 PM
The man chuckles. "I don't normally bet with fools, but if you want to waste your coin, go ahead," he says. His voice betrays that he thinks he's just been given twenty gold, essentially - clearly a significant sum for him.

When Benton leaves, he sees that the street is fairly empty. A light drizzle started just after sundown, so the cobblestones are a bit slick. He can see someone - probably the woman, walking away in a huff perhaps forty feet from him.

Jassira, Art:
Saria starts at Jassira's growl, instinctively curling an arm around her now all but healed shoulder. "Ah...yes, mistress," she says.

The cloaked girl spends the rest of the time sitting, curled up, on the floor, her eyes mostly on Art but going to Jassira whenever she moves or makes a noise. The sun sets swiftly, the light changing quickly once dusk arrives. At some point there's a bit of commotion from downstairs and a laugh can be dimly heard from the tavern.

After half an hour, Saria stands up and stretches. "I think it's about time for me to go...I'll need to change before I go to Jorg, he'll know something is wrong if I arrive with bloodstains on my clothes.

Ah, Mistress...how can I find you if I have something to report? Will you be here every night?" She asks. Once Art gives her his magic aid (she has a bronze bracelet he can put it on) she goes, assuming they let her.

2013-04-08, 05:21 PM
Benton runs over to the woman, calling for her to wait. "You don't understand," he says as he catches up to her placing a hand on her shoulder.
This rain makes for a great drama scene, Benton thought to himself.

Jeff the Green
2013-04-08, 08:32 PM
"Probably," Art replies. "And even if we were to be gone, it'd probably be best if you don't know where. That way if you're found out they can't torture the information out of you." For some reason he thinks this will reassure the girl.

"How do we find you if we need you?"

2013-04-08, 11:19 PM
The woman turns, clearly still angry.

"Fine," she says. "Explain it, then. But you had better be quick, I don't like to waste my time,"

Jassira, Art:
At the mention of torture Saria's face gets pale (past the level possible for a healthy human) for a moment.

"Eh-ehm...Well, I have an apartment a few streets over, but I'm normally not there until midnight. I spend a lot of time traveling," she says. Both Art and Jassira can tell that the "traveling" comment isn't entirely truthful - more like a half-truth that leaves something important out.

2013-04-09, 05:47 PM
"Traveling..." Jassira rolls the word around in her fanged mouth. "Where does a slum-rabbit travel to that takes so much of your time?" Her startling orange eyes flick to the human, as she pushes herself up to a sitting position on the bed. "And in such a small realm..."

2013-04-10, 11:41 PM
You see, my love," Benton says, taking her hand now, "The other man you heard of... is just a decoy. I'm actually Blitzer, the greatest sorcerer around, and I'm undercover right now. I'm hunting the elusive Boltzer, an evil villain has guised himself as a vigilante. For months I have been hunting him... but I need a break. And when I saw you, the most beautiful creature I've seen in ages, I gave in. Everything is not as it seems; you can't just trust common rabble. So please, accept my sincere apology for the misunderstanding of those folk, and come enjoy a fine evening with me."

Bluff for Blitzer
Diplomacy with the woman

2013-04-11, 02:30 PM
The woman's eyes widen as Benton spins his tale, and he can see something in them - complete and utter belief.

"W-well, if that's the case...I do think I will," she says, smiling now. "In return for keeping your secret, though, I would like it if you could tell me of your adventures..."

Jassira, Art:
Saria is clearly nervous when Jassira questions her. "I-you know, to taverns and such. I like to spend most of the night with other people, rather than by myself," she says. For a moment, she seems unsure about something, but the brief internal conflict quickly ends and she speaks again. "I also, um, tend to have people with me overnight, when I can,"

2013-04-11, 05:40 PM
"A whore." She says flatly, "Giving for coin what the weak cannot earn for themselves." Reproach fills her voice, though, after a moment, her appearance softens. She'd have no pity for a human, but this one here was something more now. One of her own race. "In due time, you will no longer have need of coin earned through this shame. Until then, I suppose we all must survive one way or another. Leave, I will teach you more of the beast another day." She growls, though her words do not carry anger. Indeed, they hint at a sadness beneath the animal.

2013-04-12, 02:35 AM
Jassira, Art:
"I am not a whore," Saria growls, rising swiftly. Her anger is clear and for a moment she seems to forget her fear entirely.

"You're not the first one who's made that kind of assumption about me; just because I live the night life doesn't make me a whore, you b-" Saria stops herself suddenly, eyes widening.

"Ahh, I'm sorry, Mistress, I didn't mean to insult you! I-I'll be going now!" She turns and goes quickly, clearly expecting a violent reprisal from Jassira.

2013-04-12, 09:24 PM
Jassira's gaze is stern, but the rogue does not feel the sharp pain of claw or fang. She watches Saria leave, before sighing, laying back on the bed, and closing her eyes. A moment of silence passes.

"I'm still hungry..."

2013-04-13, 02:54 AM
"Of course, m'lady," Benton says, putting his arm around her, "Why don't you come with me, and I'll tell you of all my adventures."

To speed the posts a little, next part is if nothing happens on the way; feel free to intervene.

Benton leads the woman back to the inn and through the door, idly chit chatting with her on the way. When he passes by the previously laughing man, Benton gives him a sly wink, and yells to the whole bar, All drinks are on this guy tonight!" He then goes to the barkeeper and requests the finest food be sent to his room. Finally, Benton heads into the room with his lady-friend.

"Let me tell you of the time I encountered some planar fiends..."

Bluff about planar fiends and story

2013-04-13, 11:08 AM
The woman nods, following Benton. Once he begins his story, she hangs onto his every word, clearly becoming immersed in the story and not questioning its veracity in the slightest.

After perhaps twenty minutes, there's a knock on the door and a man in a cook's garb comes in, carrying a tray with two steaming bowls of soup. A pair of polished wooden spoons are already laid into the soup and he places the tray on a table in the main room.

(This is the second time I rolled a natural 1 for her Sense Motive...)

Jassira, Art:
Within a few minutes of Saria's leaving, there is a knock on the door.

"Dinner, if you'd like to eat now. I...only brought enough for one," comes a muffled male voice through the door.

Assuming they let him in, they find that he's wearing a cook's garb and carrying a single steaming bowl of soup on a small tray, which he then lays on the table in the main room before leaving.

2013-04-13, 08:13 PM
Jassira shifts to a less furry form at the knock on the door, and after rising and opening it, inhales deeply. She dips back, looking at Art. "I don't suppose you eat..." The red-haired she-beast chimes as she takes the bowl from the chef, standing pointedly in the doorway.