View Full Version : Help with a Doppelganger adventure

2013-03-08, 03:07 PM
There is an adventure that it was a doppelganger who wants to take the form of a manor or a baron poisoned him so that take his place in the head of the table.i think it was a masquet party or something like that.anyone remember that adventure or maybe it was an adventure path?i think that has and a ring of undetectable alignment or something similar.

2013-03-09, 01:06 AM
Why would we know?

2013-03-09, 01:09 AM
Why would we know?

It could have been a module or a published premade adventure.

2013-03-09, 09:23 AM
i want to put something in my campaign and i vaguely remember this.

2013-03-09, 03:28 PM
The thing about Doppelgangers (Greater, Normal, Changelings) is the mystery. A good DM can make a Doppelganger the scariest creature in the monster manual or other supplements by treating it like an alien creature.

Here's what I do:

Doppelgangers don't have emotions of their own. Instead, they mimic the emotions of others. For intents and purposes, Doppelgangers don't understand Joy, Fear, Love, Sadness, etc. They simply mirror emotion.

Doppelgangers are cruel by nature. Treat them as "above" morality (something that they cannot comprehend) because of their "liquid" nature. Because they do not have forms of their own, morals of identity theft are meaningless to them. I usually accompany this with a small taste of cruelty.

Doppelgangers are thieves. Pure and Simple. Some (not all) doppelgangers and their kin view identity theft as a game. It's their pleasure. Not that some don't use these odd gifts for "good," but some (especially Eberron's Cabinet of Masks) view the act of stealing an identity as a chance to set a new bar for their kin. One doppelganger may silently take over a major criminal gang by becoming the local kingpin and brag about it to other doppelgangers. So one of them decides to one-up the new kingpin and become the local Baron, now taking over the city. It's not malicious, but it's a game to them. They take pleasure in saying "I'm the best copycat around." However, this also strengthens the cadre of Doppelgangers in the given city because they learn new tricks on how to better emulate people.

And finally, Doppelgangers are monsters. Remember that Doppelgangers hold non-shapeshifter lives in low regard. In the above example, the two doppelgangers likely killed for their new identities and in the case of Greater Doppelgangers (monsters of Faerun), they consume their quarry, literally BECOMING the person in question.

So treat the Doppelganger with respect, and always look over your shoulder, for your local policeman may like your face and decide to take it from you...